mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 08:25:40 +05:00
various improvements
This commit is contained in:
@ -220,16 +220,6 @@ static void STLFindEdges (STLGeometry & geom,
mesh.AddSegment (seg2);
// should be start triangle and end triangle
int bothtrigs1[2] = { trig1, trig1 };
meshing.AddBoundaryElement (p1, p2, sizeof (bothtrigs1), &bothtrigs1);
int bothtrigs2[2] = { trig2, trig2 };
meshing.AddBoundaryElement (p2, p1, sizeof (bothtrigs2), &bothtrigs2);
@ -239,12 +229,11 @@ static void STLFindEdges (STLGeometry & geom,
void STLSurfaceMeshing1 (STLGeometry & geom,
class Mesh & mesh,
void STLSurfaceMeshing1 (STLGeometry & geom, class Mesh & mesh,
int retrynr);
int STLSurfaceMeshing (STLGeometry & geom,
class Mesh & mesh)
int STLSurfaceMeshing (STLGeometry & geom, class Mesh & mesh)
PrintFnStart("Do Surface Meshing");
@ -256,15 +245,11 @@ int STLSurfaceMeshing (STLGeometry & geom,
int nopen;
int outercnt = 20;
// mesh.Save ("mesh.edges");
for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNSeg(); i++)
const Segment & seg = mesh.LineSegment (i);
if (seg.geominfo[0].trignum <= 0 || seg.geominfo[1].trignum <= 0)
(*testout) << "Problem with segment " << i << ": " << seg << endl;
(*testout) << "Problem with segment " << i << ": " << seg << endl;
@ -272,12 +257,9 @@ int STLSurfaceMeshing (STLGeometry & geom,
if (outercnt <= 0)
if (multithread.terminate)
if (multithread.terminate) return MESHING3_TERMINATE;
nopen = mesh.GetNOpenSegments();
@ -287,10 +269,8 @@ int STLSurfaceMeshing (STLGeometry & geom,
int trialcnt = 0;
while (nopen && trialcnt <= 5)
if (multithread.terminate)
if (multithread.terminate) { return MESHING3_TERMINATE; }
STLSurfaceMeshing1 (geom, mesh, trialcnt);
@ -457,10 +437,7 @@ int STLSurfaceMeshing (STLGeometry & geom,
PrintMessage(5,"check overlapping");
// mesh.FindOpenElements(); // would leed to locked points
@ -552,6 +529,12 @@ void STLSurfaceMeshing1 (STLGeometry & geom,
class Mesh & mesh,
int retrynr)
static int timer1 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("STL surface meshing1");
static int timer1a = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("STL surface meshing1a");
static int timer1b = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("STL surface meshing1b");
static int timer1c = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("STL surface meshing1c");
static int timer1d = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("STL surface meshing1d");
double h = mparam.maxh;
@ -559,53 +542,90 @@ void STLSurfaceMeshing1 (STLGeometry & geom,
Array<int> spiralps(0);
for (int i = 1; i <= geom.GetNP(); i++)
if (geom.GetSpiralPoint(i)) {spiralps.Append(i);}
if (geom.GetSpiralPoint(i))
PrintMessage(7,"NO spiralpoints = ", spiralps.Size());
//int spfound;
int spcnt = 0;
Array<int> meshsp(mesh.GetNP());
meshsp = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNP(); i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= spiralps.Size(); j++)
if (Dist2(geom.GetPoint(spiralps.Get(j)), mesh.Point(i)) < 1e-20)
meshsp.Elem(i) = spiralps.Get(j);
Array<int, 1> opensegsperface(mesh.GetNFD());
opensegsperface = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNOpenSegments(); i++)
Array<PointIndex> imeshsp;
for (int i = 1; i <= meshsp.Size(); i++)
if (meshsp.Elem(i)) imeshsp.Append(i);
Array<PointIndex> imeshsp;
Array<int> ispiral_point;
