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2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
/* File: meshclass.hpp */
/* Author: Joachim Schoeberl */
/* Date: 20. Nov. 99 */
The mesh class
class HPRefElement;
/// 2d/3d mesh
class Mesh
typedef MoveableArray<MeshPoint,PointIndex::BASE> T_POINTS;
typedef MoveableArray<Element> T_VOLELEMENTS;
typedef MoveableArray<Element2d> T_SURFELEMENTS;
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
// typedef Array<MeshPoint,PointIndex::BASE> T_POINTS;
// typedef Array<Element> T_VOLELEMENTS;
// typedef Array<Element2d> T_SURFELEMENTS;
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/// point coordinates
T_POINTS points;
/// type of element, set in calcsurfacesofnode
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// Array<ELEMENTTYPE> eltyps;
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/// line-segments at edges
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Array<Segment> segments;
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/// surface elements, 2d-inner elements
T_SURFELEMENTS surfelements;
/// volume elements
T_VOLELEMENTS volelements;
/// points will be fixed forever
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Array<PointIndex> lockedpoints;
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/// surface indices at boundary nodes
TABLE<int,PointIndex::BASE> surfacesonnode;
/// boundary edges (1..normal bedge, 2..segment)
INDEX_2_CLOSED_HASHTABLE<int> * boundaryedges;
INDEX_2_CLOSED_HASHTABLE<int> * segmentht;
INDEX_3_CLOSED_HASHTABLE<int> * surfelementht;
/// faces of rest-solid
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Array<Element2d> openelements;
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/// open segmenets for surface meshing
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Array<Segment> opensegments;
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Representation of local mesh-size h
LocalH * lochfunc;
double hglob;
double hmin;
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Array<double> maxhdomain;
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the face-index of the surface element maps into
this table.
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Array<FaceDescriptor> facedecoding;
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/// sub-domain materials
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Array<char*> materials;
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Array<string*, 0> bcnames;
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/// Periodic surface, close surface, etc. identifications
Identifications * ident;
/// number of vertices (if < 0, use np)
int numvertices;
/// geometric search tree for interval intersection search
Box3dTree * elementsearchtree;
/// time stamp for tree
int elementsearchtreets;
/// element -> face, element -> edge etc ...
class MeshTopology * topology;
/// methods for high order elements
class CurvedElements * curvedelems;
/// nodes identified by close points
class AnisotropicClusters * clusters;
/// space dimension (2 or 3)
int dimension;
/// changed by every minor modification (addpoint, ...)
int timestamp;
/// changed after finishing global algorithm (improve, ...)
int majortimestamp;
/// mesh access semaphors.
NgMutex mutex;
/// mesh access semaphors.
NgMutex majormutex;
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SYMBOLTABLE< Array<int>* > userdata_int;
SYMBOLTABLE< Array<double>* > userdata_double;
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2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
mutable Array< Point3d > pointcurves;
mutable Array<int> pointcurves_startpoint;
mutable Array<double> pointcurves_red,pointcurves_green,pointcurves_blue;
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/// start element for point search (GetElementOfPoint)
mutable int ps_startelement;
/// connection to parallel meshes
class ParallelMeshTopology * paralleltop;
void BuildBoundaryEdges(void);
bool PointContainedIn2DElement(const Point3d & p,
double lami[3],
const int element,
bool consider3D = false) const;
bool PointContainedIn3DElement(const Point3d & p,
double lami[3],
const int element) const;
bool PointContainedIn3DElementOld(const Point3d & p,
double lami[3],
const int element) const;
// store coarse mesh before hp-refinement
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Array<HPRefElement> * hpelements;
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Mesh * coarsemesh;
/// number of refinement levels
int mglevels;
/// refinement hierarchy
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Array<INDEX_2,PointIndex::BASE> mlbetweennodes;
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/// parent element of volume element
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Array<int> mlparentelement;
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/// parent element of surface element
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Array<int> mlparentsurfaceelement;
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Mesh & operator= (const Mesh & mesh2);
void DeleteMesh();
void ClearSurfaceElements()
timestamp = NextTimeStamp();
void ClearVolumeElements()
timestamp = NextTimeStamp();
void ClearSegments()
timestamp = NextTimeStamp();
bool TestOk () const;
void SetAllocSize(int nnodes, int nsegs, int nsel, int nel);
PointIndex AddPoint (const Point3d & p, int layer = 1);
PointIndex AddPoint (const Point3d & p, int layer, POINTTYPE type);
PointIndex AddPoint (const Point3d & p, bool aisghost, int layer = 1);
PointIndex AddPoint (const Point3d & p, bool aisghost, int layer, POINTTYPE type);
int GetNP () const { return points.Size(); }
MeshPoint & Point(int i) { return points.Elem(i); }
MeshPoint & Point(PointIndex pi) { return points[pi]; }
const MeshPoint & Point(int i) const { return points.Get(i); }
const MeshPoint & Point(PointIndex pi) const { return points[pi]; }
const MeshPoint & operator[] (PointIndex pi) const { return points[pi]; }
MeshPoint & operator[] (PointIndex pi) { return points[pi]; }
const T_POINTS & Points() const { return points; }
T_POINTS & Points() { return points; }
SegmentIndex AddSegment (const Segment & s);
void DeleteSegment (int segnr)
2009-04-03 14:39:52 +00:00
segments.Elem(segnr)[0] = PointIndex::BASE-1;
segments.Elem(segnr)[1] = PointIndex::BASE-1;
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2009-01-24 23:28:47 +00:00
void FullDeleteSegment (int segnr) // von wem ist das ???
