
1009 lines
34 KiB
Executable File

// Copyright ( C ) 2007-2016 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
// Copyright ( C ) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or ( at your option ) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See or email :
// File : MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg.cxx
#include "MeasureGUI.h"
#include "MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg.h"
#include "MeasureGUI_AnnotationInteractor.h"
#include <DlgRef.h>
#include <GEOMBase.h>
#include <GEOMBase_Skeleton.h>
#include <GEOM_Displayer.h>
#include <GeometryGUI.h>
#include <GEOMGUI_AnnotationMgr.h>
#include <GEOMGUI_TextTreeWdg.h>
#include <SOCC_Prs.h>
#include <SOCC_ViewModel.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Application.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Study.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Tools.h>
#include <SalomeApp_IntSpinBox.h>
#include <SalomeApp_DoubleSpinBox.h>
#include <LightApp_SelectionMgr.h>
#include <OCCViewer_ViewModel.h>
#include <OCCViewer_ViewManager.h>
#include <OCCViewer_ViewWindow.h>
#include <OCCViewer_ViewPort3d.h>
#include <SVTK_ViewModel.h>
#include <SALOME_Prs.h>
#include <SALOME_ListIO.hxx>
#include <SUIT_Desktop.h>
#include <SUIT_MessageBox.h>
#include <SUIT_OverrideCursor.h>
#include <SUIT_ResourceMgr.h>
#include <SUIT_Session.h>
#include <SUIT_ViewWindow.h>
#include <SUIT_ViewManager.h>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <QInputDialog>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QStack>
#include <QTableWidget>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <AIS_InteractiveContext.hxx>
#include <AIS_ListOfInteractive.hxx>
#include <AIS_ListIteratorOfListOfInteractive.hxx>
#include <Bnd_Box.hxx>
#include <BRepAdaptor_CompCurve.hxx>
#include <BRepAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
#include <BRepAdaptor_Surface.hxx>
#include <BRepBndLib.hxx>
#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
#include <SelectMgr_ViewerSelector.hxx>
#include <TopoDS.hxx>
#include <TopExp.hxx>
#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
#include <TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape.hxx>
#include <TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger.hxx>
#include <TColStd_MapOfInteger.hxx>
#include <TColStd_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfIntegerInteger.hxx>
#include <NCollection_Handle.hxx>
#include <limits>
#include <SALOMEDS_wrap.hxx>
#include <GEOMImpl_Types.hxx>
#ifdef max
#undef max
//function : MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg
//purpose :
MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg( GeometryGUI* theGeometryGUI, const bool theIsCreate,
QWidget* parent, bool modal, Qt::WindowFlags fl )
: GEOMBase_Skeleton( theGeometryGUI, parent, modal, fl ),
myIsCreation( theIsCreate ), myShapeNameModified( false )
myEditCurrentArgument = 0;
SUIT_ResourceMgr* resMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr();
QPixmap iconSelect( resMgr->loadPixmap( "GEOM", tr( "ICON_SELECT" ) ) );
setWindowTitle( myIsCreation ? tr( "CREATE_ANNOTATION_TITLE" ) : tr( "EDIT_ANNOTATION_TITLE" ) );
// Shape type button group
// Field properties
QGroupBox* propGroup = new QGroupBox( tr( "ANNOTATION_PROPERTIES" ), centralWidget() );
QGridLayout* propLayout = new QGridLayout( propGroup );
propLayout->setMargin( 9 );
propLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
QLabel* textLabel = new QLabel( tr( "ANNOTATION_TEXT" ), propGroup );
myTextEdit = new QLineEdit( propGroup );
propLayout->addWidget( textLabel, 0, 0 );
propLayout->addWidget( myTextEdit, 0, 1, 1, 2 );
// shape
