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#include <meshing.hpp>
extern int ntasks;
class ParallelMeshTopology
const Mesh & mesh;
// number of local elements, vertices, points (?), edges, faces
int ne, nv, np, ned, nfa;
// number of local segments and surface elements
int nseg, nsurfel;
// number of global elements, vertices, ???, faces
int neglob, nvglob;
int nparel;
int nfaglob;
mapping from local to distant vertex number
each row of the table corresponds to one vertex
each row contains a list of pairs (procnr, dist_vnum)
TABLE<int,PointIndex::BASE> loc2distvert;
TABLE<int,0> loc2distedge, loc2distface, loc2distel;
TABLE<int,0> loc2distsegm, loc2distsurfel;
BitArray * isexchangeface, * isexchangevert, * isexchangeedge, * isexchangeel;
BitArray isghostedge, isghostface;
bool coarseupdate;
int overlap;
ParallelMeshTopology (const Mesh & amesh);
~ParallelMeshTopology ();
/// set number of local vertices, reset sizes of loc2dist_vert, isexchangevert...
void SetNV ( int anv );
void SetNE ( int ane );
void SetNSE ( int anse );
void SetNSegm ( int anseg );
void Reset ();
void SetLoc2Glob_Vert ( int locnum, int globnum ) { loc2distvert[locnum][0] = globnum; }
void SetLoc2Glob_VolEl ( int locnum, int globnum ) { loc2distel[locnum-1][0] = globnum; }
void SetLoc2Glob_SurfEl ( int locnum, int globnum ) { loc2distsurfel[locnum-1][0] = globnum; }
void SetLoc2Glob_Segm ( int locnum, int globnum ) { loc2distsegm[locnum-1][0] = globnum; }
int GetLoc2Glob_Vert ( int locnum ) const { return loc2distvert[locnum][0]; }
int GetLoc2Glob_VolEl ( int locnum ) const { return loc2distel[locnum-1][0]; }
void GetVertNeighbours ( int vnum, Array<int> & dests ) const;
int Glob2Loc_SurfEl ( int globnum );
int Glob2Loc_VolEl ( int globnum );
int Glob2Loc_Segm ( int globnum );
int Glob2Loc_Vert ( int globnum );
int GetNDistantPNums ( int locpnum ) const { return loc2distvert[locpnum].Size() / 2 + 1; }
int GetNDistantFaceNums ( int locfacenum ) const { return loc2distface[locfacenum-1].Size() / 2 + 1; }
int GetNDistantEdgeNums ( int locedgenum ) const { return loc2distedge[locedgenum-1].Size() / 2 + 1; }
int GetNDistantElNums ( int locelnum ) const { return loc2distel[locelnum-1].Size() / 2 + 1; }
int GetDistantPNum ( int proc, int locpnum ) const;
int GetDistantEdgeNum ( int proc, int locedgenum ) const;
int GetDistantFaceNum ( int proc, int locedgenum ) const;
int GetDistantElNum ( int proc, int locelnum ) const;
int GetDistantPNums ( int locpnum, int * distpnums ) const;
int GetDistantEdgeNums ( int locedgenum, int * distedgenums ) const;
int GetDistantFaceNums ( int locedgenum, int * distfacenums ) const;
int GetDistantElNums ( int locelnum, int * distfacenums ) const;
void Print() const;
void SetExchangeFace ( int fnr ) { isexchangeface->Set( (fnr-1)*(ntasks+1) ); }
void SetExchangeVert ( int vnum ) { isexchangevert->Set( (vnum-1)*(ntasks+1) ); }
void SetExchangeElement ( int elnum ) { isexchangeel->Set((elnum-1)*(ntasks+1) ); }
void SetExchangeEdge ( int ednum ) { isexchangeedge->Set ((ednum-1)*(ntasks+1)); }
// fuer diese Fkts kann man ja O(N) - bitarrays lassen
bool IsExchangeVert ( PointIndex vnum ) const
return loc2distvert[vnum].Size() > 1;
// return isexchangevert->Test((vnum-1)*(ntasks+1));
bool IsExchangeEdge ( int ednum ) const
if ( isexchangeedge->Test( (ednum-1)*(ntasks+1) ) !=
( loc2distedge[ednum-1].Size() > 1) )
cerr << "isexedge differs, id = " << id << ", ednum = " << ednum << endl;
// return loc2distedge[ednum-1].Size() > 1;
int i = (ednum-1)*(ntasks+1);
return isexchangeedge->Test(i);
bool IsExchangeFace ( int fnum ) const
if ( isexchangeface->Test( (fnum-1)*(ntasks+1) ) !=
