mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 08:25:40 +05:00
add closeedge meshsize to base geometry (not used)
closedgefac moved to meshingparameters for this
This commit is contained in:
@ -85,6 +85,23 @@ namespace netgen
struct Line
Point<3> p0, p1;
inline double Length() const { return (p1-p0).Length(); }
inline double Dist(const Line& other) const
Vec<3> n = p1-p0;
Vec<3> q = other.p1-other.p0;
double nq = n*q;
Point<3> p = p0 + 0.5*n;
double lambda = (p-other.p0)*n / (nq + 1e-10);
if (lambda >= 0 && lambda <= 1)
return (p-other.p0-lambda*q).Length();
return 1e99;
void NetgenGeometry :: Analyse(Mesh& mesh,
const MeshingParameters& mparam) const
@ -100,7 +117,7 @@ namespace netgen
double eps = 1e-12 * bounding_box.Diam();
double eps = 1e-10 * bounding_box.Diam();
const char* savetask = multithread.task;
multithread.task = "Analyse Edges";
@ -142,8 +159,84 @@ namespace netgen
const auto& face = faces[i];
face->RestrictH(mesh, mparam);
multithread.task = "Analyse close edges";
constexpr int sections = 100;
Array<Line> lines;
BoxTree<3> searchtree(bounding_box.PMin(),
for(const auto& edge : edges)
if(edge->GetLength() < eps)
double t = 0.;
auto p_old = edge->GetPoint(t);
auto t_old = edge->GetTangent(t);
for(auto i : IntRange(1, sections+1))
t = double(i)/sections;
auto p_new = edge->GetPoint(t);
auto t_new = edge->GetTangent(t);
auto cosalpha = fabs(t_old * t_new);
if((i == sections) || (cosalpha < cos(10./180 * M_PI)))
auto index = lines.Append({p_old, p_new});
searchtree.Insert(p_old, p_new, index);
p_old = p_new;
t_old = t_new;
Array<int> linenums;
for(auto i : Range(lines))
const auto& line = lines[i];
if(line.Length() < eps) continue;
multithread.percent = 100.*i/lines.Size();
Box<3> box;
// box.Increase(max2(mesh.GetH(line.p0), mesh.GetH(line.p1)));
double mindist = 1e99;
searchtree.GetIntersecting(box.PMin(), box.PMax(),
for(auto num : linenums)
if(i == num) continue;
const auto & other = lines[num];
if((line.p0 - other.p0).Length2() < eps ||
(line.p0 - other.p1).Length2() < eps ||
(line.p1 - other.p0).Length2() < eps ||
(line.p1 - other.p1).Length2() < eps)
mindist = min2(mindist, line.Dist(other));
if(mindist == 1e99) continue;
mindist /= mparam.closeedgefac.value() + 1e-10;
if(mindist < 1e-3 * bounding_box.Diam())
(*testout) << "extremely small local h: " << mindist
<< " --> setting to " << 1e-3 * bounding_box.Diam() << endl;
(*testout) << "somewhere near " << line.p0 << " - " << line.p1 << endl
mindist = 1e-3 * bounding_box.Diam();
mesh.RestrictLocalHLine(line.p0, line.p1, mindist);
multithread.task = savetask;
for(const auto& mspnt : mparam.meshsize_points)
mesh.RestrictLocalH(mspnt.pnt, mspnt.h);
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ namespace netgen
const EdgePointGeomInfo& gi2,
Point<3>& newp,
EdgePointGeomInfo& newgi) const = 0;
virtual Vec<3> GetTangent(const Point<3>& p) const = 0;
virtual Vec<3> GetTangent(double t) const = 0;
class GeometryFace
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ namespace netgen
int surfi2,
const EdgePointGeomInfo & egi) const
return edges[egi.edgenr]->GetTangent(p);
throw Exception("Base geometry get tangent called");
virtual size_t GetEdgeIndex(const GeometryEdge& edge) const
@ -2801,7 +2801,9 @@ namespace netgen
<< " elementorder = " << elementorder << endl
<< " quad = " << quad << endl
<< " inverttets = " << inverttets << endl
<< " inverttrigs = " << inverttrigs << endl;
<< " inverttrigs = " << inverttrigs << endl
<< "closeedge enabled = " << closeedgefac.has_value() << endl
<< "closeedgefac = " << (closeedgefac.has_value() ? closeedgefac.value() : 0.) << endl;
@ -1259,6 +1259,8 @@ namespace netgen
double minh = 0.0;
/// file for meshsize
string meshsizefilename = "";
/// restrict h based on close edges
optional<double> closeedgefac = {};
/// start surfacemeshing from everywhere in surface
bool startinsurface = false;
/// check overlapping surfaces (debug)
