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# the next line restarts using tclsh \
exec tclsh "$0" "$@"
# $Id: texture.tcl,v 1.8 2007/08/03 16:48:50 gregcouch Exp $
# Togl - a Tk OpenGL widget
# Copyright (C) 1996 Brian Paul and Ben Bederson
# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Greg Couch
# See the LICENSE file for copyright details.
# Togl texture map demo
package provide texture 1.0
# add parent directory to path to find Togl's pkgIndex in current directory
if { [file exists pkgIndex.tcl] } {
set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 ..]
# following load also loads Tk and Togl packages
load [file dirname [info script]]/texture[info sharedlibextension]
# create ::texture namespace
namespace eval ::texture {
# Called magnification filter changes
proc ::texture::new_magfilter {} {
global magfilter
mag_filter .f1.view $magfilter
# Called minification filter changes
proc ::texture::new_minfilter {} {
global minfilter
min_filter .f1.view $minfilter
# Called when texture image radio button changes
proc ::texture::new_image {} {
global image
teximage .f1.view $image
# Called when texture S wrap button changes
proc ::texture::new_swrap {} {
global swrap
swrap .f1.view $swrap
# Called when texture T wrap button changes
proc ::texture::new_twrap {} {
global twrap
twrap .f1.view $twrap
# Called when texture environment radio button selected
proc ::texture::new_env {} {
global envmode
envmode .f1.view $envmode
# Called when polygon color sliders change
proc ::texture::new_color { foo } {
global poly_red poly_green poly_blue
polycolor .f1.view $poly_red $poly_green $poly_blue
proc ::texture::new_coord_scale { name element op } {
global coord_scale
coord_scale .f1.view $coord_scale
proc ::texture::take_photo {} {
image create photo teximg
.f1.view takephoto teximg
teximg write image.ppm -format ppm
# Make the widgets
proc ::texture::setup {} {
global magfilter
global minfilter
global image
global swrap
global twrap
global envmode
global poly_red
global poly_green
global poly_blue
global coord_scale
global startx starty # location of mouse when button pressed
global xangle yangle
global xangle0 yangle0
global texscale texscale0
wm title . "Texture Map Options"
### Two frames: top half and bottom half
frame .f1
frame .f2
### The OpenGL window
togl .f1.view -width 250 -height 250 -rgba true -double true -depth true -create create_cb -reshape reshape_cb -display display_cb
### Filter radio buttons
frame .f1.filter -relief ridge -borderwidth 3
frame .f1.filter.mag -relief ridge -borderwidth 2
label .f1.filter.mag.label -text "Magnification Filter" -anchor w
radiobutton .f1.filter.mag.nearest -text GL_NEAREST -anchor w -variable magfilter -value GL_NEAREST -command ::texture::new_magfilter
radiobutton .f1.filter.mag.linear -text GL_LINEAR -anchor w -variable magfilter -value GL_LINEAR -command ::texture::new_magfilter
frame .f1.filter.min -relief ridge -borderwidth 2
label .f1.filter.min.label -text "Minification Filter" -anchor w
radiobutton .f1.filter.min.nearest -text GL_NEAREST -anchor w -variable minfilter -value GL_NEAREST -command ::texture::new_minfilter
radiobutton .f1.filter.min.linear -text GL_LINEAR -anchor w -variable minfilter -value GL_LINEAR -command ::texture::new_minfilter
radiobutton .f1.filter.min.nearest_mipmap_nearest -text GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST -anchor w -variable minfilter -value GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST -command ::texture::new_minfilter
radiobutton .f1.filter.min.linear_mipmap_nearest -text GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST -anchor w -variable minfilter -value GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST -command ::texture::new_minfilter
radiobutton .f1.filter.min.nearest_mipmap_linear -text GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR -anchor w -variable minfilter -value GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR -command ::texture::new_minfilter
radiobutton .f1.filter.min.linear_mipmap_linear -text GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR -anchor w -variable minfilter -value GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR -command ::texture::new_minfilter
pack .f1.filter.mag -fill x
pack .f1.filter.mag.label -fill x
pack .f1.filter.mag.nearest -side top -fill x
pack .f1.filter.mag.linear -side top -fill x
pack .f1.filter.min -fill both -expand true
pack .f1.filter.min.label -side top -fill x
pack .f1.filter.min.nearest -side top -fill x
pack .f1.filter.min.linear -side top -fill x
pack .f1.filter.min.nearest_mipmap_nearest -side top -fill x
pack .f1.filter.min.linear_mipmap_nearest -side top -fill x
pack .f1.filter.min.nearest_mipmap_linear -side top -fill x
