mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 16:37:56 +05:00
Merge branch 'occ_fix_maxh' into 'master'
Propagate OCC maxh settings correctly See merge request ngsolve/netgen!673
This commit is contained in:
@ -212,11 +212,18 @@ namespace netgen
size_t GetNVertices() const { return vertices.Size(); }
size_t GetNEdges() const { return edges.Size(); }
size_t GetNFaces() const { return faces.Size(); }
size_t GetNSolids() const { return solids.Size(); }
const GeometrySolid & GetSolid(int i) const { return *solids[i]; }
const GeometryFace & GetFace(int i) const { return *faces[i]; }
const GeometryEdge & GetEdge(int i) const { return *edges[i]; }
const GeometryVertex & GetVertex(int i) const { return *vertices[i]; }
auto Solids() const { return FlatArray{solids}; }
auto Faces() const { return FlatArray{faces}; }
auto Edges() const { return FlatArray{edges}; }
auto Vertices() const { return FlatArray{vertices}; }
virtual Array<const GeometryVertex*> GetFaceVertices(const GeometryFace& face) const { return Array<const GeometryVertex*>{}; }
void Clear();
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include <BRepTools.hxx>
#include "occ_utils.hpp"
#include "occgeom.hpp"
namespace netgen
@ -170,6 +170,17 @@ namespace netgen
return common;
ListOfShapes GetHighestDimShapes() const
for (auto type : {TopAbs_SOLID, TopAbs_FACE, TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_VERTEX})
auto ret = SubShapes(type);
if (ret.size() > 0)
return ret;
return ListOfShapes();
inline ListOfShapes GetSolids(const TopoDS_Shape & shape)
@ -212,6 +223,16 @@ namespace netgen
return sub;
inline ListOfShapes GetHighestDimShapes(const TopoDS_Shape & shape)
auto ret = GetSolids(shape); if(ret.size() > 0) return ret;
ret = GetFaces(shape); if(ret.size() > 0) return ret;
ret = GetEdges(shape); if(ret.size() > 0) return ret;
ret = GetVertices(shape); if(ret.size() > 0) return ret;
return ListOfShapes();
class DirectionalInterval
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ namespace netgen
// Philippose - 15/01/2009
auto& props = OCCGeometry::GetProperties(geom.fmap(k));
auto& props = occface.properties;
double maxh = min2(geom.face_maxh[k-1], props.maxh);
//double maxh = mparam.maxh;
// int noldpoints = mesh->GetNP();
@ -485,21 +485,18 @@ namespace netgen
int maxlayer = 1;
int dom = 0;
for(const auto& s : GetSolids(geom.GetShape()))
for(auto dom : Range(geom.GetNSolids()))
auto& props = OCCGeometry::GetProperties(s);
auto & props = geom.GetSolid(dom).properties;
maxhdom[dom] = min2(maxhdom[dom], props.maxh);
maxlayer = max2(maxlayer, props.layer);
for(const auto& f : GetFaces(geom.GetShape()))
maxlayer = max2(maxlayer, OCCGeometry::GetProperties(f).layer);
for(const auto& e : GetEdges(geom.GetShape()))
maxlayer = max2(maxlayer, OCCGeometry::GetProperties(e).layer);
for(auto & f : geom.Faces())
maxlayer = max2(maxlayer, f->properties.layer);
for(auto & e : geom.Edges())
maxlayer = max2(maxlayer, e->properties.layer);
mesh.SetMaxHDomain (maxhdom);
@ -514,14 +511,11 @@ namespace netgen
for(auto layer : Range(1, maxlayer+1))
mesh.SetLocalH (bb.PMin(), bb.PMax(), mparam.grading, layer);
for(const auto& v : GetVertices(geom.GetShape()))
for(auto& v : geom.Vertices())
auto& props = OCCGeometry::GetProperties(v);
if(props.maxh < 1e99)
mesh.GetLocalH(props.layer)->SetH(occ2ng(BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(v))), props.maxh);
auto& props = v->properties;
if(props.maxh < 1e99)
mesh.GetLocalH(props.layer)->SetH(v->GetPoint(), props.maxh);
int nedges = geom.emap.Extent();
@ -538,19 +532,10 @@ namespace netgen
multithread.task = "Setting local mesh size (elements per edge)";
// Philippose - 23/01/2009
// Find all the parent faces of a given edge
// and limit the mesh size of the edge based on the
// mesh size limit of the face
TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape edge_face_map;
TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(geom.shape, TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, edge_face_map);
