mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 07:21:27 +05:00
merge master
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ stages:
- x64
- "echo off"
- 'call "%VS140COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\bin\amd64\vcvars64.bat"'
- set CMAKE_GENERATOR=Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64
- 'call "%VS2017INSTALLDIR%\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64"'
- set CMAKE_GENERATOR=Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64
- set INSTALL_DIR=%CI_DIR%\install
@ -100,6 +100,14 @@ test_guidelines:
- docker run -e CCACHE_DIR=/ccache -v /mnt/ccache:/ccache netgen_${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}:${UBUNTU_VERSION} bash /root/src/netgen/tests/build_guidelines.sh
when: always
allow_failure: true
# check if it compiles without spdlog
<<: *ubuntu
stage: test
- docker run -e CCACHE_DIR=/ccache -v /mnt/ccache:/ccache netgen_${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}:${UBUNTU_VERSION} bash /root/src/netgen/tests/build_nospdlog.sh
stage: cleanup
@ -2,7 +2,13 @@ if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1.3)
# we are linking to object libraries on Windows
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1.3)
if(NOT WIN32)
option( USE_NATIVE_ARCH "build which -march=native" ON)
endif(NOT WIN32)
@ -19,6 +25,9 @@ option( USE_CCACHE "use ccache")
option( USE_INTERNAL_TCL "Compile tcl files into the code and don't install them" ON)
option( ENABLE_UNIT_TESTS "Enable Catch unit tests")
option( ENABLE_CPP_CORE_GUIDELINES_CHECK "Enable cpp core guideline checks on ngcore" OFF)
option( USE_SPDLOG "Enable spd log logging" OFF)
option( DEBUG_LOG "Enable more debug output (may increase computation time) - only works with USE_SPDLOG=ON" OFF)
option( CHECK_RANGE "Check array range access, automatically enabled if built in debug mode" OFF)
option( USE_SUPERBUILD "use ccache" ON)
@ -258,6 +267,7 @@ endif (USE_GUI)
find_path(PYBIND_INCLUDE_DIR pybind11/pybind11.h HINTS ${PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR})
@ -350,6 +360,11 @@ endif(ENABLE_UNIT_TESTS)
@ -142,6 +142,9 @@ set_vars( NETGEN_CMAKE_ARGS
# propagate all variables set on the command line using cmake -DFOO=BAR
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
find_program(GIT_EXECUTABLE git)
GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/gabime/spdlog.git
GIT_TAG v1.2.1
ExternalProject_Get_Property(project_spdlog source_dir)
set(SPDLOG_INCLUDE_DIR ${source_dir}/include)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# use system tcl/tk
# fetch tcl/tk sources to match the one used in Python 3.7
URL "https://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/tcl/tcl8.6.8-src.tar.gz"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Checks: '*,-clang-analyzer-alpha.*,-*braces-around-statements,-fuchsia-*,-google-runtime-references,-readability-implicit-bool-conversion,-google-explicit-constructor,-hicpp-explicit-conversions,-google-runtime-int,-llvm-header-guard'
Checks: '*,-clang-analyzer-alpha.*,-*braces-around-statements,-fuchsia-*,-google-runtime-references,-readability-implicit-bool-conversion,-google-explicit-constructor,-hicpp-explicit-conversions,-google-runtime-int,-llvm-header-guard,-modernize-pass-by-value'
- key: cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions.AllowSoleDefaultDtor
value: 1
WarningsAsErrors: '*'
WarningsAsErrors: '*'
@ -1,16 +1,49 @@
add_library(ngcore SHARED archive.cpp)
target_compile_definitions(ngcore PRIVATE -DNGCORE_EXPORTS)
add_library(ngcore SHARED archive.cpp logging.cpp paje_trace.cpp utils.cpp profiler.cpp)
target_compile_definitions(ngcore PRIVATE NGCORE_EXPORTS)
if(NOT WIN32)
target_compile_options(ngcore PRIVATE -fvisibility=hidden)
endif(NOT WIN32)
target_compile_definitions(ngcore PUBLIC $<$<CONFIG:DEBUG>:NETGEN_ENABLE_CHECK_RANGE>)
target_compile_definitions(ngcore PUBLIC NETGEN_ENABLE_CHECK_RANGE)
add_dependencies(ngcore project_spdlog)
target_compile_definitions(ngcore PUBLIC NETGEN_USE_SPDLOG)
target_compile_definitions(ngcore PUBLIC NETGEN_LOG_DEBUG)
target_compile_definitions(ngcore PUBLIC NETGEN_PYTHON)
target_include_directories(ngcore PUBLIC ${PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(ngcore PUBLIC ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES})
install(FILES ngcore.hpp archive.hpp type_traits.hpp version.hpp ngcore_api.hpp
install(FILES ngcore.hpp archive.hpp type_traits.hpp version.hpp ngcore_api.hpp logging.hpp
exception.hpp symboltable.hpp paje_trace.hpp utils.hpp profiler.hpp
set_target_properties(ngcore PROPERTIES CXX_CLANG_TIDY "${DO_CLANG_TIDY}")
pybind11_add_module(pyngcore SHARED python_ngcore.cpp)
target_link_libraries(pyngcore PUBLIC ngcore ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES})
@ -19,16 +19,6 @@ namespace ngcore
void SetLibraryVersion(const std::string& library, const VersionInfo& version)
{ library_versions[library] = version; }
#ifdef WIN32
// windows does demangling in typeid(T).name()
std::string Demangle(const char* typeinfo) { return typeinfo; }
std::string Demangle(const char* typeinfo) { int status; return abi::__cxa_demangle(typeinfo,
&status); }
// clang-tidy should ignore this static object
static std::unique_ptr<std::map<std::string, detail::ClassArchiveInfo>> type_register; // NOLINT
const detail::ClassArchiveInfo& Archive :: GetArchiveRegister(const std::string& classname)
@ -3,31 +3,32 @@
#include <complex> // for complex
#include <cstring> // for size_t, strlen
#include <fstream> // for operator<<, ifstream, ofstream, basic...
#include <fstream> // for ifstream, ofstream
#include <functional> // for function
#include <map> // for map, _Rb_tree_iterator
#include <memory> // for __shared_ptr_access, __shared_ptr_acc...
#include <stdexcept> // for runtime_error
#include <string> // for string, operator+
#include <map> // for map
#include <memory> // for shared_ptr
#include <string> // for string
#include <type_traits> // for declval, enable_if, false_type, is_co...
#include <typeinfo> // for type_info
#include <utility> // for move, swap, pair
#include <vector> // for vector
#include "ngcore_api.hpp" // for NGCORE_API, unlikely
#include "exception.hpp" // for UnreachableCodeException, Exception
#include "logging.hpp" // for logger
#include "ngcore_api.hpp" // for NGCORE_API
#include "type_traits.hpp" // for all_of_tmpl
#include "utils.hpp" // for Demangle, unlikely
#include "version.hpp" // for VersionInfo
#ifdef NG_PYTHON
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#endif // NG_PYTHON
namespace ngcore
// Libraries using this archive can store their version here to implement backwards compatibility
NGCORE_API const VersionInfo& GetLibraryVersion(const std::string& library);
NGCORE_API void SetLibraryVersion(const std::string& library, const VersionInfo& version);
NGCORE_API std::string Demangle(const char* typeinfo);
class NGCORE_API Archive;
@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ namespace ngcore
// create new pointer of type T if it is default constructible, else throw
template<typename T, typename ...Rest>
T* constructIfPossible_impl(Rest... /*unused*/)
{ throw std::runtime_error(std::string(Demangle(typeid(T).name())) + " is not default constructible!"); }
{ throw Exception(std::string(Demangle(typeid(T).name())) + " is not default constructible!"); }
template<typename T, typename= typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<T>::value>::type>
T* constructIfPossible_impl(int /*unused*/) { return new T; } // NOLINT
@ -96,28 +97,34 @@ namespace ngcore
const bool is_output;
// how many different shared_ptr/pointer have been (un)archived
int shared_ptr_count, ptr_count;
int shared_ptr_count{0}, ptr_count{0};
// maps for archived shared pointers and pointers
std::map<void*, int> shared_ptr2nr, ptr2nr;
std::map<void*, int> shared_ptr2nr{}, ptr2nr{};
// vectors for storing the unarchived (shared) pointers
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<void>> nr2shared_ptr;
std::vector<void*> nr2ptr;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<void>> nr2shared_ptr{};
std::vector<void*> nr2ptr{};
bool shallow_to_python = false;
std::map<std::string, VersionInfo> version_map = GetLibraryVersions();
std::shared_ptr<Logger> logger = GetLogger("Archive");
Archive() = delete;
Archive(const Archive&) = delete;
Archive(Archive&&) = delete;
Archive (bool ais_output) :
is_output(ais_output), shared_ptr_count(0), ptr_count(0) { ; }
Archive (bool ais_output) : is_output(ais_output) { ; }
virtual ~Archive() { ; }
// If the object is pickled, all shallow archived objects will be pickled as a list,
// instead of written as a binary archive. This allows pickle to serialize every object only
// once and put them together correctly afterwards. Therefore all objects that may live in
// Python should be archived using this Shallow function. If Shallow is called from C++ code
// it archives the object normally.
template<typename T>
Archive& Shallow(T& val)
static_assert(detail::is_any_pointer<T>, "ShallowArchive must be given pointer type!");
#ifdef NG_PYTHON
@ -126,25 +133,28 @@ namespace ngcore
val = pybind11::cast<T>(ShallowInPython());
#endif // NG_PYTHON
*this & val;
return *this;
#ifdef NG_PYTHON
virtual void ShallowOutPython(pybind11::object /*unused*/) // NOLINT (copy by val is ok for this virt func)
{ throw std::runtime_error("Should not get in ShallowToPython base class implementation!"); }
virtual void ShallowOutPython(const pybind11::object& /*unused*/)
{ throw UnreachableCodeException{}; }
virtual pybind11::object ShallowInPython()
{ throw std::runtime_error("Should not get in ShallowFromPython base class implementation!"); }
#endif // NG_PYTHON
{ throw UnreachableCodeException{}; }
Archive& operator=(const Archive&) = delete;
Archive& operator=(Archive&&) = delete;
bool Output () const { return is_output; }
bool Input () const { return !is_output; }
virtual const VersionInfo& GetVersion(const std::string& library)
{ return GetLibraryVersions()[library]; }
const VersionInfo& GetVersion(const std::string& library)
{ return version_map[library]; }
// only used for PyArchive
virtual void NeedsVersion(const std::string& /*unused*/, const std::string& /*unused*/) {}
// Pure virtual functions that have to be implemented by In-/OutArchive
virtual Archive & operator & (double & d) = 0;
@ -157,7 +167,7 @@ namespace ngcore
virtual Archive & operator & (std::string & str) = 0;
virtual Archive & operator & (char *& str) = 0;
virtual Archive & operator & (VersionInfo & version)
Archive & operator & (VersionInfo & version)
(*this) << version.to_string();
@ -198,6 +208,47 @@ namespace ngcore
Do(&v[0], size);
return (*this);
// archive implementation for enums
template<typename T>
auto operator & (T& val) -> typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<T>::value, Archive&>::type
int enumval;
enumval = int(val);
*this & enumval;
val = T(enumval);
return *this;
// vector<bool> has special implementation (like a bitarray) therefore
// it needs a special overload (this could probably be more efficient, but we
// don't use it that often anyway)
Archive& operator& (std::vector<bool>& v)
logger->debug("In special archive for std::vector<bool>");
size_t size;
size = v.size();
(*this) & size;
bool b;
for(size_t i=0; i<size; i++)
(*this) & b;
v[i] = b;
for(bool b : v)
(*this) & b;
return *this;
template<typename T1, typename T2>
Archive& operator& (std::map<T1, T2>& map)
@ -261,28 +312,40 @@ namespace ngcore
logger->debug("Store shared ptr of type {}", Demangle(typeid(T).name()));
// save -2 for nullptr
return (*this) << -2;
logger->debug("Storing nullptr");
return (*this) << -2;
void* reg_ptr = ptr.get();
bool neededDowncast = false;
// Downcasting is only possible for our registered classes
if(typeid(T) != typeid(*ptr))
logger->debug("Typids are different: {} vs {}",
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Archive error: Polymorphic type ")
+ Demangle(typeid(*ptr).name())
+ " not registered for archive");
throw Exception(std::string("Archive error: Polymorphic type ")
+ Demangle(typeid(*ptr).name())
+ " not registered for archive");
reg_ptr = GetArchiveRegister(Demangle(typeid(*ptr).name())).downcaster(typeid(T), ptr.get());
// if there was a true downcast we have to store more information
if(reg_ptr != static_cast<void*>(ptr.get()) )
if(reg_ptr != static_cast<void*>(ptr.get()))
logger->debug("Multiple/Virtual inheritance involved, need to cast pointer");
neededDowncast = true;
auto pos = shared_ptr2nr.find(reg_ptr);
// if not found store -1 and the pointer
if(pos == shared_ptr2nr.end())
logger->debug("Didn't find the shared_ptr, create new registry entry at {}",
auto p = ptr.get();
(*this) << -1;
(*this) & neededDowncast & p;
@ -293,23 +356,27 @@ namespace ngcore
return *this;
// if found store the position and if it has to be downcasted and how
logger->debug("Found shared_ptr at position {}", pos->second);
(*this) << pos->second << neededDowncast;
(*this) << Demangle(typeid(*ptr).name());
else // Input
logger->debug("Reading shared_ptr of type {}", Demangle(typeid(T).name()));
int nr;
(*this) & nr;
// -2 restores a nullptr
if(nr == -2)
logger->debug("Reading a nullptr");
ptr = nullptr;
return *this;
// -1 restores a new shared ptr by restoring the inner pointer and creating a shared_ptr to it
if (nr == -1)
logger->debug("Createing new shared_ptr");
T* p = nullptr;
bool neededDowncast;
(*this) & neededDowncast & p;
@ -317,6 +384,7 @@ namespace ngcore
// if we did downcast we need to store a shared_ptr<void> to the true object
logger->debug("Shared pointer needed downcasting");
std::string name;
(*this) & name;
auto info = GetArchiveRegister(name);
@ -327,15 +395,20 @@ namespace ngcore
logger->debug("Shared pointer didn't need downcasting");
logger->debug("Reading already existing pointer at entry {}", nr);
auto other = nr2shared_ptr[nr];
bool neededDowncast;
(*this) & neededDowncast;
logger->debug("Shared pointer needed pointer downcast");
// if there was a downcast we can expect the class to be registered (since archiving
// wouldn't have worked else)
std::string name;
@ -348,7 +421,10 @@ namespace ngcore
ptr = std::static_pointer_cast<T>(other);
logger->debug("Shared pointer didn't need pointer casts");
ptr = std::static_pointer_cast<T>(other);
return *this;
@ -360,31 +436,45 @@ namespace ngcore
if (Output())
logger->debug("Store pointer of type {}",Demangle(typeid(T).name()));
// if the pointer is null store -2
if (!p)
return (*this) << -2;
logger->debug("Storing nullptr");
return (*this) << -2;
auto reg_ptr = static_cast<void*>(p);
if(typeid(T) != typeid(*p))
logger->debug("Typeids are different: {} vs {}",
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Archive error: Polymorphic type ")
+ Demangle(typeid(*p).name())
+ " not registered for archive");
throw Exception(std::string("Archive error: Polymorphic type ")
+ Demangle(typeid(*p).name())
+ " not registered for archive");
reg_ptr = GetArchiveRegister(Demangle(typeid(*p).name())).downcaster(typeid(T), static_cast<void*>(p));
if(reg_ptr != static_cast<void*>(p))
logger->debug("Multiple/Virtual inheritance involved, need to cast pointer");
auto pos = ptr2nr.find(reg_ptr);
// if the pointer is not found in the map create a new entry
if (pos == ptr2nr.end())
logger->debug("Didn't find pointer, create new registry entry at {}",
ptr2nr[reg_ptr] = ptr_count++;
if(typeid(*p) == typeid(T))
if (std::is_constructible<T>::value)
logger->debug("Store standard class pointer (no virt. inh,...)");
return (*this) << -1 & (*p);
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Archive error: Class ") +
Demangle(typeid(*p).name()) + " does not provide a default constructor!");
throw Exception(std::string("Archive error: Class ") +
Demangle(typeid(*p).name()) + " does not provide a default constructor!");
// if a pointer to a base class is archived, the class hierarchy must be registered
@ -392,9 +482,10 @@ namespace ngcore
// implement a void DoArchive(Archive&) member function
// To recreate the object we need to store the true type of it
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Archive error: Polymorphic type ")
+ Demangle(typeid(*p).name())
+ " not registered for archive");
throw Exception(std::string("Archive error: Polymorphic type ")
+ Demangle(typeid(*p).name())
+ " not registered for archive");
logger->debug("Store a possibly more complicated pointer");
return (*this) << -3 << Demangle(typeid(*p).name()) & (*p);
@ -402,27 +493,37 @@ namespace ngcore
(*this) & pos->second;
bool downcasted = !(reg_ptr == static_cast<void*>(p) );
logger->debug("Store a the existing position in registry at {}", pos->second);
logger->debug("Pointer {} downcasting", downcasted ? "needs" : "doesn't need");
// store if the class has been downcasted and the name
(*this) << downcasted << Demangle(typeid(*p).name());
logger->debug("Reading pointer of type {}", Demangle(typeid(T).name()));
int nr;
(*this) & nr;
if (nr == -2) // restore a nullptr
logger->debug("Loading a nullptr");
p = nullptr;
else if (nr == -1) // create a new pointer of standard type (no virtual or multiple inheritance,...)
