mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 17:31:26 +05:00
Merge branch 'occ_spline_tools' into 'master'
Adds wrappers for various OCC spline interpolation and approximation routines See merge request jschoeberl/netgen!472
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,13 +47,19 @@
#include <GC_MakeCircle.hxx>
#include <GC_MakeSegment.hxx>
#include <GProp_GProps.hxx>
#include <Geom2d_BSplineCurve.hxx>
#include <Geom2d_Curve.hxx>
#include <Geom2d_Ellipse.hxx>
#include <Geom2d_TrimmedCurve.hxx>
#include <Geom2dAPI_Interpolate.hxx>
#include <Geom2dAPI_PointsToBSpline.hxx>
#include <GeomAPI_Interpolate.hxx>
#include <GeomAPI_PointsToBSpline.hxx>
#include <GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface.hxx>
#include <GeomLProp_SLProps.hxx>
#include <Geom_BSplineCurve.hxx>
#include <Geom_BezierCurve.hxx>
#include <Geom_BSplineCurve.hxx>
#include <Geom_BSplineSurface.hxx>
#include <Geom_Plane.hxx>
#include <Geom_TrimmedCurve.hxx>
#include <IntTools_Context.hxx>
@ -230,6 +236,20 @@ public:
return shared_from_this();
auto StartPnt() const {
return startpnt;
auto CurrentLocation() const
return localpos.Location();
auto CurrentDirection() const
return gp_Vec2d(localpos.Direction());
auto MoveTo (double h, double v)
startpnt = gp_Pnt2d(h,v);
@ -311,6 +331,90 @@ public:
return shared_from_this();
auto Spline(const std::vector<gp_Pnt2d> &points, bool periodic, double tol, const std::map<int, gp_Vec2d> &tangents,
bool start_from_localpos)
gp_Pnt2d P1 = start_from_localpos ? localpos.Location() : points.front();
gp_Pnt P13d = surf->Value(P1.X(), P1.Y());
gp_Pnt2d PLast = points.back();
gp_Pnt PLast3d = surf->Value(PLast.X(), PLast.Y());
Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfPnt2d) allpoints;
if (start_from_localpos)
if (points.front().Distance(P1) <= tol)
throw Exception("First item of given list of points is too close to current position (distance <= tol).");
allpoints = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt2d(1, points.size() + 1);
allpoints->SetValue(1, P1);
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
allpoints->SetValue(i + 2, points[i]);
allpoints = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt2d(1, points.size());
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
allpoints->SetValue(i + 1, points[i]);
Geom2dAPI_Interpolate builder(allpoints, periodic, tol);
if (tangents.size() > 0)
const gp_Vec2d dummy_vec = tangents.begin()->second;
TColgp_Array1OfVec2d tangent_vecs(1, allpoints->Length());
Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfBoolean) tangent_flags = new TColStd_HArray1OfBoolean(1, allpoints->Length());
for (int i : Range(allpoints->Length()))
if (tangents.count(i) > 0)
tangent_vecs.SetValue(i+1, tangents.at(i));
tangent_flags->SetValue(i+1, true);
tangent_vecs.SetValue(i+1, dummy_vec);
tangent_flags->SetValue(i+1, false);
builder.Load(tangent_vecs, tangent_flags);
auto curve2d = builder.Curve();
const bool closing = periodic || PLast.Distance(startpnt) < 1e-10;
if (startvertex.IsNull())
startvertex = lastvertex = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex(P13d).Vertex();
auto endv = closing ? startvertex : BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex(PLast3d).Vertex();
//create 3d edge from 2d curve using surf
auto edge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(curve2d, surf, lastvertex, endv).Edge();
lastvertex = endv;
// update localpos
//compute angle of rotation
//compute tangent t2 in PLast
const auto dir = localpos.Direction();
gp_Vec2d t = gp_Vec2d(dir.X(), dir.Y());
gp_Vec2d t2 = curve2d->DN(curve2d->LastParameter(), 1);
double angle = t.Angle(t2); //angle \in [-pi,pi]
//update localpos.Direction()
if (closing)
return shared_from_this();
auto ArcTo (double h, double v, const gp_Vec2d t)
gp_Pnt2d P1 = localpos.Location();
