2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
/* File: nglib.cpp */
/* Author: Joachim Schoeberl */
/* Date: 7. May. 2000 */
Interface to the netgen meshing kernel
#include <mystdlib.h>
#include <myadt.hpp>
#include <linalg.hpp>
#include <csg.hpp>
#include <stlgeom.hpp>
#include <geometry2d.hpp>
#include <meshing.hpp>
2022-04-27 16:42:04 +05:00
#include <../meshing/soldata.hpp>
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
#include <nginterface.h>
namespace netgen {
extern void MeshFromSpline2D (SplineGeometry2d & geometry,
2014-09-26 04:09:21 +06:00
shared_ptr<Mesh> & mesh,
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
MeshingParameters & mp);
2019-08-06 13:42:53 +05:00
extern MeshingParameters mparam;
2019-08-06 23:30:10 +05:00
DLL_HEADER extern STLParameters stlparam;
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
2014-08-30 06:15:59 +06:00
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
namespace netgen
int id = 0, ntasks = 1;
2014-08-30 06:15:59 +06:00
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
// should not be needed (occ currently requires it)
namespace netgen {
#include "../libsrc/visualization/vispar.hpp"
VisualizationParameters vispar;
VisualizationParameters :: VisualizationParameters() { ; }
namespace nglib {
#include "nglib.h"
using namespace netgen;
// constants and types:
namespace nglib
2015-10-22 21:55:54 +05:00
inline void NOOP_Deleter(void *) { ; }
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
// initialize, deconstruct Netgen library:
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_Init ()
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
mycout = &cout;
myerr = &cerr;
// netgen::testout->SetOutStream (new ofstream ("test.out"));
2019-05-28 16:51:53 +05:00
// testout = new ofstream ("test.out");
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
// Clean-up functions before ending usage of nglib
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_Exit ()
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
// Create a new netgen mesh object
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API Ng_Mesh * Ng_NewMesh ()
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Mesh * mesh = new Mesh;
mesh->AddFaceDescriptor (FaceDescriptor (1, 1, 0, 1));
return (Ng_Mesh*)(void*)mesh;
// Delete an existing netgen mesh object
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_DeleteMesh (Ng_Mesh * mesh)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
if(mesh != NULL)
// Delete the Mesh structures
// Now delete the Mesh class itself
delete (Mesh*)mesh;
// Set the Ng_Mesh pointer to NULL
mesh = NULL;
// Save a netgen mesh in the native VOL format
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_SaveMesh(Ng_Mesh * mesh, const char* filename)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
// Load a netgen native VOL mesh from a given file
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API Ng_Mesh * Ng_LoadMesh(const char* filename)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Mesh * mesh = new Mesh;
return ( (Ng_Mesh*)mesh );
// Merge another mesh file into the currently loaded one
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API Ng_Result Ng_MergeMesh( Ng_Mesh* mesh, const char* filename)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Ng_Result status = NG_OK;
ifstream infile(filename);
Mesh * m = (Mesh*)mesh;
status = NG_ERROR;
if(status == NG_OK)
const int num_pts = m->GetNP();
const int face_offset = m->GetNFD();
m->Merge(infile, face_offset);
if(m->GetNP() > num_pts)
status = NG_OK;
status = NG_ERROR;
return status;
// Merge another mesh file into the currently loaded one
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API Ng_Result Ng_MergeMesh( Ng_Mesh* mesh1, Ng_Mesh* mesh2)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
return NG_ERROR;
// Manually add a point to an existing mesh object
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_AddPoint (Ng_Mesh * mesh, double * x)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Mesh * m = (Mesh*)mesh;
