mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 00:15:40 +05:00
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
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@ -9,101 +9,102 @@ namespace netgen
DLL_HEADER extern void InsertVirtualBoundaryLayer (Mesh & mesh);
DLL_HEADER extern void InsertVirtualBoundaryLayer (Mesh& mesh);
/// Create a typical prismatic boundary layer on the given
/// Create a typical prismatic boundary layer on the given
/// surfaces
struct SpecialBoundaryPoint {
struct GrowthGroup {
struct SpecialBoundaryPoint
struct GrowthGroup
Array<int> faces;
Vec<3> growth_vector;
Array<PointIndex> new_points;
GrowthGroup(FlatArray<int> faces_, FlatArray<Vec<3>> normals);
GrowthGroup(const GrowthGroup &) = default;
GrowthGroup(const GrowthGroup&) = default;
GrowthGroup() = default;
// std::map<int, Vec<3>> normals;
Array<GrowthGroup> growth_groups;
Vec<3> separating_direction;
SpecialBoundaryPoint( const std::map<int, Vec<3>> & normals );
SpecialBoundaryPoint(const std::map<int, Vec<3>>& normals);
SpecialBoundaryPoint() = default;
DLL_HEADER void GenerateBoundaryLayer (Mesh & mesh,
const BoundaryLayerParameters & blp);
DLL_HEADER void GenerateBoundaryLayer (Mesh& mesh,
const BoundaryLayerParameters& blp);
DLL_HEADER int /* new_domain_number */ GenerateBoundaryLayer2 (Mesh & mesh, int domain, const Array<double> & thicknesses, bool should_make_new_domain=true, const Array<int> & boundaries=Array<int>{});
DLL_HEADER int /* new_domain_number */ GenerateBoundaryLayer2 (Mesh& mesh, int domain, const Array<double>& thicknesses, bool should_make_new_domain = true, const Array<int>& boundaries = Array<int>{});
class BoundaryLayerTool
BoundaryLayerTool(Mesh & mesh_, const BoundaryLayerParameters & params_);
void ProcessParameters();
void Perform();
BoundaryLayerTool(Mesh& mesh_, const BoundaryLayerParameters& params_);
void ProcessParameters ();
void Perform ();
Mesh & mesh;
MeshTopology & topo;
BoundaryLayerParameters params;
Array<Vec<3>, PointIndex> growthvectors;
std::map<PointIndex, Vec<3>> non_bl_growth_vectors;
Table<SurfaceElementIndex, PointIndex> p2sel;
Mesh& mesh;
MeshTopology& topo;
BoundaryLayerParameters params;
Array<Vec<3>, PointIndex> growthvectors;
std::map<PointIndex, Vec<3>> non_bl_growth_vectors;
Table<SurfaceElementIndex, PointIndex> p2sel;
BitArray domains, is_edge_moved, is_boundary_projected, is_boundary_moved;
Array<SegmentIndex> moved_segs;
int max_edge_nr, nfd_old, ndom_old;
Array<int> new_mat_nrs;
BitArray moved_surfaces;
int np, nseg, nse, ne;
double total_height;
BitArray domains, is_edge_moved, is_boundary_projected, is_boundary_moved;
Array<SegmentIndex> moved_segs;
int max_edge_nr, nfd_old, ndom_old;
Array<int> new_mat_nrs;
BitArray moved_surfaces;
int np, nseg, nse, ne;
double total_height;
// These parameters are derived from given BoundaryLayerParameters and the Mesh
Array<double> par_heights;
Array<int> par_surfid;
bool insert_only_volume_elements;
map<string, string> par_new_mat;
Array<size_t> par_project_boundaries;
// These parameters are derived from given BoundaryLayerParameters and the Mesh
Array<double> par_heights;
Array<int> par_surfid;
bool insert_only_volume_elements;
map<string, string> par_new_mat;
Array<size_t> par_project_boundaries;
bool have_single_segments;
Array<Segment> segments, new_segments, new_segments_on_moved_bnd;
Array<Element2d, SurfaceElementIndex> new_sels, new_sels_on_moved_bnd;
Array<Array<PointIndex>, PointIndex> mapto;
Array<PointIndex, PointIndex> mapfrom;
bool have_single_segments;
Array<Segment> segments, new_segments, new_segments_on_moved_bnd;
Array<Element2d, SurfaceElementIndex> new_sels, new_sels_on_moved_bnd;
Array<Array<PointIndex>, PointIndex> mapto;
Array<PointIndex, PointIndex> mapfrom;
Array<double> surfacefacs;
Array<int> si_map;
Array<double> surfacefacs;
Array<int> si_map;
std::map<PointIndex, SpecialBoundaryPoint> special_boundary_points;
std::map<PointIndex, std::tuple<Vec<3>*, double>> growth_vector_map;
std::map<PointIndex, SpecialBoundaryPoint> special_boundary_points;
std::map<PointIndex, std::tuple<Vec<3>*, double>> growth_vector_map;
// major steps called in Perform()
void CreateNewFaceDescriptors();
void CreateFaceDescriptorsSides();
void CalculateGrowthVectors();
Array<Array<pair<SegmentIndex, int>>, SegmentIndex> BuildSegMap();
// major steps called in Perform()
void CreateNewFaceDescriptors ();
void CreateFaceDescriptorsSides ();
void CalculateGrowthVectors ();
Array<Array<pair<SegmentIndex, int>>, SegmentIndex> BuildSegMap ();
BitArray ProjectGrowthVectorsOnSurface();
void InterpolateSurfaceGrowthVectors();
void InterpolateGrowthVectors();
void LimitGrowthVectorLengths();
void FixSurfaceElements();
BitArray ProjectGrowthVectorsOnSurface ();
void InterpolateSurfaceGrowthVectors ();
void InterpolateGrowthVectors ();
void LimitGrowthVectorLengths ();
void FixSurfaceElements ();
void InsertNewElements(FlatArray<Array<pair<SegmentIndex, int>>, SegmentIndex> segmap, const BitArray & in_surface_direction);
void SetDomInOut();
void SetDomInOutSides();
void AddSegments();
void AddSurfaceElements();
void InsertNewElements (FlatArray<Array<pair<SegmentIndex, int>>, SegmentIndex> segmap, const BitArray& in_surface_direction);
void SetDomInOut ();
void SetDomInOutSides ();
void AddSegments ();
void AddSurfaceElements ();
Vec<3> getNormal(const Element2d & el)
auto v0 = mesh[el[0]];
return Cross(mesh[el[1]]-v0, mesh[el[2]]-v0).Normalize();
Vec<3> getNormal (const Element2d& el)
auto v0 = mesh[el[0]];
return Cross(mesh[el[1]] - v0, mesh[el[2]] - v0).Normalize();
Vec<3> getEdgeTangent(PointIndex pi, int edgenr, FlatArray<Segment *> segs);
Vec<3> getEdgeTangent (PointIndex pi, int edgenr, FlatArray<Segment*> segs);
} // namespace netgen
@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
#include "boundarylayer.hpp"
namespace netgen {
namespace netgen
namespace detail {
struct Neighbor {
namespace detail
struct Neighbor
PointIndex pi;
SurfaceElementIndex sei;
