mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 07:57:57 +05:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ namespace netgen
{ return MPI_DOUBLE; }
// damit gehen auch echte Konstante ohne Adresse
inline void MyMPI_Send (int i, int dest)
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ namespace netgen
BlockAllocator :: ~BlockAllocator ()
//for (unsigned i = 0; i < bablocks.Size(); i++)
for (int i = 0; i < bablocks.Size(); i++)
delete [] bablocks[i];
@ -1562,7 +1562,7 @@ namespace netgen
BlockAllocator ADTreeNode6 :: ball (sizeof (ADTreeNode6));
void * ADTreeNode6 :: operator new(size_t)
void * ADTreeNode6 :: operator new(size_t s)
return ball.Alloc();
@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ namespace netgen
delete topology;
delete ident;
delete elementsearchtree;
delete coarsemesh;
delete hpelements;
@ -22,6 +22,40 @@ namespace netgen
MPI_Datatype MeshPoint :: MyGetMPIType ( )
static MPI_Datatype type = NULL;
static MPI_Datatype htype = NULL;
if (!type)
MeshPoint hp;
int blocklen[] = { 3, 1, 1 };
MPI_Aint displ[] = { (char*)&hp.x[0] - (char*)&hp,
(char*)&hp.layer - (char*)&hp,
(char*)&hp.singular - (char*)&hp };
MPI_Datatype types[] = { MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_INT, MPI_DOUBLE };
*testout << "displ = " << displ[0] << ", " << displ[1] << ", " << displ[2] << endl;
*testout << "sizeof = " << sizeof (MeshPoint) << endl;
MPI_Type_create_struct (3, blocklen, displ, types, &htype);
MPI_Type_commit ( &htype );
MPI_Aint lb, ext;
MPI_Type_get_extent (htype, &lb, &ext);
*testout << "lb = " << lb << endl;
*testout << "ext = " << ext << endl;
ext = sizeof (MeshPoint);
MPI_Type_create_resized (htype, lb, ext, &type);
MPI_Type_commit ( &type );
return type;
Segment :: Segment()
pnums[0] = -1;
@ -275,6 +275,8 @@ namespace netgen
bool IsGhost () const { return isghost; }
void SetGhost ( bool aisghost ) { isghost = aisghost; }
static MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType ( );
@ -19,6 +19,12 @@ using namespace metis;
namespace netgen
template <>
inline MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType<netgen::PointIndex> ( )
{ return MPI_INT; }
// slaves receive the mesh from the master
void Mesh :: ReceiveParallelMesh ( )
@ -52,11 +58,12 @@ namespace netgen
int nelglob, nelloc, nvglob, nedglob, nfaglob;
// receive global values
MPI_Bcast (&nelglob, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast (&nvglob, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast (&nedglob, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast (&nfaglob, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast (&dimension, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MyMPI_Bcast (nelglob);
MyMPI_Bcast (nvglob);
MyMPI_Bcast (nedglob);
MyMPI_Bcast (nfaglob);
MyMPI_Bcast (dimension);
MyMPI_Recv (nelloc, 0);
paralleltop -> SetNVGlob (nvglob);
@ -76,27 +83,36 @@ namespace netgen
NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg(timer_pts);
Array<double> pointarray;
MyMPI_Recv (pointarray, 0);
Array<int> verts;
MyMPI_Recv (verts, 0);
int numvert = pointarray.Size() / 5;
// Array<double> pointarray;
// MyMPI_Recv (pointarray, 0);
int numvert = verts.Size(); // pointarray.Size() / 5;
paralleltop -> SetNV (numvert);
glob2loc_vert_ht.SetSize (3*numvert+1);
for (int vert = 0; vert < numvert; vert++)
int globvert = int (pointarray[ vert*5 ]);
// int globvert = int (pointarray[ vert*5 ]);
int globvert = verts[vert];
paralleltop->SetLoc2Glob_Vert ( vert+1, globvert );
glob2loc_vert_ht.Set (globvert, vert+1);
netgen::Point<3> p;
p(0) = pointarray[vert*5+1];
p(1) = pointarray[vert*5+2];
p(2) = pointarray[vert*5+3];
AddPoint (p);
(*this)[PointIndex(vert+1)] .Singularity ( pointarray[vert*5+4] );
for (int i = 0; i < numvert; i++)
AddPoint (netgen::Point<3> (0,0,0));
MPI_Datatype mptype = MeshPoint::MyGetMPIType();
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Recv( &points[1], numvert, mptype, 0, 33, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
Array<int> dist_pnums;
MyMPI_Recv (dist_pnums, 0);
@ -104,6 +120,8 @@ namespace netgen
for (int hi = 0; hi < dist_pnums.Size(); hi += 3)
paralleltop ->
SetDistantPNum (dist_pnums[hi+1], dist_pnums[hi], dist_pnums[hi+2]);
*testout << "got " << numvert << " vertices" << endl;
if (strcmp (st.c_str(), "volumeelements" ) == 0 )
@ -326,12 +344,25 @@ namespace netgen
// partition mesh
#ifdef METIS
ParallelMetis ();
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < GetNE(); ei++)
(*this)[ei].SetPartition(ntasks * ei/GetNE() + 1);
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < GetNE(); ei++)
*testout << "el(" << ei << ") is in part " << (*this)[ei].GetPartition() << endl;
for (SurfaceElementIndex ei = 0; ei < GetNSE(); ei++)
*testout << "sel(" << int(ei) << ") is in part " << (*this)[ei].GetPartition() << endl;
#pragma pomp inst end(metis)
@ -782,27 +813,14 @@ namespace netgen
void Mesh :: SendMesh () const // Mesh * mastermesh, Array<int> & neloc ) const
void Mesh :: SendMesh () const
const Mesh * mastermesh = this; // the original plan was different
PrintMessage ( 1, "Sending Mesh to local processors" );
int timer = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("SendMesh");
int timer2 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("SM::Prepare Points");
