2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
# include "boundarylayer.hpp"
# include "boundarylayer_limiter.hpp"
2009-01-13 04:40:13 +05:00
2022-11-10 18:35:58 +05:00
# include <regex>
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# include <set>
2025-02-25 22:04:18 +05:00
# include <variant>
2023-09-04 16:43:47 +05:00
# include "debugging.hpp"
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
# include "global.hpp"
2023-09-04 16:43:47 +05:00
# include "meshfunc.hpp"
2009-01-13 04:40:13 +05:00
namespace netgen
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struct SpecialPointException : public Exception
SpecialPointException ( )
: Exception ( " " ) { }
} ;
std : : tuple < int , int > FindCloseVectors ( FlatArray < Vec < 3 > > ns ,
bool find_max = true )
int maxpos1 = 0 ;
int maxpos2 = 0 ;
double val = find_max ? - 1e99 : 1e99 ;
for ( auto i : Range ( ns ) )
for ( auto j : Range ( i + 1 , ns . Size ( ) ) )
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double ip = ns [ i ] * ns [ j ] ;
if ( ( find_max & & ( ip > val ) ) | | ( ! find_max & & ( ip < val ) ) )
val = ip ;
maxpos1 = i ;
maxpos2 = j ;
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return { maxpos1 , maxpos2 } ;
Vec < 3 > CalcGrowthVector ( FlatArray < Vec < 3 > > ns )
if ( ns . Size ( ) = = 0 )
return { 0 , 0 , 0 } ;
if ( ns . Size ( ) = = 1 )
return ns [ 0 ] ;
if ( ns . Size ( ) = = 2 )
auto gw = ns [ 0 ] ;
auto n = ns [ 1 ] ;
auto npn = gw * n ;
auto npnp = gw * gw ;
auto nn = n * n ;
if ( fabs ( nn - npn * npn / npnp ) < 1e-6 )
return n ;
gw + = ( nn - npn ) / ( nn - npn * npn / npnp ) * ( n - npn / npnp * gw ) ;
return gw ;
if ( ns . Size ( ) = = 3 )
DenseMatrix mat ( 3 , 3 ) ;
for ( auto i : Range ( 3 ) )
for ( auto j : Range ( 3 ) )
mat ( i , j ) = ns [ i ] [ j ] ;
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if ( fabs ( mat . Det ( ) ) > 1e-2 )
DenseMatrix mat ( 3 , 3 ) ;
for ( auto i : Range ( 3 ) )
for ( auto j : Range ( 3 ) )
mat ( i , j ) = ns [ i ] * ns [ j ] ;
if ( fabs ( mat . Det ( ) ) > 1e-2 )
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Vector rhs ( 3 ) ;
rhs = 1. ;
Vector res ( 3 ) ;
DenseMatrix inv ( 3 , ns . Size ( ) ) ;
CalcInverse ( mat , inv ) ;
inv . Mult ( rhs , res ) ;
Vec < 3 > growth = 0. ;
for ( auto i : Range ( ns ) )
growth + = res [ i ] * ns [ i ] ;
return growth ;
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auto [ maxpos1 , maxpos2 ] = FindCloseVectors ( ns ) ;
Array < Vec < 3 > > new_normals ;
new_normals = ns ;
2024-12-29 01:26:05 +05:00
// const auto dot = ns[maxpos1] * ns[maxpos2];
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
auto average = 0.5 * ( ns [ maxpos1 ] + ns [ maxpos2 ] ) ;
average . Normalize ( ) ;
new_normals [ maxpos1 ] = average ;
new_normals . DeleteElement ( maxpos2 ) ;
auto gw = CalcGrowthVector ( new_normals ) ;
for ( auto n : ns )
if ( n * gw < 0 )
throw SpecialPointException ( ) ;
return gw ;
SpecialBoundaryPoint : : GrowthGroup : : GrowthGroup ( FlatArray < int > faces_ ,
FlatArray < Vec < 3 > > normals )
faces = faces_ ;
growth_vector = CalcGrowthVector ( normals ) ;
SpecialBoundaryPoint : : SpecialBoundaryPoint (
const std : : map < int , Vec < 3 > > & normals )
// find opposing face normals
Array < Vec < 3 > > ns ;
Array < int > faces ;
for ( auto [ face , normal ] : normals )
ns . Append ( normal ) ;
faces . Append ( face ) ;
auto [ minface1 , minface2 ] = FindCloseVectors ( ns , false ) ;
minface1 = faces [ minface1 ] ;
minface2 = faces [ minface2 ] ;
Array < int > g1_faces ;
g1_faces . Append ( minface1 ) ;
Array < int > g2_faces ;
g2_faces . Append ( minface2 ) ;
auto n1 = normals . at ( minface1 ) ;
auto n2 = normals . at ( minface2 ) ;
separating_direction = 0.5 * ( n2 - n1 ) ;
Array < Vec < 3 > > normals1 , normals2 ;
for ( auto [ facei , normali ] : normals )
if ( facei ! = minface1 & & facei ! = minface2 )
g1_faces . Append ( facei ) ;
g2_faces . Append ( facei ) ;
for ( auto fi : g1_faces )
normals1 . Append ( normals . at ( fi ) ) ;
for ( auto fi : g2_faces )
normals2 . Append ( normals . at ( fi ) ) ;
growth_groups . Append ( GrowthGroup ( g1_faces , normals1 ) ) ;
growth_groups . Append ( GrowthGroup ( g2_faces , normals2 ) ) ;
Vec < 3 > BoundaryLayerTool : : getEdgeTangent ( PointIndex pi , int edgenr , FlatArray < Segment * > segs )
Vec < 3 > tangent = 0.0 ;
ArrayMem < PointIndex , 2 > pts ;
for ( auto * p_seg : segs )
auto & seg = * p_seg ;
if ( seg . edgenr ! = edgenr )
continue ;
2025-02-10 21:15:59 +05:00
PointIndex other = seg [ 0 ] - pi + seg [ 1 ] ;
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
if ( ! pts . Contains ( other ) )
pts . Append ( other ) ;
if ( pts . Size ( ) ! = 2 )
cout < < " getEdgeTangent pi = " < < pi < < " , edgenr = " < < edgenr < < endl ;
cout < < pts < < endl ;
for ( auto * p_seg : segs )
cout < < * p_seg < < endl ;
throw NG_EXCEPTION ( " Something went wrong in getEdgeTangent! " ) ;
tangent = mesh [ pts [ 1 ] ] - mesh [ pts [ 0 ] ] ;
return tangent . Normalize ( ) ;
void BoundaryLayerTool : : LimitGrowthVectorLengths ( )
static Timer tall ( " BoundaryLayerTool::LimitGrowthVectorLengths " ) ;
RegionTimer rtall ( tall ) ;
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GrowthVectorLimiter limiter ( * this ) ;
limiter . Perform ( ) ;
2022-04-08 17:01:01 +05:00
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// depending on the geometry type, the mesh contains segments multiple times
// (once for each face)
bool HaveSingleSegments ( const Mesh & mesh )
auto & topo = mesh . GetTopology ( ) ;