@ -176,6 +176,8 @@ inline void CreateMPfromKwargs(MeshingParameters& mp, py::kwargs kwargs, bool th
mp.parallel_meshing = py::cast<bool>(kwargs.attr("pop")("parallel_meshing"));
mp.nthreads = py::cast<int>(kwargs.attr("pop")("nthreads"));
mp.closeedgefac = py::cast<optional<double>>(kwargs.attr("pop")("closeedgefac"));
@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ namespace netgen
// setting close edges
if (occparam.resthcloseedgeenable)
if (mparam.closeedgefac.has_value())
multithread.task = "Setting local mesh size (close edges)";
@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@ namespace netgen
mindist = min (mindist, line.Dist(lines[num]));
mindist /= (occparam.resthcloseedgefac + VSMALL);
mindist /= (mparam.closeedgefac.value() + VSMALL);
if (mindist < 1e-3 * bb.Diam())
@ -1897,8 +1897,6 @@ void STEP_GetEntityName(const TopoDS_Shape & theShape, STEPCAFControl_Reader * a
void OCCParameters :: Print(ostream & ost) const
ost << "OCC Parameters:" << endl
<< "close edges: " << resthcloseedgeenable
<< ", fac = " << resthcloseedgefac << endl
<< "minimum edge length: " << resthminedgelenenable
<< ", min len = " << resthminedgelen << endl;
@ -187,11 +187,11 @@ namespace netgen
/// Factor for meshing close edges
double resthcloseedgefac = 2.;
/// Factor for meshing close edges, moved to meshingparameters
// double resthcloseedgefac = 2.;
/// Enable / Disable detection of close edges
int resthcloseedgeenable = true;
// int resthcloseedgeenable = true;
/// Minimum edge length to be used for dividing edges to mesh points
double resthminedgelen = 0.001;
@ -45,11 +45,7 @@ namespace netgen
virtual void SetParameters (Tcl_Interp * interp)
occparam.resthcloseedgefac =
atof (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::stloptions.resthcloseedgefac", 0));
occparam.resthcloseedgeenable =
atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::stloptions.resthcloseedgeenable", 0));
occparam.resthminedgelen =
occparam.resthminedgelen =
atof (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::stloptions.resthminedgelen", 0));
occparam.resthminedgelenenable =
atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::stloptions.resthminedgelenenable", 0));
@ -31,17 +31,6 @@ minedgelen: Optional[float] = 0.001
void CreateOCCParametersFromKwargs(OCCParameters& occparam, py::dict kwargs)
auto val = kwargs.attr("pop")("closeedgefac");
occparam.resthcloseedgeenable = false;
occparam.resthcloseedgefac = py::cast<double>(val);
occparam.resthcloseedgeenable = true;
auto val = kwargs.attr("pop")("minedgelen");
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ static void STLFindEdges (STLGeometry & geom, Mesh & mesh,
// mark edge points:
//int ngp = geom.GetNP();
geom.RestrictLocalH(mesh, h, stlparam);
geom.RestrictLocalH(mesh, h, stlparam, mparam);
PushStatusF("Mesh Lines");
@ -87,17 +87,6 @@ void CreateSTLParametersFromKwargs(STLParameters& stlparam, py::dict kwargs)
stlparam.resthchartdistfac = py::cast<double>(val);
auto val = kwargs.attr("pop")("closeedgefac");
stlparam.resthcloseedgeenable = false;
stlparam.resthcloseedgeenable = true;
stlparam.resthcloseedgefac = py::cast<double>(val);
auto val = kwargs.attr("pop")("edgeanglefac");
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ namespace netgen
int LineEndPointsSet() const {return lineendpoints.Size() == GetNP();}
void ClearLineEndPoints();
DLL_HEADER void RestrictLocalH(class Mesh & mesh, double gh, const STLParameters& stlparam);
DLL_HEADER void RestrictLocalH(class Mesh & mesh, double gh, const STLParameters& stlparam, const MeshingParameters& mparam);
void RestrictLocalHCurv(class Mesh & mesh, double gh, const STLParameters& stlparam);
void RestrictHChartDistOneChart(ChartId chartnum, NgArray<int>& acttrigs, class Mesh & mesh,
double gh, double fact, double minh, const STLParameters& stlparam);