m->AddPoint (Point3d (x[0], x[1], x[2]));
// Manually add a surface element of a given type to an existing mesh object
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_AddSurfaceElement (Ng_Mesh * mesh, Ng_Surface_Element_Type et,
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
int * pi)
Mesh * m = (Mesh*)mesh;
Element2d el (3);
el.SetIndex (1);
el.PNum(1) = pi[0];
el.PNum(2) = pi[1];
el.PNum(3) = pi[2];
m->AddSurfaceElement (el);
// Manually add a volume element of a given type to an existing mesh object
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_AddVolumeElement (Ng_Mesh * mesh, Ng_Volume_Element_Type et,
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
int * pi)
Mesh * m = (Mesh*)mesh;
Element el (4);
el.SetIndex (1);
el.PNum(1) = pi[0];
el.PNum(2) = pi[1];
el.PNum(3) = pi[2];
el.PNum(4) = pi[3];
m->AddVolumeElement (el);
// Obtain the number of points in the mesh
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API int Ng_GetNP (Ng_Mesh * mesh)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
return ((Mesh*)mesh) -> GetNP();
// Obtain the number of surface elements in the mesh
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API int Ng_GetNSE (Ng_Mesh * mesh)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
return ((Mesh*)mesh) -> GetNSE();
// Obtain the number of volume elements in the mesh
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API int Ng_GetNE (Ng_Mesh * mesh)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
return ((Mesh*)mesh) -> GetNE();
// Return point coordinates of a given point index in the mesh
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_GetPoint (Ng_Mesh * mesh, int num, double * x)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
const Point3d & p = ((Mesh*)mesh)->Point(num);
x[0] = p.X();
x[1] = p.Y();
x[2] = p.Z();
// Return the surface element at a given index "pi"
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API Ng_Surface_Element_Type
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Ng_GetSurfaceElement (Ng_Mesh * mesh, int num, int * pi)
const Element2d & el = ((Mesh*)mesh)->SurfaceElement(num);
for (int i = 1; i <= el.GetNP(); i++)
pi[i-1] = el.PNum(i);
Ng_Surface_Element_Type et;
switch (el.GetNP())
case 3: et = NG_TRIG; break;
case 4: et = NG_QUAD; break;
case 6:
switch (el.GetNV())
case 3: et = NG_TRIG6; break;
case 4: et = NG_QUAD6; break;
et = NG_TRIG6; break;
case 8: et = NG_QUAD8; break;
et = NG_TRIG; break; // for the compiler
return et;
// Return the volume element at a given index "pi"
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API Ng_Volume_Element_Type
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Ng_GetVolumeElement (Ng_Mesh * mesh, int num, int * pi)
const Element & el = ((Mesh*)mesh)->VolumeElement(num);
for (int i = 1; i <= el.GetNP(); i++)
pi[i-1] = el.PNum(i);
Ng_Volume_Element_Type et;
switch (el.GetNP())
case 4: et = NG_TET; break;
case 5: et = NG_PYRAMID; break;
case 6: et = NG_PRISM; break;
case 10: et = NG_TET10; break;
et = NG_TET; break; // for the compiler
return et;
// Set a global limit on the maximum mesh size allowed
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_RestrictMeshSizeGlobal (Ng_Mesh * mesh, double h)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
((Mesh*)mesh) -> SetGlobalH (h);
// Set a local limit on the maximum mesh size allowed around the given point
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_RestrictMeshSizePoint (Ng_Mesh * mesh, double * p, double h)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
((Mesh*)mesh) -> RestrictLocalH (Point3d (p[0], p[1], p[2]), h);
// Set a local limit on the maximum mesh size allowed within a given box region
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_RestrictMeshSizeBox (Ng_Mesh * mesh, double * pmin, double * pmax, double h)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
for (double x = pmin[0]; x < pmax[0]; x += h)
for (double y = pmin[1]; y < pmax[1]; y += h)
