mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 23:17:57 +05:00
modernize Delaunay
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
namespace netgen
static const int deltetfaces[][3] =
{ { 1, 2, 3 },
{ 2, 0, 3 },
@ -14,10 +13,6 @@ namespace netgen
{ 1, 0, 2 } };
class DelaunayTet
PointIndex pnums[4];
@ -41,9 +36,6 @@ namespace netgen
PointIndex & operator[] (int i) { return pnums[i]; }
PointIndex operator[] (int i) const { return pnums[i]; }
// int & NB1(int i) { return nb[i-1]; }
// int NB1(int i) const { return nb[i-1]; }
int & NB(int i) { return nb[i]; }
int NB(int i) const { return nb[i]; }
@ -58,29 +50,6 @@ namespace netgen
return 3;
void GetFace1 (int i, INDEX_3 & face) const
face.I(1) = pnums[deltetfaces[i-1][0]];
face.I(2) = pnums[deltetfaces[i-1][1]];
face.I(3) = pnums[deltetfaces[i-1][2]];
void GetFace (int i, INDEX_3 & face) const
face.I(1) = pnums[deltetfaces[i][0]];
face.I(2) = pnums[deltetfaces[i][1]];
face.I(3) = pnums[deltetfaces[i][2]];
INDEX_3 GetFace1 (int i) const
return INDEX_3 (pnums[deltetfaces[i-1][0]],
INDEX_3 GetFace (int i) const
return INDEX_3 (pnums[deltetfaces[i][0]],
@ -88,15 +57,6 @@ namespace netgen
void GetFace1 (int i, Element2d & face) const
// face.SetType(TRIG);
face[0] = pnums[deltetfaces[i-1][0]];
face[1] = pnums[deltetfaces[i-1][1]];
face[2] = pnums[deltetfaces[i-1][2]];
void GetFace (int i, Element2d & face) const
// face.SetType(TRIG);
@ -104,7 +64,6 @@ namespace netgen
face[1] = pnums[deltetfaces[i][1]];
face[2] = pnums[deltetfaces[i][2]];
@ -113,8 +72,6 @@ namespace netgen
Table to maintain neighbour elements
@ -147,7 +104,7 @@ namespace netgen
// get neighbour of element elnr in direction fnr
int GetNB (int elnr, int fnr)
return tets.Get(elnr).NB(fnr-1);
return tets.Get(elnr).NB(fnr);
@ -193,7 +150,6 @@ namespace netgen
connected lists of cosphereical elements
@ -265,24 +221,23 @@ namespace netgen
Array<int> & freelist, SphereList & list,
IndexSet & insphere, IndexSet & closesphere)
// static Timer t("Meshing3::AddDelaunayPoint"); RegionTimer reg(t);
find any sphere, such that newp is contained in
DelaunayTet el;
int cfelind = -1;
const Point<3> * pp[4];
Point<3> pc;
double r2;
Point3d tpmin, tpmax;
tettree.GetIntersecting (newp, newp, treesearch);
double quot,minquot(1e20);
for (int j = 0; j < treesearch.Size(); j++)
for (auto jjj : treesearch)
int jjj = treesearch[j];
quot = Dist2 (centers.Get(jjj), newp) / radi2.Get(jjj);
if((cfelind == -1 || quot < 0.99*minquot) && quot < 1)
@ -296,46 +251,12 @@ namespace netgen
int i, j, k, l;
if (!felind)
cerr << "not in any sphere, 1" << endl;
// old, non tree search
double mindist = 1e10;
for (j = 1; j <= tempels.Size(); j++)
if (tempels.Get(j).PNum(1))
double toofar =
Dist2 (centers.Get(j), newp) - radi2.Get(j);
if (toofar < mindist || toofar < 1e-7)
mindist = toofar;
cout << " dist2 = " << Dist2 (centers.Get(j), newp)
<< " radi2 = " << radi2.Get(j) << endl;
if (toofar < 0)
el = tempels.Get(j);
felind = j;
cout << "sphere found !" << endl;
cout << "point is too far from sheres: " << mindist << endl;
if (cfelind == -1)
PrintWarning ("Delaunay, point not in any sphere");
insphere: point is in sphere -> delete element
closesphere: point is close to sphere -> considered for same center
@ -388,7 +309,7 @@ namespace netgen
// check neighbour-tets
for (int j = starti; j < nstarti; j++)
for (int k = 1; k <= 4; k++)
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
int helind = insphere.GetArray().Get(j);
int nbind = meshnb.GetNB (helind, k);
@ -416,61 +337,48 @@ namespace netgen
Element2d face;
tempels.Get(helind).GetFace (k, face);
INDEX_3 i3 = tempels.Get(helind).GetFace (k);