NgArray < SurfaceElementIndex > surf_els ;
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for ( auto segi : Range ( mesh . LineSegments ( ) ) )
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mesh . GetTopology ( ) . GetSegmentSurfaceElements ( segi + 1 , surf_els ) ;
if ( surf_els . Size ( ) < 2 )
continue ;
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auto seg = mesh [ segi ] ;
auto pi0 = min ( seg [ 0 ] , seg [ 1 ] ) ;
auto pi1 = max ( seg [ 0 ] , seg [ 1 ] ) ;
auto p0_segs = topo . GetVertexSegments ( seg [ 0 ] ) ;
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for ( auto segi_other : p0_segs )
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if ( segi_other = = segi )
continue ;
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auto seg_other = mesh [ segi_other ] ;
auto pi0_other = min ( seg_other [ 0 ] , seg_other [ 1 ] ) ;
auto pi1_other = max ( seg_other [ 0 ] , seg_other [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( pi0_other = = pi0 & & pi1_other = = pi1 )
return false ;
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// found segment with multiple adjacent surface elements but no other
// segments with same points -> have single segments
return true ;
return true ;
// duplicates segments (and sets seg.si accordingly) to have a unified data
// structure for all geometry types
Array < Segment > BuildSegments ( Mesh & mesh )
Array < Segment > segments ;
// auto& topo = mesh.GetTopology();
NgArray < SurfaceElementIndex > surf_els ;
for ( auto segi : Range ( mesh . LineSegments ( ) ) )
auto seg = mesh [ segi ] ;
mesh . GetTopology ( ) . GetSegmentSurfaceElements ( segi + 1 , surf_els ) ;
for ( auto seli : surf_els )
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const auto & sel = mesh [ seli ] ;
seg . si = sel . GetIndex ( ) ;
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auto np = sel . GetNP ( ) ;
for ( auto i : Range ( np ) )
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if ( sel [ i ] = = seg [ 0 ] )
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if ( sel [ ( i + 1 ) % np ] ! = seg [ 1 ] )
swap ( seg [ 0 ] , seg [ 1 ] ) ;
break ;
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segments . Append ( seg ) ;
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return segments ;
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void MergeAndAddSegments ( Mesh & mesh , FlatArray < Segment > segments , FlatArray < Segment > new_segments )
INDEX_2_HASHTABLE < bool > already_added ( segments . Size ( ) + 2 * new_segments . Size ( ) ) ;
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mesh . LineSegments ( ) . SetSize0 ( ) ;
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auto addSegment = [ & ] ( const auto & seg ) {
2024-12-29 02:58:44 +05:00
PointIndices < 2 > i2 ( seg [ 0 ] , seg [ 1 ] ) ;
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
i2 . Sort ( ) ;
if ( ! already_added . Used ( i2 ) )
mesh . AddSegment ( seg ) ;
already_added . Set ( i2 , true ) ;
} ;
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for ( const auto & seg : segments )
addSegment ( seg ) ;
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for ( const auto & seg : new_segments )
addSegment ( seg ) ;
2022-02-16 23:51:54 +05:00
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BoundaryLayerTool : : BoundaryLayerTool ( Mesh & mesh_ ,
const BoundaryLayerParameters & params_ )
: mesh ( mesh_ ) , topo ( mesh_ . GetTopology ( ) ) , params ( params_ )
static Timer timer ( " BoundaryLayerTool::ctor " ) ;
RegionTimer regt ( timer ) ;
ProcessParameters ( ) ;
if ( domains . NumSet ( ) = = 0 )
return ;
topo . SetBuildVertex2Element ( true ) ;
mesh . UpdateTopology ( ) ;
old_segments = mesh . LineSegments ( ) ;
have_single_segments = HaveSingleSegments ( mesh ) ;
if ( have_single_segments )
segments = BuildSegments ( mesh ) ;
segments = mesh . LineSegments ( ) ;
np = mesh . GetNP ( ) ;
2025-02-10 21:15:59 +05:00
first_new_pi = IndexBASE < PointIndex > ( ) + np ;
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
ne = mesh . GetNE ( ) ;
nse = mesh . GetNSE ( ) ;
nseg = segments . Size ( ) ;
p2sel = mesh . CreatePoint2SurfaceElementTable ( ) ;
nfd_old = mesh . GetNFD ( ) ;
moved_surfaces . SetSize ( nfd_old + 1 ) ;
moved_surfaces . Clear ( ) ;
si_map . SetSize ( nfd_old + 1 ) ;
for ( auto i : Range ( nfd_old + 1 ) )
si_map [ i ] = i ;
void BoundaryLayerTool : : CreateNewFaceDescriptors ( )
surfacefacs . SetSize ( nfd_old + 1 ) ;
surfacefacs = 0.0 ;
// create new FaceDescriptors
for ( auto i : Range ( 1 , nfd_old + 1 ) )
const auto & fd = mesh . GetFaceDescriptor ( i ) ;
string name = fd . GetBCName ( ) ;
if ( par_surfid . Contains ( i ) )
if ( auto isIn = domains . Test ( fd . DomainIn ( ) ) ;
isIn ! = domains . Test ( fd . DomainOut ( ) ) )
int new_si = mesh . GetNFD ( ) + 1 ;
surfacefacs [ i ] = isIn ? 1. : - 1. ;
moved_surfaces . SetBit ( i ) ;
if ( ! insert_only_volume_elements )
// -1 surf nr is so that curving does not do anything
FaceDescriptor new_fd ( - 1 , isIn ? new_mat_nrs [ i ] : fd . DomainIn ( ) , isIn ? fd . DomainOut ( ) : new_mat_nrs [ i ] , - 1 ) ;
new_fd . SetBCProperty ( new_si ) ;
new_fd . SetSurfColour ( fd . SurfColour ( ) ) ;
mesh . AddFaceDescriptor ( new_fd ) ;
si_map [ i ] = new_si ;
mesh . SetBCName ( new_si - 1 , " mapped_ " + name ) ;
// curving of surfaces with boundary layers will often
// result in pushed through elements, since we do not (yet)
// curvature through layers.
// Therefore we disable curving for these surfaces.