logger->debug("Load a new pointer to a simple class");
p = detail::constructIfPossible<T>();
(*this) & *p;
else if(nr == -3) // restore one of our registered classes that can have multiple inheritance,...
logger->debug("Load a new pointer to a potentially more complicated class "
"(allows for multiple/virtual inheritance,...)");
// As stated above, we want this special behaviour only for our classes that implement DoArchive
std::string name;
(*this) & name;
logger->debug("Name = {}", name);
auto info = GetArchiveRegister(name);
// the creator creates a new object of type name, and returns a void* pointing
// to T (which may have an offset)
@ -434,9 +535,11 @@ namespace ngcore
logger->debug("Restoring pointer to already existing object at registry position {}", nr);
bool downcasted;
std::string name;
(*this) & downcasted & name;
logger->debug("{} object of type {}", downcasted ? "Downcasted" : "Not downcasted", name);
// if the class has been downcasted we can assume it is in the register
@ -491,11 +594,11 @@ namespace ngcore
static void* tryUpcast (const std::type_info& /*unused*/, T* /*unused*/)
throw std::runtime_error("Upcast not successful, some classes are not registered properly for archiving!");
throw Exception("Upcast not successful, some classes are not registered properly for archiving!");
static void* tryDowncast (const std::type_info& /*unused*/, void* /*unused*/)
throw std::runtime_error("Downcast not successful, some classes are not registered properly for archiving!");
throw Exception("Downcast not successful, some classes are not registered properly for archiving!");
@ -507,7 +610,7 @@ namespace ngcore
{ return GetArchiveRegister(Demangle(typeid(B1).name())).
upcaster(ti, static_cast<void*>(dynamic_cast<B1*>(p))); }
catch(const Exception&)
{ return Caster<T, Brest...>::tryUpcast(ti, p); }
@ -520,7 +623,7 @@ namespace ngcore
return dynamic_cast<T*>(static_cast<B1*>(GetArchiveRegister(Demangle(typeid(B1).name())).
downcaster(ti, p)));
catch(const Exception&)
return Caster<T, Brest...>::tryDowncast(ti, p);
@ -536,7 +639,7 @@ namespace ngcore
"Variadic template arguments must be base classes of T");
detail::ClassArchiveInfo info;
detail::ClassArchiveInfo info {};
info.creator = [this,&info](const std::type_info& ti) -> void*
{ return typeid(T) == ti ? detail::constructIfPossible<T>()
: Archive::Caster<T, Bases...>::tryUpcast(ti, detail::constructIfPossible<T>()); };
@ -805,7 +908,7 @@ namespace ngcore
#ifdef NG_PYTHON
template<typename ARCHIVE>
class PyArchive : public ARCHIVE
@ -813,7 +916,12 @@ namespace ngcore
pybind11::list lst;
size_t index = 0;
std::map<std::string, VersionInfo> version_needed;
using ARCHIVE::stream;
using ARCHIVE::version_map;
using ARCHIVE::logger;
using ARCHIVE::GetLibraryVersions;
PyArchive(const pybind11::object& alst = pybind11::none()) :
@ -821,8 +929,30 @@ namespace ngcore
ARCHIVE::shallow_to_python = true;
stream = std::make_shared<std::stringstream>
stream = std::make_shared<std::stringstream>
*this & version_needed;
logger->debug("versions needed for unpickling = {}", version_needed);
for(auto& libversion : version_needed)
if(libversion.second > GetLibraryVersion(libversion.first))
throw Exception("Error in unpickling data:\nLibrary " + libversion.first +
" must be at least " + libversion.second.to_string());
stream = std::make_shared<std::stringstream>
*this & version_map;
stream = std::make_shared<std::stringstream>
void NeedsVersion(const std::string& library, const std::string& version) override
logger->debug("Need version {} of library {}.", version, library);
version_needed[library] = version_needed[library] > version ? version_needed[library] : version;
using ARCHIVE::Output;
@ -831,11 +961,20 @@ namespace ngcore
using ARCHIVE::operator&;
using ARCHIVE::operator<<;
using ARCHIVE::GetVersion;
void ShallowOutPython(pybind11::object val) override { lst.append(val); }
void ShallowOutPython(const pybind11::object& val) override { lst.append(val); }
pybind11::object ShallowInPython() override { return lst[index++]; }
pybind11::list WriteOut()
stream = std::make_shared<std::stringstream>();
*this & GetLibraryVersions();
stream = std::make_shared<std::stringstream>();
logger->debug("Writeout version needed = {}", version_needed);
*this & version_needed;
return lst;
@ -843,27 +982,31 @@ namespace ngcore
template<typename T, typename T_ARCHIVE_OUT=BinaryOutArchive, typename T_ARCHIVE_IN=BinaryInArchive>
auto NGSPickle(bool printoutput=false)
auto NGSPickle()
return pybind11::pickle([printoutput](T* self)
return pybind11::pickle([](T* self)
PyArchive<T_ARCHIVE_OUT> ar;
ar & self;
auto output = pybind11::make_tuple(ar.WriteOut());
pybind11::print("pickle output of", Demangle(typeid(T).name()),"=", output);
GetLogger("Archive")->trace("Pickling output for object of type {} = {}",
return output;
[](pybind11::tuple state)
T* val = nullptr;
GetLogger("Archive")->trace("State for unpickling of object of type {} = {}",
PyArchive<T_ARCHIVE_IN> ar(state[0]);
ar & val;
return val;
#endif // NG_PYTHON
} // namespace ngcore
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
#include <sstream> // for stringstream
#include <stdexcept> // for exception
#include <string> // for string
#include "ngcore_api.hpp" // for NGCORE_API
namespace ngcore
// Exception for code that shouldn't be executed
class NGCORE_API UnreachableCodeException : public std::exception
const char* what() const noexcept override
return "Shouldn't get here, something went wrong!";
// Default exception class
class NGCORE_API Exception : public std::exception
/// a verbal description of the exception
std::string m_what;
Exception() = default;
Exception(const Exception&) = default;
Exception(Exception&&) = default;
Exception(const std::string& s) : m_what(s) {}
Exception(const char* s) : m_what(s) {}
~Exception() override = default;
Exception& operator =(const Exception&) = default;
Exception& operator =(Exception&&) noexcept = default;
/// append string to description
Exception & Append (const std::string & s) { m_what += s; return *this; }
/// append string to description
Exception & Append (const char * s) { m_what += s; return *this; }
/// verbal description of exception
const std::string & What() const { return m_what; }
/// implement virtual function of std::exception
const char* what() const noexcept override { return m_what.c_str(); }
// Out of Range exception
class NGCORE_API RangeException : public Exception
/// where it occurs, index, minimal and maximal indices
RangeException (const std::string & where,
int ind, int imin, int imax) : Exception("")
std::stringstream str;
str << where << ": index " << ind << " out of range [" << imin << "," << imax << "]\n";
Append (str.str());
template<typename T>
RangeException(const std::string& where, const T& value)
std::stringstream str;
str << where << " called with wrong value " << value << "\n";
// Exception used if no simd implementation is available to fall back to standard evaluation
class NGCORE_API ExceptionNOSIMD : public Exception
{ public: using Exception::Exception; };
} // namespace ngcore
// Convenience macro to append file name and line of exception origin to the string
#define NG_EXCEPTION(s) ngcore::Exception(__FILE__ ":" NETGEN_CORE_NGEXEPTION_STR(__LINE__) "\t"+std::string(s))
#define NETGEN_CHECK_RANGE(value, min, max) \
{ if ((value)<(min) || (value)>=(max)) \
throw ngcore::RangeException(__FILE__ ":" NETGEN_CORE_NGEXEPTION_STR(__LINE__) "\t", (value), (min), (max)); }
#define NETGEN_CHECK_RANGE(value, min, max)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
#include "logging.hpp"
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#include <spdlog/sinks/ansicolor_sink.h>
#include <spdlog/sinks/basic_file_sink.h>
#include <iostream>
namespace ngcore
void Logger::log(level::level_enum level, std::string && s)
logger->log(spdlog::level::level_enum(level), s);
std::clog << s << '\n';
namespace detail
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<spdlog::sinks::sink>>& GetDefaultSinks()
static std::vector<std::shared_ptr<spdlog::sinks::sink>> sinks =
{ std::make_shared<spdlog::sinks::ansicolor_stdout_sink_mt>() };
return sinks;
std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> CreateDefaultLogger(const std::string& name)
auto& default_sinks = GetDefaultSinks();
auto logger = std::make_shared<spdlog::logger>(name, default_sinks.begin(), default_sinks.end());
return logger;
} // namespace detail
std::shared_ptr<Logger> GetLogger(const std::string& name)
auto logger = spdlog::get(name);
logger = detail::CreateDefaultLogger(name);
return std::make_shared<Logger>(logger);
void SetLoggingLevel(spdlog::level::level_enum level, const std::string& name)
void AddFileSink(const std::string& filename, spdlog::level::level_enum level, const std::string& logger)
auto sink = std::make_shared<spdlog::sinks::basic_file_sink_mt>(filename);
spdlog::details::registry::instance().apply_all([sink](auto logger) { logger->sinks().push_back(sink); });
void AddConsoleSink(spdlog::level::level_enum level, const std::string& logger)
auto sink = std::make_shared<spdlog::sinks::ansicolor_stdout_sink_mt>();
spdlog::details::registry::instance().apply_all([sink](auto logger) { logger->sinks().push_back(sink); });
void ClearLoggingSinks(const std::string& logger)
spdlog::details::registry::instance().apply_all([](auto logger) { logger->sinks().clear(); });
void FlushOnLoggingLevel(spdlog::level::level_enum level, const std::string& logger)
} //namespace ngcore
namespace spdlog
class logger
logger() = default;
} // namespace spdlog
namespace ngcore
// Dummy functions if no spdlog is available
std::shared_ptr<Logger> GetLogger(const std::string& /*unused*/)
return std::make_shared<Logger>(std::make_shared<spdlog::logger>());
void SetLoggingLevel(level::level_enum /*unused*/, const std::string& /*unused*/) {}
void AddFileSink(const std::string& /*unused*/, level::level_enum /*unused*/,
const std::string& /*unused*/)
void AddConsoleSink(level::level_enum /*unused*/, const std::string& /*unused*/) {}
void ClearLoggingSinks(const std::string& /*unused*/) {}
void FlushOnLoggingLevel(level::level_enum /*unused*/, const std::string& /*unused*/) {}
} //namespace ngcore
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "exception.hpp"
#include "ngcore_api.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
#include <spdlog/fmt/fmt.h>
#include <spdlog/fmt/ostr.h> // to be able to parse anything to logger that implements operator << ostream
#define NETGEN_DEBUG_LOG(logger, ...) SPDLOG_DEBUG(logger, __VA_ARGS__)
#define NETGEN_DEBUG_LOG(logger, ...)
