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# the next line restarts using tclsh \
exec tclsh "$0" "$@"
# $Id: pbuffer.tcl,v 1.1 2009/01/29 22:45:46 gregcouch Exp $
# Togl - a Tk OpenGL widget
# Copyright (C) 1996 Brian Paul and Ben Bederson
# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Greg Couch
# See the LICENSE file for copyright details.
# An Tk/OpenGL widget demo with two double-buffered OpenGL windows.
# The first shows the aliased object, the second show the results of
# rendering the same object in a higher resolution Pbuffer and using
# texture mapping to antialias it.
package provide pbuffer 1.0
# add parent directory to path to find Togl's pkgIndex in current directory
if { [file exists pkgIndex.tcl] } {
set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 ..]
# following load also loads Tk and Togl packages
load [file dirname [info script]]/pbuffer[info sharedlibextension]
# create ::pbuffer namespace
namespace eval ::pbuffer {
proc pbuffer::setup {} {
wm title . "Pbuffer test"
image create photo test
image create photo test2
#end debug
# create first Togl widget
togl .o1 -width 300 -height 300 -rgba true -double true -depth true -ident main -create create_cb -reshape reshape_cb -display display_cb
label .l1 -text "RGB, Z, double"
# create second Togl widget, share display lists with first widget, no depth
togl .o2 -width 300 -height 300 -rgba true -double true -sharelist main -reshape reshape2_cb -display display2_cb -ident second
setOutput .o2
label .l2 -text "RGB from pbuffer texture"
# create off-screen pbuffer, share display lists with other widgets
# must power of 2 squared in size
togl .pbuf -width 2048 -height 2048 -rgba true -depth true -sharelist main -pbuffer 1 -reshape reshape_cb -display pbuffer_cb -ident pbuffer
scale .sx -label {X Axis} -from 0 -to 360 -command {::pbuffer::setAngle x} -orient horizontal
scale .sy -label {Y Axis} -from 0 -to 360 -command {::pbuffer::setAngle y} -orient horizontal
button .btn -text Quit -command exit
bind .o1 <B1-Motion> {
::pbuffer::motion_event [lindex [%W config -width] 4] \
[lindex [%W config -height] 4] \
%x %y
bind .o2 <B1-Motion> {
::pbuffer::motion_event [lindex [%W config -width] 4] \
[lindex [%W config -height] 4] \
%x %y
grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1
grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1 -uniform same
grid columnconfigure . 1 -weight 1 -uniform same
grid .o1 -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nesw -padx 3 -pady 3
grid .o2 -row 0 -column 1 -sticky nesw -padx 3 -pady 3
grid .l1 -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew -padx 3 -pady 3
grid .l2 -row 1 -column 1 -sticky ew -padx 3 -pady 3
grid .sx -row 2 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
grid .sy -row 3 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
grid .btn -row 4 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
proc pbuffer::display { } {
pbuffer_cb .pbuf
.o2 postredisplay
# This is called when mouse button 1 is pressed and moved in either of
# the OpenGL windows.
proc pbuffer::motion_event { width height x y } {
.sx set [setXrot [expr 360.0 * $y / $height]]
.sy set [setYrot [expr 360.0 * ($width - $x) / $width]]
.o1 postredisplay
.pbuf postredisplay
# This is called when a slider is changed.
proc pbuffer::setAngle {axis value} {
global xAngle yAngle zAngle
switch -exact $axis {
x {setXrot $value
setXrot $value}
y {setYrot $value
setYrot $value}
.o1 postredisplay
.pbuf postredisplay
# Execution starts here!
if { [info script] == $argv0 } {