mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 21:01:26 +05:00
MPI Wrapper fixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ file(GENERATE OUTPUT netgen_config.hpp CONTENT
@ -1,24 +1,42 @@
functions = [
("int", "MPI_Init", "int*", "char***"),
("int", "MPI_Initialized", "int*"),
("int", "MPI_Finalize"),
("double", "MPI_Wtime"),
("int", "MPI_Allgather", "void*", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "void*", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "MPI_Comm"),
("int", "MPI_Allreduce", "void*", "void*", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "MPI_Op", "MPI_Comm"),
("int", "MPI_Alltoall", "void*", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "void*", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "MPI_Comm"),
("int", "MPI_Barrier", "MPI_Comm"),
("int", "MPI_Bcast", "void*", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "int", "MPI_Comm"),
("int", "MPI_Comm_create_group", "MPI_Comm", "MPI_Group", "int", "MPI_Comm*"),
("int", "MPI_Comm_free", "MPI_Comm*"),
("int", "MPI_Comm_group", "MPI_Comm", "MPI_Group*"),
("int", "MPI_Comm_rank", "MPI_Comm", "int*"),
("int", "MPI_Comm_size", "MPI_Comm", "int*"),
("int", "MPI_Type_commit", "MPI_Datatype*"),
("int", "MPI_Waitall", "int", "MPI_Request*", "MPI_Status*"),
("int", "MPI_Waitany", "int", "MPI_Request*", "int*", "MPI_Status*"),
("int", "MPI_Wait", "MPI_Request*", "MPI_Status*"),
("int", "MPI_Send", "void*", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "int", "int", "MPI_Comm"),
("int", "MPI_Finalize"),
("int", "MPI_Gather", "void*", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "void*", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "int", "MPI_Comm"),
("int", "MPI_Get_count", "MPI_Status*", "MPI_Datatype", "int*"),
("int", "MPI_Get_processor_name", "char*", "int*"),
("int", "MPI_Group_incl", "MPI_Group", "int", "int*", "MPI_Group*"),
("int", "MPI_Init", "int*", "char***"),
("int", "MPI_Initialized", "int*"),
("int", "MPI_Irecv", "void*", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "int", "int", "MPI_Comm", "MPI_Request*"),
("int", "MPI_Isend", "void*", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "int", "int", "MPI_Comm", "MPI_Request*"),
("int", "MPI_Probe", "int", "int", "MPI_Comm", "MPI_Status*"),
("int", "MPI_Recv", "void*", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "int", "int", "MPI_Comm", "MPI_Status*"),
("int", "MPI_Get_count", "MPI_Status*", "MPI_Datatype", "int*"),
("int", "MPI_Bcast", "void*", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "int", "MPI_Comm"),
("int", "MPI_Comm_group", "MPI_Comm", "MPI_Group*"),
("int", "MPI_Group_incl", "MPI_Group", "int", "int*", "MPI_Group*"),
("int", "MPI_Comm_create_group", "MPI_Comm", "MPI_Group", "int", "MPI_Comm*"),
("int", "MPI_Get_processor_name", "char*", "int*"),
("int", "MPI_Reduce_local", "void*", "void*", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "MPI_Op"),
("int", "MPI_Request_free", "MPI_Request*"),
("int", "MPI_Scatter", "void*", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "void*", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "int", "MPI_Comm"),
("int", "MPI_Send", "void*", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "int", "int", "MPI_Comm"),
("int", "MPI_Type_commit", "MPI_Datatype*"),
("int", "MPI_Type_contiguous", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "MPI_Datatype*"),
("int", "MPI_Type_create_resized", "MPI_Datatype", "MPI_Aint", "MPI_Aint", "MPI_Datatype*"),
("int", "MPI_Type_create_struct", "int", "int*", "MPI_Aint*", "MPI_Datatype*", "MPI_Datatype*"),
("int", "MPI_Type_free", "MPI_Datatype*"),
("int", "MPI_Type_get_extent", "MPI_Datatype", "MPI_Aint*", "MPI_Aint*"),
("int", "MPI_Type_indexed", "int", "int*", "int*", "MPI_Datatype", "MPI_Datatype*"),
("int", "MPI_Wait", "MPI_Request*", "MPI_Status*"),
("int", "MPI_Waitall", "int", "MPI_Request*", "MPI_Status*"),
("int", "MPI_Waitany", "int", "MPI_Request*", "int*", "MPI_Status*"),
("int", "MPI_Reduce", "void*", "void*", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "MPI_Op", "int", "MPI_Comm"),
("int", "MPI_Iprobe", "int", "int", "MPI_Comm", "int*", "MPI_Status*"),
constants = [
@ -31,8 +49,18 @@ constants = [
("MPI_Datatype", "MPI_UINT64_T"),
("MPI_Datatype", "MPI_DOUBLE"),
("MPI_Datatype", "MPI_C_BOOL"),
("MPI_Datatype", "MPI_DATATYPE_NULL"),
("void*", "MPI_IN_PLACE"),
("int", "MPI_ANY_SOURCE"),
("int", "MPI_ROOT"),
("int", "MPI_PROC_NULL"),
("int", "MPI_ANY_TAG"),
("MPI_Op", "MPI_MAX"),
("MPI_Op", "MPI_MIN"),
("MPI_Op", "MPI_SUM"),
("MPI_Op", "MPI_LOR"),
def get_args(f):
@ -3,10 +3,7 @@
#include <array>
// #include <mpi.h>
#include <complex>
#include "array.hpp"
#include "table.hpp"
@ -18,8 +15,6 @@
namespace ngcore
template <class T> struct MPI_typetrait { };
template <> struct MPI_typetrait<int> {
@ -29,13 +24,13 @@ namespace ngcore
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return NG_MPI_SHORT; } };
template <> struct MPI_typetrait<char> {
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return NG_MPI_CHAR; } };
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return NG_MPI_CHAR; } };
template <> struct MPI_typetrait<signed char> {
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return NG_MPI_CHAR; } };
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return NG_MPI_CHAR; } };
template <> struct MPI_typetrait<unsigned char> {
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return NG_MPI_CHAR; } };
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return NG_MPI_CHAR; } };
template <> struct MPI_typetrait<size_t> {
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return NG_MPI_UINT64_T; } };
@ -43,6 +38,9 @@ namespace ngcore
template <> struct MPI_typetrait<double> {
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return NG_MPI_DOUBLE; } };
template <> struct MPI_typetrait<std::complex<double>> {
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return NG_MPI_CXX_DOUBLE_COMPLEX; } };
template <> struct MPI_typetrait<bool> {
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return NG_MPI_C_BOOL; } };
@ -50,7 +48,7 @@ namespace ngcore
template<typename T, size_t S>
struct MPI_typetrait<std::array<T,S>>
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType ()
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType ()
static NG_MPI_Datatype NG_MPI_T = 0;
if (!NG_MPI_T)
@ -333,7 +331,7 @@ namespace ngcore
template <typename T>
void AllToAll (FlatArray<T> send, FlatArray<T> recv) const
NG_MPI_Alltoall (send.Data(), 1, GetMPIType<T>(),
NG_MPI_Alltoall (send.Data(), 1, GetMPIType<T>(),
recv.Data(), 1, GetMPIType<T>(), comm);
@ -359,7 +357,7 @@ namespace ngcore
recv[0] = T(0);
if (size == 1) return;
NG_MPI_Gather (NG_MPI_IN_PLACE, 1, GetMPIType<T>(),
NG_MPI_Gather (NG_MPI_IN_PLACE, 1, GetMPIType<T>(),
recv.Data(), 1, GetMPIType<T>(), 0, comm);
@ -367,7 +365,7 @@ namespace ngcore
void Gather (T send) const
if (size == 1) return;
NG_MPI_Gather (&send, 1, GetMPIType<T>(),
NG_MPI_Gather (&send, 1, GetMPIType<T>(),
NULL, 1, GetMPIType<T>(), 0, comm);
@ -464,117 +462,6 @@ namespace ngcore
#else // PARALLEL
class NG_MPI_Comm {
int nr;
NG_MPI_Comm (int _nr = 0) : nr(_nr) { ; }
operator int() const { return nr; }
bool operator== (NG_MPI_Comm c2) const { return nr == c2.nr; }
static NG_MPI_Comm NG_MPI_COMM_WORLD = 12345, NG_MPI_COMM_NULL = 10000;
typedef int NG_MPI_Op;
typedef int NG_MPI_Datatype;
typedef int NG_MPI_Request;
enum { NG_MPI_SUM = 0, NG_MPI_MIN = 1, NG_MPI_MAX = 2, NG_MPI_LOR = 4711 };
inline void NG_MPI_Type_contiguous ( int, NG_MPI_Datatype, NG_MPI_Datatype*) { ; }
inline void NG_MPI_Type_commit ( NG_MPI_Datatype * ) { ; }
template <class T> struct MPI_typetrait {
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return -1; }
template <class T, class T2=void>
inline NG_MPI_Datatype GetMPIType () { return -1; }
class NgMPI_Comm
NgMPI_Comm () { ; }
NgMPI_Comm (NG_MPI_Comm _comm, bool owns = false) { ; }
size_t Rank() const { return 0; }
size_t Size() const { return 1; }
bool ValidCommunicator() const { return false; }
void Barrier() const { ; }
operator NG_MPI_Comm() const { return NG_MPI_Comm(); }
template<typename T>
void Send( T & val, int dest, int tag) const { ; }
template<typename T>
void Send(FlatArray<T> s, int dest, int tag) const { ; }
template<typename T>
void Recv (T & val, int src, int tag) const { ; }
template <typename T>
void Recv (FlatArray <T> s, int src, int tag) const { ; }
template <typename T>
void Recv (Array <T> & s, int src, int tag) const { ; }
template<typename T>
NG_MPI_Request ISend (T & val, int dest, int tag) const { return 0; }
template<typename T>
NG_MPI_Request ISend (FlatArray<T> s, int dest, int tag) const { return 0; }
template<typename T>
NG_MPI_Request IRecv (T & val, int dest, int tag) const { return 0; }
template<typename T>
NG_MPI_Request IRecv (FlatArray<T> s, int src, int tag) const { return 0; }
template <typename T>
T Reduce (T d, const NG_MPI_Op & op, int root = 0) const { return d; }
template <typename T>
T AllReduce (T d, const NG_MPI_Op & op) const { return d; }
template <typename T>
void AllReduce (FlatArray<T> d, const NG_MPI_Op & op) const { ; }
template <typename T>
void Bcast (T & s, int root = 0) const { ; }
template <class T>
void Bcast (Array<T> & d, int root = 0) { ; }
template <typename T>
void AllGather (T val, FlatArray<T> recv) const
recv[0] = val;
template <typename T>
void ExchangeTable (DynamicTable<T> & send_data,
DynamicTable<T> & recv_data, int tag) { ; }
NgMPI_Comm SubCommunicator (FlatArray<int> procs) const
{ return *this; }
inline void MyMPI_WaitAll (FlatArray<NG_MPI_Request> requests) { ; }
inline int MyMPI_WaitAny (FlatArray<NG_MPI_Request> requests) { return 0; }
class MyMPI
MyMPI(int argc, char ** argv) { ; }
#endif // PARALLEL
} // namespace ngcore
@ -8,74 +8,94 @@
namespace ngcore {
// template <typename T>
// uintptr_t mpi2ng(T t) {
// if constexpr (std::is_pointer_v<T>)
// return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(t);
// else
// return static_cast<uintptr_t>(t);
// }
static_assert(sizeof(MPI_Status) <= sizeof(NG_MPI_Status), "Size mismatch");
static_assert(alignof(MPI_Status) <= alignof(NG_MPI_Status), "Size mismatch");
int mpi2ng(int v) { return v; }
void* mpi2ng(void*p) { return p; }
int mpi2ng(int value) { return value; }
void* mpi2ng(void* ptr) { return ptr; }
// TODO: When we are dealing with arrays of multiple MPI_Status, we need to copy them together in continuous memory
NG_MPI_Status* mpi2ng(MPI_Status*p) { return reinterpret_cast<NG_MPI_Status*>(p); }
// TODO: When we are dealing with arrays of multiple MPI_Statuses, we need to
// copy them together in continuous memory
NG_MPI_Status* mpi2ng(MPI_Status* status) {
return reinterpret_cast<NG_MPI_Status*>(status);
NG_MPI_Comm mpi2ng(MPI_Comm c) { return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(c); }
#ifndef MPICH