// setting elements per edge
for (int i = 1; i <= nedges && !multithread.terminate; i++)
TopoDS_Edge e = TopoDS::Edge (geom.emap(i));
int layer = OCCGeometry::GetProperties(e).layer;
multithread.percent = 100 * (i-1)/double(nedges);
if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(e)) continue;
@ -583,23 +568,10 @@ namespace netgen
double localh = len/mparam.segmentsperedge;
double s0, s1;
const TopTools_ListOfShape& parent_faces = edge_face_map.FindFromKey(e);
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape parent_face_list;
for(parent_face_list.Initialize(parent_faces); parent_face_list.More(); parent_face_list.Next())
TopoDS_Face parent_face = TopoDS::Face(parent_face_list.Value());
int face_index = geom.fmap.FindIndex(parent_face);
if(face_index >= 1) localh = min(localh,geom.face_maxh[face_index - 1]);
localh = min2(localh, OCCGeometry::GetProperties(parent_face).maxh);
Handle(Geom_Curve) c = BRep_Tool::Curve(e, s0, s1);
localh = min2(localh, OCCGeometry::GetProperties(e).maxh);
const auto & props = gedge.properties;
localh = min2(localh, props.maxh);
maxedgelen = max (maxedgelen, len);
minedgelen = min (minedgelen, len);
int maxj = max((int) ceil(len/localh)*2, 2);
@ -607,7 +579,7 @@ namespace netgen
for (int j = 0; j <= maxj; j++)
gp_Pnt pnt = c->Value (s0+double(j)/maxj*(s1-s0));
mesh.RestrictLocalH (Point3d(pnt.X(), pnt.Y(), pnt.Z()), localh, layer);
mesh.RestrictLocalH (Point3d(pnt.X(), pnt.Y(), pnt.Z()), localh, props.layer);
@ -622,12 +594,12 @@ namespace netgen
double maxcur = 0;
multithread.percent = 100 * (i-1)/double(nedges);
TopoDS_Edge edge = TopoDS::Edge (geom.emap(i));
int layer = OCCGeometry::GetProperties(edge).layer;
if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(edge)) continue;
double s0, s1;
Handle(Geom_Curve) c = BRep_Tool::Curve(edge, s0, s1);
BRepAdaptor_Curve brepc(edge);
BRepLProp_CLProps prop(brepc, 2, 1e-5);
auto layer = geom.GetEdge(edge).properties.layer;
for (int j = 1; j <= nsections; j++)
@ -658,7 +630,6 @@ namespace netgen
multithread.percent = 100 * (i-1)/double(nfaces);
TopoDS_Face face = TopoDS::Face(geom.fmap(i));
int layer = OCCGeometry::GetProperties(face).layer;
TopLoc_Location loc;
Handle(Geom_Surface) surf = BRep_Tool::Surface (face);
Handle(Poly_Triangulation) triangulation = BRep_Tool::Triangulation (face, loc);
@ -675,6 +646,7 @@ namespace netgen
// one prop for evaluating and one for derivatives
BRepLProp_SLProps prop(sf, 0, 1e-5);
BRepLProp_SLProps prop2(sf, 2, 1e-5);
auto layer = geom.GetFace(face).properties.layer;
int ntriangles = triangulation -> NbTriangles();
for (int j = 1; j <= ntriangles; j++)
@ -725,7 +697,7 @@ namespace netgen
for (int i = 1; i <= nedges && !multithread.terminate; i++)
TopoDS_Edge edge = TopoDS::Edge (geom.emap(i));
int layer = OCCGeometry::GetProperties(edge).layer;
int layer = geom.GetEdge(edge).properties.layer;
if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(edge)) continue;
double s0, s1;
@ -200,6 +200,11 @@ namespace netgen
return *faces[fmap.FindIndex(shape)-1];
const GeometrySolid & OCCGeometry :: GetSolid(const TopoDS_Shape & shape) const
return *solids[somap.FindIndex(shape)-1];
string STEP_GetEntityName(const TopoDS_Shape & theShape, STEPCAFControl_Reader * aReader)
@ -1239,11 +1244,11 @@ namespace netgen
auto occ_solid = make_unique<OCCSolid>(s);
occ_solid->properties = GetProperties(s);
for(auto f : GetFaces(s))
auto & face = static_cast<OCCFace&>(GetFace(f));
face.properties.maxh = min2(face.properties.maxh, occ_solid->properties.maxh);
face.domin = k;
@ -1251,21 +1256,10 @@ namespace netgen
if(face.Shape().Orientation() == TopAbs_INTERNAL)
face.domout = k;
// Propagate maxh to children
for(auto& solid : solids)
auto& shape = static_cast<OCCSolid&>(*solid).GetShape();
for(auto& f : GetFaces(shape))
auto& face = GetFace(f);
face.properties.maxh = min2(face.properties.maxh,
for(auto& face : faces)
