Fixed Done Button in clipping plane dialog, fixed borderwidth and relief inconsistencies

This commit is contained in:
unknown 2016-02-26 13:32:15 +01:00
parent b911ab22d7
commit 26d527f0fd
2 changed files with 43 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ proc meshingoptionsdialog { } {
# ############################################################ # ############################################################
set f $w.nb.general set f $w.nb.general
ttk::frame $f.background
pack $f.background -fill both
set f $f.background
ttk::labelframe $f.f2 -relief groove -borderwidth 3 -text "General meshing options" ttk::labelframe $f.f2 -relief groove -borderwidth 3 -text "General meshing options"
pack $f.f2 -pady 15 -fill x pack $f.f2 -pady 15 -fill x
set f $f.f2 set f $f.f2
@ -49,21 +52,21 @@ proc meshingoptionsdialog { } {
set finelabs(5) "very fine" set finelabs(5) "very fine"
set finelabs(6) "user defined" set finelabs(6) "user defined"
tixOptionMenu $f.fine -label "Mesh granularity : " \ #tixOptionMenu $f.fine -label "Mesh granularity : " \
-options { -options {
label.width 19 # label.width 19
label.anchor e # label.anchor e
menubutton.width 15 # menubutton.width 15
} # }
foreach finev $finevals { #foreach finev $finevals {
$f.fine add command $finev -label $finelabs($finev) # $f.fine add command $finev -label $finelabs($finev)
} #}
$f.fine config -variable meshoptions.fineness #$f.fine config -variable meshoptions.fineness
$f.fine config -command { setgranularity } #$f.fine config -command { setgranularity }
global meshoptions.fineness #global meshoptions.fineness
# setgranularity ${meshoptions.fineness} #setgranularity ${meshoptions.fineness}
# pack $f.fine #pack $f.fine
global meshoptions.fineness global meshoptions.fineness
ttk::label $f.fine2l -text "Mesh granularity: " ttk::label $f.fine2l -text "Mesh granularity: "
@ -149,17 +152,17 @@ proc meshingoptionsdialog { } {
set msg(4) "Much" set msg(4) "Much"
set msg(5) "Most" set msg(5) "Most"
tixOptionMenu $f.msg -label "Print Messages : " \ #tixOptionMenu $f.msg -label "Print Messages : " \
-options { -options {
label.width 19 # label.width 19
label.anchor e # label.anchor e
menubutton.width 15 # menubutton.width 15
} # }
foreach step {0 1 2 3 4 5 } { #foreach step {0 1 2 3 4 5 } {
$f.msg add command $step -label $msg($step) # $f.msg add command $step -label $msg($step)
} #}
$f.msg config -variable options.printmsg #$f.msg config -variable options.printmsg
# pack $f.msg # pack $f.msg
@ -293,7 +296,7 @@ proc meshingoptionsdialog { } {
set f $w.nb.meshsize set f $w.nb.meshsize
ttk::labelframe $f.msf -text "mesh-size file:" ttk::labelframe $f.msf -text "mesh-size file:" -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.msf pack $f.msf
# tixLabelEntry $f.msf.ent -label "mesh-size file: " \ # tixLabelEntry $f.msf.ent -label "mesh-size file: " \
@ -849,7 +852,7 @@ proc viewingoptionsdialog { } {
# general # general
set f $w.nb.general set f $w.nb.general
ttk::labelframe $f.gvop -text "General viewing options" ttk::labelframe $f.gvop -text "General viewing options" -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.gvop -fill x -pady 15 pack $f.gvop -fill x -pady 15
set f $f.gvop set f $f.gvop
ttk::checkbutton $f.backcol -text "White Background" \ ttk::checkbutton $f.backcol -text "White Background" \
@ -946,7 +949,7 @@ proc viewingoptionsdialog { } {
grid $f.fn.ent -sticky nw -padx 4 -row 1 -column 1 grid $f.fn.ent -sticky nw -padx 4 -row 1 -column 1
grid anchor $f.fn center grid anchor $f.fn center
ttk::labelframe $f.advstl -text "Advanced STL options" ttk::labelframe $f.advstl -text "Advanced STL options" -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.advstl -fill x -pady 15 pack $f.advstl -fill x -pady 15
#frame $ #frame $
#pack $ -fill x #pack $ -fill x