NG_MPI_Comm mpi2ng(MPI_Comm comm) { return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(comm); }
template <typename T>
T cast_ng2mpi(uintptr_t t) {
T cast_ng2mpi(uintptr_t obj) {
if constexpr (std::is_pointer_v<T>)
return reinterpret_cast<T>(t);
return reinterpret_cast<T>(obj);
return static_cast<T>(t);
return static_cast<T>(obj);
template <typename T>
T cast_ng2mpi(uintptr_t* t) {
T cast_ng2mpi(uintptr_t* ptr) {
if constexpr (std::is_pointer_v<T>)
return reinterpret_cast<T>(t);
return reinterpret_cast<T>(ptr);
return static_cast<T>(t);
return static_cast<T>(ptr);
MPI_Comm ng2mpi(NG_MPI_Comm c) {
static_assert(sizeof(MPI_Comm) <= sizeof(c.value), "Size mismatch");
MPI_Comm ng2mpi(NG_MPI_Comm comm) {
static_assert(sizeof(MPI_Comm) <= sizeof(comm.value), "Size mismatch");
static_assert(alignof(MPI_Comm) <= alignof(NG_MPI_Comm), "Size mismatch");
return cast_ng2mpi<MPI_Comm>(c.value);
return cast_ng2mpi<MPI_Comm>(comm.value);
MPI_Group ng2mpi(NG_MPI_Group c) {
static_assert(sizeof(MPI_Group) <= sizeof(c.value), "Size mismatch");
MPI_Group ng2mpi(NG_MPI_Group group) {
static_assert(sizeof(MPI_Group) <= sizeof(group.value), "Size mismatch");
static_assert(alignof(MPI_Group) <= alignof(NG_MPI_Group), "Size mismatch");
return cast_ng2mpi<MPI_Group>(c.value);
return cast_ng2mpi<MPI_Group>(group.value);
MPI_Comm* ng2mpi(NG_MPI_Comm* c) { return cast_ng2mpi<MPI_Comm*>(&c->value); }
MPI_Group* ng2mpi(NG_MPI_Group* c) { return cast_ng2mpi<MPI_Group*>(&c->value); }
MPI_Datatype* ng2mpi(NG_MPI_Datatype* c) { return cast_ng2mpi<MPI_Datatype*>(&c->value); }
MPI_Request* ng2mpi(NG_MPI_Request* c) { return cast_ng2mpi<MPI_Request*>(&c->value); }
MPI_Status* ng2mpi(NG_MPI_Status* c) { return reinterpret_cast<MPI_Status*>(c); }
MPI_Datatype ng2mpi(NG_MPI_Datatype c) {
static_assert(sizeof(MPI_Datatype) <= sizeof(c.value), "Size mismatch");
return cast_ng2mpi<MPI_Datatype>(c.value);
MPI_Comm* ng2mpi(NG_MPI_Comm* comm) {
return cast_ng2mpi<MPI_Comm*>(&comm->value);
MPI_Group* ng2mpi(NG_MPI_Group* group) {
return cast_ng2mpi<MPI_Group*>(&group->value);
MPI_Datatype* ng2mpi(NG_MPI_Datatype* type) {
return cast_ng2mpi<MPI_Datatype*>(&type->value);
MPI_Request* ng2mpi(NG_MPI_Request* request) {
return cast_ng2mpi<MPI_Request*>(&request->value);
MPI_Status* ng2mpi(NG_MPI_Status* status) {
return reinterpret_cast<MPI_Status*>(status);
MPI_Aint* ng2mpi(NG_MPI_Aint* aint) {
return reinterpret_cast<MPI_Aint*>(aint);
MPI_Request ng2mpi(NG_MPI_Request c) {
static_assert(sizeof(MPI_Request) <= sizeof(c.value), "Size mismatch");
return cast_ng2mpi<MPI_Request>(c.value);
MPI_Datatype ng2mpi(NG_MPI_Datatype type) {
static_assert(sizeof(MPI_Datatype) <= sizeof(type.value), "Size mismatch");
return cast_ng2mpi<MPI_Datatype>(type.value);
void* ng2mpi(void* c) { return c; }
char* ng2mpi(char* c) { return c; }
char*** ng2mpi(char*** c) { return c; }
int* ng2mpi(int* c) { return c; }
int ng2mpi(int c) { return c; }
MPI_Request ng2mpi(NG_MPI_Request request) {
static_assert(sizeof(MPI_Request) <= sizeof(request.value), "Size mismatch");
return cast_ng2mpi<MPI_Request>(request.value);
MPI_Op ng2mpi(NG_MPI_Op op) {
static_assert(sizeof(MPI_Op) <= sizeof(op.value), "Size mismatch");
return cast_ng2mpi<MPI_Op>(op.value);
MPI_Aint ng2mpi(NG_MPI_Aint aint) {
static_assert(sizeof(MPI_Aint) <= sizeof(aint.value), "Size mismatch");
return cast_ng2mpi<MPI_Aint>(aint.value);
void* ng2mpi(void* ptr) { return ptr; }
char* ng2mpi(char* ptr) { return ptr; }
char*** ng2mpi(char*** ptr) { return ptr; }
int* ng2mpi(int* ptr) { return ptr; }
int ng2mpi(int value) { return value; }
} // namespace ngcore
@ -2,14 +2,17 @@
#include <cstdint>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <filesystem>
#include <string>
#include "ngcore_api.hpp"
namespace ngcore {
NGCORE_API void InitMPI();
std::filesystem::path mpi_lib_path = std::string("libmpi") +
std::filesystem::path ng_libs_dir = "");
NGCORE_API extern std::string mpi_library_version;
inline void not_implemented() { throw std::runtime_error("Not implemented"); }
@ -20,39 +23,51 @@ struct NG_MPI_Status {
struct NG_MPI_Comm {
uintptr_t value;
NG_MPI_Comm() { value = 0;}
NG_MPI_Comm(uintptr_t v) : value(v) {}
NG_MPI_Comm() { value = 0; }
NG_MPI_Comm(uintptr_t value_) : value(value_) {}
NG_MPI_Comm(const NG_MPI_Comm &comm) : value(comm.value) {}
void operator =(uintptr_t v) { value = v; }
void operator=(int value_) { value = value_; }
void operator=(uintptr_t value_) { value = value_; }
bool operator==(const NG_MPI_Comm &comm) const { return value == comm.value; }
bool operator!=(const NG_MPI_Comm &comm) const { return value != comm.value; }
struct NG_MPI_Datatype {
uintptr_t value;
NG_MPI_Datatype(uintptr_t v) : value(v) {}
uintptr_t value = 0;
NG_MPI_Datatype() = default;
NG_MPI_Datatype(uintptr_t value_) : value(value_) {}
operator bool() const { return value != 0; }
void operator =(uintptr_t v) { value = v; }
void operator =(void * v) { value = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(v); }
void operator=(NG_MPI_Datatype type) { value = type.value; }
void operator=(uintptr_t value_) { value = value_; }
void operator=(void *value_) { value = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(value_); }
struct NG_MPI_Request {
uintptr_t value = 0;
NG_MPI_Request(uintptr_t v) : value(v) {}
NG_MPI_Request() = default;
void operator =(uintptr_t v) { value = v; }
NG_MPI_Request(uintptr_t value_) : value(value_) {}
void operator=(uintptr_t value_) { value = value_; }
struct NG_MPI_Op {
uintptr_t value;
NG_MPI_Op(uintptr_t v) : value(v) {}
void operator =(uintptr_t v) { value = v; }
NG_MPI_Op(uintptr_t value_) : value(value_) {}
void operator=(uintptr_t value_) { value = value_; }
void operator=(void *value_) { value = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(value_); }
struct NG_MPI_Group {
uintptr_t value = 0;
NG_MPI_Group(uintptr_t v) : value(v) {}
NG_MPI_Group(uintptr_t value_) : value(value_) {}
NG_MPI_Group() = default;
struct NG_MPI_Aint {
uintptr_t value = 0;
NG_MPI_Aint(uintptr_t value_) : value(value_) {}
NG_MPI_Aint() = default;
#include "ng_mpi_generated_declarations.hpp"
@ -1,23 +1,41 @@
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Init)(int*, char***);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Initialized)(int*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Finalize)();
NGCORE_API extern double (*NG_MPI_Wtime)();
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Allgather)(void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, NG_MPI_Comm);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Allreduce)(void*, void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, NG_MPI_Op, NG_MPI_Comm);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Alltoall)(void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, NG_MPI_Comm);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Barrier)(NG_MPI_Comm);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Bcast)(void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, int, NG_MPI_Comm);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Comm_create_group)(NG_MPI_Comm, NG_MPI_Group, int, NG_MPI_Comm*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Comm_free)(NG_MPI_Comm*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Comm_group)(NG_MPI_Comm, NG_MPI_Group*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Comm_rank)(NG_MPI_Comm, int*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Comm_size)(NG_MPI_Comm, int*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Type_commit)(NG_MPI_Datatype*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Waitall)(int, NG_MPI_Request*, NG_MPI_Status*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Waitany)(int, NG_MPI_Request*, int*, NG_MPI_Status*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Wait)(NG_MPI_Request*, NG_MPI_Status*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Send)(void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, int, int, NG_MPI_Comm);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Finalize)();
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Gather)(void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, int, NG_MPI_Comm);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Get_count)(NG_MPI_Status*, NG_MPI_Datatype, int*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Get_processor_name)(char*, int*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Group_incl)(NG_MPI_Group, int, int*, NG_MPI_Group*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Init)(int*, char***);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Initialized)(int*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Irecv)(void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, int, int, NG_MPI_Comm, NG_MPI_Request*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Isend)(void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, int, int, NG_MPI_Comm, NG_MPI_Request*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Probe)(int, int, NG_MPI_Comm, NG_MPI_Status*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Recv)(void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, int, int, NG_MPI_Comm, NG_MPI_Status*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Get_count)(NG_MPI_Status*, NG_MPI_Datatype, int*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Bcast)(void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, int, NG_MPI_Comm);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Comm_group)(NG_MPI_Comm, NG_MPI_Group*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Group_incl)(NG_MPI_Group, int, int*, NG_MPI_Group*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Comm_create_group)(NG_MPI_Comm, NG_MPI_Group, int, NG_MPI_Comm*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Get_processor_name)(char*, int*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Reduce_local)(void*, void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, NG_MPI_Op);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Request_free)(NG_MPI_Request*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Scatter)(void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, int, NG_MPI_Comm);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Send)(void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, int, int, NG_MPI_Comm);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Type_commit)(NG_MPI_Datatype*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Type_contiguous)(int, NG_MPI_Datatype, NG_MPI_Datatype*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Type_create_resized)(NG_MPI_Datatype, NG_MPI_Aint, NG_MPI_Aint, NG_MPI_Datatype*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Type_create_struct)(int, int*, NG_MPI_Aint*, NG_MPI_Datatype*, NG_MPI_Datatype*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Type_free)(NG_MPI_Datatype*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Type_get_extent)(NG_MPI_Datatype, NG_MPI_Aint*, NG_MPI_Aint*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Type_indexed)(int, int*, int*, NG_MPI_Datatype, NG_MPI_Datatype*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Wait)(NG_MPI_Request*, NG_MPI_Status*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Waitall)(int, NG_MPI_Request*, NG_MPI_Status*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Waitany)(int, NG_MPI_Request*, int*, NG_MPI_Status*);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Reduce)(void*, void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, NG_MPI_Op, int, NG_MPI_Comm);
