mirror of
synced 2025-01-13 14:40:35 +05:00
Merge branch 'parallel_combineimprove2' into 'master'
Parallel 2d CombineImprove() See merge request jschoeberl/netgen!276
This commit is contained in:
@ -354,28 +354,225 @@ namespace netgen
double CombineImproveEdge( Mesh & mesh,
const Table<SurfaceElementIndex, PointIndex> & elementsonnode,
Array<Vec<3>, PointIndex> & normals,
Array<bool, PointIndex> & fixed,
void MeshOptimize2d :: CombineImprove (Mesh & mesh)
PointIndex pi1, PointIndex pi2,
bool check_only = true)
if (!faceindex)
Vec<3> nv;
ArrayMem<SurfaceElementIndex, 20> hasonepi, hasbothpi;
if (!pi1.IsValid() || !pi2.IsValid())
return 0.0;
bool debugflag = 0;
if (debugflag)
(*testout) << "Combineimprove "
PrintMessage (3, "Combine improve");
<< "pi1 = " << pi1 << " pi2 = " << pi2 << endl;
for (faceindex = 1; faceindex <= mesh.GetNFD(); faceindex++)
CombineImprove (mesh);
if (multithread.terminate)
throw NgException ("Meshing stopped");
faceindex = 0;
// save version:
if (fixed.Get(pi1) || fixed.Get(pi2))
return 0.0;
if (pi2 < pi1) swap (pi1, pi2);
// more general
if (fixed[pi2])
Swap (pi1, pi2);
if (fixed[pi2])
return 0.0;
double loch = mesh.GetH (mesh[pi1]);
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei2 : elementsonnode[pi1])
const Element2d & el2 = mesh[sei2];
if (el2.IsDeleted()) continue;
if (el2[0] == pi2 || el2[1] == pi2 || el2[2] == pi2)
hasbothpi.Append (sei2);
nv = Cross (Vec3d (mesh[el2[0]], mesh[el2[1]]),
Vec3d (mesh[el2[0]], mesh[el2[2]]));
hasonepi.Append (sei2);
return 0.0;
nv = normals[pi1];
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei2 : elementsonnode[pi2])
const Element2d & el2 = mesh[sei2];
if (el2.IsDeleted()) continue;
if (!el2.PNums<3>().Contains (pi1))
hasonepi.Append (sei2);
double bad1 = 0;
int illegal1 = 0, illegal2 = 0;
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei : hasonepi)
const Element2d & el = mesh[sei];
bad1 += CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[el[0]], mesh[el[1]], mesh[el[2]],
nv, -1, loch);
illegal1 += 1-mesh.LegalTrig(el);
for (const Element2d & el : mesh.SurfaceElements()[hasonepi])
bad1 += CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[el[0]], mesh[el[1]], mesh[el[2]],
nv, -1, loch);
illegal1 += 1-mesh.LegalTrig(el);
for (int k = 0; k < hasbothpi.Size(); k++)
const Element2d & el = mesh[hasbothpi[k]];
bad1 += CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[el[0]], mesh[el[1]], mesh[el[2]],
nv, -1, loch);
illegal1 += 1-mesh.LegalTrig(el);
bad1 /= (hasonepi.Size()+hasbothpi.Size());
double bad2 = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < hasonepi.Size(); k++)
Element2d el = mesh[hasonepi[k]];
for (auto i : Range(3))
el[i] = pi1;
double err =
CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[el[0]], mesh[el[1]], mesh[el[2]],
nv, -1, loch);
bad2 += err;
Vec<3> hnv = Cross (Vec3d (mesh[el[0]],
Vec3d (mesh[el[0]],
if (hnv * nv < 0)
bad2 += 1e10;
for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
if ( (normals[el[l]] * nv) < 0.5)
bad2 += 1e10;
illegal2 += 1-mesh.LegalTrig(el);
bad2 /= hasonepi.Size();
if (debugflag)
(*testout) << "bad1 = " << bad1 << ", bad2 = " << bad2 << endl;
bool should = (illegal2<=illegal1 && bad2 < bad1 && bad2 < 1e4);
if(illegal2 < illegal1)
should = true;
bad1 += 1e4;
double d_badness = should * (bad2-bad1);
return d_badness;
if (should)
(*testout) << "combine !" << endl;
(*testout) << "bad1 = " << bad1 << ", bad2 = " << bad2 << endl;