QLabel* shapeLabel = new QLabel( tr( "ANNOTATION_SHAPE" ), propGroup );
myShapeSelBtn = new QPushButton( propGroup );
myShapeSelBtn->setIcon( iconSelect );
myShapeSelBtn->setEnabled( myIsCreation );
myShapeName = new QLineEdit( propGroup );
myShapeName->setReadOnly( true );
myShapeName->setEnabled( myIsCreation );
// data type
myIsScreenFixed = new QCheckBox( tr( "ANNOTATION_IS_SCREEN_FIXED" ), propGroup );
myIsScreenFixed->setChecked( false ); // 3D, not fixed
propLayout->addWidget( shapeLabel, 1, 0 );
propLayout->addWidget( myShapeSelBtn, 1, 1 );
propLayout->addWidget( myShapeName, 1, 2 );
propLayout->addWidget( myIsScreenFixed, 2, 0, 1, 3 );
propLayout->setColumnStretch( 2, 5 );
QLabel* shapeTypeLabel = new QLabel( tr( "ANNOTATION_SUB_SHAPE" ), propGroup );
mySubShapeTypeCombo = new QComboBox( propGroup );
mySubShapeTypeCombo->setEnabled( myIsCreation );
mySubShapeTypeCombo->addItem( tr( "WHOLE_SHAPE" ), TopAbs_SHAPE );
mySubShapeTypeCombo->addItem( tr( "GEOM_VERTEX" ), TopAbs_VERTEX );
mySubShapeTypeCombo->addItem( tr( "GEOM_EDGE" ), TopAbs_EDGE );
mySubShapeTypeCombo->addItem( tr( "GEOM_FACE" ), TopAbs_FACE );
mySubShapeTypeCombo->addItem( tr( "GEOM_SOLID" ), TopAbs_SOLID );
mySubShapeTypeCombo->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); // SHAPE
propLayout->addWidget( shapeTypeLabel, 3, 0 );
propLayout->addWidget( mySubShapeTypeCombo, 3, 1, 1, 2 );
// sub-shape
mySubShapeSelBtn = new QPushButton( propGroup );
mySubShapeSelBtn->setIcon( iconSelect );
mySubShapeSelBtn->setEnabled( myIsCreation );
mySubShapeName = new QLineEdit( propGroup );
mySubShapeName->setReadOnly( true );
mySubShapeName->setEnabled( myIsCreation );
propLayout->addWidget( mySubShapeSelBtn, 4, 1 );
propLayout->addWidget( mySubShapeName, 4, 2 );
QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout( centralWidget() );
layout->setMargin( 0 );
layout->setSpacing( 6 );
layout->addWidget( propGroup );
setHelpFileName( "annotation_page.html" );
LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSelMgr = myGeomGUI->getApp()->selectionMgr();
connect( aSelMgr, SIGNAL( currentSelectionChanged() ), this,
SLOT( SelectionIntoArgument() ) );
connect( buttonOk(), SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnOk() ) );
connect( buttonApply(), SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnApply() ) );
myInteractor = new MeasureGUI_AnnotationInteractor( theGeometryGUI, parent );
connect( myInteractor, SIGNAL( SignalInteractionFinished( Handle_GEOM_Annotation ) ),
this, SLOT( onDragged( Handle_GEOM_Annotation ) ) );
//function : ~MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg
//purpose :
MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::~MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg() {
// function : Init()
// purpose : fills annotation properties with default values( in create mode ) or
// the values of modified object
void MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::Init()
if ( myIsCreation ) {
// default presentation values
myIsPositionDefined = false;
myAnnotationProperties.Text = tr( "ANNOTATION_PREFIX" );
myAnnotationProperties.IsVisible = false;
myAnnotationProperties.IsScreenFixed = false;
myAnnotationProperties.Attach = gp_Pnt( 0, 0, 0 );
myAnnotationProperties.ShapeIndex = -1;
myAnnotationProperties.ShapeType = ( int ) TopAbs_SHAPE;
// update internal controls and fields following to default values
activateSelectionArgument( myShapeSelBtn );
myTextEdit->setText( myAnnotationProperties.Text );
myShapeNameModified = false;
myIsScreenFixed->setChecked( myAnnotationProperties.IsScreenFixed );
int aSubShapeTypeIndex = -1;
int aTypesCount = aTypesCount = mySubShapeTypeCombo->count();
for ( int i = 0; i < aTypesCount && aSubShapeTypeIndex < 0; i++ ) {