( loc2distface[fnum-1].Size() > 1) )
cerr << "it differs, id = " << id << ", fnum = " << fnum << endl;
// nur hier funktioniert's so nicht ???? (JS)
// return loc2distface[fnum-1].Size() > 1;
return isexchangeface->Test( (fnum-1)*(ntasks+1) );
bool IsExchangeElement ( int elnum ) const
// return loc2distel[elnum-1].Size() > 1;
return isexchangeel->Test((elnum-1)*(ntasks+1));
bool IsExchangeSEl ( int selnum ) const
return loc2distsurfel[selnum-1].Size() > 1;
void SetExchangeFace (int dest, int fnr )
// isexchangeface->Set((fnr-1)*(ntasks+1) + (dest+1));
void SetExchangeVert (int dest, int vnum )
// isexchangevert->Set((vnum-1)*(ntasks+1) + (dest+1) );
void SetExchangeElement (int dest, int vnum )
isexchangeel->Set( (vnum-1)*(ntasks+1) + (dest+1) );
void SetExchangeEdge (int dest, int ednum )
// isexchangeedge->Set ( (ednum-1)*(ntasks+1) + (dest+1) );
bool IsExchangeVert (int dest, int vnum ) const
FlatArray<int> exchange = loc2distvert[vnum];
for (int i = 1; i < exchange.Size(); i += 2)
if (exchange[i] == dest) return true;
return false;
// return isexchangevert->Test((vnum-1)*(ntasks+1) + (dest+1) );
bool IsExchangeEdge (int dest, int ednum ) const
FlatArray<int> exchange = loc2distedge[ednum-1];
for (int i = 1; i < exchange.Size(); i += 2)
if (exchange[i] == dest) return true;
return false;
// return isexchangeedge->Test((ednum-1)*(ntasks+1) + (dest+1));
bool IsExchangeFace (int dest, int fnum ) const
FlatArray<int> exchange = loc2distface[fnum-1];
for (int i = 1; i < exchange.Size(); i += 2)
if (exchange[i] == dest) return true;
return false;
// return isexchangeface->Test((fnum-1)*(ntasks+1) + (dest+1) );
bool IsExchangeElement (int dest, int elnum ) const
// das geht auch nicht
FlatArray<int> exchange = loc2distel[elnum-1];
for (int i = 1; i < exchange.Size(); i += 2)
if (exchange[i] == dest) return true;
return false;
return isexchangeel->Test((elnum-1)*(ntasks+1) + (dest+1));
int Overlap() const
{ return overlap; }
int IncreaseOverlap ()
{ overlap++; return overlap; }
void Update();
void UpdateCoarseGrid();
void UpdateCoarseGridOverlap();
void UpdateRefinement ();
void UpdateTopology ();
void UpdateExchangeElements();
void UpdateCoarseGridGlobal();
bool DoCoarseUpdate() const
{ return !coarseupdate; }
void SetDistantFaceNum ( int dest, int locnum, int distnum );
void SetDistantPNum ( int dest, int locnum, int distnum );
void SetDistantEdgeNum ( int dest, int locnum, int distnum );
void SetDistantEl ( int dest, int locnum, int distnum );
void SetDistantSurfEl ( int dest, int locnum, int distnum );
void SetDistantSegm ( int dest, int locnum, int distnum );
bool IsGhostEl ( int elnum ) const { return mesh.VolumeElement(elnum).IsGhost(); }
bool IsGhostFace ( int fanum ) const { return isghostface.Test(fanum-1); }
bool IsGhostEdge ( int ednum ) const { return isghostedge.Test(ednum-1); }
bool IsGhostVert ( int pnum ) const { return mesh.Point(pnum).IsGhost(); }
// inline void SetGhostVert ( const int pnum )
// { isghostvert.Set(pnum-1); }
void SetGhostEdge ( int ednum )
{ isghostedge.Set(ednum-1); }
void ClearGhostEdge ( int ednum )
{ isghostedge.Clear(ednum-1); }
void SetGhostFace ( int fanum )
{ isghostface.Set(fanum-1); }
void ClearGhostFace ( int fanum )
{ isghostface.Clear(fanum-1); }
bool IsElementInPartition ( int elnum, int dest ) const
return IsExchangeElement ( dest, elnum);
void SetElementInPartition ( int elnum, int dest )
SetExchangeElement ( dest, elnum );
void SetNVGlob ( int anvglob ) { nvglob = anvglob; }
void SetNEGlob ( int aneglob ) { neglob = aneglob; }
int GetNVGlob () { return nvglob; }
int GetNEGlob () { return neglob; }