2009-01-12 23:40:13 +00:00
class netrule
typedef struct tf
{ float f1, f2, f3; } threefloat;
class threeint
public: int i1, i2, i3;
threeint() { }
threeint(int ai1, int ai2, int ai3)
{ i1 = ai1; i2 = ai2; i3 = ai3; }
int quality;
char * name;
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Array<Point2d> points;
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Array<INDEX_2> lines;
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2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
Array<Point2d> freezone, freezonelimit;
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Array<Array<Point2d>*> freezone_i;
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Array<Point2d> transfreezone;
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Array<int> dellines;
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Array<Element2d> elements;
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2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
Array<threefloat> tolerances, linetolerances;
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2009-01-25 12:35:25 +00:00
Array<threeint> orientations;
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DenseMatrix oldutonewu, oldutofreearea, oldutofreearealimit;
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Array<DenseMatrix*> oldutofreearea_i;
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MatrixFixWidth<3> freesetinequ;
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Array<Vec2d> linevecs;
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int noldp, noldl;
float fzminx, fzmaxx, fzminy, fzmaxy;
/// topological distance of line to base element
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Array<int> lnearness;
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netrule ();
int GetNP () const { return points.Size(); }
int GetNL () const { return lines.Size(); }
int GetNE () const { return elements.Size(); }
int GetNOldP () const { return noldp; }
int GetNOldL () const { return noldl; }
int GetNDelL () const { return dellines.Size(); }
int GetNOrientations () const { return orientations.Size(); }
int GetQuality () const { return quality; }
int GetLNearness (int li) const { return lnearness.Get(li); }
const Point2d & GetPoint (int i) const { return points.Get(i); }
const INDEX_2 & GetLine (int i) const { return lines.Get(i); }
const Element2d & GetElement (int i) const { return elements.Get(i); }
const threeint & GetOrientation (int i) const { return orientations.Get(i); }
int GetDelLine (int i) const { return dellines.Get(i); }
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const Array<int> & GetDelLines() const { return dellines; }
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void GetFreeZone (Array<Point2d> & afreearea);
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double CalcPointDist (int pi, const Point2d & p) const
double dx = p.X() - points.Get(pi).X();
double dy = p.Y() - points.Get(pi).Y();
const threefloat * tfp = &tolerances.Get(pi);
return tfp->f1 * dx * dx + tfp->f2 * dx * dy + tfp->f3 * dy * dy;
float CalcLineError (int li, const Vec2d & v) const;
void SetFreeZoneTransformation (const Vector & u, int tolclass);
bool IsInFreeZone (const Point2d & p) const
if (p.X() < fzminx || p.X() > fzmaxx ||
p.Y() < fzminy || p.Y() > fzmaxy) return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < transfreezone.Size(); i++)
if (freesetinequ(i, 0) * p.X() +
freesetinequ(i, 1) * p.Y() +
freesetinequ(i, 2) > 0) return 0;
return 1;
int IsLineInFreeZone (const Point2d & p1, const Point2d & p2) const
if ( (p1.X() > fzmaxx && p2.X() > fzmaxx) ||
(p1.X() < fzminx && p2.X() < fzminx) ||
(p1.Y() > fzmaxy && p2.Y() > fzmaxy) ||
(p1.Y() < fzminy && p2.Y() < fzminy) ) return 0;
return IsLineInFreeZone2 (p1, p2);
int IsLineInFreeZone2 (const Point2d & p1, const Point2d & p2) const;
int ConvexFreeZone () const;
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const Array<Point2d> & GetTransFreeZone () { return transfreezone; }
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int GetPointNr (int ln, int endp) const { return lines.Get(ln).I(endp); }
const DenseMatrix & GetOldUToNewU () const { return oldutonewu; }
const DenseMatrix & GetOldUToFreeArea () const { return oldutofreearea; }
const char * Name () const { return name; }
void LoadRule (istream & ist);
/** Draws 2D rules.
Visual testing of 2D meshing rules */
extern void DrawRules ();