@ -561,8 +665,6 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNgOCCShapes(py::module &m)
.value("SHAPE", TopAbs_SHAPE)
py::class_<TopoDS_Shape> (m, "TopoDS_Shape")
@ -1597,6 +1699,22 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNgOCCShapes(py::module &m)
py::enum_<GeomAbs_Shape>(m, "ShapeContinuity", "Wrapper for OCC enum GeomAbs_Shape")
.value("C0", GeomAbs_Shape::GeomAbs_C0)
.value("C1", GeomAbs_Shape::GeomAbs_C1)
.value("C2", GeomAbs_Shape::GeomAbs_C2)
.value("C3", GeomAbs_Shape::GeomAbs_C3)
.value("CN", GeomAbs_Shape::GeomAbs_CN)
.value("G1", GeomAbs_Shape::GeomAbs_G1)
.value("G2", GeomAbs_Shape::GeomAbs_G2);
py::enum_<Approx_ParametrizationType>(m, "ApproxParamType", "Wrapper for Approx_ParametrizationType")
.value("Centripetal", Approx_ParametrizationType::Approx_Centripetal)
.value("ChordLength", Approx_ParametrizationType::Approx_ChordLength)
.value("IsoParametric", Approx_ParametrizationType::Approx_IsoParametric);
m.def("HalfSpace", [] (gp_Pnt p, gp_Vec n)
gp_Pln plane(p, n);
@ -1719,6 +1837,100 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNgOCCShapes(py::module &m)
return curve;
}, py::arg("c"), py::arg("r"), "create 2d circle curve");
m.def("SplineApproximation", [](const std::vector<gp_Pnt2d> &points, Approx_ParametrizationType approx_type, int deg_min,
int deg_max, GeomAbs_Shape continuity, double tol) -> Handle(Geom2d_Curve) {
TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d hpoints(0, 0);
hpoints.Resize(0, points.size() - 1, true);
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
hpoints.SetValue(i, points[i]);
Geom2dAPI_PointsToBSpline builder(hpoints, approx_type, deg_min, deg_max, continuity, tol);
return Handle(Geom2d_BSplineCurve)(builder.Curve());
py::arg("approx_type") = Approx_ParametrizationType::Approx_ChordLength,
py::arg("deg_min") = 3,
py::arg("deg_max") = 8,
py::arg("continuity") = GeomAbs_Shape::GeomAbs_C2,
Generate a piecewise continuous spline-curve approximating a list of points in 2d.
points : List|Tuple[gp_Pnt2d]
List (or tuple) of gp_Pnt.
approx_type : ApproxParamType
Assumption on location of parameters wrt points.
deg_min : int
Minimum polynomial degree of splines
deg_max : int
Maximum polynomial degree of splines
continuity : ShapeContinuity
Continuity requirement on the approximating surface
tol : float
Tolerance for the distance from individual points to the approximating curve.
m.def("SplineInterpolation", [](const std::vector<gp_Pnt2d> &points, bool periodic, double tol, const std::map<int, gp_Vec2d> &tangents) -> Handle(Geom2d_Curve) {
Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfPnt2d) hpoints = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt2d(1, points.size());
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
hpoints->SetValue(i+1, points[i]);
Geom2dAPI_Interpolate builder(hpoints, periodic, tol);
if (tangents.size() > 0)
const gp_Vec2d dummy_vec = tangents.begin()->second;
TColgp_Array1OfVec2d tangent_vecs(1, points.size());
Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfBoolean) tangent_flags = new TColStd_HArray1OfBoolean(1, points.size());
for (int i : Range(points.size()))
if (tangents.count(i) > 0)
tangent_vecs.SetValue(i+1, tangents.at(i));
tangent_flags->SetValue(i+1, true);
} else{
tangent_vecs.SetValue(i+1, dummy_vec);
tangent_flags->SetValue(i+1, false);
builder.Load(tangent_vecs, tangent_flags);
return Handle(Geom2d_BSplineCurve)(builder.Curve());
py::arg("tangents")=std::map<int, gp_Vec2d>{},
Generate a piecewise continuous spline-curve interpolating a list of points in 2d.
points : List|Tuple[gp_Pnt2d]
List (or tuple) of gp_Pnt2d.
periodic : bool
Whether the result should be periodic
tol : float
Tolerance for the distance between points.
tangents : Dict[int, gp_Vec2d]
Tangent vectors for the points indicated by the key value (0-based).