namespace spdlog
class logger;
} // namespace spdlog
namespace ngcore
namespace level
enum level_enum
trace = 0,
debug = 1,
info = 2,
warn = 3,
err = 4,
critical = 5,
off = 6
} // namespace level
class Logger
std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> logger;
Logger(std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> l) : logger(std::move(l)) {}
void NGCORE_API log( level::level_enum level, std::string && s);
template<typename ... Args>
void log( level::level_enum level, const char* str, Args ... args)
log(level, fmt::format(str, args...));
template<typename T>
std::string replace(std::string s, const T & t)
auto p0 = s.find_first_of('{');
auto p1 = s.find_first_of('}', p0);
if(p0==std::string::npos || p1==std::string::npos)
throw Exception("invalid format string");
s.replace(p0, p1-p0+1, ToString(t));
return s;
std::string log_helper(std::string s)
return s;
template<typename T>
std::string log_helper(std::string s, const T &t)
return replace(s,t);
template<typename T, typename ... Args>
std::string log_helper( std::string s, const T &t, Args ... args)
return log_helper(replace(s,t), args...);
template<typename ... Args>
void log( level::level_enum level, const char* str, Args ... args)
log(level, log_helper(std::string(str), args...));
template<typename ... Args>
void trace( const char* str, Args ... args) { log(level::level_enum::trace, str, args...); }
template<typename ... Args>
void debug( const char* str, Args ... args) { log(level::level_enum::debug, str, args...); }
template<typename ... Args>
void info( const char* str, Args ... args) { log(level::level_enum::info, str, args...); }
template<typename ... Args>
void warn( const char* str, Args ... args) { log(level::level_enum::warn, str, args...); }
template<typename ... Args>
void error( const char* str, Args ... args) { log(level::level_enum::err, str, args...); }
template<typename ... Args>
void critical( const char* str, Args ... args) { log(level::level_enum::critical, str, args...); }
NGCORE_API std::shared_ptr<Logger> GetLogger(const std::string& name);
NGCORE_API void SetLoggingLevel(level::level_enum level, const std::string& name);
NGCORE_API void AddFileSink(const std::string& filename, level::level_enum level, const std::string& logger);
NGCORE_API void AddConsoleSink(level::level_enum level, const std::string& logger);
NGCORE_API void ClearLoggingSinks(const std::string& logger);
NGCORE_API void FlushOnLoggingLevel(level::level_enum level, const std::string& logger);
} // namespace ngcore
@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
#include "archive.hpp"
#include "exception.hpp"
#include "logging.hpp"
#include "profiler.hpp"
#include "symboltable.hpp"
#include "version.hpp"
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
#define NGCORE_API_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define NGCORE_API_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#define NGCORE_API_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#define NGCORE_API_IMPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
@ -15,15 +15,23 @@
namespace ngcore
#if defined(__GNUC__)
inline bool likely (bool x) { return bool(__builtin_expect(long(x), 1L)); }
inline bool unlikely (bool x) { return bool(__builtin_expect(long(x), 0L)); }
#ifdef WIN32
#define NETGEN_INLINE __forceinline inline
#define NETGEN_INLINE __forceinline inline
#define NETGEN_LAMBDA_INLINE __attribute__ ((__always_inline__))
inline bool likely (bool x) { return x; }
inline bool unlikely (bool x) { return x; }
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define NETGEN_INLINE __attribute__ ((__always_inline__)) inline
#define NETGEN_LAMBDA_INLINE __attribute__ ((__always_inline__))
#define NETGEN_VLA
#define NETGEN_INLINE inline
} // namespace ngcore
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <thread>
#include "archive.hpp" // for Demangle
#include "paje_trace.hpp"
#include "profiler.hpp"
extern const char *header;
namespace ngcore
// Produce no traces by default
size_t PajeTrace::max_tracefile_size = 0;
// If true, produce variable counting active threads
// increases trace by a factor of two
bool PajeTrace::trace_thread_counter = true;
bool PajeTrace::trace_threads = true;
PajeTrace :: PajeTrace(int anthreads, std::string aname)
start_time = GetTimeCounter();
nthreads = anthreads;
tracefile_name = std::move(aname);
int bytes_per_event=33;
max_num_events_per_thread = std::min( static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()), max_tracefile_size/bytes_per_event/(2*nthreads+1)*10/7);
logger->info( "Tracefile size = {}MB", max_tracefile_size/1024/1024);
logger->info( "Tracing {} events per thread", max_num_events_per_thread);
int reserve_size = std::min(1000000U, max_num_events_per_thread);
for(auto & t : tasks)
for(auto & l : links)
tracing_enabled = true;
PajeTrace :: ~PajeTrace()
void PajeTrace::StopTracing()
if(tracing_enabled && max_num_events_per_thread>0)
logger->warn("Maximum number of traces reached, tracing is stopped now.");
tracing_enabled = false;
class PajeFile
static void Hue2RGB ( double x, double &r, double &g, double &b )
double d = 1.0/6.0;
r=1, g=6*x,b=0;
else if (x<2*d)
else if (x<3*d)
r=0, g=1,b=6*(x-2*d);
else if (x<4*d)
r=0, g=1-6*(x-3*d),b=1;
else if (x<5*d)
r=6*(x-4*d), g=0,b=1;
r=1, g=0,b=1-5*(x-d);
int alias_counter;
FILE * ctrace_stream;
TTimePoint start_time;
std::shared_ptr<Logger> logger = GetLogger("PajeTrace");
double ConvertTime(TTimePoint t) {
// return time in milliseconds as double
// return std::chrono::duration<double>(t-start_time).count()*1000.0;
// return std::chrono::duration<double>(t-start_time).count() / 2.7e3;
return (t-start_time) / 2.7e6;
enum PType
struct PajeEvent
PajeEvent( int aevent_type, double atime, int atype, int acontainer, double avar_value )
: time(atime), var_value(avar_value), event_type(aevent_type), type(atype), container(acontainer)
{ }
PajeEvent( int aevent_type, double atime, int atype, int acontainer, int avalue = 0, int aid = 0, bool avalue_is_alias = true )
: time(atime), event_type(aevent_type), type(atype), container(acontainer), value(avalue), id(aid), value_is_alias(avalue_is_alias)
{ }
PajeEvent( int aevent_type, double atime, int atype, int acontainer, int avalue, int astart_container, int akey )
: time(atime), event_type(aevent_type), type(atype), container(acontainer), value(avalue), start_container(astart_container), id(akey)
{ }
double time;
double var_value = 0.0;
int event_type;
int type;
int container;
int value = 0;
int start_container = 0;
int id = 0;
bool value_is_alias = true;
bool operator < (const PajeEvent & other) const {
// Same start and stop times can occur for very small tasks -> take "starting" events first (eg. PajePushState before PajePopState)
if(time == other.time)
return event_type < other.event_type;
return (time < other.time);
int write(FILE *stream)
const int &key = id;
const int &end_container = start_container;
case PajeSetVariable:
return fprintf( stream, "%d\t%.15g\ta%d\ta%d\t%.15g\n", PajeSetVariable, time, type, container, var_value ); // NOLINT
case PajeAddVariable:
return fprintf( stream, "%d\t%.15g\ta%d\ta%d\t%.15g\n", PajeAddVariable, time, type, container, var_value ); // NOLINT
case PajeSubVariable:
return fprintf( stream, "%d\t%.15g\ta%d\ta%d\t%.15g\n", PajeSubVariable, time, type, container, var_value ); // NOLINT
case PajePushState:
return fprintf( stream, "%d\t%.15g\ta%d\ta%d\ta%d\t%d\n", PajePushState, time, type, container, value, id); // NOLINT
return fprintf( stream, "%d\t%.15g\ta%d\ta%d\t%d\t%d\n", PajePushState, time, type, container, value, id); // NOLINT
case PajePopState:
return fprintf( stream, "%d\t%.15g\ta%d\ta%d\n", PajePopState, time, type, container ); // NOLINT
case PajeStartLink:
return fprintf( stream, "%d\t%.15g\ta%d\ta%d\t%d\ta%d\t%d\n", PajeStartLink, time, type, container, value, start_container, key ); // NOLINT
case PajeEndLink:
return fprintf( stream, "%d\t%.15g\ta%d\ta%d\t%d\ta%d\t%d\n", PajeEndLink, time, type, container, value, end_container, key ); // NOLINT
return 0;
std::vector<PajeEvent> events;
PajeFile() = delete;
PajeFile(const PajeFile &) = delete;
PajeFile(PajeFile &&) = delete;
void operator=(const PajeFile &) = delete;
void operator=(PajeFile &&) = delete;
PajeFile( const std::string & filename, TTimePoint astart_time )
start_time = astart_time;
ctrace_stream = fopen (filename.c_str(),"w"); // NOLINT
fprintf(ctrace_stream, "%s", header ); // NOLINT
alias_counter = 0;
fclose (ctrace_stream); // NOLINT
int DefineContainerType ( int parent_type, const std::string & name )
int alias = ++alias_counter;
fprintf( ctrace_stream, "%d\ta%d\ta%d\t\"%s\"\n", PajeDefineContainerType, alias, parent_type, name.c_str() ); // NOLINT
fprintf( ctrace_stream, "%d\ta%d\t%d\t\"%s\"\n", PajeDefineContainerType, alias, parent_type, name.c_str() ); // NOLINT
return alias;
int DefineVariableType ( int container_type, const std::string & name )
int alias = ++alias_counter;
fprintf( ctrace_stream, "%d\ta%d\ta%d\t\"%s\"\t\"1.0 1.0 1.0\"\n", PajeDefineVariableType, alias, container_type, name.c_str() ); // NOLINT
return alias;
int DefineStateType ( int type, const std::string & name )
int alias = ++alias_counter;
fprintf( ctrace_stream, "%d\ta%d\ta%d\t\"%s\"\n", PajeDefineStateType, alias, type, name.c_str() ); // NOLINT
return alias;
// int DefineEventType ()
// {
// Write("event not implemented");
// }
int DefineLinkType (int parent_container_type, int start_container_type, int stop_container_type, const std::string & name)
int alias = ++alias_counter;
fprintf( ctrace_stream, "%d\ta%d\ta%d\ta%d\ta%d\t\"%s\"\n", PajeDefineLinkType, alias, parent_container_type, start_container_type, stop_container_type, name.c_str() ); // NOLINT
return alias;
int DefineEntityValue (int type, const std::string & name, double hue = -1)
std::hash<std::string> shash;
size_t h = shash(name);
h ^= h>>32U;
h = static_cast<uint32_t>(h);
hue = h*1.0/std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
int alias = ++alias_counter;
double r,g,b;
Hue2RGB( hue, r, g, b );
fprintf( ctrace_stream, "%d\ta%d\ta%d\t\"%s\"\t\"%.15g %.15g %.15g\"\n", PajeDefineEntityValue, alias, type, name.c_str(), r,g,b ); // NOLINT
return alias;
int CreateContainer ( int type, int parent, const std::string & name )
int alias = ++alias_counter;
fprintf( ctrace_stream, "%d\t0\ta%d\ta%d\ta%d\t\"%s\"\n", PajeCreateContainer, alias, type, parent, name.c_str() ); // NOLINT
fprintf( ctrace_stream, "%d\t0\ta%d\ta%d\t%d\t\"%s\"\n", PajeCreateContainer, alias, type, parent, name.c_str() ); // NOLINT
return alias;
void DestroyContainer ()
void SetVariable (TTimePoint time, int type, int container, double value )
events.emplace_back( PajeEvent( PajeSetVariable, ConvertTime(time), type, container, value ) );
void AddVariable (TTimePoint time, int type, int container, double value )
events.emplace_back( PajeEvent( PajeAddVariable, ConvertTime(time), type, container, value ) );
void SubVariable (TTimePoint time, int type, int container, double value )
events.emplace_back( PajeEvent( PajeSubVariable, ConvertTime(time), type, container, value ) );
void SetState ()
void PushState ( TTimePoint time, int type, int container, int value, int id = 0, bool value_is_alias = true )
events.emplace_back( PajeEvent( PajePushState, ConvertTime(time), type, container, value, id, value_is_alias) );
void PopState ( TTimePoint time, int type, int container )
events.emplace_back( PajeEvent( PajePopState, ConvertTime(time), type, container ) );
void ResetState ()
void StartLink ( TTimePoint time, int type, int container, int value, int start_container, int key )
events.emplace_back( PajeEvent( PajeStartLink, ConvertTime(time), type, container, value, start_container, key ) );
void EndLink ( TTimePoint time, int type, int container, int value, int end_container, int key )
events.emplace_back( PajeEvent( PajeEndLink, ConvertTime(time), type, container, value, end_container, key ) );
void NewEvent ()
void WriteEvents()
logger->info("Sorting traces...");
std::sort (events.begin(), events.end());
logger->info("Writing traces... ");
for (auto & event : events)
event.write( ctrace_stream );
// fprintf( ctrace_stream, "%s", buf ); // NOLINT
PajeDefineContainerType = 0,
PajeDefineVariableType = 1,
PajeDefineStateType = 2,
PajeDefineEventType = 3,
PajeDefineLinkType = 4,
PajeDefineEntityValue = 5,
PajeCreateContainer = 6,
PajeDestroyContainer = 7,
PajeSetVariable = 8,
PajeAddVariable = 9,
PajeSubVariable = 10,
PajeSetState = 11,
PajePushState = 12,
PajePopState = 13,
PajeResetState = 14,
PajeStartLink = 15,
PajeEndLink = 16,
PajeNewEvent = 17
NGCORE_API PajeTrace *trace;
void PajeTrace::Write( const std::string & filename )
int n_events = jobs.size() + timer_events.size();
for(auto & vtasks : tasks)
n_events += vtasks.size();
logger->info("{} events traced", n_events);
logger->info("No data traced, skip writing trace file");
logger->warn("Tracing stopped during computation due to tracefile size limit of {} megabytes.", max_tracefile_size/1024/1024);
PajeFile paje(filename, start_time);
const int container_type_task_manager = paje.DefineContainerType( 0, "Task Manager" );
const int container_type_node = paje.DefineContainerType( container_type_task_manager, "Node");
const int container_type_thread = paje.DefineContainerType( container_type_task_manager, "Thread");
const int container_type_timer = container_type_thread; //paje.DefineContainerType( container_type_task_manager, "Timers");
const int container_type_jobs = paje.DefineContainerType( container_type_task_manager, "Jobs");
const int state_type_job = paje.DefineStateType( container_type_jobs, "Job" );
const int state_type_task = paje.DefineStateType( container_type_thread, "Task" );
const int state_type_timer = paje.DefineStateType( container_type_timer, "Timer state" );
const int variable_type_active_threads = paje.DefineVariableType( container_type_jobs, "Active threads" );
const int container_task_manager = paje.CreateContainer( container_type_task_manager, 0, "The task manager" );
const int container_jobs = paje.CreateContainer( container_type_jobs, container_task_manager, "Jobs" );
paje.SetVariable( start_time, variable_type_active_threads, container_jobs, 0.0 );
const int num_nodes = 1; //task_manager ? task_manager->GetNumNodes() : 1;
std::vector<int> container_nodes;
for(int i=0; i<num_nodes; i++)
container_nodes.emplace_back( paje.CreateContainer( container_type_node, container_task_manager, "Node " + ToString(i)) );
std::vector <int> thread_aliases;
for (int i=0; i<nthreads; i++)
auto name = "Timer level " + ToString(i);
thread_aliases.emplace_back( paje.CreateContainer( container_type_thread, container_nodes[i*num_nodes/nthreads], name ) );
std::map<const std::type_info *, int> job_map;
std::map<const std::type_info *, int> job_task_map;
for(Job & j : jobs)
if(job_map.find(j.type) == job_map.end())
std::string name = Demangle(j.type->name());
job_map[j.type] = paje.DefineEntityValue( state_type_job, name, -1 );
job_task_map[j.type] = paje.DefineEntityValue( state_type_task, name, -1 );
for(Job & j : jobs)
paje.PushState( j.start_time, state_type_job, container_jobs, job_map[j.type] );
paje.PopState( j.stop_time, state_type_job, container_jobs );
std::set<int> timer_ids;
std::map<int,int> timer_aliases;
for(auto & event : timer_events)
for(auto & vtasks : tasks)
for (Task & t : vtasks)
for(auto id : timer_ids)
timer_aliases[id] = paje.DefineEntityValue( state_type_timer, NgProfiler::GetName(id), -1 );
int timerdepth = 0;
int maxdepth = 0;
for(auto & event : timer_events)
maxdepth = timerdepth>maxdepth ? timerdepth : maxdepth;
std::vector<int> timer_container_aliases;
for(int i=0; i<maxdepth; i++)
auto name = "Timer level " + ToString(i);
timer_container_aliases[i] = paje.CreateContainer( container_type_timer, container_task_manager, name );
timerdepth = 0;
for(auto & event : timer_events)
paje.PushState( event.time, state_type_timer, timer_container_aliases[timerdepth++], timer_aliases[event.timer_id] );
paje.PopState( event.time, state_type_timer, timer_container_aliases[--timerdepth] );
for(auto & vtasks : tasks)
for (Task & t : vtasks) {
int value_id = t.id;
case Task::ID_JOB:
value_id = job_task_map[jobs[t.id-1].type];
paje.AddVariable( t.start_time, variable_type_active_threads, container_jobs, 1.0 );
paje.SubVariable( t.stop_time, variable_type_active_threads, container_jobs, 1.0 );
paje.PushState( t.start_time, state_type_task, thread_aliases[t.thread_id], value_id, t.additional_value, true );
paje.PopState( t.stop_time, state_type_task, thread_aliases[t.thread_id] );
case Task::ID_TIMER:
value_id = timer_aliases[t.id];
paje.PushState( t.start_time, state_type_timer, thread_aliases[t.thread_id], value_id, t.additional_value, true );
paje.PopState( t.stop_time, state_type_timer, thread_aliases[t.thread_id] );
paje.PushState( t.start_time, state_type_task, thread_aliases[t.thread_id], value_id, t.additional_value, false );
paje.PopState( t.stop_time, state_type_task, thread_aliases[t.thread_id] );
// Merge link event
int nlinks = 0;
for( auto & l : links)
nlinks += l.size();
std::vector<ThreadLink> links_merged;
std::vector<unsigned int> pos(nthreads);
int nlinks_merged = 0;
while(nlinks_merged < nlinks)
int minpos = -1;
TTimePoint mintime = -1;
for (int t = 0; t<nthreads; t++)
