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synced 2025-03-03 08:25:40 +05:00
Clean up STLGeometry
This commit is contained in:
@ -366,8 +366,6 @@ namespace netgen
virtual int GenerateMesh (shared_ptr<Mesh> & mesh, MeshingParameters & mparam) override;
virtual const Refinement & GetRefinement () const override;
void AddSplineSurface (shared_ptr<SplineSurface> ss) { spline_surfaces.Append(ss); }
@ -1068,183 +1068,4 @@ double MeshingSTLSurface :: Area () const
return geom.Area();
void MeshOptimizeSTLSurface :: SelectSurfaceOfPoint (const Point<3> & p,
const PointGeomInfo & gi)
// (*testout) << "sel char: " << gi.trignum << endl;
geom.SelectChartOfTriangle (gi.trignum);
// geom.SelectChartOfPoint (p);
void MeshOptimizeSTLSurface :: ProjectPoint (INDEX surfind, Point<3> & p) const
if (!geom.Project (p))
PrintMessage(7,"project failed");
if (!geom.ProjectOnWholeSurface(p))
PrintMessage(7, "project on whole surface failed");
// geometry.GetSurface(surfind)->Project (p);
void MeshOptimizeSTLSurface :: ProjectPoint2 (INDEX surfind, INDEX surfind2, Point<3> & p) const
ProjectToEdge ( geometry.GetSurface(surfind),
geometry.GetSurface(surfind2), p);
int MeshOptimizeSTLSurface :: CalcPointGeomInfo(PointGeomInfo& gi, const Point<3> & p3) const
Point<3> hp = p3;
gi.trignum = geom.Project (hp);
if (gi.trignum) return 1;
return 0;
void MeshOptimizeSTLSurface :: GetNormalVector(INDEX surfind, const Point<3> & p, Vec<3> & n) const
n = geom.GetChartNormalVector();
RefinementSTLGeometry :: RefinementSTLGeometry (const STLGeometry & ageom)
: Refinement(), geom(ageom)
RefinementSTLGeometry :: ~RefinementSTLGeometry ()
void RefinementSTLGeometry ::
PointBetween (const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2, double secpoint,
int surfi,
const PointGeomInfo & gi1,
const PointGeomInfo & gi2,
Point<3> & newp, PointGeomInfo & newgi) const
newp = p1+secpoint*(p2-p1);
(*testout) << "surf-between: p1 = " << p1 << ", p2 = " << p2
<< ", gi = " << gi1 << " - " << gi2 << endl;
if (gi1.trignum > 0)
// ((STLGeometry&)geom).SelectChartOfTriangle (gi1.trignum);
Point<3> np1 = newp;
Point<3> np2 = newp;
((STLGeometry&)geom).SelectChartOfTriangle (gi1.trignum);
int tn1 = geom.Project (np1);
((STLGeometry&)geom).SelectChartOfTriangle (gi2.trignum);
int tn2 = geom.Project (np2);
newgi.trignum = tn1; //urspruengliche version
newp = np1; //urspruengliche version
if (!newgi.trignum)
{ newgi.trignum = tn2; newp = np2; }
if (!newgi.trignum) newgi.trignum = gi1.trignum;
if (tn1 != 0 && tn2 != 0 && ((STLGeometry&)geom).GetAngle(tn1,tn2) < M_PI*0.05) {
newgi.trignum = tn1;
newp = np1;
newp = ((STLGeometry&)geom).PointBetween(p1, gi1.trignum, p2, gi2.trignum);
tn1 = ((STLGeometry&)geom).Project(newp);
newgi.trignum = tn1;
if (!tn1)
newp = Center (p1, p2);
newgi.trignum = 0;
// (*testout) << "WARNING: PointBetween got geominfo = 0" << endl;
newp = p1+secpoint*(p2-p1);
newgi.trignum = 0;
// (*testout) << "newp = " << newp << ", ngi = " << newgi << endl;
void RefinementSTLGeometry ::
PointBetween (const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2, double secpoint,
int surfi1, int surfi2,
const EdgePointGeomInfo & gi1,
const EdgePointGeomInfo & gi2,
