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synced 2025-03-14 05:01:34 +05:00
* Modified the TCL Scripts to add a new Menu entry "Edit Face Mesh Size..." into the "Mesh" Menu
- Used to interactively set the maximum mesh size of each face in an OCC Geometry - The Mouse double click has also been bound to the above function
This commit is contained in:
@ -1530,6 +1530,103 @@ proc bcpropdialog { } {
# Philippose - 30/01/2009
# Local Surface Mesh Size Selection
# (Currently only supports OCC Geometry)
proc surfacemeshsizedialog { } {
set w .surfacemeshsize_dlg
if {[winfo exists .surfacemeshsize_dlg] == 1} {
wm withdraw $w
wm deiconify $w
} {
toplevel $w
frame $w.face -borderwidth 3
pack $w.face -fill x -padx 5
label $w.face.lab -text "face index:"
label $w.face.ent -text 1 -padx 4
button $w.face.next -text "next" -command {
set w .surfacemeshsize_dlg;
set facenr [$w.face.ent cget -text]
if {$facenr == [Ng_SurfaceMeshSize getnfd]} {
set facenr 1
} {
set facenr [expr $facenr + 1]
$w.face.ent configure -text $facenr
Ng_SurfaceMeshSize setactive $facenr
set surfms [Ng_SurfaceMeshSize getsurfms $facenr]
$w.sms.ent delete 0 end
$w.sms.ent insert 0 $surfms
button $w.face.prev -text "prev" -command {
set w .surfacemeshsize_dlg;
set facenr [$w.face.ent cget -text]
if {$facenr == 1} {
set facenr [Ng_SurfaceMeshSize getnfd]
} {
set facenr [expr $facenr - 1]
$w.face.ent configure -text $facenr
Ng_SurfaceMeshSize setactive $facenr
set surfms [Ng_SurfaceMeshSize getsurfms $facenr]
$w.sms.ent delete 0 end
$w.sms.ent insert 0 $surfms
pack $w.face.lab $w.face.ent $w.face.prev $w.face.next -side left
frame $w.sms -borderwidth 3
pack $w.sms -fill x
label $w.sms.lab -text "max mesh size:"
entry $w.sms.ent -width 8 -relief sunken
button $w.sms.but -text "change" -command {
set w .surfacemeshsize_dlg;
Ng_SurfaceMeshSize setsurfms [$w.face.ent cget -text] [$w.sms.ent get];
button $w.sms.but2 -text "all" -command {
set w .surfacemeshsize_dlg;
Ng_SurfaceMeshSize setall [$w.sms.ent get];
pack $w.sms.lab $w.sms.ent $w.sms.but $w.sms.but2 -side left -padx 5 -expand yes
frame $w.bu
pack $w.bu -fill x -ipady 3
button $w.bu.close -text "Close" -command { destroy .surfacemeshsize_dlg }
pack $w.bu.close -expand yes -side left
wm withdraw $w
wm geom $w +100+100
wm deiconify $w
wm title $w "Edit Surface Mesh Size"
focus $w
set facenr [Ng_SurfaceMeshSize getactive]
$w.face.ent configure -text $facenr
set surfms [Ng_SurfaceMeshSize getsurfms $facenr]
$w.sms.ent delete 0 end
$w.sms.ent insert 0 $surfms
# METIS dialog
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ if {[catch {togl .ndraw -width 400 -height 300 -rgba true -double true -depth t
Ng_MouseDblClick %x %y
.ndraw render
if { [winfo exists .bcprop_dlg] } { bcpropdialog }
if { [winfo exists .surfacemeshsize_dlg] } { surfacemeshsizedialog }
if { [winfo exists .fieldlines_dlg] } { fieldlinesdialog }
@ -418,6 +418,12 @@ menu .ngmenu.mesh
.ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Meshing Options..." \
-command meshingoptionsdialog
# Philippose - 30/01/2009
# Add menu item for local face mesh size definition in the
# TCL Gui
.ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Edit Face Mesh Size..." \
-command { surfacemeshsizedialog }
.ngmenu.mesh add separator
.ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Delete Mesh" \
Reference in New Issue
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