for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNP(); i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= spiralps.Size(); j++)
if (Dist2(geom.GetPoint(spiralps.Get(j)), mesh.Point(i)) < 1e-20)
double starttime = GetTime ();
int oldnp = mesh.GetNP();
Array<int,PointIndex::BASE> compress(mesh.GetNP());
Array<PointIndex> icompress;
compress = 0;
Array<PointIndex> icompress;
Array<int, 1> opensegsperface(mesh.GetNFD());
opensegsperface = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNOpenSegments(); i++)
TABLE<int, 1> opensegments(mesh.GetNFD());
for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNOpenSegments(); i++)
const Segment & seg = mesh.GetOpenSegment (i);
if (seg.si < 1 || seg.si > mesh.GetNFD())
cerr << "segment index " << seg.si << " out of range [1, " << mesh.GetNFD() << "]" << endl;
opensegments.Add (seg.si, i);
for (int fnr = 1; fnr <= mesh.GetNFD(); fnr++)
if (fnr == 100) NgProfiler::ClearTimers();
if (!opensegsperface[fnr]) continue;
if (multithread.terminate) return;
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer1);
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer1a);
PrintMessage(5,"Meshing surface ", fnr, "/", mesh.GetNFD());
MeshingSTLSurface meshing (geom, mparam);
meshing.SetStartTime (starttime);
compress = 0;
// compress = 0;
int cntused = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= meshsp.Size(); i++)
if (meshsp.Elem(i))
compress[i] = ++cntused;
for (int i = 0; i < imeshsp.Size(); i++)
compress[imeshsp[i]] = ++cntused;
NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer1a);
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer1b);
for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNOpenSegments(); i++)
const Segment & seg = mesh.GetOpenSegment (i);
@ -617,55 +637,44 @@ void STLSurfaceMeshing1 (STLGeometry & geom,
// for (int i = 1; i <= oldnp; i++) compress[i] = i;
// for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNP(); i++)
for (int i = 1; i <= oldnp; i++)
int sppointnum = meshsp.Get(i);
if (sppointnum)
MultiPointGeomInfo mgi;
int ntrigs = geom.NOTrigsPerPoint(sppointnum);
for (int j = 0; j < ntrigs; j++)
PointGeomInfo gi;
gi.trignum = geom.TrigPerPoint(sppointnum, j+1);
mgi.AddPointGeomInfo (gi);
// Einfuegen von ConePoint: Point bekommt alle
// Dreiecke (werden dann intern kopiert)
// Ein Segment zum ConePoint muss vorhanden sein !!!
if (compress[i])
meshing.AddPoint (mesh.Point(i), i, &mgi);
if (compress[i])
meshing.AddPoint (mesh.Point(i), i);
FlatArray<int> segs = opensegments[fnr];
for (int hi = 0; hi < segs.Size(); hi++)
int i = segs[hi];
const Segment & seg = mesh.GetOpenSegment (i);
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
if (compress[seg[j]] == 0)
compress[seg[j]] = ++cntused;
NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer1b);
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer1c);
for (int hi = 0; hi < icompress.Size(); hi++)
PointIndex i = icompress[hi];
PointIndex pi = icompress[hi];
// int sppointnum = meshsp.Get(i);
int sppointnum = 0;
if (hi < ispiral_point.Size())
sppointnum = ispiral_point[hi];
int sppointnum = meshsp.Get(i);
if (sppointnum)
if (hi < ispiral_point.Size())
int sppointnum = ispiral_point[hi];
MultiPointGeomInfo mgi;
int ntrigs = geom.NOTrigsPerPoint(sppointnum);
for (int j = 0; j < ntrigs; j++)
PointGeomInfo gi;
@ -677,15 +686,17 @@ void STLSurfaceMeshing1 (STLGeometry & geom,
// Dreiecke (werden dann intern kopiert)
// Ein Segment zum ConePoint muss vorhanden sein !!!