NGCORE_API extern int (*NG_MPI_Iprobe)(int, int, NG_MPI_Comm, int*, NG_MPI_Status*);
@ -27,5 +45,15 @@ NGCORE_API extern NG_MPI_Datatype NG_MPI_CHAR;
NGCORE_API extern NG_MPI_Datatype NG_MPI_UINT64_T;
@ -1,23 +1,41 @@
decltype(NG_MPI_Init) NG_MPI_Init = [](int*, char***)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Initialized) NG_MPI_Initialized = [](int*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Finalize) NG_MPI_Finalize = []()->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Wtime) NG_MPI_Wtime = []()->double { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Allgather) NG_MPI_Allgather = [](void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, NG_MPI_Comm)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Allreduce) NG_MPI_Allreduce = [](void*, void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, NG_MPI_Op, NG_MPI_Comm)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Alltoall) NG_MPI_Alltoall = [](void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, NG_MPI_Comm)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Barrier) NG_MPI_Barrier = [](NG_MPI_Comm)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Bcast) NG_MPI_Bcast = [](void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, int, NG_MPI_Comm)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Comm_create_group) NG_MPI_Comm_create_group = [](NG_MPI_Comm, NG_MPI_Group, int, NG_MPI_Comm*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Comm_free) NG_MPI_Comm_free = [](NG_MPI_Comm*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Comm_group) NG_MPI_Comm_group = [](NG_MPI_Comm, NG_MPI_Group*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Comm_rank) NG_MPI_Comm_rank = [](NG_MPI_Comm, int*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Comm_size) NG_MPI_Comm_size = [](NG_MPI_Comm, int*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Type_commit) NG_MPI_Type_commit = [](NG_MPI_Datatype*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Waitall) NG_MPI_Waitall = [](int, NG_MPI_Request*, NG_MPI_Status*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Waitany) NG_MPI_Waitany = [](int, NG_MPI_Request*, int*, NG_MPI_Status*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Wait) NG_MPI_Wait = [](NG_MPI_Request*, NG_MPI_Status*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Send) NG_MPI_Send = [](void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, int, int, NG_MPI_Comm)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Finalize) NG_MPI_Finalize = []()->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Gather) NG_MPI_Gather = [](void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, int, NG_MPI_Comm)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Get_count) NG_MPI_Get_count = [](NG_MPI_Status*, NG_MPI_Datatype, int*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Get_processor_name) NG_MPI_Get_processor_name = [](char*, int*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Group_incl) NG_MPI_Group_incl = [](NG_MPI_Group, int, int*, NG_MPI_Group*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Init) NG_MPI_Init = [](int*, char***)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Initialized) NG_MPI_Initialized = [](int*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Irecv) NG_MPI_Irecv = [](void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, int, int, NG_MPI_Comm, NG_MPI_Request*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Isend) NG_MPI_Isend = [](void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, int, int, NG_MPI_Comm, NG_MPI_Request*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Probe) NG_MPI_Probe = [](int, int, NG_MPI_Comm, NG_MPI_Status*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Recv) NG_MPI_Recv = [](void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, int, int, NG_MPI_Comm, NG_MPI_Status*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Get_count) NG_MPI_Get_count = [](NG_MPI_Status*, NG_MPI_Datatype, int*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Bcast) NG_MPI_Bcast = [](void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, int, NG_MPI_Comm)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Comm_group) NG_MPI_Comm_group = [](NG_MPI_Comm, NG_MPI_Group*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Group_incl) NG_MPI_Group_incl = [](NG_MPI_Group, int, int*, NG_MPI_Group*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Comm_create_group) NG_MPI_Comm_create_group = [](NG_MPI_Comm, NG_MPI_Group, int, NG_MPI_Comm*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Get_processor_name) NG_MPI_Get_processor_name = [](char*, int*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Reduce_local) NG_MPI_Reduce_local = [](void*, void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, NG_MPI_Op)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Request_free) NG_MPI_Request_free = [](NG_MPI_Request*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Scatter) NG_MPI_Scatter = [](void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, int, NG_MPI_Comm)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Send) NG_MPI_Send = [](void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, int, int, NG_MPI_Comm)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Type_commit) NG_MPI_Type_commit = [](NG_MPI_Datatype*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Type_contiguous) NG_MPI_Type_contiguous = [](int, NG_MPI_Datatype, NG_MPI_Datatype*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Type_create_resized) NG_MPI_Type_create_resized = [](NG_MPI_Datatype, NG_MPI_Aint, NG_MPI_Aint, NG_MPI_Datatype*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Type_create_struct) NG_MPI_Type_create_struct = [](int, int*, NG_MPI_Aint*, NG_MPI_Datatype*, NG_MPI_Datatype*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Type_free) NG_MPI_Type_free = [](NG_MPI_Datatype*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Type_get_extent) NG_MPI_Type_get_extent = [](NG_MPI_Datatype, NG_MPI_Aint*, NG_MPI_Aint*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Type_indexed) NG_MPI_Type_indexed = [](int, int*, int*, NG_MPI_Datatype, NG_MPI_Datatype*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Wait) NG_MPI_Wait = [](NG_MPI_Request*, NG_MPI_Status*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Waitall) NG_MPI_Waitall = [](int, NG_MPI_Request*, NG_MPI_Status*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Waitany) NG_MPI_Waitany = [](int, NG_MPI_Request*, int*, NG_MPI_Status*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Reduce) NG_MPI_Reduce = [](void*, void*, int, NG_MPI_Datatype, NG_MPI_Op, int, NG_MPI_Comm)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
decltype(NG_MPI_Iprobe) NG_MPI_Iprobe = [](int, int, NG_MPI_Comm, int*, NG_MPI_Status*)->int { throw no_mpi(); };
@ -27,5 +45,15 @@ NG_MPI_Datatype NG_MPI_CHAR = 0;
NG_MPI_Datatype NG_MPI_UINT64_T = 0;
NG_MPI_Datatype NG_MPI_DOUBLE = 0;
NG_MPI_Datatype NG_MPI_C_BOOL = 0;
void* NG_MPI_IN_PLACE = 0;
int NG_MPI_ROOT = 0;
int NG_MPI_ANY_TAG = 0;
@ -1,23 +1,41 @@
NG_MPI_Init = [](int* arg0, char*** arg1)->int { return MPI_Init( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1)); };
NG_MPI_Initialized = [](int* arg0)->int { return MPI_Initialized( ng2mpi(arg0)); };
NG_MPI_Finalize = []()->int { return MPI_Finalize(); };
NG_MPI_Wtime = []()->double { return MPI_Wtime(); };
NG_MPI_Allgather = [](void* arg0, int arg1, NG_MPI_Datatype arg2, void* arg3, int arg4, NG_MPI_Datatype arg5, NG_MPI_Comm arg6)->int { return MPI_Allgather( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3), ng2mpi(arg4), ng2mpi(arg5), ng2mpi(arg6)); };
NG_MPI_Allreduce = [](void* arg0, void* arg1, int arg2, NG_MPI_Datatype arg3, NG_MPI_Op arg4, NG_MPI_Comm arg5)->int { return MPI_Allreduce( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3), ng2mpi(arg4), ng2mpi(arg5)); };
NG_MPI_Alltoall = [](void* arg0, int arg1, NG_MPI_Datatype arg2, void* arg3, int arg4, NG_MPI_Datatype arg5, NG_MPI_Comm arg6)->int { return MPI_Alltoall( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3), ng2mpi(arg4), ng2mpi(arg5), ng2mpi(arg6)); };
NG_MPI_Barrier = [](NG_MPI_Comm arg0)->int { return MPI_Barrier( ng2mpi(arg0)); };
NG_MPI_Bcast = [](void* arg0, int arg1, NG_MPI_Datatype arg2, int arg3, NG_MPI_Comm arg4)->int { return MPI_Bcast( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3), ng2mpi(arg4)); };
NG_MPI_Comm_create_group = [](NG_MPI_Comm arg0, NG_MPI_Group arg1, int arg2, NG_MPI_Comm* arg3)->int { return MPI_Comm_create_group( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3)); };
NG_MPI_Comm_free = [](NG_MPI_Comm* arg0)->int { return MPI_Comm_free( ng2mpi(arg0)); };
NG_MPI_Comm_group = [](NG_MPI_Comm arg0, NG_MPI_Group* arg1)->int { return MPI_Comm_group( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1)); };
NG_MPI_Comm_rank = [](NG_MPI_Comm arg0, int* arg1)->int { return MPI_Comm_rank( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1)); };
NG_MPI_Comm_size = [](NG_MPI_Comm arg0, int* arg1)->int { return MPI_Comm_size( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1)); };
NG_MPI_Type_commit = [](NG_MPI_Datatype* arg0)->int { return MPI_Type_commit( ng2mpi(arg0)); };
NG_MPI_Waitall = [](int arg0, NG_MPI_Request* arg1, NG_MPI_Status* arg2)->int { return MPI_Waitall( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2)); };
NG_MPI_Waitany = [](int arg0, NG_MPI_Request* arg1, int* arg2, NG_MPI_Status* arg3)->int { return MPI_Waitany( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3)); };
NG_MPI_Wait = [](NG_MPI_Request* arg0, NG_MPI_Status* arg1)->int { return MPI_Wait( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1)); };
NG_MPI_Send = [](void* arg0, int arg1, NG_MPI_Datatype arg2, int arg3, int arg4, NG_MPI_Comm arg5)->int { return MPI_Send( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3), ng2mpi(arg4), ng2mpi(arg5)); };
NG_MPI_Finalize = []()->int { return MPI_Finalize(); };
NG_MPI_Gather = [](void* arg0, int arg1, NG_MPI_Datatype arg2, void* arg3, int arg4, NG_MPI_Datatype arg5, int arg6, NG_MPI_Comm arg7)->int { return MPI_Gather( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3), ng2mpi(arg4), ng2mpi(arg5), ng2mpi(arg6), ng2mpi(arg7)); };