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int GetNSeg () const { return segments.Size(); }
Segment & LineSegment(int i) { return segments.Elem(i); }
const Segment & LineSegment(int i) const { return segments.Get(i); }
Segment & LineSegment(SegmentIndex si) { return segments[si]; }
const Segment & LineSegment(SegmentIndex si) const { return segments[si]; }
const Segment & operator[] (SegmentIndex si) const { return segments[si]; }
Segment & operator[] (SegmentIndex si) { return segments[si]; }
SurfaceElementIndex AddSurfaceElement (const Element2d & el);
void DeleteSurfaceElement (int eli)
surfelements.Elem(eli).PNum(1) = -1;
surfelements.Elem(eli).PNum(2) = -1;
surfelements.Elem(eli).PNum(3) = -1;
timestamp = NextTimeStamp();
void DeleteSurfaceElement (SurfaceElementIndex eli)
DeleteSurfaceElement (int(eli)+1);
int GetNSE () const { return surfelements.Size(); }
Element2d & SurfaceElement(int i) { return surfelements.Elem(i); }
const Element2d & SurfaceElement(int i) const { return surfelements.Get(i); }
2009-08-24 00:03:40 +00:00
Element2d & SurfaceElement(SurfaceElementIndex i) { return surfelements[i]; }
const Element2d & SurfaceElement(SurfaceElementIndex i) const { return surfelements[i]; }
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const Element2d & operator[] (SurfaceElementIndex ei) const
{ return surfelements[ei]; }
Element2d & operator[] (SurfaceElementIndex ei)
{ return surfelements[ei]; }
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void GetSurfaceElementsOfFace (int facenr, Array<SurfaceElementIndex> & sei) const;
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
ElementIndex AddVolumeElement (const Element & el);
int GetNE () const { return volelements.Size(); }
Element & VolumeElement(int i) { return volelements.Elem(i); }
const Element & VolumeElement(int i) const { return volelements.Get(i); }
Element & VolumeElement(ElementIndex i) { return volelements[i]; }
const Element & VolumeElement(ElementIndex i) const { return volelements[i]; }
const Element & operator[] (ElementIndex ei) const
{ return volelements[ei]; }
Element & operator[] (ElementIndex ei)
{ return volelements[ei]; }
ELEMENTTYPE ElementType (ElementIndex i) const
{ return (volelements[i].flags.fixed) ? FIXEDELEMENT : FREEELEMENT; }
const T_VOLELEMENTS & VolumeElements() const { return volelements; }
T_VOLELEMENTS & VolumeElements() { return volelements; }
double ElementError (int eli) const;
void AddLockedPoint (PointIndex pi);
void ClearLockedPoints ();
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const Array<PointIndex> & LockedPoints() const
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
{ return lockedpoints; }
/// Returns number of domains
int GetNDomains() const;
int GetDimension() const
{ return dimension; }
void SetDimension(int dim)
{ dimension = dim; }
/// sets internal tables
void CalcSurfacesOfNode ();
/// additional (temporarily) fix points
void FixPoints (const BitArray & fixpoints);
finds elements without neighbour and
boundary elements without inner element.
Results are stored in openelements.
if dom == 0, all sub-domains, else subdomain dom */
void FindOpenElements (int dom = 0);
finds segments without surface element,
and surface elements without neighbours.
store in opensegmentsy
void FindOpenSegments (int surfnr = 0);
remove one layer of surface elements
void RemoveOneLayerSurfaceElements ();
int GetNOpenSegments () { return opensegments.Size(); }
const Segment & GetOpenSegment (int nr) { return opensegments.Get(nr); }
Checks overlap of boundary
return == 1, iff overlap
int CheckOverlappingBoundary ();
Checks consistent boundary
return == 0, everything ok
int CheckConsistentBoundary () const;
checks element orientation
int CheckVolumeMesh () const;
finds average h of surface surfnr if surfnr > 0,
else of all surfaces.
