mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:35:39 +05:00
save export filetype
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([-Wall -Werror foreign])
@ -443,6 +443,7 @@ namespace netgen
StoreShortEdge (refedges, refedgesinv,
edgepoints, curvelength, layer, mesh);
for(int i = 0; i < refedges.Size(); i++)
refedges[i].surfnr1 = geometry.GetSurfaceClassRepresentant(refedges[i].surfnr1);
@ -481,7 +482,24 @@ namespace netgen
// not available ...
for (int i = 0; i < refedges.Size(); i++)
EdgeDescriptor ed;
ed.SetSurfNr(0, refedges[i].surfnr1);
ed.SetSurfNr(1, refedges[i].surfnr2);
int hnr = mesh.AddEdgeDescriptor(ed);
if (hnr != refedges[i].edgenr)
cerr << "edgedescriptor index wrong: new : " << hnr << " old = " << refedges[i].edgenr << endl;
// for(int i=0; i<hsp.Size(); i++)
// {
// (*testout) << "pos2 hsp["<<i<<"] ... " << specpoints[hsp[i]].p << endl;
@ -393,9 +393,9 @@ namespace netgen
if (surfs[l] == fd.SurfNr())
if (geom.singfaces[j]->GetDomainNr() == fd.DomainIn())
fd.domin_singular = 1;
fd.SetDomainInSingular (1);
if (geom.singfaces[j]->GetDomainNr() == fd.DomainOut())
fd.domout_singular = 1;
fd.SetDomainOutSingular (1);
@ -15,34 +15,39 @@ namespace netgen
#include "writeuser.hpp"
void RegisterUserFormats (Array<const char*> & names)
void RegisterUserFormats (Array<const char*> & names,
Array<const char*> & extensions)
const char *types[] =
"Neutral Format",
"Surface Mesh Format" ,
"DIFFPACK Format",
"TecPlot Format",
"Tochnog Format",
"Abaqus Format",
"Fluent Format",
"Permas Format",
"FEAP Format",
"Elmer Format",
"STL Format",
"VRML Format",
"Gmsh Format",
"Gmsh2 Format",
"JCMwave Format",
"TET Format",
"Neutral Format", ".mesh",
"Surface Mesh Format", ".mesh" ,
"DIFFPACK Format", ".mesh",
"TecPlot Format", ".mesh",
"Tochnog Format", ".mesh",
"Abaqus Format", ".mesh",
"Fluent Format", ".mesh",
"Permas Format", ".mesh",
"FEAP Format", ".mesh",
"Elmer Format", "*",
"STL Format", ".stl",
"VRML Format", ".*",
"Gmsh Format", ".gmsh",
"Gmsh2 Format", ".gmsh2",
"JCMwave Format", ".jcm",
"TET Format", ".tet",
// { "Chemnitz Format" },
for (int i = 0; types[i]; i++)
names.Append (types[i]);
for (int i = 0; types[2*i]; i++)
names.Append (types[2*i]);
extensions.Append (types[2*i+1]);
bool WriteUserFormat (const string & format,
@ -135,7 +135,9 @@ void WriteDolfinFormat (const Mesh & mesh,
const string & filename);
extern void RegisterUserFormats (Array<const char*> & names);
extern void RegisterUserFormats (Array<const char*> & names,
Array<const char*> & extensions);
extern bool WriteUserFormat (const string & format,
const Mesh & mesh,
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ namespace netgen
for(int i = 1; i <= numentries; i++)
int bcnum;
double col_red, col_green, col_blue;
// double col_red, col_green, col_blue;
ocf >> bcnum;
// Boundary condition number 0 is reserved for
@ -1668,21 +1668,21 @@ bool CheckSingularities(Mesh & mesh, INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> & edges, INDEX_2_HAS
const FaceDescriptor & fd = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor (el.GetIndex());
int domnr = 0;
if (fd.domin_singular * levels < act_ref && fd.domout_singular * levels < act_ref)
if (fd.DomainInSingular() * levels < act_ref && fd.DomainOutSingular() * levels < act_ref)
{ domnr=0; continue;}
if (fd.domin_singular * levels >= act_ref)
if (fd.DomainInSingular() * levels >= act_ref)
domnr = fd.DomainIn();
sing = 1;
if (fd.domout_singular * levels >= act_ref)
if (fd.DomainOutSingular() * levels >= act_ref)
domnr = fd.DomainOut();
sing = 1;
if (fd.domin_singular * levels >= act_ref
&& fd.domout_singular * levels >= act_ref)
if (fd.DomainInSingular() * levels >= act_ref
&& fd.DomainOutSingular() * levels >= act_ref)
domnr = -1;
sing = 1;
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ namespace netgen
Mesh :: Mesh ()
volelements.SetName ("vol elements");
surfelements.SetName ("surf elements");
points.SetName ("meshpoints");
// volelements.SetName ("vol elements");
// surfelements.SetName ("surf elements");
// points.SetName ("meshpoints");
boundaryedges = NULL;
surfelementht = NULL;
@ -23,13 +23,15 @@ class HPRefElement;
class Mesh
typedef MoveableArray<MeshPoint,PointIndex::BASE> T_POINTS;
typedef MoveableArray<Element> T_VOLELEMENTS;
typedef MoveableArray<Element2d> T_SURFELEMENTS;
typedef ::netgen::T_POINTS T_POINTS;
// typedef MoveableArray<MeshPoint,PointIndex::BASE> T_POINTS;
// typedef MoveableArray<Element> T_VOLELEMENTS;
// typedef MoveableArray<Element2d> T_SURFELEMENTS;
// typedef Array<MeshPoint,PointIndex::BASE> T_POINTS;
// typedef Array<Element> T_VOLELEMENTS;
// typedef Array<Element2d> T_SURFELEMENTS;
typedef Array<Element> T_VOLELEMENTS;
typedef Array<Element2d> T_SURFELEMENTS;
@ -82,10 +84,18 @@ private:
Array<FaceDescriptor> facedecoding;
the edge-index of the line element maps into
this table.