Point<3> & newp, EdgePointGeomInfo & newgi) const
(*testout) << "edge-between: p1 = " << p1 << ", p2 = " << p2
<< ", gi1,2 = " << gi1 << ", " << gi2 << endl;
newp = Center (p1, p2);
((STLGeometry&)geom).SelectChartOfTriangle (gi1.trignum);
newgi.trignum = geom.Project (newp);
int hi;
newgi.dist = (1.0-secpoint) * gi1.dist + secpoint*gi2.dist;
newgi.edgenr = gi1.edgenr;
(*testout) << "p1 = " << p1 << ", p2 = " << p2 << endl;
(*testout) << "refedge: " << gi1.edgenr
<< " d1 = " << gi1.dist << ", d2 = " << gi2.dist << endl;
newp = geom.GetLine (gi1.edgenr)->GetPointInDist (geom.GetPoints(), newgi.dist, hi);
// (*testout) << "newp = " << newp << endl;
void RefinementSTLGeometry :: ProjectToSurface (Point<3> & p, int surfi) const
cout << "RefinementSTLGeometry :: ProjectToSurface not implemented!" << endl;
void RefinementSTLGeometry :: ProjectToSurface (Point<3> & p, int surfi,
PointGeomInfo & gi) const
((STLGeometry&)geom).SelectChartOfTriangle (gi.trignum);
gi.trignum = geom.Project (p);
// if (!gi.trignum)
// cout << "projectSTL failed" << endl;
@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ void STLMeshing (STLGeometry & geom,
lineendpoints(), spiralpoints(), selectedmultiedge()
ref = NULL;
edgedata = make_unique<STLEdgeDataList>(*this);
@ -101,6 +100,125 @@ int STLGeometry :: GenerateMesh (shared_ptr<Mesh> & mesh, MeshingParameters & mp
return STLMeshingDummy (this, mesh, mparam, stlpar);
Vec<3> STLGeometry :: GetNormal(INDEX surfind, const Point<3> & p) const
return GetChartNormalVector();
bool STLGeometry :: CalcPointGeomInfo(int /*surfind*/, PointGeomInfo& gi, const Point<3> & p3) const
Point<3> hp = p3;
gi.trignum = Project (hp);
if (gi.trignum) return true;
return false;
bool STLGeometry :: ProjectPointGI (int surfind, Point<3> & p, PointGeomInfo & gi) const
gi.trignum = Project (p);
if (!gi.trignum)
PrintMessage(7,"project failed");
gi.trignum = ProjectOnWholeSurface(p);
if (!gi.trignum)
PrintMessage(7, "project on whole surface failed");
return false;
return true;
void STLGeometry :: ProjectPoint (INDEX surfind, Point<3> & p) const
if (!Project (p))
PrintMessage(7,"project failed");
if (!ProjectOnWholeSurface(p))
PrintMessage(7, "project on whole surface failed");
void STLGeometry ::
PointBetween (const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2, double secpoint,
int surfi,
const PointGeomInfo & gi1,
const PointGeomInfo & gi2,
Point<3> & newp, PointGeomInfo & newgi) const
newp = p1+secpoint*(p2-p1);
(*testout) << "surf-between: p1 = " << p1 << ", p2 = " << p2
<< ", gi = " << gi1 << " - " << gi2 << endl;
if (gi1.trignum > 0)
// ((STLGeometry&)geom).SelectChartOfTriangle (gi1.trignum);
Point<3> np1 = newp;
Point<3> np2 = newp;
SelectChartOfTriangle (gi1.trignum);
int tn1 = Project (np1);
SelectChartOfTriangle (gi2.trignum);
int tn2 = Project (np2);
newgi.trignum = tn1; //urspruengliche version
newp = np1; //urspruengliche version
if (!newgi.trignum)
{ newgi.trignum = tn2; newp = np2; }
if (!newgi.trignum) newgi.trignum = gi1.trignum;
// (*testout) << "WARNING: PointBetween got geominfo = 0" << endl;
newp = p1+secpoint*(p2-p1);
newgi.trignum = 0;
void STLGeometry ::
