2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
#include <mystdlib.h>
#include <meshing.hpp>
#include <csg.hpp>
#include <geometry2d.hpp>
#include <stlgeom.hpp>
#include <occgeom.hpp>
#ifdef ACIS
#include <acisgeom.hpp>
#ifdef SOCKETS
#include "../sockets/sockets.hpp"
#ifndef NOTCL
#include <visual.hpp>
#include "nginterface.h"
namespace netgen
#include "writeuser.hpp"
extern AutoPtr<Mesh> mesh;
#ifndef NOTCL
extern VisualSceneMesh vsmesh;
extern Tcl_Interp * tcl_interp;
extern AutoPtr<SplineGeometry2d> geometry2d;
extern AutoPtr<CSGeometry> geometry;
extern STLGeometry * stlgeometry;
extern OCCGeometry * occgeometry;
#ifdef ACIS
extern ACISGeometry * acisgeometry;
#ifdef OPENGL
extern VisualSceneSolution vssolution;
extern CSGeometry * ParseCSG (istream & istr);
#ifdef SOCKETS
extern AutoPtr<ClientSocket> clientsocket;
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
//extern Array< AutoPtr < ServerInfo > > servers;
extern Array< ServerInfo* > servers;
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
using namespace netgen;
2009-05-09 09:48:16 +00:00
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
2009-05-09 09:48:16 +00:00
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// Philippose - 30/01/2009
// MSVC Express Edition Support
// #include <pthread.h>
static pthread_t meshingthread;
void RunParallel ( void * (*fun)(void *), void * in)
if (netgen::mparam.parthread)
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_attr_init (&attr);
// the following call can be removed if not available:
pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, 1000000);
//pthread_create (&meshingthread, &attr, fun, NULL);
pthread_create (&meshingthread, &attr, fun, in);
fun (in);
#else // Using MS VC++ Standard / Enterprise / Professional edition
// Afx - Threads need different return - value:
static void* (*sfun)(void *);
unsigned int fun2 (void * val)
sfun (val);
return 0;
void RunParallel ( void* (*fun)(void *), void * in)
sfun = fun;
if (netgen::mparam.parthread)
AfxBeginThread (fun2, in);
//AfxBeginThread (fun2, NULL);
fun (in);
#endif // #ifdef MSVC_EXPRESS
#else // For #ifdef _MSC_VER
// #include <pthread.h>
static pthread_t meshingthread;
void RunParallel ( void * (*fun)(void *), void * in)
if (netgen::mparam.parthread)
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_attr_init (&attr);
// the following call can be removed if not available:
pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, 1000000);
//pthread_create (&meshingthread, &attr, fun, NULL);
pthread_create (&meshingthread, &attr, fun, in);
fun (in);
#endif // #ifdef _MSC_VER
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
2009-05-09 09:48:16 +00:00
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
void Ng_LoadGeometry (const char * filename)
2009-06-06 19:33:32 +00:00
// if (printmessage_importance>0)
// cout << "CALLED NG LOAD GEOMETRY" << endl;
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
geometry.Reset (new CSGeometry ());
geometry2d.Reset ();
delete occgeometry;
occgeometry = 0;
#ifdef ACIS
delete acisgeometry;
acisgeometry = 0;
// he: if filename is empty, return
// can be used to reset geometry
if (strcmp(filename,"")==0)
2009-06-06 19:33:32 +00:00
PrintMessage (1, "Load geometry from file ", filename);
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
ifstream infile (filename);
if ((strcmp (&filename[strlen(filename)-3], "geo") == 0) ||
(strcmp (&filename[strlen(filename)-3], "GEO") == 0) ||
(strcmp (&filename[strlen(filename)-3], "Geo") == 0))
geometry.Reset( netgen::ParseCSG(infile) );
if (!geometry)
geometry.Reset (new CSGeometry ());
//throw NgException ("input file not found");
cerr << "Error: input file \"" << filename << "\" not found" << endl;
geometry -> FindIdenticSurfaces(1e-6);
int id, rc, ntasks;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ntasks);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &id);
if ( id > 0 )
geometry->CalcTriangleApproximation ( geometry->BoundingBox(), 0.001, 20 );
Box<3> box (geometry->BoundingBox());
#ifdef NOTCL
double detail = 0.001;
double facets = 20;
geometry->CalcTriangleApproximation(box, detail, facets);
double detail = atof (Tcl_GetVar (tcl_interp, "::geooptions.detail", 0));
double facets = atof (Tcl_GetVar (tcl_interp, "::geooptions.facets", 0));
if (atoi (Tcl_GetVar (tcl_interp, "::geooptions.drawcsg", 0)))
geometry->CalcTriangleApproximation(box, detail, facets);
else if (strcmp (&filename[strlen(filename)-4], "in2d") == 0)
geometry2d.Reset (new SplineGeometry2d());
geometry2d -> Load (filename);
else if ((strcmp (&filename[strlen(filename)-3], "stl") == 0) ||
(strcmp (&filename[strlen(filename)-3], "STL") == 0) ||
(strcmp (&filename[strlen(filename)-3], "Stl") == 0))
stlgeometry = STLGeometry :: Load (infile);
stlgeometry->edgesfound = 0;
Mesh meshdummy;
else if ((strcmp (&filename[strlen(filename)-4], "iges") == 0) ||
(strcmp (&filename[strlen(filename)-3], "igs") == 0) ||
(strcmp (&filename[strlen(filename)-3], "IGS") == 0) ||
(strcmp (&filename[strlen(filename)-4], "IGES") == 0))
PrintMessage (1, "Load IGES geometry file ", filename);
occgeometry = LoadOCC_IGES (filename);
else if ((strcmp (&filename[strlen(filename)-4], "step") == 0) ||
(strcmp (&filename[strlen(filename)-3], "stp") == 0) ||
(strcmp (&filename[strlen(filename)-3], "STP") == 0) ||
(strcmp (&filename[strlen(filename)-4], "STEP") == 0))
PrintMessage (1, "Load STEP geometry file ", filename);
occgeometry = LoadOCC_STEP (filename);
#ifdef ACIS
else if (
strcmp (&filename[strlen(filename)-3], "sat") == 0 ||
( strlen(filename) >= 7 && strcmp ( &filename[ strlen( filename)-7 ], "sat.tet" ) == 0 )
PrintMessage (1, "Load ACIS geometry file ", filename);
acisgeometry = LoadACIS_SAT (filename);
