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synced 2025-03-03 08:25:40 +05:00
csg2d interface
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@ -15,6 +15,22 @@ namespace netgen
constexpr static double EPSILON=0.000000001;
void ComputeWeight( Spline & s, Point<2> p )
Point<2> a = s.StartPI();
Point<2> b = s.TangentPoint();
Point<2> c = s.EndPI();
double A = (p[1]-a[1])*(b[0]-p[0]) - (p[0]-a[0])*(b[1]-p[1]);
double B = (p[1]-c[1])*(b[0]-p[0]) - (p[0]-c[0])*(b[1]-p[1]);
double det = sqrt(-A*B);
double tt = (B-det)/(A+det);
auto v = b-p;
int dim = fabs(v[0]) > fabs(v[1]) ? 0 : 1;
double weight = fabs(tt*(p[dim]-a[dim])/v[dim] + 1.0/tt*(p[dim]-c[dim])/v[dim]);
void ToggleLabel(EntryExitLabel& status)
if (status == ENTRY)
@ -61,14 +77,7 @@ Spline Split( const Spline & s, double t0, double t1 )
// compute weight of new spline such that p lies on it
Point<2> p = s.GetPoint(0.5*(t0+t1));
double A = (p[1]-a[1])*(b[0]-p[0]) - (p[0]-a[0])*(b[1]-p[1]);
double B = (p[1]-c[1])*(b[0]-p[0]) - (p[0]-c[0])*(b[1]-p[1]);
double det = sqrt(-A*B);
double tt = (B-det)/(A+det);
auto v = b-p;
int dim = fabs(v[0]) > fabs(v[1]) ? 0 : 1;
double weight = fabs(tt*(p[dim]-a[dim])/v[dim] + 1.0/tt*(p[dim]-c[dim])/v[dim]);
ComputeWeight(res, p);
return res;
@ -1222,45 +1231,35 @@ Loop RectanglePoly(double x0, double x1, double y0, double y1, string bc)
return r;
Solid2d Rectangle(double x0, double x1, double y0, double y1, string name, string bc)
Solid2d Rectangle(Point<2> p0, Point<2> p1, string name, string bc)
Solid2d s;
s.name = name;
s.polys.Append(RectanglePoly(x0,x1,y0,y1, bc));
return s;
using P = Point<2>;
return { {p0, P{p1[0],p0[1]}, p1, P{p0[0],p1[1]}}, name, bc };
Solid2d Circle(double x, double y, double r, string name, string bc)
Solid2d Circle(Point<2> center, double r, string name, string bc)
Solid2d s;
s.name = name;
Loop poly;
double x = center[0];
double y = center[1];
using P = Point<2>;
Point<2> ps[] =
Point<2> p[] =
{x+r, y+0},
{x+r, y+r},
{x+0, y+r},
{x-r, y+r},
{x-r, y+0},
{x-r, y-r},
{x+0, y-r},
{x+r, y-r}
for (auto i : IntRange(4))
EdgeInfo cp[] =
int i0 = 2*i;
int i1 = (i0+1)%8;
int i2 = (i0+2)%8;
auto & v0 = poly.Append( ps[i0] );
v0.spline = { ps[i0], ps[i1], ps[i2] };
P{x+r, y+r},
P{x-r, y+r},
P{x-r, y-r},
P{x+r, y-r}
return s;
return Solid2d( { p[0], cp[0], p[1], cp[1], p[2], cp[2], p[3], cp[3] }, name, bc );
Solid2d AddIntersectionPoints ( Solid2d s1, Solid2d s2 )
@ -1322,7 +1321,7 @@ Solid2d ClipSolids ( Solid2d s1, Solid2d s2, bool intersect)
return res;
Solid2d :: Solid2d(const Array<std::variant<Point<2>, EdgeInfo>> & points, string name_)
Solid2d :: Solid2d(const Array<std::variant<Point<2>, EdgeInfo>> & points, string name_, string bc)
: name(name_)
Loop l;
@ -1336,6 +1335,9 @@ Solid2d :: Solid2d(const Array<std::variant<Point<2>, EdgeInfo>> & points, strin
for(auto v : l.Vertices(ALL))
v->info.bc = bc;
v->bc = v->info.bc;
@ -1346,7 +1348,7 @@ Solid2d :: Solid2d(const Array<std::variant<Point<2>, EdgeInfo>> & points, strin
Solid2d Solid2d :: operator+(Solid2d & other)
Solid2d Solid2d :: operator+(const Solid2d & other) const
return other;
@ -1356,16 +1358,17 @@ Solid2d Solid2d :: operator+(Solid2d & other)
return res;
Solid2d Solid2d :: operator*(Solid2d & other)
Solid2d Solid2d :: operator*(const Solid2d & other) const
auto res = ClipSolids(*this, other, true);
res.name = name;
return res;
Solid2d Solid2d :: operator-(Solid2d other)