if(pos[t] < links[t].size() && (minpos==-1 || links[t][pos[t]].time < mintime))
minpos = t;
mintime = links[t][pos[t]].time;
links_merged.push_back( links[minpos][pos[minpos]] );
std::vector<ThreadLink> started_links;
int link_type = paje.DefineLinkType(container_type_node, container_type_thread, container_type_thread, "links");
// match links
for ( auto & l : links_merged )
unsigned int i = 0;
while(i<started_links.size() && started_links[i].key == l.key)
ThreadLink & sl = started_links[i];
// Avoid links on same thread
if(sl.thread_id != l.thread_id)
paje.StartLink( sl.time, link_type, container_nodes[sl.thread_id*num_nodes/nthreads], l.key, thread_aliases[sl.thread_id], l.key);
paje.EndLink( l.time, link_type, container_nodes[l.thread_id*num_nodes/nthreads], l.key, thread_aliases[l.thread_id], l.key);
} // namespace ngcore
const char *header =
"%EventDef PajeDefineContainerType 0 \n"
"% Alias string \n"
"% Type string \n"
"% Name string \n"
"%EndEventDef \n"
"%EventDef PajeDefineVariableType 1 \n"
"% Alias string \n"
"% Type string \n"
"% Name string \n"
"% Color color \n"
"%EndEventDef \n"
"%EventDef PajeDefineStateType 2 \n"
"% Alias string \n"
"% Type string \n"
"% Name string \n"
"%EndEventDef \n"
"%EventDef PajeDefineEventType 3 \n"
"% Alias string \n"
"% Type string \n"
"% Name string \n"
"% Color color \n"
"%EndEventDef \n"
"%EventDef PajeDefineLinkType 4 \n"
"% Alias string \n"
"% Type string \n"
"% StartContainerType string \n"
"% EndContainerType string \n"
"% Name string \n"
"%EndEventDef \n"
"%EventDef PajeDefineEntityValue 5 \n"
"% Alias string \n"
"% Type string \n"
"% Name string \n"
"% Color color \n"
"%EndEventDef \n"
"%EventDef PajeCreateContainer 6 \n"
"% Time date \n"
"% Alias string \n"
"% Type string \n"
"% Container string \n"
"% Name string \n"
"%EndEventDef \n"
"%EventDef PajeDestroyContainer 7 \n"
"% Time date \n"
"% Type string \n"
"% Name string \n"
"%EndEventDef \n"
"%EventDef PajeSetVariable 8 \n"
"% Time date \n"
"% Type string \n"
"% Container string \n"
"% Value double \n"
"%EventDef PajeAddVariable 9 \n"
"% Time date \n"
"% Type string \n"
"% Container string \n"
"% Value double \n"
"%EventDef PajeSubVariable 10 \n"
"% Time date \n"
"% Type string \n"
"% Container string \n"
"% Value double \n"
"%EventDef PajeSetState 11 \n"
"% Time date \n"
"% Type string \n"
"% Container string \n"
"% Value string \n"
"%EventDef PajePushState 12 \n"
"% Time date \n"
"% Type string \n"
"% Container string \n"
"% Value string \n"
"% Id string \n"
"%EventDef PajePopState 13 \n"
"% Time date \n"
"% Type string \n"
"% Container string \n"
"%EventDef PajeResetState 14 \n"
"% Time date \n"
"% Type string \n"
"% Container string \n"
"%EventDef PajeStartLink 15 \n"
"% Time date \n"
"% Type string \n"
"% Container string \n"
"% Value string \n"
"% StartContainer string \n"
"% Key string \n"
"%EventDef PajeEndLink 16 \n"
"% Time date \n"
"% Type string \n"
"% Container string \n"
"% Value string \n"
"% EndContainer string \n"
"% Key string \n"
"%EventDef PajeNewEvent 17 \n"
"% Time date \n"
"% Type string \n"
"% Container string \n"
"% Value string \n"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include "logging.hpp" // for logger
#include "ngcore_api.hpp" // for NGCORE_API
#include "utils.hpp"
namespace ngcore
extern NGCORE_API class PajeTrace *trace;
class PajeTrace
using TClock = std::chrono::system_clock;
std::shared_ptr<Logger> logger = GetLogger("PajeTrace");
NGCORE_API static size_t max_tracefile_size;
NGCORE_API static bool trace_thread_counter;
NGCORE_API static bool trace_threads;
bool tracing_enabled;
TTimePoint start_time;
int nthreads;
// Approximate number of events to trace. Tracing will
// be stopped if any thread reaches this number of events
unsigned int max_num_events_per_thread;
static void SetTraceThreads( bool atrace_threads )
trace_threads = atrace_threads;
static void SetTraceThreadCounter( bool trace_threads )
trace_thread_counter = trace_threads;
static void SetMaxTracefileSize( size_t max_size )
max_tracefile_size = max_size;
std::string tracefile_name;
struct Job
int job_id;
const std::type_info *type;
TTimePoint start_time;
TTimePoint stop_time;
struct Task
int thread_id;
int id;
int id_type;
int additional_value;
TTimePoint start_time;
TTimePoint stop_time;
static constexpr int ID_NONE = -1;
static constexpr int ID_JOB = 1;
static constexpr int ID_TIMER = 2;
struct TimerEvent
int timer_id;
TTimePoint time;
bool is_start;
int thread_id;
bool operator < (const TimerEvent & other) const { return time < other.time; }
struct ThreadLink
int thread_id;
int key;
TTimePoint time;
bool is_start;
bool operator < (const ThreadLink & other) const { return time < other.time; }
std::vector<std::vector<Task> > tasks;
std::vector<Job> jobs;
std::vector<TimerEvent> timer_events;
std::vector<std::vector<ThreadLink> > links;
NGCORE_API void StopTracing();
PajeTrace() = delete;
PajeTrace(const PajeTrace &) = delete;
PajeTrace(PajeTrace &&) = delete;
NGCORE_API PajeTrace(int anthreads, std::string aname = "");
NGCORE_API ~PajeTrace();
void operator=(const PajeTrace &) = delete;
void operator=(PajeTrace &&) = delete;
void StartTimer(int timer_id)
if(!tracing_enabled) return;
if(unlikely(timer_events.size() == max_num_events_per_thread))
timer_events.push_back(TimerEvent{timer_id, GetTimeCounter(), true});
void StopTimer(int timer_id)
if(!tracing_enabled) return;
if(unlikely(timer_events.size() == max_num_events_per_thread))
timer_events.push_back(TimerEvent{timer_id, GetTimeCounter(), false});
NETGEN_INLINE int StartTask(int thread_id, int id, int id_type = Task::ID_NONE, int additional_value = -1)
if(!tracing_enabled) return -1;
if(!trace_threads && !trace_thread_counter) return -1;
if(unlikely(tasks[thread_id].size() == max_num_events_per_thread))
int task_num = tasks[thread_id].size();
tasks[thread_id].push_back( Task{thread_id, id, id_type, additional_value, GetTimeCounter()} );
return task_num;
void StopTask(int thread_id, int task_num)
if(!trace_threads && !trace_thread_counter) return;
tasks[thread_id][task_num].stop_time = GetTimeCounter();
void SetTask(int thread_id, int task_num, int additional_value) {
if(!trace_threads && !trace_thread_counter) return;
tasks[thread_id][task_num].additional_value = additional_value;
void StartJob(int job_id, const std::type_info & type)
if(!tracing_enabled) return;
if(jobs.size() == max_num_events_per_thread)
jobs.push_back( Job{job_id, &type, GetTimeCounter()} );
void StopJob()
jobs.back().stop_time = GetTimeCounter();
void StartLink(int thread_id, int key)
if(!tracing_enabled) return;
if(links[thread_id].size() == max_num_events_per_thread)
links[thread_id].push_back( ThreadLink{thread_id, key, GetTimeCounter(), true} );
void StopLink(int thread_id, int key)
if(!tracing_enabled) return;
if(links[thread_id].size() == max_num_events_per_thread)
links[thread_id].push_back( ThreadLink{thread_id, key, GetTimeCounter(), false} );
void Write( const std::string & filename );
} // namespace ngcore
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
#include <mutex>
#include "profiler.hpp"
namespace ngcore
std::vector<NgProfiler::TimerVal> NgProfiler::timers(NgProfiler::SIZE); // NOLINT
std::string NgProfiler::filename;
size_t NgProfiler::dummy_thread_times[NgProfiler::SIZE];
size_t * NgProfiler::thread_times = NgProfiler::dummy_thread_times; // NOLINT
size_t NgProfiler::dummy_thread_flops[NgProfiler::SIZE];
size_t * NgProfiler::thread_flops = NgProfiler::dummy_thread_flops; // NOLINT
std::shared_ptr<Logger> NgProfiler::logger = GetLogger("Profiler"); // NOLINT
NgProfiler :: NgProfiler()
for (auto & t : timers)
t.tottime = 0.0;
t.usedcounter = 0;
t.flops = 0.0;
NgProfiler :: ~NgProfiler()
if (filename.length())
logger->debug( "write profile to file {}", filename );
FILE *prof = fopen(filename.c_str(),"w"); // NOLINT
Print (prof);
fclose(prof); // NOLINT
if (getenv ("NGPROFILE"))
std::string filename = "netgen.prof";
filename += "."+ToString(id);
if (id == 0) logger->info( "write profile to file {}", filename );
FILE *prof = fopen(filename.c_str(),"w"); // NOLINT
Print (prof);
fclose(prof); // NOLINT
void NgProfiler :: Print (FILE * prof)
int i = 0;
for (auto & t : timers)
if (t.count != 0 || t.usedcounter != 0)
fprintf(prof,"job %3i calls %8li, time %6.4f sec",i,t.count,t.tottime); // NOLINT
if(t.flops != 0.0)
fprintf(prof,", MFlops = %6.2f",t.flops / (t.tottime) * 1e-6); // NOLINT
if(t.loads != 0.0)
fprintf(prof,", MLoads = %6.2f",t.loads / (t.tottime) * 1e-6); // NOLINT
if(t.stores != 0.0)
fprintf(prof,", MStores = %6.2f",t.stores / (t.tottime) * 1e-6); // NOLINT
fprintf(prof," %s",t.name.c_str()); // NOLINT
fprintf(prof,"\n"); // NOLINT
int NgProfiler :: CreateTimer (const std::string & name)
static std::mutex createtimer_mutex;
int nr = -1;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(createtimer_mutex);
for (int i = SIZE-1; i > 0; i--)
auto & t = timers[i];
if (!t.usedcounter)
t.usedcounter = 1;
t.name = name;
nr = i;
if (nr > -1) return nr;
static bool first_overflow = true;
if (first_overflow)
first_overflow = false;
NgProfiler::logger->warn("no more timer available, reusing last one");
return 0;
void NgProfiler :: Reset ()
for(auto & t : timers)
t.tottime = 0.0;
t.count = 0;
t.flops = 0.0;
t.loads = 0;
t.stores = 0;
NgProfiler prof; // NOLINT
} // namespace ngcore
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
#include <chrono>
#include <string>
#include "logging.hpp"
#include "paje_trace.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
namespace ngcore
class NgProfiler
/// maximal number of timers
enum { SIZE = 8*1024 };
struct TimerVal
TimerVal() = default;
double tottime = 0.0;
double starttime = 0.0;
double flops = 0.0;
double loads = 0.0;
double stores = 0.0;
long count = 0;
std::string name = "";
int usedcounter = 0;
NGCORE_API static std::vector<TimerVal> timers;
NGCORE_API static TTimePoint * thread_times;
NGCORE_API static TTimePoint * thread_flops;
NGCORE_API static std::shared_ptr<Logger> logger;
NGCORE_API static size_t dummy_thread_times[NgProfiler::SIZE];
NGCORE_API static size_t dummy_thread_flops[NgProfiler::SIZE];
NGCORE_API static std::string filename;
NgProfiler(const NgProfiler &) = delete;
NgProfiler(NgProfiler &&) = delete;
void operator=(const NgProfiler &) = delete;
void operator=(NgProfiler &&) = delete;
static void SetFileName (const std::string & afilename) { filename = afilename; }
/// create new timer, use integer index
NGCORE_API static int CreateTimer (const std::string & name);
NGCORE_API static void Reset ();
/// start timer of index nr
static void StartTimer (int nr)
timers[nr].starttime = WallTime(); timers[nr].count++;
/// stop timer of index nr
static void StopTimer (int nr)
timers[nr].tottime += WallTime()-timers[nr].starttime;
static void StartThreadTimer (size_t nr, size_t tid)
thread_times[tid*SIZE+nr] -= GetTimeCounter(); // NOLINT
static void StopThreadTimer (size_t nr, size_t tid)
thread_times[tid*SIZE+nr] += GetTimeCounter(); // NOLINT
static void AddThreadFlops (size_t nr, size_t tid, size_t flops)
thread_flops[tid*SIZE+nr] += flops; // NOLINT
/// if you know number of flops, provide them to obtain the MFlop - rate
static void AddFlops (int nr, double aflops) { timers[nr].flops += aflops; }
static void AddLoads (int nr, double aloads) { timers[nr].loads += aloads; }
static void AddStores (int nr, double astores) { timers[nr].stores += astores; }
static int GetNr (const std::string & name)
for (int i = SIZE-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (timers[i].name == name)
return i;
return -1;
static double GetTime (int nr)
return timers[nr].tottime;
static double GetTime (const std::string & name)
for (int i = SIZE-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (timers[i].name == name)
return GetTime (i);
return 0;
static long int GetCounts (int nr)
return timers[nr].count;
static double GetFlops (int nr)
return timers[nr].flops;
/// change name
static void SetName (int nr, const std::string & name) { timers[nr].name = name; }
static std::string GetName (int nr) { return timers[nr].name; }
/// print profile
NGCORE_API static void Print (FILE * prof);
class RegionTimer
int nr;
/// start timer
RegionTimer (int anr) : nr(anr) { NgProfiler::StartTimer(nr); }
/// stop timer
~RegionTimer () { NgProfiler::StopTimer(nr); }
RegionTimer() = delete;
RegionTimer(const RegionTimer &) = delete;
RegionTimer(RegionTimer &&) = delete;
void operator=(const RegionTimer &) = delete;
void operator=(RegionTimer &&) = delete;
class NGCORE_API Timer
int timernr;
int priority;
Timer (const std::string & name, int apriority = 1)
: priority(apriority)
timernr = NgProfiler::CreateTimer (name);
void SetName (const std::string & name)
NgProfiler::SetName (timernr, name);
void Start ()
if (priority <= 2)
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timernr);
if (priority <= 1)
if(trace) trace->StartTimer(timernr);
void Stop ()
if (priority <= 2)
NgProfiler::StopTimer (timernr);
if (priority <= 1)
if(trace) trace->StopTimer(timernr);
void AddFlops (double aflops)
if (priority <= 2)
NgProfiler::AddFlops (timernr, aflops);
double GetTime () { return NgProfiler::GetTime(timernr); }
long int GetCounts () { return NgProfiler::GetCounts(timernr); }
double GetMFlops ()
{ return NgProfiler::GetFlops(timernr)
/ NgProfiler::GetTime(timernr) * 1e-6; }
operator int () { return timernr; }
Timer object.
Start / stop timer at constructor / destructor.
class RegionTimer
Timer & timer;
/// start timer
RegionTimer (Timer & atimer) : timer(atimer) { timer.Start(); }
/// stop timer
~RegionTimer () { timer.Stop(); }
RegionTimer() = delete;
RegionTimer(const RegionTimer &) = delete;
RegionTimer(RegionTimer &&) = delete;
void operator=(const RegionTimer &) = delete;
void operator=(RegionTimer &&) = delete;
class ThreadRegionTimer
size_t nr;
size_t tid;
/// start timer
ThreadRegionTimer (size_t _nr, size_t _tid) : nr(_nr), tid(_tid)
{ NgProfiler::StartThreadTimer(nr, tid); }
/// stop timer
~ThreadRegionTimer ()
{ NgProfiler::StopThreadTimer(nr, tid); }
ThreadRegionTimer() = delete;
ThreadRegionTimer(ThreadRegionTimer &&) = delete;
ThreadRegionTimer(const ThreadRegionTimer &) = delete;
void operator=(const ThreadRegionTimer &) = delete;
void operator=(ThreadRegionTimer &&) = delete;
class RegionTracer
int nr;
int thread_id;
static constexpr int ID_JOB = PajeTrace::Task::ID_JOB;
static constexpr int ID_NONE = PajeTrace::Task::ID_NONE;
static constexpr int ID_TIMER = PajeTrace::Task::ID_TIMER;
RegionTracer() = delete;
RegionTracer(RegionTracer &&) = delete;
RegionTracer(const RegionTracer &) = delete;
void operator=(const RegionTracer &) = delete;
void operator=(RegionTracer &&) = delete;
/// start trace
RegionTracer (int athread_id, int region_id, int id_type = ID_NONE, int additional_value = -1 )
: thread_id(athread_id)
if (trace)
nr = trace->StartTask (athread_id, region_id, id_type, additional_value);
/// start trace with timer
RegionTracer (int athread_id, Timer & timer, int additional_value = -1 )
: thread_id(athread_id)
if (trace)
nr = trace->StartTask (athread_id, static_cast<int>(timer), ID_TIMER, additional_value);
/// set user defined value
void SetValue( int additional_value )
if (trace)
trace->SetTask( thread_id, nr, additional_value );
/// stop trace
~RegionTracer ()
if (trace)
trace->StopTask (thread_id, nr);
// Helper function for timings
// Run f() at least min_iterations times until max_time seconds elapsed
// returns minimum runtime for a call of f()
template<typename TFunc>
double RunTiming( TFunc f, double max_time = 0.5, int min_iterations = 10 )
// Make sure the whole test run does not exceed maxtime
double tend = WallTime()+max_time;
// warmup
double tres = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
int iteration = 0;
while(WallTime()<tend || iteration++ < min_iterations)
double t = -WallTime();
t += WallTime();
tres = std::min(tres, t);
return tres;
} // namespace ngcore
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include "logging.hpp"
namespace py = pybind11;
using namespace ngcore;
PYBIND11_MODULE(pyngcore, m) // NOLINT
py::enum_<level::level_enum>(m, "LOG_LEVEL", "Logging level")
.value("Trace", level::trace)
.value("Debug", level::debug)
.value("Info", level::info)
.value("Warn", level::warn)
.value("Error", level::err)
.value("Critical", level::critical)
.value("Off", level::off);
m.def("SetLoggingLevel", &SetLoggingLevel, py::arg("level"), py::arg("logger")="",
"Set logging level, if name is given only to the specific logger, else set the global logging level");
m.def("AddFileSink", &AddFileSink, py::arg("filename"), py::arg("level"), py::arg("logger")="",
"Add File sink, either only to logger specified or globally to all loggers");
m.def("AddConsoleSink", &AddConsoleSink, py::arg("level"), py::arg("logger")="",
"Add console output for specific logger or all if none given");
m.def("ClearLoggingSinks", &ClearLoggingSinks, py::arg("logger")="",
"Clear sinks of specific logger, or all if none given");
m.def("FlushOnLoggingLevel", &FlushOnLoggingLevel, py::arg("level"), py::arg("logger")="",
"Flush every message with level at least `level` for specific logger or all loggers if none given.");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "archive.hpp"
#include "exception.hpp"
#include "ngcore_api.hpp"
namespace ngcore
A symbol table.