//throw NgException("Unknown geometry extension");
cerr << "Error: Unknown geometry extension \"" << filename[strlen(filename)-3] << "\"" << endl;
void Ng_LoadMeshFromStream ( istream & input )
mesh.Reset (new Mesh());
mesh -> Load(input);
string auxstring;
input >> auxstring;
if(auxstring == "csgsurfaces")
if (geometry)
geometry.Reset (new CSGeometry (""));
if (stlgeometry)
delete stlgeometry;
stlgeometry = NULL;
if (occgeometry)
delete occgeometry;
occgeometry = NULL;
#ifdef ACIS
if (acisgeometry)
delete acisgeometry;
acisgeometry = NULL;
geometry2d.Reset (0);
geometry -> LoadSurfaces(input);
void Ng_LoadMesh (const char * filename)
if ( (strlen (filename) > 4) &&
strcmp (filename + (strlen (filename)-4), ".vol") != 0 )
mesh.Reset (new Mesh());
//mesh->SetGlobalH (mparam.maxh);
ifstream infile(filename);
2010-03-02 00:10:33 +00:00
void Ng_LoadMeshFromString (const char * mesh_as_string)
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
istringstream instream(mesh_as_string);
int Ng_GetDimension ()
return (mesh) ? mesh->GetDimension() : -1;
int Ng_GetNP ()
return (mesh) ? mesh->GetNP() : 0;
int Ng_GetNV ()
return (mesh) ? mesh->GetNV() : 0;
int Ng_GetNE ()
if(!mesh) return 0;
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
return mesh->GetNE();
return mesh->GetNSE();
int Ng_GetNSE ()
if(!mesh) return 0;
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
return mesh->GetNSE();
return mesh->GetNSeg();
void Ng_GetPoint (int pi, double * p)
if (pi < 1 || pi > mesh->GetNP())
if (printmessage_importance>0)
cout << "Ng_GetPoint: illegal point " << pi << endl;
const Point3d & hp = mesh->Point (pi);
p[0] = hp.X();
p[1] = hp.Y();
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
p[2] = hp.Z();
NG_ELEMENT_TYPE Ng_GetElement (int ei, int * epi, int * np)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
int i;
const Element & el = mesh->VolumeElement (ei);
for (i = 0; i < el.GetNP(); i++)
epi[i] = el.PNum(i+1);
if (np)
*np = el.GetNP();
if (el.GetType() == PRISM)
// degenerated prism, (should be obsolete)
const int map1[] = { 3, 2, 5, 6, 1 };
const int map2[] = { 1, 3, 6, 4, 2 };
const int map3[] = { 2, 1, 4, 5, 3 };
const int * map = NULL;
int deg1 = 0, deg2 = 0, deg3 = 0;
//int deg = 0;
if (el.PNum(1) == el.PNum(4)) { map = map1; deg1 = 1; }
if (el.PNum(2) == el.PNum(5)) { map = map2; deg2 = 1; }
if (el.PNum(3) == el.PNum(6)) { map = map3; deg3 = 1; }
switch (deg1+deg2+deg3)
case 1:
if (printmessage_importance>0)
cout << "degenerated prism found, deg = 1" << endl;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
epi[i] = el.PNum (map[i]);
if (np) *np = 5;
return NG_PYRAMID;
case 2:
if (printmessage_importance>0)
cout << "degenerated prism found, deg = 2" << endl;
if (!deg1) epi[3] = el.PNum(4);
if (!deg2) epi[3] = el.PNum(5);
if (!deg3) epi[3] = el.PNum(6);
if (np) *np = 4;
return NG_TET;
return NG_ELEMENT_TYPE (el.GetType());
int i;
const Element2d & el = mesh->SurfaceElement (ei);
for (i = 0; i < el.GetNP(); i++)
epi[i] = el.PNum(i+1);
if (np) *np = el.GetNP();
return NG_ELEMENT_TYPE (el.GetType());
switch (el.GetNP())
case 3: return NG_TRIG;
case 4: return NG_QUAD;
case 6: return NG_TRIG6;
// should not occur
return NG_TET;
NG_ELEMENT_TYPE Ng_GetElementType (int ei)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
return NG_ELEMENT_TYPE (mesh->VolumeElement (ei).GetType());
const Element2d & el = mesh->SurfaceElement (ei);
switch (el.GetNP())
case 3: return NG_TRIG;
case 4: return NG_QUAD;
case 6: return NG_TRIG6;
// should not occur
return NG_TET;
int Ng_GetElementIndex (int ei)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
return mesh->VolumeElement(ei).GetIndex();
int ind = mesh->SurfaceElement(ei).GetIndex();
ind = mesh->GetFaceDescriptor(ind).BCProperty();
return ind;
void Ng_SetElementIndex(const int ei, const int index)
char * Ng_GetElementMaterial (int ei)
static char empty[] = "";
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
int ind = mesh->VolumeElement(ei).GetIndex();
// cout << "ind = " << ind << endl;
const char * mat = mesh->GetMaterial (ind);
if (mat)
return const_cast<char*> (mat);
return empty;
// add astrid
int ind = mesh->SurfaceElement(ei).GetIndex();
ind = mesh->GetFaceDescriptor(ind).BCProperty();
const char * mat = mesh->GetMaterial ( ind );
if (mat)
return const_cast<char*> (mat);
return empty;
return 0;
char * Ng_GetDomainMaterial (int dom)
static char empty[] = "";
// astrid
if ( 1 ) // mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
const char * mat = mesh->GetMaterial(dom);
if (mat)
return const_cast<char*> (mat);
return empty;
return 0;
int Ng_GetUserDataSize (char * id)
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
Array<double> da;
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
mesh->GetUserData (id, da);
return da.Size();
void Ng_GetUserData (char * id, double * data)
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
Array<double> da;
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
mesh->GetUserData (id, da);
for (int i = 0; i < da.Size(); i++)
data[i] = da[i];
NG_ELEMENT_TYPE Ng_GetSurfaceElement (int ei, int * epi, int * np)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
const Element2d & el = mesh->SurfaceElement (ei);
for (int i = 0; i < el.GetNP(); i++)
epi[i] = el[i];
if (np) *np = el.GetNP();
return NG_ELEMENT_TYPE (el.GetType());
const Segment & seg = mesh->LineSegment (ei);
2009-04-03 14:39:52 +00:00
if (seg[2] < 0)
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
2009-04-03 14:39:52 +00:00
epi[0] = seg[0];
epi[1] = seg[1];
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
if (np) *np = 2;
return NG_SEGM;
2009-04-03 14:39:52 +00:00
epi[0] = seg[0];
epi[1] = seg[1];
epi[2] = seg[2];
