mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 08:25:40 +05:00
Add LocalHeap, some NGCORE_API
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
add_library(ngcore SHARED archive.cpp logging.cpp paje_trace.cpp utils.cpp profiler.cpp taskmanager.cpp)
add_library(ngcore SHARED
target_compile_definitions(ngcore PRIVATE NGCORE_EXPORTS)
if(NOT WIN32)
@ -34,7 +42,7 @@ endif(USE_PYTHON)
install(FILES ngcore.hpp archive.hpp type_traits.hpp version.hpp ngcore_api.hpp logging.hpp
exception.hpp symboltable.hpp paje_trace.hpp utils.hpp profiler.hpp mpi_wrapper.hpp
array.hpp taskmanager.hpp concurrentqueue.h
array.hpp taskmanager.hpp concurrentqueue.h localheap.hpp
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
#include "archive.hpp"
#include "localheap.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
#ifdef DEBUG
@ -415,14 +417,14 @@ namespace ngcore
NETGEN_INLINE FlatArray (size_t asize, T * adata)
: size(asize), data(adata) { ; }
// /// memory from local heap
// NETGEN_INLINE FlatArray(size_t asize, Allocator & lh)
// : size(asize), data(new (lh) T[asize])
// { ; }
// NETGEN_INLINE FlatArray(size_t asize, LocalHeap & lh)
// : size(asize), data (lh.Alloc<T> (asize))
// { ; }
/// memory from local heap
NETGEN_INLINE FlatArray(size_t asize, Allocator & lh)
: size(asize), data(new (lh) T[asize])
{ ; }
NETGEN_INLINE FlatArray(size_t asize, LocalHeap & lh)
: size(asize), data (lh.Alloc<T> (asize))
{ ; }
/// the size
NETGEN_INLINE size_t Size() const { return size; }
@ -475,13 +477,13 @@ namespace ngcore
return *this;
// /// assigns memory from local heap
// NETGEN_INLINE const FlatArray & Assign (size_t asize, LocalHeap & lh)
// {
// size = asize;
// data = lh.Alloc<T> (asize);
// return *this;
// }
/// assigns memory from local heap
NETGEN_INLINE const FlatArray & Assign (size_t asize, LocalHeap & lh)
size = asize;
data = lh.Alloc<T> (asize);
return *this;
/// Access array. range check by macro CHECK_RANGE
NETGEN_INLINE T & operator[] (size_t i) const
@ -721,20 +723,20 @@ namespace ngcore
delete [] mem_to_delete;
// // Only provide this function if T is archivable
// template<typename T2=T>
// auto DoArchive(Archive& archive) -> typename std::enable_if_t<is_archivable<T2>, void>
// {
// if(archive.Output())
// archive << size;
// else
// {
// size_t s;
// archive & s;
// SetSize(s);
// }
// archive.Do(data, size);
// }
// Only provide this function if T is archivable
template<typename T2=T>
auto DoArchive(Archive& archive) -> typename std::enable_if_t<is_archivable<T2>, void>
archive << size;
size_t s;
archive & s;
archive.Do(data, size);
/// we tell the compiler that there is no need for deleting the array ..
NETGEN_INLINE void NothingToDelete ()
@ -769,15 +771,15 @@ namespace ngcore
// /// assigns memory from local heap
// NETGEN_INLINE const Array & Assign (size_t asize, LocalHeap & lh)
// {
// delete [] mem_to_delete;
// size = allocsize = asize;
// data = lh.Alloc<T> (asize);
// mem_to_delete = nullptr;
// return *this;
// }
/// assigns memory from local heap
NETGEN_INLINE const Array & Assign (size_t asize, LocalHeap & lh)
delete [] mem_to_delete;
size = allocsize = asize;
data = lh.Alloc<T> (asize);
mem_to_delete = nullptr;
return *this;
/// Add element at end of array. reallocation if necessary.