for (double z = pmin[2]; z < pmax[2]; z += h)
((Mesh*)mesh) -> RestrictLocalH (Point3d (x, y, z), h);
// Generates volume mesh from an existing surface mesh
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API Ng_Result Ng_GenerateVolumeMesh (Ng_Mesh * mesh, Ng_Meshing_Parameters * mp)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Mesh * m = (Mesh*)mesh;
// Philippose - 30/08/2009
// Do not locally re-define "mparam" here... "mparam" is a global
// object
//MeshingParameters mparam;
MeshVolume (mparam, *m);
RemoveIllegalElements (*m);
OptimizeVolume (mparam, *m);
return NG_OK;
/* ------------------ 2D Meshing Functions ------------------------- */
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_AddPoint_2D (Ng_Mesh * mesh, double * x)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Mesh * m = (Mesh*)mesh;
m->AddPoint (Point3d (x[0], x[1], 0));
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_AddBoundarySeg_2D (Ng_Mesh * mesh, int pi1, int pi2)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Mesh * m = (Mesh*)mesh;
Segment seg;
seg[0] = pi1;
seg[1] = pi2;
m->AddSegment (seg);
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API int Ng_GetNP_2D (Ng_Mesh * mesh)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Mesh * m = (Mesh*)mesh;
return m->GetNP();
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API int Ng_GetNE_2D (Ng_Mesh * mesh)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Mesh * m = (Mesh*)mesh;
return m->GetNSE();
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API int Ng_GetNSeg_2D (Ng_Mesh * mesh)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Mesh * m = (Mesh*)mesh;
return m->GetNSeg();
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_GetPoint_2D (Ng_Mesh * mesh, int num, double * x)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Mesh * m = (Mesh*)mesh;
Point<3> & p = m->Point(num);
x[0] = p(0);
x[1] = p(1);
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API Ng_Surface_Element_Type
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Ng_GetElement_2D (Ng_Mesh * mesh, int num, int * pi, int * matnum)
const Element2d & el = ((Mesh*)mesh)->SurfaceElement(num);
for (int i = 1; i <= el.GetNP(); i++)
pi[i-1] = el.PNum(i);
Ng_Surface_Element_Type et;
switch (el.GetNP())
case 3: et = NG_TRIG; break;
case 4: et = NG_QUAD; break;
case 6:
switch (el.GetNV())
case 3: et = NG_TRIG6; break;
case 4: et = NG_QUAD6; break;
et = NG_TRIG6; break;
case 8: et = NG_QUAD8; break;
et = NG_TRIG; break; // for the compiler
if (matnum)
*matnum = el.GetIndex();
return et;
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_GetSegment_2D (Ng_Mesh * mesh, int num, int * pi, int * matnum)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
const Segment & seg = ((Mesh*)mesh)->LineSegment(num);
pi[0] = seg[0];
pi[1] = seg[1];
if (matnum)
*matnum = seg.edgenr;
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API Ng_Geometry_2D * Ng_LoadGeometry_2D (const char * filename)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
SplineGeometry2d * geom = new SplineGeometry2d();
geom -> Load (filename);
return (Ng_Geometry_2D *)geom;
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API Ng_Result Ng_GenerateMesh_2D (Ng_Geometry_2D * geom,
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Ng_Mesh ** mesh,
Ng_Meshing_Parameters * mp)
// use global variable mparam
// MeshingParameters mparam;
2015-10-22 21:55:54 +05:00
shared_ptr<Mesh> m(new Mesh, &NOOP_Deleter);
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
MeshFromSpline2D (*(SplineGeometry2d*)geom, m, mparam);
2015-10-22 21:55:54 +05:00
// new shared_ptr<Mesh> (m); // hack to keep mesh m alive
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
cout << m->GetNSE() << " elements, " << m->GetNP() << " points" << endl;
2014-09-26 04:09:21 +06:00
*mesh = (Ng_Mesh*)m.get();
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
return NG_OK;
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_HP_Refinement (Ng_Geometry_2D * geom,
