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/* *************************************************************************/
/* File: occgeom.hpp */
/* Author: Robert Gaisbauer */
/* Date: 26. May 03 */
/* *************************************************************************/
#include <meshing.hpp>
2021-11-28 20:14:41 +05:00
#include "occ_utils.hpp"
#include "occmeshsurf.hpp"
2021-11-28 20:14:41 +05:00
#include <Quantity_ColorRGBA.hxx>
#include <STEPCAFControl_Reader.hxx>
#include <StepBasic_MeasureValueMember.hxx>
2021-11-28 20:14:41 +05:00
#include <StepRepr_CompoundRepresentationItem.hxx>
#include <StepRepr_IntegerRepresentationItem.hxx>
#include <StepRepr_ValueRepresentationItem.hxx>
#include <TCollection_HAsciiString.hxx>
#include <TDocStd_Document.hxx>
#include <TopoDS.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Shape.hxx>
#include <Transfer_FinderProcess.hxx>
2021-07-27 01:50:59 +05:00
namespace netgen
2019-07-27 22:05:43 +05:00
// extern DLL_HEADER MeshingParameters mparam;
#define OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONFULLCHANGE 1 // Compute transformation matrices and redraw
bool IsMappedShape(const Transformation<3> & trafo, const TopoDS_Shape & me, const TopoDS_Shape & you);
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
class EntityVisualizationCode
int code;
int IsVisible ()
{ return code & ENTITYISVISIBLE;}
int IsHighlighted ()
int IsDrawable ()
{ return code & ENTITYISDRAWABLE;}
void Show ()
void Hide ()
void Highlight ()
void Lowlight ()
void SetDrawable ()
void SetNotDrawable ()
class Line
Point<3> p0, p1;
double Dist (Line l);
double Length () { return (p1-p0).Length(); }
inline double Det3 (double a00, double a01, double a02,
double a10, double a11, double a12,
double a20, double a21, double a22)
return a00*a11*a22 + a01*a12*a20 + a10*a21*a02 - a20*a11*a02 - a10*a01*a22 - a21*a12*a00;
2019-10-02 20:20:13 +05:00
class DLL_HEADER OCCParameters
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
/// Factor for meshing close edges, moved to meshingparameters
// double resthcloseedgefac = 2.;
2019-10-02 20:20:13 +05:00
/// Enable / Disable detection of close edges
// int resthcloseedgeenable = true;
2019-10-02 20:20:13 +05:00
/// Minimum edge length to be used for dividing edges to mesh points
double resthminedgelen = 0.001;
/// Enable / Disable use of the minimum edge length (by default use 1e-4)
int resthminedgelenenable = true;
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
2019-10-02 20:20:13 +05:00
Dump all the OpenCascade specific meshing parameters
to console
void Print (ostream & ost) const;
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
2020-05-17 23:24:22 +05:00
class DLL_HEADER OCCGeometry : public NetgenGeometry
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
Point<3> center;
2019-10-02 20:20:13 +05:00
OCCParameters occparam;
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
2021-11-28 20:14:41 +05:00
static std::map<T_Shape, ShapeProperties> global_shape_properties;
static std::map<T_Shape, std::vector<OCCIdentification>> identifications;
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
TopoDS_Shape shape;
2021-11-28 20:14:41 +05:00
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape fmap, emap, vmap, somap, shmap, wmap; // legacy maps
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
NgArray<bool> fsingular, esingular, vsingular;
Box<3> boundingbox;
2021-11-07 04:16:57 +05:00
2021-11-28 20:14:41 +05:00
std::map<T_Shape, int> edge_map, vertex_map, face_map, solid_map;
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
mutable int changed;
2019-10-28 18:41:31 +05:00
mutable NgArray<int> facemeshstatus;
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
// Philippose - 15/01/2009
// Maximum mesh size for a given face
// (Used to explicitly define mesh size limits on individual faces)
NgArray<double> face_maxh;
// Philippose - 14/01/2010
// Boolean array to detect whether a face has been explicitly modified
// by the user or not
NgArray<bool> face_maxh_modified;
// Philippose - 15/01/2009
// Indicates which faces have been selected by the user in geometry mode
// (Currently handles only selection of one face at a time, but an array would
// help to extend this to multiple faces)
NgArray<bool> face_sel_status;
NgArray<EntityVisualizationCode> fvispar, evispar, vvispar;
double tolerance;
bool fixsmalledges;
bool fixspotstripfaces;
bool sewfaces;
bool makesolids;
bool splitpartitions;
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
2019-10-02 20:20:13 +05:00
OCCGeometry(const TopoDS_Shape& _shape, int aoccdim = 3, bool copy = false);
2019-10-02 20:20:13 +05:00
Mesh::GEOM_TYPE GetGeomType() const override
{ return Mesh::GEOM_OCC; }
void SetOCCParameters(const OCCParameters& par)
{ occparam = par; }
2019-10-02 20:20:13 +05:00
void Analyse(Mesh& mesh,
2019-10-28 18:41:31 +05:00
const MeshingParameters& mparam) const override;
2021-11-28 20:14:41 +05:00
bool MeshFace(Mesh& mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam,
int nr, FlatArray<int, PointIndex> glob2loc) const override;
// void OptimizeSurface(Mesh& mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam) const override {}
2020-05-17 23:24:22 +05:00
void Save (string filename) const override;
void SaveToMeshFile (ostream & /* ost */) const override;