NG_MPI_Get_count = [](NG_MPI_Status* arg0, NG_MPI_Datatype arg1, int* arg2)->int { return MPI_Get_count( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2)); };
NG_MPI_Get_processor_name = [](char* arg0, int* arg1)->int { return MPI_Get_processor_name( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1)); };
NG_MPI_Group_incl = [](NG_MPI_Group arg0, int arg1, int* arg2, NG_MPI_Group* arg3)->int { return MPI_Group_incl( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3)); };
NG_MPI_Init = [](int* arg0, char*** arg1)->int { return MPI_Init( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1)); };
NG_MPI_Initialized = [](int* arg0)->int { return MPI_Initialized( ng2mpi(arg0)); };
NG_MPI_Irecv = [](void* arg0, int arg1, NG_MPI_Datatype arg2, int arg3, int arg4, NG_MPI_Comm arg5, NG_MPI_Request* arg6)->int { return MPI_Irecv( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3), ng2mpi(arg4), ng2mpi(arg5), ng2mpi(arg6)); };
NG_MPI_Isend = [](void* arg0, int arg1, NG_MPI_Datatype arg2, int arg3, int arg4, NG_MPI_Comm arg5, NG_MPI_Request* arg6)->int { return MPI_Isend( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3), ng2mpi(arg4), ng2mpi(arg5), ng2mpi(arg6)); };
NG_MPI_Probe = [](int arg0, int arg1, NG_MPI_Comm arg2, NG_MPI_Status* arg3)->int { return MPI_Probe( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3)); };
NG_MPI_Recv = [](void* arg0, int arg1, NG_MPI_Datatype arg2, int arg3, int arg4, NG_MPI_Comm arg5, NG_MPI_Status* arg6)->int { return MPI_Recv( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3), ng2mpi(arg4), ng2mpi(arg5), ng2mpi(arg6)); };
NG_MPI_Get_count = [](NG_MPI_Status* arg0, NG_MPI_Datatype arg1, int* arg2)->int { return MPI_Get_count( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2)); };
NG_MPI_Bcast = [](void* arg0, int arg1, NG_MPI_Datatype arg2, int arg3, NG_MPI_Comm arg4)->int { return MPI_Bcast( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3), ng2mpi(arg4)); };
NG_MPI_Comm_group = [](NG_MPI_Comm arg0, NG_MPI_Group* arg1)->int { return MPI_Comm_group( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1)); };
NG_MPI_Group_incl = [](NG_MPI_Group arg0, int arg1, int* arg2, NG_MPI_Group* arg3)->int { return MPI_Group_incl( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3)); };
NG_MPI_Comm_create_group = [](NG_MPI_Comm arg0, NG_MPI_Group arg1, int arg2, NG_MPI_Comm* arg3)->int { return MPI_Comm_create_group( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3)); };
NG_MPI_Get_processor_name = [](char* arg0, int* arg1)->int { return MPI_Get_processor_name( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1)); };
NG_MPI_Reduce_local = [](void* arg0, void* arg1, int arg2, NG_MPI_Datatype arg3, NG_MPI_Op arg4)->int { return MPI_Reduce_local( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3), ng2mpi(arg4)); };
NG_MPI_Request_free = [](NG_MPI_Request* arg0)->int { return MPI_Request_free( ng2mpi(arg0)); };
NG_MPI_Scatter = [](void* arg0, int arg1, NG_MPI_Datatype arg2, void* arg3, int arg4, NG_MPI_Datatype arg5, int arg6, NG_MPI_Comm arg7)->int { return MPI_Scatter( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3), ng2mpi(arg4), ng2mpi(arg5), ng2mpi(arg6), ng2mpi(arg7)); };
NG_MPI_Send = [](void* arg0, int arg1, NG_MPI_Datatype arg2, int arg3, int arg4, NG_MPI_Comm arg5)->int { return MPI_Send( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3), ng2mpi(arg4), ng2mpi(arg5)); };
NG_MPI_Type_commit = [](NG_MPI_Datatype* arg0)->int { return MPI_Type_commit( ng2mpi(arg0)); };
NG_MPI_Type_contiguous = [](int arg0, NG_MPI_Datatype arg1, NG_MPI_Datatype* arg2)->int { return MPI_Type_contiguous( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2)); };
NG_MPI_Type_create_resized = [](NG_MPI_Datatype arg0, NG_MPI_Aint arg1, NG_MPI_Aint arg2, NG_MPI_Datatype* arg3)->int { return MPI_Type_create_resized( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3)); };
NG_MPI_Type_create_struct = [](int arg0, int* arg1, NG_MPI_Aint* arg2, NG_MPI_Datatype* arg3, NG_MPI_Datatype* arg4)->int { return MPI_Type_create_struct( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3), ng2mpi(arg4)); };
NG_MPI_Type_free = [](NG_MPI_Datatype* arg0)->int { return MPI_Type_free( ng2mpi(arg0)); };
NG_MPI_Type_get_extent = [](NG_MPI_Datatype arg0, NG_MPI_Aint* arg1, NG_MPI_Aint* arg2)->int { return MPI_Type_get_extent( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2)); };
NG_MPI_Type_indexed = [](int arg0, int* arg1, int* arg2, NG_MPI_Datatype arg3, NG_MPI_Datatype* arg4)->int { return MPI_Type_indexed( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3), ng2mpi(arg4)); };
NG_MPI_Wait = [](NG_MPI_Request* arg0, NG_MPI_Status* arg1)->int { return MPI_Wait( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1)); };
NG_MPI_Waitall = [](int arg0, NG_MPI_Request* arg1, NG_MPI_Status* arg2)->int { return MPI_Waitall( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2)); };
NG_MPI_Waitany = [](int arg0, NG_MPI_Request* arg1, int* arg2, NG_MPI_Status* arg3)->int { return MPI_Waitany( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3)); };
NG_MPI_Reduce = [](void* arg0, void* arg1, int arg2, NG_MPI_Datatype arg3, NG_MPI_Op arg4, int arg5, NG_MPI_Comm arg6)->int { return MPI_Reduce( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3), ng2mpi(arg4), ng2mpi(arg5), ng2mpi(arg6)); };
NG_MPI_Iprobe = [](int arg0, int arg1, NG_MPI_Comm arg2, int* arg3, NG_MPI_Status* arg4)->int { return MPI_Iprobe( ng2mpi(arg0), ng2mpi(arg1), ng2mpi(arg2), ng2mpi(arg3), ng2mpi(arg4)); };
@ -27,5 +45,15 @@ NG_MPI_CHAR = mpi2ng(MPI_CHAR);
NG_MPI_UINT64_T = mpi2ng(MPI_UINT64_T);
NG_MPI_MAX = mpi2ng(MPI_MAX);
NG_MPI_MIN = mpi2ng(MPI_MIN);
NG_MPI_SUM = mpi2ng(MPI_SUM);
NG_MPI_LOR = mpi2ng(MPI_LOR);
@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <filesystem>
#include "ng_mpi.hpp"
#include "ngstream.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
using std::cout;
@ -13,9 +15,9 @@ namespace ngcore {
static std::unique_ptr<SharedLibrary> mpi_lib, ng_mpi_lib;
void InitMPI() {
void InitMPI(std::filesystem::path mpi_lib_path, std::filesystem::path ng_libs_dir) {
if (ng_mpi_lib) return;
cout << "InitMPI" << endl;
cout << IM(3) << "InitMPI" << endl;
typedef void (*get_version_handle)(char *, int *);
typedef int (*init_handle)(int *, char ***);
@ -27,12 +29,13 @@ void InitMPI() {
get_version_handle get_version;
try {
mpi_init = GetSymbol<init_handle>("MPI_Init");
cout << "MPI already loaded " << mpi_init << endl;
cout << IM(3) << "MPI already loaded " << mpi_init << endl;
mpi_initialized = GetSymbol<mpi_initialized_handle>("MPI_Initialized");
get_version = GetSymbol<get_version_handle>("MPI_Get_library_version");
} catch (std::runtime_error &e) {
cout << "MPI not loaded" << endl;
mpi_lib = std::make_unique<SharedLibrary>("libmpi.so", std::nullopt, true);
cout << IM(3) << "MPI not loaded" << endl;
mpi_lib = std::make_unique<SharedLibrary>("/usr/lib/libmpi.so",
std::nullopt, true);
mpi_init = mpi_lib->GetSymbol<init_handle>("MPI_Init");
mpi_initialized =
@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ void InitMPI() {
int flag = 0;
if (!flag) {
cout << "Calling MPI_Init" << endl;
cout << IM(3) << "Calling MPI_Init" << endl;
mpi_init(nullptr, nullptr);
@ -51,38 +54,34 @@ void InitMPI() {
int resultlen = 0;
get_version(version_string, &resultlen);
mpi_library_version = version_string;
cout << "MPI version: " << version_string << endl;
cout << IM(3) << "MPI version: " << version_string << endl;
std::string libname = "";
if (mpi_library_version.substr(0, 8) == "Open MPI") {
cout << "Have Open MPI" << endl;
cout << IM(3) << "Have Open MPI" << endl;
libname = "/opt/netgen/lib/libng_openmpi.so";
} else if (mpi_library_version.substr(0, 5) == "MPICH") {
cout << "Have MPICH" << endl;
cout << IM(3) << "Have MPICH" << endl;
libname = "/opt/netgen/lib/libng_mpich.so";
} else
cout << "Unknown MPI" << endl;
cout << IM(3) << "Unknown MPI" << endl;
if (libname.size()) {
cout << "loading " << libname << endl;
cout << "NG_MPI_INT before " << NG_MPI_INT.value << endl;
cout << IM(3) << "loading " << libname << endl;
cout << IM(3) << "NG_MPI_INT before " << NG_MPI_INT.value << endl;
ng_mpi_lib = std::make_unique<SharedLibrary>(libname);
auto ng_init = ng_mpi_lib->GetSymbol<ng_init_handle>("ng_init_mpi");
cout << "have ng_init " << ng_init << endl;
cout << IM(3) << "have ng_init " << ng_init << endl;
cout << "NG_MPI_INT after " << NG_MPI_INT.value << endl;
cout << IM(3) << "NG_MPI_INT after " << NG_MPI_INT.value << endl;
int size, rank;
NG_MPI_Comm_size(NG_MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
NG_MPI_Comm_rank(NG_MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
cout << IM(3) << "Hello from " << rank << " of " << size << endl;
// NG_MPI_Datatype NG_MPI_INT = 0;
// NG_MPI_Datatype NG_MPI_SHORT = 0;
// NG_MPI_Datatype NG_MPI_CHAR = 0;
// NG_MPI_Datatype NG_MPI_UINT64_T = 0;
// NG_MPI_Datatype NG_MPI_DOUBLE = 0;
// NG_MPI_Datatype NG_MPI_C_BOOL = 0;
static std::runtime_error no_mpi() {
return std::runtime_error("MPI not enabled");
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
#include "hashtable.hpp"
#include "localheap.hpp"
#include "logging.hpp"
#include "mpi_wrapper.hpp"
// #include "mpi_wrapper.hpp"
#include "profiler.hpp"
#include "signal.hpp"
#include "simd.hpp"
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#include "netgen_config.hpp"
#ifdef WIN32
// This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using _ftime64_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
@ -361,12 +361,7 @@ namespace ngcore
std::filesystem::path lib_name;
std::optional<std::filesystem::path> directory_to_delete = std::nullopt;
// #ifdef WIN32
// HINSTANCE lib = nullptr;
// #else // WIN32
void *lib = nullptr;
// #endif // WIN32
SharedLibrary() = default;
@ -383,7 +378,7 @@ namespace ngcore
return reinterpret_cast<TFunc>(GetRawSymbol(func_name));
void Load( const std::filesystem::path & lib_name_, bool global);
void Load( const std::filesystem::path & lib_name_, bool global = true);
void Unload();
void* GetRawSymbol( std::string func_name );
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
/* File: mpi_interface.cpp */
/* Author: Joachim Schoeberl */
/* Date: 04. Apr. 97 */
#ifdef OLD
#include <mystdlib.h>
#include <myadt.hpp>
namespace netgen
void MyMPI_SendCmd (const char * cmd)
int ntasks;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ntasks);
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
MPI_Send( (void*)cmd, (strlen(cmd)+1), MPI_CHAR, dest, MPI_TAG_CMD, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
string MyMPI_RecvCmd ()
MPI_Status status;
int flag;
int size_of_msg = -1;
MPI_Probe(0, MPI_TAG_CMD, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_CHAR, &size_of_msg);
//char* buf = (char*)malloc(size_of_msg*sizeof(char));
char buf[100000]; //1MB should be enough...