double weight;
@ -11,72 +14,79 @@ struct Neighbor {
} // namespace detail
Array<ArrayMem<detail::Neighbor, 20>>
BuildNeighbors(FlatArray<PointIndex> points, const Mesh &mesh) {
BuildNeighbors (FlatArray<PointIndex> points, const Mesh& mesh)
auto p2sel = mesh.CreatePoint2SurfaceElementTable();
Array<ArrayMem<detail::Neighbor, 20>> neighbors(points.Size());
ArrayMem<double, 20> angles;
ArrayMem<double, 20> inv_dists;
for (auto i : points.Range()) {
auto &p_neighbors = neighbors[i];
auto pi = points[i];
for (auto sei : p2sel[pi]) {
const auto &sel = mesh[sei];
for (auto pi1 : sel.PNums()) {
if (pi1 == pi)
auto pi2 = pi1;
for (auto pi_ : sel.PNums()) {
if (pi_ != pi && pi_ != pi1) {
pi2 = pi_;
for (auto i : points.Range())
auto& p_neighbors = neighbors[i];
auto pi = points[i];
for (auto sei : p2sel[pi])
const auto& sel = mesh[sei];
for (auto pi1 : sel.PNums())
if (pi1 == pi)
auto pi2 = pi1;
for (auto pi_ : sel.PNums())
if (pi_ != pi && pi_ != pi1)
pi2 = pi_;
p_neighbors.Append({pi1, sei, 0.0});
inv_dists.Append(1.0 / (mesh[pi1] - mesh[pi]).Length());
auto dot = (mesh[pi1] - mesh[pi]).Normalize() * (mesh[pi2] - mesh[pi]).Normalize();
p_neighbors.Append({pi1, sei, 0.0});
inv_dists.Append(1.0 / (mesh[pi1] - mesh[pi]).Length());
auto dot = (mesh[pi1] - mesh[pi]).Normalize() *
(mesh[pi2] - mesh[pi]).Normalize();
double sum_inv_dist = 0.0;
for (auto inv_dist : inv_dists)
sum_inv_dist += inv_dist;
double sum_angle = 0.0;
for (auto angle : angles)
sum_angle += angle;
double sum_inv_dist = 0.0;
for (auto inv_dist : inv_dists)
sum_inv_dist += inv_dist;
double sum_angle = 0.0;
for (auto angle : angles)
sum_angle += angle;
double sum_weight = 0.0;
for (auto i : Range(inv_dists)) {
p_neighbors[i].weight =
inv_dists[i] * angles[i] / sum_inv_dist / sum_angle;
sum_weight += p_neighbors[i].weight;
double sum_weight = 0.0;
for (auto i : Range(inv_dists))
p_neighbors[i].weight =
inv_dists[i] * angles[i] / sum_inv_dist / sum_angle;
sum_weight += p_neighbors[i].weight;
for (auto i : Range(inv_dists))
p_neighbors[i].weight /= sum_weight;
for (auto i : Range(inv_dists))
p_neighbors[i].weight /= sum_weight;
return neighbors;
void BoundaryLayerTool ::InterpolateGrowthVectors() {
void BoundaryLayerTool ::InterpolateGrowthVectors()
int new_max_edge_nr = max_edge_nr;
for (const auto &seg : segments)
for (const auto& seg : segments)
if (seg.edgenr > new_max_edge_nr)
new_max_edge_nr = seg.edgenr;
for (const auto &seg : new_segments)
for (const auto& seg : new_segments)
if (seg.edgenr > new_max_edge_nr)
new_max_edge_nr = seg.edgenr;
auto getGW = [&](PointIndex pi) -> Vec<3> {
auto getGW = [&] (PointIndex pi) -> Vec<3> {
if (growth_vector_map.count(pi) == 0)
growth_vector_map[pi] = {&growthvectors[pi], total_height};
auto [gw, height] = growth_vector_map[pi];
return height * (*gw);
auto addGW = [&](PointIndex pi, Vec<3> vec) {
auto addGW = [&] (PointIndex pi, Vec<3> vec) {
if (growth_vector_map.count(pi) == 0)
growth_vector_map[pi] = {&growthvectors[pi], total_height};
auto [gw, height] = growth_vector_map[pi];
@ -87,129 +97,139 @@ void BoundaryLayerTool ::InterpolateGrowthVectors() {
if (max_edge_nr >= new_max_edge_nr)
auto edgenr2seg = ngcore::CreateSortedTable<Segment *, int>(
Range(segments.Size() + new_segments.Size()),
[&](auto &table, size_t segi) {
auto &seg = segi < segments.Size()
? segments[segi]
: new_segments[segi - segments.Size()];
table.Add(seg.edgenr, &seg);
new_max_edge_nr + 1);
auto point2seg = ngcore::CreateSortedTable<Segment *, PointIndex>(
Range(segments.Size() + new_segments.Size()),
[&](auto &table, size_t segi) {
auto &seg = segi < segments.Size()
? segments[segi]
: new_segments[segi - segments.Size()];
table.Add(seg[0], &seg);
table.Add(seg[1], &seg);
auto edgenr2seg = ngcore::CreateSortedTable<Segment*, int>(
Range(segments.Size() + new_segments.Size()),
[&] (auto& table, size_t segi) {
auto& seg = segi < segments.Size()
? segments[segi]
: new_segments[segi - segments.Size()];
table.Add(seg.edgenr, &seg);
new_max_edge_nr + 1);
auto point2seg = ngcore::CreateSortedTable<Segment*, PointIndex>(
Range(segments.Size() + new_segments.Size()),
[&] (auto& table, size_t segi) {
auto& seg = segi < segments.Size()
? segments[segi]
: new_segments[segi - segments.Size()];
table.Add(seg[0], &seg);
table.Add(seg[1], &seg);
for (auto edgenr : Range(max_edge_nr + 1, new_max_edge_nr + 1)) {
double edge_len = 0.;
for (auto edgenr : Range(max_edge_nr + 1, new_max_edge_nr + 1))
double edge_len = 0.;
auto is_end_point = [&](PointIndex pi) {
auto segs = point2seg[pi];
if (segs.Size() == 1)
return true;
auto first_edgenr = (*segs[0]).edgenr;
for (auto *p_seg : segs)
if (p_seg->edgenr != first_edgenr)
auto is_end_point = [&] (PointIndex pi) {
auto segs = point2seg[pi];
if (segs.Size() == 1)
return true;
return false;
auto first_edgenr = (*segs[0]).edgenr;
for (auto* p_seg : segs)
if (p_seg->edgenr != first_edgenr)
return true;
return false;
bool any_grows = false;
bool any_grows = false;
Array<PointIndex> points;
for (auto *p_seg : edgenr2seg[edgenr]) {
auto &seg = *p_seg;
Array<PointIndex> points;
for (auto* p_seg : edgenr2seg[edgenr])
auto& seg = *p_seg;
if (getGW(seg[0]).Length2() != 0 || getGW(seg[1]).Length2() != 0)
any_grows = true;
if (getGW(seg[0]).Length2() != 0 || getGW(seg[1]).Length2() != 0)
any_grows = true;
if (points.Size() == 0)
for (auto i : Range(2))
if (is_end_point(seg[i])) {
points.Append(seg[1 - i]);
edge_len += (mesh[seg[1]] - mesh[seg[0]]).Length();
if (!any_grows) {
PrintMessage(1, "BLayer: skip interpolating growth vectors at edge ",
edgenr + 1);
if (!points.Size()) {
cerr << "Could not find startpoint for edge " << edgenr << endl;
std::set<PointIndex> points_set;
bool point_found = true;
while (point_found) {
if (is_end_point(points.Last()))
point_found = false;
for (auto *p_seg : point2seg[points.Last()]) {
const auto &seg = *p_seg;
if (seg.edgenr != edgenr)
auto plast = points.Last();
if (plast != seg[0] && plast != seg[1])
auto pnew = plast == seg[0] ? seg[1] : seg[0];
