mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 08:25:40 +05:00
removed tix from dialog.tcl
This commit is contained in:
@ -1576,7 +1576,6 @@ proc clippingdialog { } {
proc my_Press {w x y} {
puts [$w identify $x $y]
set inc [expr {([$w get $x $y] <= [$w get]) ? -1 : 1}]
ttk::Repeatedly ttk::scale::Increment $w [expr 0.001*$inc]
@ -1687,27 +1686,46 @@ proc refinementdialog { } {
#ttk::labelframe $w.main -text "Refinement options" -relief groove -borderwidth 3
#pack $w.main -fill x -pady 15
#set w $w.main
tixControl $w.meshsize -label "max mesh-size: " -integer false \
-variable options.meshsize -min 1e-6 -max 1e6 \
-options {
entry.width 6
label.width 25
label.anchor e
# tixControl $w.meshsize -label "max mesh-size: " -integer false \
# -variable options.meshize -min 1e-6 -max 1e6 \
# -options {
# entry.width 6
# label.width 25
# label.anchor e
# }
pack $w.meshsize -anchor e
# pack $w.meshsize -anchor e
global localh
set localh 1
tixControl $w.loch -label "local mesh-size: " -integer false \
-variable localh -min 1e-6 -max 1e6 \
-options {
entry.width 6
label.width 25
label.anchor e
# tixControl $w.loch -label "local mesh-size: " -integer false \
# -variable localh -min 1e-6 -max 1e6 \
# -options {
# entry.width 6
# label.width 25
# label.anchor e
# }
pack $w.loch -anchor e
# pack $w.loch -anchor e
ttk::frame $w.meshsize
ttk::label $w.meshsize.l1 -text "max mesh-size: "
ttk::spinbox $w.meshsize.sp1 -from 1e-6 -to 1e6 -textvariable options.meshsize -validate focus -validatecommand "my_validatespinbox %W %P 4" \
-invalidcommand "my_invalidspinbox %W" -width 6 -increment 0.1
#pack $w.meshsize.l1 $w.meshsize.sp1 -fill x -side left
ttk::frame $w.meshsizeloc
#pack $w.meshsize -anchor e
#pack $w.meshsizeloc -anchor e
ttk::label $w.meshsizeloc.l1 -text "local mesh-size: "
ttk::spinbox $w.meshsizeloc.sp1 -from 1e-6 -to 1e6 -textvariable localh -validate focus -validatecommand "my_validatespinbox %W %P 4" \
-invalidcommand "my_invalidspinbox %W" -width 6 -increment 0.1
#pack $w.meshsizeloc.l1 $w.meshsizeloc.sp1 -expand yes -fill x
pack $w.meshsize
pack $w.meshsizeloc
grid $w.meshsize.l1 $w.meshsize.sp1
grid $w.meshsizeloc.l1 $w.meshsizeloc.sp1
ttk::button $w.restface -text "Restrict H at face" \
@ -1736,7 +1754,7 @@ proc refinementdialog { } {
pack $w.restface $w.restedge $w.restelement $w.restpoint -anchor e
pack $w.restface $w.restedge $w.restelement $w.restpoint
@ -2241,16 +2259,16 @@ proc stldoctordialog { } {
# GENERAL *****************************
set f $wd.nb.general
frame $f.show
pack $f.show -fill x
checkbutton $f.show.showtrias -text "Show STL-Triangles" \
ttk::frame $f.selectframe -borderwidth 0
#ttk::frame $f.show
#pack $f.show -fill x
ttk::checkbutton $f.selectframe.showtrias -text "Show STL-Triangles" \
-variable stloptions.showtrias -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw }
pack $f.show.showtrias -anchor w
#pack $f.selectframe.showtrias -anchor w
checkbutton $f.show.showfilledtrias -text "Show Filled Triangles" \
ttk::checkbutton $f.selectframe.showfilledtrias -text "Show Filled Triangles" \
-variable stloptions.showfilledtrias -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw }
pack $f.show.showfilledtrias -anchor w
#pack $f.show.showfilledtrias -anchor w
set selmodevals { 0 1 2 3 4 }
set selmodelabs(0) "triangle"
@ -2259,72 +2277,104 @@ proc stldoctordialog { } {
set selmodelabs(3) "line"
set selmodelabs(4) "line cluster"
tixOptionMenu $f.selmode -label "Double Click selects :" \
-options {
label.width 19
label.anchor e
menubutton.width 15
# tixOptionMenu $f.selmode -label "Double Click selects :" \
# -options {
# label.width 19
# label.anchor e
# menubutton.width 15
# }
foreach selmodev $selmodevals {
$f.selmode add command $selmodev -label $selmodelabs($selmodev)
$f.selmode config -variable stldoctor.selectmode
$f.selmode config -command { Ng_STLDoctor }