int aType = mySubShapeTypeCombo->itemData( i ).toInt();
if ( aType == myAnnotationProperties.ShapeType )
aSubShapeTypeIndex = i;
mySubShapeTypeCombo->setCurrentIndex( aSubShapeTypeIndex );
mySelectionMode = ( TopAbs_ShapeEnum ) myAnnotationProperties.ShapeType;
// connect controls
connect( myShapeSelBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this,
SLOT( SetEditCurrentArgument() ) );
connect( mySubShapeSelBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this,
SLOT( SetEditCurrentArgument() ) );
connect( myTextEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( onTextChange() ) );
connect( myIsScreenFixed, SIGNAL( clicked( bool ) ), this, SLOT( onTypeChange() ) );
connect( mySubShapeTypeCombo, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ),
this, SLOT( onSubShapeTypeChange() ) );
} else { // edition
myIsPositionDefined = true;
mySelectionMode = TopAbs_SHAPE;
// find annotation
GEOMGUI_TextTreeWdg* aTextTreeWdg = myGeomGUI->GetTextTreeWdg();
// text tree widget should be not empty
QMap<QString, QList<int> > anAnnotations;
aTextTreeWdg->getSelected( anAnnotations );
// there is only one annotation selected when edit is started
QMap<QString, QList<int> >::const_iterator anIt = anAnnotations.begin();
myEditAnnotationEntry = anIt.key();
myEditAnnotationIndex = anIt.value()[0];
SalomeApp_Study* aStudy = getStudy();
_PTR(SObject) aSObj = aStudy->studyDS()->FindObjectID( myEditAnnotationEntry.toStdString() );
const Handle(GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs) aShapeAnnotations = GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::FindAttributes( aSObj );
if ( !aShapeAnnotations.IsNull() ) {
aShapeAnnotations->GetProperties( myEditAnnotationIndex, myAnnotationProperties );
myShape = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( GeometryGUI::ClientSObjectToObject(aSObj) );
/// fill dialog controls
myTextEdit->setText( myAnnotationProperties.Text );
myShapeNameModified = false;
myIsScreenFixed->setChecked( myAnnotationProperties.IsScreenFixed );
int aSubShapeTypeIndex = -1;
int aTypesCount = aTypesCount = mySubShapeTypeCombo->count();
for ( int i = 0; i < aTypesCount && aSubShapeTypeIndex < 0; i++ ) {
int aType = mySubShapeTypeCombo->itemData( i ).toInt();
if ( aType == myAnnotationProperties.ShapeType )
aSubShapeTypeIndex = i;
mySubShapeTypeCombo->setCurrentIndex( aSubShapeTypeIndex );
QString aShapeName = "";
_PTR(GenericAttribute) anAttr;
if ( aSObj && aSObj->FindAttribute( anAttr, "AttributeName") ) {
_PTR(AttributeName) aNameAttr( anAttr );
aShapeName = aNameAttr->Value().c_str();
myShapeName->setText( aShapeName );
QString aSubShapeName = "";
TopAbs_ShapeEnum aShapeType = ( TopAbs_ShapeEnum ) myAnnotationProperties.ShapeType;
if ( aShapeType != TopAbs_SHAPE ) {
aSubShapeName = QString( "%1:%2_%3" ).arg( aShapeName )
.arg( GEOMBase::TypeName( aShapeType ) )
.arg( myAnnotationProperties.ShapeIndex );
mySubShapeName->setText( aSubShapeName );
mySelectionMode = ( TopAbs_ShapeEnum ) myAnnotationProperties.ShapeType;
// connect controls
connect( myTextEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( onTextChange() ) );
connect( myIsScreenFixed, SIGNAL( clicked( bool ) ), this, SLOT( onTypeChange() ) );
myGeomGUI->GetAnnotationMgr()->SetPreviewStyle( myEditAnnotationEntry, myEditAnnotationIndex, true );
SalomeApp_Application* anApp = myGeomGUI->getApp();
if ( anApp )
OCCViewer_ViewManager* aVM = (OCCViewer_ViewManager*)anApp->getViewManager( OCCViewer_Viewer::Type(), false );
OCCViewer_Viewer* aViewer = (OCCViewer_Viewer*)aVM->getViewModel();
aViewer->unHighlightAll( true, true );
// function : activateSelection
// purpose : Activate local selection
void MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::activateSelection()
globalSelection( GEOM_ALLOBJECTS );
if ( !myShape->_is_nil() && mySelectionMode != TopAbs_SHAPE ) {
localSelection( myShape.get(), mySelectionMode );
// function : getShapeType()
// purpose :
TopAbs_ShapeEnum MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::getShapeType() const
return ( TopAbs_ShapeEnum ) mySubShapeTypeCombo->itemData(
mySubShapeTypeCombo->currentIndex() ).toInt();
// function : ClickOnOk()
// purpose :
void MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::ClickOnOk()
setIsApplyAndClose( true );
if ( ClickOnApply() )
setIsApplyAndClose( false );
// function : ClickOnApply()
// purpose :
bool MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::ClickOnApply()
if ( !isApplyAndClose() ) {
setIsDisableBrowsing( true );
setIsDisplayResult( false );
QString msg;
if ( !isValid( msg ) ) {
showError( msg );
return false;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->putInfo( "" );
try {
if ( openCommand() )
if ( !execute( /*isApplyAndClose()*/ ) ) {
return false;
} catch ( const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& e ) {
SalomeApp_Tools::QtCatchCorbaException( e );
return false;
if ( !isApplyAndClose() ) {
setIsDisableBrowsing( false );
setIsDisplayResult( true );
if ( !myShape->_is_nil() ) {
redisplay( myShape.get() );
if ( myIsCreation ) {
if ( !isApplyAndClose() )
return true;
// function : SetEditCurrentArgument()
// purpose : process click on shape/sub-shape button. It stores as current edit argument
// the corresponded line edit, set focus in it and unpress other button if it was pressed
void MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::SetEditCurrentArgument()
QPushButton* aSelectButton = ( QPushButton* ) sender();
activateSelectionArgument( aSelectButton );
// function : activateSelectionArgument()
// purpose : it stores as current edit argument the corresponded line edit,
// sets the focus on it and unpresses other button if it was pressed
void MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::activateSelectionArgument
QPushButton* theSelectionButton ) {
QPushButton* anOtherButton = 0;
if ( theSelectionButton == myShapeSelBtn ) {
myEditCurrentArgument = myShapeName;
anOtherButton = mySubShapeSelBtn;
// throw down current sub-shape selection
TopAbs_ShapeEnum aShapeType = TopAbs_SHAPE;
mySubShapeTypeCombo->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
mySubShapeName->setText( "" );
myAnnotationProperties.ShapeType = aShapeType;
myAnnotationProperties.ShapeIndex = -1;
mySelectionMode = aShapeType;
} else if ( theSelectionButton == mySubShapeSelBtn ) {
myEditCurrentArgument = mySubShapeName;
anOtherButton = myShapeSelBtn;
} else
myEditCurrentArgument = 0;
if ( myEditCurrentArgument )
theSelectionButton->setDown( true );
anOtherButton->setDown( false );
// function : SelectionIntoArgument()
// purpose : Called when selection has changed. Sets the current selection in the
// annotation property and redisplays presentation
void MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::SelectionIntoArgument()
if ( myIsCreation && myEditCurrentArgument )
myEditCurrentArgument->setText( "" );
GEOM::GeomObjPtr anObj = getSelected( mySelectionMode );
bool hasAttachPoint = false;
gp_Pnt anAttachPoint( 0, 0, 0 );
int aSubShapeIndex = -1;
if ( myEditCurrentArgument == myShapeName ) { // Selection of a shape is active
if ( anObj->_is_nil() || mySelectionMode != TopAbs_SHAPE ) {
myShape = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil();
} else {
myShape = anObj;
QString aName = GEOMBase::GetName( anObj.get() );
myEditCurrentArgument->setText( aName );
if ( !myShapeNameModified ) {
myTextEdit->setText( aName );