meshing.AddPoint (mesh.Point(i), i, &mgi);
// meshing.AddPoint (mesh.Point(i), i, &mgi);
meshing.AddPoint (mesh[pi], pi, &mgi);
meshing.AddPoint (mesh.Point(i), i);
meshing.AddPoint (mesh[pi], pi);
NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer1c);
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer1d);
for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNOpenSegments(); i++)
const Segment & seg = mesh.GetOpenSegment (i);
@ -693,21 +704,38 @@ void STLSurfaceMeshing1 (STLGeometry & geom,
meshing.AddBoundaryElement (compress[seg[0]], compress[seg[1]],
seg.geominfo[0], seg.geominfo[1]);
PrintMessage(3,"start meshing, trialcnt = ", retrynr);
(*testout) << "start meshing with h = " << h << endl;
meshing.GenerateMesh (mesh, mparam, h, fnr); // face index
extern void Render();
// FlatArray<int> segs = opensegments[fnr];
for (int hi = 0; hi < segs.Size(); hi++)
int i = segs[hi];
const Segment & seg = mesh.GetOpenSegment (i);
meshing.AddBoundaryElement (compress[seg[0]], compress[seg[1]],
seg.geominfo[0], seg.geominfo[1]);
NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer1d);
NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer1);
PrintMessage(3,"start meshing, trialcnt = ", retrynr);
meshing.GenerateMesh (mesh, mparam, h, fnr);
for (int i = 0; i < icompress.Size(); i++)
compress[icompress[i]] = 0;
extern void Render();
@ -719,19 +747,7 @@ void STLSurfaceOptimization (STLGeometry & geom,
PrintFnStart("optimize STL Surface");
MeshOptimizeSTLSurface optmesh(geom);
int i;
for (i = 1; i <= mparam.optsteps2d; i++)
EdgeSwapping (mesh, 1, 1);
CombineImprove (mesh, 1);
optmesh.ImproveMesh (mesh, 0, 10, 1, 1);
optmesh.SetFaceIndex (0);
optmesh.SetImproveEdges (0);
@ -739,7 +755,7 @@ void STLSurfaceOptimization (STLGeometry & geom,
PrintMessage(5,"optimize string = ", meshparam.optimize2d, " elsizew = ", meshparam.elsizeweight);
for (i = 1; i <= meshparam.optsteps2d; i++)
for (int i = 1; i <= meshparam.optsteps2d; i++)
for (size_t j = 1; j <= strlen(meshparam.optimize2d); j++)
if (multithread.terminate)
@ -804,14 +820,13 @@ void MeshingSTLSurface :: TransformToPlain (const Point3d & locpoint, const Mult
Point2d & plainpoint, double h, int & zone)
int trigs[10000];
int i;
if (gi.GetNPGI() >= 9999)
PrintError("In Transform to plane: increase size of trigs!!!");
for (i = 1; i <= gi.GetNPGI(); i++)
for (int i = 1; i <= gi.GetNPGI(); i++)
trigs[i-1] = gi.GetPGI(i).trignum;
trigs[gi.GetNPGI()] = 0;
@ -876,9 +891,7 @@ int MeshingSTLSurface ::
ChooseChartPointGeomInfo (const MultiPointGeomInfo & mpgi,
PointGeomInfo & pgi)
int i;
for (i = 1; i <= mpgi.GetNPGI(); i++)
for (int i = 1; i <= mpgi.GetNPGI(); i++)
if (geom.TrigIsInOC (mpgi.GetPGI(i).trignum, geom.meshchart))
pgi = mpgi.GetPGI(i);
@ -1014,10 +1027,7 @@ int MeshOptimizeSTLSurface :: CalcPointGeomInfo(PointGeomInfo& gi, const Point<
Point<3> hp = p3;
gi.trignum = geom.Project (hp);
if (gi.trignum)
return 1;
if (gi.trignum) return 1;
return 0;
@ -1026,13 +1036,6 @@ int MeshOptimizeSTLSurface :: CalcPointGeomInfo(PointGeomInfo& gi, const Point<
void MeshOptimizeSTLSurface :: GetNormalVector(INDEX surfind, const Point<3> & p, Vec<3> & n) const
n = geom.GetChartNormalVector();
geometry.GetSurface(surfind)->CalcGradient (p, n);
n /= n.Length();
if (geometry.GetSurface(surfind)->Inverse())
n *= -1;
@ -1122,6 +1122,8 @@ void STLGeometry :: RestrictHChartDistOneChart(int chartnum, Array<int>& acttrig
static int timer1 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("restrictH OneChart 1");
static int timer2 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("restrictH OneChart 2");
static int timer3 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("restrictH OneChart 3");
static int timer3a = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("restrictH OneChart 3a");
static int timer3b = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("restrictH OneChart 3b");
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer1);
double limessafety = stlparam.resthchartdistfac*fact; // original: 2
@ -1250,6 +1252,7 @@ void STLGeometry :: RestrictHChartDistOneChart(int chartnum, Array<int>& acttrig
if (plimes2.Size())
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer3a);
Box3d bbox;
bbox.SetPoint (plimes2.Get(1));
for (int j = 2; j <= plimes2.Size(); j++)
@ -1259,7 +1262,10 @@ void STLGeometry :: RestrictHChartDistOneChart(int chartnum, Array<int>& acttrig
stree.Insert (plimes2.Get(j), j);
Array<int> foundpts;
for (int j = 1; j <= plimes1.Size(); j++)
NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer3a);
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer3b);
for (int j = 1; j <= plimes1.Size(); j++)
double mindist = 1E50;
@ -1317,6 +1323,7 @@ void STLGeometry :: RestrictHChartDistOneChart(int chartnum, Array<int>& acttrig
if (mindist < chartmindist) {chartmindist = mindist;}
NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer3b);
NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer3);
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