if (pnew == points[0] && points.Size() > 1) {
if (points.Size() == 0)
for (auto i : Range(2))
if (is_end_point(seg[i]))
points.Append(seg[1 - i]);
edge_len += (mesh[seg[1]] - mesh[seg[0]]).Length();
if (points_set.count(pnew) > 0 &&
(pnew != points[0] || points.Size() == 2))
if (!any_grows)
PrintMessage(1, "BLayer: skip interpolating growth vectors at edge ", edgenr + 1);
edge_len += (mesh[points.Last()] - mesh[pnew]).Length();
point_found = true;
if (!point_found) {
cerr << "Could not find connected list of line segments for edge "
<< edgenr << endl;
cerr << "current points: " << endl << points << endl;
if (getGW(points[0]).Length2() == 0 && getGW(points.Last()).Length2() == 0)
if (!points.Size())
cerr << "Could not find startpoint for edge " << edgenr << endl;
// tangential part of growth vectors
auto t1 = (mesh[points[1]] - mesh[points[0]]).Normalize();
auto gt1 = getGW(points[0]) * t1 * t1;
auto t2 =
std::set<PointIndex> points_set;
bool point_found = true;
while (point_found)
if (is_end_point(points.Last()))
point_found = false;
for (auto* p_seg : point2seg[points.Last()])
const auto& seg = *p_seg;
if (seg.edgenr != edgenr)
auto plast = points.Last();
if (plast != seg[0] && plast != seg[1])
auto pnew = plast == seg[0] ? seg[1] : seg[0];
if (pnew == points[0] && points.Size() > 1)
if (points_set.count(pnew) > 0 && (pnew != points[0] || points.Size() == 2))
edge_len += (mesh[points.Last()] - mesh[pnew]).Length();
point_found = true;
if (!point_found)
cerr << "Could not find connected list of line segments for edge "
<< edgenr << endl;
cerr << "current points: " << endl
<< points << endl;
if (getGW(points[0]).Length2() == 0 && getGW(points.Last()).Length2() == 0)
// tangential part of growth vectors
auto t1 = (mesh[points[1]] - mesh[points[0]]).Normalize();
auto gt1 = getGW(points[0]) * t1 * t1;
auto t2 =
(mesh[points.Last()] - mesh[points[points.Size() - 2]]).Normalize();
auto gt2 = getGW(points.Last()) * t2 * t2;
auto gt2 = getGW(points.Last()) * t2 * t2;
double len = 0.;
for (auto i : IntRange(1, points.Size() - 1)) {
auto pi = points[i];
len += (mesh[pi] - mesh[points[i - 1]]).Length();
auto t = getEdgeTangent(pi, edgenr, point2seg[pi]);
auto lam = len / edge_len;
auto interpol = (1 - lam) * (gt1 * t) * t + lam * (gt2 * t) * t;
addGW(pi, interpol);
double len = 0.;
for (auto i : IntRange(1, points.Size() - 1))
auto pi = points[i];
len += (mesh[pi] - mesh[points[i - 1]]).Length();
auto t = getEdgeTangent(pi, edgenr, point2seg[pi]);
auto lam = len / edge_len;
auto interpol = (1 - lam) * (gt1 * t) * t + lam * (gt2 * t) * t;
addGW(pi, interpol);
void BoundaryLayerTool ::InterpolateSurfaceGrowthVectors() {
void BoundaryLayerTool ::InterpolateSurfaceGrowthVectors()
static Timer tall("InterpolateSurfaceGrowthVectors");
RegionTimer rtall(tall);
static Timer tsmooth("InterpolateSurfaceGrowthVectors-Smoothing");
@ -225,7 +245,7 @@ void BoundaryLayerTool ::InterpolateSurfaceGrowthVectors() {
// }
// cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << endl;
auto getGW = [&](PointIndex pi) -> Vec<3> {
auto getGW = [&] (PointIndex pi) -> Vec<3> {
return growthvectors[pi];
// if (growth_vector_map.count(pi) == 0) {
// non_bl_growth_vectors[pi] = .0;
@ -234,7 +254,7 @@ void BoundaryLayerTool ::InterpolateSurfaceGrowthVectors() {
// auto [gw, height] = growth_vector_map[pi];
// return height * (*gw);
auto addGW = [&](PointIndex pi, Vec<3> vec) {
auto addGW = [&] (PointIndex pi, Vec<3> vec) {
growthvectors[pi] += vec;
// // cout << "add gw " << pi << "\t" << vec << endl;
// if (growth_vector_map.count(pi) == 0) {
@ -247,18 +267,18 @@ void BoundaryLayerTool ::InterpolateSurfaceGrowthVectors() {
// *gw += 1.0 / height * vec;
auto hasMoved = [&](PointIndex pi) {
return (pi - PointIndex::BASE >= np_old) || mapto[pi].Size() > 0 ||
auto hasMoved = [&] (PointIndex pi) {
return (pi - PointIndex::BASE >= np_old) || mapto[pi].Size() > 0 || special_boundary_points.count(pi);
// cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << endl;
std::set<PointIndex> points_set;
for (const auto &sel : mesh.SurfaceElements()) {
for (auto pi : sel.PNums())
if (mesh[pi].Type() == SURFACEPOINT && hasMoved(pi))
for (const auto& sel : mesh.SurfaceElements())
for (auto pi : sel.PNums())
if (mesh[pi].Type() == SURFACEPOINT && hasMoved(pi))
Array<PointIndex> points;
for (auto pi : points_set)
@ -277,70 +297,76 @@ void BoundaryLayerTool ::InterpolateSurfaceGrowthVectors() {
BitArray interpolate_tangent(mesh.GetNP() + 1);
interpolate_tangent = false;
for (auto pi : points) {
for (auto sei : p2sel[pi])
if (is_boundary_moved[mesh[sei].GetIndex()])
for (auto pi : points)
for (auto sei : p2sel[pi])
if (is_boundary_moved[mesh[sei].GetIndex()])
constexpr int N_STEPS = 64;
for ([[maybe_unused]] auto i : Range(N_STEPS)) {
for (auto i : points.Range()) {
auto pi = points[i];
// cout << "AVERAGE " << pi << endl;
auto &p_neighbors = neighbors[i];
for ([[maybe_unused]] auto i : Range(N_STEPS))
for (auto i : points.Range())
auto pi = points[i];
// cout << "AVERAGE " << pi << endl;
auto& p_neighbors = neighbors[i];
ArrayMem<Vec<3>, 20> g_vectors;
double max_len = 0.0;
double sum_len = 0.0;
ArrayMem<Vec<3>, 20> g_vectors;
double max_len = 0.0;
double sum_len = 0.0;
// average only tangent component on new bl points, average whole growth
// vector otherwise
bool do_average_tangent = true;
for (const auto &s : p_neighbors) {
auto gw_other = getGW(s.pi) + corrections[s.pi];
if (do_average_tangent) {
auto n = surf_normals[s.sei];
gw_other = gw_other - (gw_other * n) * n;
// average only tangent component on new bl points, average whole growth
// vector otherwise
bool do_average_tangent = true;
for (const auto& s : p_neighbors)
auto gw_other = getGW(s.pi) + corrections[s.pi];
if (do_average_tangent)
auto n = surf_normals[s.sei];
gw_other = gw_other - (gw_other * n) * n;
auto v = gw_other;
auto len = v.Length2();
sum_len += len;
max_len = max(max_len, len);
if (max_len == 0.0)
double lambda = 0;
if (i > N_STEPS / 4.)