int timer3 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("SM::Send Points");
int timer4 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("SM::Send Elements");
// int timer5 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("SM::Prepare Poins");
NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg(timer);
#pragma pomp inst begin(sendmesh)
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer2);
clock_t starttime, endtime, soltime;
clock_t starttime, endtime;
starttime = clock();
@ -817,31 +835,35 @@ namespace netgen
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
MyMPI_Send ("mesh", dest);
// MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD);
Array<int> num_els_on_proc(ntasks);
num_els_on_proc = 0;
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < mastermesh->GetNE(); ei++)
int nel = GetNE();
int nv = GetNV();
int nedges = (GetTopology().GetNEdges());
int nedges = GetTopology().GetNEdges();
int nfaces = GetTopology().GetNFaces();
int dim = dimension;
MPI_Bcast(&nel, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
MPI_Bcast(&nv, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
MPI_Bcast(&nedges, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
MPI_Bcast(&nfaces, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
MPI_Bcast(&dim, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
MyMPI_Bcast (nel);
MyMPI_Bcast (nv);
MyMPI_Bcast (nedges);
MyMPI_Bcast (nfaces);
MyMPI_Bcast (dim);
Array<int> num_els_on_proc(ntasks);
num_els_on_proc = 0;
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < GetNE(); ei++)
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
MyMPI_Send (num_els_on_proc[dest], dest);
// get number of vertices for each processor
Array<int> elarraysize(ntasks);
Array<int> nelloc ( ntasks );
Array<int> elarraysize (ntasks);
Array<int> nelloc (ntasks);
nelloc = 0;
elarraysize = 1;
@ -849,19 +871,18 @@ namespace netgen
PrintMessage ( 3, "Sending vertices");
TABLE<ElementIndex> els_of_proc (num_els_on_proc);
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < mastermesh->GetNE(); ei++)
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < GetNE(); ei++)
els_of_proc.Add ( (*this)[ei].GetPartition(), ei);
Array<int, PointIndex::BASE> vert_flag ( GetNV() );
Array<int, PointIndex::BASE> vert_flag (GetNV());
Array<int, PointIndex::BASE> num_procs_on_vert (GetNV());
Array<int> num_verts_on_proc (ntasks);
Array<int, PointIndex::BASE> num_procs_on_vert ( GetNV() );
num_verts_on_proc = 0;
num_procs_on_vert = 0;
vert_flag = -1;
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
FlatArray<ElementIndex> els = els_of_proc[dest];
@ -926,37 +947,33 @@ namespace netgen
Array<int> nvi5(ntasks);
for (int i = 0; i < ntasks; i++)
nvi5[i] = 5 * num_verts_on_proc[i];
TABLE<double> pointarrays(nvi5);
NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer2);
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer3);
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
FlatArray<PointIndex> verts = verts_of_proc[dest];
for ( int j = 0, ii = 0; j < verts.Size(); j++)
const MeshPoint & hp = mastermesh -> Point (verts[j]);
pointarrays.Add (dest, double(verts[j]));
pointarrays.Add (dest, hp(0));
pointarrays.Add (dest, hp(1));
pointarrays.Add (dest, hp(2));
pointarrays.Add (dest, hp.Singularity());
MyMPI_ISend ( "vertex", dest );
MyMPI_Send ( "vertex", dest );
MyMPI_ISend ( pointarrays[dest], dest, sendrequest[dest] );
MPI_Request_free (&sendrequest[dest]);
MyMPI_ISend (verts, dest);
MPI_Datatype mptype = MeshPoint::MyGetMPIType();
int numv = verts.Size();
MPI_Datatype newtype;
Array<int> blocklen (numv);
blocklen = 1;
MPI_Type_indexed (numv, &blocklen[0],
reinterpret_cast<int*> (&verts[0]),
mptype, &newtype);
MPI_Type_commit (&newtype);
MPI_Request request;
MPI_Isend( &points[0], 1, newtype, dest, 33, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
MPI_Request_free (&request);
NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer3);
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer4);
Array<int> num_distpnums(ntasks);
num_distpnums = 0;
@ -995,6 +1012,7 @@ namespace netgen
PrintMessage ( 3, "Sending elements" );
TABLE<int> elementarrays(elarraysize);
@ -1025,14 +1043,13 @@ namespace netgen
for ( int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest ++ )
MyMPI_Send ( "volumeelements", dest);
MyMPI_ISend ( "volumeelements", dest);
MyMPI_ISend ( elementarrays[dest], dest, sendrequest[dest] );
// for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
// MPI_Request_free (&sendrequest[dest]);
NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer4);
endtime = clock();
@ -1234,7 +1251,6 @@ namespace netgen
Array<int> volels;
mastermesh -> GetTopology().GetSegmentVolumeElements ( ls, volels );
const Segment & seg = mastermesh -> LineSegment (ls);
int dest;
for (int j = 0; j < volels.Size(); j++)
@ -1298,10 +1314,6 @@ namespace netgen
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Wait (&sendrequest[dest], &status);
#pragma pomp inst end(sendmesh)
@ -3020,6 +3020,8 @@ void PlayAnimFile(const char* name, int speed, int maxcnt)
MyMPI_Send ( "end", dest );
mesh.Reset (NULL);
if (testout != &cout)
delete testout;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user