NETGEN_INLINE size_t Append (const T & el)
@ -803,7 +805,7 @@ namespace ngcore
if (size == allocsize)
ReSize (size+1);
data[size] = move(el);
data[size] = std::move(el);
return size;
@ -1011,12 +1013,12 @@ namespace ngcore
size_t mins = (nsize < size) ? nsize : size;
#if defined(__GNUG__) && __GNUC__ < 5 && !defined(__clang__)
for (size_t i = 0; i < mins; i++) data[i] = move(hdata[i]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < mins; i++) data[i] = std::move(hdata[i]);
if (std::is_trivially_copyable<T>::value)
memcpy ((void*)data, hdata, sizeof(T)*mins);
for (size_t i = 0; i < mins; i++) data[i] = move(hdata[i]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < mins; i++) data[i] = std::move(hdata[i]);
delete [] mem_to_delete;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
/* File: localheap.cpp */
/* Author: Joachim Schoeberl */
/* Date: 19. Apr. 2002 */
#include <exception>
#include <string>
#include "localheap.hpp"
#include "taskmanager.hpp"
namespace ngcore
LocalHeap :: LocalHeap (size_t asize, const char * aname, bool mult_by_threads)
if (mult_by_threads)
asize *= TaskManager::GetMaxThreads();
totsize = asize;
data = new char[asize];
catch (std::exception & e)
throw Exception (ToString ("Could not allocate localheap, heapsize = ") + ToString(asize));
next = data + totsize;
p = data;
owner = true;
name = aname;
CleanUp(); // align pointer
LocalHeap LocalHeap :: Split() const
int pieces = TaskManager::GetNumThreads();
int i = TaskManager::GetThreadId();
size_t freemem = totsize - (p - data);
size_t size_of_piece = freemem / pieces;
return LocalHeap (p + i * size_of_piece, size_of_piece, name);
void LocalHeap :: ThrowException() // throw (LocalHeapOverflow)
cout << "allocated: " << (p-data) << endl;
cout << "throw LocalHeapOverflow, totsize = "<< totsize << endl;
cout << "heap name = " << name << endl;
throw LocalHeapOverflow(totsize);
LocalHeapOverflow :: LocalHeapOverflow (size_t size)
: Exception("Local Heap overflow\n")
std::stringstream str;
str << "Current heapsize is " << size << '\n';
Append (str.str());
// Append ("please use 'define constant heapsize = xxx' with larger value\n");
LocalHeapOverflow :: ~LocalHeapOverflow ()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
/* File: localheap.hpp */
/* Author: Joachim Schoeberl */
/* Date: 19. Apr. 2000 */
#include <cstdlib>
#include "exception.hpp"
#include "ngcore_api.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
namespace ngcore
class Allocator
virtual ~Allocator() {}
virtual void * Alloc (size_t size)
return new char[size];
virtual void Delete(void* p)
delete (char*) p;
virtual void ArrayDelete(void* p)
delete [] (char*) p;
static Allocator global_alloc;
Exception on heap overflow.
Thrown by allocation on LocalHeap.
class NGCORE_API LocalHeapOverflow : public Exception
LocalHeapOverflow (size_t size);
virtual ~LocalHeapOverflow ();
Optimized memory handler.
One block of data is organized as stack memory.
One can allocate memory out of it. This increases the stack pointer.
With \Ref{CleanUp}, the pointer is reset to the beginning or to a
specific position.
class LocalHeap : public Allocator
char * data;
char * next;
char * p;
size_t totsize;
bool owner;
const char * name;
#if defined(__MIC__) || defined (__AVX512F__)
enum { ALIGN = 64 };
enum { ALIGN = 32 };
/// Allocate one block of size asize.