pack .f1.filter.min.linear_mipmap_linear -side top -fill x
### Texture coordinate scale and wrapping
frame .f2.coord -relief ridge -borderwidth 3
frame .f2.coord.scale -relief ridge -borderwidth 2
label .f2.coord.scale.label -text "Max Texture Coord" -anchor w
entry .f2.coord.scale.entry -textvariable coord_scale
trace variable coord_scale w ::texture::new_coord_scale
frame .f2.coord.s -relief ridge -borderwidth 2
label .f2.coord.s.label -text "GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S" -anchor w
radiobutton .f2.coord.s.repeat -text "GL_REPEAT" -anchor w -variable swrap -value GL_REPEAT -command ::texture::new_swrap
radiobutton .f2.coord.s.clamp -text "GL_CLAMP" -anchor w -variable swrap -value GL_CLAMP -command ::texture::new_swrap
frame .f2.coord.t -relief ridge -borderwidth 2
label .f2.coord.t.label -text "GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T" -anchor w
radiobutton .f2.coord.t.repeat -text "GL_REPEAT" -anchor w -variable twrap -value GL_REPEAT -command ::texture::new_twrap
radiobutton .f2.coord.t.clamp -text "GL_CLAMP" -anchor w -variable twrap -value GL_CLAMP -command ::texture::new_twrap
pack .f2.coord.scale -fill both -expand true
pack .f2.coord.scale.label -side top -fill x
pack .f2.coord.scale.entry -side top -fill x
pack .f2.coord.s -fill x
pack .f2.coord.s.label -side top -fill x
pack .f2.coord.s.repeat -side top -fill x
pack .f2.coord.s.clamp -side top -fill x
pack .f2.coord.t -fill x
pack .f2.coord.t.label -side top -fill x
pack .f2.coord.t.repeat -side top -fill x
pack .f2.coord.t.clamp -side top -fill x
### Texture image radio buttons (just happens to fit into the coord frame)
frame .f2.env -relief ridge -borderwidth 3
frame .f2.env.image -relief ridge -borderwidth 2
label .f2.env.image.label -text "Texture Image" -anchor w
radiobutton .f2.env.image.checker -text "Checker" -anchor w -variable image -value CHECKER -command ::texture::new_image
radiobutton .f2.env.image.tree -text "Tree" -anchor w -variable image -value TREE -command ::texture::new_image
radiobutton .f2.env.image.face -text "Face" -anchor w -variable image -value FACE -command ::texture::new_image
pack .f2.env.image -fill x
pack .f2.env.image.label -side top -fill x
pack .f2.env.image.checker -side top -fill x
pack .f2.env.image.tree -side top -fill x
pack .f2.env.image.face -side top -fill x
### Texture Environment
label .f2.env.label -text "GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE" -anchor w
radiobutton .f2.env.modulate -text "GL_MODULATE" -anchor w -variable envmode -value GL_MODULATE -command ::texture::new_env
radiobutton .f2.env.decal -text "GL_DECAL" -anchor w -variable envmode -value GL_DECAL -command ::texture::new_env
radiobutton .f2.env.blend -text "GL_BLEND" -anchor w -variable envmode -value GL_BLEND -command ::texture::new_env
pack .f2.env.label -fill x
pack .f2.env.modulate -side top -fill x
pack .f2.env.decal -side top -fill x
pack .f2.env.blend -side top -fill x
### Polygon color
frame .f2.color -relief ridge -borderwidth 3
label .f2.color.label -text "Polygon color" -anchor w
scale .f2.color.red -label Red -from 0 -to 255 -orient horizontal -variable poly_red -command ::texture::new_color
scale .f2.color.green -label Green -from 0 -to 255 -orient horizontal -variable poly_green -command ::texture::new_color
scale .f2.color.blue -label Blue -from 0 -to 255 -orient horizontal -variable poly_blue -command ::texture::new_color
pack .f2.color.label -fill x
pack .f2.color.red -side top -fill x
pack .f2.color.green -side top -fill x
pack .f2.color.blue -side top -fill x
### Main widgets
pack .f1.view -side left -fill both -expand true
pack .f1.filter -side left -fill y
pack .f1 -side top -fill both -expand true
pack .f2.coord .f2.env -side left -fill both
pack .f2.color -fill x
pack .f2 -side top -fill x
button .photo -text "Take Photo" -command ::texture::take_photo
pack .photo -expand true -fill both
button .quit -text Quit -command exit
pack .quit -expand true -fill both
bind .f1.view <ButtonPress-1> {
set startx %x
set starty %y
set xangle0 $xangle
set yangle0 $yangle
bind .f1.view <B1-Motion> {
set xangle [expr $xangle0 + (%x - $startx) / 3.0 ]
set yangle [expr $yangle0 + (%y - $starty) / 3.0 ]
yrot .f1.view $xangle
xrot .f1.view $yangle
bind .f1.view <ButtonPress-2> {
set startx %x
set starty %y
set texscale0 $texscale
bind .f1.view <B2-Motion> {
set q [ expr ($starty - %y) / 400.0 ]
set texscale [expr $texscale0 * exp($q)]
texscale .f1.view $texscale
# set default values:
set magfilter GL_LINEAR
set swrap GL_REPEAT
set twrap GL_REPEAT
set envmode GL_MODULATE
set image CHECKER
set poly_red 255
set poly_green 255
set poly_blue 255
set coord_scale 1.0
set xangle 0.0
set yangle 0.0
set texscale 1.0
# Execution starts here!
if { [info script] == $argv0 } {