lambda = 2.0 * (i - N_STEPS / 4.) / (N_STEPS / 2.);
lambda = min(1.0, lambda);
auto& correction = corrections[pi];
correction = 0.0;
for (const auto i : p_neighbors.Range())
auto v = g_vectors[i];
double weight = lambda * p_neighbors[i].weight + (1.0 - lambda) * v.Length2() / sum_len;
// if(pi == 19911) cout << "pi " << pi << "\tneighbor " <<
// p_neighbors[i].pi << "\tweight " << weight << endl;
correction += weight * v;
if (!do_average_tangent)
correction -= getGW(pi);
// if(pi == 19911) cout << "pi " << pi << "\tcorrection " << correction <<
// endl;
auto v = gw_other;
auto len = v.Length2();
sum_len += len;
max_len = max(max_len, len);
if (max_len == 0.0)
double lambda = 0;
if (i > N_STEPS / 4.)
lambda = 2.0 * (i - N_STEPS / 4.) / (N_STEPS / 2.);
lambda = min(1.0, lambda);
auto &correction = corrections[pi];
correction = 0.0;
for (const auto i : p_neighbors.Range()) {
auto v = g_vectors[i];
double weight = lambda * p_neighbors[i].weight +
(1.0 - lambda) * v.Length2() / sum_len;
// if(pi == 19911) cout << "pi " << pi << "\tneighbor " <<
// p_neighbors[i].pi << "\tweight " << weight << endl;
correction += weight * v;
if (!do_average_tangent)
correction -= getGW(pi);
// if(pi == 19911) cout << "pi " << pi << "\tcorrection " << correction <<
// endl;
for (auto pi : points)
addGW(pi, corrections[pi]);
void BoundaryLayerTool ::FixSurfaceElements() {
void BoundaryLayerTool ::FixSurfaceElements()
static Timer tall("FixSurfaceElements");
RegionTimer rtall(tall);
auto np_old = this->np;
@ -348,34 +374,37 @@ void BoundaryLayerTool ::FixSurfaceElements() {
auto getGW = [&](PointIndex pi) -> Vec<3> {
auto getGW = [&] (PointIndex pi) -> Vec<3> {
// return growthvectors[pi];
if (growth_vector_map.count(pi) == 0) {
non_bl_growth_vectors[pi] = .0;
growth_vector_map[pi] = {&non_bl_growth_vectors[pi], 1.0};
if (growth_vector_map.count(pi) == 0)
non_bl_growth_vectors[pi] = .0;
growth_vector_map[pi] = {&non_bl_growth_vectors[pi], 1.0};
auto [gw, height] = growth_vector_map[pi];
return height * (*gw);
auto addGW = [&](PointIndex pi, Vec<3> vec) {
if (growth_vector_map.count(pi) == 0) {
non_bl_growth_vectors[pi] = .0;
growth_vector_map[pi] = {&non_bl_growth_vectors[pi], 1.0};
auto addGW = [&] (PointIndex pi, Vec<3> vec) {
if (growth_vector_map.count(pi) == 0)
non_bl_growth_vectors[pi] = .0;
growth_vector_map[pi] = {&non_bl_growth_vectors[pi], 1.0};
auto [gw, height] = growth_vector_map[pi];
*gw += 1.0 / height * vec;
std::set<PointIndex> points_set;
// only smooth over old surface elements
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei : Range(nse)) {
const auto &sel = mesh[sei];
if (sel.GetNP() == 3 && is_boundary_moved[sel.GetIndex()])
for (auto pi : sel.PNums())
if (mesh[pi].Type() == SURFACEPOINT)
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei : Range(nse))
const auto& sel = mesh[sei];
if (sel.GetNP() == 3 && is_boundary_moved[sel.GetIndex()])
for (auto pi : sel.PNums())
if (mesh[pi].Type() == SURFACEPOINT)
Array<PointIndex> points;
for (auto pi : points_set)
@ -388,41 +417,44 @@ void BoundaryLayerTool ::FixSurfaceElements() {
auto neighbors = BuildNeighbors(points, mesh);
constexpr int N_STEPS = 32;
for ([[maybe_unused]] auto i : Range(N_STEPS)) {
for (auto i : points.Range()) {
auto pi = points[i];
auto &p_neighbors = neighbors[i];
for ([[maybe_unused]] auto i : Range(N_STEPS))
for (auto i : points.Range())
auto pi = points[i];
auto& p_neighbors = neighbors[i];
ArrayMem<Vec<3>, 20> g_vectors;
double max_len = 0.0;
double sum_len = 0.0;
ArrayMem<Vec<3>, 20> g_vectors;
double max_len = 0.0;
double sum_len = 0.0;
for (const auto &s : p_neighbors) {
auto v = getGW(s.pi) + corrections[s.pi];
auto len = v.Length2();
sum_len += len;
max_len = max(max_len, len);
for (const auto& s : p_neighbors)
auto v = getGW(s.pi) + corrections[s.pi];
auto len = v.Length2();
sum_len += len;
max_len = max(max_len, len);
if (max_len == 0.0)
if (max_len == 0.0)
double lambda = 0;
if (i > N_STEPS / 4.)
lambda = 2.0 * (i - N_STEPS / 4.) / (N_STEPS / 2.);
lambda = min(1.0, lambda);
double lambda = 0;
if (i > N_STEPS / 4.)