(*testout) << "illegal1 = " << illegal1 << ", illegal2 = " << illegal2 << endl;
(*testout) << "loch = " << loch << endl;
PointGeomInfo gi;
// bool gi_set(false);
Element2d *el1p(NULL);
int l = 0;
while(mesh[elementsonnode[pi1][l]].IsDeleted() && l<elementsonnode[pi1].Size()) l++;
el1p = &mesh[elementsonnode[pi1][l]];
cerr << "OOPS!" << endl;
for (l = 0; l < el1p->GetNP(); l++)
if ((*el1p)[l] == pi1)
gi = el1p->GeomInfoPi (l+1);
// gi_set = true;
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei : elementsonnode[pi1])
const Element2d & el1p = mesh[sei];
if (el1p.IsDeleted()) continue;
for (int l = 0; l < el1p.GetNP(); l++)
if (el1p[l] == pi1)
// gi = el1p.GeomInfoPi (l+1);
gi = el1p.GeomInfo()[l];
// (*testout) << "Connect point " << pi2 << " to " << pi1 << "\n";
// for (int k = 0; k < elementsonnode[pi2].Size(); k++)
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei2 : elementsonnode[pi2])
Element2d & el = mesh[sei2];
if (el.IsDeleted()) continue;
if (el.PNums().Contains(pi1)) continue;
for (auto l : Range(el.GetNP()))
if (el[l] == pi2)
el[l] = pi1;
el.GeomInfo()[l] = gi;
fixed[el[l]] = true;
for (auto sei : hasbothpi)
return d_badness;
void MeshOptimize2d :: CombineImprove (Mesh & mesh)
PrintMessage (3, "Combine improve");
if (multithread.terminate)
throw NgException ("Meshing stopped");
static Timer timer ("Combineimprove 2D");
static Timer timer ("Combineimprove 2D");
RegionTimer reg (timer);
RegionTimer reg (timer);
@ -389,334 +586,96 @@ namespace netgen
Array<SurfaceElementIndex> seia;
Array<SurfaceElementIndex> seia;
mesh.GetSurfaceElementsOfFace (faceindex, seia);
mesh.GetSurfaceElementsOfFace (faceindex, seia);
ParallelFor( IntRange(mesh.GetNSE()), [&seia] (auto i) NETGEN_LAMBDA_INLINE
{ seia[i] = i; });
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei : seia)
bool mixed = false;
if (mesh[sei].GetNP() != 3)
ParallelFor( Range(seia), [&] (auto i) NETGEN_LAMBDA_INLINE
if (mesh[seia[i]].GetNP() != 3)
mixed = true;
int surfnr = 0;
if (faceindex)
surfnr = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor (faceindex).SurfNr();
Vec<3> nv;
int np = mesh.GetNP();
int np = mesh.GetNP();
TABLE<SurfaceElementIndex,PointIndex::BASE> elementsonnode(np);
auto elementsonnode = mesh.CreatePoint2SurfaceElementTable(faceindex);
Array<SurfaceElementIndex> hasonepi, hasbothpi;
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei : seia)
int ntasks = ngcore::TaskManager::GetMaxThreads();
for (PointIndex pi : mesh[sei].PNums<3>())
Array<std::tuple<PointIndex, PointIndex>> edges;
elementsonnode.Add (pi, sei);
BuildEdgeList( mesh, elementsonnode, edges );
Array<bool,PointIndex> fixed(np);
Array<bool,PointIndex> fixed(np);
fixed = false;
ParallelFor( fixed.Range(), [&fixed] (auto i) NETGEN_LAMBDA_INLINE
{ fixed[i] = false; });
ParallelFor( edges.Range(), [&] (auto i) NETGEN_LAMBDA_INLINE
auto [pi0, pi1] = edges[i];
if (mesh.IsSegment (pi0, pi1))
fixed[pi0] = true;
fixed[pi1] = true;
ParallelFor( mesh.LockedPoints().Range(), [&] (auto i) NETGEN_LAMBDA_INLINE
for (SegmentIndex si = 0; si < mesh.GetNSeg(); si++)
fixed[mesh.LockedPoints()[i]] = true;
INDEX_2 i2(mesh[si][0], mesh[si][1]);
fixed[i2.I1()] = true;
fixed[i2.I2()] = true;
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei : seia)
Element2d & sel = mesh[sei];
for (int j = 0; j < sel.GetNP(); j++)
PointIndex pi1 = sel.PNumMod(j+2);
PointIndex pi2 = sel.PNumMod(j+3);
if (mesh.IsSegment (pi1, pi2))
fixed[pi1] = true;
fixed[pi2] = true;