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Ng_Mesh * mesh,
int levels)
2019-10-02 23:29:18 +05:00
Refinement ref(*(SplineGeometry2d*)geom);
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
HPRefinement (*(Mesh*)mesh, &ref, levels);
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_HP_Refinement (Ng_Geometry_2D * geom,
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Ng_Mesh * mesh,
int levels, double parameter)
2019-10-02 23:29:18 +05:00
Refinement ref(*(SplineGeometry2d*)geom);
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
HPRefinement (*(Mesh*)mesh, &ref, levels, parameter);
2019-07-09 13:39:16 +05:00
NgArray<STLReadTriangle> readtrias; //only before initstlgeometry
NgArray<Point<3> > readedges; //only before init stlgeometry
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
// loads geometry from STL file
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API Ng_STL_Geometry * Ng_STL_LoadGeometry (const char * filename, int binary)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
int i;
STLGeometry geom;
STLGeometry* geo;
ifstream ist(filename);
if (binary)
geo = geom.LoadBinary(ist);
geo = geom.Load(ist);
Point3d p;
Vec3d normal;
double p1[3];
double p2[3];
double p3[3];
double n[3];
Ng_STL_Geometry * geo2 = Ng_STL_NewGeometry();
for (i = 1; i <= geo->GetNT(); i++)
const STLTriangle& t = geo->GetTriangle(i);
p = geo->GetPoint(t.PNum(1));
p1[0] = p.X(); p1[1] = p.Y(); p1[2] = p.Z();
p = geo->GetPoint(t.PNum(2));
p2[0] = p.X(); p2[1] = p.Y(); p2[2] = p.Z();
p = geo->GetPoint(t.PNum(3));
p3[0] = p.X(); p3[1] = p.Y(); p3[2] = p.Z();
normal = t.Normal();
n[0] = normal.X(); n[1] = normal.Y(); n[2] = normal.Z();
Ng_STL_AddTriangle(geo2, p1, p2, p3, n);
return geo2;
// generate new STL Geometry
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API Ng_STL_Geometry * Ng_STL_NewGeometry ()
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
return (Ng_STL_Geometry*)(void*)new STLGeometry;
// after adding triangles (and edges) initialize
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API Ng_Result Ng_STL_InitSTLGeometry (Ng_STL_Geometry * geom)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
STLGeometry* geo = (STLGeometry*)geom;
if (readedges.Size() != 0)
for (int i = 1; i <= readedges.Size(); i+=2)
cout << "e(" << readedges.Get(i) << "," << readedges.Get(i+1) << ")" << endl;
if (geo->GetStatus() == STLTopology::STL_GOOD || geo->GetStatus() == STLTopology::STL_WARNING) return NG_OK;
// automatically generates edges:
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API Ng_Result Ng_STL_MakeEdges (Ng_STL_Geometry * geom,
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Ng_Mesh* mesh,
Ng_Meshing_Parameters * mp)
STLGeometry* stlgeometry = (STLGeometry*)geom;
Mesh* me = (Mesh*)mesh;
2019-11-22 18:09:07 +05:00
me->SetGeometry( shared_ptr<NetgenGeometry>(stlgeometry, &NOOP_Deleter) );
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
// Philippose - 27/07/2009
// Do not locally re-define "mparam" here... "mparam" is a global
// object
//MeshingParameters mparam;
me -> SetGlobalH (mparam.maxh);
me -> SetLocalH (stlgeometry->GetBoundingBox().PMin() - Vec3d(10, 10, 10),
stlgeometry->GetBoundingBox().PMax() + Vec3d(10, 10, 10),
2015-07-18 16:05:37 +05:00
// cout << "meshsize = " << mp->meshsize_filename << endl;
if (mp->meshsize_filename)
me -> LoadLocalMeshSize (mp->meshsize_filename);
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
if (mp->meshsize_filename)
2015-07-18 16:05:37 +05:00
ifstream infile (mp->meshsize_filename);
if (!infile.good()) return NG_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
me -> LoadLocalMeshSize (infile);
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
2019-08-06 13:42:53 +05:00
STLMeshing (*stlgeometry, *me, mparam, stlparam);
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
stlgeometry->edgesfound = 1;
stlgeometry->surfacemeshed = 0;
stlgeometry->surfaceoptimized = 0;
stlgeometry->volumemeshed = 0;
return NG_OK;
// generates mesh, empty mesh be already created.