// modified state should not be changed as modification was performed not manually
myShapeNameModified = false;
bool aNullShape = myShape->_is_nil();
mySubShapeTypeCombo->setEnabled( !aNullShape );
if ( !aNullShape ) {
TopoDS_Shape aShape;
GEOMBase::GetShape( myShape.get(), aShape );
hasAttachPoint = getPickedPoint( anAttachPoint, aShape );
if ( !hasAttachPoint ) {
anAttachPoint = getAttachPoint( aShape, hasAttachPoint );
} else if ( myEditCurrentArgument == mySubShapeName ) {
if ( !myShape->_is_nil() ) {
if ( anObj->_is_nil() ) {
myEditCurrentArgument->setText( QString() );
else {
QString aName = GEOMBase::GetName( anObj.get() );
myEditCurrentArgument->setText( aName );
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aMainMap;
TopoDS_Shape aMainShape;
TopoDS_Shape aSubShape;
GEOMBase::GetShape( myShape.get(), aMainShape );
GEOMBase::GetShape( anObj.get(), aSubShape );
TopExp::MapShapes( aMainShape, getShapeType(), aMainMap );
if ( aMainMap.Contains( aSubShape ) ) {
aSubShapeIndex = aMainMap.FindIndex( aSubShape );
if ( !aSubShape.IsNull() ) {
TopoDS_Shape aShape;
GEOMBase::GetShape( myShape.get(), aShape );
hasAttachPoint = getPickedPoint( anAttachPoint, aSubShape );
if ( !hasAttachPoint ) {
anAttachPoint = getAttachPoint( aSubShape, hasAttachPoint );
myAnnotationProperties.ShapeIndex = aSubShapeIndex;
gp_Trsf aToShapeLCS;
if ( !myShape->_is_nil() ) {
TopoDS_Shape aShape;
GEOMBase::GetShape( myShape.get(), aShape );
gp_Ax3 aShapeLCS = gp_Ax3().Transformed( aShape.Location().Transformation() );
aToShapeLCS.SetTransformation( gp_Ax3(), aShapeLCS );
myAnnotationProperties.Attach = anAttachPoint.Transformed( aToShapeLCS );
if ( hasAttachPoint && !myIsPositionDefined ) {
gp_Pnt aPosition = getDefaultPosition( anAttachPoint );
myAnnotationProperties.Position = ( !myAnnotationProperties.IsScreenFixed ) ?
aPosition.Transformed( aToShapeLCS ) : aPosition;
myIsPositionDefined = true;
else if ( !hasAttachPoint ) {
myIsPositionDefined = false;
//function : closeEvent
//purpose :
void MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::closeEvent( QCloseEvent* theEv )
if ( myInteractor ) {
GEOMBase_Skeleton::closeEvent( theEv );
//function : onTextChange
//purpose : change annotation text
void MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::onTextChange()
myAnnotationProperties.Text = myTextEdit->text();
if ( !myShapeNameModified )
myShapeNameModified = true;
//function : onTypeChange
//purpose : change annotation type: 2D or 3D
void MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::onTypeChange()
const bool isScreenFixedBefore = myAnnotationProperties.IsScreenFixed;
myAnnotationProperties.IsScreenFixed = myIsScreenFixed->isChecked();
// convert point position from screen space to 3D space
if ( myIsPositionDefined ) {
SUIT_ViewWindow* anActiveView = GEOMBase_Helper::getActiveView();
OCCViewer_ViewWindow* anOccView = NULL;
if ( anActiveView ) {
anOccView = qobject_cast<OCCViewer_ViewWindow*>( anActiveView );
if ( anOccView ) {
TopoDS_Shape aShape;
GEOMBase::GetShape( myShape.get(), aShape );
const gp_Ax3 aShapeLCS = gp_Ax3().Transformed( aShape.Location().Transformation() );
gp_Trsf aToShapeLCS, aFrShapeLCS;
aFrShapeLCS.SetTransformation( aShapeLCS, gp_Ax3() );
aToShapeLCS.SetTransformation( gp_Ax3(), aShapeLCS );
const Handle(V3d_View) aView3d = anOccView->getViewPort()->getView();
const gp_Pnt aPosition = myAnnotationProperties.Position;
const gp_Pnt aAttach3d = myAnnotationProperties.Attach.Transformed( aFrShapeLCS );
if ( !isScreenFixedBefore ) {
gp_Pnt aPosition3d = aPosition.Transformed( aFrShapeLCS );
gp_Pnt aPosition2d = GEOM_Annotation::ConvertPosition2d( aPosition3d, aAttach3d, aView3d );
myAnnotationProperties.Position = aPosition2d;