for(int i = 0; i < mesh.LockedPoints().Size(); i++)
fixed[mesh.LockedPoints()[i]] = true;
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.LockedPoints())
fixed[pi] = true;
Array<Vec<3>,PointIndex> normals(np);
Array<Vec<3>,PointIndex> normals(np);
// for (PointIndex pi = mesh.Points().Begin(); pi < mesh.Points().End(); pi++)
ParallelFor( mesh.Points().Range(), [&] (auto pi) NETGEN_LAMBDA_INLINE
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.Points().Range())
if (elementsonnode[pi].Size())
if (elementsonnode[pi].Size())
Element2d & hel = mesh[elementsonnode[pi][0]];
Element2d & hel = mesh[elementsonnode[pi][0]];
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
if (hel[k] == pi)
if (hel[k] == pi)
const int faceindex = hel.GetIndex();
GetNormalVector (surfnr, mesh[pi], hel.GeomInfoPi(k+1), normals[pi]);
const int surfnr = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor (faceindex).SurfNr();
GetNormalVector (surfnr, mesh[pi], hel.GeomInfoPi(k+1), normals[pi]);
}, TasksPerThread(4));
for (int i = 0; i < seia.Size(); i++)
// Find edges with improvement
Array<std::tuple<double, int>> candidate_edges(edges.Size());
std::atomic<int> improvement_counter(0);
ParallelFor( Range(edges), [&] (auto i) NETGEN_LAMBDA_INLINE
SurfaceElementIndex sei = seia[i];
auto [pi1, pi2] = edges[i];
Element2d & elem = mesh[sei];
double d_badness = CombineImproveEdge(mesh, elementsonnode, normals, fixed, pi1, pi2, true);
if(d_badness < 0.0)
candidate_edges[improvement_counter++] = make_tuple(d_badness, i);
}, TasksPerThread(4));
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
auto edges_with_improvement = candidate_edges.Part(0, improvement_counter.load());
if (elem.IsDeleted()) continue;
PointIndex pi1 = elem[j];
PointIndex pi2 = elem[(j+1) % 3];
for(auto [d_badness, ei] : edges_with_improvement)
if (pi1 < PointIndex::BASE ||
pi2 < PointIndex::BASE)
auto [pi1, pi2] = edges[ei];
CombineImproveEdge(mesh, elementsonnode, normals, fixed, pi1, pi2, false);
if (!pi1.IsValid() || !pi2.IsValid())
INDEX_2 i2(pi1, pi2);
if (segmentht.Used(i2))
bool debugflag = 0;
if (debugflag)
(*testout) << "Combineimprove, face = " << faceindex
<< "pi1 = " << pi1 << " pi2 = " << pi2 << endl;
// save version:
if (fixed.Get(pi1) || fixed.Get(pi2))
if (pi2 < pi1) swap (pi1, pi2);
// more general
if (fixed[pi2])
Swap (pi1, pi2);
if (fixed[pi2])
double loch = mesh.GetH (mesh[pi1]);
// INDEX_2 si2 (pi1, pi2);
// si2.Sort();
if (edgetested.Used (si2))
edgetested.Set (si2, 1);
// for (int k = 0; k < elementsonnode[pi1].Size(); k++)
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei2 : elementsonnode[pi1])
const Element2d & el2 = mesh[sei2];
if (el2.IsDeleted()) continue;
if (el2[0] == pi2 || el2[1] == pi2 || el2[2] == pi2)
hasbothpi.Append (sei2);
nv = Cross (Vec3d (mesh[el2[0]], mesh[el2[1]]),
Vec3d (mesh[el2[0]], mesh[el2[2]]));
hasonepi.Append (sei2);
Element2d & hel = mesh[hasbothpi[0]];
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
if (hel[k] == pi1)
GetNormalVector (surfnr, mesh[pi1], hel.GeomInfoPi(k+1), nv);
// nv = normals.Get(pi1);
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei2 : elementsonnode[pi2])
const Element2d & el2 = mesh[sei2];
if (el2.IsDeleted()) continue;
if (!el2.PNums<3>().Contains (pi1))
hasonepi.Append (sei2);
double bad1 = 0;
int illegal1 = 0, illegal2 = 0;
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei : hasonepi)
const Element2d & el = mesh[sei];