if ( params . disable_curving )
mesh . GetFaceDescriptor ( i ) . SetSurfNr ( - 1 ) ;
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for ( auto si : par_surfid )
if ( surfacefacs [ si ] = = 0.0 )
throw Exception ( " Surface " + to_string ( si ) + " is not a boundary of the domain to be grown into! " ) ;
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void BoundaryLayerTool : : CreateFaceDescriptorsSides ( )
if ( insert_only_volume_elements )
return ;
BitArray face_done ( mesh . GetNFD ( ) + 1 ) ;
face_done . Clear ( ) ;
for ( const auto & sel : mesh . SurfaceElements ( ) )
auto facei = sel . GetIndex ( ) ;
if ( face_done . Test ( facei ) )
continue ;
bool point_moved = false ;
// bool point_fixed = false;
for ( auto pi : sel . PNums ( ) )
if ( growthvectors [ pi ] . Length ( ) > 0 )
point_moved = true ;
point_fixed = true ;
if ( point_moved & & ! moved_surfaces . Test ( facei ) )
int new_si = mesh . GetNFD ( ) + 1 ;
const auto & fd = mesh . GetFaceDescriptor ( facei ) ;
// auto isIn = domains.Test(fd.DomainIn());
// auto isOut = domains.Test(fd.DomainOut());
int si = params . sides_keep_surfaceindex ? facei : - 1 ;
// domin and domout can only be set later
FaceDescriptor new_fd ( si , - 1 , - 1 , si ) ;
new_fd . SetBCProperty ( new_si ) ;
mesh . AddFaceDescriptor ( new_fd ) ;
si_map [ facei ] = new_si ;
mesh . SetBCName ( new_si - 1 , fd . GetBCName ( ) ) ;
face_done . SetBit ( facei ) ;
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void BoundaryLayerTool : : CalculateGrowthVectors ( )
growthvectors . SetSize ( np ) ;
growthvectors = 0. ;
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for ( auto pi : mesh . Points ( ) . Range ( ) )
const auto & p = mesh [ pi ] ;
if ( p . Type ( ) = = INNERPOINT )
continue ;
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std : : map < int , Vec < 3 > > normals ;
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// calculate one normal vector per face (average with angles as weights for
// multiple surface elements within a face)
for ( auto sei : p2sel [ pi ] )
const auto & sel = mesh [ sei ] ;
auto facei = sel . GetIndex ( ) ;
if ( ! par_surfid . Contains ( facei ) )
continue ;
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auto n = surfacefacs [ sel . GetIndex ( ) ] * getNormal ( sel ) ;
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int itrig = sel . PNums ( ) . Pos ( pi ) ;
itrig + = sel . GetNP ( ) ;
auto v0 = ( mesh [ sel . PNumMod ( itrig + 1 ) ] - mesh [ pi ] ) . Normalize ( ) ;
auto v1 = ( mesh [ sel . PNumMod ( itrig - 1 ) ] - mesh [ pi ] ) . Normalize ( ) ;
if ( normals . count ( facei ) = = 0 )
normals [ facei ] = { 0. , 0. , 0. } ;
normals [ facei ] + = acos ( v0 * v1 ) * n ;
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for ( auto & [ facei , n ] : normals )
n * = 1.0 / n . Length ( ) ;
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// combine normal vectors for each face to keep uniform distances
ArrayMem < Vec < 3 > , 5 > ns ;
for ( auto & [ facei , n ] : normals )
ns . Append ( n ) ;
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growthvectors [ pi ] = CalcGrowthVector ( ns ) ;
catch ( const SpecialPointException & e )
special_boundary_points . emplace ( pi , normals ) ;
growthvectors [ pi ] =
special_boundary_points [ pi ] . growth_groups [ 0 ] . growth_vector ;
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Array < Array < pair < SegmentIndex , int > > , SegmentIndex >
BoundaryLayerTool : : BuildSegMap ( )
// Bit array to keep track of segments already processed
BitArray segs_done ( nseg + 1 ) ;
segs_done . Clear ( ) ;
// map for all segments with same points
// points to pair of SegmentIndex, int
// int is type of other segment, either:
// 0 == adjacent surface grows layer
// 1 == adjacent surface doesn't grow layer, but layer ends on it
// 2 == adjacent surface is interior surface that ends on layer
// 3 == adjacent surface is exterior surface that ends on layer (not allowed
// yet)
Array < Array < pair < SegmentIndex , int > > , SegmentIndex > segmap ( segments . Size ( ) ) ;
// moved segments
is_edge_moved . SetSize ( max_edge_nr + 1 ) ;
is_edge_moved = false ;
// boundaries to project endings to
is_boundary_projected . SetSize ( nfd_old + 1 ) ;
is_boundary_projected . Clear ( ) ;
is_boundary_moved . SetSize ( nfd_old + 1 ) ;
is_boundary_moved . Clear ( ) ;
for ( auto si : Range ( segments ) )
if ( segs_done [ si ] )
continue ;
const auto & segi = segments [ si ] ;
if ( ! moved_surfaces . Test ( segi . si ) )
continue ;
segs_done . SetBit ( si ) ;
segmap [ si ] . Append ( make_pair ( si , 0 ) ) ;
moved_segs . Append ( si ) ;
is_edge_moved . SetBit ( segi . edgenr ) ;
for ( auto sj : Range ( segments ) )
if ( segs_done . Test ( sj ) )
continue ;
const auto & segj = segments [ sj ] ;
if ( ( segi [ 0 ] = = segj [ 0 ] & & segi [ 1 ] = = segj [ 1 ] ) | | ( segi [ 0 ] = = segj [ 1 ] & & segi [ 1 ] = = segj [ 0 ] ) )
segs_done . SetBit ( sj ) ;
int type ;
if ( moved_surfaces . Test ( segj . si ) )
type = 0 ;
moved_segs . Append ( sj ) ;
else if ( const auto & fd = mesh . GetFaceDescriptor ( segj . si ) ;
domains . Test ( fd . DomainIn ( ) ) & & domains . Test ( fd . DomainOut ( ) ) )
type = 2 ;
if ( fd . DomainIn ( ) = = 0 | | fd . DomainOut ( ) = = 0 )
is_boundary_projected . SetBit ( segj . si ) ;
else if ( const auto & fd = mesh . GetFaceDescriptor ( segj . si ) ;
! domains . Test ( fd . DomainIn ( ) ) & & ! domains . Test ( fd . DomainOut ( ) ) )
type = 3 ;
// cout << "set is_moved boundary to type 3 for " << segj.si << endl;
is_boundary_moved . SetBit ( segj . si ) ;
type = 1 ;
// in case 1 we project the growthvector onto the surface
is_boundary_projected . SetBit ( segj . si ) ;
segmap [ si ] . Append ( make_pair ( sj , type ) ) ;
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return segmap ;
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BitArray BoundaryLayerTool : : ProjectGrowthVectorsOnSurface ( )
BitArray in_surface_direction ( nfd_old + 1 ) ;
in_surface_direction . Clear ( ) ;
// project growthvector on surface for inner angles