else {
gp_Pnt aPosition3d = GEOM_Annotation::ConvertPosition3d( aPosition, aAttach3d, aView3d );
aPosition3d = aPosition3d.Transformed( aToShapeLCS );
myAnnotationProperties.Position = aPosition3d;
//function : onSubShapeTypeChange
//purpose :
void MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::onSubShapeTypeChange()
const TopAbs_ShapeEnum aShapeType = getShapeType();
activateSelectionArgument( aShapeType == TopAbs_SHAPE ? myShapeSelBtn : mySubShapeSelBtn );
myAnnotationProperties.ShapeType = aShapeType;
if ( aShapeType != mySelectionMode ) {
mySubShapeName->setText( "" );
myAnnotationProperties.ShapeIndex = -1;
mySelectionMode = aShapeType;
// function : onDragged
// purpose :
void MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::onDragged( Handle_GEOM_Annotation theAnnotation )
TopoDS_Shape aShape;
GEOMBase::GetShape( myShape.get(), aShape );
gp_Ax3 aShapeLCS = gp_Ax3().Transformed( aShape.Location().Transformation() );
gp_Trsf aToShapeLCS;
aToShapeLCS.SetTransformation( gp_Ax3(), aShapeLCS );
if ( !myAnnotationProperties.IsScreenFixed ) {
myAnnotationProperties.Position = theAnnotation->GetPosition().Transformed( aToShapeLCS );
if ( !myIsCreation ) {
myGeomGUI->GetAnnotationMgr()->storeFixedPosition( myEditAnnotationEntry, 0 );
else {
myAnnotationProperties.Position = theAnnotation->GetPosition();
#define RETURN_WITH_MSG( a, b ) \
if ( ( a ) ) { \
theMessage += ( b ); \
return false; \
// function : createOperation
// purpose :
GEOM::GEOM_IOperations_ptr MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::createOperation()
return getGeomEngine()->GetILocalOperations( getStudyId() );
// function : isValid()
// purpose : Verify validity of input data
bool MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::isValid( QString& theMessage )
SalomeApp_Study* study = getStudy();
RETURN_WITH_MSG( !study, tr( "GEOM_NO_STUDY" ) )
RETURN_WITH_MSG( study->studyDS()->GetProperties()->IsLocked(),
if ( myIsCreation ) {
RETURN_WITH_MSG( myShape->_is_nil(), tr( "NO_SHAPE" ) )
} else {
//RETURN_WITH_MSG( CORBA::is_nil( myShape ), tr( "NO_FIELD" ) )
if ( getShapeType() != TopAbs_SHAPE ) {
if ( myIsCreation ) {
RETURN_WITH_MSG( myAnnotationProperties.ShapeIndex < 0, tr( "NO_SUB_SHAPE" ) )
} else {
//RETURN_WITH_MSG( CORBA::is_nil( myShape ), tr( "NO_FIELD" ) )
if ( myIsCreation ) {
RETURN_WITH_MSG( !myIsPositionDefined, tr( "NO_POSITION" ) )
return true;
// function : execute
// purpose :
bool MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::execute()
QString anError;
if ( !isValid( anError ) )
return false;
SalomeApp_Study* aStudy = getStudy();
_PTR(SObject) aSObj = aStudy->studyDS()->FindObjectID( myShape->GetStudyEntry() );
Handle(GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs) aShapeAnnotations =
GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::FindOrCreateAttributes( aSObj, aStudy );
if ( myIsCreation ) {
myAnnotationProperties.IsVisible = true; // initially created annotation is hidden
aShapeAnnotations->Append( myAnnotationProperties );
myGeomGUI->emitAnnotationsUpdated( QString( myShape->GetStudyEntry() ) );
erasePreview( true );
globalSelection( myGeomGUI->getLocalSelectionMode() , true );
myGeomGUI->GetAnnotationMgr()->Display( myShape->GetStudyEntry(), aShapeAnnotations->GetNbAnnotation()-1 );
else {
aShapeAnnotations->SetProperties( myEditAnnotationIndex, myAnnotationProperties );
myGeomGUI->emitAnnotationsUpdated( QString( myShape->GetStudyEntry() ) );
return true;
// function : buildPrs
// purpose : creates annotation presentation object and corresponded SALOME presentation
SALOME_Prs* MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::buildPrs()
QString aEntry = myIsCreation ?