Array<EdgeDescriptor> edgedecoding;
/// sub-domain materials
Array<char*> materials;
Array<string*, 0> bcnames;
/// labels for boundary conditions
Array<string*> bcnames;
/// Periodic surface, close surface, etc. identifications
Identifications * ident;
@ -565,6 +575,8 @@ public:
int AddFaceDescriptor(const FaceDescriptor& fd)
{ return facedecoding.Append(fd); }
int AddEdgeDescriptor(const EdgeDescriptor & fd)
{ return edgedecoding.Append(fd) - 1; }
void SetMaterial (int domnr, const char * mat);
@ -591,6 +603,10 @@ public:
const FaceDescriptor & GetFaceDescriptor (int i) const
{ return facedecoding.Get(i); }
const EdgeDescriptor & GetEdgeDescriptor (int i) const
{ return edgedecoding[i]; }
FaceDescriptor & GetFaceDescriptor (int i)
{ return facedecoding.Elem(i); }
@ -399,12 +399,17 @@ namespace netgen
debugflag =
debugparam.haltsegment &&
( ((debugparam.haltsegmentp1 == gpi1) && (debugparam.haltsegmentp2 == gpi2)) ||
((debugparam.haltsegmentp1 == gpi2) && (debugparam.haltsegmentp2 == gpi1))) ||
debugparam.haltnode &&
( (debugparam.haltsegmentp1 == gpi1) || (debugparam.haltsegmentp2 == gpi1));
debugparam.haltsegment &&
( ((debugparam.haltsegmentp1 == gpi1) && (debugparam.haltsegmentp2 == gpi2)) ||
((debugparam.haltsegmentp1 == gpi2) && (debugparam.haltsegmentp2 == gpi1)))
debugparam.haltnode &&
( (debugparam.haltsegmentp1 == gpi1) || (debugparam.haltsegmentp2 == gpi1))
if (debugparam.haltface && debugparam.haltfacenr == facenr)
@ -2270,9 +2270,9 @@ namespace netgen
FaceDescriptor :: FaceDescriptor(const FaceDescriptor& other)
: surfnr(other.surfnr), domin(other.domin), domout(other.domout),
tlosurf(other.tlosurf), bcprop(other.bcprop), bcname(other.bcname),
domin_singular(other.domin_singular), domout_singular(other.domout_singular),
tlosurf(other.tlosurf), bcprop(other.bcprop),
surfcolour(other.surfcolour), bcname(other.bcname),
domin_singular(other.domin_singular), domout_singular(other.domout_singular)
firstelement = -1;
@ -2337,14 +2337,14 @@ namespace netgen
ostream & operator<<(ostream & s, const FaceDescriptor & fd)
s << "surfnr = " << fd.surfnr
<< ", domin = " << fd.domin
<< ", domout = " << fd.domout
<< ", tlosurf = " << fd.tlosurf
<< ", bcprop = " << fd.bcprop
<< ", domin_sing = " << fd.domin_singular
<< ", domout_sing = " << fd.domout_singular
<< ", colour = " << fd.surfcolour;
s << "surfnr = " << fd.SurfNr()
<< ", domin = " << fd.DomainIn()
<< ", domout = " << fd.DomainOut()
<< ", tlosurf = " << fd.TLOSurface()
<< ", bcprop = " << fd.BCProperty()
<< ", domin_sing = " << fd.DomainInSingular()
<< ", domout_sing = " << fd.DomainOutSingular()
<< ", colour = " << fd.SurfColour();
return s;
@ -280,8 +280,8 @@ ostream & operator<<(ostream & s, const MeshPoint & pt);
typedef MoveableArray<MeshPoint,PointIndex::BASE> T_POINTS;
// typedef Array<MeshPoint,PointIndex::BASE> T_POINTS;
// typedef MoveableArray<MeshPoint,PointIndex::BASE> T_POINTS;
typedef Array<MeshPoint,PointIndex::BASE> T_POINTS;
class Element2d;
@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ public:
bool BadElement() const { return badel; }
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & s, const Element2d & el);
// friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & s, const Element2d & el);
friend class Mesh;
@ -785,15 +785,10 @@ public:
{ ; }
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & s, const Segment & seg);
// friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & s, const Segment & seg);
PointIndex pnums[3]; // p1, p2, pmid
/// point index 1
// PointIndex p1;
/// point index 2
// PointIndex p2;
/// edge nr
int edgenr;
double singedge_left;
@ -875,8 +870,7 @@ public:
// class Surface;
class FaceDescriptor;
ostream & operator<< (ostream & s, const FaceDescriptor & fd);
// class FaceDescriptor;