# foreach selmodev $selmodevals {
# $f.selmode add command $selmodev -label $selmodelabs($selmodev)
# }
# $f.selmode config -variable stldoctor.selectmode
# $f.selmode config -command { Ng_STLDoctor }
global stldoctor.selectmode
pack $f.selmode
frame $f.sm
# pack $f.selmode
ttk::label $f.selectframe.dblcsellab -text "Double Click selects : "
ttk::menubutton $f.selectframe.dblcselbut -menu $f.selectframe.dblcselmen -text "triangle" -width 16
menu $f.selectframe.dblcselmen -tearoff 0
foreach selmode { 0 1 2 3 4 } {
$f.selectframe.dblcselmen add command -label $selmodelabs($selmode) \
-command "set stldoctor.selectmode $selmode ; Ng_STLDoctor ; $f.selectframe.dblcselbut configure -text \"$selmodelabs($selmode)\""
$f.selectframe.dblcselmen invoke $selmodelabs(${stldoctor.selectmode})
pack $f.selectframe
grid $f.selectframe.showtrias -sticky nw
grid $f.selectframe.showfilledtrias -sticky nw
grid $f.selectframe.dblcsellab $f.selectframe.dblcselbut -sticky nw
ttk::frame $f.sm
pack $f.sm -fill x
checkbutton $f.sm.bu -text "select with mouse" \
ttk::checkbutton $f.sm.bu -text "select with mouse" \
-variable stldoctor.selectwithmouse
pack $f.sm.bu
frame $f.st -relief groove -borderwidth 3
ttk::frame $f.st -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.st -fill x
label $f.st.lab -text "Select triangle by number";
entry $f.st.ent -width 5 -relief sunken \
ttk::label $f.st.lab -text "Select triangle by number";
ttk::entry $f.st.ent -width 5 \
-textvariable stldoctor.selecttrig
pack $f.st.ent $f.st.lab -side left -expand yes
frame $f.vc -relief groove -borderwidth 3
ttk::frame $f.vc -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.vc -fill x
checkbutton $f.vc.bu -text "show vicinity" \
ttk::checkbutton $f.vc.bu -text "show vicinity" \
-variable stldoctor.showvicinity \
-command {Ng_STLDoctor vicinity; redraw}
label $f.vc.lab -text "vicinity size";
scale $f.vc.sc -orient horizontal -length 200 -from 0 -to 200 \
ttk::label $f.vc.lab -text "vicinity size";
#scale $f.vc.sc -orient horizontal -length 200 -from 0 -to 200 \
-resolution 1 -variable stldoctor.vicinity \
-command { Ng_STLDoctor vicinity; redraw }
ttk::frame $f.vc.sc
ttk::scale $f.vc.sc.scale -orient horizontal -length 200 -from 0 -to 200 \
-variable stldoctor.vicinity -takefocus 0 -command "Ng_STLDoctor vicinity; redraw; roundscale $f.vc.sc.scale 0"
ttk::entry $f.vc.sc.entry -textvariable stldoctor.vicinity -width 3 \
-validatecommand "Ng_STLDoctor vicinity; redraw; my_validate %W [$f.vc.sc.scale cget -from] [$f.vc.sc.scale cget -to] %P 0" \
-invalidcommand "my_invalid %W;Ng_STLDoctor vicinity; redraw;" -validate focus
ttk::label $f.vc.sc.lab -text "vicinity size"
grid $f.vc.sc.scale $f.vc.sc.entry $f.vc.sc.lab -sticky nw -padx 4
pack $f.vc.bu $f.vc.lab $f.vc.sc -expand yes
frame $f.ge -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.ge -fill x
button $f.ge.neighbourangles -text "calc neighbourangles" -command {Ng_STLDoctor neighbourangles}
button $f.ge.showcoords -text "show coords of touched triangle" -command {Ng_STLDoctor showcoords}
button $f.ge.moveptm -text "move point to middle of trianglepoints" -command {Ng_STLDoctor movepointtomiddle; redraw}
button $f.ge.destroy0trigs -text "destroy 0-volume triangles" -command {Ng_STLDoctor destroy0trigs}
pack $f.ge.neighbourangles $f.ge.showcoords $f.ge.moveptm $f.ge.destroy0trigs -expand yes
ttk::frame $f.ge -relief groove -borderwidth 0
pack $f.ge -expand yes
ttk::button $f.ge.neighbourangles -text "calc neighbourangles" -command {Ng_STLDoctor neighbourangles}
ttk::button $f.ge.showcoords -text "show coords of touched triangle" -command {Ng_STLDoctor showcoords}
ttk::button $f.ge.moveptm -text "move point to middle of trianglepoints" -command {Ng_STLDoctor movepointtomiddle; redraw}
ttk::button $f.ge.destroy0trigs -text "destroy 0-volume triangles" -command {Ng_STLDoctor destroy0trigs}
grid $f.ge.neighbourangles -sticky nw -padx 4 -pady 4
grid $f.ge.showcoords -sticky nw -padx 4 -pady 4