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
2019-10-02 20:20:13 +05:00
void DoArchive(Archive& ar) override;
2020-05-17 23:24:22 +05:00
void BuildFMap();
2021-07-24 16:14:21 +05:00
auto GetShape() const { return shape; }
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
Box<3> GetBoundingBox() const
{ return boundingbox; }
int NrSolids() const
{ return somap.Extent(); }
// Philippose - 17/01/2009
// Total number of faces in the geometry
int NrFaces() const
{ return fmap.Extent(); }
void SetCenter()
{ center = boundingbox.Center(); }
Point<3> Center() const
{ return center; }
OCCSurface GetSurface (int surfi)
cout << "OCCGeometry::GetSurface using PLANESPACE" << endl;
return OCCSurface (TopoDS::Face(fmap(surfi)), PLANESPACE);
2020-05-17 23:24:22 +05:00
void CalcBoundingBox ();
void BuildVisualizationMesh (double deflection);
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
void RecursiveTopologyTree (const TopoDS_Shape & sh,
stringstream & str,
TopAbs_ShapeEnum l,
bool free,
const char * lname);
2020-05-17 23:24:22 +05:00
void GetTopologyTree (stringstream & str);
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
2020-05-17 23:24:22 +05:00
void PrintNrShapes ();
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
2020-05-17 23:24:22 +05:00
void CheckIrregularEntities (stringstream & str);
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
2020-05-17 23:24:22 +05:00
void SewFaces();
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
2020-05-17 23:24:22 +05:00
void MakeSolid();
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
2020-05-17 23:24:22 +05:00
void HealGeometry();
void GlueGeometry();
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
// Philippose - 15/01/2009
// Sets the maximum mesh size for a given face
// (Note: Local mesh size limited by the global max mesh size)
void SetFaceMaxH(int facenr, double faceh, const MeshingParameters & mparam)
if((facenr> 0) && (facenr <= fmap.Extent()))
face_maxh[facenr-1] = min(mparam.maxh,faceh);
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
// Philippose - 14/01/2010
// If the face maxh is greater than or equal to the
// current global maximum, then identify the face as
// not explicitly controlled by the user any more
if(faceh >= mparam.maxh)
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
face_maxh_modified[facenr-1] = 0;
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
face_maxh_modified[facenr-1] = 1;
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
2019-08-13 21:45:27 +05:00
void SetFaceMaxH(size_t facenr, double faceh)
if(facenr >= fmap.Extent())
throw RangeException("OCCGeometry faces", facenr, 0, fmap.Extent());
face_maxh[facenr] = faceh;
face_maxh_modified[facenr] = true;
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
// Philippose - 15/01/2009
// Returns the local mesh size of a given face
double GetFaceMaxH(int facenr)
if((facenr> 0) && (facenr <= fmap.Extent()))
return face_maxh[facenr-1];
return 0.0;
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
// Philippose - 14/01/2010
// Returns the flag whether the given face
// has a mesh size controlled by the user or not
bool GetFaceMaxhModified(int facenr)
return face_maxh_modified[facenr-1];
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
// Philippose - 17/01/2009
// Returns the index of the currently selected face
int SelectedFace()
for(int i = 1; i <= fmap.Extent(); i++)
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
return i;
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
return 0;
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
// Philippose - 17/01/2009
// Sets the currently selected face
void SetSelectedFace(int facenr)
face_sel_status = 0;
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
if((facenr >= 1) && (facenr <= fmap.Extent()))
face_sel_status[facenr-1] = 1;
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
void LowLightAll()
for (int i = 1; i <= fmap.Extent(); i++)
for (int i = 1; i <= emap.Extent(); i++)
for (int i = 1; i <= vmap.Extent(); i++)
2020-05-17 23:24:22 +05:00
void GetUnmeshedFaceInfo (stringstream & str);
void GetNotDrawableFaces (stringstream & str);
bool ErrorInSurfaceMeshing ();
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
// void WriteOCC_STL(char * filename);
2021-11-28 20:14:41 +05:00
//bool FastProject (int surfi, Point<3> & ap, double& u, double& v) const;
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
2021-12-16 23:00:10 +05:00
void Identify(const ListOfShapes & me, const ListOfShapes & you, string name, Identifications::ID_TYPE type, gp_Trsf occ_trafo);
void Identify(const TopoDS_Shape & me, const TopoDS_Shape & you, string name, Identifications::ID_TYPE type, std::optional<gp_Trsf> opt_trafo);
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
void PrintContents (OCCGeometry * geom);
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
DLL_HEADER OCCGeometry * LoadOCC_IGES (const char * filename);
DLL_HEADER OCCGeometry * LoadOCC_STEP (const char * filename);
DLL_HEADER OCCGeometry * LoadOCC_BREP (const char * filename);
2019-07-28 23:22:48 +05:00
// Philippose - 31.09.2009
// External access to the mesh generation functions within the OCC
// subsystem (Not sure if this is the best way to implement this....!!)