class FaceDescriptor
@ -902,10 +896,9 @@ class FaceDescriptor
/// root of linked list
SurfaceElementIndex firstelement;
double domin_singular;
double domout_singular;
FaceDescriptor(int surfnri, int domini, int domouti, int tlosurfi);
@ -920,6 +913,11 @@ public:
int DomainOut () const { return domout; }
int TLOSurface () const { return tlosurf; }
int BCProperty () const { return bcprop; }
double DomainInSingular() const { return domin_singular; }
double DomainOutSingular() const { return domout_singular; }
// Philippose - 06/07/2009
// Get Surface colour
Vec3d SurfColour () const { return surfcolour; }
@ -935,12 +933,32 @@ public:
// Set the surface colour
void SetSurfColour (Vec3d colour) { surfcolour = colour; }
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & s, const FaceDescriptor & fd);
void SetDomainInSingular (double v) { domin_singular = v; }
void SetDomainOutSingular (double v) { domout_singular = v; }
// friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & s, const FaceDescriptor & fd);
friend class Mesh;
ostream & operator<< (ostream & s, const FaceDescriptor & fd);
class EdgeDescriptor
int tlosurf;
int surfnr[2];
EdgeDescriptor ()
: tlosurf(-1)
{ surfnr[0] = surfnr[1] = -1; }
int SurfNr (int i) const { return surfnr[i]; }
void SetSurfNr (int i, int nr) { surfnr[i] = nr; }
int TLOSurface() const { return tlosurf; }
void SetTLOSurface (int nr) { tlosurf = nr; }
@ -93,9 +93,6 @@ menu .ngmenu.file
lappend types {"ACIS Geometry" {.sat} }
# set file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types -defaultextension ".stl" -initialdir $dirname -initialfile $basefilename ]
set file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types -initialdir $dirname -initialfile $basefilename ]
if {$file != ""} {
Ng_SaveGeometry $file
@ -234,13 +231,23 @@ loadmeshinifile;
.ngmenu.file add command -label "Export Mesh..." \
-command {
# global meshexportformats
foreach exportformat $meshexportformats {
if { [lindex $exportformat 0] == $exportfiletype } {
set extension [lindex $exportformat 1]
if { $exportfiletype == "Elmer Format" } {
set file [tk_chooseDirectory]
} else {
set file [tk_getSaveFile]
set file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes "{ \"$exportfiletype\" {$extension} }" ]
if {$file != ""} {
Ng_ExportMesh $file $exportfiletype
@ -269,16 +269,22 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv)
// lookup user file formats and insert into format list:
Array<const char*> userformats;
RegisterUserFormats (userformats);
Array<const char*> extensions;
RegisterUserFormats (userformats, extensions);
ostringstream fstr;
tcl_const char * exportft = Tcl_GetVar (myinterp, "exportfiletype", 0);
for (int i = 1; i <= userformats.Size(); i++)
fstr << ".ngmenu.file.filetype add radio -label \""
<< userformats.Get(i) << "\" -variable exportfiletype\n";
fstr << ".ngmenu.file.filetype add radio -label \""
<< userformats.Get(i) << "\" -variable exportfiletype\n";
fstr << "lappend meshexportformats { {" << userformats.Get(i) << "} {" << extensions.Get(i) << "} }\n";
Tcl_Eval (myinterp, (char*)fstr.str().c_str());
Tcl_SetVar (myinterp, "exportfiletype", "Neutral Format", 0);
// Tcl_SetVar (myinterp, "exportfiletype", "Neutral Format", 0);
Tcl_SetVar (myinterp, "exportfiletype", exportft, 0);
// For adding an application, parse the file here,
@ -389,6 +389,7 @@ proc saveoptions { } {
set datei [open $file w]
puts $datei "dirname ${dirname}"
puts $datei "loadgeomtypevar \"${loadgeomtypevar}\""
puts $datei "exportfiletype \"${exportfiletype}\""
puts $datei "meshoptions.fineness ${meshoptions.fineness}"
puts $datei "meshoptions.firststep ${meshoptions.firststep}"
puts $datei "meshoptions.laststep ${meshoptions.laststep}"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user