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\page geometry_preferences_page Geometry preferences
\anchor pref_settings <h2>Settings</h2>
In the \b Geometry module you can set preferences for visualization of
geometrical figures, which can be used right now or in later sessions
with this module according to the preferences.
\image html pref15.png
To redefine any color click on the corresponding line to access to
the <b>Select Color</b> dialog box.
<li><b>Default display mode</b> - allows to choose between wireframe, shading or
shading with edges.</li>
<li><b>Default shading color</b> - allows to select default shading
<li><b>Edges in shading</b> - allows to select default edges color in shading mode.</li>
<li><b> Default wireframe color</b> - allows to select default
wireframe color (to be applied to any lines not being free boundaries
or isolated lines).</li>
<li><b>Color of free boundaries</b> - allows to select default color for free boundaries.</li>
<li><b>Color of edges, vectors and wires</b> - allows to select
default color for edges, vectors and wires (isolated lines).</li>
<li><b>Color of points</b> - allows to select default color for
<li><b>Color of isolines</b> - allows to select default color for
<li><b>Color of labels</b> - allows to select default color for
labels (textual fields, shape name).</li>
<li><b>Top level color</b> - allows to select default color for objects which
were brought to the viewer foreground.</li>
<li><b>Top level display mode</b> - allows to select default top level display mode between:</li>
<li><b>Show additional wireframe actor</b> - allows to have the shading actor at its usual
place (in the back) and add the additional wireframe actor in the viewer foreground.</li>
<li><b>Keep current display mode</b> - allows to use current display mode of object.</li>
<li><b>Wireframe</b> - allows to switch display mode to wireframe mode after
"top-level" operation.</li>
<li><b>Shading</b> - allows to switch display mode to shading mode after
"top-level" operation.</li>
<li><b>Shading With Edges</b> - allows to switch display mode to shading with edges mode after
"top-level" operation.</li>
<li><b>Default transparency</b> - allows to define default transparency value.</li>
<li><b>Default deflection coefficient</b> - allows to define default deflection
coefficient for lines and surfaces. A smaller coefficient provides
better quality of a shape in the viewer.</li>
<li><b>Show predefined materials in popup menu</b> - allows to customize the displaying of popup menu with list of
predefined materials.</li>
<li><b>Default material</b> - allows to define default material.</li>
<li><b>Subshapes color for editing a group</b> - allows to select default color for subshapes in a group.</li>
<li><b>Default edges width</b> - allows to define default width of the edges.</li>
<li><b>Default isolines width</b> - allows to define default width of the isolines.</li>
<li><b>Preview edges width</b> - allows to define width of the edges for preview.</li>
<li><b>Measures line width</b> - allows to define lines width of measurements tools.</li>
<li><b>Step value for spin boxes</b> - allows to define the increment
of values set in spin boxes.</li>
<li><b>Automatic bring to front</b> - when the option is on, the objects selected by the user automatically become "top-level".</li>
<li><b>Dimensions (Measurements)</b> - a group of preferences controlling the presentation of dimensions.</li>
<li><b>Color</b> - allows to define color for persistent dimension presentations.</li>
<li><b>Line width</b> - allows to define pixel width of dimension lines.</li>
<li><b>Font height</b> - allows to define height of dimension text.</li>
<li><b>Length of arrows</b> - allows to define length of dimension arrows.</li>
<li><b>Length measurement units</b> - allows to define units of measurement for lengths dimensions.</li>
<li><b>Angle measurement units</b> - allows to define units of measurement for angles dimensions.</li>
<li><b>Show units of measurements</b> - when this option is on, the measurement units are added as prefix to value label of dimension.</li>
<li><b>Default flyout length</b> - allows to define default flyout length used when creating the dimensions. The length can be interactively changed after creation by moving the flyouts.</li>
<li><b>Default number of isolines</b> - allows to specify the default number of isolines along <b>Along U</b> and <b>Along V</b> coordinate axes. They are shown on each selected face. For example:
\image html isos.png
This preference is not related with <b>Create Isoline</b> operation.
By default <b>Along U</b> and <b>Along V</b> are null and isolines are not drawn. </li>
<li><b>Input fields precision</b> - a group of preferences controlling input
precision for floating-point data.</li>
<li><b>Length precision</b> - allows to adjust input precision of coordinates and dimensions.</li>
<li><b>Angular precision</b> - allows to adjust input precision of angles.</li>
<li><b>Length tolerance precision</b> - allows to adjust input precision of tolerance of coordinates and dimensions.</li>
<li><b>Angular tolerance precision</b> - allows to adjust input precision of tolerance of angles.</li>
<li><b>Weight precision</b> - allows to adjust input precision of weight and mass.</li>
<li><b>Density precision</b> - allows to a just input precision of density.</li>
<li><b>Parametric precision</b> - allows to adjust input precision of parametric values.</li>
<li><b>Parametric tolerance precision</b> - allows to adjust input precision of tolerance in parametric space.</li>
<li><b>Default marker of points</b></li>
<li><b>Type</b> - allows to select the default symbol for representation of
points (cross, asterisk, etc.).</li>
<li><b>Size</b> - allows to define the default size of the marker from 1
(smallest) to 7 (largest).</li>
<li><b>Scalar bar for field presentation</b></li>
<li><b>X position</b> - allows to define the parametric X position of the scalar bar.</li>
<li><b>Y position</b> - allows to define the parametric Y position of the scalar bar.</li>
<li><b>Width</b> - allows to define the parametric width of the scalar bar.</li>
<li><b>Height</b> - allows to define the parametric height of the scalar bar.</li>
<li><b>Text height</b> - allows to define the font height of the scalar bar labels.</li>
<li><b>Number of intervals</b> - allows to define the number of scalar bar intervals.</li>
<li><b>Origin and base vectors</b></li>
<li><b>Length of base vectors</b> - allows to define the length
of base vectors.</li>
<li><b>Auto create</b> - allows to automatically create a point
of origin and three base vectors of the rectangular coordinate
system immediately after the module activation.</li>
<li><b>Preview</b> - allows to customize the displaying preview by default.</li>
<li><b>Hide input objects from the viewer</b> - allows automatic hiding of input
shapes from the 3D viewer (OCC and VTK) in all operations of Geometry module.</li>
\anchor pref_dependency_tree <h2>Dependency Tree</h2>
This tab groups preferences for visualization of <b>Dependency Tree</b> in the 2D Viewer.
\image html pref_dep_tree.png
<li><b>Hierarchy type</b> - allows to choose the default display mode of the dependency tree.</li>
<li><b>Possibility to move nodes</b> - enables/disables the possibility of moving nodes by default.</li>
<li><b>Background color</b> - allows to select the default background color.</li>
<li><b>Default node color</b> - allows to select the default node color.</li>
<li><b>Main node color</b> - allows to select the default main node color.</li>
<li><b>Unpublished node color</b> - allows to select the default node color for unpublished objects.</li>
<li><b>Selected node color</b> - allows to select the default selected node color.</li>
<li><b>Default arrow color</b> - allows to select the default arrow color.</li>
<li><b>Highlighted arrow color</b> - allows to select the default highlighted arrow color.</li>
<li><b>Selected arrow color</b> - allows to select the default selected arrow color.</li>