grid $f.ge.moveptm -sticky nw -padx 4 -pady 4
grid $f.ge.destroy0trigs -sticky nw -padx 4 -pady 4
button $f.ge.cancle -text "Done" -command {destroy .stldoctor_dlg }
pack $f.ge.cancle -expand yes
ttk::button $f.ge.cancle -text "Done" -command {destroy .stldoctor_dlg }
grid $f.ge.cancle -sticky nw
# TOPOLOGY ********************
set f $wd.nb.topology
frame $f.oc -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.oc -fill x
button $f.oc.bu -text "invert orientation of selected trig" -command {Ng_STLDoctor invertselectedtrig; redraw }
button $f.oc.bu2 -text "orient after selected trig" -command {Ng_STLDoctor orientafterselectedtrig; redraw }
pack $f.oc.bu $f.oc.bu2 -side left -expand yes
ttk::frame $f.oc -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.oc -pady 3 -ipady 3 -fill y -fill x
ttk::frame $f.oc.oc1 -borderwidth 0
pack $f.oc.oc1
ttk::button $f.oc.oc1.bu -text "invert orientation \n of selected trig" -command {Ng_STLDoctor invertselectedtrig; redraw }
ttk::button $f.oc.oc1.bu2 -text "orient after \n selected trig" -command {Ng_STLDoctor orientafterselectedtrig; redraw }
button $f.toperr -text "mark inconsistent triangles" -command {Ng_STLDoctor marktoperrortrigs; redraw }
button $f.deltrig -text "delete selected triangle" -command {Ng_STLDoctor deleteselectedtrig; redraw }
button $f.geosmooth -text "geometric smoothing" -command {Ng_STLDoctor smoothgeometry; redraw }
pack $f.toperr $f.deltrig $f.geosmooth
ttk::button $f.oc.oc1.toperr -text "mark inconsistent triangles" -command {Ng_STLDoctor marktoperrortrigs; redraw }
ttk::button $f.oc.oc1.deltrig -text "delete selected triangle" -command {Ng_STLDoctor deleteselectedtrig; redraw }
ttk::button $f.oc.oc1.geosmooth -text "geometric smoothing" -command {Ng_STLDoctor smoothgeometry; redraw }
grid $f.oc.oc1.bu x $f.oc.oc1.bu2 -sticky nw -padx 4 -pady 4
grid $f.oc.oc1.toperr - x -sticky nw -padx 4 -pady 4
grid $f.oc.oc1.deltrig - x -sticky nw -padx 4 -pady 4
grid $f.oc.oc1.geosmooth - x -sticky nw -padx 4 -pady 4
@ -2334,27 +2384,50 @@ proc stldoctordialog { } {
set f $wd.nb.edges
frame $f.be -relief groove -borderwidth 3
ttk::frame $f.be -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.be -fill x
label $f.be.lab -text "build edges with yellow angle:";
scale $f.be.sc -orient horizontal -length 200 -from 0 -to 100 \
#scale $f.be.sc -orient horizontal -length 200 -from 0 -to 100 \
#-resolution 0.5
ttk::frame $f.be.frame
pack $f.be.frame -ipady 4 -pady 4
ttk::label $f.be.frame.lab -text "build edges with yellow angle:";
ttk::scale $f.be.frame.scale -orient horizontal -length 200 -from 0 -to 200 \
-variable stloptions.yangle -takefocus 0 -command "roundscale $f.be.frame.scale 1; Ng_SetSTLParameters; Ng_STLDoctor buildedges; redraw"
ttk::entry $f.be.frame.entry -textvariable stloptions.yangle -width 5 \
-validatecommand "Ng_SetSTLParameters; Ng_STLDoctor buildedges; redraw;my_validate %W [$f.be.frame.scale cget -from] [$f.be.frame.scale cget -to] %P 1" \
-invalidcommand "my_invalid %W;Ng_SetSTLParameters; Ng_STLDoctor buildedges; redraw" -validate focus
grid $f.be.frame.lab - -sticky nw -padx 4
grid $f.be.frame.scale $f.be.frame.entry -sticky nw -padx 4
#$f.be.sc config -variable stloptions.yangle
#$f.be.sc config -command { Ng_SetSTLParameters; Ng_STLDoctor buildedges; redraw }
ttk::label $f.be.frame.lab2 -text "continue edges with yellow angle:";
# scale $f.be.sc2 -orient horizontal -length 200 -from 0 -to 100 \
-resolution 0.5
$f.be.sc config -variable stloptions.yangle
$f.be.sc config -command { Ng_SetSTLParameters; Ng_STLDoctor buildedges; redraw }
label $f.be.lab2 -text "continue edges with yellow angle:";
scale $f.be.sc2 -orient horizontal -length 200 -from 0 -to 100 \
-resolution 0.5
$f.be.sc2 config -variable stloptions.contyangle
$f.be.sc2 config -command { Ng_SetSTLParameters; Ng_STLDoctor buildedges; redraw }