PointBetweenEdge (const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2, double secpoint,
int surfi1, int surfi2,
const EdgePointGeomInfo & gi1,
const EdgePointGeomInfo & gi2,
Point<3> & newp, EdgePointGeomInfo & newgi) const
(*testout) << "edge-between: p1 = " << p1 << ", p2 = " << p2
<< ", gi1,2 = " << gi1 << ", " << gi2 << endl;
newp = Center (p1, p2);
((STLGeometry&)geom).SelectChartOfTriangle (gi1.trignum);
newgi.trignum = geom.Project (newp);
int hi;
newgi.dist = (1.0-secpoint) * gi1.dist + secpoint*gi2.dist;
newgi.edgenr = gi1.edgenr;
(*testout) << "p1 = " << p1 << ", p2 = " << p2 << endl;
(*testout) << "refedge: " << gi1.edgenr
<< " d1 = " << gi1.dist << ", d2 = " << gi2.dist << endl;
newp = GetLine (gi1.edgenr)->GetPointInDist (GetPoints(), newgi.dist, hi);
// (*testout) << "newp = " << newp << endl;
void STLGeometry :: STLInfo(double* data)
data[0] = GetNT();
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ namespace netgen
//for meshing and project:
NgArray<int> meshcharttrigs; //per trig: 1=belong to chart, 0 not
int meshchart;
mutable int meshchart;
NgArray<int> ha_points; // help array, np long, filled with 0
@ -159,12 +159,10 @@ namespace netgen
Vec<3> meshtrignv;
mutable Vec<3> meshtrignv;
Vec<3> ex, ey, ez;
Point<3> p1;
mutable class RefinementSTLGeometry * ref;
int edgesfound;
int surfacemeshed;
@ -194,6 +192,23 @@ namespace netgen
virtual void Save (string filename) const override;
bool CalcPointGeomInfo(int surfind, PointGeomInfo& gi, const Point<3> & p3) const override;
void ProjectPoint(INDEX surfind, Point<3> & p) const override;
bool ProjectPointGI (int surfind, Point<3> & p, PointGeomInfo & gi) const override;
Vec<3> GetNormal(int surfind, const Point<3> & p) const override;
void PointBetween(const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2,
double secpoint, int surfi,
const PointGeomInfo & gi1,
const PointGeomInfo & gi2,
Point<3> & newp, PointGeomInfo & newgi) const override;
void PointBetweenEdge(const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2, double secpoint,
int surfi1, int surfi2,
const EdgePointGeomInfo & ap1,
const EdgePointGeomInfo & ap2,
Point<3> & newp, EdgePointGeomInfo & newgi) const override;
DLL_HEADER void STLInfo(double* data);
@ -419,7 +434,7 @@ namespace netgen
void DefineTangentialPlane(const Point<3> & ap1, const Point<3> & ap2, int trig);
void SelectChartOfTriangle (int trignum);
void SelectChartOfTriangle (int trignum) const;
void SelectChartOfPoint (const Point<3> & p);
@ -459,8 +474,6 @@ namespace netgen
int GenerateMesh (shared_ptr<Mesh> & mesh, MeshingParameters & mparam) override;
virtual const Refinement & GetRefinement () const override;
// Add additional Point to chart to close the surface and write the resulting stl to a file
DLL_HEADER void WriteChartToFile( ChartId chartnumber, string filename="chart.slb" );
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ void STLGeometry :: DefineTangentialPlane (const Point<3> & ap1, const Point<3>
void STLGeometry :: SelectChartOfTriangle (int trignum)
void STLGeometry :: SelectChartOfTriangle (int trignum) const
meshchart = GetChartNr(trignum);
meshtrignv = GetTriangle(trignum).Normal();
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