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
if (np) *np = 3;
return NG_SEGM3;
return NG_TRIG;
int Ng_GetSurfaceElementIndex (int ei)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
return mesh->GetFaceDescriptor(mesh->SurfaceElement(ei).GetIndex()).BCProperty();
return mesh->LineSegment(ei).si;
int Ng_GetSurfaceElementSurfaceNumber (int ei)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
return mesh->GetFaceDescriptor(mesh->SurfaceElement(ei).GetIndex()).SurfNr();
return mesh->LineSegment(ei).si;
int Ng_GetSurfaceElementFDNumber (int ei)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
return mesh->SurfaceElement(ei).GetIndex();
return -1;
char * Ng_GetSurfaceElementBCName (int ei)
if ( mesh->GetDimension() == 3 )
return const_cast<char *>(mesh->GetFaceDescriptor(mesh->SurfaceElement(ei).GetIndex()).GetBCName().c_str());
return const_cast<char *>(mesh->LineSegment(ei).GetBCName().c_str());
// Inefficient (but maybe safer) version:
//void Ng_GetSurfaceElementBCName (int ei, char * name)
// if ( mesh->GetDimension() == 3 )
// strcpy(name,mesh->GetFaceDescriptor(mesh->SurfaceElement(ei).GetIndex()).GetBCName().c_str());
// else
// strcpy(name,mesh->LineSegment(ei).GetBCName().c_str());
char * Ng_GetBCNumBCName (int bcnr)
return const_cast<char *>(mesh->GetBCName(bcnr).c_str());
// Inefficient (but maybe safer) version:
//void Ng_GetBCNumBCName (int bcnr, char * name)
// strcpy(name,mesh->GetBCName(bcnr).c_str());
void Ng_GetNormalVector (int sei, int locpi, double * nv)
nv[0] = 0;
nv[1] = 0;
nv[2] = 1;
(*testout) << "Ng_GetNormalVector (sei = " << sei << ", locpi = " << locpi << ")" << endl;
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
Vec<3> n;
Point<3> p;
p = mesh->Point (mesh->SurfaceElement(sei).PNum(locpi));
int surfi = mesh->GetFaceDescriptor(mesh->SurfaceElement(sei).GetIndex()).SurfNr();
(*testout) << "surfi = " << surfi << endl;
if (occgeometry)
PointGeomInfo gi = mesh->SurfaceElement(sei).GeomInfoPi(locpi);
occgeometry->GetSurface (surfi).GetNormalVector(p, gi, n);
nv[0] = n(0);
nv[1] = n(1);
nv[2] = n(2);
if (geometry)
(*testout) << "geometry defined" << endl;
n = geometry->GetSurface (surfi) -> GetNormalVector(p);
(*testout) << "aus is" << endl;
nv[0] = n(0);
nv[1] = n(1);
nv[2] = n(2);
void Ng_SetPointSearchStartElement(const int el)
int Ng_FindElementOfPoint (double * p, double * lami, int build_searchtree,
const int * const indices, const int numind)
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
Array<int> * dummy(NULL);
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
int ind = -1;
if(indices != NULL)
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
dummy = new Array<int>(numind);
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
for(int i=0; i<numind; i++) (*dummy)[i] = indices[i];
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
Point3d p3d(p[0], p[1], p[2]);
ind =
mesh->GetElementOfPoint(p3d, lami, dummy, build_searchtree != 0);
double lam3[3];
Point3d p2d(p[0], p[1], 0);
ind =
mesh->GetElementOfPoint(p2d, lam3, dummy, build_searchtree != 0);
lami[0] = lam3[0];
lami[1] = lam3[1];
lami[0] = 1-lam3[0]-lam3[1];
lami[1] = lam3[0];
delete dummy;
return ind;
int Ng_FindSurfaceElementOfPoint (double * p, double * lami, int build_searchtree,
const int * const indices, const int numind)
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
Array<int> * dummy(NULL);
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
int ind = -1;
if(indices != NULL)
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
dummy = new Array<int>(numind);
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
for(int i=0; i<numind; i++) (*dummy)[i] = indices[i];
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
Point3d p3d(p[0], p[1], p[2]);
ind =
mesh->GetSurfaceElementOfPoint(p3d, lami, dummy, build_searchtree != 0);
//throw NgException("FindSurfaceElementOfPoint for 2D meshes not yet implemented");
cerr << "FindSurfaceElementOfPoint for 2D meshes not yet implemented" << endl;
delete dummy;
return ind;
int Ng_IsElementCurved (int ei)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 2)
return mesh->GetCurvedElements().IsSurfaceElementCurved (ei-1);
return mesh->GetCurvedElements().IsElementCurved (ei-1);
int Ng_IsSurfaceElementCurved (int sei)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 2)
return mesh->GetCurvedElements().IsSegmentCurved (sei-1);
return mesh->GetCurvedElements().IsSurfaceElementCurved (sei-1);
void Ng_GetElementTransformation (int ei, const double * xi,
double * x, double * dxdxi)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 2)
Point<2> xl(xi[0], xi[1]);
Point<3> xg;
Mat<3,2> dx;
mesh->GetCurvedElements().CalcSurfaceTransformation (xl, ei-1, xg, dx);
if (x)
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
x[i] = xg(i);
if (dxdxi)
for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
dxdxi[2*i] = dx(i,0);
dxdxi[2*i+1] = dx(i,1);
Point<3> xl(xi[0], xi[1], xi[2]);
Point<3> xg;
Mat<3,3> dx;
cout << "call calceltrafo" << endl;
mesh->GetCurvedElements().CalcElementTransformation (xl, ei-1, xg, dx);
cout << "xg = " << xg << endl << ", dx = " << dx << endl;
// still 1-based arrays
if (x)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
x[i] = xg(i);
if (dxdxi)
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
dxdxi[3*i] = dx(i,0);
dxdxi[3*i+1] = dx(i,1);
dxdxi[3*i+2] = dx(i,2);
void Ng_GetBufferedElementTransformation (int ei, const double * xi,
double * x, double * dxdxi,
void * buffer, int buffervalid)
// buffer = 0;
// buffervalid = 0;
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 2)
return Ng_GetElementTransformation (ei, xi, x, dxdxi);
mesh->GetCurvedElements().CalcElementTransformation (reinterpret_cast<const Point<3> &> (*xi),