ttk::scale $f.be.frame.scale2 -orient horizontal -length 200 -from 0 -to 100 \
-variable stloptions.contyangle -takefocus 0 -command "roundscale $f.be.frame.scale2 1; Ng_SetSTLParameters; Ng_STLDoctor buildedges; redraw"
ttk::entry $f.be.frame.entry2 -textvariable stloptions.contyangle -width 5 \
-validatecommand "Ng_SetSTLParameters; Ng_STLDoctor buildedges; redraw;my_validate %W [$f.be.frame.scale2 cget -from] [$f.be.frame.scale2 cget -to] %P 1" \
-invalidcommand "my_invalid %W;Ng_SetSTLParameters; Ng_STLDoctor buildedges; redraw" -validate focus
grid $f.be.frame.lab2 - -sticky nw -padx 4
grid $f.be.frame.scale2 $f.be.frame.entry2 -sticky nw -padx 4
#$f.be.sc2 config -variable stloptions.contyangle
#$f.be.sc2 config -command { Ng_SetSTLParameters; Ng_STLDoctor buildedges; redraw }
button $f.be.buildedges -text "Build Edges" -command {Ng_STLDoctor buildedges; redraw}
pack $f.be.lab $f.be.sc $f.be.lab2 $f.be.sc2 $f.be.buildedges -expand yes
ttk::button $f.be.frame.buildedges -text "Build Edges" -command {Ng_STLDoctor buildedges; redraw}
grid $f.be.frame.buildedges - -sticky n -padx 4 -pady 4
#pack $f.be.lab $f.be.sc $f.be.lab2 $f.be.sc2 $f.be.buildedges -expand yes
frame $f.se
ttk::frame $f.se -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.se -fill x
checkbutton $f.se.bu -text "show excluded" \
ttk::checkbutton $f.se.bu -text "show excluded" \
-variable stldoctor.showexcluded \
-command {Ng_STLDoctor; redraw}
pack $f.se.bu
@ -2368,25 +2441,41 @@ proc stldoctordialog { } {
set edgeselmodelabs(3) "candidate"
set edgeselmodelabs(4) "excluded"
tixOptionMenu $f.edgeselmode -label "Double Click sets edge :" \
-options {
label.width 19
label.anchor e
menubutton.width 15
# tixOptionMenu $f.edgeselmode -label "Double Click sets edge :" \
# -options {
# label.width 19
# label.anchor e
# menubutton.width 15
# }
foreach edgeselmodev $edgeselmodevals {
$f.edgeselmode add command $edgeselmodev -label $edgeselmodelabs($edgeselmodev)
$f.edgeselmode config -variable stldoctor.edgeselectmode
$f.edgeselmode config -command { Ng_STLDoctor }
global stldoctor.edgeselectmode
pack $f.edgeselmode
# foreach edgeselmodev $edgeselmodevals {
# $f.edgeselmode add command $edgeselmodev -label $edgeselmodelabs($edgeselmodev)
# }
# $f.edgeselmode config -variable stldoctor.edgeselectmode
# $f.edgeselmode config -command { Ng_STLDoctor }
global stldoctor.edgeselectmode
# pack $f.edgeselmode
ttk::frame $f.scaleframe -relief groove -borderwidth 0
pack $f.scaleframe -ipadx 4 -pady 4 -expand yes
ttk::label $f.scaleframe.dblcedgelab -text "Double Click sets edge :"
ttk::menubutton $f.scaleframe.dblcledgebut -menu $f.scaleframe.dblcledgem -text "coarse" -width 16
menu $f.scaleframe.dblcledgem -tearoff 0
foreach selectmode { 0 1 2 3 4 } {
$f.scaleframe.dblcledgem add command -label $edgeselmodelabs($selectmode) \
-command "set stldoctor.edgeselectmode $selectmode ; $f.scaleframe.dblcledgebut configure -text \"$edgeselmodelabs($selectmode)\""
$f.scaleframe.dblcledgem invoke $edgeselmodelabs(${stldoctor.edgeselectmode})
grid $f.scaleframe.dblcedgelab $f.scaleframe.dblcledgebut -sticky n -ipadx 4
# edge buttons
frame $f.edg -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.edg -fill x
ttk::frame $f.edg -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.edg -fill x -ipadx 4 -ipady 4
# checkbutton $f.edg.bu -text "use external edges" \
# -variable stldoctor.useexternaledges \
@ -2394,36 +2483,36 @@ proc stldoctordialog { } {
# pack $f.edg.bu -expand yes
frame $f.edg.f0
ttk::frame $f.edg.f0
pack $f.edg.f0
button $f.edg.f0.confirmedge -text "confirm" -command {Ng_STLDoctor confirmedge; redraw}
button $f.edg.f0.candidateedge -text "candidate" -command {Ng_STLDoctor candidateedge; redraw}
button $f.edg.f0.excludeedge -text "exclude" -command {Ng_STLDoctor excludeedge; redraw}
button $f.edg.f0.undefinededge -text "undefined" -command {Ng_STLDoctor undefinededge; redraw}