myGeomGUI->GetAnnotationMgr()->makeAnnotationEntry( myShape->GetStudyEntry(), - 1 ) :
myGeomGUI->GetAnnotationMgr()->makeAnnotationEntry( myEditAnnotationEntry, myEditAnnotationIndex );
SALOME_Prs* aPrs = myGeomGUI->GetAnnotationMgr()->CreatePresentation(
myAnnotationProperties, myShape.get(), 0, aEntry );
// set preview style for the created presentation
AIS_ListOfInteractive aIObjects;
((SOCC_Prs*)aPrs)->GetObjects( aIObjects );
AIS_ListOfInteractive::Iterator aIOIt( aIObjects );
for ( ; aIOIt.More(); aIOIt.Next() ) {
Handle( GEOM_Annotation ) aPresentation = Handle( GEOM_Annotation )::DownCast( aIOIt.Value() );
aPresentation->SetTextColor( Quantity_NOC_VIOLET );
aPresentation->SetLineColor( Quantity_NOC_VIOLET );
aPresentation->SetDepthCulling( Standard_False );
return aPrs;
// function : updateSubShapeEnableState
// purpose : creates annotation presentation object and corresponded SALOME presentation
void MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::updateSubShapeEnableState()
if ( !myIsCreation )
bool isWholeShape = getShapeType() == TopAbs_SHAPE;
bool aNullShape = myShape->_is_nil();
mySubShapeSelBtn->setEnabled( !aNullShape && !isWholeShape );
mySubShapeName->setEnabled( !aNullShape && !isWholeShape );
// function : redisplayPreview
// purpose : creates annotation presentation object and corresponded SALOME presentation
void MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::redisplayPreview()
if ( myIsCreation ) {
QString aMess;
if ( !isValid( aMess ) ) {
erasePreview( true );
erasePreview( false );
try {
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
getDisplayer()->SetToActivate( true );
if ( SALOME_Prs* aPrs = buildPrs() )
displayPreview( aPrs );
} catch ( const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& e ) {
SalomeApp_Tools::QtCatchCorbaException( e );
} catch ( ... ) {
else {
myGeomGUI->GetAnnotationMgr()->Redisplay( myEditAnnotationEntry, myEditAnnotationIndex,
myAnnotationProperties );
QString anEntry;
if ( myIsCreation && !myShape->_is_nil() ) {
anEntry = myGeomGUI->GetAnnotationMgr()->makeAnnotationEntry( myShape->GetStudyEntry(), -1 );
else if ( !myIsCreation ) {
anEntry = myGeomGUI->GetAnnotationMgr()->makeAnnotationEntry( myEditAnnotationEntry, myEditAnnotationIndex );
myInteractor->SetEditEntry( anEntry );
// function : getPickedPoint
// purpose : finds picked point in active viewer on the selected shape
bool MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::getPickedPoint( gp_Pnt& thePnt, const TopoDS_Shape& theShape )
if ( theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX )
bool isOk = false;
thePnt = getAttachPoint( theShape, isOk );
return isOk;
const SUIT_ViewWindow* anActiveView = GEOMBase_Helper::getActiveView();
if ( !anActiveView )
return false;
const OCCViewer_ViewWindow* anOccView = qobject_cast<const OCCViewer_ViewWindow*>( anActiveView );
if ( !anOccView || !anOccView->underMouse() )
return false;
OCCViewer_ViewManager* aVM = ( OCCViewer_ViewManager* )anOccView->getViewManager();
OCCViewer_Viewer* aViewer = aVM->getOCCViewer();
Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) anAISContext = aViewer->getAISContext();