The symboltable provides a mapping from string identifiers
to the generic type T. The strings are copied.
Complexity by name access is linear, by index is constant.
template <class T>
class SymbolTable
std::vector<std::string> names;
std::vector<T> data;
using value_type = T;
using reference = typename std::vector<T>::reference;
using const_reference = typename std::vector<T>::const_reference;
/// Creates a symboltable
SymbolTable () = default;
SymbolTable (const SymbolTable<T> &) = default;
SymbolTable (SymbolTable<T> &&) noexcept = default;
~SymbolTable() = default;
SymbolTable& operator=(const SymbolTable<T>&) = default;
SymbolTable& operator=(SymbolTable<T>&&) = default;
template<typename T2=T>
auto DoArchive(Archive& ar) -> typename std::enable_if<is_archivable<T2>, void>::type
ar & names & data;
/// INDEX of symbol name, throws exception if unused
size_t Index (const std::string & name) const
for (size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); i++)
if (names[i] == name) return i;
throw RangeException("SymbolTable", name);
/// Index of symbol name, returns -1 if unused
int CheckIndex (const std::string & name) const
for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++)
if (names[i] == name) return i;
return -1;
/// number of identifiers
size_t Size() const
return data.size();
/// Returns reference to element. exception for unused identifier
reference operator[] (const std::string & name)
return data[Index (name)];
const_reference operator[] (const std::string & name) const
return data[Index (name)];
/// Returns reference to i-th element, range check only in debug build
reference operator[] (size_t i)
NETGEN_CHECK_RANGE(i, 0, data.size());
return data[i];
/// Returns const reference to i-th element, range check only in debug build
const_reference operator[] (size_t i) const
NETGEN_CHECK_RANGE(i, 0, data.size());
return data[i];
/// Returns name of i-th element, range check only in debug build
const std::string & GetName (size_t i) const
NETGEN_CHECK_RANGE(i, 0, names.size());
return names[i];
/// Associates el to the string name, overrides if name is used
void Set (const std::string & name, const T & el)
int i = CheckIndex (name);
if (i >= 0)
data[i] = el;
bool Used (const std::string & name) const
return CheckIndex(name) >= 0;
/// Deletes symboltable
inline void DeleteAll ()
// Adds all elements from other symboltable
SymbolTable<T>& Update(const SymbolTable<T>& tbl2)
for (size_t i = 0; i < tbl2.Size(); i++)
Set (tbl2.GetName(i), tbl2[i]);
return *this;
template <typename T>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream & ost, const SymbolTable<T> & st)
for (int i = 0; i < st.Size(); i++)
ost << st.GetName(i) << " : " << st[i] << std::endl;
return ost;
} // namespace ngcore
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#include "utils.hpp"
#include "logging.hpp"
#ifndef WIN32
#include <cxxabi.h>
#include <iostream>
namespace ngcore
// parallel netgen
int id = 0, ntasks = 1;
#ifdef WIN32
// windows does demangling in typeid(T).name()
NGCORE_API std::string Demangle(const char* typeinfo) { return typeinfo; }
NGCORE_API std::string Demangle(const char* typeinfo) { int status; return abi::__cxa_demangle(typeinfo,
&status); }
double ticks_per_second = [] () noexcept
auto tick_start = GetTimeCounter();
double tstart = WallTime();
double tend = WallTime()+0.001;
// wait for 1ms and compare wall time with time counter
auto tick_end = GetTimeCounter();
tend = WallTime();
return (tick_end-tick_start)/(tend-tstart);
const std::chrono::time_point<TClock> wall_time_start = TClock::now();
} // namespace ngcore
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
#include <chrono>
#include <map>
#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <intrin.h> // for __rdtsc() CPU time step counter
#include <x86intrin.h> // for __rdtsc() CPU time step counter
#endif // WIN32
#include "ngcore_api.hpp" // for NGCORE_API
namespace ngcore
// MPI rank, nranks TODO: Rename
extern NGCORE_API int id, ntasks;
NGCORE_API std::string Demangle(const char* typeinfo);
#if defined(__GNUC__)
inline bool likely (bool x) { return bool(__builtin_expect(long(x), 1L)); }
inline bool unlikely (bool x) { return bool(__builtin_expect(long(x), 0L)); }
inline bool likely (bool x) { return x; }
inline bool unlikely (bool x) { return x; }
using TClock = std::chrono::system_clock;
extern NGCORE_API const std::chrono::time_point<TClock> wall_time_start;
// Time in seconds since program start
inline double WallTime () noexcept
std::chrono::time_point<TClock> now = TClock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed_seconds = now-wall_time_start;
return elapsed_seconds.count();
// High precision clock counter register
using TTimePoint = size_t;
extern NGCORE_API double ticks_per_second;
inline TTimePoint GetTimeCounter() noexcept
return TTimePoint(__rdtsc());
template <class T>
inline std::string ToString (const T& t)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << t;
return ss.str();
template<typename T1, typename T2>
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& ost, const std::map<T1,T2>& map)
for(auto& val : map)
ost << "\n" << val.first << ": " << val.second;
return ost;
} // namespace ngcore
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
@ -83,6 +84,11 @@ namespace ngcore
bool operator <=(const VersionInfo& other) const { return !((*this) > other); }
bool operator >=(const VersionInfo& other) const { return !((*this) < other); }
inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& ost, const VersionInfo& version)
return ost << version.to_string();
} // namespace ngcore
@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ if(APPLE)
set_target_properties( csg PROPERTIES SUFFIX ".so")
if(NOT WIN32)
target_link_libraries(csg mesh ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries(csg ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES})
install( TARGETS csg ${NG_INSTALL_DIR})
endif(NOT WIN32)
target_link_libraries(csg PUBLIC mesh ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES})
install( TARGETS csg ${NG_INSTALL_DIR})
target_link_libraries(csg PUBLIC ngcore)
add_library(csgvis ${NG_LIB_TYPE} vscsg.cpp )
@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ namespace netgen
const Surface * CSGeometry :: GetSurface (const char * name) const
if (surfaces.Used(name))
return surfaces.Get(name);
return surfaces[name];
return NULL;
@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ namespace netgen
Solid * oldsol = NULL;
if (solids.Used (name))
oldsol = solids.Get(name);
oldsol = solids[name];
solids.Set (name, sol);
sol->SetName (name);
@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ namespace netgen
const Solid * CSGeometry :: GetSolid (const char * name) const
if (solids.Used(name))
return solids.Get(name);
return solids[name];
return NULL;
@ -616,8 +616,8 @@ namespace netgen
const Solid * CSGeometry :: GetSolid (const string & name) const
if (solids.Used(name.c_str()))
return solids.Get(name.c_str());
if (solids.Used(name))
return solids[name];
return NULL;
@ -637,15 +637,15 @@ namespace netgen
const SplineGeometry<2> * CSGeometry :: GetSplineCurve2d (const string & name) const
if (splinecurves2d.Used(name.c_str()))
return splinecurves2d.Get(name.c_str());
if (splinecurves2d.Used(name))
return splinecurves2d[name];
return NULL;
const SplineGeometry<3> * CSGeometry :: GetSplineCurve3d (const string & name) const
if (splinecurves3d.Used(name.c_str()))
return splinecurves3d.Get(name.c_str());
if (splinecurves3d.Used(name))
return splinecurves3d[name];
return NULL;
@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ namespace netgen
void CSGeometry :: SetFlags (const char * solidname, const Flags & flags)
Solid * solid = solids.Elem(solidname);
Solid * solid = solids[solidname];
Array<int> surfind;
int i;
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ namespace netgen
/// all surfaces
SYMBOLTABLE<Surface*> surfaces;
SymbolTable<Surface*> surfaces;
/// primitive of surface
@ -112,12 +112,12 @@ namespace netgen
Array<Surface*> delete_them;
/// all named solids
SYMBOLTABLE<Solid*> solids;
SymbolTable<Solid*> solids;
/// all 2d splinecurves
SYMBOLTABLE< SplineGeometry<2>* > splinecurves2d;
SymbolTable< SplineGeometry<2>* > splinecurves2d;
/// all 3d splinecurves
SYMBOLTABLE< SplineGeometry<3>* > splinecurves3d;
SymbolTable< SplineGeometry<3>* > splinecurves3d;
/// all top level objects: solids and surfaces
Array<TopLevelObject*> toplevelobjects;
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ namespace netgen
const Solid * GetSolid (const string & name) const;
int GetNSolids () const { return solids.Size(); }
const Solid * GetSolid (int i) const { return solids[i]; }
const SYMBOLTABLE<Solid*> & GetSolids () const { return solids; }
const SymbolTable<Solid*> & GetSolids () const { return solids; }
void SetSplineCurve (const char * name, SplineGeometry<2> * spl);
@ -469,6 +469,17 @@ However, when r = 0, the top part becomes a point(tip) and meshing fails!
.def("SingularFace", [] (CSGeometry & self, shared_ptr<SPSolid> sol, shared_ptr<SPSolid> surfaces, double factor)
int tlonum = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < self.GetNTopLevelObjects(); i++)
if (self.GetTopLevelObject(i)->GetSolid() == sol->GetSolid())
tlonum = i;
if (tlonum == -1) throw NgException("not a top-level-object");
if (!surfaces) surfaces = sol;
auto singface = new SingularFace(tlonum+1, surfaces->GetSolid(), factor);
}, py::arg("solid"), py::arg("surfaces")=nullptr, py::arg("factor")=0.25)
.def("SingularEdge", [] (CSGeometry & self, shared_ptr<SPSolid> s1,shared_ptr<SPSolid> s2, double factor)
auto singedge = new SingularEdge(1, -1, self, s1->GetSolid(), s2->GetSolid(), factor);
@ -419,9 +419,9 @@ namespace netgen
static Solid * CreateSolidExpr (istream & ist, const SYMBOLTABLE<Solid*> & solids);
static Solid * CreateSolidTerm (istream & ist, const SYMBOLTABLE<Solid*> & solids);
static Solid * CreateSolidPrim (istream & ist, const SYMBOLTABLE<Solid*> & solids);
static Solid * CreateSolidExpr (istream & ist, const SymbolTable<Solid*> & solids);
static Solid * CreateSolidTerm (istream & ist, const SymbolTable<Solid*> & solids);
static Solid * CreateSolidPrim (istream & ist, const SymbolTable<Solid*> & solids);
static void ReadString (istream & ist, char * str)
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ namespace netgen
Solid * CreateSolidExpr (istream & ist, const SYMBOLTABLE<Solid*> & solids)
Solid * CreateSolidExpr (istream & ist, const SymbolTable<Solid*> & solids)
// cout << "create expr" << endl;
@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ namespace netgen
return s1;
Solid * CreateSolidTerm (istream & ist, const SYMBOLTABLE<Solid*> & solids)
Solid * CreateSolidTerm (istream & ist, const SymbolTable<Solid*> & solids)
// cout << "create term" << endl;
@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ namespace netgen
return s1;
Solid * CreateSolidPrim (istream & ist, const SYMBOLTABLE<Solid*> & solids)
Solid * CreateSolidPrim (istream & ist, const SymbolTable<Solid*> & solids)
Solid * s1;
char ch;
@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ namespace netgen
(*testout) << "get terminal " << str << endl;
s1 = solids.Get(str);
s1 = solids[str];
if (s1)
// cout << "primitive: " << str << endl;
@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ namespace netgen
Solid * Solid :: CreateSolid (istream & ist, const SYMBOLTABLE<Solid*> & solids)
Solid * Solid :: CreateSolid (istream & ist, const SymbolTable<Solid*> & solids)
Solid * nsol = CreateSolidExpr (ist, solids);
nsol = new Solid (ROOT, nsol);
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ namespace netgen
{ return maxh; }
void GetSolidData (ostream & ost, int first = 1) const;
static Solid * CreateSolid (istream & ist, const SYMBOLTABLE<Solid*> & solids);
static Solid * CreateSolid (istream & ist, const SymbolTable<Solid*> & solids);
static BlockAllocator ball;
@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
add_library(gen OBJECT
array.cpp bitarray.cpp dynamicmem.cpp flags.cpp
hashtabl.cpp mystring.cpp ngexception.cpp optmem.cpp parthreads.cpp
profiler.cpp seti.cpp sort.cpp spbita2d.cpp symbolta.cpp table.cpp
mpi_interface.cpp gzstream.cpp
add_library(gen INTERFACE)
target_sources(gen INTERFACE
${sdir}/array.cpp ${sdir}/bitarray.cpp ${sdir}/dynamicmem.cpp ${sdir}/flags.cpp
${sdir}/hashtabl.cpp ${sdir}/mystring.cpp ${sdir}/optmem.cpp ${sdir}/parthreads.cpp
${sdir}/seti.cpp ${sdir}/sort.cpp ${sdir}/spbita2d.cpp ${sdir}/table.cpp
${sdir}/mpi_interface.cpp ${sdir}/gzstream.cpp
install( FILES ngexception.hpp DESTINATION ${NG_INSTALL_DIR_INCLUDE} COMPONENT netgen_devel )
array.hpp autodiff.hpp autoptr.hpp bitarray.hpp
dynamicmem.hpp flags.hpp hashtabl.hpp mpi_interface.hpp myadt.hpp
ngsimd.hpp mystring.hpp netgenout.hpp ngexception.hpp ngpython.hpp
optmem.hpp parthreads.hpp profiler.hpp seti.hpp sort.hpp
spbita2d.hpp stack.hpp symbolta.hpp table.hpp template.hpp
ngsimd.hpp mystring.hpp netgenout.hpp ngpython.hpp
optmem.hpp parthreads.hpp seti.hpp sort.hpp
spbita2d.hpp stack.hpp table.hpp template.hpp
@ -243,10 +243,11 @@ namespace netgen
explicit Array(size_t asize)
: FlatArray<T, BASE, TIND> (asize, new T[asize])
: FlatArray<T, BASE, TIND> (asize, asize ? new T[asize] : nullptr)
allocsize = asize;
ownmem = 1;
allocsize = asize;
ownmem = 1;
/// Generate array in user data
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ namespace netgen
Flags :: GetStringFlag (const char * name, const char * def) const
if (strflags.Used (name))
return strflags.Get(name);
return strflags[name];
return def;
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ namespace netgen
double Flags :: GetNumFlag (const char * name, double def) const
if (numflags.Used (name))
return numflags.Get(name);
return numflags[name];
return def;
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ namespace netgen
const double * Flags :: GetNumFlagPtr (const char * name) const
if (numflags.Used (name))
return & ((SYMBOLTABLE<double>&)numflags).Elem(name);
return & ((SymbolTable<double>&)numflags)[name];
return NULL;
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ namespace netgen
double * Flags :: GetNumFlagPtr (const char * name)
if (numflags.Used (name))
return & ((SYMBOLTABLE<double>&)numflags).Elem(name);
return & ((SymbolTable<double>&)numflags)[name];
return NULL;
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ namespace netgen
Flags :: GetStringListFlag (const char * name) const
if (strlistflags.Used (name))
return *strlistflags.Get(name);
return *strlistflags[name];
static Array<char*> dummy_array(0);
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ namespace netgen
Flags ::GetNumListFlag (const char * name) const
if (numlistflags.Used (name))
return *numlistflags.Get(name);
return *numlistflags[name];
static Array<double> dummy_array(0);
@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ namespace netgen
ofstream outfile (filename);
for (i = 1; i <= strflags.Size(); i++)
outfile << strflags.GetName(i) << " = " << strflags.Get(i) << endl;
outfile << strflags.GetName(i) << " = " << strflags[i] << endl;
for (i = 1; i <= numflags.Size(); i++)
outfile << numflags.GetName(i) << " = " << numflags.Get(i) << endl;
outfile << numflags.GetName(i) << " = " << numflags[i] << endl;
for (i = 1; i <= defflags.Size(); i++)
outfile << defflags.GetName(i) << endl;
@ -184,9 +184,9 @@ namespace netgen
int i;
for (i = 1; i <= strflags.Size(); i++)
ost << strflags.GetName(i) << " = " << strflags.Get(i) << endl;
ost << strflags.GetName(i) << " = " << strflags[i] << endl;
for (i = 1; i <= numflags.Size(); i++)
ost << numflags.GetName(i) << " = " << numflags.Get(i) << endl;
ost << numflags.GetName(i) << " = " << numflags[i] << endl;
for (i = 1; i <= defflags.Size(); i++)
ost << defflags.GetName(i) << endl;
@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ namespace netgen
class Flags
SYMBOLTABLE<char *> strflags;
SymbolTable<char *> strflags;
SYMBOLTABLE<double> numflags;
SymbolTable<double> numflags;
SYMBOLTABLE<int> defflags;
SymbolTable<int> defflags;
SYMBOLTABLE<Array<char*>*> strlistflags;
SymbolTable<Array<char*>*> strlistflags;
SYMBOLTABLE<Array<double>*> numlistflags;
SymbolTable<Array<double>*> numlistflags;
DLL_HEADER Flags ();
@ -14,101 +14,172 @@
namespace netgen
using ngcore::id;
using ngcore::ntasks;
extern DLL_HEADER int id, ntasks;
#ifndef PARALLEL
/** without MPI, we need a dummy typedef **/
typedef int MPI_Comm;
/** This is the "standard" communicator that will be used for netgen-objects. **/