lambda = 2.0 * (i - N_STEPS / 4.) / (N_STEPS / 2.);
lambda = min(1.0, lambda);
auto &correction = corrections[pi];
correction = 0.0;
for (const auto i : p_neighbors.Range()) {
auto v = g_vectors[i];
double weight = lambda * p_neighbors[i].weight +
(1.0 - lambda) * v.Length2() / sum_len;
correction += weight * v;
auto& correction = corrections[pi];
correction = 0.0;
for (const auto i : p_neighbors.Range())
auto v = g_vectors[i];
double weight = lambda * p_neighbors[i].weight + (1.0 - lambda) * v.Length2() / sum_len;
correction += weight * v;
for (auto pi : points)
addGW(pi, corrections[pi]);
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
#include "boundarylayer.hpp"
#include <core/array.hpp>
namespace netgen {
namespace netgen
struct Intersection_ {
struct Intersection_
bool is_intersecting = false;
double lam0 = -1, lam1 = -1;
Point<3> p;
@ -11,13 +13,14 @@ struct Intersection_ {
operator bool() const { return is_intersecting; }
struct GrowthVectorLimiter {
struct GrowthVectorLimiter
typedef std::array<Point<3>, 2> Seg;
typedef std::array<Point<3>, 3> Trig;
BoundaryLayerTool &tool;
const BoundaryLayerParameters ¶ms;
Mesh &mesh;
BoundaryLayerTool& tool;
const BoundaryLayerParameters& params;
Mesh& mesh;
double height;
Array<double, PointIndex> limits;
FlatArray<Vec<3>, PointIndex> growthvectors;
@ -26,94 +29,102 @@ struct GrowthVectorLimiter {
Array<PointIndex, PointIndex> map_from;
Table<SurfaceElementIndex, PointIndex> p2sel;
GrowthVectorLimiter(BoundaryLayerTool &tool_)
: tool(tool_), params(tool_.params), mesh(tool_.mesh),
height(tool_.total_height), growthvectors(tool_.growthvectors),
map_from(mesh.Points().Size()) {
GrowthVectorLimiter(BoundaryLayerTool& tool_)
: tool(tool_), params(tool_.params), mesh(tool_.mesh), height(tool_.total_height), growthvectors(tool_.growthvectors), map_from(mesh.Points().Size())
changed_domains = tool.domains;
if (!params.outside)
map_from = tool.mapfrom;
p2sel = ngcore::CreateSortedTable<SurfaceElementIndex, PointIndex>(
[&](auto &table, SurfaceElementIndex ei) {
for (PointIndex pi : tool.new_sels[ei].PNums())
table.Add(pi, ei);
[&] (auto& table, SurfaceElementIndex ei) {
for (PointIndex pi : tool.new_sels[ei].PNums())
table.Add(pi, ei);
auto SurfaceElementsRange() { return Range(tool.nse + tool.new_sels.Size()); }
auto SurfaceElementsRange () { return Range(tool.nse + tool.new_sels.Size()); }
const auto &Get(SurfaceElementIndex sei) {
const auto& Get (SurfaceElementIndex sei)
if (sei < tool.nse)
return mesh[sei];
return tool.new_sels[sei - tool.nse];
std::pair<double, double> GetMinMaxLimit(SurfaceElementIndex sei) {
const auto &sel = Get(sei);
std::pair<double, double> GetMinMaxLimit (SurfaceElementIndex sei)
const auto& sel = Get(sei);
double min_limit = GetLimit(sel[0]);
double max_limit = min_limit;
for (auto i : IntRange(1, sel.GetNP())) {
auto limit = GetLimit(sel[i]);
min_limit = min(min_limit, limit);
max_limit = max(max_limit, limit);
for (auto i : IntRange(1, sel.GetNP()))
auto limit = GetLimit(sel[i]);
min_limit = min(min_limit, limit);
max_limit = max(max_limit, limit);
return {min_limit, max_limit};
double GetLimit(PointIndex pi) {
double GetLimit (PointIndex pi)
if (pi <= tool.np)
return limits[pi];
return limits[map_from[pi]];
bool SetLimit(PointIndex pi, double new_limit) {
double &limit = (pi <= tool.np) ? limits[pi] : limits[map_from[pi]];
bool SetLimit (PointIndex pi, double new_limit)
double& limit = (pi <= tool.np) ? limits[pi] : limits[map_from[pi]];
if (limit <= new_limit)
return false;
limit = new_limit;
return true;
bool ScaleLimit(PointIndex pi, double factor) {
double &limit = (pi <= tool.np) ? limits[pi] : limits[map_from[pi]];
bool ScaleLimit (PointIndex pi, double factor)
double& limit = (pi <= tool.np) ? limits[pi] : limits[map_from[pi]];
return SetLimit(pi, limit * factor);
Vec<3> GetVector(PointIndex pi_to, double shift = 1.,
bool apply_limit = false) {
Vec<3> GetVector (PointIndex pi_to, double shift = 1., bool apply_limit = false)
auto [gw, height] = tool.growth_vector_map[pi_to];
if (apply_limit)
shift *= GetLimit(pi_to);
return shift * height * (*gw);
Point<3> GetPoint(PointIndex pi_to, double shift = 1.,
bool apply_limit = false) {
Point<3> GetPoint (PointIndex pi_to, double shift = 1., bool apply_limit = false)
if (pi_to <= tool.np || tool.growth_vector_map.count(pi_to) == 0)
return mesh[pi_to];
return mesh[pi_to] + GetVector(pi_to, shift, apply_limit);
Point<3> GetMappedPoint(PointIndex pi_from, double shift = 1.) {
Point<3> GetMappedPoint (PointIndex pi_from, double shift = 1.)
auto pi_to = tool.mapto[pi_from].Last();
return GetPoint(pi_to, shift);
Seg GetMappedSeg(PointIndex pi_from, double shift = 1.) {
Seg GetMappedSeg (PointIndex pi_from, double shift = 1.)
return {mesh[pi_from], GetMappedPoint(pi_from, shift)};
Seg GetSeg(PointIndex pi_to, double shift = 1., bool apply_limit = false) {
Seg GetSeg (PointIndex pi_to, double shift = 1., bool apply_limit = false)
return {GetPoint(pi_to, 0), GetPoint(pi_to, shift, apply_limit)};
Trig GetTrig(SurfaceElementIndex sei, double shift = 0.0,
bool apply_limit = false) {
Trig GetTrig (SurfaceElementIndex sei, double shift = 0.0, bool apply_limit = false)
auto sel = Get(sei);
Trig trig;
for (auto i : Range(3))
@ -121,7 +132,8 @@ struct GrowthVectorLimiter {
return trig;
Trig GetMappedTrig(SurfaceElementIndex sei, double shift = 0.0) {
Trig GetMappedTrig (SurfaceElementIndex sei, double shift = 0.0)
auto sel = Get(sei);
Trig trig;
for (auto i : Range(3))
@ -129,8 +141,8 @@ struct GrowthVectorLimiter {
return trig;
Trig GetSideTrig(SurfaceElementIndex sei, int index, double shift = 0.0,
bool grow_first_vertex = true) {
Trig GetSideTrig (SurfaceElementIndex sei, int index, double shift = 0.0, bool grow_first_vertex = true)
auto trig = GetMappedTrig(sei, 0.0);
auto sel = Get(sei);
auto index1 = (index + 1) % 3;
@ -141,116 +153,126 @@ struct GrowthVectorLimiter {
static constexpr double INTERSECTION_SAFETY = .9;
bool LimitGrowthVector(PointIndex pi_to, SurfaceElementIndex sei,
double trig_shift, double seg_shift,
bool check_prism_sides = false) {
bool LimitGrowthVector (PointIndex pi_to, SurfaceElementIndex sei, double trig_shift, double seg_shift, bool check_prism_sides = false)
auto pi_from = map_from[pi_to];
if (!pi_from.IsValid())
return false;
auto seg = GetSeg(pi_to, seg_shift, true);
for (auto pi : Get(sei).PNums()) {
if (pi == pi_from)
return false;