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API Ng_Result Ng_STL_GenerateSurfaceMesh (Ng_STL_Geometry * geom,
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Ng_Mesh* mesh,
Ng_Meshing_Parameters * mp)
STLGeometry* stlgeometry = (STLGeometry*)geom;
Mesh* me = (Mesh*)mesh;
2019-11-22 18:09:07 +05:00
me->SetGeometry( shared_ptr<NetgenGeometry>(stlgeometry, &NOOP_Deleter) );
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
// Philippose - 27/07/2009
// Do not locally re-define "mparam" here... "mparam" is a global
// object
//MeshingParameters mparam;
me -> SetGlobalH (mparam.maxh);
me -> SetLocalH (stlgeometry->GetBoundingBox().PMin() - Vec3d(10, 10, 10),
stlgeometry->GetBoundingBox().PMax() + Vec3d(10, 10, 10),
STLMeshing (*stlgeometry, *me);
stlgeometry->edgesfound = 1;
stlgeometry->surfacemeshed = 0;
stlgeometry->surfaceoptimized = 0;
stlgeometry->volumemeshed = 0;
2019-08-06 15:16:30 +05:00
int retval = STLSurfaceMeshing (*stlgeometry, *me, mparam, stlparam);
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
if (retval == MESHING3_OK)
(*mycout) << "Success !!!!" << endl;
stlgeometry->surfacemeshed = 1;
stlgeometry->surfaceoptimized = 0;
stlgeometry->volumemeshed = 0;
(*mycout) << "ERROR: Give up because of too many trials. Meshing aborted!" << endl;
else if (retval == MESHING3_TERMINATE)
(*mycout) << "Meshing Stopped!" << endl;
(*mycout) << "ERROR: Surface meshing not successful. Meshing aborted!" << endl;
STLSurfaceOptimization (*stlgeometry, *me, mparam);
return NG_OK;
// fills STL Geometry
// positive orientation
// normal vector may be null-pointer
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_STL_AddTriangle (Ng_STL_Geometry * geom,
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
double * p1, double * p2, double * p3,
double * nv)
Point<3> apts[3];
apts[0] = Point<3>(p1[0],p1[1],p1[2]);
apts[1] = Point<3>(p2[0],p2[1],p2[2]);
apts[2] = Point<3>(p3[0],p3[1],p3[2]);
Vec<3> n;
if (!nv)
n = Cross (apts[0]-apts[1], apts[0]-apts[2]);
n = Vec<3>(nv[0],nv[1],nv[2]);
// add (optional) edges:
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_STL_AddEdge (Ng_STL_Geometry * geom,
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
double * p1, double * p2)
// ------------------ Begin - Meshing Parameters related functions ------------------
// Constructor for the local nglib meshing parameters class
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API Ng_Meshing_Parameters :: Ng_Meshing_Parameters()
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
uselocalh = 1;
maxh = 1000;
minh = 0.0;
fineness = 0.5;
grading = 0.3;
elementsperedge = 2.0;
elementspercurve = 2.0;
closeedgeenable = 0;
closeedgefact = 2.0;
minedgelenenable = 0;
minedgelen = 1e-4;
second_order = 0;
quad_dominated = 0;
meshsize_filename = 0;
optsurfmeshenable = 1;
optvolmeshenable = 1;
optsteps_2d = 3;
optsteps_3d = 3;
invert_tets = 0;
invert_trigs = 0;
check_overlap = 1;
check_overlapping_boundary = 1;
// Reset the local meshing parameters to the default values
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_Meshing_Parameters :: Reset_Parameters()
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
uselocalh = 1;
maxh = 1000;
minh = 0;
fineness = 0.5;
grading = 0.3;
elementsperedge = 2.0;
elementspercurve = 2.0;
closeedgeenable = 0;
closeedgefact = 2.0;
minedgelenenable = 0;
minedgelen = 1e-4;
second_order = 0;
quad_dominated = 0;
meshsize_filename = 0;
optsurfmeshenable = 1;
optvolmeshenable = 1;
optsteps_2d = 3;
optsteps_3d = 3;
invert_tets = 0;
invert_trigs = 0;
check_overlap = 1;
check_overlapping_boundary = 1;
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_Meshing_Parameters :: Transfer_Parameters()
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
mparam.uselocalh = uselocalh;
mparam.maxh = maxh;
mparam.minh = minh;
mparam.grading = grading;
mparam.curvaturesafety = elementspercurve;
mparam.segmentsperedge = elementsperedge;
mparam.secondorder = second_order;
mparam.quad = quad_dominated;
2015-07-18 16:05:37 +05:00
if (meshsize_filename)
mparam.meshsizefilename = meshsize_filename;
mparam.meshsizefilename = "";
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
mparam.optsteps2d = optsteps_2d;
mparam.optsteps3d = optsteps_3d;
mparam.inverttets = invert_tets;
mparam.inverttrigs = invert_trigs;
mparam.checkoverlap = check_overlap;
mparam.checkoverlappingboundary = check_overlapping_boundary;