@ -1020,7 +1023,7 @@ proc viewingoptionsdialog { } {
set f $w.nb.occ set f $w.nb.occ
ttk::labelframe $f.occframe -text "IGES/STEP options" ttk::labelframe $f.occframe -text "IGES/STEP options" -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.occframe -fill x -pady 15 -ipady 8 pack $f.occframe -fill x -pady 15 -ipady 8
#set f $f.occframe #set f $f.occframe
ttk::checkbutton $f.occframe.occshowsurfaces -text "Show surfaces " \ ttk::checkbutton $f.occframe.occshowsurfaces -text "Show surfaces " \
@ -1139,7 +1142,7 @@ proc viewingoptionsdialog { } {
grid $ $ -padx 4 -pady 4 -sticky nw grid $ $ -padx 4 -pady 4 -sticky nw
grid anchor $ center grid anchor $ center
ttk::labelframe $f.meshframe -text "Mesh visualization options" ttk::labelframe $f.meshframe -text "Mesh visualization options" -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.meshframe -fill x -pady 15 pack $f.meshframe -fill x -pady 15
set f $f.meshframe set f $f.meshframe
ttk::checkbutton $f.showcolor -text "Meshsize Visualization" \ ttk::checkbutton $f.showcolor -text "Meshsize Visualization" \
@ -1273,7 +1276,7 @@ proc viewingoptionsdialog { } {
grid anchor $f center grid anchor $f center
set f $w.nb.mesh set f $w.nb.mesh
ttk::labelframe $f.fshrink -text "Element visualization" ttk::labelframe $f.fshrink -text "Element visualization" -relief groove -borderwidth 3
ttk::label $f.fshrink.lab -text "Shrink elements" ttk::label $f.fshrink.lab -text "Shrink elements"
#scale $f.fshrink.scale -orient horizontal -length 200 -from 0 -to 1.0001 \ #scale $f.fshrink.scale -orient horizontal -length 200 -from 0 -to 1.0001 \
-resolution 0.01 -tickinterval 0.25 \ -resolution 0.01 -tickinterval 0.25 \
@ -1398,7 +1401,7 @@ proc viewingoptionsdialog { } {
pack $f.showedges $f.showpoints $f.showpointnrs $f.showtang $f.drawedgenrs -anchor w pack $f.showedges $f.showpoints $f.showpointnrs $f.showtang $f.drawedgenrs -anchor w
set f $w.nb.edges set f $w.nb.edges
ttk::labelframe $f.main1 -text "Center point" ttk::labelframe $f.main1 -text "Center point" -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.main1 -fill x -pady 15 pack $f.main1 -fill x -pady 15
set f $f.main1 set f $f.main1
ttk::frame $ ttk::frame $
@ -1533,6 +1536,9 @@ proc clippingdialog { } {
} { } {
toplevel $w toplevel $w
ttk::frame $w.background
pack $w.background -fill x -fill y
set w $w.background
ttk::labelframe $w.main -text "Visual clipping" -relief groove -borderwidth 3 ttk::labelframe $w.main -text "Visual clipping" -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $w.main -fill x -pady 15 pack $w.main -fill x -pady 15
set w $w.main set w $w.main
@ -1576,9 +1582,6 @@ proc clippingdialog { } {
-validate focus -validatecommand " clipplanecommand;my_validate %W [$w.scale5 cget -from] [$w.scale5 cget -to] %P 3" \ -validate focus -validatecommand " clipplanecommand;my_validate %W [$w.scale5 cget -from] [$w.scale5 cget -to] %P 3" \
-invalidcommand "my_invalid %W;clipplanecommand" -invalidcommand "my_invalid %W;clipplanecommand"
proc test {val} {
#tk_messageBox -message $val
ttk::label $w.clipdomainlabel -text "Clip only domain" ttk::label $w.clipdomainlabel -text "Clip only domain"
ttk::spinbox $w.clipdomainspinb -from 0 -to 500 -increment 1 -width 3 \ ttk::spinbox $w.clipdomainspinb -from 0 -to 500 -increment 1 -width 3 \
-textvariable viewoptions.clipping.onlydomain -validate focus \ -textvariable viewoptions.clipping.onlydomain -validate focus \
@ -1617,7 +1620,7 @@ proc clippingdialog { } {
grid anchor $w center grid anchor $w center
#pack $w.lab2 $w.scale2 $w.lab3 $w.scale3 $w.lab4 $w.scale4 $w.lab5 $w.scale5 $w.clipdomain $w.donotclipdomain #pack $w.lab2 $w.scale2 $w.lab3 $w.scale3 $w.lab4 $w.scale4 $w.lab5 $w.scale5 $w.clipdomain $w.donotclipdomain
set w .clipping_dlg.main set w .clipping_dlg.background.main