for(auto& edge : face->edges)
edge->properties.maxh = min2(edge->properties.maxh,
@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ namespace netgen
using NetgenGeometry::GetVertex;
using NetgenGeometry::GetEdge;
using NetgenGeometry::GetFace;
using NetgenGeometry::GetSolid;
GeometryShape & GetShape(const TopoDS_Shape & shape)
@ -252,10 +253,16 @@ namespace netgen
return const_cast<GeometryFace&>(as_const(*this).GetFace(shape));
GeometrySolid & GetSolid(const TopoDS_Shape & shape)
return const_cast<GeometrySolid&>(as_const(*this).GetSolid(shape));
const GeometryShape & GetShape(const TopoDS_Shape & shape) const;
const GeometryVertex & GetVertex(const TopoDS_Shape & shape) const;
const GeometryEdge & GetEdge(const TopoDS_Shape & shape) const;
const GeometryFace & GetFace(const TopoDS_Shape & shape) const;
const GeometrySolid & GetSolid(const TopoDS_Shape & shape) const;
void Analyse(Mesh& mesh,
const MeshingParameters& mparam) const override;
@ -827,6 +827,8 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNgOCCShapes(py::module &m)
return nullopt;
}, [](const TopoDS_Shape & self, optional<string> name) {
OCCGeometry::GetProperties(self).name = name;
for (auto & s : GetHighestDimShapes(self))
OCCGeometry::GetProperties(s).name = name;
}, "'name' of shape")
@ -837,6 +839,8 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNgOCCShapes(py::module &m)
[](TopoDS_Shape& self, double val)
OCCGeometry::GetProperties(self).maxh = val;
for(auto & s : GetHighestDimShapes(self))
OCCGeometry::GetProperties(s).maxh = val;
}, "maximal mesh-size for shape")
@ -846,8 +850,9 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNgOCCShapes(py::module &m)
[](TopoDS_Shape& self, double val)
auto & hpref = OCCGeometry::GetProperties(self).hpref;
hpref = max2(val, hpref);
OCCGeometry::GetProperties(self).hpref = val;
for(auto & s : GetHighestDimShapes(self))
OCCGeometry::GetProperties(s).hpref = val;
}, "number of refinement levels for geometric refinement")
.def_property("col", [](const TopoDS_Shape & self) -> py::object {
@ -860,6 +865,8 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNgOCCShapes(py::module &m)
if(c.size() == 4)
col[3] = c[3];
OCCGeometry::GetProperties(self).col = col;
for(auto & s : GetHighestDimShapes(self))
OCCGeometry::GetProperties(s).col = col;
}, "color of shape as RGB - tuple")
.def_property("layer", [](const TopoDS_Shape& self) {
if (!OCCGeometry::HaveProperties(self))
@ -867,6 +874,8 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNgOCCShapes(py::module &m)
return OCCGeometry::GetProperties(self).layer;
}, [](const TopoDS_Shape& self, int layer) {
OCCGeometry::GetProperties(self).layer = layer;
for(auto & s : GetHighestDimShapes(self))
OCCGeometry::GetProperties(s).layer = layer;
}, "layer of shape")
.def("UnifySameDomain", [](const TopoDS_Shape& shape,
bool edges, bool faces,
@ -1813,17 +1822,8 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNgOCCShapes(py::module &m)
[](ListOfShapes& shapes, double maxh)
for(auto& shape : shapes)
for(auto& s : GetSolids(shape))
OCCGeometry::GetProperties(s).maxh = maxh;
for(auto& s : GetFaces(shape))
OCCGeometry::GetProperties(s).maxh = maxh;
for(auto& s : GetEdges(shape))
OCCGeometry::GetProperties(s).maxh = maxh;
for(auto& s : GetVertices(shape))
OCCGeometry::GetProperties(s).maxh = maxh;
for(auto & s : shapes)
OCCGeometry::GetProperties(s).maxh = maxh;
}, "set maxh for all elements of list")
.def_property("hpref", [](ListOfShapes& shapes)
@ -1832,10 +1832,7 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNgOCCShapes(py::module &m)
[](ListOfShapes& shapes, double hpref)
for(auto& shape : shapes)
auto& val = OCCGeometry::GetProperties(shape).hpref;
val = max2(hpref, val);
OCCGeometry::GetProperties(shape).hpref = hpref;
}, "set hpref for all elements of list")
.def_property("quad_dominated", [](ListOfShapes& shapes)
Reference in New Issue
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