mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 08:25:40 +05:00
parallel mesh
This commit is contained in:
@ -725,8 +725,6 @@ namespace netgen
/// distributes the master-mesh to local meshes
void Distribute ();
/// loads a mesh sent from master processor
void ReceiveParallelMesh ();
/// find connection to parallel meshes
// void FindExchangePoints () ;
@ -740,8 +738,15 @@ namespace netgen
void PartDualHybridMesh (); // Array<int> & neloc );
void PartDualHybridMesh2D (); // ( Array<int> & neloc );
/// send mesh from master to local procs
void SendRecvMesh ();
/// send mesh to parallel machine, keep global mesh at master
void SendMesh ( ) const; // Mesh * mastermesh, Array<int> & neloc) const;
/// loads a mesh sent from master processor
void ReceiveParallelMesh ();
void UpdateOverlap ();
@ -25,6 +25,68 @@ namespace netgen
void Mesh :: SendRecvMesh ()
PrintMessage (1, "Send/Receive mesh");
// distribute global information
int nelglob, nvglob;
if (id == 0)
paralleltop -> SetNV (GetNV());
paralleltop -> SetNE (GetNE());
paralleltop -> SetNSegm (GetNSeg());
paralleltop -> SetNSE (GetNSE());
nelglob = GetNE();
nvglob = GetNV();
MyMPI_Bcast (nelglob);
MyMPI_Bcast (nvglob);
if (id > 0)
paralleltop -> SetNEGlob (nelglob);
paralleltop -> SetNVGlob (nvglob);
// distribute number of local elements
if (id == 0)
Array<int> num_els_on_proc(ntasks);
num_els_on_proc = 0;
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < GetNE(); ei++)
MPI_Scatter (&num_els_on_proc[0], 1, MPI_INT,
int nelloc;
MPI_Scatter (NULL, 0, MPI_INT,
&nelloc, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
paralleltop -> SetNE (nelloc);
if (id == 0)
SendMesh ();
// slaves receive the mesh from the master
void Mesh :: ReceiveParallelMesh ( )
@ -42,37 +104,12 @@ namespace netgen
#pragma pomp inst begin(loadmesh)
// PrintMessage (1, "LOAD PARALLEL MESH");
// MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD);
string st;
// double doublebuf[100];
// int i, n;
// int tag_dim = 10, tag_token = 100, tag_n=11, tag_pnum=12, tag_point=13;
// int tag_index = 101, tag_facedescr = 102;
// MPI_Status status;
bool endmesh = false;
// int dim;
int nelglob, nelloc, nvglob, nedglob, nfaglob;
// receive global values
MyMPI_Bcast (nelglob);
MyMPI_Bcast (nvglob);
MyMPI_Bcast (nedglob);
MyMPI_Bcast (nfaglob);
MyMPI_Bcast (dimension);
MyMPI_Recv (nelloc, 0);
paralleltop -> SetNVGlob (nvglob);
paralleltop -> SetNEGlob (nelglob);
INDEX_CLOSED_HASHTABLE<int> glob2loc_vert_ht (1);
PrintMessage (1, "Receive mesh");
// int ve = 0;
while (!endmesh)
@ -86,18 +123,13 @@ namespace netgen
Array<int> verts;
MyMPI_Recv (verts, 0);
// Array<double> pointarray;
// MyMPI_Recv (pointarray, 0);
int numvert = verts.Size(); // pointarray.Size() / 5;
int numvert = verts.Size();
paralleltop -> SetNV (numvert);
glob2loc_vert_ht.SetSize (3*numvert+1);
for (int vert = 0; vert < numvert; vert++)
// int globvert = int (pointarray[ vert*5 ]);
int globvert = verts[vert];
paralleltop->SetLoc2Glob_Vert ( vert+1, globvert );
glob2loc_vert_ht.Set (globvert, vert+1);
@ -110,10 +142,6 @@ namespace netgen
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Recv( &points[1], numvert, mptype, 0, 33, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
Array<int> dist_pnums;
MyMPI_Recv (dist_pnums, 0);
@ -135,13 +163,7 @@ namespace netgen
Array<int> elarray;
MyMPI_Recv (elarray, 0);
int ind = 0;
int elnum = 1;
int nelloc = elarray[ind++];
paralleltop -> SetNE (nelloc);
while (ind < elarray.Size())
for (int ind = 0, elnum = 1; ind < elarray.Size(); elnum++)
paralleltop->SetLoc2Glob_VolEl ( elnum, elarray[ind++]);
@ -152,10 +174,10 @@ namespace netgen
el[j] = glob2loc_vert_ht.Get (elarray[ind++]);
AddVolumeElement (el);
if (strcmp (st.c_str(), "facedescriptor") == 0)
Array<double> doublebuf;
@ -271,13 +293,6 @@ namespace netgen
(*testout) << "Receiving Time fde = " << double(endtime - starttime)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
for ( int eli = 1; eli < GetNE(); eli++ )
Element & el = VolumeElement(eli);
if (strcmp (st.c_str(), "endmesh") == 0)
@ -286,18 +301,6 @@ namespace netgen
// ohne diesem Zusammenwarten gibts Abstürze, und ich weiß nicht warum ???
// MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// PrintMessage (1, "Have recevied the mesh");
// MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// paralleltop -> SetNV ( this -> GetNV() );
// for ( int i = 0; i < GetNV(); i++ )
// paralleltop -> SetLoc2Glob_Vert ( i+1, (*loc2globvert)[i] );
int timerloc = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Update local mesh");
int timerloc2 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("CalcSurfacesOfNode");
@ -310,11 +313,8 @@ namespace netgen
NgProfiler::StopTimer (timerloc2);
// BuildConnectedNodes ();
topology -> Update();
// UpdateOverlap();
clusters -> Update();
@ -358,17 +358,15 @@ namespace netgen
*testout << "sel(" << int(ei) << ") is in part " << (*this)[ei].GetPartition() << endl;
#pragma pomp inst end(metis)
// send partition
SendMesh ();
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
MyMPI_Send ("mesh", dest);
SendRecvMesh ();
paralleltop -> UpdateCoarseGrid();
@ -817,56 +815,23 @@ namespace netgen
const Mesh * mastermesh = this; // the original plan was different
PrintMessage ( 1, "Sending Mesh to local processors" );
clock_t starttime, endtime;
starttime = clock();
paralleltop -> SetNV ( GetNV() );
paralleltop -> SetNE ( GetNE() );
paralleltop -> SetNSegm ( GetNSeg() );
paralleltop -> SetNSE ( GetNSE() );
MPI_Request sendrequest[ntasks];
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
MyMPI_Send ("mesh", dest);
int nel = GetNE();
int nv = GetNV();
int nedges = GetTopology().GetNEdges();
int nfaces = GetTopology().GetNFaces();
int dim = dimension;
MyMPI_Bcast (nel);
MyMPI_Bcast (nv);
MyMPI_Bcast (nedges);
MyMPI_Bcast (nfaces);
MyMPI_Bcast (dim);
Array<int> num_els_on_proc(ntasks);
num_els_on_proc = 0;
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < GetNE(); ei++)
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
MyMPI_Send (num_els_on_proc[dest], dest);
// get number of vertices for each processor
Array<int> elarraysize (ntasks);
Array<int> nelloc (ntasks);
nelloc = 0;
elarraysize = 1;
// elarraysize = 1;
PrintMessage ( 3, "Sending vertices");
@ -904,7 +869,7 @@ namespace netgen
elarraysize[dest] += 3 + el.GetNP();
// elarraysize[dest] += 3 + el.GetNP();
nelloc[dest] ++;
paralleltop -> SetDistantEl ( dest, els[hi]+1, nelloc[dest] );
@ -918,14 +883,13 @@ namespace netgen
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
FlatArray<ElementIndex> els = els_of_proc[dest];
for (int hi = 0; hi < els.Size(); hi++)
const Element & el = (*mastermesh) [ els[hi] ];
const Element & el = (*this) [ els[hi] ];
for (int i = 0; i < el.GetNP(); i++)
PointIndex epi = el.PNum(i+1);
PointIndex epi = el[i];
if (vert_flag[epi] < dest)
vert_flag[epi] = dest;
@ -946,13 +910,11 @@ namespace netgen
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
FlatArray<PointIndex> verts = verts_of_proc[dest];
MyMPI_Send ("vertex", dest);
MyMPI_ISend (verts, dest);
MPI_Datatype mptype = MeshPoint::MyGetMPIType();
@ -1014,48 +976,45 @@ namespace netgen
PrintMessage ( 3, "Sending elements" );
TABLE<int> elementarrays(elarraysize);
starttime = clock();
// for ( int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest ++ )