ttk::checkbutton $w.cb1 -text "Enable clipping" \ ttk::checkbutton $w.cb1 -text "Enable clipping" \
-variable viewoptions.clipping.enable \ -variable viewoptions.clipping.enable \
-command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw }
@ -1629,8 +1632,8 @@ proc clippingdialog { } {
ttk::frame $w.bu ttk::frame $w.bu
# pack $w.bu -fill x # pack $w.bu -fill x
grid $w.bu;# -fill x -ipady 3 grid $w.bu;# -fill x -ipady 3
ttk::button $w.cancle -text "Done" -command "destroy $w" ttk::button $w.cancle -text "Done" -command "destroy .clipping_dlg"
grid $w.cancle -columnspan 3 -pady 16 grid $w.cancle -columnspan 3 -pady 16
set w .clipping_dlg set w .clipping_dlg

View File

@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ proc fieldlinesdialog { } {
set f $w.nb.draw set f $w.nb.draw
ttk::labelframe $f.general -text "General settings" ttk::labelframe $f.general -text "General settings" -relief groove -borderwidth 3
ttk::checkbutton $f.general.enable -text "Enable Fieldlines" \ ttk::checkbutton $f.general.enable -text "Enable Fieldlines" \
@ -1035,13 +1035,13 @@ proc visual_dialog { } {
ttk::frame $w.upperfr ;# -relief groove -borderwidth 3 -height 10 ttk::frame $w.upperfr ;# -relief groove -borderwidth 3 -height 10
pack $w.upperfr -fill x;# -ipady 8 pack $w.upperfr -fill x;# -ipady 8
ttk::labelframe $w.upperfr.size -text "Grid" ttk::labelframe $w.upperfr.size -text "Grid" -relief groove -borderwidth 3
ttk::entry $w.upperfr.size.ent -width 3 -textvariable visoptions.gridsize -validate focus -takefocus 0 -validatecommand "popupcheckredraw visual_dialog_pop2;my_validate %W 0 200 %P 0" \ ttk::entry $w.upperfr.size.ent -width 3 -textvariable visoptions.gridsize -validate focus -takefocus 0 -validatecommand "popupcheckredraw visual_dialog_pop2;my_validate %W 0 200 %P 0" \
-invalidcommand "my_invalid %W;popupcheckredraw visual_dialog_pop2" -invalidcommand "my_invalid %W;popupcheckredraw visual_dialog_pop2"
ttk::scale $ -orient horizontal -length 100 -from 1 -to 200 -variable visoptions.gridsize\ ttk::scale $ -orient horizontal -length 100 -from 1 -to 200 -variable visoptions.gridsize\
-command "roundscale $ 0;popupcheckredraw visual_dialog_pop2" -command "roundscale $ 0;popupcheckredraw visual_dialog_pop2"
ttk::labelframe $w.upperfr.offsets -text "x / y offsets" ttk::labelframe $w.upperfr.offsets -text "x / y offsets" -relief groove -borderwidth 3
ttk::label $w.upperfr.offsets.xlab -text "x" ttk::label $w.upperfr.offsets.xlab -text "x"
ttk::label $w.upperfr.offsets.ylab -text "y" ttk::label $w.upperfr.offsets.ylab -text "y"
ttk::scale $w.upperfr.offsets.xoffset -orient horizontal -length 100 -from 0 -to 1 -variable visoptions.xoffset \ ttk::scale $w.upperfr.offsets.xoffset -orient horizontal -length 100 -from 0 -to 1 -variable visoptions.xoffset \
@ -1183,7 +1183,7 @@ proc visual_dialog { } {
# -command { popupcheckredraw visual_dialog_pop7 } # -command { popupcheckredraw visual_dialog_pop7 }
# # -command { puts "subdiv-vis"; Ng_Vis_Set parameters; puts "cal redraw"; redraw } # # -command { puts "subdiv-vis"; Ng_Vis_Set parameters; puts "cal redraw"; redraw }
ttk::labelframe $w.iso.subdiv -text "Subdivision" ttk::labelframe $w.iso.subdiv -text "Subdivision" -relief groove -borderwidth 3
ttk::radiobutton $ -text "0" -variable visoptions.subdivisions -value 0 \ ttk::radiobutton $ -text "0" -variable visoptions.subdivisions -value 0 \
-command { -command {
#set visoptions.subdivisions 1; #set visoptions.subdivisions 1;
@ -1256,7 +1256,7 @@ proc visual_dialog { } {
grid anchor $w.redraw center grid anchor $w.redraw center
ttk::labelframe $w.lowerframe -text "Additional viewing options" ttk::labelframe $w.lowerframe -text "Additional viewing options" -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $w.lowerframe -fill x pack $w.lowerframe -fill x
set w $w.lowerframe set w $w.lowerframe