ttk::button $f.edg.f0.confirmedge -text "confirm" -command {Ng_STLDoctor confirmedge; redraw}
ttk::button $f.edg.f0.candidateedge -text "candidate" -command {Ng_STLDoctor candidateedge; redraw}
ttk::button $f.edg.f0.excludeedge -text "exclude" -command {Ng_STLDoctor excludeedge; redraw}
ttk::button $f.edg.f0.undefinededge -text "undefined" -command {Ng_STLDoctor undefinededge; redraw}
pack $f.edg.f0.confirmedge $f.edg.f0.candidateedge $f.edg.f0.excludeedge $f.edg.f0.undefinededge -side left
frame $f.edg.fa
ttk::frame $f.edg.fa
pack $f.edg.fa
button $f.edg.fa.setallundefined -text "all undefined" -command {Ng_STLDoctor setallundefinededges; redraw}
button $f.edg.fa.erasecandidates -text "candidates to undefined" -command {Ng_STLDoctor erasecandidateedges; redraw}
ttk::button $f.edg.fa.setallundefined -text "all undefined" -command {Ng_STLDoctor setallundefinededges; redraw}
ttk::button $f.edg.fa.erasecandidates -text "candidates to undefined" -command {Ng_STLDoctor erasecandidateedges; redraw}
pack $f.edg.fa.setallundefined $f.edg.fa.erasecandidates -side left
frame $f.edg.fb
ttk::frame $f.edg.fb
pack $f.edg.fb
button $f.edg.fb.confirmcandidates -text "candidates to confirmed" -command {Ng_STLDoctor confirmcandidateedges; redraw}
button $f.edg.fb.confirmedtocandidates -text "confirmed to candidates" -command {Ng_STLDoctor confirmedtocandidateedges; redraw}
ttk::button $f.edg.fb.confirmcandidates -text "candidates to confirmed" -command {Ng_STLDoctor confirmcandidateedges; redraw}
ttk::button $f.edg.fb.confirmedtocandidates -text "confirmed to candidates" -command {Ng_STLDoctor confirmedtocandidateedges; redraw}
pack $f.edg.fb.confirmcandidates $f.edg.fb.confirmedtocandidates -side left
frame $f.edg.f1
frame $f.edg.f2
frame $f.edg.f3
frame $f.edg.f4
ttk::frame $f.edg.f1
ttk::frame $f.edg.f2
ttk::frame $f.edg.f3
ttk::frame $f.edg.f4
pack $f.edg.f1 $f.edg.f2 $f.edg.f3 $f.edg.f4
button $f.edg.f1.exportedges -text "export edges" -command {Ng_STLDoctor exportedges}
button $f.edg.f1.importedges -text "import edges" -command {Ng_STLDoctor importedges; redraw}
button $f.edg.f1.saveedgedata -text "save edgedata" \
ttk::button $f.edg.f1.exportedges -text "export edges" -command {Ng_STLDoctor exportedges}
ttk::button $f.edg.f1.importedges -text "import edges" -command {Ng_STLDoctor importedges; redraw}
ttk::button $f.edg.f1.saveedgedata -text "save edgedata" \
-command {
set types {
{"Netgen Edgedata" {.ned} }
@ -2434,7 +2523,7 @@ proc stldoctordialog { } {
button $f.edg.f1.loadedgedata -text "load edgedata" \
ttk::button $f.edg.f1.loadedgedata -text "load edgedata" \
-command {
set types {
{"Netgen Edgedata" {.ned} }
@ -2450,7 +2539,7 @@ proc stldoctordialog { } {
button $f.edg.f1.importAVLedges -text "import AVL edges" \
ttk::button $f.edg.f1.importAVLedges -text "import AVL edges" \
-command {
set types {{"Edge file" {.edg }}}
@ -2463,7 +2552,7 @@ proc stldoctordialog { } {
pack $f.edg.f1.importAVLedges $f.edg.f1.loadedgedata $f.edg.f1.saveedgedata -side left
# button $f.edg.f1.buildedges -text "build external edges" -command {Ng_STLDoctor buildexternaledges; redraw}
frame $f.edg2 -relief groove -borderwidth 3
ttk::frame $f.edg2 -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.edg2 -fill x
@ -2485,75 +2574,85 @@ proc stldoctordialog { } {
# NORMALS ***********************
set f $wd.nb.normals
frame $f.dt -relief groove -borderwidth 3
ttk::frame $f.dt -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.dt -fill x
label $f.dt.lab -text "dirty triangle factor";
entry $f.dt.ent -width 5 -relief sunken \
-textvariable stldoctor.dirtytrigfact
pack $f.dt.ent $f.dt.lab -side left -expand yes
ttk::label $f.dt.lab -text "dirty triangle factor";
ttk::entry $f.dt.ent -width 5 \
-textvariable stldoctor.dirtytrigfact -validatecommand "Ng_SetSTLParameters;my_validate %W -1e9 1e9 %P 3" \
-invalidcommand "my_invalid %W;Ng_SetSTLParameters" -validate focus