MPI_Recv( &buf, size_of_msg, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_TAG_CMD, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
return string(buf);
// #else
@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
braucht keiner mehr
#ifdef XXXXXX
#ifdef VTRACE
#include "vt_user.h"
#define VT_USER_START(n)
#define VT_USER_END(n)
#define VT_TRACER(n)
namespace netgen
#ifdef OLD
template <class T>
inline MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType ( )
{ cerr << "ERROR in GetMPIType() -- no type found" << endl;return 0; }
template <>
inline MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType<int> ( )
{ return MPI_INT; }
template <>
inline MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType<double> ( )
{ return MPI_DOUBLE; }
template <>
inline MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType<char> ( )
{ return MPI_CHAR; }
inline MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType<size_t> ( )
{ return MPI_UINT64_T; }
typedef int MPI_Datatype;
template <class T> inline MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType ( ) { return 0; }
enum { MPI_TAG_CMD = 110 };
enum { MPI_TAG_MESH = 210 };
enum { MPI_TAG_VIS = 310 };
[[deprecated("mympi_send int, use comm.Send instead")]]
inline void MyMPI_Send (int i, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
int hi = i;
MPI_Send( &hi, 1, MPI_INT, dest, tag, comm);
[[deprecated("mympi_revc int, use comm.Recv instead")]]
inline void MyMPI_Recv (int & i, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Recv( &i, 1, MPI_INT, src, tag, comm, &status);
[[deprecated("mympi_send string, use comm.Send instead")]]
inline void MyMPI_Send (const string & s, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
MPI_Send( const_cast<char*> (s.c_str()), s.length(), MPI_CHAR, dest, tag, comm);
[[deprecated("mympi_revc string, use comm.Recv instead")]]
inline void MyMPI_Recv (string & s, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
MPI_Status status;
int len;
MPI_Probe (src, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Get_count (&status, MPI_CHAR, &len);
s.assign (len, ' ');
MPI_Recv( &s[0], len, MPI_CHAR, src, tag, comm, &status);
template <class T, int BASE>
[[deprecated("mympi_send ngflatarray, use comm.send instead")]]
inline void MyMPI_Send (NgFlatArray<T, BASE> s, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
MPI_Send( &s.First(), s.Size(), GetMPIType<T>(), dest, tag, comm);
template <class T, int BASE>
[[deprecated("mympi_recv ngflatarray, use comm.Recv instead")]]
inline void MyMPI_Recv ( NgFlatArray<T, BASE> s, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Recv( &s.First(), s.Size(), GetMPIType<T>(), src, tag, comm, &status);
template <class T, int BASE>
[[deprecated("use ngcore - Array instead")]]
inline void MyMPI_Recv ( NgArray <T, BASE> & s, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
MPI_Status status;
int len;
MPI_Probe (src, tag, comm, &status);
MPI_Get_count (&status, GetMPIType<T>(), &len);
s.SetSize (len);
MPI_Recv( &s.First(), len, GetMPIType<T>(), src, tag, comm, &status);
template <class T, int BASE>
[[deprecated("use ngcore - Array instead")]]
inline int MyMPI_Recv ( NgArray <T, BASE> & s, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
MPI_Status status;
int len;
MPI_Probe (MPI_ANY_SOURCE, tag, comm, &status);
int src = status.MPI_SOURCE;
MPI_Get_count (&status, GetMPIType<T>(), &len);
s.SetSize (len);
MPI_Recv( &s.First(), len, GetMPIType<T>(), src, tag, comm, &status);
return src;
template <class T, int BASE>
inline void MyMPI_ISend (NgFlatArray<T, BASE> s, int dest, int tag, MPI_Request & request)
MPI_Isend( &s.First(), s.Size(), MyGetMPIType<T>(), dest, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, & request);
template <class T, int BASE>
inline void MyMPI_IRecv (NgFlatArray<T, BASE> s, int dest, int tag, MPI_Request & request)
MPI_Irecv( &s.First(), s.Size(), MyGetMPIType<T>(), dest, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, & request);
template <class T, int BASE>
[[deprecated("mympi_isend ngflatarray, use comm.send instead")]]
[[deprecated("use ngcore - Array instead")]]
inline MPI_Request MyMPI_ISend (NgFlatArray<T, BASE> s, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
MPI_Request request;
MPI_Isend( &s.First(), s.Size(), GetMPIType<T>(), dest, tag, comm, &request);
return request;
template <class T, int BASE>
[[deprecated("mympi_irecv ngflatarray, use comm.recv instead")]]
inline MPI_Request MyMPI_IRecv (NgFlatArray<T, BASE> s, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
MPI_Request request;
MPI_Irecv( &s.First(), s.Size(), GetMPIType<T>(), dest, tag, comm, &request);
return request;
template <class T, int BASE>
inline void MyMPI_ISend (NgFlatArray<T, BASE> s, int dest, int tag)
MPI_Request request;
MPI_Isend( &s.First(), s.Size(), MyGetMPIType<T>(), dest, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
MPI_Request_free (&request);
template <class T, int BASE>
inline void MyMPI_IRecv (NgFlatArray<T, BASE> s, int dest, int tag)
MPI_Request request;
MPI_Irecv( &s.First(), s.Size(), MyGetMPIType<T>(), dest, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
MPI_Request_free (&request);
send a table entry to each of the processes in the group ...
receive-table entries will be set
template <typename T>
[[deprecated("do we need that ? ")]]
inline void MyMPI_ExchangeTable (TABLE<T> & send_data,
TABLE<T> & recv_data, int tag,
const NgMPI_Comm & comm)
int rank = comm.Rank();
int ntasks = comm.Size();
Array<int> send_sizes(ntasks);
Array<int> recv_sizes(ntasks);
for (int i = 0; i < ntasks; i++)
send_sizes[i] = send_data[i].Size();
comm.AllToAll (send_sizes, recv_sizes);
for (int i = 0; i < ntasks; i++)
recv_data.SetEntrySize (i, recv_sizes[i], sizeof(T));
Array<MPI_Request> requests;
for (int dest = 0; dest < ntasks; dest++)
if (dest != rank && send_data[dest].Size())
requests.Append (comm.ISend (FlatArray<T>(send_data[dest]), dest, tag));
for (int dest = 0; dest < ntasks; dest++)
if (dest != rank && recv_data[dest].Size())
requests.Append (comm.IRecv (FlatArray<T>(recv_data[dest]), dest, tag));
MyMPI_WaitAll (requests);
template <typename T>
[[deprecated("do we need that ? ")]]
inline void MyMPI_ExchangeTable (DynamicTable<T> & send_data,
DynamicTable<T> & recv_data, int tag,
const NgMPI_Comm & comm)
int rank = comm.Rank();
int ntasks = comm.Size();
Array<int> send_sizes(ntasks);
Array<int> recv_sizes(ntasks);
for (int i = 0; i < ntasks; i++)
send_sizes[i] = send_data[i].Size();
comm.AllToAll (send_sizes, recv_sizes);
// for (int i = 0; i < ntasks; i++)
// recv_data.SetEntrySize (i, recv_sizes[i], sizeof(T));
recv_data = DynamicTable<T> (recv_sizes, true);
Array<MPI_Request> requests;
for (int dest = 0; dest < ntasks; dest++)
if (dest != rank && send_data[dest].Size())
requests.Append (comm.ISend (FlatArray<T>(send_data[dest]), dest, tag));
for (int dest = 0; dest < ntasks; dest++)
if (dest != rank && recv_data[dest].Size())
requests.Append (comm.IRecv (FlatArray<T>(recv_data[dest]), dest, tag));
MyMPI_WaitAll (requests);
[[deprecated("do we still send commands?")]]
DLL_HEADER void MyMPI_SendCmd (const char * cmd);
[[deprecated("do we still send commands?")]]