reinterpret_cast<Point<3> &> (*x),
reinterpret_cast<Mat<3,3> &> (*dxdxi),
buffer, (buffervalid != 0));
Point<3> xl(xi[0], xi[1], xi[2]);
Point<3> xg;
Mat<3,3> dx;
// buffervalid = 0;
mesh->GetCurvedElements().CalcElementTransformation (xl, ei-1, xg, dx, buffer, buffervalid);
// still 1-based arrays
if (x)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
x[i] = xg(i);
if (dxdxi)
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
dxdxi[3*i] = dx(i,0);
dxdxi[3*i+1] = dx(i,1);
dxdxi[3*i+2] = dx(i,2);
void Ng_GetMultiElementTransformation (int ei, int n,
2010-04-22 12:28:55 +00:00
const double * xi, size_t sxi,
double * x, size_t sx,
double * dxdxi, size_t sdxdxi)
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 2)
2009-07-06 08:16:02 +00:00
mesh->GetCurvedElements().CalcMultiPointSurfaceTransformation<2> (ei-1, n, xi, sxi, x, sx, dxdxi, sdxdxi);
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
2009-07-06 08:16:02 +00:00
mesh->GetCurvedElements().CalcMultiPointElementTransformation (ei-1, n, xi, sxi, x, sx, dxdxi, sdxdxi);
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
void Ng_GetSurfaceElementTransformation (int sei, const double * xi,
double * x, double * dxdxi)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 2)
Point<3> xg;
Vec<3> dx;
mesh->GetCurvedElements().CalcSegmentTransformation (xi[0], sei-1, xg, dx);
if (x)
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
x[i] = xg(i);
if (dxdxi)
for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
dxdxi[i] = dx(i);
Point<2> xl(xi[0], xi[1]);
Point<3> xg;
Mat<3,2> dx;
mesh->GetCurvedElements().CalcSurfaceTransformation (xl, sei-1, xg, dx);
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
if (x)
x[i] = xg(i);
if (dxdxi)
dxdxi[2*i] = dx(i,0);
dxdxi[2*i+1] = dx(i,1);
int Ng_GetSegmentIndex (int ei)
const Segment & seg = mesh->LineSegment (ei);
return seg.edgenr;
NG_ELEMENT_TYPE Ng_GetSegment (int ei, int * epi, int * np)
const Segment & seg = mesh->LineSegment (ei);
2009-04-03 14:39:52 +00:00
epi[0] = seg[0];
epi[1] = seg[1];
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
2009-04-03 14:39:52 +00:00
if (seg[2] < 0)
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
if (np) *np = 2;
return NG_SEGM;
2009-04-03 14:39:52 +00:00
epi[2] = seg[2];
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
if (np) *np = 3;
return NG_SEGM3;
void Ng_GetSurfaceElementNeighbouringDomains(const int selnr, int & in, int & out)
if ( mesh->GetDimension() == 3 )
in = mesh->GetFaceDescriptor(mesh->SurfaceElement(selnr).GetIndex()).DomainIn();
out = mesh->GetFaceDescriptor(mesh->SurfaceElement(selnr).GetIndex()).DomainOut();
in = mesh -> LineSegment(selnr) . domin;
out = mesh -> LineSegment(selnr) . domout;
// Is Element ei an element of this processor ??
bool Ng_IsGhostEl (int ei)
if ( mesh->GetDimension() == 3 )
return mesh->VolumeElement(ei).IsGhost();
return false;
void Ng_SetGhostEl(const int ei, const bool aisghost )
if ( mesh -> GetDimension () == 3 )
mesh -> VolumeElement(ei).SetGhost (aisghost);
bool Ng_IsGhostSEl (int ei)
if ( mesh -> GetDimension () == 3 )
return mesh->SurfaceElement(ei).IsGhost();
return false;
void Ng_SetGhostSEl(const int ei, const bool aisghost )
if ( mesh -> GetDimension () == 3 )
mesh -> SurfaceElement(ei).SetGhost (aisghost);
bool Ng_IsGhostVert ( int pnum )
return mesh -> Point ( pnum ).IsGhost() ;
bool Ng_IsGhostEdge ( int ednum )
return mesh -> GetParallelTopology() . IsGhostEdge ( ednum );
bool Ng_IsGhostFace ( int fanum )
return mesh -> GetParallelTopology() . IsGhostFace ( fanum );
// void Ng_SetGhostVert ( const int pnum, const bool aisghost );
// void Ng_SetGhostEdge ( const int ednum, const bool aisghost );
// void Ng_SetGhostFace ( const int fanum, const bool aisghost );
bool Ng_IsExchangeEl ( int elnum )
{ return mesh -> GetParallelTopology() . IsExchangeElement ( elnum ); }
bool Ng_IsExchangeSEl ( int selnum )
{ return mesh -> GetParallelTopology() . IsExchangeSEl ( selnum ); }
void Ng_UpdateOverlap()
{ mesh->UpdateOverlap(); }
int Ng_Overlap ()
{ return mesh->GetParallelTopology() . Overlap(); }
void Ng_SetRefinementFlag (int ei, int flag)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
mesh->VolumeElement(ei).SetRefinementFlag (flag != 0);
mesh->VolumeElement(ei).SetStrongRefinementFlag (flag >= 10);
mesh->SurfaceElement(ei).SetRefinementFlag (flag != 0);
mesh->SurfaceElement(ei).SetStrongRefinementFlag (flag >= 10);
void Ng_SetSurfaceRefinementFlag (int ei, int flag)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
mesh->SurfaceElement(ei).SetRefinementFlag (flag != 0);
mesh->SurfaceElement(ei).SetStrongRefinementFlag (flag >= 10);
void Ng_Refine (NG_REFINEMENT_TYPE reftype)
NgLock meshlock (mesh->MajorMutex(), 1);
BisectionOptions biopt;
biopt.usemarkedelements = 1;
biopt.refine_p = 0;
biopt.refine_hp = 0;
if (reftype == NG_REFINE_P)
biopt.refine_p = 1;
if (reftype == NG_REFINE_HP)
biopt.refine_hp = 1;
Refinement * ref;
MeshOptimize2d * opt = NULL;
if (geometry2d)
ref = new Refinement2d(*geometry2d);
else if (stlgeometry)
ref = new RefinementSTLGeometry(*stlgeometry);
else if (occgeometry)
ref = new OCCRefinementSurfaces (*occgeometry);
#ifdef ACIS
else if (acisgeometry)
ref = new ACISRefinementSurfaces (*acisgeometry);
opt = new ACISMeshOptimize2dSurfaces(*acisgeometry);
else if (geometry && mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
ref = new RefinementSurfaces(*geometry);
opt = new MeshOptimize2dSurfaces(*geometry);
ref = new Refinement();
ref -> Bisect (*mesh, biopt);
mesh -> UpdateTopology();
mesh -> GetCurvedElements().SetIsHighOrder (false);
// mesh -> GetCurvedElements().BuildCurvedElements (ref, mparam.elementorder);
delete ref;
delete opt;
void Ng_SecondOrder ()
if (stlgeometry)