const Point3d & p1 = mesh.Point (face.PNum(1));
const Point3d & p2 = mesh.Point (face[1]);
const Point3d & p3 = mesh.Point (face[2]);
const Point<3> & p1 = mesh.Point ( PointIndex (i3.I1()) );
const Point<3> & p2 = mesh.Point ( PointIndex (i3.I2()) );
const Point<3> & p3 = mesh.Point ( PointIndex (i3.I3()) );
INDEX_3 i3 = tempels.Get(helind).GetFace (k-1);
const Point3d & p1 = mesh.Point ( PointIndex (i3.I1()) );
const Point3d & p2 = mesh.Point ( PointIndex (i3.I2()) );
const Point3d & p3 = mesh.Point ( PointIndex (i3.I3()) );
Vec3d v1(p1, p2);
Vec3d v2(p1, p3);
Vec3d n = Cross (v1, v2);
Vec<3> v1 = p2-p1;
Vec<3> v2 = p3-p1;
Vec<3> n = Cross (v1, v2);
n /= n.Length();
if (n * Vec3d (p1, mesh.Point (tempels.Get(helind)[k-1])) > 0)
if (n * Vec3d (p1, mesh.Point (tempels.Get(helind)[k])) > 0)
n *= -1;
double dist = n * Vec3d (p1, newp);
if (dist > -1e-10) // 1e-10
insphere.Add (nbind);
changed = 1;
} // while (changed)
// (*testout) << "newels: " << endl;
Array<Element> newels;
// Array<Element> newels;
Array<DelaunayTet> newels;
Element2d face(TRIG);
for (int j = 1; j <= insphere.GetArray().Size(); j++)
for (int k = 1; k <= 4; k++)
for (int celind : insphere.GetArray())
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
// int elind = insphere.GetArray().Get(j);
int celind = insphere.GetArray().Get(j);
int nbind = meshnb.GetNB (celind, k);
if (!nbind || !insphere.IsIn (nbind))
tempels.Get (celind).GetFace (k-1, face);
tempels.Get (celind).GetFace (k, face);
Element newel(TET);
// Element newel(TET);
DelaunayTet newel;
for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
newel[l] = face[l];
newel[3] = newpi;
@ -483,7 +391,7 @@ namespace netgen
if (n * Vec3d(mesh.Point (face[0]),
mesh.Point (tempels.Get(insphere.GetArray().Get(j))[k-1]))
mesh.Point (tempels.Get(celind)[k]))
> 0)
n *= -1;
@ -504,38 +412,36 @@ namespace netgen
meshnb.ResetFaceHT (10*insphere.GetArray().Size()+1);
for (int j = 1; j <= insphere.GetArray().Size(); j++)
for (auto celind : insphere.GetArray())
// int elind =
int celind = insphere.GetArray().Get(j);
meshnb.Delete (celind);
list.DeleteElement (celind);
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
tempels.Elem(celind)[k] = -1;
// ((ADTree6&)tettree.Tree()).DeleteElement (celind);
tettree.DeleteElement (celind);
freelist.Append (celind);
int hasclose = 0;
for (int j = 1; j <= closesphere.GetArray().Size(); j++)
bool hasclose = false;
for (int ind : closesphere.GetArray())
int ind = closesphere.GetArray().Get(j);
if (!insphere.IsIn(ind) &&
fabs (Dist2 (centers.Get (ind), newp) - radi2.Get(ind)) < 1e-8 )
hasclose = 1;
hasclose = true;
for (int j = 1; j <= newels.Size(); j++)
const auto & newel = newels.Get(j);
int nelind;
if (!freelist.Size())
tempels.Append (newels.Get(j));
tempels.Append (newel);
nelind = tempels.Size();
@ -543,29 +449,29 @@ namespace netgen
nelind = freelist.Last();
tempels.Elem(nelind) = newels.Get(j);
tempels.Elem(nelind) = newel;
meshnb.Add (nelind);
list.AddElement (nelind);
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
pp[k] = &mesh.Point (newels.Get(j)[k]);
pp[k] = &mesh.Point (newel[k]);
if (CalcSphereCenter (&pp[0], pc) )
PrintSysError ("Delaunay: New tet is flat");
(*testout) << "new tet is flat" << endl;
for (int k = 1; k <= 4; k++)
(*testout) << newels.Get(j).PNum(k) << " ";
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
(*testout) << newel[k] << " ";
(*testout) << endl;
for (int k = 1; k <= 4; k++)
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
(*testout) << *pp[k-1] << " ";
(*testout) << endl;
r2 = Dist2 (*pp[0], pc);
double r2 = Dist2 (*pp[0], pc);