pack $f.dt.ent $f.dt.lab -side left -expand yes -pady 8
frame $f.srt -relief groove -borderwidth 3
ttk::frame $f.srt -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.srt -fill x
button $f.srt.bu -text "smooth reverted triangles geometric" -command {Ng_STLDoctor smoothrevertedtrigs; redraw }
entry $f.srt.ent -width 5 -relief sunken \
-textvariable stldoctor.smoothangle
pack $f.srt.ent $f.srt.bu -side left -expand yes
ttk::button $f.srt.bu -text "smooth reverted triangles geometric" -command {Ng_STLDoctor smoothrevertedtrigs; redraw }
ttk::entry $f.srt.ent -width 5 \
-textvariable stldoctor.smoothangle -validatecommand "Ng_SetSTLParameters;my_validate %W -1e9 1e9 %P 2" \
-invalidcommand "my_invalid %W;Ng_SetSTLParameters" -validate focus
pack $f.srt.ent $f.srt.bu -side left -expand yes -pady 8
frame $f.bdt -relief groove -borderwidth 3
ttk::frame $f.bdt -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.bdt -fill x
button $f.bdt.bu -text "mark dirty triangles" -command {Ng_STLDoctor markdirtytrigs; redraw }
button $f.bdt.bu2 -text "smooth dirty triangles normal" -command {Ng_STLDoctor smoothdirtytrigs; redraw }
pack $f.bdt.bu $f.bdt.bu2 -side left -expand yes
ttk::button $f.bdt.bu -text "mark dirty triangles" -command {Ng_STLDoctor markdirtytrigs; redraw }
ttk::button $f.bdt.bu2 -text "smooth dirty triangles normal" -command {Ng_STLDoctor smoothdirtytrigs; redraw }
pack $f.bdt.bu $f.bdt.bu2 -side left -expand yes -pady 8
frame $f.sno -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.sno
label $f.sno.labrough -text "rough"
scale $f.sno.scsmooth -orient horizontal -length 100 -from 0 -to 0.8 \
ttk::frame $f.sno -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.sno -fill x
ttk::frame $f.sno.snoframe -borderwidth 0
#ttk::label $f.sno.labrough -text "rough"
#scale $f.sno.scsmooth -orient horizontal -length 100 -from 0 -to 0.8 \
-resolution 0.01 -variable stldoctor.smoothnormalsweight \
-command { Ng_SetSTLParameters }
label $f.sno.labsmooth -text "smooth"
button $f.sno.smoothnormals -text "smooth normals" -command { Ng_STLDoctor smoothnormals; redraw}
#ttk::label $f.sno.labsmooth -text "smooth"
ttk::button $f.sno.smoothnormals -text "smooth normals" -command { Ng_STLDoctor smoothnormals; redraw}
pack $f.sno.labrough $f.sno.scsmooth $f.sno.labsmooth $f.sno.smoothnormals -side left -padx 5
frame $f.no -relief groove -borderwidth 3
ttk::scale $f.sno.snoframe.scale -orient horizontal -length 100 -from 0.0 -to 0.8 \
-variable stldoctor.smoothnormalsweight -takefocus 0 -command "roundscale $f.sno.snoframe.scale 2;Ng_SetSTLParameters"
ttk::entry $f.sno.snoframe.entry -textvariable stldoctor.smoothnormalsweight -width 4 \
-validatecommand "Ng_SetSTLParameters;my_validate %W [$f.sno.snoframe.scale cget -from] [$f.sno.snoframe.scale cget -to] %P 2" \
-invalidcommand "my_invalid %W;Ng_SetSTLParameters" -validate focus
ttk::label $f.sno.snoframe.labrough -text "rough"
ttk::label $f.sno.snoframe.labsmooth -text "smooth"
grid $f.sno.snoframe.labrough $f.sno.snoframe.scale $f.sno.snoframe.labsmooth $f.sno.snoframe.entry -sticky nw -padx 4
#pack $f.sno.labrough $f.sno.scsmooth $f.sno.labsmooth $f.sno.smoothnormals -side left -padx 5
pack $f.sno.snoframe $f.sno.smoothnormals -side left -padx 5 -pady 8
ttk::frame $f.no -relief groove -borderwidth 3
pack $f.no -fill x
button $f.no.marknonsmoothnormals -text "mark non-smooth triangles" -command {Ng_STLDoctor marknonsmoothnormals; redraw}
button $f.no.calcnormals -text "calculate normals from geometry" -command {Ng_STLDoctor calcnormals; redraw}
ttk::button $f.no.marknonsmoothnormals -text "mark non-smooth triangles" -command {Ng_STLDoctor marknonsmoothnormals; redraw}
ttk::button $f.no.calcnormals -text "calculate normals from geometry" -command {Ng_STLDoctor calcnormals; redraw}
pack $f.no.marknonsmoothnormals $f.no.calcnormals -expand yes
pack $f.no.marknonsmoothnormals $f.no.calcnormals -expand yes -pady 8