if (map_from[pi] == pi_from)
return false;
if (check_prism_sides || trig_shift > .0) {
auto [trig_min_limit, trig_max_limit] = GetMinMaxLimit(sei);
if (GetLimit(pi_to) < trig_min_limit)
return false;
auto getTrigs = [&](double scaling = 1.0) -> ArrayMem<Trig, 3> {
ArrayMem<Trig, 3> trigs;
if (check_prism_sides)
for (auto i : Range(3))
trigs.Append(GetSideTrig(sei, i, scaling * trig_shift, true));
trigs.Append(GetTrig(sei, scaling * trig_shift, true));
return trigs;
double scaling = 1.0;
while (true) {
bool have_intersection = false;
auto seg = GetSeg(pi_to, scaling * seg_shift, true);
for (auto trig : getTrigs(scaling))
have_intersection |= isIntersectingTrig(seg, trig);
if (!have_intersection)
scaling *= 0.9;
for (auto pi : Get(sei).PNums())
if (pi == pi_from)
return false;
if (map_from[pi] == pi_from)
return false;
if (scaling == 1.0)
return false;
double new_limit = scaling * max(GetLimit(pi_to), trig_max_limit);
SetLimit(pi_to, new_limit);
for (auto pi : Get(sei).PNums())
SetLimit(pi, new_limit);
return true;
} else {
auto trig = GetTrig(sei, 0.0);
auto intersection = isIntersectingTrig(seg, trig);
// checking with original surface elements -> allow only half the distance
auto new_seg_limit = 0.40 * intersection.lam0 * seg_shift;
if (intersection && new_seg_limit < GetLimit(pi_from)) {
auto p0 = seg[0];
auto p1 = seg[1];
auto d = Dist(p0, p1);
auto [gw, height] = tool.growth_vector_map[pi_to];
return SetLimit(pi_from, new_seg_limit);
if (check_prism_sides || trig_shift > .0)
auto [trig_min_limit, trig_max_limit] = GetMinMaxLimit(sei);
if (GetLimit(pi_to) < trig_min_limit)
return false;
auto getTrigs = [&] (double scaling = 1.0) -> ArrayMem<Trig, 3> {
ArrayMem<Trig, 3> trigs;
if (check_prism_sides)
for (auto i : Range(3))
trigs.Append(GetSideTrig(sei, i, scaling * trig_shift, true));
trigs.Append(GetTrig(sei, scaling * trig_shift, true));
return trigs;
double scaling = 1.0;
while (true)
bool have_intersection = false;
auto seg = GetSeg(pi_to, scaling * seg_shift, true);
for (auto trig : getTrigs(scaling))
have_intersection |= isIntersectingTrig(seg, trig);
if (!have_intersection)
scaling *= 0.9;
if (scaling == 1.0)
return false;
double new_limit = scaling * max(GetLimit(pi_to), trig_max_limit);
SetLimit(pi_to, new_limit);
for (auto pi : Get(sei).PNums())
SetLimit(pi, new_limit);
return true;
auto trig = GetTrig(sei, 0.0);
auto intersection = isIntersectingTrig(seg, trig);
// checking with original surface elements -> allow only half the distance
auto new_seg_limit = 0.40 * intersection.lam0 * seg_shift;
if (intersection && new_seg_limit < GetLimit(pi_from))
auto p0 = seg[0];
auto p1 = seg[1];
auto d = Dist(p0, p1);
auto [gw, height] = tool.growth_vector_map[pi_to];
return SetLimit(pi_from, new_seg_limit);
return false;
return false;
void EqualizeLimits(double factor = .5) {
void EqualizeLimits (double factor = .5)
static Timer t("GrowthVectorLimiter::EqualizeLimits");
PrintMessage(5, "GrowthVectorLimiter - equalize limits");
RegionTimer reg(t);
if (factor == 0.0)
for (PointIndex pi : IntRange(tool.np, mesh.GetNP())) {
auto pi_from = map_from[pi];
std::set<PointIndex> pis;
for (auto sei : p2sel[pi])
for (auto pi_ : tool.new_sels[sei].PNums())
ArrayMem<double, 20> limits;
for (auto pi1 : pis) {
auto limit = GetLimit(pi1);
if (limit > 0.0)
for (PointIndex pi : IntRange(tool.np, mesh.GetNP()))
auto pi_from = map_from[pi];
std::set<PointIndex> pis;
for (auto sei : p2sel[pi])
for (auto pi_ : tool.new_sels[sei].PNums())
ArrayMem<double, 20> limits;
for (auto pi1 : pis)
auto limit = GetLimit(pi1);
if (limit > 0.0)
if (limits.Size() == 0)
double mean_limit = limits[limits.Size() / 2];
// if mean limit is the maximum limit, take the average of second-highest
// and highest value
if (mean_limit > limits[0] && mean_limit == limits.Last())
auto i = limits.Size() - 1;
while (limits[i] == limits.Last())
mean_limit = 0.5 * (limits[i] + limits.Last());
if (limits.Size() % 2 == 0)
mean_limit = 0.5 * (mean_limit + limits[(limits.Size() - 1) / 2]);
SetLimit(pi, factor * mean_limit + (1.0 - factor) * GetLimit(pi));
if (limits.Size() == 0)
double mean_limit = limits[limits.Size() / 2];
// if mean limit is the maximum limit, take the average of second-highest
// and highest value
if (mean_limit > limits[0] && mean_limit == limits.Last()) {
auto i = limits.Size() - 1;
while (limits[i] == limits.Last())
mean_limit = 0.5 * (limits[i] + limits.Last());
if (limits.Size() % 2 == 0)
mean_limit = 0.5 * (mean_limit + limits[(limits.Size() - 1) / 2]);
SetLimit(pi, factor * mean_limit + (1.0 - factor) * GetLimit(pi));
void LimitSelfIntersection(double safety = 1.4) {
void LimitSelfIntersection (double safety = 1.4)
static Timer t("GrowthVectorLimiter::LimitSelfIntersection");
PrintMessage(5, "GrowthVectorLimiter - self intersection");
RegionTimer reg(t);
// check for self-intersection within new elements (prisms/hexes)
auto isIntersecting = [&](SurfaceElementIndex sei, double shift) {
auto isIntersecting = [&] (SurfaceElementIndex sei, double shift) {
// checks if surface element is self intersecting when growing with factor
// shift
@ -260,52 +282,59 @@ struct GrowthVectorLimiter {
return false;
const auto sel = Get(sei);
auto np = sel.GetNP();
for (auto i : Range(np)) {
if (sel[i] > tool.np)
return false;
if (tool.mapto[sel[i]].Size() == 0)
return false;
for (auto i : Range(np)) {
auto seg = GetMappedSeg(sel[i], shift * limits[sel[i]]);
for (auto fi : Range(np - 2)) {
for (auto side : {true, false}) {
auto trig = GetSideTrig(sei, i + fi, 1.0, side);
if (isIntersectingPlane(seg, trig))
return true;
for (auto i : Range(np))
if (sel[i] > tool.np)
return false;
if (tool.mapto[sel[i]].Size() == 0)
return false;
for (auto i : Range(np))
auto seg = GetMappedSeg(sel[i], shift * limits[sel[i]]);
for (auto fi : Range(np - 2))
for (auto side : {true, false})
auto trig = GetSideTrig(sei, i + fi, 1.0, side);
if (isIntersectingPlane(seg, trig))
return true;
return false;
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei : mesh.SurfaceElements().Range()) {
auto sel = mesh[sei];
const auto &fd = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(sel.GetIndex());
if (sel.GetNP() == 4)
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei : mesh.SurfaceElements().Range())
auto sel = mesh[sei];
const auto& fd = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(sel.GetIndex());
if (sel.GetNP() == 4)
auto np = sel.GetNP();
auto np = sel.GetNP();