extern DLL_HEADER MPI_Comm ng_comm;
inline int MyMPI_GetNTasks (MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm)
int ntasks;
MPI_Comm_size(comm, &ntasks);
return ntasks;
inline int MyMPI_GetId (MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm)
int id;
MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &id);
return id;
enum { MPI_COMM_WORLD = 12345, MPI_COMM_NULL = 0};
inline int MyMPI_GetNTasks (MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm) { return 1; }
inline int MyMPI_GetId (MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm) { return 0; }
// For python wrapping of communicators
struct PyMPI_Comm {
MPI_Comm comm;
bool owns_comm;
PyMPI_Comm (MPI_Comm _comm, bool _owns_comm = false) : comm(_comm), owns_comm(_owns_comm) { }
PyMPI_Comm (const PyMPI_Comm & c) = delete;
~PyMPI_Comm () {
if (owns_comm)
inline int Rank() const { return MyMPI_GetId(comm); }
inline int Size() const { return MyMPI_GetNTasks(comm); }
// dummy without MPI
struct PyMPI_Comm {
MPI_Comm comm = 0;
PyMPI_Comm (MPI_Comm _comm, bool _owns_comm = false) { }
~PyMPI_Comm () { }
inline int Rank() const { return 0; }
inline int Size() const { return 1; }
template <class T>
inline MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType ( )
{ cerr << "ERROR in GetMPIType() -- no type found" << endl;return 0; }
template <>
inline MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType<int> ( )
{ return MPI_INT; }
template <>
inline MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType<double> ( )
{ return MPI_DOUBLE; }
template <>
inline MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType<char> ( )
{ return MPI_CHAR; }
inline MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType<size_t> ( )
{ return MPI_UINT64_T; }
typedef int MPI_Datatype;
template <class T> inline MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType ( ) { return 0; }
inline MPI_Comm MyMPI_SubCommunicator(MPI_Comm comm, Array<int> & procs)
MPI_Comm subcomm;
MPI_Group gcomm, gsubcomm;
MPI_Comm_group(comm, &gcomm);
MPI_Group_incl(gcomm, procs.Size(), &(procs[0]), &gsubcomm);
MPI_Comm_create_group(comm, gsubcomm, 6969, &subcomm);
return subcomm;
inline MPI_Comm MyMPI_SubCommunicator(MPI_Comm comm, Array<int> & procs)
{ return comm; }
enum { MPI_TAG_CMD = 110 };
enum { MPI_TAG_MESH = 210 };
enum { MPI_TAG_VIS = 310 };
extern MPI_Comm mesh_comm;
template <class T>
MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType ( )
{ cerr << "ERROR in GetMPIType() -- no type found" << endl;return 0; }
template <>
inline MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType<int> ( )
{ return MPI_INT; }
template <>
inline MPI_Datatype MyGetMPIType<double> ( )
{ return MPI_DOUBLE; }
inline void MyMPI_Send (int i, int dest, int tag)
inline void MyMPI_Send (int i, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm)
int hi = i;
MPI_Send( &hi, 1, MPI_INT, dest, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Send( &hi, 1, MPI_INT, dest, tag, comm);
inline void MyMPI_Recv (int & i, int src, int tag)
inline void MyMPI_Recv (int & i, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm)
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Recv( &i, 1, MPI_INT, src, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Recv( &i, 1, MPI_INT, src, tag, comm, &status);
inline void MyMPI_Send (const string & s, int dest, int tag)
inline void MyMPI_Send (const string & s, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm)
MPI_Send( const_cast<char*> (s.c_str()), s.length(), MPI_CHAR, dest, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Send( const_cast<char*> (s.c_str()), s.length(), MPI_CHAR, dest, tag, comm);
inline void MyMPI_Recv (string & s, int src, int tag)
inline void MyMPI_Recv (string & s, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm)
MPI_Status status;
int len;
MPI_Probe (src, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Get_count (&status, MPI_CHAR, &len);
s.assign (len, ' ');
MPI_Recv( &s[0], len, MPI_CHAR, src, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Recv( &s[0], len, MPI_CHAR, src, tag, comm, &status);
template <class T, int BASE>
inline void MyMPI_Send (FlatArray<T, BASE> s, int dest, int tag)
inline void MyMPI_Send (FlatArray<T, BASE> s, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm)
MPI_Send( &s.First(), s.Size(), MyGetMPIType<T>(), dest, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Send( &s.First(), s.Size(), MyGetMPIType<T>(), dest, tag, comm);
template <class T, int BASE>
inline void MyMPI_Recv ( FlatArray<T, BASE> s, int src, int tag)
inline void MyMPI_Recv ( FlatArray<T, BASE> s, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm)
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Recv( &s.First(), s.Size(), MyGetMPIType<T>(), src, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Recv( &s.First(), s.Size(), MyGetMPIType<T>(), src, tag, comm, &status);
template <class T, int BASE>
inline void MyMPI_Recv ( Array <T, BASE> & s, int src, int tag)
inline void MyMPI_Recv ( Array <T, BASE> & s, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm)
MPI_Status status;
int len;
MPI_Probe (src, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Probe (src, tag, comm, &status);
MPI_Get_count (&status, MyGetMPIType<T>(), &len);
s.SetSize (len);
MPI_Recv( &s.First(), len, MyGetMPIType<T>(), src, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Recv( &s.First(), len, MyGetMPIType<T>(), src, tag, comm, &status);
template <class T, int BASE>
inline int MyMPI_Recv ( Array <T, BASE> & s, int tag)
inline int MyMPI_Recv ( Array <T, BASE> & s, int tag, MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm)
MPI_Status status;
int len;
MPI_Probe (MPI_ANY_SOURCE, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Probe (MPI_ANY_SOURCE, tag, comm, &status);
int src = status.MPI_SOURCE;
MPI_Get_count (&status, MyGetMPIType<T>(), &len);
s.SetSize (len);
MPI_Recv( &s.First(), len, MyGetMPIType<T>(), src, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Recv( &s.First(), len, MyGetMPIType<T>(), src, tag, comm, &status);
return src;
@ -130,7 +201,7 @@ namespace netgen
template <class T, int BASE>
inline MPI_Request MyMPI_ISend (FlatArray<T, BASE> s, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD)
inline MPI_Request MyMPI_ISend (FlatArray<T, BASE> s, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm)
MPI_Request request;
MPI_Isend( &s.First(), s.Size(), MyGetMPIType<T>(), dest, tag, comm, &request);
@ -139,7 +210,7 @@ namespace netgen
template <class T, int BASE>
inline MPI_Request MyMPI_IRecv (FlatArray<T, BASE> s, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD)
inline MPI_Request MyMPI_IRecv (FlatArray<T, BASE> s, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm)
MPI_Request request;
MPI_Irecv( &s.First(), s.Size(), MyGetMPIType<T>(), dest, tag, comm, &request);
@ -204,11 +275,10 @@ namespace netgen
template <typename T>
inline void MyMPI_ExchangeTable (TABLE<T> & send_data,
TABLE<T> & recv_data, int tag,
MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm)
int ntasks, rank;
MPI_Comm_size(comm, &ntasks);
MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
int rank = MyMPI_GetId(comm);
int ntasks = MyMPI_GetNTasks(comm);
Array<int> send_sizes(ntasks);
Array<int> recv_sizes(ntasks);
@ -252,22 +322,22 @@ namespace netgen
template <class T>
inline void MyMPI_Bcast (T & s, MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD)
inline void MyMPI_Bcast (T & s, MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm)
MPI_Bcast (&s, 1, MyGetMPIType<T>(), 0, comm);
template <class T>
inline void MyMPI_Bcast (Array<T, 0> & s, MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD)
inline void MyMPI_Bcast (Array<T, 0> & s, MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm)
int size = s.Size();
MyMPI_Bcast (size, comm);
if (id != 0) s.SetSize (size);
if (MyMPI_GetId(comm) != 0) s.SetSize (size);
MPI_Bcast (&s[0], size, MyGetMPIType<T>(), 0, comm);
template <class T>
inline void MyMPI_Bcast (Array<T, 0> & s, int root, MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD)
inline void MyMPI_Bcast (Array<T, 0> & s, int root, MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm)
int id;
MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &id);
@ -280,19 +350,19 @@ namespace netgen
template <class T, class T2>
inline void MyMPI_Allgather (const T & send, FlatArray<T2> recv, MPI_Comm comm)
inline void MyMPI_Allgather (const T & send, FlatArray<T2> recv, MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm)
MPI_Allgather( const_cast<T*> (&send), 1, MyGetMPIType<T>(), &recv[0], 1, MyGetMPIType<T2>(), comm);
template <class T, class T2>
inline void MyMPI_Alltoall (FlatArray<T> send, FlatArray<T2> recv, MPI_Comm comm)
inline void MyMPI_Alltoall (FlatArray<T> send, FlatArray<T2> recv, MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm)
MPI_Alltoall( &send[0], 1, MyGetMPIType<T>(), &recv[0], 1, MyGetMPIType<T2>(), comm);
// template <class T, class T2>
// inline void MyMPI_Alltoall_Block (FlatArray<T> send, FlatArray<T2> recv, int blocklen, MPI_Comm comm)
// inline void MyMPI_Alltoall_Block (FlatArray<T> send, FlatArray<T2> recv, int blocklen, MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm)
// {
// MPI_Alltoall( &send[0], blocklen, MyGetMPIType<T>(), &recv[0], blocklen, MyGetMPIType<T2>(), comm);
// }
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
namespace netgen
using namespace ngcore;
using NgException = Exception;
#include "ngexception.hpp"
#include "parthreads.hpp"
// #include "moveablemem.hpp"
#include "dynamicmem.hpp"
@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ namespace netgen
#include "hashtabl.hpp"
#include "symbolta.hpp"
#include "bitarray.hpp"
#include "flags.hpp"
#include "spbita2d.hpp"
@ -44,7 +43,6 @@ namespace netgen
#include "sort.hpp"
#include "stack.hpp"
#include "mystring.hpp"
#include "profiler.hpp"
#include "mpi_interface.hpp"
#include "netgenout.hpp"
@ -4,14 +4,11 @@
// #include <ostream>
// #include <mystdlib.h>
// #include <meshing.hpp>
#include "mpi_interface.hpp"
namespace netgen
extern int id;
extern int ntasks;
DLL_HEADER extern int printmessage_importance;
DLL_HEADER extern int printdots;
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
/* File: ngexception.cpp */
/* Author: Joachim Schoeberl */
/* Date: 16. Jan. 02 */
#include <myadt.hpp>
namespace netgen
//using namespace netgen;
NgException :: NgException (const string & s)
: m_what(s)
NgException :: ~NgException ()
/// append string to description
void NgException :: Append (const string & s)
m_what += s;
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
/* File: ngexception.hpp */
/* Author: Joachim Schoeberl */
/* Date: 16. Jan. 2002 */
namespace netgen
/// Base class for all ng exceptions
class NgException : public std::exception
/// verbal description of exception
string m_what;
DLL_HEADER NgException (const string & s);
DLL_HEADER virtual ~NgException ();
/// append string to description
DLL_HEADER void Append (const string & s);
// void Append (const char * s);
/// verbal description of exception
const string & What() const { return m_what; }
virtual const char* what() const noexcept override { return m_what.c_str(); }
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/operators.h>
#include <pybind11/numpy.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
namespace py = pybind11;
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
@ -66,16 +67,7 @@ namespace netgen
return static_cast<typename function_traits<Function>::pointer>(lambda);
template <class T>
inline std::string ToString (const T& t)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << t;
return ss.str();
} // namespace netgen
@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
/* File: profiler.cpp */
/* Author: Joachim Schoeberl */
/* Date: 19. Apr. 2002 */
#include <myadt.hpp>
namespace netgen
//using namespace netgen;
long int NgProfiler::tottimes[SIZE];
long int NgProfiler::starttimes[SIZE];
long int NgProfiler::counts[SIZE];
string NgProfiler::names[SIZE];
int NgProfiler::usedcounter[SIZE];
NgProfiler :: NgProfiler()
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
tottimes[i] = 0;
usedcounter[i] = 0;
total_timer = CreateTimer ("total CPU time");
StartTimer (total_timer);
NgProfiler :: ~NgProfiler()
#ifndef PARALLEL
StopTimer (total_timer);
//ofstream prof;
// ofstream-constructor may be called after STL-stuff is destructed,
// which leads to an "order of destruction"-problem,
// thus we use the C-variant:
if (getenv ("NGPROFILE"))
char filename[100];
sprintf (filename, "netgen.prof.%d", id);
sprintf (filename, "netgen.prof");
if (id == 0) printf ("write profile to file netgen.prof\n");
FILE *prof = fopen(filename,"w");
Print (prof);
// void NgProfiler :: Print (ostream & prof)
// {
// for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
// if (counts[i] != 0 || usedcounter[i] != 0)
// {
// prof.setf (ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
// prof.setf (ios::showpoint);
// prof // << "job " << setw(3) << i
// << "calls " << setw(8) << counts[i]
// << ", time " << setprecision(2) << setw(6) << double(tottimes[i]) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " sec";
// if (usedcounter[i])
// prof << " " << names[i];
// else
// prof << " " << i;
// prof << endl;
// }
// }
void NgProfiler :: Print (FILE * prof)
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
if (counts[i] != 0 || usedcounter[i] != 0)
//fprintf(prof,"job %3i calls %8i, time %6.2f sec",i,counts[i],double(tottimes[i]) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
#ifndef USE_TSC
fprintf(prof,"calls %8li, time %6.2f sec",counts[i],double(tottimes[i]) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
fprintf(prof,"calls %8li, time %6.2f sec",counts[i],double(tottimes[i]) / 2.7e9);
fprintf(prof," %s",names[i].c_str());
fprintf(prof," %i",i);
int NgProfiler :: CreateTimer (const string & name)
for (int i = SIZE-1; i > 0; i--)
if(names[i] == name)
return i;
for (int i = SIZE-1; i > 0; i--)
if (!usedcounter[i])
usedcounter[i] = 1;
names[i] = name;
return i;
return -1;
void NgProfiler :: ClearTimers ()
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
tottimes[i] = 0;
counts[i] = 0;
NgProfiler prof;
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
/* File: profiler.hpp */
/* Author: Joachim Schoeberl */
/* Date: 5. Jan. 2005 */
#ifdef VTRACE
#include "vt_user.h"
#define VT_USER_START(n)
#define VT_USER_END(n)
#define VT_TRACER(n)
// #define USE_TSC
#ifdef USE_TSC
#include <x86intrin.h> // for __rdtsc() CPU time step counter
namespace netgen
class NgProfiler
enum { SIZE = 1000 };
static long int tottimes[SIZE];
static long int starttimes[SIZE];
static long int counts[SIZE];
static string names[SIZE];
static int usedcounter[SIZE];
int total_timer;
static int CreateTimer (const string & name);
#ifndef USE_TSC
static void StartTimer (int nr)
starttimes[nr] = clock(); counts[nr]++;
// VT_USER_START (const_cast<char*> (names[nr].c_str()));
VT_USER_START ( (char * const) (names[nr].c_str()));
static void StopTimer (int nr)
tottimes[nr] += clock()-starttimes[nr];
VT_USER_END (const_cast<char*> (names[nr].c_str()));
static void StartTimer (int nr)
starttimes[nr] = __rdtsc(); counts[nr]++;
// VT_USER_START (const_cast<char*> (names[nr].c_str()));
// VT_USER_START ( (char * const) (names[nr].c_str()));
static void StopTimer (int nr)
tottimes[nr] += __rdtsc()-starttimes[nr];
VT_USER_END (const_cast<char*> (names[nr].c_str()));
//static void Print (ostream & ost);
static void Print (FILE * prof);
static void ClearTimers ();
class RegionTimer
int nr;
RegionTimer (int anr) : nr(anr)
{ StartTimer (nr); }
~RegionTimer () { StopTimer (nr); }
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
/* File: symbolta.cc */
/* Author: Joachim Schoeberl */
/* Date: 01. Jun. 95 */
Abstract data type Symbol Table
#include <mystdlib.h>
#include <myadt.hpp>
// necessary for SGI ????
namespace netgen
//using namespace netgen;
void BASE_SYMBOLTABLE :: DelNames()
for (int i = 0; i < names.Size(); i++)
delete [] names[i];
names.SetSize (0);
int BASE_SYMBOLTABLE :: Index (const char * name) const
if (!name) return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < names.Size(); i++)
if (strcmp (names[i], name) == 0) return i+1;
return 0;
@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
/* File: symbolta.hh */
/* Author: Joachim Schoeberl */
/* Date: 01. Jun. 95 */
namespace netgen
Base class for the generic SYMBOLTABLE.