bad1 += CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[el[0]], mesh[el[1]], mesh[el[2]],
nv, -1, loch);
illegal1 += 1-mesh.LegalTrig(el);
for (const Element2d & el : mesh.SurfaceElements()[hasonepi])
bad1 += CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[el[0]], mesh[el[1]], mesh[el[2]],
nv, -1, loch);
illegal1 += 1-mesh.LegalTrig(el);
for (int k = 0; k < hasbothpi.Size(); k++)
const Element2d & el = mesh[hasbothpi[k]];
bad1 += CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[el[0]], mesh[el[1]], mesh[el[2]],
nv, -1, loch);
illegal1 += 1-mesh.LegalTrig(el);
bad1 /= (hasonepi.Size()+hasbothpi.Size());
MeshPoint p1 = mesh[pi1];
MeshPoint p2 = mesh[pi2];
MeshPoint pnew = p1;
mesh[pi1] = pnew;
mesh[pi2] = pnew;
double bad2 = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < hasonepi.Size(); k++)
Element2d & el = mesh[hasonepi[k]];
double err =
CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[el[0]], mesh[el[1]], mesh[el[2]],
nv, -1, loch);
bad2 += err;
Vec<3> hnv = Cross (Vec3d (mesh[el[0]],
Vec3d (mesh[el[0]],
if (hnv * nv < 0)
bad2 += 1e10;
for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
if ( (normals[el[l]] * nv) < 0.5)
bad2 += 1e10;
Element2d el1 = el;
for (auto i : Range(3))
el1[i] = pi1;
illegal2 += 1-mesh.LegalTrig(el1);
bad2 /= hasonepi.Size();
mesh[pi1] = p1;
mesh[pi2] = p2;
if (debugflag)
(*testout) << "bad1 = " << bad1 << ", bad2 = " << bad2 << endl;
bool should = (bad2 < bad1 && bad2 < 1e4);
if (bad2 < 1e4)
if (illegal1 > illegal2) should = true;
if (illegal2 > illegal1) should = false;
if (should)
(*testout) << "combine !" << endl;
(*testout) << "bad1 = " << bad1 << ", bad2 = " << bad2 << endl;
(*testout) << "illegal1 = " << illegal1 << ", illegal2 = " << illegal2 << endl;
(*testout) << "loch = " << loch << endl;
mesh[pi1] = pnew;
PointGeomInfo gi;
// bool gi_set(false);
Element2d *el1p(NULL);
int l = 0;
while(mesh[elementsonnode[pi1][l]].IsDeleted() && l<elementsonnode[pi1].Size()) l++;
el1p = &mesh[elementsonnode[pi1][l]];
cerr << "OOPS!" << endl;
for (l = 0; l < el1p->GetNP(); l++)
if ((*el1p)[l] == pi1)
gi = el1p->GeomInfoPi (l+1);
// gi_set = true;
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei : elementsonnode[pi1])
const Element2d & el1p = mesh[sei];
if (el1p.IsDeleted()) continue;
for (int l = 0; l < el1p.GetNP(); l++)
if (el1p[l] == pi1)
// gi = el1p.GeomInfoPi (l+1);
gi = el1p.GeomInfo()[l];
// (*testout) << "Connect point " << pi2 << " to " << pi1 << "\n";
// for (int k = 0; k < elementsonnode[pi2].Size(); k++)
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei2 : elementsonnode[pi2])
Element2d & el = mesh[sei2];
if (el.IsDeleted()) continue;
if (el.PNums().Contains(pi1)) continue;
elementsonnode.Add (pi1, sei2);
for (auto l : Range(el.GetNP()))
if (el[l] == pi2)
el[l] = pi1;
el.GeomInfo()[l] = gi;
fixed[el[l]] = true;
for (auto sei : hasbothpi)
// mesh.Compress();
// mesh.Compress();
@ -1,6 +1,61 @@
template<typename TINDEX>
void BuildEdgeList( const Mesh & mesh, const Table<TINDEX, PointIndex> & elementsonnode, Array<std::tuple<PointIndex, PointIndex>> & edges )
static Timer tbuild_edges("Build edges"); RegionTimer reg(tbuild_edges);
static constexpr int tetedges[6][2] =
{ { 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 }, { 0, 3 },
{ 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 }, { 2, 3 } };
int ntasks = 2*ngcore::TaskManager::GetMaxThreads();
Array<Array<std::tuple<PointIndex,PointIndex>>> task_edges(ntasks);
