Merge branch 'get_sub_mesh' into 'master'

Utility function to extract a subregion of the mesh

See merge request ngsolve/netgen!644
This commit is contained in:
Schöberl, Joachim 2024-03-25 20:02:35 +01:00
commit 36367e4219
3 changed files with 90 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include <mystdlib.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <regex>
#include <set>
#include "meshing.hpp"
#include "../general/gzstream.h"
@ -319,26 +320,27 @@ namespace netgen
hmin = mesh2.hmin;
maxhdomain = mesh2.maxhdomain;
// Remap string* values to new mesh
std::map<const string*, string*> names_map;
for (auto fi : Range(facedecoding))
names_map[&mesh2.facedecoding[fi].bcname] = &facedecoding[fi].bcname;
materials.SetSize( mesh2.materials.Size() );
for ( int i = 0; i < mesh2.materials.Size(); i++ )
if ( mesh2.materials[i] ) materials[i] = new string ( *mesh2.materials[i] );
const string * old_name = mesh2.materials[i];
if ( old_name ) materials[i] = dimension == 2 ? names_map[old_name] : new string ( *old_name );
else materials[i] = 0;
std::map<const string*, string*> bcmap;
bcnames.SetSize( mesh2.bcnames.Size() );
for ( int i = 0; i < mesh2.bcnames.Size(); i++ )
if ( mesh2.bcnames[i] ) bcnames[i] = new string ( *mesh2.bcnames[i] );
const string * old_name = mesh2.bcnames[i];
if ( old_name ) bcnames[i] = dimension == 3 ? names_map[old_name] : new string ( *old_name );
else bcnames[i] = 0;
bcmap[mesh2.bcnames[i]] = bcnames[i];
// Remap string* members in FaceDescriptor to new mesh
for (auto & f : facedecoding)
f.SetBCName( bcmap[&f.GetBCName()] );
for (int i=0; i < mesh2.cd2names.Size(); i++)
if (mesh2.cd2names[i]) cd2names[i] = new string(*mesh2.cd2names[i]);
@ -7199,6 +7201,83 @@ namespace netgen
shared_ptr<Mesh> Mesh :: GetSubMesh(string domains, string faces) const
// Copy the mesh into a new one, then delete unwanted elements
// Unused points are deleted by the Compress() function at the end
auto mesh_ptr = make_unique<Mesh>();
auto & mesh = *mesh_ptr;
mesh = (*this);
auto ndomains = GetNDomains();
auto nfaces = GetNFD();
BitArray keep_point(GetNP()+1);
BitArray keep_face(nfaces+1);
BitArray keep_domain(ndomains+1);
regex regex_faces(faces);
regex regex_domains(domains);
for(auto dom : Range(ndomains))
if(regex_match(mesh.GetMaterial(dom), regex_domains))
for(auto fi : Range(nfaces))
auto & fd = mesh.FaceDescriptors()[fi];
if (keep_domain[fd.DomainIn()] || keep_domain[fd.DomainOut()] || regex_match(fd.GetBCName(), regex_faces))
auto filter_elements = [&mesh, &keep_point](auto & elements, auto & keep_region)
for(auto & el : elements)
for (auto pi : el.PNums())
filter_elements(mesh.VolumeElements(), keep_domain);
filter_elements(mesh.SurfaceElements(), keep_face);
// Keep line segments only if all points are kept
// Check them in reverse order because they are deleted from the end
auto nsegments = mesh.LineSegments().Size();
for(auto i : Range(nsegments))
SegmentIndex segi = nsegments-i-1;
auto seg = mesh[segi];
bool keep = true;
for(auto pi : seg.PNums())
keep &= keep_point[pi];
// Check in reverse order because they are deleted from the end
auto npointelements = mesh.pointelements.Size();
for(auto i : Range(npointelements))
auto pel = mesh.pointelements[npointelements-i-1];
return mesh_ptr;
void Mesh :: SetMaterial (int domnr, const string & mat)
if (domnr > materials.Size())

View File

@ -700,6 +700,7 @@ namespace netgen
void SetCommunicator(NgMPI_Comm acomm);
DLL_HEADER void SplitFacesByAdjacentDomains();
DLL_HEADER shared_ptr<Mesh> GetSubMesh(string domains="", string faces="") const;
DLL_HEADER void SetMaterial (int domnr, const string & mat);

View File

@ -1251,6 +1251,7 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNetgenMeshing(py::module &m)
.def ("GetCD3Name", &Mesh::GetCD3Name)
.def ("SetCD3Name", &Mesh::SetCD3Name)
.def ("SplitFacesByAdjacentDomains", &Mesh::SplitFacesByAdjacentDomains)
.def ("GetSubMesh", &Mesh::GetSubMesh, py::arg("domains")="", py::arg("faces")="")
.def("GetIdentifications", [](Mesh & self) -> py::list
py::list points;