An array of identifiers is maintained.
/// identifiers
Array <char*> names;
/// Constructor
void DelNames ();
/// Index of symbol name, returns 0 if not used.
int Index (const char * name) const;
Abstract data type Symbol Table.
To a string an value of the generic type T is associated.
The string is not copied into the symbol table class!
template <class T>
/// Associated data
Array <T> data;
/// Creates a symboltable
inline SYMBOLTABLE ();
/// Returns size of symboltable
inline INDEX Size() const;
/// Returns reference to element, error if not used
inline T & Elem (const char * name);
/// Returns reference to i-th element
inline T & Elem (int i)
{ return data.Elem(i); }
/// Returns element, error if not used
inline const T & Get (const char * name) const;
/// Returns i-th element
inline const T & Get (int i) const;
/// Returns name of i-th element
inline const char* GetName (int i) const;
/// Associates el to the string name, overrides if name is used
inline void Set (const char * name, const T & el);
/// Checks whether name is used
inline bool Used (const char * name) const;
/// Deletes symboltable
inline void DeleteAll ();
void DoArchive(Archive& archive) { archive & names & data;}
inline T & operator[] (int i)
{ return data[i]; }
inline const T & operator[] (int i) const
{ return data[i]; }
/// Prevents from copying symboltable by pointer assignment
template <class T>
template <class T>
inline INDEX SYMBOLTABLE<T> :: Size() const
return data.Size();
template <class T>
inline T & SYMBOLTABLE<T> :: Elem (const char * name)
int i = Index (name);
if (i)
return data.Elem (i);
return data.Elem(1);
template <class T>
inline const T & SYMBOLTABLE<T> :: Get (const char * name) const
int i;
i = Index (name);
if (i)
return data.Get(i);
return data.Get(1);
template <class T>
inline const T & SYMBOLTABLE<T> :: Get (int i) const
return data.Get(i);
template <class T>
inline const char* SYMBOLTABLE<T> :: GetName (int i) const
return names.Get(i);
template <class T>
inline void SYMBOLTABLE<T> :: Set (const char * name, const T & el)
int i;
i = Index (name);
if (i)
data.Set(i, el);
data.Append (el);
char * hname = new char [strlen (name) + 1];
strcpy (hname, name);
names.Append (hname);
template <class T>
inline bool SYMBOLTABLE<T> :: Used (const char * name) const
return (Index(name)) ? true : false;
template <class T>
inline void SYMBOLTABLE<T> :: DeleteAll ()
@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ if(APPLE)
set_target_properties( geom2d PROPERTIES SUFFIX ".so")
if(NOT WIN32)
target_link_libraries(geom2d mesh ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES})
install( TARGETS geom2d ${NG_INSTALL_DIR})
endif(NOT WIN32)
target_link_libraries(geom2d mesh ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES})
install( TARGETS geom2d ${NG_INSTALL_DIR})
target_link_libraries(geom2d ngcore)
add_library(geom2dvis ${NG_LIB_TYPE} vsgeom2d.cpp)
@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ namespace netgen
sum += dt / fun;
int nel = int (sum+1);
int nel = int (sum+0.5);
if (nel == 0) nel = 1;
fperel = sum / nel;
points.Append (0);
@ -457,9 +458,9 @@ namespace netgen
for (SegmentIndex si = 0; si < mesh->GetNSeg(); si++)
if ( (*mesh)[si].si > maxsegmentindex) maxsegmentindex = (*mesh)[si].si;
for ( int sindex = 0; sindex <= maxsegmentindex; sindex++ )
for ( int sindex = 0; sindex < maxsegmentindex; sindex++ )
mesh->SetBCName ( sindex, geometry.GetBCName( sindex+1 ) );
for (SegmentIndex si = 0; si < mesh->GetNSeg(); si++)
@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ namespace netgen
void CopyEdgeMesh (int from, int to, Mesh & mesh2d, Point3dTree & searchtree);
size_t GetNDomains() const { return materials.Size(); }
void GetMaterial (int domnr, char* & material );
void SetMaterial (int domnr, const string & material);
@ -15,6 +15,22 @@ namespace netgen
DLL_HEADER void ExportGeom2d(py::module &m)
py::class_<SplineSegExt, shared_ptr<SplineSegExt>>
(m, "Spline", "Spline of a SplineGeometry object")
.def_property("leftdom", [] (SplineSegExt& self) { return self.leftdom; },
[](SplineSegExt& self, int dom) { self.leftdom = dom; })
.def_property("rightdom", [] (SplineSegExt& self) { return self.rightdom; },
[](SplineSegExt& self, int dom) { self.rightdom = dom; })
.def_property_readonly("bc", [] (SplineSegExt& self) { return self.bc; })
.def("GetNormal", [](SplineSegExt& self, double t)
auto tang = self.GetTangent(t).Normalize();
return Vec<2>(tang[1], -tang[0]);
.def("StartPoint", [](SplineSegExt& self) { return Point<2>(self.StartPI()); })
.def("EndPoint", [](SplineSegExt& self) { return Point<2>(self.EndPI()); })
py::class_<SplineGeometry2d, NetgenGeometry, shared_ptr<SplineGeometry2d>>
(m, "SplineGeometry",
"a 2d boundary representation geometry model by lines and splines",
@ -121,38 +137,21 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportGeom2d(py::module &m)
seg->copyfrom = -1;
}), py::arg("point_indices"), py::arg("leftdomain") = 1, py::arg("rightdomain") = py::int_(0))
//.def("AppendSegment", FunctionPointer([](SplineGeometry2d &self, int point_index1, int point_index2)//, int leftdomain, int rightdomain)
// {
// LineSeg<2> * l = new LineSeg<2>(self.GetPoint(point_index1), self.GetPoint(point_index2));
// SplineSegExt * seg = new SplineSegExt(*l);
// seg->leftdom = 1;// leftdomain;
// seg->rightdom = 0;// rightdomain;
// seg->hmax = 1e99;
// seg->reffak = 1;
// seg->copyfrom = -1;
// self.AppendSegment(seg);
// }))//, (py::arg("self"), py::arg("point_index1"), py::arg("point_index2"), py::arg("leftdomain") = 1, py::arg("rightdomain") = 0) )
//.def("AppendSegment", FunctionPointer([](SplineGeometry2d &self, int point_index1, int point_index2, int point_index3)//, int leftdomain, int rightdomain)
// {
// SplineSeg3<2> * seg3 = new SplineSeg3<2>(self.GetPoint(point_index1), self.GetPoint(point_index2), self.GetPoint(point_index3));
// SplineSegExt * seg = new SplineSegExt(*seg3);
// seg->leftdom = 1;// leftdomain;
// seg->rightdom = 0;// rightdomain;
// seg->hmax = 1e99;
// seg->reffak = 1;
// seg->copyfrom = -1;
// self.AppendSegment(seg);
// }))//, (py::arg("self"), py::arg("point_index1"), py::arg("point_index2"), py::arg("point_index3"), py::arg("leftdomain") = 1, py::arg("rightdomain") = 0 ) )
.def("SetMaterial", &SplineGeometry2d::SetMaterial)
.def("SetDomainMaxH", &SplineGeometry2d::SetDomainMaxh)
.def("GetBCName", [](SplineGeometry2d& self, size_t index) { return self.GetBCName(index); })
.def("GetNDomains", [](SplineGeometry2d& self) { return self.GetNDomains(); })
.def("GetNSplines", [](SplineGeometry2d& self) { return self.splines.Size(); })
.def("GetSpline", [](SplineGeometry2d& self, size_t index)
{ return shared_ptr<SplineSegExt>(&self.GetSpline(index), NOOP_Deleter); },
.def("GetNPoints", [](SplineGeometry2d& self) { return self.GetNP(); })
.def("GetPoint", [](SplineGeometry2d& self, size_t index) { return Point<2>(self.GetPoint(index)); })
.def("PlotData", FunctionPointer([](SplineGeometry2d &self)
Box<2> box(self.GetBoundingBox());
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
add_library(gprim OBJECT
adtree.cpp geom2d.cpp geom3d.cpp geomfuncs.cpp
geomtest3d.cpp transform3d.cpp spline.cpp splinegeometry.cpp
add_library(gprim INTERFACE)
target_sources(gprim INTERFACE
${sdir}/adtree.cpp ${sdir}/geom2d.cpp ${sdir}/geom3d.cpp ${sdir}/geomfuncs.cpp
${sdir}/geomtest3d.cpp ${sdir}/transform3d.cpp ${sdir}/spline.cpp ${sdir}/splinegeometry.cpp
set_target_properties( gprim PROPERTIES POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON )
adtree.hpp geom2d.hpp geom3d.hpp geomfuncs.hpp geomobjects2.hpp
geomobjects.hpp geomops2.hpp geomops.hpp geomtest3d.hpp gprim.hpp
@ -2400,13 +2400,13 @@ namespace netgen
Array<T> & pis) const
Point<2*dim> tpmin, tpmax;
double tol = Tolerance();
for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)
tpmin(i) = boxpmin(i);
tpmax(i) = pmax(i);
tpmax(i) = pmax(i)+tol;
tpmin(i+dim) = pmin(i);
tpmin(i+dim) = pmin(i)-tol;
tpmax(i+dim) = boxpmax(i);
@ -570,9 +570,9 @@ public:
{ tree->DeleteElement(pi); }
void GetIntersecting (const Point<dim> & pmin, const Point<dim> & pmax,
Array<T> & pis) const;
// const T_ADTree<2*dim> & Tree() const { return *tree; };
// T_ADTree<2*dim> & Tree() { return *tree; };
double Tolerance() const { return 1e-7 * Dist(boxpmax, boxpmin); } // single precision
const auto & Tree() const { return *tree; };
auto & Tree() { return *tree; };
@ -270,7 +270,8 @@ namespace netgen
for (int i = 0; i < D; i++)
if (p(i) < pmin(i)) pmin(i) = p(i);
else if (p(i) > pmax(i)) pmax(i) = p(i);
/* else */ if (p(i) > pmax(i)) pmax(i) = p(i);
// optimization invalid for empty-box !
@ -32,21 +32,25 @@
// max number of nodes per element
// max number of nodes per surface element
#ifndef PARALLEL
typedef int MPI_Comm;
namespace netgen { extern DLL_HEADER MPI_Comm ng_comm; }
// implemented element types:
NG_PNT = 0,
NG_SEGM = 1, NG_SEGM3 = 2,
NG_TRIG = 10, NG_QUAD=11, NG_TRIG6 = 12, NG_QUAD6 = 13,
NG_TRIG = 10, NG_QUAD=11, NG_TRIG6 = 12, NG_QUAD6 = 13, NG_QUAD8 = 14,
NG_TET = 20, NG_TET10 = 21,
NG_PYRAMID = 22, NG_PRISM = 23, NG_PRISM12 = 24,
NG_HEX = 25
NG_PYRAMID = 22, NG_PRISM = 23, NG_PRISM12 = 24, NG_PRISM15 = 27, NG_PYRAMID13 = 28,
NG_HEX = 25, NG_HEX20 = 26
typedef double NG_POINT[3]; // coordinates
@ -60,9 +64,9 @@ extern "C" {
// load geometry from file
DLL_HEADER void Ng_LoadGeometry (const char * filename);
// load netgen mesh
DLL_HEADER void Ng_LoadMesh (const char * filename);
DLL_HEADER void Ng_LoadMesh (const char * filename, MPI_Comm comm = netgen::ng_comm);
// load netgen mesh
DLL_HEADER void Ng_LoadMeshFromString (const char * mesh_as_string);
@ -312,7 +316,7 @@ extern "C" {
struct Ng_SolutionData
string name; // name of gridfunction
std::string name; // name of gridfunction
double * data; // solution values
int components; // relevant (double) components in solution vector
int dist; // # doubles per entry alignment!