Handle(SelectMgr_ViewerSelector) aSelector;
if ( anAISContext->HasOpenedContext() )
aSelector = anAISContext->LocalSelector();
aSelector = anAISContext->MainSelector();
if ( aSelector->NbPicked() < 1 )
return false;
thePnt = aSelector->PickedPoint( 1 );
return true;
// function : getAttachPoint
// purpose : computes default attachment point on the shape
gp_Pnt MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::getAttachPoint( const TopoDS_Shape& theShape, bool& theIsOk )
gp_Pnt aPnt( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
theIsOk = true;
if ( theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPSOLID
|| theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID
|| theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SHELL )
Bnd_Box aBox;
BRepBndLib::Add( theShape, aBox );
const gp_Pnt aMin = aBox.CornerMin();
const gp_Pnt aMax = aBox.CornerMax();
aPnt = gp_Pnt( (aMin.X() + aMax.X()) / 2.0,
(aMin.Y() + aMax.Y()) / 2.0,
(aMin.Z() + aMax.Z()) / 2.0 );
else if ( theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE )
BRepAdaptor_Surface aFace( TopoDS::Face( theShape ) );
const Standard_Real aU1 = aFace.FirstUParameter();
const Standard_Real aU2 = aFace.LastUParameter();
const Standard_Real aV1 = aFace.FirstVParameter();
const Standard_Real aV2 = aFace.LastVParameter();
aPnt = aFace.Value( ( aU1 + aU2 ) / 2.0, ( aV1 + aV2 ) / 2.0 );
else if ( theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_WIRE )
BRepAdaptor_CompCurve aWire( TopoDS::Wire( theShape ) );
const Standard_Real aP1 = aWire.FirstParameter();
const Standard_Real aP2 = aWire.LastParameter();
aPnt = aWire.Value( ( aP1 + aP2 ) / 2.0 );
else if ( theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE )
BRepAdaptor_Curve aEdge( TopoDS::Edge( theShape ) );
const Standard_Real aP1 = aEdge.FirstParameter();
const Standard_Real aP2 = aEdge.LastParameter();
aPnt = aEdge.Value( ( aP1 + aP2 ) / 2.0 );
else if ( theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX )
aPnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt( TopoDS::Vertex( theShape ) );
theIsOk = false;
return aPnt;
// function : getDefaultPosition
// purpose : computes default position for the given attachment point
gp_Pnt MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::getDefaultPosition( const gp_Pnt& theAttach )
SUIT_ViewWindow* anActiveView = GEOMBase_Helper::getActiveView();
if ( !anActiveView ) {
return myAnnotationProperties.IsScreenFixed ? gp::Origin() : theAttach;
OCCViewer_ViewWindow* anOccView = qobject_cast<OCCViewer_ViewWindow*>( anActiveView );
if ( !anOccView ) {
return myAnnotationProperties.IsScreenFixed ? gp::Origin() : theAttach;
OCCViewer_ViewPort3d* aViewPort = anOccView->getViewPort();
SUIT_ResourceMgr* aResMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr();
const QFont aFont = aResMgr->fontValue( "Geometry", "shape_annotation_font", QFont( "Y14.5M-2009", 24 ) );
const Handle(V3d_View) aView3d = aViewPort->getView();
const Standard_Real aFontHeight =( aFont.pixelSize() != -1 ) ? aFont.pixelSize() : aFont.pointSize();
return GEOM_Annotation::GetDefaultPosition( myAnnotationProperties.IsScreenFixed,
theAttach, aFontHeight * 1.5, aView3d );