RefinementSTLGeometry ref (*stlgeometry);
ref.MakeSecondOrder (*mesh);
else if (geometry2d)
Refinement2d ref (*geometry2d);
ref.MakeSecondOrder (*mesh);
else if (geometry && mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
RefinementSurfaces ref (*geometry);
ref.MakeSecondOrder (*mesh);
if (printmessage_importance>0)
cout << "no geom" << endl;
Refinement ref;
ref.MakeSecondOrder (*mesh);
mesh -> UpdateTopology();
void Ng_HPRefinement (int levels)
Refinement * ref;
if (stlgeometry)
ref = new RefinementSTLGeometry (*stlgeometry);
else if (geometry2d)
ref = new Refinement2d (*geometry2d);
ref = new RefinementSurfaces (*geometry);
HPRefinement (*mesh, ref, levels);
void Ng_HPRefinement (int levels, double parameter)
Refinement * ref;
if (stlgeometry)
ref = new RefinementSTLGeometry (*stlgeometry);
else if (geometry2d)
ref = new Refinement2d (*geometry2d);
ref = new RefinementSurfaces (*geometry);
HPRefinement (*mesh, ref, levels, parameter);
void Ng_HPRefinement (int levels, double parameter, bool setorders,
bool ref_level)
Refinement * ref;
if (stlgeometry)
ref = new RefinementSTLGeometry (*stlgeometry);
else if (geometry2d)
ref = new Refinement2d (*geometry2d);
ref = new RefinementSurfaces (*geometry);
HPRefinement (*mesh, ref, levels, parameter, setorders, ref_level);
void Ng_HighOrder (int order, bool rational)
NgLock meshlock (mesh->MajorMutex(), true);
Refinement * ref;
if (stlgeometry)
ref = new RefinementSTLGeometry (*stlgeometry);
else if (occgeometry)
ref = new OCCRefinementSurfaces (*occgeometry);
#ifdef ACIS
else if (acisgeometry)
ref = new ACISRefinementSurfaces (*acisgeometry);
else if (geometry2d)
ref = new Refinement2d (*geometry2d);
ref = new RefinementSurfaces (*geometry);
// cout << "parameter 1: " << argv[1] << " (conversion to int = " << atoi(argv[1]) << ")" << endl;
mesh -> GetCurvedElements().BuildCurvedElements (ref, order, rational);
mesh -> SetNextMajorTimeStamp();
mesh -> GetCurvedElements().BuildCurvedElements (ref, order, rational);
delete ref;
int Ng_ME_GetNVertices (NG_ELEMENT_TYPE et)
switch (et)
case NG_SEGM:
case NG_SEGM3:
return 2;
case NG_TRIG:
case NG_TRIG6:
return 3;
case NG_QUAD:
return 4;
case NG_TET:
case NG_TET10:
return 4;
return 5;
case NG_PRISM:
case NG_PRISM12:
return 6;
case NG_HEX:
return 8;
cerr << "Ng_ME_GetNVertices, illegal element type " << et << endl;
return 0;
int Ng_ME_GetNEdges (NG_ELEMENT_TYPE et)
switch (et)
case NG_SEGM:
case NG_SEGM3:
return 1;
case NG_TRIG:
case NG_TRIG6:
return 3;
case NG_QUAD:
return 4;
case NG_TET:
case NG_TET10:
return 6;
return 8;
case NG_PRISM:
case NG_PRISM12:
return 9;
case NG_HEX:
return 12;
cerr << "Ng_ME_GetNEdges, illegal element type " << et << endl;
return 0;
int Ng_ME_GetNFaces (NG_ELEMENT_TYPE et)
switch (et)
case NG_SEGM:
case NG_SEGM3:
return 0;
case NG_TRIG:
case NG_TRIG6:
return 1;
case NG_QUAD:
case NG_QUAD6:
return 1;
case NG_TET:
case NG_TET10:
return 4;
return 5;
case NG_PRISM:
case NG_PRISM12:
return 5;
case NG_HEX:
return 6;
cerr << "Ng_ME_GetNVertices, illegal element type " << et << endl;
return 0;
const NG_POINT * Ng_ME_GetVertices (NG_ELEMENT_TYPE et)
static double segm_points [][3] =
{ { 1, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0 } };
static double trig_points [][3] =
{ { 1, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 1, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0 } };
static double quad_points [][3] =
{ { 0, 0, 0 },
{ 1, 0, 0 },
{ 1, 1, 0 },
{ 0, 1, 0 } };
static double tet_points [][3] =
{ { 1, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 1, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 1 },
{ 0, 0, 0 } };
static double pyramid_points [][3] =
{ 0, 0, 0 },
{ 1, 0, 0 },
{ 1, 1, 0 },
{ 0, 1, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 1-1e-7 },
static double prism_points[][3] =
{ 1, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 1, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0 },
{ 1, 0, 1 },
{ 0, 1, 1 },
{ 0, 0, 1 }
switch (et)
case NG_SEGM:
case NG_SEGM3:
return segm_points;
case NG_TRIG:
case NG_TRIG6:
return trig_points;
case NG_QUAD:
case NG_QUAD6:
return quad_points;
case NG_TET:
case NG_TET10:
return tet_points;
return pyramid_points;
case NG_PRISM:
case NG_PRISM12:
return prism_points;
case NG_HEX:
cerr << "Ng_ME_GetVertices, illegal element type " << et << endl;
return 0;
const NG_EDGE * Ng_ME_GetEdges (NG_ELEMENT_TYPE et)
static int segm_edges[1][2] =
{ { 1, 2 }};
static int trig_edges[3][2] =
{ { 3, 1 },
{ 3, 2 },
{ 1, 2 }};
static int quad_edges[4][2] =
{ { 1, 2 },
{ 4, 3 },
{ 1, 4 },
{ 2, 3 }};
static int tet_edges[6][2] =
{ { 4, 1 },
{ 4, 2 },
{ 4, 3 },
{ 1, 2 },
{ 1, 3 },
{ 2, 3 }};
static int prism_edges[9][2] =
{ { 3, 1 },
{ 1, 2 },
{ 3, 2 },
{ 6, 4 },
{ 4, 5 },
{ 6, 5 },
{ 3, 6 },
{ 1, 4 },
{ 2, 5 }};
static int pyramid_edges[8][2] =
{ { 1, 2 },
{ 2, 3 },
{ 1, 4 },
{ 4, 3 },
{ 1, 5 },
{ 2, 5 },
{ 3, 5 },
{ 4, 5 }};
switch (et)
case NG_SEGM:
case NG_SEGM3:
return segm_edges;
case NG_TRIG:
case NG_TRIG6:
return trig_edges;
case NG_QUAD:
case NG_QUAD6:
return quad_edges;
case NG_TET:
case NG_TET10:
return tet_edges;
return pyramid_edges;
case NG_PRISM:
case NG_PRISM12:
return prism_edges;
case NG_HEX:
cerr << "Ng_ME_GetEdges, illegal element type " << et << endl;
return 0;
const NG_FACE * Ng_ME_GetFaces (NG_ELEMENT_TYPE et)
static int tet_faces[4][4] =
{ { 4, 2, 3, 0 },
{ 4, 1, 3, 0 },
{ 4, 1, 2, 0 },
{ 1, 2, 3, 0 } };
static int prism_faces[5][4] =
{ 1, 2, 3, 0 },
{ 4, 5, 6, 0 },
{ 3, 1, 4, 6 },
{ 1, 2, 5, 4 },
{ 2, 3, 6, 5 }
static int pyramid_faces[5][4] =
{ 1, 2, 5, 0 },
{ 2, 3, 5, 0 },
{ 3, 4, 5, 0 },
{ 4, 1, 5, 0 },
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }
static int trig_faces[1][4] =
{ 1, 2, 3, 0 },
switch (et)