NGCORE_API LocalHeap (size_t asize,
const char * aname = "noname",
bool mult_by_threads = false);
/// Use provided memory for the LocalHeap
NETGEN_INLINE LocalHeap (char * adata, size_t asize,
const char * aname = "noname") throw ()
totsize = asize;
data = adata;
next = data + totsize;
owner = 0;
// p = data;
name = aname;
/// Use provided memory for the LocalHeap
NETGEN_INLINE LocalHeap (const LocalHeap & lh2)
: data(lh2.data), p(lh2.p), totsize(lh2.totsize), owner(false),
next = data + totsize;
NETGEN_INLINE LocalHeap (const LocalHeap & lh2) = delete;
NETGEN_INLINE LocalHeap (LocalHeap && lh2)
: data(lh2.data), p(lh2.p), totsize(lh2.totsize), owner(lh2.owner),
next = data + totsize;
lh2.owner = false;
NETGEN_INLINE LocalHeap Borrow()
return LocalHeap (p, Available());
NETGEN_INLINE LocalHeap & operator= (LocalHeap && lh2)
if (owner)
delete [] data;
data = lh2.data;
p = lh2.p;
totsize = lh2.totsize;
owner = lh2.owner;
name = lh2.name;
next = data + totsize;
lh2.owner = false;
return *this;
: data(nullptr), next(nullptr), p(nullptr), totsize(0), owner(false) { ; }
/// free memory
NETGEN_INLINE virtual ~LocalHeap ()
if (owner)
delete [] data;
/// delete all memory on local heap
NETGEN_INLINE void CleanUp() throw ()
p = data;
// p += (16 - (long(p) & 15) );
p += (ALIGN - (size_t(p) & (ALIGN-1) ) );
/// returns heap-pointer
NETGEN_INLINE void * GetPointer () throw ()
return p;
/// deletes memory back to heap-pointer
NETGEN_INLINE void CleanUp (void * addr) throw ()
p = (char*)addr;
/// allocates size bytes of memory from local heap
NETGEN_INLINE void * Alloc (size_t size) final // throw (LocalHeapOverflow)
char * oldp = p;
// 16 byte alignment
size += (ALIGN - size % ALIGN);
p += size;
// if ( size_t(p - data) >= totsize )
if (likely(p >= next))
return oldp;
/// allocates size objects of type T on local heap
template <typename T>
NETGEN_INLINE T * Alloc (size_t size) // throw (LocalHeapOverflow)
char * oldp = p;
size *= sizeof (T);
// 16 byte alignment
size += (ALIGN - size % ALIGN);
p += size;
if (likely(p >= next))
return reinterpret_cast<T*> (oldp);
virtual void Delete(void* p) {}
virtual void ArrayDelete(void* p) {}
#ifndef __CUDA_ARCH__
[[noreturn]] NGCORE_API void ThrowException();
NETGEN_INLINE void ThrowException() { ; }
/// free memory (dummy function)
NETGEN_INLINE void Free (void * data) throw ()
/// available memory on LocalHeap
NETGEN_INLINE size_t Available () const throw () { return (totsize - (p-data)); }
/// Split free memory on heap into pieces for each thread
NGCORE_API LocalHeap Split () const;
/// Split free memory on heap into pieces
NETGEN_INLINE LocalHeap Split (int partnr, int nparts) const
int pieces = nparts;
int i = partnr;
size_t freemem = totsize - (p - data);
size_t size_of_piece = freemem / pieces;
return LocalHeap (p + i * size_of_piece, size_of_piece, name);
NETGEN_INLINE void ClearValues ()
for (size_t i = 0; i < totsize; i++) data[i] = 47;
NETGEN_INLINE size_t UsedSize ()
for (size_t i = totsize-1; i != 0; i--)
if (data[i] != 47) return i;
return 0;
Optimized memory handler.
Provides static memory for the local heap. The template argument specifies the size in number of chars.
template <int S>
class LocalHeapMem : public LocalHeap
char mem[S];
NETGEN_INLINE LocalHeapMem (const char * aname) throw () : LocalHeap (mem, S, aname) { ; }
A reset for the heap-pointer of a LocalHeap..