m.def("Glue", [] (const std::vector<TopoDS_Shape> shapes) -> TopoDS_Shape
@ -1879,14 +2091,214 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNgOCCShapes(py::module &m)
return BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(curve).Edge();
}, py::arg("points"), "create Bezier curve");
m.def("SplineApproximation", [](std::vector<gp_Pnt> pnts, double tol) {
TColgp_Array1OfPnt points(0, pnts.size()-1);
for (int i = 0; i < pnts.size(); i++)
points.SetValue(i, pnts[i]);
GeomAPI_PointsToBSpline builder(points);
m.def("SplineApproximation", [](const std::vector<gp_Pnt> &points, Approx_ParametrizationType approx_type, int deg_min,
int deg_max, GeomAbs_Shape continuity, double tol) {
TColgp_Array1OfPnt hpoints(0, 0);
hpoints.Resize(0, points.size() - 1, true);
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
hpoints.SetValue(i, points[i]);
GeomAPI_PointsToBSpline builder(hpoints, approx_type, deg_min, deg_max, continuity, tol);
return BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(builder.Curve()).Edge();
}, py::arg("points"), py::arg("tol"),
"Generate spline-curve approximating list of points up to tolerance tol");
py::arg("approx_type") = Approx_ParametrizationType::Approx_ChordLength,
py::arg("deg_min") = 3,
py::arg("deg_max") = 8,
py::arg("continuity") = GeomAbs_Shape::GeomAbs_C2,
Generate a piecewise continuous spline-curve approximating a list of points in 3d.
points : List[gp_Pnt] or Tuple[gp_Pnt]
List (or tuple) of gp_Pnt.
approx_type : ApproxParamType
Assumption on location of parameters wrt points.
deg_min : int
Minimum polynomial degree of splines
deg_max : int
Maxmium polynomial degree of splines
continuity : ShapeContinuity
Continuity requirement on the approximating surface
tol : float
Tolerance for the distance from individual points to the approximating curve.
m.def("SplineInterpolation", [](const std::vector<gp_Pnt> &points, bool periodic, double tol, const std::map<int, gp_Vec> &tangents) {
Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfPnt) hpoints = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt(1, points.size());
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
hpoints->SetValue(i+1, points[i]);
GeomAPI_Interpolate builder(hpoints, periodic, tol);
if (tangents.size() > 0)
const gp_Vec dummy_vec = tangents.begin()->second;
TColgp_Array1OfVec tangent_vecs(1, points.size());
Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfBoolean) tangent_flags = new TColStd_HArray1OfBoolean(1, points.size());
for (int i : Range(points.size()))
if (tangents.count(i) > 0)
tangent_vecs.SetValue(i+1, tangents.at(i));
tangent_flags->SetValue(i+1, true);
} else{
tangent_vecs.SetValue(i+1, dummy_vec);
tangent_flags->SetValue(i+1, false);
builder.Load(tangent_vecs, tangent_flags);
return BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(builder.Curve()).Edge();
py::arg("tangents")=std::map<int, gp_Vec>{},
Generate a piecewise continuous spline-curve interpolating a list of points in 3d.
points : List|Tuple[gp_Pnt]
List (or tuple) of gp_Pnt
periodic : bool
Whether the result should be periodic
tol : float
Tolerance for the distance between points.
tangents : Dict[int, gp_Vec]
Tangent vectors for the points indicated by the key value (0-based).
m.def("SplineSurfaceApproximation", [](py::array_t<double> pnt_array,
Approx_ParametrizationType approx_type, int deg_min, int deg_max, GeomAbs_Shape continuity, double tol,
bool periodic, double degen_tol) {
if (pnt_array.ndim() != 3)
throw Exception("`points` array must have dimension 3.");
if (pnt_array.shape(2) != 3)
throw Exception("The third dimension must have size 3.");
auto array = py::extract<py::array_t<double>>(pnt_array)();
TColgp_Array2OfPnt points(1, pnt_array.shape(0), 1, pnt_array.shape(1));
auto pnts_unchecked = pnt_array.unchecked<3>();
for (int i = 0; i < pnt_array.shape(0); ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < pnt_array.shape(1); ++j)
points.SetValue(i+1, j+1, gp_Pnt(pnts_unchecked(i, j, 0), pnts_unchecked(i, j, 1), pnts_unchecked(i, j, 2)));
GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface builder;
builder.Init(points, approx_type, deg_min, deg_max, continuity, tol, periodic);
return BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(builder.Surface(), tol).Face();
py::arg("approx_type") = Approx_ParametrizationType::Approx_ChordLength,
py::arg("deg_min") = 3,
py::arg("deg_max") = 8,
py::arg("continuity") = GeomAbs_Shape::GeomAbs_C2,
py::arg("tol") = 1e-3,
py::arg("periodic") = false,
py::arg("degen_tol") = 1e-8,
Generate a piecewise continuous spline-surface approximating an array of points.
points : np.ndarray
Array of points coordinates. The first dimension corresponds to the first surface coordinate point
index, the second dimension to the second surface coordinate point index. The third dimension refers to physical
coordinates. Such an array can be generated with code like::
px, py = np.meshgrid(*[np.linspace(0, 1, N)]*2)
points = np.array([[(px[i,j], py[i,j], px[i,j]*py[i,j]**2) for j in range(N)] for i in range(N)])
approx_type : ApproxParamType
Assumption on location of parameters wrt points.