if ( params . grow_edges )
for ( const auto & sel : mesh . SurfaceElements ( ) )
if ( is_boundary_projected . Test ( sel . GetIndex ( ) ) )
2022-03-04 19:42:16 +05:00
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auto n = getNormal ( sel ) ;
for ( auto i : Range ( sel . PNums ( ) ) )
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auto pi = sel . PNums ( ) [ i ] ;
if ( growthvectors [ pi ] . Length2 ( ) = = 0. )
continue ;
auto next = sel . PNums ( ) [ ( i + 1 ) % sel . GetNV ( ) ] ;
auto prev = sel . PNums ( ) [ i = = 0 ? sel . GetNV ( ) - 1 : i - 1 ] ;
auto v1 = ( mesh [ next ] - mesh [ pi ] ) . Normalize ( ) ;
auto v2 = ( mesh [ prev ] - mesh [ pi ] ) . Normalize ( ) ;
auto v3 = growthvectors [ pi ] ;
v3 . Normalize ( ) ;
auto tol = v1 . Length ( ) * 1e-12 ;
if ( ( v1 * v3 > - tol ) & & ( v2 * v3 > - tol ) )
in_surface_direction . SetBit ( sel . GetIndex ( ) ) ;
continue ;
if ( ! par_project_boundaries . Contains ( sel . GetIndex ( ) ) )
continue ;
auto & g = growthvectors [ pi ] ;
auto ng = n * g ;
auto gg = g * g ;
auto nn = n * n ;
// if(fabs(ng*ng-nn*gg) < 1e-12 || fabs(ng) < 1e-12) continue;
auto a = - ng * ng / ( ng * ng - nn * gg ) ;
auto b = ng * gg / ( ng * ng - nn * gg ) ;
g + = a * g + b * n ;
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for ( const auto & seg : segments )
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int count = 0 ;
for ( const auto & seg2 : segments )
if ( ( ( seg [ 0 ] = = seg2 [ 0 ] & & seg [ 1 ] = = seg2 [ 1 ] ) | | ( seg [ 0 ] = = seg2 [ 1 ] & & seg [ 1 ] = = seg2 [ 0 ] ) ) & & par_surfid . Contains ( seg2 . si ) )
count + + ;
if ( count = = 1 )
growthvectors [ seg [ 0 ] ] = { 0. , 0. , 0. } ;
growthvectors [ seg [ 1 ] ] = { 0. , 0. , 0. } ;
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return in_surface_direction ;
void BoundaryLayerTool : : InsertNewElements (
FlatArray < Array < pair < SegmentIndex , int > > , SegmentIndex > segmap ,
const BitArray & in_surface_direction )
static Timer timer ( " BoundaryLayerTool::InsertNewElements " ) ;
RegionTimer rt ( timer ) ;
mapto . SetSize ( 0 ) ;
mapto . SetSize ( np ) ;
mapfrom . SetSize ( mesh . GetNP ( ) ) ;
mapfrom = PointIndex : : INVALID ;
auto changed_domains = domains ;
if ( ! params . outside )
changed_domains . Invert ( ) ;
auto & identifications = mesh . GetIdentifications ( ) ;
const int identnr = identifications . GetNr ( " boundarylayer " ) ;
auto add_points = [ & ] ( PointIndex pi , Vec < 3 > & growth_vector , Array < PointIndex > & new_points ) {
Point < 3 > p = mesh [ pi ] ;
PointIndex pi_last = pi ;
double height = 0.0 ;
for ( auto i : Range ( par_heights ) )
height + = par_heights [ i ] ;
auto pi_new = mesh . AddPoint ( p ) ;
// mesh.AddLockedPoint(pi_new);
mapfrom . Append ( pi ) ;
new_points . Append ( pi_new ) ;
growth_vector_map [ pi_new ] = { & growth_vector , height } ;
// if (special_boundary_points.count(pi) > 0)
// mesh.AddLockedPoint(pi_new);
pi_last = pi_new ;
2022-06-07 17:51:41 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
} ;
2022-03-02 00:18:05 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
// insert new points
2024-12-29 02:58:44 +05:00
// for (PointIndex pi = 1; pi <= np; pi++)
for ( PointIndex pi = IndexBASE < PointIndex > ( ) ;
2025-02-10 21:15:59 +05:00
pi < IndexBASE < PointIndex > ( ) + np ;
pi + + )
2022-03-04 19:42:16 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
if ( growthvectors [ pi ] . Length2 ( ) ! = 0 )
2022-03-02 00:18:05 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
if ( special_boundary_points . count ( pi ) )
2022-03-02 00:18:05 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
for ( auto & group : special_boundary_points [ pi ] . growth_groups )
add_points ( pi , group . growth_vector , group . new_points ) ;
2022-02-28 21:24:44 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
add_points ( pi , growthvectors [ pi ] , mapto [ pi ] ) ;
2022-02-28 21:24:44 +05:00
2022-03-04 19:42:16 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
// get point from mapto (or the group if point is mapped to multiple new
// points) layer = -1 means last point (top of boundary layer)
auto newPoint = [ & ] ( PointIndex pi , int layer = - 1 , int group = 0 ) {
if ( layer = = - 1 )
layer = par_heights . Size ( ) - 1 ;
if ( special_boundary_points . count ( pi ) )
return special_boundary_points [ pi ] . growth_groups [ group ] . new_points [ layer ] ;
return mapto [ pi ] [ layer ] ;
} ;
2022-06-07 17:51:41 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
auto hasMoved = [ & ] ( PointIndex pi ) {
return mapto [ pi ] . Size ( ) > 0 | | special_boundary_points . count ( pi ) ;
} ;
2009-06-19 11:43:23 +06:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
auto numGroups = [ & ] ( PointIndex pi ) - > size_t {
if ( special_boundary_points . count ( pi ) )
return special_boundary_points [ pi ] . growth_groups . Size ( ) ;
return 1 ;
} ;
2022-11-10 18:35:58 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
auto getGroups = [ & ] ( PointIndex pi , int face_index ) - > Array < int > {
auto n = numGroups ( pi ) ;
Array < int > groups ;
if ( n = = 1 )
2022-11-10 18:35:58 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
groups . Append ( 0 ) ;
return groups ;
2022-11-10 18:35:58 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
const auto & all_groups = special_boundary_points [ pi ] . growth_groups ;
for ( auto i : Range ( n ) )
if ( all_groups [ i ] . faces . Contains ( face_index ) )
groups . Append ( i ) ;
// cout << "groups " << pi << ", " << face_index << endl << groups;
return groups ;
} ;
2009-06-19 11:43:23 +06:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
// add 2d quads on required surfaces
map < pair < PointIndex , PointIndex > , int > seg2edge ;
map < int , int > edge_map ;
int edge_nr = max_edge_nr ;
auto getEdgeNr = [ & ] ( int ei ) {
if ( edge_map . count ( ei ) = = 0 )
edge_map [ ei ] = + + edge_nr ;
return edge_map [ ei ] ;
} ;
if ( params . grow_edges )
for ( auto sei : moved_segs )
// copy here since we will add segments and this would
// invalidate a reference!