extern string MyMPI_RecvCmd ();
template <class T>
[[deprecated("use comm.BCast instead")]]
inline void MyMPI_Bcast (T & s, MPI_Comm comm)
MPI_Bcast (&s, 1, GetMPIType<T>(), 0, comm);
template <class T>
[[deprecated("use comm.BCast instead")]]
inline void MyMPI_Bcast (NgArray<T, 0> & s, NgMPI_Comm comm)
int size = s.Size();
// MyMPI_Bcast (size, comm);
// if (MyMPI_GetId(comm) != 0) s.SetSize (size);
if (comm.Rank() != 0) s.SetSize (size);
MPI_Bcast (&s[0], size, GetMPIType<T>(), 0, comm);
template <class T>
[[deprecated("use comm.BCast instead")]]
inline void MyMPI_Bcast (NgArray<T, 0> & s, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
int id;
MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &id);
int size = s.Size();
MPI_Bcast (&size, 1, MPI_INT, root, comm);
if (id != root) s.SetSize (size);
if ( !size ) return;
MPI_Bcast (&s[0], size, GetMPIType<T>(), root, comm);
template <class T, class T2>
[[deprecated("mympi_allgather deprecated, use comm.allgather")]]
inline void MyMPI_Allgather (const T & send, NgFlatArray<T2> recv, MPI_Comm comm)
MPI_Allgather( const_cast<T*> (&send), 1, GetMPIType<T>(), &recv[0], 1, GetMPIType<T2>(), comm);
template <class T, class T2>
[[deprecated("mympi_alltoall deprecated, use comm.alltoall")]]
inline void MyMPI_Alltoall (NgFlatArray<T> send, NgFlatArray<T2> recv, MPI_Comm comm)
MPI_Alltoall( &send[0], 1, GetMPIType<T>(), &recv[0], 1, GetMPIType<T2>(), comm);
template <typename T>
[[deprecated("do we need that ? ")]]
inline void MyMPI_ExchangeTable (TABLE<T> & send_data,
TABLE<T> & recv_data, int tag,
const NgMPI_Comm & comm)
template <typename T>
[[deprecated("do we need that ? ")]]
inline void MyMPI_ExchangeTable (DynamicTable<T> & send_data,
DynamicTable<T> & recv_data, int tag,
const NgMPI_Comm & comm)
{ ; }
#endif // PARALLEL
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "mydefs.hpp"
#include <core/mpi_wrapper.hpp>
C++ interface to Netgen
@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ namespace netgen
auto comm = mesh.GetCommunicator();
const ParallelMeshTopology & partop = mesh.GetParallelTopology ();
int ntasks = comm.Size();
@ -654,8 +654,8 @@ namespace netgen
if (ntasks > 1)
// MyMPI_ExchangeTable (send_orders, recv_orders, MPI_TAG_CURVE, comm);
comm.ExchangeTable (send_orders, recv_orders, MPI_TAG_CURVE);
// MyMPI_ExchangeTable (send_orders, recv_orders, NG_MPI_TAG_CURVE, comm);
comm.ExchangeTable (send_orders, recv_orders, NG_MPI_TAG_CURVE);
if (ntasks > 1 && working)
@ -770,8 +770,8 @@ namespace netgen
// MyMPI_ExchangeTable (senddata, recvdata, MPI_TAG_CURVE, comm);
comm.ExchangeTable (senddata, recvdata, MPI_TAG_CURVE);
// MyMPI_ExchangeTable (senddata, recvdata, NG_MPI_TAG_CURVE, comm);
comm.ExchangeTable (senddata, recvdata, NG_MPI_TAG_CURVE);
NgArray<int> cnt(ntasks);
cnt = 0;
@ -976,8 +976,8 @@ namespace netgen
// MyMPI_ExchangeTable (senddata, recvdata, MPI_TAG_CURVE, comm);
comm.ExchangeTable (senddata, recvdata, MPI_TAG_CURVE);
// MyMPI_ExchangeTable (senddata, recvdata, NG_MPI_TAG_CURVE, comm);
comm.ExchangeTable (senddata, recvdata, NG_MPI_TAG_CURVE);
NgArray<int> cnt(ntasks);
cnt = 0;
@ -1166,8 +1166,8 @@ namespace netgen
if (ntasks > 1)
// MyMPI_ExchangeTable (send_surfnr, recv_surfnr, MPI_TAG_CURVE, comm);
comm.ExchangeTable (send_surfnr, recv_surfnr, MPI_TAG_CURVE);
// MyMPI_ExchangeTable (send_surfnr, recv_surfnr, NG_MPI_TAG_CURVE, comm);
comm.ExchangeTable (send_surfnr, recv_surfnr, NG_MPI_TAG_CURVE);
if (ntasks > 1 && working)
@ -1710,7 +1710,7 @@ namespace netgen
maxglob = max(globnum[pi], maxglob);
maxglob = comm.AllReduce (maxglob, MPI_MAX);
maxglob = comm.AllReduce (maxglob, NG_MPI_MAX);
int numglob = maxglob+1-PointIndex::BASE;
if (comm.Rank() > 0)
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ namespace netgen
class NetgenGeometry;
using namespace std;
static constexpr int MPI_TAG_MESH = 210;
static constexpr int NG_MPI_TAG_MESH = 210;
@ -18,125 +18,125 @@ namespace netgen
MPI_Datatype MeshPoint :: MyGetMPIType ( )
NG_MPI_Datatype MeshPoint :: MyGetMPIType ( )
static MPI_Datatype type = MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
static MPI_Datatype htype = MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
if (type == MPI_DATATYPE_NULL)
static NG_MPI_Datatype type = NG_MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
static NG_MPI_Datatype htype = NG_MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
MeshPoint hp;
int blocklen[] = { 3, 1, 1 };
MPI_Aint displ[] = { (char*)&hp.x[0] - (char*)&hp,
NG_MPI_Aint displ[] = { (char*)&hp.x[0] - (char*)&hp,
(char*)&hp.layer - (char*)&hp,
(char*)&hp.singular - (char*)&hp };
MPI_Datatype types[] = { MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_INT, MPI_DOUBLE };
// *testout << "displ = " << displ[0] << ", " << displ[1] << ", " << displ[2] << endl;
// *testout << "sizeof = " << sizeof (MeshPoint) << endl;
MPI_Type_create_struct (3, blocklen, displ, types, &htype);
MPI_Type_commit ( &htype );
MPI_Aint lb, ext;
MPI_Type_get_extent (htype, &lb, &ext);
NG_MPI_Type_create_struct (3, blocklen, displ, types, &htype);
NG_MPI_Type_commit ( &htype );
NG_MPI_Aint lb, ext;
NG_MPI_Type_get_extent (htype, &lb, &ext);
// *testout << "lb = " << lb << endl;
// *testout << "ext = " << ext << endl;
ext = sizeof (MeshPoint);
MPI_Type_create_resized (htype, lb, ext, &type);
MPI_Type_commit ( &type );
NG_MPI_Type_create_resized (htype, lb, ext, &type);
NG_MPI_Type_commit ( &type );
return type;
MPI_Datatype Element2d :: MyGetMPIType ( )
NG_MPI_Datatype Element2d :: MyGetMPIType ( )
static MPI_Datatype type = MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
static MPI_Datatype htype = MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
if (type == MPI_DATATYPE_NULL)
static NG_MPI_Datatype type = NG_MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
static NG_MPI_Datatype htype = NG_MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
Element2d hel;
int blocklen[] = { ELEMENT2D_MAXPOINTS, 1, 1, 1 };
MPI_Aint displ[] =
NG_MPI_Aint displ[] =
{ (char*)&hel.pnum[0] - (char*)&hel,
(char*)&hel.index - (char*)&hel,
(char*)&hel.typ - (char*)&hel,
(char*)&hel.np - (char*)&hel
MPI_Datatype types[] = { GetMPIType<PointIndex>(), GetMPIType(hel.index),
NG_MPI_Datatype types[] = { GetMPIType<PointIndex>(), GetMPIType(hel.index),
GetMPIType(hel.typ), GetMPIType(hel.np) };
// *testout << "displ = " << displ[0] << ", " << displ[1] << ", " << displ[2] << endl;
// *testout << "sizeof = " << sizeof (MeshPoint) << endl;
MPI_Type_create_struct (4, blocklen, displ, types, &htype);
MPI_Type_commit ( &htype );
MPI_Aint lb, ext;
MPI_Type_get_extent (htype, &lb, &ext);
NG_MPI_Type_create_struct (4, blocklen, displ, types, &htype);
NG_MPI_Type_commit ( &htype );
NG_MPI_Aint lb, ext;
NG_MPI_Type_get_extent (htype, &lb, &ext);
// *testout << "lb = " << lb << endl;
// *testout << "ext = " << ext << endl;
ext = sizeof (Element2d);
MPI_Type_create_resized (htype, lb, ext, &type);
MPI_Type_commit ( &type );
NG_MPI_Type_create_resized (htype, lb, ext, &type);
NG_MPI_Type_commit ( &type );
return type;
MPI_Datatype Element :: MyGetMPIType ( )
NG_MPI_Datatype Element :: MyGetMPIType ( )
static MPI_Datatype type = MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
static MPI_Datatype htype = MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
if (type == MPI_DATATYPE_NULL)
static NG_MPI_Datatype type = NG_MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
static NG_MPI_Datatype htype = NG_MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
Element hel;
int blocklen[] = { ELEMENT_MAXPOINTS, 1, 1, 1 };
MPI_Aint displ[] =
NG_MPI_Aint displ[] =
{ (char*)&hel.pnum[0] - (char*)&hel,
(char*)&hel.index - (char*)&hel,
(char*)&hel.typ - (char*)&hel,
(char*)&hel.np - (char*)&hel
MPI_Datatype types[] = { GetMPIType<PointIndex>(), GetMPIType(hel.index),
NG_MPI_Datatype types[] = { GetMPIType<PointIndex>(), GetMPIType(hel.index),
GetMPIType(hel.typ), GetMPIType(hel.np) };
// *testout << "displ = " << displ[0] << ", " << displ[1] << ", " << displ[2] << endl;
// *testout << "sizeof = " << sizeof (MeshPoint) << endl;
MPI_Type_create_struct (4, blocklen, displ, types, &htype);
MPI_Type_commit ( &htype );
MPI_Aint lb, ext;
MPI_Type_get_extent (htype, &lb, &ext);
NG_MPI_Type_create_struct (4, blocklen, displ, types, &htype);
NG_MPI_Type_commit ( &htype );
NG_MPI_Aint lb, ext;
NG_MPI_Type_get_extent (htype, &lb, &ext);
// *testout << "lb = " << lb << endl;
// *testout << "ext = " << ext << endl;
ext = sizeof (Element);
MPI_Type_create_resized (htype, lb, ext, &type);
MPI_Type_commit ( &type );
NG_MPI_Type_create_resized (htype, lb, ext, &type);
NG_MPI_Type_commit ( &type );
return type;
MPI_Datatype Segment :: MyGetMPIType ( )
NG_MPI_Datatype Segment :: MyGetMPIType ( )
static MPI_Datatype type = MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
static MPI_Datatype htype = MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
if (type == MPI_DATATYPE_NULL)
static NG_MPI_Datatype type = NG_MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
static NG_MPI_Datatype htype = NG_MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
Segment hel;
int blocklen[] = { 3, 1, 1, 1 };
MPI_Aint displ[] =
NG_MPI_Aint displ[] =
{ (char*)&hel.pnums[0] - (char*)&hel,
(char*)&hel.edgenr - (char*)&hel,
(char*)&hel.cd2i - (char*)&hel,
(char*)&hel.si - (char*)&hel
MPI_Datatype types[] = {
NG_MPI_Datatype types[] = {
GetMPIType<PointIndex>(), GetMPIType(hel.edgenr), GetMPIType(hel.cd2i), GetMPIType(hel.si)
// *testout << "displ = " << displ[0] << ", " << displ[1] << ", " << displ[2] << endl;
// *testout << "sizeof = " << sizeof (MeshPoint) << endl;
MPI_Type_create_struct (4, blocklen, displ, types, &htype);
MPI_Type_commit ( &htype );
MPI_Aint lb, ext;
MPI_Type_get_extent (htype, &lb, &ext);
NG_MPI_Type_create_struct (4, blocklen, displ, types, &htype);
NG_MPI_Type_commit ( &htype );
NG_MPI_Aint lb, ext;
NG_MPI_Type_get_extent (htype, &lb, &ext);
// *testout << "lb = " << lb << endl;
// *testout << "ext = " << ext << endl;
ext = sizeof (Segment);
MPI_Type_create_resized (htype, lb, ext, &type);
MPI_Type_commit ( &type );
NG_MPI_Type_create_resized (htype, lb, ext, &type);
NG_MPI_Type_commit ( &type );
return type;
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include <mydefs.hpp>
#include <general/template.hpp>
#include <core/mpi_wrapper.hpp>
#include <gprim/geom3d.hpp>
#include <linalg.hpp>
@ -372,7 +373,7 @@ namespace netgen
bool IsSingular() const { return (singular != 0.0); }
static MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType ( );
static NG_MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType ( );
void DoArchive (Archive & ar)
@ -583,7 +584,7 @@ namespace netgen
static MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType();
static NG_MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType();
@ -886,7 +887,7 @@ namespace netgen
static MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType();
static NG_MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType();
@ -1138,7 +1139,7 @@ namespace netgen
void DoArchive (Archive & ar);
static MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType();