if (hasclose)
for (int k = 1; k <= closesphere.GetArray().Size(); k++)
@ -615,33 +521,11 @@ namespace netgen
int oldnp, DelaunayTet & startel, Point3d & pmin, Point3d & pmax)
static Timer t("Meshing3::Delaunay1"); RegionTimer reg(t);
static Timer tloop("Meshing3::Delaunay1 loop");
Array<Point<3>> centers;
Array<double> radi2;
Point3d tpmin, tpmax;
// new: local box
mesh.GetBox (pmax, pmin); // lower bound for pmax, upper for pmin
for (int i = 1; i <= adfront->GetNF(); i++)
const MiniElement2d & face = adfront->GetFace(i);
for (PointIndex pi : face.PNums())
pmin.SetToMin (mesh.Point (pi));
pmax.SetToMax (mesh.Point (pi));
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.LockedPoints())
pmin.SetToMin (mesh.Point (pi));
pmax.SetToMax (mesh.Point (pi));
cout << "pmin = " << pmin << ", pmax = " << pmax << endl;
Box<3> bbox(Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX);
for (auto & face : adfront->Faces())
@ -653,26 +537,24 @@ namespace netgen
pmin = bbox.PMin();
pmax = bbox.PMax();
// cout << "bbox = " << bbox << endl;
Vec3d vdiag(pmin, pmax);
Vec<3> vdiag = pmax-pmin;
// double r1 = vdiag.Length();
double r1 = sqrt (3.0) * max3(vdiag.X(), vdiag.Y(), vdiag.Z());
vdiag = Vec3d (r1, r1, r1);
double r1 = sqrt (3.0) * max3(vdiag(0), vdiag(1), vdiag(2));
vdiag = Vec<3> (r1, r1, r1);
//double r2;
Point3d pmin2 = pmin - 8 * vdiag;
Point3d pmax2 = pmax + 8 * vdiag;
Point<3> pmin2 = pmin - 8 * vdiag;
Point<3> pmax2 = pmax + 8 * vdiag;
Point3d cp1(pmin2), cp2(pmax2), cp3(pmax2), cp4(pmax2);
cp2.X() = pmin2.X();
cp3.Y() = pmin2.Y();
cp4.Z() = pmin2.Z();
Point<3> cp1(pmin2), cp2(pmax2), cp3(pmax2), cp4(pmax2);
cp2(0) = pmin2(0);
cp3(1) = pmin2(1);
cp4(2) = pmin2(2);
int np = mesh.GetNP();
size_t np = mesh.GetNP();
startel[0] = mesh.AddPoint (cp1);
startel[1] = mesh.AddPoint (cp2);
@ -682,24 +564,21 @@ namespace netgen
// flag points to use for Delaunay:
BitArrayChar<PointIndex::BASE> usep(np);
for (int i = 1; i <= adfront->GetNF(); i++)
const MiniElement2d & face = adfront->GetFace(i);
for (int j = 0; j < face.GetNP(); j++)
usep.Set (face[j]);
for (int i = oldnp + PointIndex::BASE;
for (auto & face : adfront->Faces())
for (PointIndex pi : face.Face().PNums())
usep.Set (pi);
for (size_t i = oldnp + PointIndex::BASE;
i < np + PointIndex::BASE; i++)
usep.Set (i);
for (int i = 0; i < mesh.LockedPoints().Size(); i++)
usep.Set (mesh.LockedPoints()[i]);
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.LockedPoints())
usep.Set (pi);
Array<int> freelist;
int cntp = 0;
MeshNB meshnb (tempels, mesh.GetNP() + 5);
@ -716,13 +595,12 @@ namespace netgen
list.AddElement (1);
Array<int> connected, treesearch;
tpmin = tpmax = mesh.Point(startel[0]);
for (int k = 1; k < 4; k++)
tpmin.SetToMin (mesh.Point (startel[k]));
tpmax.SetToMax (mesh.Point (startel[k]));
Box<3> tbox(Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX);
for (size_t k = 0; k < 4; k++)
tbox.Add (mesh.Point(startel[k]));
Point<3> tpmin = tbox.PMin();
Point<3> tpmax = tbox.PMax();
tpmax = tpmax + 0.01 * (tpmax - tpmin);
tettree.Insert (tpmin, tpmax, 1);
@ -754,6 +632,7 @@ namespace netgen
for (PointIndex pi = mesh.Points().Begin(); pi < mesh.Points().End()-4; pi++)
mixed[pi] = PointIndex ( (prim * pi) % np + PointIndex::BASE );
for (PointIndex pi = mesh.Points().Begin(); pi < mesh.Points().End()-4; pi++)
if (pi % 1000 == 0)
@ -782,7 +661,8 @@ namespace netgen
connected, treesearch, freelist, list, insphere, closesphere);
for (int i = tempels.Size(); i >= 1; i--)
if (tempels.Get(i)[0] <= 0)
tempels.DeleteElement (i);
@ -839,26 +719,27 @@ namespace netgen
// improve delaunay - mesh by swapping !!!!