// auto segi = segments[sei];
for ( auto [ sej , type ] : segmap [ sei ] )
auto segj = segments [ sej ] ;
if ( type = = 0 )
auto addSegment = [ & ] ( PointIndex p0 , PointIndex p1 , bool extra_edge_nr = false ) {
Segment s ;
s [ 0 ] = p0 ;
s [ 1 ] = p1 ;
s [ 2 ] = PointIndex : : INVALID ;
2024-12-30 01:36:37 +05:00
[[maybe_unused]] auto pair =
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
s [ 0 ] < s [ 1 ] ? make_pair ( s [ 0 ] , s [ 1 ] ) : make_pair ( s [ 1 ] , s [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( extra_edge_nr )
s . edgenr = + + edge_nr ;
s . edgenr = getEdgeNr ( segj . edgenr ) ;
s . si = si_map [ segj . si ] ;
new_segments . Append ( s ) ;
// cout << __LINE__ <<"\t" << s << endl;
return s ;
} ;
2009-06-19 11:43:23 +06:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
auto p0 = segj [ 0 ] , p1 = segj [ 1 ] ;
auto g0 = getGroups ( p0 , segj . si ) ;
auto g1 = getGroups ( p1 , segj . si ) ;
2022-02-16 23:51:54 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
if ( g0 . Size ( ) = = 1 & & g1 . Size ( ) = = 1 )
2025-02-10 21:15:59 +05:00
auto p0_new = newPoint ( p0 , - 1 , g0 [ 0 ] ) ;
auto p1_new = newPoint ( p1 , - 1 , g1 [ 0 ] ) ;
addSegment ( p0_new , p1_new ) ;
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
if ( g0 . Size ( ) = = 2 )
addSegment ( newPoint ( p0 , - 1 , g0 [ 0 ] ) , newPoint ( p0 , - 1 , g0 [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( g1 . Size ( ) = = 2 )
addSegment ( newPoint ( p1 , - 1 , g1 [ 0 ] ) , newPoint ( p1 , - 1 , g1 [ 1 ] ) ) ;
// here we need to grow the quad elements
else if ( type = = 1 )
PointIndex pp1 = segj [ 1 ] ;
PointIndex pp2 = segj [ 0 ] ;
if ( in_surface_direction . Test ( segj . si ) )
Swap ( pp1 , pp2 ) ;
is_boundary_moved . SetBit ( segj . si ) ;
PointIndex p1 = pp1 ;
PointIndex p2 = pp2 ;
PointIndex p3 , p4 ;
Segment s0 ;
s0 [ 0 ] = p1 ;
s0 [ 1 ] = p2 ;
s0 [ 2 ] = PointIndex : : INVALID ;
s0 . edgenr = segj . edgenr ;
s0 . si = segj . si ;
new_segments . Append ( s0 ) ;
if ( type = = 3 )
new_segments_on_moved_bnd . Append ( s0 ) ;
for ( auto i : Range ( par_heights ) )
Element2d sel ( QUAD ) ;
p3 = newPoint ( pp2 , i ) ;
p4 = newPoint ( pp1 , i ) ;
sel [ 0 ] = p1 ;
sel [ 1 ] = p2 ;
sel [ 2 ] = p3 ;
sel [ 3 ] = p4 ;
for ( auto i : Range ( 4 ) )
sel . GeomInfo ( ) [ i ] . u = 0.0 ;
sel . GeomInfo ( ) [ i ] . v = 0.0 ;
identifications . Add ( p1 , p4 , identnr ) ;
identifications . Add ( p2 , p3 , identnr ) ;
sel . SetIndex ( si_map [ segj . si ] ) ;
new_sels . Append ( sel ) ;
new_sels_on_moved_bnd . Append ( sel ) ;
// TODO: Too many, would be enough to only add outermost ones
Segment s1 ;
s1 [ 0 ] = p2 ;
s1 [ 1 ] = p3 ;
s1 [ 2 ] = PointIndex : : INVALID ;
auto pair = make_pair ( p2 , p3 ) ;
s1 . edgenr = getEdgeNr ( segj . edgenr ) ;
s1 . si = segj . si ;
// new_segments.Append(s1);
Segment s2 ;
s2 [ 0 ] = p4 ;
s2 [ 1 ] = p1 ;
s2 [ 2 ] = PointIndex : : INVALID ;
pair = make_pair ( p1 , p4 ) ;
s2 . edgenr = getEdgeNr ( segj . edgenr ) ;
s2 . si = segj . si ;
// new_segments.Append(s2);
p1 = p4 ;
p2 = p3 ;
Segment s3 ;
s3 [ 0 ] = p3 ;
s3 [ 1 ] = p4 ;
s3 [ 2 ] = PointIndex : : INVALID ;
2024-12-29 01:26:05 +05:00
// auto pair = p3 < p4 ? make_pair(p3, p4) : make_pair(p4, p3);
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
s3 . edgenr = getEdgeNr ( segj . edgenr ) ;
s3 . si = segj . si ;
new_segments . Append ( s3 ) ;
if ( type = = 3 )
new_segments_on_moved_bnd . Append ( s0 ) ;
else if ( type = = 3 )
PointIndex pp1 = segj [ 1 ] ;
PointIndex pp2 = segj [ 0 ] ;
if ( ! in_surface_direction . Test ( segj . si ) )
Swap ( pp1 , pp2 ) ;
PointIndex p1 = pp1 ;
PointIndex p2 = pp2 ;
PointIndex p3 , p4 ;
2023-09-04 13:42:02 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
for ( auto i : Range ( par_heights ) )
Element2d sel ( QUAD ) ;
p3 = newPoint ( pp2 , i ) ;
p4 = newPoint ( pp1 , i ) ;
sel [ 0 ] = p1 ;
sel [ 1 ] = p2 ;
sel [ 2 ] = p3 ;
sel [ 3 ] = p4 ;
for ( auto i : Range ( 4 ) )
sel . GeomInfo ( ) [ i ] . u = 0.0 ;
sel . GeomInfo ( ) [ i ] . v = 0.0 ;
identifications . Add ( p1 , p4 , identnr ) ;
identifications . Add ( p2 , p3 , identnr ) ;
sel . SetIndex ( si_map [ segj . si ] ) ;
new_sels . Append ( sel ) ;
new_sels_on_moved_bnd . Append ( sel ) ;
p1 = p4 ;
p2 = p3 ;
2020-04-19 23:00:06 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
auto getClosestGroup = [ & ] ( PointIndex pi , SurfaceElementIndex sei ) {
auto n = numGroups ( pi ) ;
if ( n = = 1 )
return 0 ;
const auto & sel = mesh [ sei ] ;
auto groups = getGroups ( pi , sel . GetIndex ( ) ) ;
if ( groups . Size ( ) = = 1 )
return groups [ 0 ] ;
2023-03-30 20:19:34 +05:00
2024-12-29 01:26:05 +05:00
// auto& growth_groups = special_boundary_points[pi].growth_groups;
2022-03-02 00:18:05 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
auto vdir = Center ( mesh [ sel [ 0 ] ] , mesh [ sel [ 1 ] ] , mesh [ sel [ 2 ] ] ) - mesh [ pi ] ;
auto dot = vdir * special_boundary_points [ pi ] . separating_direction ;
2022-03-02 00:18:05 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
return dot > 0 ? 1 : 0 ;
} ;
2022-03-02 00:18:05 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
BitArray fixed_points ( np + 1 ) ;
fixed_points . Clear ( ) ;
auto p2el = mesh . CreatePoint2ElementTable ( ) ;
for ( SurfaceElementIndex si = 0 ; si < nse ; si + + )
// copy because surfaceels array will be resized!