case NG_TET:
case NG_TET10:
return tet_faces;
case NG_PRISM:
case NG_PRISM12:
return prism_faces;
return pyramid_faces;
case NG_SEGM:
case NG_SEGM3:
case NG_TRIG:
case NG_TRIG6:
return trig_faces;
case NG_QUAD:
case NG_HEX:
cerr << "Ng_ME_GetFaces, illegal element type " << et << endl;
return 0;
int Ng_GetNEdges()
return mesh->GetTopology().GetNEdges();
int Ng_GetNFaces()
return mesh->GetTopology().GetNFaces();
int Ng_GetElement_Edges (int elnr, int * edges, int * orient)
const MeshTopology & topology = mesh->GetTopology();
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
return topology.GetElementEdges (elnr, edges, orient);
return topology.GetSurfaceElementEdges (elnr, edges, orient);
int Ng_GetElement_Faces (int elnr, int * faces, int * orient)
const MeshTopology & topology = mesh->GetTopology();
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
return topology.GetElementFaces (elnr, faces, orient);
faces[0] = elnr;
if (orient) orient[0] = 0;
return 1;
int Ng_GetSurfaceElement_Edges (int elnr, int * edges, int * orient)
const MeshTopology & topology = mesh->GetTopology();
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
return topology.GetSurfaceElementEdges (elnr, edges, orient);
if (orient)
topology.GetSegmentEdge(elnr, edges[0], orient[0]);
edges[0] = topology.GetSegmentEdge(elnr);
return 1;
int i, ned;
const MeshTopology & topology = mesh->GetTopology();
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
Array<int> ia;
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
topology.GetSurfaceElementEdges (elnr, ia);
ned = ia.Size();
for (i = 1; i <= ned; i++)
edges[i-1] = ia.Get(i);
if (orient)
topology.GetSurfaceElementEdgeOrientations (elnr, ia);
for (i = 1; i <= ned; i++)
orient[i-1] = ia.Get(i);
return ned;
int Ng_GetSurfaceElement_Face (int selnr, int * orient)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
const MeshTopology & topology = mesh->GetTopology();
if (orient)
*orient = topology.GetSurfaceElementFaceOrientation (selnr);
return topology.GetSurfaceElementFace (selnr);
return -1;
int Ng_GetFace_Vertices (int fnr, int * vert)
const MeshTopology & topology = mesh->GetTopology();
ArrayMem<int,4> ia;
topology.GetFaceVertices (fnr, ia);
for (int i = 0; i < ia.Size(); i++)
vert[i] = ia[i];
// cout << "face verts = " << ia << endl;
return ia.Size();
int Ng_GetFace_Edges (int fnr, int * edge)
const MeshTopology & topology = mesh->GetTopology();
ArrayMem<int,4> ia;
topology.GetFaceEdges (fnr, ia);
for (int i = 0; i < ia.Size(); i++)
edge[i] = ia[i];
return ia.Size();
void Ng_GetEdge_Vertices (int ednr, int * vert)
const MeshTopology & topology = mesh->GetTopology();
topology.GetEdgeVertices (ednr, vert[0], vert[1]);
int Ng_GetNVertexElements (int vnr)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
return mesh->GetTopology().GetVertexElements(vnr).Size();
return mesh->GetTopology().GetVertexSurfaceElements(vnr).Size();
void Ng_GetVertexElements (int vnr, int * els)
FlatArray<int> ia(0,0);
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
ia = mesh->GetTopology().GetVertexElements(vnr);
ia = mesh->GetTopology().GetVertexSurfaceElements(vnr);
for (int i = 0; i < ia.Size(); i++)
els[i] = ia[i];
int Ng_GetElementOrder (int enr)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
return mesh->VolumeElement(enr).GetOrder();
return mesh->SurfaceElement(enr).GetOrder();
void Ng_GetElementOrders (int enr, int * ox, int * oy, int * oz)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
mesh->VolumeElement(enr).GetOrder(*ox, *oy, *oz);
mesh->SurfaceElement(enr).GetOrder(*ox, *oy, *oz);
void Ng_SetElementOrder (int enr, int order)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
return mesh->VolumeElement(enr).SetOrder(order);
return mesh->SurfaceElement(enr).SetOrder(order);
void Ng_SetElementOrders (int enr, int ox, int oy, int oz)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
mesh->VolumeElement(enr).SetOrder(ox, oy, oz);
mesh->SurfaceElement(enr).SetOrder(ox, oy);
int Ng_GetSurfaceElementOrder (int enr)
return mesh->SurfaceElement(enr).GetOrder();
//HERBERT: falsche Anzahl von Argumenten
//void Ng_GetSurfaceElementOrders (int enr, int * ox, int * oy, int * oz)
void Ng_GetSurfaceElementOrders (int enr, int * ox, int * oy)
int d;
mesh->SurfaceElement(enr).GetOrder(*ox, *oy, d);
void Ng_SetSurfaceElementOrder (int enr, int order)
return mesh->SurfaceElement(enr).SetOrder(order);
void Ng_SetSurfaceElementOrders (int enr, int ox, int oy)
mesh->SurfaceElement(enr).SetOrder(ox, oy);
int Ng_GetNLevels ()
return (mesh) ? mesh->mglevels : 0;
void Ng_GetParentNodes (int ni, int * parents)
if (ni <= mesh->mlbetweennodes.Size())
parents[0] = mesh->mlbetweennodes.Get(ni).I1();
parents[1] = mesh->mlbetweennodes.Get(ni).I2();
parents[0] = parents[1] = 0;
int Ng_GetParentElement (int ei)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
if (ei <= mesh->mlparentelement.Size())
return mesh->mlparentelement.Get(ei);
if (ei <= mesh->mlparentsurfaceelement.Size())
return mesh->mlparentsurfaceelement.Get(ei);
return 0;
int Ng_GetParentSElement (int ei)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
if (ei <= mesh->mlparentsurfaceelement.Size())
return mesh->mlparentsurfaceelement.Get(ei);
return 0;
return 0;
int Ng_GetClusterRepVertex (int pi)
return mesh->GetClusters().GetVertexRepresentant(pi);
int Ng_GetClusterRepEdge (int pi)
return mesh->GetClusters().GetEdgeRepresentant(pi);
int Ng_GetClusterRepFace (int pi)
return mesh->GetClusters().GetFaceRepresentant(pi);
int Ng_GetClusterRepElement (int pi)
return mesh->GetClusters().GetElementRepresentant(pi);
void Ng_InitSolutionData (Ng_SolutionData * soldata)
soldata -> name = NULL;
soldata -> data = NULL;
soldata -> components = 1;
soldata -> dist = 1;