double AverageH (int surfnr = 0) const;
/// Calculates localh
void CalcLocalH ();
void SetLocalH (const Point3d & pmin, const Point3d & pmax, double grading);
void RestrictLocalH (const Point3d & p, double hloc);
void RestrictLocalHLine (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2,
double hloc);
/// number of elements per radius
void CalcLocalHFromSurfaceCurvature(double elperr);
void CalcLocalHFromPointDistances(void);
void RestrictLocalH (resthtype rht, int nr, double loch);
void LoadLocalMeshSize (const char * meshsizefilename);
void SetGlobalH (double h);
void SetMinimalH (double h);
double MaxHDomain (int dom) const;
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void SetMaxHDomain (const Array<double> & mhd);
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
double GetH (const Point3d & p) const;
double GetMinH (const Point3d & pmin, const Point3d & pmax);
LocalH & LocalHFunction () { return * lochfunc; }
bool LocalHFunctionGenerated(void) const { return (lochfunc != NULL); }
/// Find bounding box
void GetBox (Point3d & pmin, Point3d & pmax, int dom = -1) const;
/// Find bounding box of points of typ ptyp or less
void GetBox (Point3d & pmin, Point3d & pmax, POINTTYPE ptyp ) const;
int GetNOpenElements() const
{ return openelements.Size(); }
const Element2d & OpenElement(int i) const
{ return openelements.Get(i); }
/// are also quads open elements
bool HasOpenQuads () const;
/// split into connected pieces
void SplitIntoParts ();
void SplitSeparatedFaces ();
/// Refines mesh and projects points to true surface
// void Refine (int levels, const CSGeometry * geom);
bool BoundaryEdge (PointIndex pi1, PointIndex pi2) const
const_cast<Mesh *>(this)->BuildBoundaryEdges();
INDEX_2 i2 (pi1, pi2);
return boundaryedges->Used (i2);
bool IsSegment (PointIndex pi1, PointIndex pi2) const
INDEX_2 i2 (pi1, pi2);
return segmentht->Used (i2);
SegmentIndex SegmentNr (PointIndex pi1, PointIndex pi2) const
INDEX_2 i2 (pi1, pi2);
return segmentht->Get (i2);
Remove unused points. etc.
void Compress ();
void Save (ostream & outfile) const;
void Load (istream & infile);
void Merge (istream & infile, const int surfindex_offset = 0);
void Save (const string & filename) const;
void Load (const string & filename);
void Merge (const string & filename, const int surfindex_offset = 0);
void ImproveMesh (OPTIMIZEGOAL goal = OPT_QUALITY);
void ImproveMeshJacobian (OPTIMIZEGOAL goal = OPT_QUALITY, const BitArray * usepoint = NULL);
void ImproveMeshJacobianOnSurface (const BitArray & usepoint,
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
const Array< Vec<3>* > & nv,
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2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
const Array< Array<int,PointIndex::BASE>* > * idmaps = NULL);
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
free nodes in environment of openelements
for optimiztion
void FreeOpenElementsEnvironment (int layers);
bool LegalTet (Element & el) const
if (el.IllegalValid())
return !el.Illegal();
return LegalTet2 (el);
bool LegalTet2 (Element & el) const;
bool LegalTrig (const Element2d & el) const;
if values non-null, return values in 4-double array:
triangle angles min/max, tetangles min/max
if null, output results on cout
void CalcMinMaxAngle (double badellimit, double * retvalues = NULL);
Marks elements which are dangerous to refine
return: number of illegal elements
int MarkIllegalElements ();
/// orient surface mesh, for one sub-domain only
void SurfaceMeshOrientation ();
/// convert mixed element mesh to tet-mesh
void Split2Tets();
/// build box-search tree
void BuildElementSearchTree ();
void SetPointSearchStartElement(const int el) const {ps_startelement = el;}
/// gives element of point, barycentric coordinates
int GetElementOfPoint (const Point3d & p,
double * lami,
bool build_searchtree = 0,
const int index = -1,
const bool allowindex = true) const;
int GetElementOfPoint (const Point3d & p,
double * lami,
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
const Array<int> * const indices,
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
bool build_searchtree = 0,
const bool allowindex = true) const;
int GetSurfaceElementOfPoint (const Point3d & p,
double * lami,
bool build_searchtree = 0,
const int index = -1,
const bool allowindex = true) const;
int GetSurfaceElementOfPoint (const Point3d & p,
double * lami,
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
const Array<int> * const indices,
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
bool build_searchtree = 0,
const bool allowindex = true) const;
/// give list of vol elements which are int the box(p1,p2)
void GetIntersectingVolEls(const Point3d& p1, const Point3d& p2,
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
Array<int> & locels) const;
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
int AddFaceDescriptor(const FaceDescriptor& fd)
{ return facedecoding.Append(fd); }