const auto sel = mesh [ si ] ;
if ( moved_surfaces . Test ( sel . GetIndex ( ) ) )
2022-03-02 00:18:05 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
Array < PointIndex > points ( sel . PNums ( ) ) ;
if ( surfacefacs [ sel . GetIndex ( ) ] > 0 )
Swap ( points [ 0 ] , points [ 2 ] ) ;
ArrayMem < int , 4 > groups ( points . Size ( ) ) ;
for ( auto i : Range ( points ) )
groups [ i ] = getClosestGroup ( sel [ i ] , si ) ;
bool add_volume_element = true ;
for ( auto pi : sel . PNums ( ) )
if ( numGroups ( pi ) > 1 )
add_volume_element = false ;
for ( auto j : Range ( par_heights ) )
auto eltype = points . Size ( ) = = 3 ? PRISM : HEX ;
Element el ( eltype ) ;
for ( auto i : Range ( points ) )
el [ i ] = points [ i ] ;
for ( auto i : Range ( points ) )
points [ i ] = newPoint ( sel . PNums ( ) [ i ] , j , groups [ i ] ) ;
if ( surfacefacs [ sel . GetIndex ( ) ] > 0 )
Swap ( points [ 0 ] , points [ 2 ] ) ;
for ( auto i : Range ( points ) )
el [ sel . PNums ( ) . Size ( ) + i ] = points [ i ] ;
auto new_index = new_mat_nrs [ sel . GetIndex ( ) ] ;
if ( new_index = = - 1 )
throw Exception ( " Boundary " + ToString ( sel . GetIndex ( ) ) + " with name " + mesh . GetBCName ( sel . GetIndex ( ) - 1 ) + " extruded, but no new material specified for it! " ) ;
el . SetIndex ( new_mat_nrs [ sel . GetIndex ( ) ] ) ;
if ( add_volume_element )
mesh . AddVolumeElement ( el ) ;
// Let the volume mesher fill the hole with pyramids/tets
// To insert pyramids, we need close surface identifications on open
// quads
for ( auto i : Range ( points ) )
if ( numGroups ( sel [ i ] ) = = 1 )
2025-02-10 21:15:59 +05:00
auto pi0 = el [ i ] ;
auto pi1 = el [ i + points . Size ( ) ] ;
auto nr = identifications . Get ( pi0 , pi1 ) ;
if ( nr = = 0 )
identifications . Add ( el [ i ] , el [ i + points . Size ( ) ] , identnr ) ;
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
Element2d newel = sel ;
for ( auto i : Range ( points ) )
newel [ i ] = newPoint ( sel [ i ] , - 1 , groups [ i ] ) ;
newel . SetIndex ( si_map [ sel . GetIndex ( ) ] ) ;
new_sels . Append ( newel ) ;
if ( is_boundary_moved . Test ( sel . GetIndex ( ) ) )
2022-03-07 19:58:09 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
auto & sel = mesh [ si ] ;
2025-02-10 21:15:59 +05:00
for ( auto & p : sel . PNums ( ) )
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
if ( hasMoved ( p ) )
p = newPoint ( p ) ;
2022-06-07 17:51:41 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
for ( SegmentIndex sei = 0 ; sei < nseg ; sei + + )
auto & seg = segments [ sei ] ;
if ( is_boundary_moved . Test ( seg . si ) )
// cout << "moved setg " << seg << endl;
for ( auto & p : seg . PNums ( ) )
if ( hasMoved ( p ) )
2025-02-12 13:59:07 +05:00
p = newPoint ( p ) ;
if ( params . disable_curving )
seg . epgeominfo [ 0 ] . edgenr = - 1 ;
seg . epgeominfo [ 1 ] . edgenr = - 1 ;
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
2022-02-28 12:29:22 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
// fill holes in surface mesh at special boundary points (i.e. points with >=4
// adjacent boundary faces)
auto p2sel = ngcore : : CreateSortedTable < SurfaceElementIndex , PointIndex > (
new_sels . Range ( ) ,
[ & ] ( auto & table , SurfaceElementIndex ei ) {
for ( PointIndex pi : new_sels [ ei ] . PNums ( ) )
table . Add ( pi , ei ) ;
} ,
mesh . GetNP ( ) ) ;
for ( auto & [ special_pi , special_point ] : special_boundary_points )
if ( special_point . growth_groups . Size ( ) ! = 2 )
throw Exception ( " special_point.growth_groups.Size() ! = 2 " ) ;
// Special points are split into two new points, when mapping a surface
// element, we choose the closer one to the center. Now, find points which
// are mapped to both new points (for different surface elements they belong
// to). At exactly these points we need to insert new surface elements to
// fill the hole.
std : : map < int , std : : array < std : : set < PointIndex > , 2 > > close_group ;
for ( auto sei : p2sel [ special_pi ] )
const auto & sel = mesh [ sei ] ;
for ( auto p : sel . PNums ( ) )
if ( p ! = special_pi )
close_group [ sel . GetIndex ( ) ] [ getClosestGroup ( special_pi , sei ) ] . insert (
p ) ;
2022-02-25 20:50:26 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
for ( auto [ fi , groups ] : close_group )
2020-11-17 22:43:39 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
const auto mapped_fi = si_map [ fi ] ;
std : : set < PointIndex > common_points ;
for ( auto pi : groups [ 0 ] )
if ( groups [ 1 ] . count ( pi ) = = 1 )
common_points . insert ( pi ) ;
if ( common_points . size ( ) > 0 )
2020-07-01 22:40:44 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
auto pi_common = mapto [ * common_points . begin ( ) ] . Last ( ) ;
auto new_special_pi0 = special_point . growth_groups [ 0 ] . new_points . Last ( ) ;
auto new_special_pi1 = special_point . growth_groups [ 1 ] . new_points . Last ( ) ;
for ( auto sei : p2sel [ pi_common ] )
if ( mesh [ sei ] . GetIndex ( ) = = mapped_fi & & mesh [ sei ] . PNums ( ) . Contains ( new_special_pi0 ) )
auto sel = mesh [ sei ] ;
sel . Invert ( ) ;
for ( auto & pi : sel . PNums ( ) )
if ( pi ! = pi_common & & pi ! = new_special_pi0 )
pi = new_special_pi1 ;
new_sels . Append ( sel ) ;
2020-07-01 22:40:44 +05:00
2020-11-17 22:43:39 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
2020-04-19 23:00:06 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
for ( auto & [ pi , special_point ] : special_boundary_points )
if ( special_point . growth_groups . Size ( ) ! = 2 )
throw Exception ( " special_point.growth_groups.Size() ! = 2 " ) ;
for ( auto igroup : Range ( 2 ) )
auto & group = special_point . growth_groups [ igroup ] ;
std : : set < int > faces ;
for ( auto face : group . faces )
faces . insert ( si_map [ face ] ) ;
auto pi_new = group . new_points . Last ( ) ;
auto pi_new_other =
special_point . growth_groups [ 1 - igroup ] . new_points . Last ( ) ;
for ( auto sei : p2sel [ pi_new ] )
faces . erase ( mesh [ sei ] . GetIndex ( ) ) ;
for ( auto face : faces )
for ( auto seg : new_segments )
2020-04-19 23:00:06 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
if ( // seg.si == face
( seg [ 0 ] = = pi_new | | seg [ 1 ] = = pi_new ) & & ( seg [ 0 ] ! = pi_new_other & & seg [ 1 ] ! = pi_new_other ) )
2020-04-23 18:44:32 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
bool is_correct_face = false ;
auto pi_other = seg [ 0 ] = = pi_new ? seg [ 1 ] : seg [ 0 ] ;
for ( auto sei : p2sel [ pi_other ] )
2020-04-23 18:44:32 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
if ( mesh [ sei ] . GetIndex ( ) = = face )
is_correct_face = true ;
break ;
2020-04-23 18:44:32 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