# ADVANCED **************************
set f $wd.nb.advanced
frame $f.sc
ttk::frame $f.sc
pack $f.sc -fill x
checkbutton $f.sc.bu -text "spiral check" \
ttk::checkbutton $f.sc.bu -text "spiral check" \
-variable stldoctor.spiralcheck \
-command {Ng_STLDoctor;}
checkbutton $f.sc.bu2 -text "cone check" \
ttk::checkbutton $f.sc.bu2 -text "cone check" \
-variable stldoctor.conecheck \
-command {Ng_STLDoctor;}
pack $f.sc.bu $f.sc.bu2
tixControl $f.gtol -label "load-geometry tolerance factor" -integer false \
#tixControl $f.gtol -label "load-geometry tolerance factor" -integer false \
-variable stldoctor.geom_tol_fact \
-options {
entry.width 8
label.width 30
label.anchor e
# entry.width 8
# label.width 30
# label.anchor e
ttk::spinbox $f.gtol -from 1 -to 20 -textvariable stldoctor.geom_tol_fact -width 8
pack $f.gtol
button $f.adap -text "Apply" -command {
ttk::button $f.adap -text "Apply" -command {
.stldoctor_dlg.nb.advanced.gtol invoke
@ -2961,117 +3060,117 @@ proc printlatestwarning { } {
proc runtestdialog { } {
source $::ngdir/ngshell.tcl
set w .runtest_dlg
# proc runtestdialog { } {
# source $::ngdir/ngshell.tcl
# set w .runtest_dlg
if {[winfo exists .runtest_dlg] == 1} {
wm withdraw $w
wm deiconify $w
# if {[winfo exists .runtest_dlg] == 1} {
# wm withdraw $w
# wm deiconify $w
focus $w
} {
toplevel $w
# focus $w
# } {
# toplevel $w
# in2d testing #
frame $w.in2dframe
pack $w.in2dframe
# # in2d testing #
# frame $w.in2dframe
# pack $w.in2dframe
set in2dlogfile ""
tixLabelEntry $w.in2dframe.ent -label "in2d log-file: console if empty" \
-labelside top \
-options {
entry.textVariable in2dlogfile
entry.width 35
label.width 25
label.anchor w
button $w.in2dframe.btn -text "Browse" -command {
set types { { "Log file" {.log} } }
set in2dlogfile [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -initialfile $in2dlogfile]
button $w.in2dframe.test -text "Test in2d meshing" -command { ngtest in2d $in2dlogfile }
# set in2dlogfile ""
# tixLabelEntry $w.in2dframe.ent -label "in2d log-file: console if empty" \
# -labelside top \
# -options {
# entry.textVariable in2dlogfile
# entry.width 35
# label.width 25
# label.anchor w
# }
# button $w.in2dframe.btn -text "Browse" -command {
# set types { { "Log file" {.log} } }
# set in2dlogfile [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -initialfile $in2dlogfile]
# }
# button $w.in2dframe.test -text "Test in2d meshing" -command { ngtest in2d $in2dlogfile }
pack $w.in2dframe.test -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $w.in2dframe.ent -side left -expand yes -fill x -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $w.in2dframe.btn -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
# pack $w.in2dframe.test -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
# pack $w.in2dframe.ent -side left -expand yes -fill x -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
# pack $w.in2dframe.btn -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
# geo testing #
frame $w.geoframe
pack $w.geoframe
# # geo testing #
# frame $w.geoframe
# pack $w.geoframe
set geologfile ""
tixLabelEntry $w.geoframe.ent -label "geo log-file: console if empty" \
-labelside top \
-options {
entry.textVariable geologfile
entry.width 35
label.width 25
label.anchor w
button $w.geoframe.btn -text "Browse" -command {
set types { { "Log file" {.log} } }
set geologfile [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -initialfile $geologfile]
button $w.geoframe.test -text "Test geo meshing" -command { ngtest geo $geologfile }
# set geologfile ""
# tixLabelEntry $w.geoframe.ent -label "geo log-file: console if empty" \
# -labelside top \
# -options {
# entry.textVariable geologfile
# entry.width 35
# label.width 25
# label.anchor w
# }
# button $w.geoframe.btn -text "Browse" -command {
# set types { { "Log file" {.log} } }
# set geologfile [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -initialfile $geologfile]
# }
# button $w.geoframe.test -text "Test geo meshing" -command { ngtest geo $geologfile }
pack $w.geoframe.test -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $w.geoframe.ent -side left -expand yes -fill x -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $w.geoframe.btn -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