Solid2d Solid2d :: operator-(const Solid2d & other_) const
// TODO: Check dimensions of solids with bounding box
Solid2d other = other_;
other.Append(RectanglePoly(-1e8, 1e8, -1e8, 1e8, "JUST_FOR_CLIPPING"));
auto res = ClipSolids(*this, other);
@ -1379,6 +1382,54 @@ Solid2d Solid2d :: operator-(Solid2d other)
return res;
Solid2d Solid2d :: operator+=(const Solid2d & other)
*this = *this + other;
return *this;
Solid2d Solid2d :: operator*=(const Solid2d & other)
*this = *this * other;
return *this;
Solid2d Solid2d :: operator-=(const Solid2d & other)
*this = *this - other;
return *this;
Solid2d & Solid2d :: Move( Vec<2> v )
return Transform( [v](Point<2> p) -> Point<2> { return p+v; } );
Solid2d & Solid2d :: Scale( double sx, double sy )
return Transform( [sx,sy](Point<2> p) -> Point<2> { return{p[0]*sx, p[1]*sy}; } );
Solid2d & Solid2d :: RotateRad( double ang, Point<2> center )
double sina = sin(ang);
double cosa = cos(ang);
Vec<2> c = { center[0], center[1] };
return Transform( [c, sina, cosa](Point<2> p) -> Point<2>
p -= c;
double x = p[0];
double y = p[1];
p[0] = cosa*x+sina*y;
p[1] = -sina*x+cosa*y;
p += c;
return p;
} );
bool Solid2d :: IsInside( Point<2> r ) const
int w = 0;
@ -1406,7 +1457,6 @@ bool Solid2d :: IsRightInside( const Vertex & p0 )
return IsInside(q);
shared_ptr<netgen::SplineGeometry2d> CSG2d :: GenerateSplineGeometry()
static Timer t_intersections("CSG2d - AddIntersections()");
@ -1519,20 +1569,24 @@ shared_ptr<netgen::SplineGeometry2d> CSG2d :: GenerateSplineGeometry()
auto li = s.IsLeftInside(p0);
auto ri = s.IsRightInside(p0);
auto & ls = seg_map[{pi0,pi1,pi2}];
ls.p0 = pi0;
ls.p1 = pi1;
ls.p2 = pi2;
ls.weight = weight;
bcmap[p0.bc] = bcmap.size()+1;
if(ls.bc==0 || p0.bc != BC_DEFAULT)
ls.bc = bcmap[p0.bc];
auto & ls = seg_map[{pi0,pi1,pi2}];
ls.p0 = pi0;
ls.p1 = pi1;
ls.p2 = pi2;
ls.weight = weight;
if(s.IsLeftInside(p0) == flip)
ls.left = dom;
ls.right = dom;
bcmap[p0.bc] = bcmap.size()+1;
ls.bc = bcmap[p0.bc];
@ -1570,4 +1624,13 @@ shared_ptr<netgen::SplineGeometry2d> CSG2d :: GenerateSplineGeometry()
return geo;
shared_ptr<netgen::Mesh> CSG2d :: GenerateMesh(MeshingParameters & mp)
auto geo = GenerateSplineGeometry();
auto mesh = make_shared<netgen::Mesh>();
geo->GenerateMesh(mesh, mp);
return mesh;
@ -11,12 +11,15 @@ namespace netgen
using namespace ngcore;
using netgen::Point;
using netgen::Vec;
using Spline = SplineSeg3<2>;
inline double Area(const Point<2>& P, const Point<2>& Q, const Point<2>& R)
return (Q[0]-P[0]) * (R[1]-P[1]) - (Q[1]-P[1]) * (R[0]-P[0]);
// compute weight of spline such that p lies on it
void ComputeWeight( Spline & s, Point<2> p );
enum IntersectionType
{ // types of intersection (detected in the first phase)
@ -89,8 +92,6 @@ struct EdgeInfo
using Spline = SplineSeg3<2>;
struct Vertex : Point<2>
Vertex (Point<2> p) : Point<2>(p) {}
@ -565,15 +566,20 @@ struct Solid2d
Array<Loop> polys;
string name = "";
string name = MAT_DEFAULT;
Solid2d() = default;
Solid2d(string name_) : name(name_) {}
Solid2d(const Array<std::variant<Point<2>, EdgeInfo>> & points, string name_);
Solid2d(const Array<std::variant<Point<2>, EdgeInfo>> & points, string name_=MAT_DEFAULT, string bc_=BC_DEFAULT);
Solid2d operator+(Solid2d & other);
Solid2d operator*(Solid2d & other);
Solid2d operator-(Solid2d other);
Solid2d operator+(const Solid2d & other) const;
Solid2d operator*(const Solid2d & other) const;
Solid2d operator-(const Solid2d & other) const;