double shift = 1.0;
const double step_factor = 0.9;
while (isIntersecting(sei, shift * safety)) {
shift *= step_factor;
double max_limit = 0;
for (auto i : Range(np))
max_limit = max(max_limit, limits[sel[i]]);
for (auto i : Range(np))
if (max_limit == limits[sel[i]])
ScaleLimit(sel[i], step_factor);
// if (max_limit < 0.01) break;
double shift = 1.0;
const double step_factor = 0.9;
while (isIntersecting(sei, shift * safety))
shift *= step_factor;
double max_limit = 0;
for (auto i : Range(np))
max_limit = max(max_limit, limits[sel[i]]);
for (auto i : Range(np))
if (max_limit == limits[sel[i]])
ScaleLimit(sel[i], step_factor);
// if (max_limit < 0.01) break;
// checks if a segment is intersecting a plane, spanned by three points, lam
// will be set s.t. p_intersect = seg[0] + lam * (seg[1]-seg[0])
Intersection_ isIntersectingPlane(const Seg & seg,
const Trig & trig) {
Intersection_ isIntersectingPlane (const Seg& seg,
const Trig& trig)
auto t1 = trig[1] - trig[0];
auto t2 = trig[2] - trig[0];
auto n = Cross(t1, t2);
@ -315,14 +344,13 @@ struct GrowthVectorLimiter {
Intersection_ intersection;
intersection.lam0 = -v0n / (v1n - v0n);
intersection.p = seg[0] + intersection.lam0 * (seg[1] - seg[0]);
intersection.is_intersecting = (v0n * v1n < 0) &&
(intersection.lam0 > -1e-8) &&
(intersection.lam0 < 1 + 1e-8);
intersection.is_intersecting = (v0n * v1n < 0) && (intersection.lam0 > -1e-8) && (intersection.lam0 < 1 + 1e-8);
return intersection;
Intersection_ isIntersectingTrig(const Seg &seg, const Trig &trig) {
Intersection_ isIntersectingTrig (const Seg& seg, const Trig& trig)
auto intersection = isIntersectingPlane(seg, trig);
if (!intersection)
return intersection;
@ -338,174 +366,186 @@ struct GrowthVectorLimiter {
intersection.lam1 = 0;
double eps = 0.1;
if (bary.X() >= -eps && bary.Y() >= -eps &&
bary.X() + bary.Y() <= 1 + eps) {
intersection.bary[0] = bary.X();
intersection.bary[1] = bary.Y();
intersection.bary[2] = 1.0 - bary.X() - bary.Y();
} else
if (bary.X() >= -eps && bary.Y() >= -eps && bary.X() + bary.Y() <= 1 + eps)
intersection.bary[0] = bary.X();
intersection.bary[1] = bary.Y();
intersection.bary[2] = 1.0 - bary.X() - bary.Y();
intersection.is_intersecting = false;
return intersection;
Intersection_ isIntersectingTrig(PointIndex pi_from, PointIndex pi_to,
SurfaceElementIndex sei,
double shift = 0.0) {
Intersection_ isIntersectingTrig (PointIndex pi_from, PointIndex pi_to, SurfaceElementIndex sei, double shift = 0.0)
return isIntersectingTrig(GetSeg(pi_from, pi_to), GetTrig(sei, shift));
void BuildSearchTree(double trig_shift) {
void BuildSearchTree (double trig_shift)
static Timer t("BuildSearchTree");
RegionTimer rt(t);
Box<3> bbox(Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX);
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.Points().Range()) {
bbox.Add(GetPoint(pi, 1.1));
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.Points().Range())
bbox.Add(GetPoint(pi, 1.1));
tree = make_unique<BoxTree<3>>(bbox);
for (auto sei : SurfaceElementsRange()) {
const auto &sel = Get(sei);
auto sel_index = sel.GetIndex();
for (auto sei : SurfaceElementsRange())
const auto& sel = Get(sei);
auto sel_index = sel.GetIndex();
Box<3> box(Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX);
for (auto pi : sel.PNums()) {
box.Add(GetPoint(pi, 0.));
box.Add(GetPoint(pi, trig_shift * GetLimit(pi)));
Box<3> box(Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX);
for (auto pi : sel.PNums())
box.Add(GetPoint(pi, 0.));
box.Add(GetPoint(pi, trig_shift * GetLimit(pi)));
tree->Insert(box, sei);
tree->Insert(box, sei);
template <typename TFunc>
void FindTreeIntersections(double trig_shift, double seg_shift, TFunc f,
BitArray *relevant_points = nullptr) {
void FindTreeIntersections (double trig_shift, double seg_shift, TFunc f, BitArray* relevant_points = nullptr)
static Timer t("GrowthVectorLimiter::FindTreeIntersections");
RegionTimer rt(t);
auto np_new = mesh.Points().Size();
int counter = 0;
for (auto i : IntRange(tool.np, np_new)) {
PointIndex pi_to = i + PointIndex::BASE;
PointIndex pi_from = map_from[pi_to];
if (!pi_from.IsValid())
throw Exception("Point not mapped");
for (auto i : IntRange(tool.np, np_new))
PointIndex pi_to = i + PointIndex::BASE;
PointIndex pi_from = map_from[pi_to];
if (!pi_from.IsValid())
throw Exception("Point not mapped");
if (relevant_points && !relevant_points->Test(pi_to) &&
if (relevant_points && !relevant_points->Test(pi_to) && !relevant_points->Test(pi_from))
Box<3> box(Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX);
auto seg = GetSeg(pi_to, seg_shift);
Box<3> box(Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX);
auto seg = GetSeg(pi_to, seg_shift);
box.Add(GetPoint(pi_to, 0));
box.Add(GetPoint(pi_to, GetLimit(pi_from)));
tree->GetFirstIntersecting(box.PMin(), box.PMax(),
[&](SurfaceElementIndex sei) {
const auto &sel = Get(sei);
if (sel.PNums().Contains(pi_from))
return false;
if (sel.PNums().Contains(pi_to))
return false;
f(pi_to, sei);
return false;
box.Add(GetPoint(pi_to, 0));
box.Add(GetPoint(pi_to, GetLimit(pi_from)));
tree->GetFirstIntersecting(box.PMin(), box.PMax(), [&] (SurfaceElementIndex sei) {
const auto& sel = Get(sei);
if (sel.PNums().Contains(pi_from))
return false;
if (sel.PNums().Contains(pi_to))
return false;
f(pi_to, sei);
return false;
void FixIntersectingSurfaceTrigs() {
void FixIntersectingSurfaceTrigs ()
static Timer t("GrowthVectorLimiter::FixIntersectingSurfaceTrigs");
RegionTimer reg(t);
// check if surface trigs are intersecting each other
bool changed = true;
while (changed) {
changed = false;
Point3d pmin, pmax;
mesh.GetBox(pmin, pmax);
BoxTree<3, SurfaceElementIndex> setree(pmin, pmax);
while (changed)
changed = false;
Point3d pmin, pmax;
mesh.GetBox(pmin, pmax);
BoxTree<3, SurfaceElementIndex> setree(pmin, pmax);
for (auto sei : SurfaceElementsRange()) {
const Element2d &tri = Get(sei);
for (auto sei : SurfaceElementsRange())
const Element2d& tri = Get(sei);
Box<3> box(Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX);
for (PointIndex pi : tri.PNums())
box.Add(GetPoint(pi, 1.0, true));
Box<3> box(Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX);
for (PointIndex pi : tri.PNums())
box.Add(GetPoint(pi, 1.0, true));
box.Increase(1e-3 * box.Diam());
setree.Insert(box, sei);
for (auto sei : SurfaceElementsRange()) {
const Element2d &tri = Get(sei);
Box<3> box(Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX);