# pack $w.geoframe.test -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
# pack $w.geoframe.ent -side left -expand yes -fill x -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
# pack $w.geoframe.btn -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
# stl testing #
frame $w.stlframe
pack $w.stlframe
# # stl testing #
# frame $w.stlframe
# pack $w.stlframe
set stllogfile ""
tixLabelEntry $w.stlframe.ent -label "stl log-file: console if empty" \
-labelside top \
-options {
entry.textVariable stllogfile
entry.width 35
label.width 25
label.anchor w
button $w.stlframe.btn -text "Browse" -command {
set types { { "Log file" {.log} } }
set stllogfile [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -initialfile $stllogfile]
button $w.stlframe.test -text "Test stl meshing" -command { ngtest stl $stllogfile }
# set stllogfile ""
# tixLabelEntry $w.stlframe.ent -label "stl log-file: console if empty" \
# -labelside top \
# -options {
# entry.textVariable stllogfile
# entry.width 35
# label.width 25
# label.anchor w
# }
# button $w.stlframe.btn -text "Browse" -command {
# set types { { "Log file" {.log} } }
# set stllogfile [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -initialfile $stllogfile]
# }
# button $w.stlframe.test -text "Test stl meshing" -command { ngtest stl $stllogfile }
pack $w.stlframe.test -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $w.stlframe.ent -side left -expand yes -fill x -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $w.stlframe.btn -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
# pack $w.stlframe.test -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
# pack $w.stlframe.ent -side left -expand yes -fill x -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
# pack $w.stlframe.btn -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
# pde testing #
frame $w.pdeframe
pack $w.pdeframe
# # pde testing #
# frame $w.pdeframe
# pack $w.pdeframe
set pdelogfile ""
tixLabelEntry $w.pdeframe.ent -label "pde log-file: console if empty" \
-labelside top \
-options {
entry.textVariable pdelogfile
entry.width 35
label.width 25
label.anchor w
button $w.pdeframe.btn -text "Browse" -command {
set types { { "Log file" {.log} } }
set pdelogfile [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -initialfile $pdelogfile]
button $w.pdeframe.test -text "Test ngsolve pde's" -command { ngtest pde $pdelogfile }
# set pdelogfile ""
# tixLabelEntry $w.pdeframe.ent -label "pde log-file: console if empty" \
# -labelside top \
# -options {
# entry.textVariable pdelogfile
# entry.width 35
# label.width 25
# label.anchor w
# }
# button $w.pdeframe.btn -text "Browse" -command {
# set types { { "Log file" {.log} } }
# set pdelogfile [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -initialfile $pdelogfile]
# }
# button $w.pdeframe.test -text "Test ngsolve pde's" -command { ngtest pde $pdelogfile }
pack $w.pdeframe.test -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $w.pdeframe.ent -side left -expand yes -fill x -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $w.pdeframe.btn -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
# pack $w.pdeframe.test -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
# pack $w.pdeframe.ent -side left -expand yes -fill x -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
# pack $w.pdeframe.btn -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4
wm title $w "Testing"
focus .runtest_dlg
# wm title $w "Testing"
# focus .runtest_dlg
# }
# }
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