deg_min : int
Minimum polynomial degree of splines
deg_max : int
Maxmium polynomial degree of splines
continuity : ShapeContinuity
Continuity requirement on the approximating surface
tol : float
Tolerance for the distance from individual points to the approximating surface.
periodic : bool
Whether the result should be periodic in the first surface parameter
degen_tol : double
Tolerance for resolution of degenerate edges
m.def("SplineSurfaceInterpolation", [](
py::array_t<double> pnt_array, Approx_ParametrizationType approx_type, bool periodic, double degen_tol) {
if (pnt_array.ndim() != 3)
throw Exception("`points` array must have dimension 3.");
if (pnt_array.shape(2) != 3)
throw Exception("The third dimension must have size 3.");
auto array = py::extract<py::array_t<double>>(pnt_array)();
TColgp_Array2OfPnt points(1, pnt_array.shape(0), 1, pnt_array.shape(1));
auto pnts_unchecked = pnt_array.unchecked<3>();
for (int i = 0; i < pnt_array.shape(0); ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < pnt_array.shape(1); ++j)
points.SetValue(i+1, j+1, gp_Pnt(pnts_unchecked(i, j, 0), pnts_unchecked(i, j, 1), pnts_unchecked(i, j, 2)));
GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface builder;
builder.Interpolate(points, approx_type, periodic);
return BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(builder.Surface(), degen_tol).Face();
py::arg("approx_type") = Approx_ParametrizationType::Approx_ChordLength,
py::arg("periodic") = false,
py::arg("degen_tol") = 1e-8,
Generate a piecewise continuous spline-surface interpolating an array of points.
points : np.ndarray
Array of points coordinates. The first dimension corresponds to the first surface coordinate point
index, the second dimension to the second surface coordinate point index. The third dimension refers to physical
coordinates. Such an array can be generated with code like::
px, py = np.meshgrid(*[np.linspace(0, 1, N)]*2)
points = np.array([[(px[i,j], py[i,j], px[i,j]*py[i,j]**2) for j in range(N)] for i in range(N)])
approx_type : ApproxParamType
Assumption on location of parameters wrt points.
periodic : bool
Whether the result should be periodic in the first surface parameter
degen_tol : double
Tolerance for resolution of degenerate edges
m.def("MakeFillet", [](TopoDS_Shape shape, std::vector<TopoDS_Shape> edges, double r) {
@ -1936,6 +2348,9 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNgOCCShapes(py::module &m)
py::class_<WorkPlane, shared_ptr<WorkPlane>> (m, "WorkPlane")
.def(py::init<gp_Ax3, gp_Ax2d>(), py::arg("axes")=gp_Ax3(), py::arg("pos")=gp_Ax2d())
.def_property_readonly("cur_loc", &WorkPlane::CurrentLocation)
.def_property_readonly("cur_dir", &WorkPlane::CurrentDirection)
.def_property_readonly("start_pnt", &WorkPlane::StartPnt)
.def("MoveTo", &WorkPlane::MoveTo, py::arg("h"), py::arg("v"), "moveto (h,v), and start new wire")
.def("Move", &WorkPlane::Move, py::arg("l"), "move 'l' from current position and direction, start new wire")
.def("Direction", &WorkPlane::Direction, py::arg("dirh"), py::arg("dirv"), "reset direction to (dirh, dirv)")
@ -1949,6 +2364,9 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNgOCCShapes(py::module &m)
py::arg("l"), py::arg("name")=nullopt)
.def("Line", [](WorkPlane&wp,double h,double v, optional<string> name) { return wp.Line(h,v,name); },
py::arg("dx"), py::arg("dy"), py::arg("name")=nullopt)
.def("Spline", &WorkPlane::Spline, py::arg("points"), py::arg("periodic")=false, py::arg("tol")=1e-8,
py::arg("tangents")=std::map<int, gp_Vec2d>{}, py::arg("start_from_localpos")=true,
"draw spline (default: starting from current position, which is implicitly added to given list of points), tangents can be specified for each point (0 refers to starting point)")
.def("Rectangle", &WorkPlane::Rectangle, py::arg("l"), py::arg("w"), "draw rectangle, with current position as corner, use current direction")
.def("RectangleC", &WorkPlane::RectangleCentered, py::arg("l"), py::arg("w"), "draw rectangle, with current position as center, use current direction")
.def("Circle", [](WorkPlane&wp, double x, double y, double r) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user