2019-10-02 20:20:13 +05:00
DLL_HEADER extern void OCCSetLocalMeshSize(const OCCGeometry & geom, Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & mparam,
const OCCParameters& occparam);
2021-11-28 20:14:41 +05:00
DLL_HEADER extern bool OCCMeshFace (const OCCGeometry & geom, Mesh & mesh, FlatArray<int, PointIndex> glob2loc,
const MeshingParameters & mparam, int nr, int projecttype, bool delete_on_failure);
namespace step_utils
inline Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) MakeName (string s)
return new TCollection_HAsciiString(s.c_str());
inline Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationItem) MakeInt (int n, string name = "")
Handle(StepRepr_IntegerRepresentationItem) int_obj = new StepRepr_IntegerRepresentationItem;
int_obj->Init(MakeName(name), n);
return int_obj;
2021-11-05 01:58:56 +05:00
inline int ReadInt (Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationItem) item)
return Handle(StepRepr_IntegerRepresentationItem)::DownCast(item)->Value();
inline Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationItem) MakeReal (double val, string name = "")
Handle(StepBasic_MeasureValueMember) value_member = new StepBasic_MeasureValueMember;
Handle(StepRepr_ValueRepresentationItem) value_repr = new StepRepr_ValueRepresentationItem;
value_repr->Init(MakeName(name), value_member);
return value_repr;
2021-11-05 01:58:56 +05:00
inline double ReadReal (Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationItem) item)
return Handle(StepRepr_ValueRepresentationItem)::DownCast(item)
inline Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationItem) MakeCompound( FlatArray<Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationItem)> items, string name = "" )
Handle(StepRepr_HArray1OfRepresentationItem) array_repr = new StepRepr_HArray1OfRepresentationItem(1,items.Size());
for(auto i : Range(items))
array_repr->SetValue(i+1, items[i]);
Handle(StepRepr_CompoundRepresentationItem) comp = new StepRepr_CompoundRepresentationItem;
comp->Init( MakeName(name), array_repr );
return comp;
2021-11-05 01:58:56 +05:00
void WriteIdentifications(const Handle(Interface_InterfaceModel) model, const TopoDS_Shape & shape, const Handle(Transfer_FinderProcess) finder);
void ReadIdentifications(Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationItem) item, Handle(Transfer_TransientProcess) transProc);
inline Quantity_ColorRGBA MakeColor(const Vec<4> & c)
return Quantity_ColorRGBA (c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
inline Vec<4> ReadColor (const Quantity_ColorRGBA & c)
auto rgb = c.GetRGB();
return {rgb.Red(), rgb.Green(), rgb.Blue(), c.Alpha()};
void LoadProperties(const TopoDS_Shape & shape,
const STEPCAFControl_Reader & reader,
const Handle(TDocStd_Document) step_doc);
void WriteProperties(const Handle(Interface_InterfaceModel) model, const Handle(Transfer_FinderProcess) finder, const TopoDS_Shape & shape);
void WriteSTEP(const TopoDS_Shape & shape, string filename);
inline void WriteSTEP(const OCCGeometry & geo, string filename)
WriteSTEP(geo.GetShape(), filename);
// deep copy, also ensures consistent shape ordering (face numbers etc.)
TopoDS_Shape WriteAndRead(const TopoDS_Shape shape);
} // namespace step_utils