ParallelFor(IntRange(ntasks), [&] (int ti)
auto myrange = mesh.Points().Range().Split(ti, ntasks);
ArrayMem<std::tuple<PointIndex,PointIndex>, 100> local_edges;
for (auto pi : myrange)
for(auto ei : elementsonnode[pi])
const auto & elem = mesh[ei];
if (elem.IsDeleted()) continue;
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
PointIndex pi0 = elem[tetedges[j][0]];
PointIndex pi1 = elem[tetedges[j][1]];
if (pi1 < pi0) Swap(pi0, pi1);
local_edges.Append(std::make_tuple(pi0, pi1));
auto edge_prev = std::make_tuple<PointIndex, PointIndex>(-1,-1);
for(auto edge : local_edges)
if(edge != edge_prev)
edge_prev = edge;
}, ntasks);
int num_edges = 0;
for (auto & edg : task_edges)
num_edges += edg.Size();
for (auto & edg : task_edges)
class Neighbour
class Neighbour
@ -409,60 +409,6 @@ void MeshOptimize3d :: CombineImproveSequential (Mesh & mesh,
multithread.task = savetask;
multithread.task = savetask;
void MeshOptimize3d :: BuildEdgeList( const Mesh & mesh, const Table<ElementIndex, PointIndex> & elementsonnode, Array<std::tuple<PointIndex, PointIndex>> & edges )
static Timer tbuild_edges("Build edges"); RegionTimer reg(tbuild_edges);
static constexpr int tetedges[6][2] =
{ { 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 }, { 0, 3 },
{ 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 }, { 2, 3 } };
int ntasks = 2*ngcore::TaskManager::GetMaxThreads();
Array<Array<std::tuple<PointIndex,PointIndex>>> task_edges(ntasks);
ParallelFor(IntRange(ntasks), [&] (int ti)
auto myrange = mesh.Points().Range().Split(ti, ntasks);
ArrayMem<std::tuple<PointIndex,PointIndex>, 100> local_edges;
for (auto pi : myrange)
for(auto ei : elementsonnode[pi])
const Element & elem = mesh[ei];
if (elem.IsDeleted()) continue;
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
PointIndex pi0 = elem[tetedges[j][0]];
PointIndex pi1 = elem[tetedges[j][1]];
if (pi1 < pi0) Swap(pi0, pi1);
local_edges.Append(std::make_tuple(pi0, pi1));
auto edge_prev = std::make_tuple<PointIndex, PointIndex>(-1,-1);
for(auto edge : local_edges)
if(edge != edge_prev)
edge_prev = edge;
}, ntasks);
int num_edges = 0;
for (auto & edg : task_edges)
num_edges += edg.Size();
for (auto & edg : task_edges)
void MeshOptimize3d :: CombineImprove (Mesh & mesh,
void MeshOptimize3d :: CombineImprove (Mesh & mesh,
@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ class MeshOptimize3d
const MeshingParameters & mp;
const MeshingParameters & mp;
void BuildEdgeList( const Mesh & mesh, const Table<ElementIndex, PointIndex> & elementsonnode, Array<std::tuple<PointIndex, PointIndex>> & edges );
MeshOptimize3d (const MeshingParameters & amp) : mp(amp) { ; }
MeshOptimize3d (const MeshingParameters & amp) : mp(amp) { ; }
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ def getMeshingparameters(filename):
return standard[:3] # this gets too big for finer meshsizes
return standard[:3] # this gets too big for finer meshsizes
if filename == "screw.step":
if filename == "screw.step":
return standard[3:] # coarser meshes don't work here
return standard[3:] # coarser meshes don't work here
if filename == "cylsphere.geo":
return standard[0:2] + standard[3:] # coarse gives inconsistent reults (other mesh on MacOS)
if filename == "part1.stl":
if filename == "part1.stl":
return standard[0:1] + standard[2:] # very coarse does not work
return standard[0:1] + standard[2:] # very coarse does not work
return standard
return standard
Reference in New Issue
Block a user