soldata -> order = 1;
soldata -> iscomplex = 0;
soldata -> draw_surface = 1;
soldata -> draw_volume = 1;
soldata -> soltype = NG_SOLUTION_NODAL;
soldata -> solclass = 0;
void Ng_SetSolutionData (Ng_SolutionData * soldata)
#ifdef OPENGL
// vssolution.ClearSolutionData ();
VisualSceneSolution::SolData * vss = new VisualSceneSolution::SolData;
vss->name = new char[strlen (soldata->name)+1];
strcpy (vss->name, soldata->name);
vss->data = soldata->data;
vss->components = soldata->components;
vss->dist = soldata->dist;
vss->order = soldata->order;
vss->iscomplex = bool(soldata->iscomplex);
vss->draw_surface = soldata->draw_surface;
vss->draw_volume = soldata->draw_volume;
vss->soltype = VisualSceneSolution::SolType (soldata->soltype);
vss->solclass = soldata->solclass;
vssolution.AddSolutionData (vss);
void Ng_ClearSolutionData ()
#ifdef OPENGL
void Ng_Redraw ()
#ifdef OPENGL
extern bool nodisplay; // he: global in ngappinit.cpp
if (!nodisplay)
void Ng_SetVisualizationParameter (const char * name, const char * value)
#ifdef OPENGL
#ifndef NOTCL
char buf[100];
sprintf (buf, "visoptions.%s", name);
if (printmessage_importance>0)
cout << "name = " << name << ", value = " << value << endl;
cout << "set tcl-variable " << buf << " to " << value << endl;
Tcl_SetVar (tcl_interp, buf, const_cast<char*> (value), 0);
Tcl_Eval (tcl_interp, "Ng_Vis_Set parameters;");
int firsttime = 1;
int animcnt = 0;
void PlayAnimFile(const char* name, int speed, int maxcnt)
//extern Mesh * mesh;
if (mesh.Ptr()) mesh->DeleteMesh();
if (!mesh.Ptr()) mesh = new Mesh();
mesh.Reset (new Mesh());
int ne, np, i;
char str[80];
char str2[80];
//int tend = 5000;
// for (ti = 1; ti <= tend; ti++)
int rti = (animcnt%(maxcnt-1)) + 1;
if (printmessage_importance>0)
cout << "read file '" << str << "'" << endl;
ifstream infile(str);
infile >> ne;
for (i = 1; i <= ne; i++)
int j;
Element2d tri(TRIG);
tri.SetIndex(1); //faceind
for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++)
infile >> tri.PNum(j);
infile >> np;
for (i = 1; i <= np; i++)
Point3d p;
infile >> p.X() >> p.Y() >> p.Z();
if (firsttime)
mesh->AddPoint (p);
mesh->Point(i) = Point<3> (p);
//firsttime = 0;
int Ng_GetNPeriodicVertices (int idnr)
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
Array<INDEX_2> apairs;
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
mesh->GetIdentifications().GetPairs (idnr, apairs);
return apairs.Size();
// pairs should be an integer array of 2*npairs
void Ng_GetPeriodicVertices (int idnr, int * pairs)
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
Array<INDEX_2> apairs;
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
mesh->GetIdentifications().GetPairs (idnr, apairs);
for (int i = 0; i < apairs.Size(); i++)
pairs[2*i] = apairs[i].I1();
pairs[2*i+1] = apairs[i].I2();
int Ng_GetNPeriodicEdges (int idnr)
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
Array<INDEX,PointIndex::BASE> map;
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
//const MeshTopology & top = mesh->GetTopology();
int nse = mesh->GetNSeg();
int cnt = 0;
// for (int id = 1; id <= mesh->GetIdentifications().GetMaxNr(); id++)
mesh->GetIdentifications().GetMap(idnr, map);
//(*testout) << "ident-map " << id << ":" << endl << map << endl;
for (SegmentIndex si = 0; si < nse; si++)
2009-04-03 14:39:52 +00:00
PointIndex other1 = map[(*mesh)[si][0]];
PointIndex other2 = map[(*mesh)[si][1]];
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
// (*testout) << "seg = " << (*mesh)[si] << "; other = "
// << other1 << "-" << other2 << endl;
if (other1 && other2 && mesh->IsSegment (other1, other2))
return cnt;
void Ng_GetPeriodicEdges (int idnr, int * pairs)
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
Array<INDEX,PointIndex::BASE> map;
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
const MeshTopology & top = mesh->GetTopology();
int nse = mesh->GetNSeg();
int cnt = 0;
// for (int id = 1; id <= mesh->GetIdentifications().GetMaxNr(); id++)
mesh->GetIdentifications().GetMap(idnr, map);
//(*testout) << "map = " << map << endl;
for (SegmentIndex si = 0; si < nse; si++)
2009-04-03 14:39:52 +00:00
PointIndex other1 = map[(*mesh)[si][0]];
PointIndex other2 = map[(*mesh)[si][1]];
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
if (other1 && other2 && mesh->IsSegment (other1, other2))
SegmentIndex otherseg = mesh->SegmentNr (other1, other2);
pairs[cnt++] = top.GetSegmentEdge (si+1);
pairs[cnt++] = top.GetSegmentEdge (otherseg+1);
void Ng_PushStatus (const char * str)
PushStatus (MyStr (str));
void Ng_PopStatus ()
PopStatus ();
void Ng_SetThreadPercentage (double percent)
SetThreadPercent (percent);
void Ng_GetStatus (char ** str, double & percent)
MyStr s;
*str = new char[s.Length()+1];
void Ng_SetTerminate(void)
multithread.terminate = 1;
void Ng_UnSetTerminate(void)
multithread.terminate = 0;
int Ng_ShouldTerminate(void)
return multithread.terminate;
2009-01-17 19:37:57 +00:00
void Ng_SetRunning(int flag)
multithread.running = flag;
int Ng_IsRunning()
return multithread.running;
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
///// Added by Roman Stainko ....
int Ng_GetVertex_Elements( int vnr, int* elems )
const MeshTopology& topology = mesh->GetTopology();
ArrayMem<int,4> indexArray;
topology.GetVertexElements( vnr, indexArray );
for( int i=0; i<indexArray.Size(); i++ )
elems[i] = indexArray[i];
return indexArray.Size();
///// Added by Roman Stainko ....
int Ng_GetVertex_SurfaceElements( int vnr, int* elems )
const MeshTopology& topology = mesh->GetTopology();
ArrayMem<int,4> indexArray;
topology.GetVertexSurfaceElements( vnr, indexArray );
for( int i=0; i<indexArray.Size(); i++ )
elems[i] = indexArray[i];
return indexArray.Size();
///// Added by Roman Stainko ....
