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2014-09-15 08:48:30 +00:00
# the next line restarts using wish \
exec wish "$0" "$@"
# $Id: stereo.tcl,v 1.4 2004/12/21 05:28:39 gregcouch Exp $
# Togl - a Tk OpenGL widget
# Copyright (C) 1996 Brian Paul and Ben Bederson
# See the LICENSE file for copyright details.
# $Log: stereo.tcl,v $
# Revision 1.4 2004/12/21 05:28:39 gregcouch
# Apply outstanding patches and Mac OS X support.
# Revision 1.3 2001/12/20 13:59:31 beskow
# Improved error-handling in togl.c in case of window creation failure
# Added pkgIndex target to makefile
# Updated documentation to reflect stubs-interface (Togl.html + new README.stubs)
# Added tk8.4a3 headers
# Removed obsolete Tk internal headers
# Revision 1.2 2001/01/29 18:11:53 brianp
# Jonas Beskow's changes to use Tcl/Tk stub interface
# Revision 1.1 1997/10/01 02:53:12 brianp
# Initial revision
# Revision 1.1 1997/9/28 18:54:46 Ben Evans
# Initial revision. Based on double.tcl
# An Tk/OpenGL widget demo with two windows, one single buffered and the
# other double buffered.
load [file dirname [info script]]/stereo[info sharedlibextension]
proc setup {} {
global scale
set scale 1.0
wm title . "Full Screen Stereo Buffering"
frame .f1
togl .f1.o1 -width 200 -height 200 -rgba true -stereo true -double true -depth true -ident "stereo buffer"
scale .sx -label {X Axis} -from 0 -to 360 -command {setAngle x} -orient horizontal
scale .sy -label {Y Axis} -from 0 -to 360 -command {setAngle y} -orient horizontal
button .btn -text Quit -command exit
bind .f1.o1 <B1-Motion> {
motion_event [lindex [%W config -width] 4] \
[lindex [%W config -height] 4] \
%x %y
bind .f1.o1 <ButtonPress-2> {
set startx %x
set starty %y
set scale0 $scale
bind .f1.o1 <B1-B2-Motion> {
set q [ expr ($starty - %y) / 400.0 ]
set scale [expr $scale0 * exp($q)]
.f1.o1 scale $scale
pack .f1.o1 -side left -padx 3 -pady 3 -fill both -expand t
pack .f1 -fill both -expand t
pack .sx -fill x
pack .sy -fill x
pack .btn -fill x
if {[string first $::tcl_platform(os) IRIX] != -1} {
puts "use /usr/gfx/setmon -n 60 to reset display and /usr/gfx/setmon -n STR_RECT to put in display in stereo mode"
# This is called when mouse button 1 is pressed and moved in either of
# the OpenGL windows.
proc motion_event { width height x y } {
.f1.o1 setXrot [expr 360.0 * $y / $height]
.f1.o1 setYrot [expr 360.0 * ($width - $x) / $width]
# .sx set [expr 360.0 * $y / $height]
# .sy set [expr 360.0 * ($width - $x) / $width]
.sx set [getXrot]
.sy set [getYrot]
# This is called when a slider is changed.
proc setAngle {axis value} {
global xAngle yAngle zAngle
switch -exact $axis {
x {.f1.o1 setXrot $value}
y {.f1.o1 setYrot $value}
# Execution starts here!