Solid2d& operator=(const Solid2d & other) = default;
Solid2d operator+=(const Solid2d & other);
Solid2d operator*=(const Solid2d & other);
Solid2d operator-=(const Solid2d & other);
void Append( const Loop & poly )
@ -584,14 +590,36 @@ struct Solid2d
bool IsLeftInside( const Vertex & p0 );
bool IsRightInside( const Vertex & p0 );
void SetBC(string bc)
for(auto & p : polys)
for(auto v : p.Vertices(ALL))
v->bc = bc;
template<typename TFunc>
Solid2d & Transform( const TFunc & func )
for(auto & poly : polys)
for(auto v : poly.Vertices(ALL))
auto p = func(*v);
(*v)[0] = p[0];
(*v)[1] = p[1];
auto &s = *v->spline;
auto pmid = func(s.GetPoint(0.5));
s = Spline(func(s.StartPI()), func(s.TangentPoint()), func(s.EndPI()));
ComputeWeight(s, pmid);
return *this;
Solid2d & Move( Vec<2> v );
Solid2d & Scale( double sx, double sy=0.0 );
Solid2d & RotateRad( double ang, Point<2> center = {0,0} );
Solid2d & RotateDeg( double ang, Point<2> center = {0,0} )
return RotateRad( ang/180.*M_PI );
class CSG2d
@ -603,10 +631,11 @@ class CSG2d
shared_ptr<netgen::SplineGeometry2d> GenerateSplineGeometry();
shared_ptr<netgen::Mesh> GenerateMesh(MeshingParameters & mp);
Solid2d Circle(double x, double y, double r, string name="", string bc="");
Solid2d Rectangle(double x0, double x1, double y0, double y1, string name, string bc);
Solid2d Circle( Point<2> center, double r, string name="", string bc="");
Solid2d Rectangle( Point<2> p0, Point<2> p1, string mat=MAT_DEFAULT, string bc=BC_DEFAULT );
Solid2d AddIntersectionPoints ( Solid2d s1, Solid2d s2 );
Solid2d ClipSolids ( Solid2d s1, Solid2d s2, bool intersect=true );
@ -399,21 +399,30 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportGeom2d(py::module &m)
py::class_<Solid2d>(m, "Solid2d")
.def(py::init<Array<std::variant<Point<2>, EdgeInfo>>, std::string>(), py::arg("points"), py::arg("mat")=MAT_DEFAULT)
.def(py::init<Array<std::variant<Point<2>, EdgeInfo>>, std::string, std::string>(), py::arg("points"), py::arg("mat")=MAT_DEFAULT, py::arg("bc")=BC_DEFAULT)
.def_readwrite("name", &Solid2d::name)
.def("__mul__", [](Solid2d & self, Solid2d & other) { return self*other; })
.def("__add__", [](Solid2d & self, Solid2d & other) { return self+other; })
.def("__sub__", [](Solid2d & self, Solid2d & other) { return self-other; })
.def("Append", &Solid2d::Append)
.def("SetBC", &Solid2d::SetBC)
.def("Copy", [](Solid2d & self) -> Solid2d { return self; })
.def("Move", &Solid2d::Move)
.def("Scale", &Solid2d::Scale)
.def("Rotate", [](Solid2d & self, optional<double> rad, optional<double> deg, Point<2> center )
self.RotateRad(*rad, center);
self.RotateDeg(*deg, center);
return self;
}, py::arg("rad")=nullopt, py::arg("deg")=nullopt, py::arg("center")=Point<2>{0,0})
m.def("Rectangle", [](double x0, double x1, double y0, double y1, string bc, string mat)
{ return Rectangle(x0,x1,y0,y1,bc,mat); },
py::arg("x0"), py::arg("x1"), py::arg("y0"), py::arg("y1"), py::arg("bc")="", py::arg("mat")=""
m.def("Rectangle", [](Point<2> pmin, Point<2> pmax, string bc, string mat)
{ return Rectangle(pmin, pmax, bc,mat); },
py::arg("pmin"), py::arg("pmax"), py::arg("bc")=BC_DEFAULT, py::arg("mat")=MAT_DEFAULT
m.def("Circle", Circle, py::arg("x"), py::arg("y"), py::arg("r"), py::arg("bc")="", py::arg("mat")="");
m.def("Circle", Circle, py::arg("center"), py::arg("radius"), py::arg("bc")=BC_DEFAULT, py::arg("mat")=MAT_DEFAULT);
py::class_<CSG2d>(m, "CSG2d")
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