@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ void STLGeometry :: RestrictLocalHCurv(class Mesh & mesh, double gh, const STLPa
//restrict local h due to near edges and due to outer chart distance
void STLGeometry :: RestrictLocalH(class Mesh & mesh, double gh, const STLParameters& stlparam)
void STLGeometry :: RestrictLocalH(class Mesh & mesh, double gh, const STLParameters& stlparam, const MeshingParameters& mparam)
//bei jedem Dreieck alle Nachbardreiecke vergleichen, und, fallskein Kante dazwischen,
@ -921,12 +921,12 @@ void STLGeometry :: RestrictLocalH(class Mesh & mesh, double gh, const STLParame
if (stlparam.resthcloseedgeenable)
if (mparam.closeedgefac.has_value())
PushStatusF("Restrict H due to close edges");
//geht nicht für spiralen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
double disttohfact = sqr(10.0 / stlparam.resthcloseedgefac);
double disttohfact = sqr(10.0 / mparam.closeedgefac.value());
int k,l;
double h1, h2, dist;
int rc = 0;
@ -78,11 +78,6 @@ namespace netgen
stlparam.resthlinelengthenable =
atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::stloptions.resthlinelengthenable", 0));
stlparam.resthcloseedgefac =
atof (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::stloptions.resthcloseedgefac", 0));
stlparam.resthcloseedgeenable =
atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::stloptions.resthcloseedgeenable", 0));
stlparam.resthedgeanglefac =
atof (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::stloptions.resthedgeanglefac", 0));
stlparam.resthedgeangleenable =
@ -538,7 +533,7 @@ namespace netgen
mesh -> SetLocalH (stlgeometry->GetBoundingBox().PMin() - Vec3d(10, 10, 10),
stlgeometry->GetBoundingBox().PMax() + Vec3d(10, 10, 10),
stlgeometry -> RestrictLocalH(*mesh, mparam.maxh, stlparam);
stlgeometry -> RestrictLocalH(*mesh, mparam.maxh, stlparam, mparam);
if (stlparam.resthsurfmeshcurvenable)
mesh -> CalcLocalHFromSurfaceCurvature (mparam.grading,
@ -1462,8 +1462,8 @@ STLParameters :: STLParameters()
resthchartdistenable = 1;
resthlinelengthfac = 0.5;
resthlinelengthenable = 1;
resthcloseedgefac = 1;
resthcloseedgeenable = 1;
// resthcloseedgefac = 1;
// resthcloseedgeenable = 1;
resthedgeanglefac = 1;
resthedgeangleenable = 0;
resthsurfmeshcurvfac = 1;
@ -1488,8 +1488,8 @@ void STLParameters :: Print (ostream & ost) const
<< ", fac = " << resthchartdistfac << endl
<< "line length: " << resthlinelengthenable
<< ", fac = " << resthlinelengthfac << endl
<< "close edges: " << resthcloseedgeenable
<< ", fac = " << resthcloseedgefac << endl
// << "close edges: " << resthcloseedgeenable
// << ", fac = " << resthcloseedgefac << endl
<< "edge angle: " << resthedgeangleenable
<< ", fac = " << resthedgeanglefac << endl;
@ -282,8 +282,8 @@ public:
double resthchartdistfac = 1.2;
bool resthchartdistenable = true;
double resthcloseedgefac = 1.;
bool resthcloseedgeenable = true;
// double resthcloseedgefac = 1.;
// bool resthcloseedgeenable = true;
double resthedgeanglefac = 1.;
bool resthedgeangleenable = false;
@ -1283,6 +1283,10 @@ namespace netgen
mparam.parallel_meshing = atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::options.parallel_meshing", 0));
mparam.nthreads = atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::options.nthreads", 0));
if(atoi(Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::stloptions.resthcloseedgeenable", 0)))
mparam.closeedgefac = atof(Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::stloptions.resthcloseedgefac", 0));
mparam.closeedgefac = {};
//BaseMoveableMem::totalsize = 0;
// 1048576 * atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::options.memory", 0));
@ -856,8 +856,8 @@ namespace nglib
occparam.resthcloseedgeenable = mp->closeedgeenable;
occparam.resthcloseedgefac = mp->closeedgefact;
mparam.closeedgefac = mp->closeedgefact;
// Delete the mesh structures in order to start with a clean
// slate
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