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# tests.tcl
proc Ng_TestMeshing { infile outfile logfile} {
if { ![file exists $infile]} {
puts $logfile "error: file $infile does not exist"
} else {
puts -nonewline $logfile " loading geometry: ";
ngtic; Ng_LoadGeometry "$infile"; ngtoc $logfile
puts -nonewline $logfile " parsing geometry: ";
ngtic; Ng_ParseGeometry; ngtoc $logfile
puts -nonewline $logfile " generating mesh: ";
ngtic; Ng_GenerateMesh; ngtoc $logfile
puts -nonewline $logfile " saving mesh: ";
ngtic; Ng_SaveMesh "$outfile"; ngtoc $logfile
flush $logfile
# tests.tcl
proc Ngs_TestPDE { infile {nsolves 1} logfile } {
if { ![file exists $infile]} {
puts $logfile "error: file $infile does not exist"
} else {
puts -nonewline $logfile " loading PDE file: ";
ngtic; ngsloadpde "$infile"; ngtoc $logfile
for {set i 1} {$i<=$nsolves} {incr i 1} {
puts -nonewline $logfile " solve PDE level $i: ";
ngtic; ngssolvepde; ngtoc $logfile
flush $logfile
proc ngtest { {t all} {f ""}} {
ngset printmsg 0
if {$f == "" } {
set logfile stdout
} else {
set logfile [open $f "w"]
global options.parthread
set options.parthread 0
if {$t == "all"} {
ngtest in2d $f
ngtest geo $f
ngtest stl $f
ngtest pde $f
} elseif {$t == "in2d"} {
puts "\n*** performing in2d file tests ***"
puts " ** writing results to $f"
puts "\n ** testing in2d files in examples/ **"
set testdir "$::ngdir/examples"
set in2dfiles { beam2d hyperbolic piezo2dround rectangle
squareincl squareinsquare }
foreach {tfile} $in2dfiles {
if {$f != ""} { puts " * meshing file examples/$tfile.in2d..." }
puts $logfile "\n * meshing file examples/$tfile.in2d..."; flush $logfile
Ng_TestMeshing "$testdir/$tfile.in2d" "$testdir/$tfile.vol" $logfile
puts "\n ** testing in2d files in tutorials/ **"
set testdir "$::ngdir/tutorials"
set in2dfiles { demo2d newin2d square v2in2d }
foreach {tfile} $in2dfiles {
if {$f != ""} { puts " * meshing file tutorials/$tfile.in2d..." }
puts $logfile "\n * meshing file tutorials/$tfile.in2d..."; flush $logfile
Ng_TestMeshing "$testdir/$tfile.in2d" "$testdir/$tfile.vol" $logfile
puts "*** in2d tests complete"
} elseif {$t == "geo"} {
puts "\n*** performing geo file tests ***"
puts " ** writing results to $f"
puts "\n ** testing geo files in examples/ **"
set testdir "$::ngdir/examples"
set geofiles { beam cylsphere rboxcyl thinc
boxcyl fichera period saw_3d thinplate
coilshield gamm3d plate shaft tripelpendel
cube halfsphere poly shell twocubes
cylinder kaese quarter3d skew_prisms }
foreach {tfile} $geofiles {
if {$f != ""} { puts " * meshing file examples/$tfile.geo..."; flush $logfile }
puts $logfile "\n * meshing file examples/$tfile.geo..."; flush $logfile
Ng_TestMeshing "$testdir/$tfile.geo" "$testdir/$tfile.vol" $logfile
puts "\n ** testing geo files in tutorials/ **"
set testdir "$::ngdir/tutorials"
set geofiles { boxcyl cubemcyl extrusion revolution trafo
circle_on_cube cubemsphere fichera sculpture twobricks
cone cylinder lshape3d shaft twocubes
cubeandring cylsphere manyholes sphere twocyl
cubeandspheres ellipsoid matrix sphereincube
cube ellipticcyl period torus }
foreach {tfile} $geofiles {
if {$f != ""} { puts " * meshing file $tfile.geo..." }
puts $logfile "\n * meshing file $tfile.geo..."; flush $logfile
Ng_TestMeshing "$testdir/$tfile.geo" "$testdir/$tfile.vol" $logfile
} elseif {$t == "stl"} {
puts "\n*** performing stl file tests ***"
# set logfile [open stltest.log "w"]
puts " ** writing results to $f"
puts "\n ** testing stl files in examples/ **"
set testdir "$::ngdir/examples"
set stlfiles { crankshaft hinge1 }
foreach {tfile} $stlfiles {
if {$f != ""} { puts " * meshing file examples/$tfile.stl..." }
puts $logfile "\n * meshing file examples/$tfile.stl..."; flush $logfile
Ng_TestMeshing "$testdir/$tfile.stl" "$testdir/$tfile.vol" $logfile
puts "\n ** testing stl files in tutorials/ **"
set testdir "$::ngdir/tutorials"
set stlfiles { hinge part1 }
foreach {tfile} $stlfiles {
if {$f != ""} { puts " * meshing file tutorials/$tfile.stl..." }
puts $logfile "\n * meshing file tutorials/$tfile.stl..."; flush $logfile
Ng_TestMeshing "$testdir/$tfile.stl" "$testdir/$tfile.vol" $logfile
puts "*** stl tests complete"
} elseif {$t == "pde"} {
puts "\n*** preforming pde tests ***"
# set logfile [open pdetest.log "w"]
puts " ** writing results to $f"
puts "\n ** testing pde files in ngsolve/pde_tutorial/ **"
set testdir "$::ngdir/ngsolve/pde_tutorial"
set pdefiles { d1_square.pde d2_chip.pde d3_helmholtz.pde d4_cube.pde
d5_beam.pde d6_shaft.pde d7_coil.pde d8_coilshield.pde }
foreach {tfile} $pdefiles {
if {$f != ""} { puts " * testing ngsolve/pde_tutorial/$tfile..." }
puts $logfile "\n * testing ngsolve/pde_tutorial/$tfile..."; flush $logfile
Ngs_TestPDE "$testdir/$tfile" 1 $logfile
puts "*** pde tests complete"
} else {
puts $logfile "error: unkown test program '$t'"; flush $logfile
puts ""
Ng_RegisterCmd "ngtest" "netgen" "ngtest" "perform ng standard tests: all in2d geo stl"