// MyMPI_Send ( "volumeelements", dest);
Array<int> elarraysize (ntasks);
elarraysize = 0;
for ( int ei = 1; ei <= mastermesh->GetNE(); ei++)
const Element & el = mastermesh -> VolumeElement (ei);
int dest = el.GetPartition();
elarraysize[dest] += 3 + el.GetNP();
for ( int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++ )
elementarrays.Add (dest, nelloc[dest]);
TABLE<int> elementarrays(elarraysize);
for ( int ei = 1; ei <= mastermesh->GetNE(); ei++)
const Element & el = mastermesh -> VolumeElement (ei);
int dest = el.GetPartition();
if ( dest > 0 )
// send volume element
elementarrays.Add (dest, ei); //
elementarrays.Add (dest, el.GetIndex());
elementarrays.Add (dest, el.GetNP());
for ( int ii=0; ii<el.GetNP(); ii++)
elementarrays.Add (dest, el[ii]);
elementarrays.Add (dest, ei);
elementarrays.Add (dest, el.GetIndex());
elementarrays.Add (dest, el.GetNP());
for (int i = 0; i < el.GetNP(); i++)
elementarrays.Add (dest, el[i]);
for ( int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest ++ )
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest ++ )
MyMPI_Send ( "volumeelements", dest);
MyMPI_ISend ( elementarrays[dest], dest, sendrequest[dest] );
// for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
// MPI_Request_free (&sendrequest[dest]);
endtime = clock();
(*testout) << "Sending Time els = " << double(endtime - starttime)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
starttime = clock();
PrintMessage ( 3, "Sending Face Descriptors" );
@ -1079,13 +1038,8 @@ namespace netgen
(*testout) << "Sending Time fdi = " << double(endtime - starttime)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
starttime = clock();
// hasglobalsurf( edgenr * ntasks + dest ) .... global edge edgenr is in mesh at dest
// BitArray hasglobaledge;
// hasglobaledge.SetSize(ntasks * nedglob);
// hasglobaledge.Clear();
// cout << "mmf " << mastermesh->GetTopology().GetNFaces() << endl;
// determine sizes of local surface element arrays
PrintMessage ( 3, "Sending Surface elements" );
@ -1325,6 +1279,9 @@ namespace netgen
void Mesh :: UpdateOverlap()
cout << "UpdateOverlap depreciated" << endl;
#ifdef OLDOLD
(*testout) << "UPDATE OVERLAP" << endl;
Array<int> * globelnums;
@ -1921,6 +1878,9 @@ namespace netgen
#pragma pomp inst end(updateoverlap)
@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ namespace netgen
void ParallelMeshTopology :: Reset ()
@ -567,6 +571,20 @@ namespace netgen
int n_ho = netgen::ntasks - 1;
int * process_ranks = new int[netgen::ntasks-1];
for ( int i = 0; i < netgen::ntasks-1; i++ )
process_ranks[i] = i+1;
MPI_Group_incl ( MPI_GROUP_WORLD, n_ho, process_ranks, & MPI_HIGHORDER_WORLD);
int timer = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("UpdateCoarseGridGlobal");
NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg(timer);
@ -1257,7 +1275,7 @@ namespace netgen
(*glob2loc_el) = -1;
for ( int locel = 1; locel <= mesh.GetNE(); locel++)
(*glob2loc_el)[GetLoc2Glob_VolEl(locel)] = locel;
for ( int sender = 1; sender < ntasks; sender ++ )
if ( id == sender )
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