static NG_MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType();
@ -1642,25 +1643,25 @@ namespace netgen
namespace ngcore
template <> struct MPI_typetrait<netgen::PointIndex> {
static MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return MPI_INT; }
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return NG_MPI_INT; }
template <> struct MPI_typetrait<netgen::ELEMENT_TYPE> {
static MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return MPI_CHAR; }
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return NG_MPI_CHAR; }
template <> struct MPI_typetrait<netgen::MeshPoint> {
static MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return netgen::MeshPoint::MyGetMPIType(); }
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return netgen::MeshPoint::MyGetMPIType(); }
template <> struct MPI_typetrait<netgen::Element> {
static MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return netgen::Element::MyGetMPIType(); }
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return netgen::Element::MyGetMPIType(); }
template <> struct MPI_typetrait<netgen::Element2d> {
static MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return netgen::Element2d::MyGetMPIType(); }
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return netgen::Element2d::MyGetMPIType(); }
template <> struct MPI_typetrait<netgen::Segment> {
static MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return netgen::Segment::MyGetMPIType(); }
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType () { return netgen::Segment::MyGetMPIType(); }
@ -53,15 +53,15 @@ namespace ngcore
}; // class SurfPointPackage
template<> struct MPI_typetrait<SurfPointPackage> {
static MPI_Datatype MPIType () {
static MPI_Datatype MPI_T = 0;
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType () {
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPI_T = 0;
if (!MPI_T)
int block_len[2] = { 2, 2 };
MPI_Aint displs[3] = { 0, 2*sizeof(int) };
MPI_Datatype types[2] = { MPI_INT, MPI_DOUBLE };
MPI_Type_create_struct(2, block_len, displs, types, &MPI_T);
NG_MPI_Aint displs[3] = { 0, 2*sizeof(int) };
NG_MPI_Datatype types[2] = { NG_MPI_INT, NG_MPI_DOUBLE };
NG_MPI_Type_create_struct(2, block_len, displs, types, &MPI_T);
return MPI_T;
@ -119,15 +119,15 @@ namespace ngcore
}; // class SelPackage
template<> struct MPI_typetrait<SelPackage> {
static MPI_Datatype MPIType () {
static MPI_Datatype MPI_T = 0;
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType () {
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPI_T = 0;
if (!MPI_T)
int block_len[2] = { 3, ELEMENT2D_MAXPOINTS };
MPI_Aint displs[3] = { 0, 3*sizeof(int) };
MPI_Datatype types[2] = { MPI_INT, GetMPIType<SurfPointPackage>() };
MPI_Type_create_struct(2, block_len, displs, types, &MPI_T);
NG_MPI_Aint displs[3] = { 0, 3*sizeof(int) };
NG_MPI_Datatype types[2] = { NG_MPI_INT, GetMPIType<SurfPointPackage>() };
NG_MPI_Type_create_struct(2, block_len, displs, types, &MPI_T);
return MPI_T;
@ -145,15 +145,15 @@ namespace ngcore
}; // class PointElPackage
template<> struct MPI_typetrait<PointElPackage> {
static MPI_Datatype MPIType () {
static MPI_Datatype MPI_T = 0;
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPIType () {
static NG_MPI_Datatype MPI_T = 0;
if (!MPI_T)
int block_len[2] = { 1, 1 };
MPI_Aint displs[3] = { 0, sizeof(netgen::PointIndex) };
MPI_Datatype types[2] = { GetMPIType<netgen::PointIndex>(), MPI_INT };
MPI_Type_create_struct(2, block_len, displs, types, &MPI_T);
NG_MPI_Aint displs[3] = { 0, sizeof(netgen::PointIndex) };
NG_MPI_Datatype types[2] = { GetMPIType<netgen::PointIndex>(), NG_MPI_INT };
NG_MPI_Type_create_struct(2, block_len, displs, types, &MPI_T);
return MPI_T;
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ namespace netgen
int dim = GetDimension();
Array<MPI_Request> sendrequests(8*(ntasks-1));
Array<NG_MPI_Request> sendrequests(8*(ntasks-1));
// If the topology is not already updated, we do not need to
@ -452,27 +452,27 @@ namespace netgen
PrintMessage ( 3, "Sending Vertices - vertices");
Array<MPI_Datatype> point_types(ntasks-1);
Array<NG_MPI_Datatype> point_types(ntasks-1);
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
NgFlatArray<PointIndex> verts = verts_of_proc[dest];
// sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend (verts, dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm));
sendrequests.Append (comm.ISend (FlatArray<PointIndex>(verts), dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+1));
// sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend (verts, dest, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm));
sendrequests.Append (comm.ISend (FlatArray<PointIndex>(verts), dest, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+1));
MPI_Datatype mptype = MeshPoint::MyGetMPIType();
NG_MPI_Datatype mptype = MeshPoint::MyGetMPIType();
int numv = verts.Size();
NgArray<int> blocklen (numv);
blocklen = 1;
MPI_Type_indexed (numv, (numv == 0) ? nullptr : &blocklen[0],
NG_MPI_Type_indexed (numv, (numv == 0) ? nullptr : &blocklen[0],
(numv == 0) ? nullptr : reinterpret_cast<int*> (&verts[0]),
mptype, &point_types[dest-1]);
MPI_Type_commit (&point_types[dest-1]);
NG_MPI_Type_commit (&point_types[dest-1]);
MPI_Request request;
MPI_Isend( points.Data(), 1, point_types[dest-1], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm, &request);
NG_MPI_Request request;
NG_MPI_Isend( points.Data(), 1, point_types[dest-1], dest, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm, &request);
sendrequests.Append (request);
@ -533,10 +533,10 @@ namespace netgen
Array<MPI_Request> req_per;
Array<NG_MPI_Request> req_per;
for(int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
// req_per.Append(MyMPI_ISend(pp_data[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm));
req_per.Append(comm.ISend(FlatArray<int>(pp_data[dest]), dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+1));
// req_per.Append(MyMPI_ISend(pp_data[dest], dest, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm));
req_per.Append(comm.ISend(FlatArray<int>(pp_data[dest]), dest, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+1));
PrintMessage ( 3, "Sending Vertices - distprocs");
@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ namespace netgen
for ( int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest ++ )
sendrequests.Append (comm.ISend (distpnums[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+1));
sendrequests.Append (comm.ISend (distpnums[dest], dest, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+1));
@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ namespace netgen
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest ++ )
sendrequests.Append (comm.ISend (elementarrays[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+2));
sendrequests.Append (comm.ISend (elementarrays[dest], dest, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+2));
PrintMessage ( 3, "Sending Face Descriptors" );
@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ namespace netgen
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
sendrequests.Append (comm.ISend (fddata, dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+3));
sendrequests.Append (comm.ISend (fddata, dest, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+3));
/** Surface Elements **/
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ namespace netgen
// distribute sel data
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
sendrequests.Append (comm.ISend(selbuf[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+4));
sendrequests.Append (comm.ISend(selbuf[dest], dest, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+4));
/** Segments **/
@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ namespace netgen
// distribute segment data
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
sendrequests.Append (comm.ISend(segm_buf[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+5));
sendrequests.Append (comm.ISend(segm_buf[dest], dest, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+5));
/** Point-Elements **/
PrintMessage ( 3, "Point-Elements ...");
@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ namespace netgen
iterate_zdes([&](const auto & pack, auto dest) { zde_buf.Add(dest, pack); });
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
{ sendrequests.Append (comm.ISend(zde_buf[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+6)); }
{ sendrequests.Append (comm.ISend(zde_buf[dest], dest, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+6)); }
PrintMessage ( 3, "now wait ...");
@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ namespace netgen
// clean up MPI-datatypes we allocated earlier
for (auto t : point_types)
{ MPI_Type_free(&t); }
{ NG_MPI_Type_free(&t); }
paralleltop -> SetNV_Loc2Glob (0);
paralleltop -> SetNV (0);
@ -895,8 +895,8 @@ namespace netgen
nnames[3] = GetNCD3Names();
int tot_nn = nnames[0] + nnames[1] + nnames[2] + nnames[3];
for( int k = 1; k < ntasks; k++)
sendrequests[k] = comm.ISend(nnames, k, MPI_TAG_MESH+7);
// (void) MPI_Isend(nnames, 4, MPI_INT, k, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm, &sendrequests[k]);
sendrequests[k] = comm.ISend(nnames, k, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+7);
// (void) NG_MPI_Isend(nnames, 4, NG_MPI_INT, k, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm, &sendrequests[k]);
auto iterate_names = [&](auto func) {
for (int k = 0; k < nnames[0]; k++) func(materials[k]);
for (int k = 0; k < nnames[1]; k++) func(bcnames[k]);
@ -908,7 +908,7 @@ namespace netgen
tot_nn = 0;
iterate_names([&](auto ptr) { name_sizes[tot_nn++] = (ptr==NULL) ? 0 : ptr->size(); });
for( int k = 1; k < ntasks; k++)
(void) MPI_Isend(&name_sizes[0], tot_nn, MPI_INT, k, MPI_TAG_MESH+7, comm, &sendrequests[ntasks+k]);
(void) NG_MPI_Isend(&name_sizes[0], tot_nn, NG_MPI_INT, k, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+7, comm, &sendrequests[ntasks+k]);
// names
int strs = 0;
iterate_names([&](auto ptr) { strs += (ptr==NULL) ? 0 : ptr->size(); });
@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ namespace netgen
for (int j=0; j < name.size(); j++) compiled_names[strs++] = name[j];
for( int k = 1; k < ntasks; k++)
(void) MPI_Isend(&(compiled_names[0]), strs, MPI_CHAR, k, MPI_TAG_MESH+7, comm, &sendrequests[2*ntasks+k]);
(void) NG_MPI_Isend(&(compiled_names[0]), strs, NG_MPI_CHAR, k, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+7, comm, &sendrequests[2*ntasks+k]);
PrintMessage ( 3, "wait for names");
@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ namespace netgen
Array<int> verts;
comm.Recv (verts, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+1);
comm.Recv (verts, 0, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+1);
int numvert = verts.Size();
paralleltop -> SetNV (numvert);
@ -1026,12 +1026,12 @@ namespace netgen
for (int i = 0; i < numvert; i++)
AddPoint (netgen::Point<3> (0,0,0));
MPI_Datatype mptype = MeshPoint::MyGetMPIType();
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Recv( points.Data(), numvert, mptype, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm, &status);
NG_MPI_Datatype mptype = MeshPoint::MyGetMPIType();