for (PointIndex pi : tri.PNums())
box.Add(GetPoint(pi, 1.0, true));
setree.GetFirstIntersecting(box.PMin(), box.PMax(), [&](size_t sej) {
const Element2d &tri2 = Get(sej);
if (mesh[tri[0]].GetLayer() != mesh[tri2[0]].GetLayer())
return false;
netgen::Point<3> tri1_points[3], tri2_points[3];
const netgen::Point<3> *trip1[3], *trip2[3];
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
trip1[k] = &tri1_points[k];
trip2[k] = &tri2_points[k];
box.Increase(1e-3 * box.Diam());
setree.Insert(box, sei);
auto set_points = [&]() {
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
tri1_points[k] = GetPoint(tri[k], 1.0, true);
tri2_points[k] = GetPoint(tri2[k], 1.0, true);
for (auto sei : SurfaceElementsRange())
const Element2d& tri = Get(sei);
int counter = 0;
while (IntersectTriangleTriangle(&trip1[0], &trip2[0])) {
changed = true;
PointIndex pi_max_limit = PointIndex::INVALID;
for (PointIndex pi :
{tri[0], tri[1], tri[2], tri2[0], tri2[1], tri2[2]})
if (pi > tool.np && (!pi_max_limit.IsValid() ||
GetLimit(pi) > GetLimit(pi_max_limit)))
pi_max_limit = map_from[pi];
Box<3> box(Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX);
for (PointIndex pi : tri.PNums())
box.Add(GetPoint(pi, 1.0, true));
if (!pi_max_limit.IsValid())
setree.GetFirstIntersecting(box.PMin(), box.PMax(), [&] (size_t sej) {
const Element2d& tri2 = Get(sej);
ScaleLimit(pi_max_limit, 0.9);
if (counter > 20) {
cerr << "Limit intersecting surface elements: too many "
"limitation steps, sels: "
<< Get(sei) << '\t' << Get(sej) << endl;
for (auto si : {sei, sej}) {
auto sel = Get(si);
cerr << "Limits: ";
for (auto pi : sel.PNums())
cerr << GetLimit(pi) << ",\t";
cerr << endl;
for (auto pi : sel.PNums())
cerr << GetPoint(pi, 1.0, true) << "\t";
cerr << endl;
cerr << "pi_max_limit " << pi_max_limit << endl;
if (mesh[tri[0]].GetLayer() != mesh[tri2[0]].GetLayer())
return false;
netgen::Point<3> tri1_points[3], tri2_points[3];
const netgen::Point<3>*trip1[3], *trip2[3];
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
trip1[k] = &tri1_points[k];
trip2[k] = &tri2_points[k];
auto set_points = [&] () {
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
tri1_points[k] = GetPoint(tri[k], 1.0, true);
tri2_points[k] = GetPoint(tri2[k], 1.0, true);
int counter = 0;
while (IntersectTriangleTriangle(&trip1[0], &trip2[0]))
changed = true;
PointIndex pi_max_limit = PointIndex::INVALID;
for (PointIndex pi :
{tri[0], tri[1], tri[2], tri2[0], tri2[1], tri2[2]})
if (pi > tool.np && (!pi_max_limit.IsValid() || GetLimit(pi) > GetLimit(pi_max_limit)))
pi_max_limit = map_from[pi];
if (!pi_max_limit.IsValid())
ScaleLimit(pi_max_limit, 0.9);
if (counter > 20)
cerr << "Limit intersecting surface elements: too many "
"limitation steps, sels: "
<< Get(sei) << '\t' << Get(sej) << endl;
for (auto si : {sei, sej})
auto sel = Get(si);
cerr << "Limits: ";
for (auto pi : sel.PNums())
cerr << GetLimit(pi) << ",\t";
cerr << endl;
for (auto pi : sel.PNums())
cerr << GetPoint(pi, 1.0, true) << "\t";
cerr << endl;
cerr << "pi_max_limit " << pi_max_limit << endl;
return false;
return false;
void LimitOriginalSurface(double safety) {
void LimitOriginalSurface (double safety)
static Timer t("GrowthVectorLimiter::LimitOriginalSurface");
RegionTimer reg(t);
PrintMessage(5, "GrowthVectorLimiter - original surface");
@ -513,14 +553,15 @@ struct GrowthVectorLimiter {
double trig_shift = 0;
double seg_shift = safety;
trig_shift, seg_shift, [&](PointIndex pi_to, SurfaceElementIndex sei) {
if (sei >= tool.nse)
return; // ignore new surface elements in first pass
LimitGrowthVector(pi_to, sei, trig_shift, seg_shift);
trig_shift, seg_shift, [&] (PointIndex pi_to, SurfaceElementIndex sei) {
if (sei >= tool.nse)
return; // ignore new surface elements in first pass
LimitGrowthVector(pi_to, sei, trig_shift, seg_shift);
void LimitBoundaryLayer(double safety = 1.1) {
void LimitBoundaryLayer (double safety = 1.1)
static Timer t("GrowthVectorLimiter::LimitBoundaryLayer");
PrintMessage(5, "GrowthVectorLimiter - boundary layer");
// now limit again with shifted surface elements
@ -533,45 +574,49 @@ struct GrowthVectorLimiter {
relevant_points_next.SetSize(mesh.Points().Size() + 1);
while (limit_counter) {
RegionTimer reg(t);
size_t find_counter = 0;
limit_counter = 0;
trig_shift, seg_shift,
[&](PointIndex pi_to, SurfaceElementIndex sei) {
while (limit_counter)
RegionTimer reg(t);
size_t find_counter = 0;
limit_counter = 0;
trig_shift, seg_shift, [&] (PointIndex pi_to, SurfaceElementIndex sei) {
auto sel = Get(sei);
if (LimitGrowthVector(pi_to, sei, trig_shift, seg_shift)) {
for (auto pi : sel.PNums()) {
if (pi >= tool.np)
if (LimitGrowthVector(pi_to, sei, trig_shift, seg_shift))
for (auto pi : sel.PNums())
if (pi >= tool.np)
for (auto pi : sel.PNums()) {
if (pi >= tool.np)
if (tool.mapto[pi].Size() == 0)
for (auto pi : sel.PNums())
if (pi >= tool.np)
if (tool.mapto[pi].Size() == 0)
if (LimitGrowthVector(pi_to, sei, trig_shift, seg_shift, true))
relevant_points = relevant_points_next;
relevant_points = relevant_points_next;
void Perform() {
void Perform ()
limits = 1.0;
@ -580,31 +625,34 @@ struct GrowthVectorLimiter {
// No smoothing in the last pass, to avoid generating new intersections
std::array smoothing_factors = {0.8, 0.7, 0.5, 0.0};
for (auto i_pass : Range(safeties.size())) {
PrintMessage(4, "GrowthVectorLimiter pass ", i_pass);
double safety = safeties[i_pass];
// intersect segment with original surface elements
// intersect prisms with themself
LimitSelfIntersection(1.3 * safety);
// intesect segment with prism
for (auto i_pass : Range(safeties.size()))
PrintMessage(4, "GrowthVectorLimiter pass ", i_pass);
double safety = safeties[i_pass];
// intersect segment with original surface elements
// intersect prisms with themself
LimitSelfIntersection(1.3 * safety);
// intesect segment with prism
for (auto i : Range(3))
for (auto i : Range(3))
if (i_pass == safeties.size() - 1)
if (i_pass == safeties.size() - 1)
for (auto i : Range(growthvectors))
growthvectors[i] *= limits[i];
for (auto &[special_pi, special_point] : tool.special_boundary_points) {
for (auto &group : special_point.growth_groups) {
group.growth_vector *= limits[special_pi];
for (auto& [special_pi, special_point] : tool.special_boundary_points)
for (auto& group : special_point.growth_groups)
group.growth_vector *= limits[special_pi];
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