if ( is_correct_face )
2020-11-17 22:43:39 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
Element2d sel ;
sel [ 0 ] = seg [ 1 ] ;
sel [ 1 ] = seg [ 0 ] ;
sel [ 2 ] = pi_new_other ;
sel . SetIndex ( face ) ;
new_sels . Append ( sel ) ;
2020-11-17 22:43:39 +05:00
2020-04-23 18:44:32 +05:00
2020-04-19 23:00:06 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
2020-04-19 23:00:06 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
void BoundaryLayerTool : : SetDomInOut ( )
if ( insert_only_volume_elements )
return ;
for ( auto i : Range ( 1 , nfd_old + 1 ) )
if ( moved_surfaces . Test ( i ) )
2020-11-17 22:43:39 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
if ( auto dom = mesh . GetFaceDescriptor ( si_map [ i ] ) . DomainIn ( ) ;
dom > ndom_old )
mesh . GetFaceDescriptor ( i ) . SetDomainOut ( dom ) ;
2020-11-24 03:48:49 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
mesh . GetFaceDescriptor ( i ) . SetDomainIn (
mesh . GetFaceDescriptor ( si_map [ i ] ) . DomainOut ( ) ) ;
2020-11-17 22:43:39 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
2015-01-09 02:18:22 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
void BoundaryLayerTool : : SetDomInOutSides ( )
// Set the domin/domout entries for face descriptors on the "side" of new boundary layers
if ( insert_only_volume_elements )
return ;
BitArray done ( mesh . GetNFD ( ) + 1 ) ;
done . Clear ( ) ;
2015-01-09 02:18:22 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
std : : map < int , int > inv_si_map ;
2020-11-24 03:48:49 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
for ( auto i : Range ( si_map . Size ( ) ) )
inv_si_map [ si_map [ i ] ] = i ;
for ( auto sei : Range ( mesh . SurfaceElements ( ) ) )
auto & sel = mesh [ sei ] ;
auto index = sel . GetIndex ( ) ;
if ( done . Test ( index ) )
continue ;
done . SetBit ( index ) ;
2025-02-25 22:04:18 +05:00
if ( index < nfd_old & & moved_surfaces . Test ( index ) )
continue ;
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
auto & fd = mesh . GetFaceDescriptor ( index ) ;
if ( fd . DomainIn ( ) ! = - 1 )
continue ;
// First check if there are adjacent volume elements, if so, use their domains
int e1 = 0 , e2 = 0 ;
mesh . GetTopology ( ) . GetSurface2VolumeElement ( sei + 1 , e1 , e2 ) ;
int dom [ 2 ] = { - 1 , - 1 } ;
if ( e1 )
dom [ 0 ] = mesh . VolumeElement ( e1 ) . GetIndex ( ) ;
if ( e2 )
dom [ 1 ] = mesh . VolumeElement ( e2 ) . GetIndex ( ) ;
2025-02-25 22:04:18 +05:00
const auto & fd_old = mesh . GetFaceDescriptor ( inv_si_map [ index ] ) ;
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
int dom_old [ 2 ] = { fd_old . DomainIn ( ) , fd_old . DomainOut ( ) } ;
for ( auto i : Range ( 2 ) )
if ( dom [ i ] ! = - 1 )
continue ; // adjacent volume element -> done
if ( dom_old [ i ] = = 0 )
// outer boundary -> keep 0
dom [ i ] = 0 ;
continue ;
// Check if the old domain adjacent to this face gets a new boundary layer domain, if so, use that number
2025-02-25 22:04:18 +05:00
int dom_new = dom_old [ i ] ;
if ( domains . Test ( dom_old [ i ] ) & & new_mat_nrs [ dom_old [ i ] ] > 0 )
dom_new = new_mat_nrs [ dom_old [ i ] ] ;
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
// This case is tested by test_boundarylayer.py::test_pyramids[False] -> look at the generated mesh to understand the text below :)
// Special case check here: when growing "outside" the new face could have the same domain on both sides (before adding blayer elements).
// Thus we don't know in advance on which side the mapped domain will be. So check, if the other domain has already prisms (adjacent vol elements) with mapped domain. If so, use the original domain instead.
if ( dom [ 1 - i ] ! = dom_new )
dom [ i ] = dom_new ;
dom [ i ] = dom_old [ i ] ;
fd . SetDomainIn ( dom [ 0 ] ) ;
fd . SetDomainOut ( dom [ 1 ] ) ;
2020-11-24 03:48:49 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
void BoundaryLayerTool : : AddSegments ( )
auto & new_segs =
insert_only_volume_elements ? new_segments_on_moved_bnd : new_segments ;
if ( params . disable_curving )
for ( auto & seg : old_segments )
if ( mapto [ seg [ 0 ] ] . Size ( ) | | mapto [ seg [ 1 ] ] . Size ( ) )
2020-11-17 22:43:39 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
seg . epgeominfo [ 0 ] . edgenr = - 1 ;
seg . epgeominfo [ 1 ] . edgenr = - 1 ;
2020-11-17 22:43:39 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
for ( auto & seg : segments )
if ( is_edge_moved [ seg . edgenr ] )
2020-11-24 03:48:49 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
seg . epgeominfo [ 0 ] . edgenr = - 1 ;
seg . epgeominfo [ 1 ] . edgenr = - 1 ;
2020-11-24 03:48:49 +05:00
2009-06-19 11:43:23 +06:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
for ( auto & seg : new_segs )
2020-04-19 23:00:06 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
seg . epgeominfo [ 0 ] . edgenr = - 1 ;
seg . epgeominfo [ 1 ] . edgenr = - 1 ;
2020-04-19 23:00:06 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
2023-03-31 02:21:58 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
if ( have_single_segments )
MergeAndAddSegments ( mesh , segments , new_segs ) ;
2022-02-16 23:51:54 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
mesh . LineSegments ( ) = segments ;
for ( auto & seg : new_segs )
2022-02-16 23:51:54 +05:00
mesh . AddSegment ( seg ) ;
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
2022-03-07 19:58:09 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
void BoundaryLayerTool : : AddSurfaceElements ( )
for ( auto & sel :
insert_only_volume_elements ? new_sels_on_moved_bnd : new_sels )
mesh . AddSurfaceElement ( sel ) ;
void BoundaryLayerTool : : ProcessParameters ( )
if ( int * bc = get_if < int > ( & params . boundary ) ; bc )
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = mesh . GetNFD ( ) ; i + + )
if ( mesh . GetFaceDescriptor ( i ) . BCProperty ( ) = = * bc )
par_surfid . Append ( i ) ;
else if ( string * s = get_if < string > ( & params . boundary ) ; s )
regex pattern ( * s ) ;
BitArray boundaries ( mesh . GetNFD ( ) + 1 ) ;
boundaries . Clear ( ) ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = mesh . GetNFD ( ) ; i + + )
2024-09-27 19:30:50 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
auto & fd = mesh . GetFaceDescriptor ( i ) ;
if ( regex_match ( fd . GetBCName ( ) , pattern ) )
2024-09-27 19:30:50 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
boundaries . SetBit ( i ) ;
auto dom_pattern = get_if < string > ( & params . domain ) ;
// only add if adjacent to domain
if ( dom_pattern )
2024-09-27 19:30:50 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
regex pattern ( * dom_pattern ) ;