int Ng_GetVertex_NElements( int vnr )
const MeshTopology& topology = mesh->GetTopology();
ArrayMem<int,4> indexArray;
topology.GetVertexElements( vnr, indexArray );
return indexArray.Size();
///// Added by Roman Stainko ....
int Ng_GetVertex_NSurfaceElements( int vnr )
const MeshTopology& topology = mesh->GetTopology();
ArrayMem<int,4> indexArray;
topology.GetVertexSurfaceElements( vnr, indexArray );
return indexArray.Size();
#ifdef SOCKETS
int Ng_SocketClientOpen( const int port, const char * host )
clientsocket.Reset(new ClientSocket(port,host));
clientsocket.Reset(new ClientSocket(port));
catch( SocketException e)
cerr << e.Description() << endl;
return 0;
return 1;
void Ng_SocketClientWrite( const char * write, char** reply)
string output = write;
(*clientsocket) << output;
string sreply;
(*clientsocket) >> sreply;
*reply = new char[sreply.size()+1];
void Ng_SocketClientClose ( void )
void Ng_SocketClientGetServerHost ( const int number, char ** host )
*host = new char[servers[number]->host.size()+1];
void Ng_SocketClientGetServerPort ( const int number, int * port )
*port = servers[number]->port;
void Ng_SocketClientGetServerClientID ( const int number, int * id )
*id = servers[number]->clientid;
#endif // SOCKETS
void Ng_SetElementPartition ( const int elnr, const int part )
int Ng_GetElementPartition ( const int elnr )
return mesh->VolumeElement(elnr+1).GetPartition();
void Ng_InitPointCurve(double red, double green, double blue)
mesh->InitPointCurve(red, green, blue);
void Ng_AddPointCurvePoint(const double * point)
Point3d pt;
pt.X() = point[0];
pt.Y() = point[1];
pt.Z() = point[2];
void Ng_SaveMesh ( const char * meshfile )
mesh -> Save(string(meshfile));
int Ng_Bisect_WithInfo ( const char * refinementfile, double ** qualityloss, int * qualityloss_size )
BisectionOptions biopt;
biopt.outfilename = NULL; // "ngfepp.vol";
biopt.femcode = "fepp";
biopt.refinementfilename = refinementfile;
Refinement * ref;
MeshOptimize2d * opt = NULL;
if (stlgeometry)
ref = new RefinementSTLGeometry(*stlgeometry);
else if (occgeometry)
ref = new OCCRefinementSurfaces (*occgeometry);
#ifdef ACIS
else if (acisgeometry)
ref = new ACISRefinementSurfaces(*acisgeometry);
opt = new ACISMeshOptimize2dSurfaces(*acisgeometry);
ref = new RefinementSurfaces(*geometry);
opt = new MeshOptimize2dSurfaces(*geometry);
mesh->LocalHFunction().SetGrading (mparam.grading);
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
Array<double> * qualityloss_arr = NULL;
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
if(qualityloss != NULL)
2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
qualityloss_arr = new Array<double>;
2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
ref -> Bisect (*mesh, biopt, qualityloss_arr);
int retval = 0;
if(qualityloss != NULL)
*qualityloss = new double[qualityloss_arr->Size()+1];
for(int i = 0; i<qualityloss_arr->Size(); i++)
(*qualityloss)[i+1] = (*qualityloss_arr)[i];
retval = qualityloss_arr->Size();
delete qualityloss_arr;
mesh -> UpdateTopology();
mesh -> GetCurvedElements().BuildCurvedElements (ref, mparam.elementorder);
multithread.running = 0;
delete ref;
delete opt;
return retval;
void Ng_Bisect ( const char * refinementfile )
Ng_Bisect_WithInfo( refinementfile, NULL, NULL );
number of nodes of type nt
nt = 0 is Vertex
nt = 1 is Edge
nt = 2 is Face
nt = 3 is Cell
int Ng_GetNNodes (int nt)
switch (nt)
case 0: return mesh -> GetNV();
case 1: return mesh->GetTopology().GetNEdges();
case 2: return mesh->GetTopology().GetNFaces();
case 3: return mesh -> GetNE();
return -1;
int Ng_GetClosureNodes (int nt, int nodenr, int nodeset, int * nodes)
switch (nt)
case 3: // The closure of a cell
int cnt = 0;
if (nodeset & 1) // Vertices
const Element & el = (*mesh)[ElementIndex(nodenr)];
for (int i = 0; i < el.GetNP(); i++)
nodes[cnt++] = 0;
nodes[cnt++] = el[i] - PointIndex::BASE;
if (nodeset & 2) // Edges
int edges[12];
int ned;
ned = mesh->GetTopology().GetElementEdges (nodenr+1, edges, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < ned; i++)
nodes[cnt++] = 1;
nodes[cnt++] = edges[i]-1;
if (nodeset & 4) // Faces
int faces[12];
int nfa;
nfa = mesh->GetTopology().GetElementFaces (nodenr+1, faces, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < nfa; i++)
nodes[cnt++] = 2;
nodes[cnt++] = faces[i]-1;
if (nodeset & 8) // Cell
nodes[cnt++] = 3;
nodes[cnt++] = nodenr;
return cnt/2;
cerr << "GetClosureNodes not implemented for Nodetype " << nt << endl;
return 0;
int Ng_GetNElements (int dim)
switch (dim)
case 0: return mesh -> GetNV();
case 1: return mesh -> GetNSeg();
case 2: return mesh -> GetNSE();
case 3: return mesh -> GetNE();
return -1;
closure nodes of element
nodeset is bit-coded, bit 0 includes Vertices, bit 1 edges, etc
E.g., nodeset = 6 includes edge and face nodes
nodes is pair of integers (nodetype, nodenr)
return value is number of nodes
int Ng_GetElementClosureNodes (int dim, int elementnr, int nodeset, int * nodes)
switch (dim)
case 3: // The closure of a volume element = CELL
return Ng_GetClosureNodes (3, elementnr, nodeset, nodes);
case 2:
int cnt = 0;
if (nodeset & 1) // Vertices
const Element2d & el = (*mesh)[SurfaceElementIndex(elementnr)];
for (int i = 0; i < el.GetNP(); i++)
nodes[cnt++] = 0;
nodes[cnt++] = el[i] - PointIndex::BASE;
if (nodeset & 2) // Edges
int edges[12];
int ned;
ned = mesh->GetTopology().GetSurfaceElementEdges (elementnr+1, edges, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < ned; i++)
nodes[cnt++] = 1;
nodes[cnt++] = edges[i]-1;
if (nodeset & 4) // Faces
int face = mesh->GetTopology().GetSurfaceElementFace (elementnr+1);
nodes[cnt++] = 2;
nodes[cnt++] = face-1;
return cnt/2;
cerr << "GetClosureNodes not implemented for Element of dimension " << dim << endl;
return 0;