Mesh tempmesh;
for (PointIndex pi = mesh.Points().Begin(); pi < mesh.Points().End(); pi++)
tempmesh.AddPoint (mesh[pi]);
for (auto & meshpoint : mesh.Points())
tempmesh.AddPoint (meshpoint);
for (int i = 1; i <= tempels.Size(); i++)
for (auto & tempel : tempels)
Element el(4);
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
el[j] = tempels.Elem(i)[j];
el[j] = tempel[j];
el.SetIndex (1);
const Point3d & lp1 = mesh.Point (el[0]);
const Point3d & lp2 = mesh.Point (el[1]);
const Point3d & lp3 = mesh.Point (el[2]);
const Point3d & lp4 = mesh.Point (el[3]);
Vec3d v1(lp1, lp2);
Vec3d v2(lp1, lp3);
Vec3d v3(lp1, lp4);
const Point<3> & lp1 = mesh.Point (el[0]);
const Point<3> & lp2 = mesh.Point (el[1]);
const Point<3> & lp3 = mesh.Point (el[2]);
const Point<3> & lp4 = mesh.Point (el[3]);
Vec<3> v1 = lp2-lp1;
Vec<3> v2 = lp3-lp1;
Vec<3> v3 = lp4-lp1;
Vec3d n = Cross (v1, v2);
Vec<3> n = Cross (v1, v2);
double vol = n * v3;
if (vol > 0) swap (el[2], el[3]);
@ -1261,6 +1142,7 @@ namespace netgen
INDEX_3_HASHTABLE<int> boundaryfaces(mesh.GetNOpenElements()/3+1);
for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNOpenElements(); i++)
const Element2d & tri = mesh.OpenElement(i);
@ -1268,6 +1150,13 @@ namespace netgen
boundaryfaces.PrepareSet (i3);
for (const Element2d & tri : mesh.OpenElements())
INDEX_3 i3 (tri[0], tri[1], tri[2]);
boundaryfaces.PrepareSet (i3);
for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNOpenElements(); i++)
@ -1277,14 +1166,23 @@ namespace netgen
boundaryfaces.Set (i3, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < tempels.Size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
tempels[i].NB(j) = 0;
for (auto & el : tempels)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
el.NB(j) = 0;
TABLE<int,PointIndex::BASE> elsonpoint(mesh.GetNP());
for (int i = 0; i < tempels.Size(); i++)
const DelaunayTet & el = tempels[i];
for (const DelaunayTet & el : tempels)
INDEX_4 i4(el[0], el[1], el[2], el[3]);
elsonpoint.IncSizePrepare (i4.I1());
@ -1308,7 +1206,8 @@ namespace netgen
Element2d hel(TRIG);
for (PointIndex pi = mesh.Points().Begin(); pi < mesh.Points().End(); pi++)
// for (PointIndex pi = mesh.Points().Begin(); pi < mesh.Points().End(); pi++)
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.Points().Range())
faceht.SetSize (4 * elsonpoint[pi].Size());
for (int ii = 0; ii < elsonpoint[pi].Size(); ii++)
@ -454,7 +454,8 @@ namespace netgen
const Element2d & OpenElement(int i) const
{ return openelements.Get(i); }
auto & OpenElements() const { return openelements; }
/// are also quads open elements
bool HasOpenQuads () const;
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