bool mat1_match =
fd . DomainIn ( ) > 0 & & regex_match ( mesh . GetMaterial ( fd . DomainIn ( ) ) , pattern ) ;
bool mat2_match =
fd . DomainOut ( ) > 0 & & regex_match ( mesh . GetMaterial ( fd . DomainOut ( ) ) , pattern ) ;
// if boundary is inner or outer remove from list
if ( mat1_match = = mat2_match )
boundaries . Clear ( i ) ;
// if((fd.DomainIn() > 0 &&
// regex_match(mesh.GetMaterial(fd.DomainIn()), pattern)) ||
// (fd.DomainOut() > 0 &&
// regex_match(self.GetMaterial(fd.DomainOut()), pattern)))
// boundaries.Clear(i);
// par_surfid.Append(i);
2024-09-27 19:30:50 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
// else
// par_surfid.Append(i);
2024-09-27 20:29:05 +05:00
2024-09-27 19:30:50 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = mesh . GetNFD ( ) ; i + + )
if ( boundaries . Test ( i ) )
par_surfid . Append ( i ) ;
auto & surfids = * get_if < std : : vector < int > > ( & params . boundary ) ;
for ( auto id : surfids )
par_surfid . Append ( id ) ;
2024-09-27 19:30:50 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
insert_only_volume_elements = ! params . new_material . has_value ( ) ;
if ( params . new_material )
if ( string * mat = get_if < string > ( & * params . new_material ) ; mat )
par_new_mat = { { " .* " , * mat } } ;
2025-02-25 22:04:18 +05:00
par_new_mat = * get_if < map < string , string > > ( & * params . new_material ) ;
have_material_map = true ;
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
if ( params . project_boundaries . has_value ( ) )
auto proj_bnd = * params . project_boundaries ;
if ( string * s = get_if < string > ( & proj_bnd ) ; s )
2024-09-27 19:30:50 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
regex pattern ( * s ) ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = mesh . GetNFD ( ) ; i + + )
if ( regex_match ( mesh . GetFaceDescriptor ( i ) . GetBCName ( ) , pattern ) )
par_project_boundaries . Append ( i ) ;
2024-09-27 19:30:50 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
for ( auto id : * get_if < std : : vector < int > > ( & proj_bnd ) )
par_project_boundaries . Append ( id ) ;
2024-09-27 19:30:50 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
2024-09-27 19:30:50 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
if ( double * height = get_if < double > ( & params . thickness ) ; height )
par_heights . Append ( * height ) ;
auto & heights = * get_if < std : : vector < double > > ( & params . thickness ) ;
for ( auto val : heights )
par_heights . Append ( val ) ;
int nr_domains = mesh . GetNDomains ( ) ;
domains . SetSize ( nr_domains + 1 ) ; // one based
domains . Clear ( ) ;
if ( string * pdomain = get_if < string > ( & params . domain ) ; pdomain )
regex pattern ( * pdomain ) ;
for ( auto i : Range ( 1 , nr_domains + 1 ) )
if ( regex_match ( mesh . GetMaterial ( i ) , pattern ) )
domains . SetBit ( i ) ;
else if ( int * idomain = get_if < int > ( & params . domain ) ; idomain )
domains . SetBit ( * idomain ) ;
for ( auto i : * get_if < std : : vector < int > > ( & params . domain ) )
domains . SetBit ( i ) ;
if ( domains . NumSet ( ) = = 0 )
return ;
total_height = 0.0 ;
for ( auto h : par_heights )
total_height + = h ;
max_edge_nr = - 1 ;
for ( const auto & seg : mesh . LineSegments ( ) )
if ( seg . edgenr > max_edge_nr )
max_edge_nr = seg . edgenr ;
int ndom = mesh . GetNDomains ( ) ;
ndom_old = ndom ;
new_mat_nrs . SetSize ( mesh . FaceDescriptors ( ) . Size ( ) + 1 ) ;
new_mat_nrs = - 1 ;
if ( insert_only_volume_elements )
for ( auto i : Range ( 1 , mesh . GetNFD ( ) + 1 ) )
2024-09-27 20:29:05 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
auto & fd = mesh . GetFaceDescriptor ( i ) ;
auto domin = fd . DomainIn ( ) ;
auto domout = fd . DomainOut ( ) ;
for ( int dom : { domin , domout } )
if ( domains . Test ( dom ) )
if ( params . outside )
dom = domin + domout - dom ;
if ( dom = = 0 )
throw NG_EXCEPTION ( " No new material specified for boundarylayer "
" on the outside of domain " ) ;
new_mat_nrs [ i ] = dom ;
2024-09-27 20:29:05 +05:00
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
for ( auto [ bcname , matname ] : par_new_mat )
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2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
mesh . SetMaterial ( + + ndom , matname ) ;
regex pattern ( bcname ) ;
for ( auto i : Range ( 1 , mesh . GetNFD ( ) + 1 ) )
auto & fd = mesh . GetFaceDescriptor ( i ) ;
if ( regex_match ( fd . GetBCName ( ) , pattern ) )
new_mat_nrs [ i ] = ndom ;
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2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
if ( ! params . outside )
domains . Invert ( ) ;
void BoundaryLayerTool : : Perform ( )
if ( domains . NumSet ( ) = = 0 )
return ;
CreateNewFaceDescriptors ( ) ;
CalculateGrowthVectors ( ) ;
CreateFaceDescriptorsSides ( ) ;
auto segmap = BuildSegMap ( ) ;
auto in_surface_direction = ProjectGrowthVectorsOnSurface ( ) ;
InsertNewElements ( segmap , in_surface_direction ) ;
SetDomInOut ( ) ;
AddSegments ( ) ;
mesh . CalcSurfacesOfNode ( ) ;
topo . SetBuildVertex2Element ( true ) ;
mesh . UpdateTopology ( ) ;
InterpolateGrowthVectors ( ) ;
InterpolateSurfaceGrowthVectors ( ) ;
AddSurfaceElements ( ) ;
if ( params . limit_growth_vectors )
LimitGrowthVectorLengths ( ) ;
FixSurfaceElements ( ) ;
for ( auto [ pi , data ] : growth_vector_map )
auto [ gw , height ] = data ;
mesh [ pi ] + = height * ( * gw ) ;
if ( insert_only_volume_elements )
mesh . LineSegments ( ) = old_segments ;
2025-02-10 21:15:59 +05:00
auto & identifications = mesh . GetIdentifications ( ) ;
NgArray < INDEX_2 > pairs ;
for ( auto nr : Range ( 0 , identifications . GetMaxNr ( ) + 1 ) )
identifications . GetPairs ( nr , pairs ) ;
for ( auto pair : pairs )
auto p0 = pair [ 0 ] ;
auto p1 = pair [ 1 ] ;
if ( max ( p0 , p1 ) < first_new_pi & & mapto [ p0 ] . Size ( ) & & mapto [ p1 ] . Size ( ) )
for ( auto i : Range ( mapto [ p0 ] . Size ( ) ) )
identifications . Add ( mapto [ p0 ] [ i ] , mapto [ p1 ] [ i ] , nr ) ;
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
mesh . CalcSurfacesOfNode ( ) ;
mesh . GetTopology ( ) . ClearEdges ( ) ;
mesh . SetNextMajorTimeStamp ( ) ;
mesh . UpdateTopology ( ) ;
SetDomInOutSides ( ) ;
2025-02-25 22:04:18 +05:00
if ( have_material_map )
AddFacesBetweenDomains ( mesh ) ;
mesh . SplitFacesByAdjacentDomains ( ) ;
2024-12-23 16:30:28 +05:00
void GenerateBoundaryLayer ( Mesh & mesh , const BoundaryLayerParameters & blp )
static Timer timer ( " Create Boundarylayers " ) ;
RegionTimer regt ( timer ) ;
BoundaryLayerTool tool ( mesh , blp ) ;
tool . Perform ( ) ;
2021-03-16 22:20:40 +05:00
2023-04-27 18:25:15 +05:00
} // namespace netgen