The constructor stores the heap-pointer, the constructor at the end of the regions resets the heap-pointer.
class HeapReset
LocalHeap & lh;
void * pointer;
NETGEN_INLINE HeapReset (LocalHeap & alh)
: lh(alh), pointer (alh.GetPointer()) { ; }
lh.CleanUp (pointer);
NETGEN_INLINE void * operator new (size_t size, ngcore::Allocator & alloc)
return alloc.Alloc(size);
NETGEN_INLINE void * operator new [] (size_t size, ngcore::Allocator & alloc)
return alloc.Alloc(size);
NETGEN_INLINE void operator delete (void * p, ngcore::Allocator & lh)
NETGEN_INLINE void operator delete [] (void * p, ngcore::Allocator & lh)
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "archive.hpp"
#include "array.hpp"
#include "exception.hpp"
#include "localheap.hpp"
#include "logging.hpp"
#include "mpi_wrapper.hpp"
#include "profiler.hpp"
@ -47,21 +47,21 @@ namespace ngcore
atomic<int> participate{0};
static const function<void(TaskInfo&)> * func;
static const function<void()> * startup_function;
static const function<void()> * cleanup_function;
static atomic<int> ntasks;
static Exception * ex;
NGCORE_API static const function<void(TaskInfo&)> * func;
NGCORE_API static const function<void()> * startup_function;
NGCORE_API static const function<void()> * cleanup_function;
NGCORE_API static atomic<int> ntasks;
NGCORE_API static Exception * ex;
static atomic<int> jobnr;
NGCORE_API static atomic<int> jobnr;
static atomic<int> complete[8]; // max nodes
static atomic<int> done;
static atomic<int> active_workers;
static atomic<int> workers_on_node[8]; // max nodes
// Array<atomic<int>*> sync;
static int sleep_usecs;
static bool sleep;
NGCORE_API static int sleep_usecs;
NGCORE_API static bool sleep;
static NodeData *nodedata[8];
@ -80,12 +80,12 @@ namespace ngcore
NGCORE_API static bool use_paje_trace;
NGCORE_API TaskManager();
NGCORE_API ~TaskManager();
void StartWorkers();
void StopWorkers();
NGCORE_API void StartWorkers();
NGCORE_API void StopWorkers();
void SuspendWorkers(int asleep_usecs = 1000 )
@ -94,12 +94,12 @@ namespace ngcore
void ResumeWorkers() { sleep = false; }
static void SetNumThreads(int amax_threads);
static int GetMaxThreads() { return max_threads; }
NGCORE_API static void SetNumThreads(int amax_threads);
NGCORE_API static int GetMaxThreads() { return max_threads; }
// static int GetNumThreads() { return task_manager ? task_manager->num_threads : 1; }
static int GetNumThreads() { return num_threads; }
static int GetThreadId() { return thread_id; }
int GetNumNodes() const { return num_nodes; }
NGCORE_API static int GetNumThreads() { return num_threads; }
NGCORE_API static int GetThreadId() { return thread_id; }
NGCORE_API int GetNumNodes() const { return num_nodes; }
static void SetPajeTrace (bool use) { use_paje_trace = use; }
@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ namespace ngcore
static void SetCleanupFunction () { cleanup_function = nullptr; }
void Done() { done = true; }
void Loop(int thread_num);
NGCORE_API void Loop(int thread_num);
static std::list<std::tuple<std::string,double>> Timing ();
NGCORE_API static std::list<std::tuple<std::string,double>> Timing ();
@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ namespace ngcore
NGCORE_API void RunWithTaskManager (function<void()> alg);
// For Python context manager
int EnterTaskManager ();
void ExitTaskManager (int num_threads);
NGCORE_API int EnterTaskManager ();
NGCORE_API void ExitTaskManager (int num_threads);
NETGEN_INLINE int TasksPerThread (int tpt)
@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ public:
void SetSize (size_t size)
cerr << "************************* NumaDistArray::SetSize not overloaded" << endl;
std::cerr << "************************* NumaDistArray::SetSize not overloaded" << std::endl;
@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ public:
void SetSize (size_t size)
cerr << "************************* NumaDistArray::SetSize not overloaded" << endl;
std::cerr << "************************* NumaDistArray::SetSize not overloaded" << std::endl;
@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ public:
void SetSize (size_t size)
cerr << "************************* NumaDistArray::SetSize not overloaded" << endl;
std::cerr << "************************* NumaDistArray::SetSize not overloaded" << std::endl;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user