NG_MPI_Status status;
NG_MPI_Recv( points.Data(), numvert, mptype, 0, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm, &status);
Array<int> pp_data;
comm.Recv(pp_data, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+1);
comm.Recv(pp_data, 0, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+1);
int maxidentnr = pp_data[0];
auto & idents = GetIdentifications();
@ -1052,7 +1052,7 @@ namespace netgen
Array<int> dist_pnums;
comm.Recv (dist_pnums, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+1);
comm.Recv (dist_pnums, 0, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+1);
for (int hi = 0; hi < dist_pnums.Size(); hi += 3)
paralleltop ->
@ -1067,7 +1067,7 @@ namespace netgen
RegionTimer reg(timer_els);
Array<int> elarray;
comm.Recv (elarray, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+2);
comm.Recv (elarray, 0, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+2);
for (int ind = 0, elnum = 1; ind < elarray.Size(); elnum++)
@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@ namespace netgen
Array<double> fddata;
comm.Recv (fddata, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+3);
comm.Recv (fddata, 0, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+3);
for (int i = 0; i < fddata.Size(); i += 6)
int faceind = AddFaceDescriptor
@ -1101,7 +1101,7 @@ namespace netgen
RegionTimer reg(timer_sels);
Array<SelPackage> selbuf;
comm.Recv ( selbuf, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+4);
comm.Recv ( selbuf, 0, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+4);
int nlocsel = selbuf.Size();
paralleltop -> SetNSE ( nlocsel );
@ -1124,9 +1124,9 @@ namespace netgen
// NgArray<double> segmbuf;
// MyMPI_Recv ( segmbuf, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+5, comm);
// MyMPI_Recv ( segmbuf, 0, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+5, comm);
Array<double> segmbuf;
comm.Recv (segmbuf, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+5);
comm.Recv (segmbuf, 0, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+5);
Segment seg;
int globsegi;
@ -1170,7 +1170,7 @@ namespace netgen
{ /** 0d-Elements **/
Array<PointElPackage> zdes;
comm.Recv ( zdes, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+6);
comm.Recv ( zdes, 0, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+6);
for (auto k : Range(pointelements)) {
auto & el = pointelements[k];
@ -1183,8 +1183,8 @@ namespace netgen
paralleltop -> EnumeratePointsGlobally();
/** Recv bc-names **/
ArrayMem<int,4> nnames{0,0,0,0};
// MPI_Recv(nnames, 4, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
comm.Recv(nnames, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+7);
// NG_MPI_Recv(nnames, 4, NG_MPI_INT, 0, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm, NG_MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
comm.Recv(nnames, 0, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+7);
// cout << "nnames = " << FlatArray(nnames) << endl;
@ -1193,12 +1193,12 @@ namespace netgen
int tot_nn = nnames[0] + nnames[1] + nnames[2] + nnames[3];
NgArray<int> name_sizes(tot_nn);
MPI_Recv(&name_sizes[0], tot_nn, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+7, comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
NG_MPI_Recv(&name_sizes[0], tot_nn, NG_MPI_INT, 0, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+7, comm, NG_MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
int tot_size = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < tot_nn; k++) tot_size += name_sizes[k];
NgArray<char> compiled_names(tot_size);
MPI_Recv(&(compiled_names[0]), tot_size, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+7, comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
NG_MPI_Recv(&(compiled_names[0]), tot_size, NG_MPI_CHAR, 0, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+7, comm, NG_MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
tot_nn = tot_size = 0;
auto write_names = [&] (auto & array) {
@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ namespace netgen
Array<int> first_master_point(comm.Size());
comm.AllGather (num_master_points, first_master_point);
auto max_oldv = comm.AllReduce (Max (glob_vert.Range(0, oldnv)), MPI_MAX);
if (comm.AllReduce (oldnv, MPI_SUM) == 0)
auto max_oldv = comm.AllReduce (Max (glob_vert.Range(0, oldnv)), NG_MPI_MAX);
if (comm.AllReduce (oldnv, NG_MPI_SUM) == 0)
max_oldv = PointIndex::BASE-1;
size_t num_glob_points = max_oldv+1;
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ namespace netgen
for (auto p : dps)
send_data[p][nsend[p]++] = L2G(pi);
Array<MPI_Request> requests;
Array<NG_MPI_Request> requests;
for (int i = 0; i < comm.Size(); i++)
if (nsend[i])
@ -342,10 +342,10 @@ namespace netgen
sendarray.Append (topology.GetSurfaceElementFace (el));
Array<MPI_Request> sendrequests;
Array<NG_MPI_Request> sendrequests;
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
// sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend (*sendarrays[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+10, comm));
sendrequests.Append (comm.ISend (FlatArray<int>(*sendarrays[dest]), dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+10));
// sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend (*sendarrays[dest], dest, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+10, comm));
sendrequests.Append (comm.ISend (FlatArray<int>(*sendarrays[dest]), dest, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+10));
MyMPI_WaitAll (sendrequests);
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
@ -356,9 +356,9 @@ namespace netgen
// NgArray<int> recvarray;
// MyMPI_Recv (recvarray, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+10, comm);
// MyMPI_Recv (recvarray, 0, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+10, comm);
Array<int> recvarray;
comm.Recv (recvarray, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+10); // MyMPI_Recv (recvarray, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+10, comm);
comm.Recv (recvarray, 0, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+10); // MyMPI_Recv (recvarray, 0, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+10, comm);
int ii = 0;
@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ namespace netgen
Array<int> cnt_send(ntasks);
int maxsize = comm.AllReduce (mesh.mlbetweennodes.Size(), MPI_MAX);
int maxsize = comm.AllReduce (mesh.mlbetweennodes.Size(), NG_MPI_MAX);
// update new vertices after mesh-refinement
if (maxsize > 0)
@ -500,8 +500,8 @@ namespace netgen
DynamicTable<int> recv_verts(ntasks);
// MyMPI_ExchangeTable (send_verts, recv_verts, MPI_TAG_MESH+9, comm);
comm.ExchangeTable (send_verts, recv_verts, MPI_TAG_MESH+9);
// MyMPI_ExchangeTable (send_verts, recv_verts, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+9, comm);
comm.ExchangeTable (send_verts, recv_verts, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+9);
for (int dest = 0; dest < ntasks; dest++)
if (dest != id)
@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ namespace netgen
changed = comm.AllReduce (changed, MPI_LOR);
changed = comm.AllReduce (changed, NG_MPI_LOR);
@ -558,8 +558,8 @@ namespace netgen
for (int dist : GetDistantProcs(pi))
dest2vert.Add (dist, pi);
// MPI_Group_free(&MPI_LocalGroup);
// MPI_Comm_free(&MPI_LocalComm);
// NG_MPI_Group_free(&NG_MPI_LocalGroup);
// NG_MPI_Comm_free(&NG_MPI_LocalComm);
@ -696,8 +696,8 @@ namespace netgen
// cout << "UpdateCoarseGrid - edges mpi-exchange" << endl;
// TABLE<int> recv_edges(ntasks);
DynamicTable<int> recv_edges(ntasks);
// MyMPI_ExchangeTable (send_edges, recv_edges, MPI_TAG_MESH+9, comm);
comm.ExchangeTable (send_edges, recv_edges, MPI_TAG_MESH+9);
// MyMPI_ExchangeTable (send_edges, recv_edges, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+9, comm);
comm.ExchangeTable (send_edges, recv_edges, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+9);
// cout << "UpdateCoarseGrid - edges mpi-exchange done" << endl;
for (int dest = 0; dest < ntasks; dest++)
@ -806,8 +806,8 @@ namespace netgen
// cout << "UpdateCoarseGrid - faces mpi-exchange" << endl;
// TABLE<int> recv_faces(ntasks);
DynamicTable<int> recv_faces(ntasks);
// MyMPI_ExchangeTable (send_faces, recv_faces, MPI_TAG_MESH+9, comm);
comm.ExchangeTable (send_faces, recv_faces, MPI_TAG_MESH+9);
// MyMPI_ExchangeTable (send_faces, recv_faces, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+9, comm);
comm.ExchangeTable (send_faces, recv_faces, NG_MPI_TAG_MESH+9);
// cout << "UpdateCoarseGrid - faces mpi-exchange done" << endl;
for (int dest = 0; dest < ntasks; dest++)
@ -839,8 +839,8 @@ namespace netgen
// EnumeratePointsGlobally();
is_updated = true;
// MPI_Group_free(&MPI_LocalGroup);
// MPI_Comm_free(&MPI_LocalComm);
// NG_MPI_Group_free(&NG_MPI_LocalGroup);
// NG_MPI_Comm_free(&NG_MPI_LocalComm);
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public:
~ClearSolutionClass() { Ng_ClearSolutionData(); }
#undef NG_MPI4PY
#ifdef NG_MPI4PY
#include <mpi4py.h>
@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNetgenMeshing(py::module &m)
py::implicitly_convertible<int, Identifications::ID_TYPE>();
py::class_<NgMPI_Comm> (m, "MPI_Comm")
.def(py::init([] () { return NgMPI_Comm(NG_MPI_COMM_WORLD); }))
#ifdef NG_MPI4PY
.def(py::init([] (mpi4py_comm comm)
@ -144,19 +145,19 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNetgenMeshing(py::module &m)
.def("Barrier", &NgMPI_Comm::Barrier)
.def("WTime", [](NgMPI_Comm & c) { return MPI_Wtime(); })
.def("WTime", [](NgMPI_Comm & c) { return NG_MPI_Wtime(); })
.def("WTime", [](NgMPI_Comm & c) { return -1.0; })
.def("Sum", [](NgMPI_Comm & c, double x) { return c.AllReduce(x, MPI_SUM); })
.def("Min", [](NgMPI_Comm & c, double x) { return c.AllReduce(x, MPI_MIN); })
.def("Max", [](NgMPI_Comm & c, double x) { return c.AllReduce(x, MPI_MAX); })
.def("Sum", [](NgMPI_Comm & c, int x) { return c.AllReduce(x, MPI_SUM); })
.def("Min", [](NgMPI_Comm & c, int x) { return c.AllReduce(x, MPI_MIN); })
.def("Max", [](NgMPI_Comm & c, int x) { return c.AllReduce(x, MPI_MAX); })
.def("Sum", [](NgMPI_Comm & c, size_t x) { return c.AllReduce(x, MPI_SUM); })
.def("Min", [](NgMPI_Comm & c, size_t x) { return c.AllReduce(x, MPI_MIN); })
.def("Max", [](NgMPI_Comm & c, size_t x) { return c.AllReduce(x, MPI_MAX); })
.def("Sum", [](NgMPI_Comm & c, double x) { return c.AllReduce(x, NG_MPI_SUM); })
.def("Min", [](NgMPI_Comm & c, double x) { return c.AllReduce(x, NG_MPI_MIN); })
.def("Max", [](NgMPI_Comm & c, double x) { return c.AllReduce(x, NG_MPI_MAX); })
.def("Sum", [](NgMPI_Comm & c, int x) { return c.AllReduce(x, NG_MPI_SUM); })
.def("Min", [](NgMPI_Comm & c, int x) { return c.AllReduce(x, NG_MPI_MIN); })
.def("Max", [](NgMPI_Comm & c, int x) { return c.AllReduce(x, NG_MPI_MAX); })
.def("Sum", [](NgMPI_Comm & c, size_t x) { return c.AllReduce(x, NG_MPI_SUM); })
.def("Min", [](NgMPI_Comm & c, size_t x) { return c.AllReduce(x, NG_MPI_MIN); })
.def("Max", [](NgMPI_Comm & c, size_t x) { return c.AllReduce(x, NG_MPI_MAX); })
.def("SubComm", [](NgMPI_Comm & c, std::vector<int> proc_list) {
Array<int> procs(proc_list.size());
for (int i = 0; i < procs.Size(); i++)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user