void SetMaterial (int domnr, const char * mat);
const char * GetMaterial (int domnr) const;
void SetNBCNames ( int nbcn );
void SetBCName ( int bcnr, const string & abcname );
string GetBCName ( int bcnr ) const;
string * GetBCNamePtr ( int bcnr )
{ return bcnames[bcnr]; }
void ClearFaceDescriptors()
{ facedecoding.SetSize(0); }
int GetNFD () const
{ return facedecoding.Size(); }
const FaceDescriptor & GetFaceDescriptor (int i) const
{ return facedecoding.Get(i); }
FaceDescriptor & GetFaceDescriptor (int i)
{ return facedecoding.Elem(i); }
// #ifdef NONE
// /*
// Identify points pi1 and pi2, due to
// identification nr identnr
// */
// void AddIdentification (int pi1, int pi2, int identnr);
// int GetIdentification (int pi1, int pi2) const;
// int GetIdentificationSym (int pi1, int pi2) const;
// ///
// INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> & GetIdentifiedPoints ()
// {
// return *identifiedpoints;
// }
// ///
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
// void GetIdentificationMap (int identnr, Array<int> & identmap) const;
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
// ///
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
// void GetIdentificationPairs (int identnr, Array<INDEX_2> & identpairs) const;
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
// ///
// int GetMaxIdentificationNr () const
// {
// return maxidentnr;
// }
// #endif
/// return periodic, close surface etc. identifications
Identifications & GetIdentifications () { return *ident; }
/// return periodic, close surface etc. identifications
const Identifications & GetIdentifications () const { return *ident; }
void InitPointCurve(double red = 1, double green = 0, double blue = 0) const;
void AddPointCurvePoint(const Point3d & pt) const;
int GetNumPointCurves(void) const;
int GetNumPointsOfPointCurve(int curve) const;
Point3d & GetPointCurvePoint(int curve, int n) const;
void GetPointCurveColor(int curve, double & red, double & green, double & blue) const;
/// find number of vertices
void ComputeNVertices ();
/// number of vertices (no edge-midpoints)
int GetNV () const;
/// remove edge points
void SetNP (int np);
/// build connected nodes along prism stack
void BuildConnectedNodes ();
void ConnectToNodeRec (int node, int tonode,
const TABLE<int> & conto);
bool PureTrigMesh (int faceindex = 0) const;
bool PureTetMesh () const;
const class MeshTopology & GetTopology () const
{ return *topology; }
void UpdateTopology();
class CurvedElements & GetCurvedElements () const
{ return *curvedelems; }
const class AnisotropicClusters & GetClusters () const
{ return *clusters; }
int GetTimeStamp() const { return timestamp; }
void SetNextTimeStamp()
{ timestamp = NextTimeStamp(); }
int GetMajorTimeStamp() const { return majortimestamp; }
void SetNextMajorTimeStamp()
{ majortimestamp = timestamp = NextTimeStamp(); }
/// return mutex
NgMutex & Mutex () { return mutex; }
NgMutex & MajorMutex () { return majormutex; }
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
void SetUserData(const char * id, Array<int> & data);
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
bool GetUserData(const char * id, Array<int> & data, int shift = 0) const;
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2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
void SetUserData(const char * id, Array<double> & data);
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
bool GetUserData(const char * id, Array<double> & data, int shift = 0) const;
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
friend void OptimizeRestart (Mesh & mesh3d);
void PrintMemInfo (ostream & ost) const;
friend class Meshing3;
enum GEOM_TYPE { NO_GEOM = 0, GEOM_2D = 1, GEOM_CSG = 10, GEOM_STL = 11, GEOM_OCC = 12, GEOM_ACIS = 13 };
GEOM_TYPE geomtype;
/// returns parallel topology
class ParallelMeshTopology & GetParallelTopology () const
{ return *paralleltop; }
/// distributes the master-mesh to local meshes
void Distribute ();
/// loads a mesh sent from master processor
void ReceiveParallelMesh ();
/// find connection to parallel meshes
// void FindExchangePoints () ;
// void FindExchangeEdges ();
// void FindExchangeFaces ();
/// use metis to decompose master mesh
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
void ParallelMetis (); // Array<int> & neloc );
void PartHybridMesh (); // Array<int> & neloc );
void PartDualHybridMesh (); // Array<int> & neloc );
void PartDualHybridMesh2D (); // ( Array<int> & neloc );
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
/// send mesh to parallel machine, keep global mesh at master
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
void SendMesh ( ) const; // Mesh * mastermesh, Array<int> & neloc) const;
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
void UpdateOverlap ();
inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& ost, const Mesh& mesh)
ost << "mesh: " << endl;
return ost;