// ------------------ End - Meshing Parameters related functions --------------------
// ------------------ Begin - Second Order Mesh generation functions ----------------
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_Generate_SecondOrder(Ng_Mesh * mesh)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
2019-10-02 23:29:18 +05:00
Refinement ref(*((Mesh*) mesh)->GetGeometry());
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
ref.MakeSecondOrder(*(Mesh*) mesh);
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_2D_Generate_SecondOrder(Ng_Geometry_2D * geom,
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Ng_Mesh * mesh)
( (SplineGeometry2d*)geom ) -> GetRefinement().MakeSecondOrder( * (Mesh*) mesh );
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_STL_Generate_SecondOrder(Ng_STL_Geometry * geom,
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Ng_Mesh * mesh)
((STLGeometry*)geom)->GetRefinement().MakeSecondOrder(*(Mesh*) mesh);
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_CSG_Generate_SecondOrder (Ng_CSG_Geometry * geom,
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Ng_Mesh * mesh)
((CSGeometry*)geom)->GetRefinement().MakeSecondOrder(*(Mesh*) mesh);
// ------------------ End - Second Order Mesh generation functions ------------------
// ------------------ Begin - Uniform Mesh Refinement functions ---------------------
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_Uniform_Refinement (Ng_Mesh * mesh)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
2019-10-02 23:29:18 +05:00
Refinement ref(*((Mesh*)mesh)->GetGeometry());
ref.Refine ( * (Mesh*) mesh );
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_2D_Uniform_Refinement (Ng_Geometry_2D * geom,
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Ng_Mesh * mesh)
( (SplineGeometry2d*)geom ) -> GetRefinement().Refine ( * (Mesh*) mesh );
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_STL_Uniform_Refinement (Ng_STL_Geometry * geom,
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Ng_Mesh * mesh)
( (STLGeometry*)geom ) -> GetRefinement().Refine ( * (Mesh*) mesh );
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_CSG_Uniform_Refinement (Ng_CSG_Geometry * geom,
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
Ng_Mesh * mesh)
( (CSGeometry*)geom ) -> GetRefinement().Refine ( * (Mesh*) mesh );
// ------------------ End - Uniform Mesh Refinement functions -----------------------
} // End of namespace nglib
// compatibility functions:
namespace netgen
char geomfilename[255];
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void MyError2 (const char * ch)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
cerr << ch;
//Destination for messages, errors, ...
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API void Ng_PrintDest2(const char * s)
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
int id = 0;
2024-05-13 16:43:53 +05:00
NG_MPI_Comm_rank(NG_MPI_COMM_WORLD, &id);
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
if (id != 0) return;
(*mycout) << s << flush;
2014-08-30 06:15:59 +06:00
2021-02-18 15:37:05 +05:00
NGLIB_API double GetTime ()
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
return 0;
2014-08-30 06:15:59 +06:00
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
2019-02-02 20:23:46 +05:00
2014-09-04 21:15:17 +06:00
#ifndef WIN32
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
void ResetTime ()
2014-09-04 21:15:17 +06:00
2019-02-02 20:23:46 +05:00
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
void MyBeep (int i)
2014-10-09 13:58:21 +06:00
//void Render() { ; }
2014-10-06 15:57:44 +06:00
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
} // End of namespace netgen
2014-10-16 22:05:42 +06:00
2014-10-16 21:14:35 +06:00
#ifndef WIN32
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
void Ng_Redraw () { ; }
2014-10-10 17:39:30 +06:00
void Ng_ClearSolutionData() { ; }
2014-10-16 21:14:35 +06:00
2014-01-26 03:17:16 +06:00
void Ng_SetSolutionData (Ng_SolutionData * soldata)
delete soldata->solclass;
void Ng_InitSolutionData (Ng_SolutionData * soldata) { ; }
2014-10-08 18:46:25 +06:00
2016-08-09 17:03:47 +05:00
// Force linking libinterface to libnglib
#include <../interface/writeuser.hpp>
void MyDummyToForceLinkingLibInterface(Mesh &mesh, NetgenGeometry &geom)
2017-07-25 01:26:18 +05:00
netgen::WriteUserFormat("", mesh, /* geom, */ "");
2016-08-09 17:03:47 +05:00