@ -333,7 +337,7 @@ extern "C" {
// redraw
DLL_HEADER void Ng_Redraw(bool blocking = false);
DLL_HEADER void Ng_TclCmd(string cmd);
DLL_HEADER void Ng_TclCmd(std::string cmd);
DLL_HEADER void Ng_SetMouseEventHandler (netgen::MouseEventHandler * handler);
@ -12,9 +12,32 @@
C++ interface to Netgen
// implemented element types:
NG_PNT = 0,
NG_SEGM = 1, NG_SEGM3 = 2,
NG_TRIG = 10, NG_QUAD=11, NG_TRIG6 = 12, NG_QUAD6 = 13, NG_QUAD8 = 14,
NG_TET = 20, NG_TET10 = 21,
NG_PYRAMID = 22, NG_PRISM = 23, NG_PRISM12 = 24, NG_PRISM15 = 27, NG_PYRAMID13 = 28,
NG_HEX = 25, NG_HEX20 = 26
#ifndef PARALLEL
typedef int MPI_Comm;
namespace netgen
using namespace std;
using namespace ngcore;
extern DLL_HEADER MPI_Comm ng_comm;
static constexpr int POINTINDEX_BASE = 1;
struct T_EDGE2
@ -44,6 +67,19 @@ namespace netgen
size_t Size() const { return s; }
T * Release() { T * hd = data; data = nullptr; return hd; }
template <typename T, int S>
class Ng_BufferMS
size_t s;
T data[S];
Ng_BufferMS (size_t as) : s(as) { ; }
size_t Size() const { return s; }
T & operator[] (size_t i) { return data[i]; }
T operator[] (size_t i) const { return data[i]; }
class Ng_Element
@ -185,6 +221,7 @@ namespace netgen
int operator[] (size_t i) const { return ptr[i]-POINTINDEX_BASE; }
class Ng_Edges
@ -194,11 +231,11 @@ namespace netgen
size_t Size() const { return ned; }
int operator[] (size_t i) const { return ptr[i]-1; }
Ng_Vertices vertices;
Ng_Edges edges;
// Ng_Edges edges;
int surface_el; // -1 if face not on surface
@ -224,17 +261,24 @@ namespace netgen
// Ngx_Mesh () { ; }
// Ngx_Mesh(class Mesh * amesh) : mesh(amesh) { ; }
Ngx_Mesh(shared_ptr<Mesh> amesh = NULL);
void LoadMesh (const string & filename);
void LoadMesh (istream & str);
/** reuse a netgen-mesh **/
Ngx_Mesh (shared_ptr<Mesh> amesh);
/** load a new mesh **/
Ngx_Mesh (string filename, MPI_Comm acomm = netgen::ng_comm);
void LoadMesh (const string & filename, MPI_Comm comm = netgen::ng_comm);
void LoadMesh (istream & str, MPI_Comm comm = netgen::ng_comm);
void SaveMesh (ostream & str) const;
void UpdateTopology ();
void DoArchive (Archive & archive);
MPI_Comm GetCommunicator() const;
virtual ~Ngx_Mesh();
bool Valid () { return mesh != NULL; }
bool Valid () const { return mesh != NULL; }
int GetDimension() const;
int GetNLevels() const;
@ -282,7 +326,8 @@ namespace netgen
template <int DIM>
const Ng_Node<DIM> GetNode (int nr) const;
Ng_BufferMS<int,4> GetFaceEdges (int fnr) const;
template <int DIM>
int GetNNodes ();
@ -291,11 +336,17 @@ namespace netgen
// 3D only
// std::pair<int,int> GetBoundaryNeighbouringDomains (int bnr);
template <int DIM>
void SetRefinementFlag (size_t elnr, bool flag);
void Curve (int order);
void Refine (NG_REFINEMENT_TYPE reftype,
void (*taskmanager)(function<void(int,int)>) = &DummyTaskManager2,
void (*tracer)(string, bool) = &DummyTracer2);
int GetHPElementLevel (int ei, int dir) const;
void GetParentNodes (int ni, int * parents) const;
int GetParentElement (int ei) const;
int GetParentSElement (int ei) const;
@ -312,13 +363,33 @@ namespace netgen
int * const indices = NULL, int numind = 0) const;
// for MPI-parallel
std::tuple<int,int*> GetDistantProcs (int nodetype, int locnum) const;
shared_ptr<Mesh> GetMesh () const { return mesh; }
shared_ptr<Mesh> SelectMesh () const;
inline auto GetTimeStamp() const;
// also added from nginterface.h, still 1-based, need redesign
void HPRefinement (int levels, double parameter = 0.125,
bool setorders = true,bool ref_level = false);
size_t GetNP() const;
int GetSurfaceElementSurfaceNumber (size_t ei) const;
int GetSurfaceElementFDNumber (size_t ei) const;
int GetElementOrder (int enr) const;
void GetElementOrders (int enr, int * ox, int * oy, int * oz) const;
void SetElementOrder (int enr, int order);
void SetElementOrders (int enr, int ox, int oy, int oz);
int GetSurfaceElementOrder (int enr) const;
void GetSurfaceElementOrders (int enr, int * ox, int * oy) const;
void SetSurfaceElementOrder (int enr, int order);
void SetSurfaceElementOrders (int enr, int ox, int oy);
int GetClusterRepVertex (int vi) const;
int GetClusterRepEdge (int edi) const;
int GetClusterRepFace (int fai) const;
int GetClusterRepElement (int eli) const;
@ -64,6 +64,13 @@ NGX_INLINE DLL_HEADER Ng_Element Ngx_Mesh :: GetElement<0> (size_t nr) const
ret.facets.num = 1;
ret.facets.base = 1;
ret.facets.ptr = (int*)&el.pnum;
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 1)
ret.mat = mesh->GetBCNamePtr(el.index-1);
else if (mesh->GetDimension() == 2)
ret.mat = mesh->GetCD2NamePtr(el.index-1);
ret.mat = mesh->GetCD3NamePtr(el.index-1);
return ret;
@ -7,11 +7,9 @@ add_library(interface ${NG_LIB_TYPE}
wuchemnitz.cpp writegmsh2.cpp writeOpenFOAM15x.cpp
if(NOT WIN32)
target_link_libraries(interface mesh csg geom2d)
target_link_libraries(interface visual)
install( TARGETS interface ${NG_INSTALL_DIR})
endif(NOT WIN32)
target_link_libraries(interface mesh csg geom2d)
target_link_libraries(interface visual)
install( TARGETS interface ${NG_INSTALL_DIR})
@ -117,14 +117,10 @@ void Ng_LoadMeshFromStream ( istream & input )
void Ng_LoadMesh (const char * filename)
void Ng_LoadMesh (const char * filename, MPI_Comm comm)
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ntasks);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &id);
int id = MyMPI_GetId(comm);
int ntasks = MyMPI_GetNTasks(comm);
ifstream infile(filename);
@ -134,11 +130,10 @@ void Ng_LoadMesh (const char * filename)
if ( string(filename).find(".vol") == string::npos )
throw NgException("Not sure what to do with this?? Does this work with MPI??");
mesh.reset (new Mesh());
//mesh->SetGlobalH (mparam.maxh);
@ -146,12 +141,10 @@ void Ng_LoadMesh (const char * filename)
istream * infile;
char* buf; // for distributing geometry!
Array<char> buf; // for distributing geometry!
int strs;
if( id == 0) {
string fn(filename);
if (fn.substr (fn.length()-3, 3) == ".gz")
@ -159,6 +152,7 @@ void Ng_LoadMesh (const char * filename)
infile = new ifstream (filename);
mesh.reset (new Mesh());
mesh -> Load(*infile);
SetGlobalMesh (mesh);
@ -168,12 +162,12 @@ void Ng_LoadMesh (const char * filename)
geom_part << infile->rdbuf();
string geom_part_string = geom_part.str();
strs = geom_part_string.size();
buf = new char[strs];
memcpy(buf, geom_part_string.c_str(), strs*sizeof(char));
// buf = new char[strs];
memcpy(&buf[0], geom_part_string.c_str(), strs*sizeof(char));
delete infile;
if (ntasks > 1)
@ -239,21 +233,21 @@ void Ng_LoadMesh (const char * filename)
} // id==0 end
else {
mesh.reset (new Mesh());
SetGlobalMesh (mesh);
if(!ng_geometry && ntasks>1) {
/** Scatter the geometry-string **/
MPI_Bcast(&strs, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if(id!=0) buf = new char[strs];
MPI_Bcast(buf, strs, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
/** Scatter the geometry-string (no dummy-implementation in mpi_interface) **/
MyMPI_Bcast(buf, comm);
if(!ng_geometry) {
infile = new istringstream(string((const char*)buf, (size_t)strs));
delete[] buf;
infile = new istringstream(string((const char*)&buf[0], (size_t)strs));
// delete[] buf;
for (int i = 0; i < geometryregister.Size(); i++)
NetgenGeometry * hgeom = geometryregister[i]->LoadFromMeshFile (*infile);
@ -31,39 +31,39 @@ namespace netgen
return hmesh;
Ngx_Mesh :: Ngx_Mesh (shared_ptr<Mesh> amesh)
if (amesh)
mesh = amesh;
mesh = netgen::mesh;
Ngx_Mesh :: Ngx_Mesh (shared_ptr<Mesh> amesh)
{ mesh = amesh ? amesh : netgen::mesh; }
Ngx_Mesh :: Ngx_Mesh (string filename, MPI_Comm acomm)
{ LoadMesh(filename, acomm); }
Ngx_Mesh * LoadMesh (const string & filename)
Ngx_Mesh * LoadMesh (const string & filename, MPI_Comm comm = netgen::ng_comm)
Ng_LoadMesh (filename.c_str());
Ng_LoadMesh (filename.c_str(), comm);
return new Ngx_Mesh (netgen::mesh);
void Ngx_Mesh :: LoadMesh (const string & filename)
void Ngx_Mesh :: LoadMesh (const string & filename, MPI_Comm comm)
Ng_LoadMesh (filename.c_str());
Ng_LoadMesh (filename.c_str(), comm);
// mesh = move(netgen::mesh);
mesh = netgen::mesh;
void Ngx_Mesh :: LoadMesh (istream & ist)
void Ngx_Mesh :: LoadMesh (istream & ist, MPI_Comm comm)
netgen::mesh = make_shared<Mesh>();
netgen::mesh -> Load (ist);
// mesh = move(netgen::mesh);
mesh = netgen::mesh;
SetGlobalMesh (mesh);
MPI_Comm Ngx_Mesh :: GetCommunicator() const
{ return Valid() ? mesh->GetCommunicator() : MPI_COMM_NULL; }
void Ngx_Mesh :: SaveMesh (ostream & ost) const
mesh -> Save (ost);
@ -71,7 +71,12 @@ namespace netgen
void Ngx_Mesh :: DoArchive (Archive & archive)
if (archive.Input()) mesh = make_shared<Mesh>();
if (archive.Input()) {
mesh = make_shared<Mesh>();
if (archive.Input())
@ -675,6 +680,37 @@ namespace netgen
int Ngx_Mesh :: GetHPElementLevel (int ei, int dir) const
int level = -1;
if (mesh->hpelements)
int hpelnr = -1;
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 2)
hpelnr = mesh->SurfaceElement(ei).hp_elnr;
hpelnr = mesh->VolumeElement(ei).hp_elnr;
if (hpelnr < 0)
throw NgException("Ngx_Mesh::GetHPElementLevel: Wrong hp-element number!");
if (dir == 1)
level = (*mesh->hpelements)[hpelnr].levelx;
else if (dir == 2)
level = (*mesh->hpelements)[hpelnr].levely;
else if (dir == 3)
level = (*mesh->hpelements)[hpelnr].levelz;
throw NgException("Ngx_Mesh::GetHPElementLevel: dir has to be 1, 2 or 3!");
// throw NgException("Ngx_Mesh::GetHPElementLevel only for HPRefinement implemented!");
return level;
int Ngx_Mesh :: GetParentElement (int ei) const
@ -717,6 +753,16 @@ namespace netgen
return mesh->GetIdentifications().GetType(idnr+1);
Ng_BufferMS<int,4> Ngx_Mesh::GetFaceEdges (int fnr) const
const MeshTopology & topology = mesh->GetTopology();
ArrayMem<int,4> ia;
topology.GetFaceEdges (fnr+1, ia);
Ng_BufferMS<int,4> res(ia.Size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < ia.Size(); i++)
res[i] = ia[i]-1;
return res;
@ -1042,6 +1088,19 @@ namespace netgen
NgLock meshlock (mesh->MajorMutex(), true);
template <>
DLL_HEADER void Ngx_Mesh :: SetRefinementFlag<2> (size_t elnr, bool flag)
template <>
DLL_HEADER void Ngx_Mesh :: SetRefinementFlag<3> (size_t elnr, bool flag)
void Ngx_Mesh :: Refine (NG_REFINEMENT_TYPE reftype,
void (*task_manager)(function<void(int,int)>),
@ -1070,13 +1129,127 @@ namespace netgen
// just copied with redesign
size_t Ngx_Mesh::GetNP() const
return mesh->GetNP();
int Ngx_Mesh::GetSurfaceElementSurfaceNumber (size_t ei) const
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
return mesh->GetFaceDescriptor(mesh->SurfaceElement(ei).GetIndex()).SurfNr();
return mesh->LineSegment(ei).si;
int Ngx_Mesh::GetSurfaceElementFDNumber (size_t ei) const
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
return mesh->SurfaceElement(ei).GetIndex();
return -1;
void Ngx_Mesh::HPRefinement (int levels, double parameter, bool setorders,
bool ref_level)
NgLock meshlock (mesh->MajorMutex(), true);
Refinement & ref = const_cast<Refinement&> (mesh->GetGeometry()->GetRefinement());
::netgen::HPRefinement (*mesh, &ref, levels, parameter, setorders, ref_level);
int Ngx_Mesh::GetElementOrder (int enr) const
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
return mesh->VolumeElement(enr).GetOrder();
return mesh->SurfaceElement(enr).GetOrder();
void Ngx_Mesh::GetElementOrders (int enr, int * ox, int * oy, int * oz) const
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
mesh->VolumeElement(enr).GetOrder(*ox, *oy, *oz);
mesh->SurfaceElement(enr).GetOrder(*ox, *oy, *oz);
void Ngx_Mesh::SetElementOrder (int enr, int order)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
return mesh->VolumeElement(enr).SetOrder(order);
return mesh->SurfaceElement(enr).SetOrder(order);
void Ngx_Mesh::SetElementOrders (int enr, int ox, int oy, int oz)
if (mesh->GetDimension() == 3)
mesh->VolumeElement(enr).SetOrder(ox, oy, oz);
mesh->SurfaceElement(enr).SetOrder(ox, oy);
int Ngx_Mesh::GetSurfaceElementOrder (int enr) const
return mesh->SurfaceElement(enr).GetOrder();
int Ngx_Mesh::GetClusterRepVertex (int pi) const
return mesh->GetClusters().GetVertexRepresentant(pi);
int Ngx_Mesh::GetClusterRepEdge (int pi) const
return mesh->GetClusters().GetEdgeRepresentant(pi);
int Ngx_Mesh::GetClusterRepFace (int pi) const
return mesh->GetClusters().GetFaceRepresentant(pi);
int Ngx_Mesh::GetClusterRepElement (int pi) const
return mesh->GetClusters().GetElementRepresentant(pi);
//HERBERT: falsche Anzahl von Argumenten
//void Ngx_Mesh::GetSurfaceElementOrders (int enr, int * ox, int * oy, int * oz)
void Ngx_Mesh::GetSurfaceElementOrders (int enr, int * ox, int * oy) const
int d;
mesh->SurfaceElement(enr).GetOrder(*ox, *oy, d);
void Ngx_Mesh::SetSurfaceElementOrder (int enr, int order)
return mesh->SurfaceElement(enr).SetOrder(order);
void Ngx_Mesh::SetSurfaceElementOrders (int enr, int ox, int oy)
mesh->SurfaceElement(enr).SetOrder(ox, oy);
std::tuple<int,int*> Ngx_Mesh :: GetDistantProcs (int nodetype, int locnum) const
switch (nodetype)
case 0:
@ -1097,10 +1270,10 @@ namespace netgen
return std::tuple<int,int*>(0,nullptr);
return std::tuple<int,int*>(0,nullptr);
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
add_library( la OBJECT
densemat.cpp polynomial.cpp bfgs.cpp linopt.cpp linsearch.cpp
add_library( la INTERFACE )
target_sources( la INTERFACE
${sdir}/densemat.cpp ${sdir}/polynomial.cpp ${sdir}/bfgs.cpp ${sdir}/linopt.cpp ${sdir}/linsearch.cpp
densemat.hpp linalg.hpp opti.hpp
@ -1,12 +1,4 @@
if(NOT WIN32)
endif(NOT WIN32)
add_library(mesh ${NG_LIB_TYPE}
adfront2.cpp adfront3.cpp bisect.cpp boundarylayer.cpp
clusters.cpp curvedelems.cpp delaunay.cpp delaunay2d.cpp
@ -29,10 +21,10 @@ if(APPLE)
set_target_properties( mesh PROPERTIES SUFFIX ".so")
if(NOT WIN32)
target_link_libraries( mesh ngcore ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES} ${MPI_CXX_LIBRARIES} ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES} ${METIS_LIBRARY})
install( TARGETS mesh ${NG_INSTALL_DIR})
endif(NOT WIN32)
target_link_libraries( mesh PUBLIC ngcore PRIVATE gprim la gen )
install( TARGETS mesh ${NG_INSTALL_DIR})
adfront2.hpp adfront3.hpp basegeom.hpp bcfunctions.hpp bisect.hpp
@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ public:
const MiniElement2d & GetFace (int i) const
{ return faces.Get(i).Face(); }
const auto & Faces() const { return faces; }
void Print () const;
@ -3398,6 +3398,7 @@ namespace netgen
size_t nsel = mtris.Size();
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer_bisecttrig);
(*opt.tracer)("Bisect trigs", false);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nsel; i++)
if (mtris[i].marked)
@ -3440,7 +3441,7 @@ namespace netgen
NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer_bisecttrig);
(*opt.tracer)("Bisect trigs", true);
int nquad = mquads.Size();
for (int i = 1; i <= nquad; i++)
@ -553,14 +553,18 @@ namespace netgen
order = 1;
MPI_Comm curve_comm;
const ParallelMeshTopology & partop = mesh.GetParallelTopology ();
MPI_Comm curve_comm;
MPI_Comm_dup (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &curve_comm);
MPI_Comm_dup (mesh.GetCommunicator(), &curve_comm);
Array<int> procs;
curve_comm = ng_comm; // dummy!
int rank = MyMPI_GetId(curve_comm);
int ntasks = MyMPI_GetNTasks(curve_comm);
if (working)
order = aorder;
@ -1708,6 +1712,7 @@ namespace netgen
case TRIG : info.nv = 3; break;
case QUAD : info.nv = 4; break;
case TRIG6: info.nv = 6; break;
case QUAD8 : info.nv = 8; break;
cerr << "undef element in CalcSurfaceTrafo" << endl;
@ -1927,6 +1932,24 @@ namespace netgen
case QUAD8:
auto x = xi(0), y = xi(1);
shapes(0) = (1-x)*(1-y);
shapes(1) = x*(1-y);
shapes(2) = x*y;
shapes(3) = (1-x)*y;
shapes(4) = 4*(1-x)*x*(1-y);
shapes(5) = 4*(1-x)*x*y;
shapes(6) = 4*(1-y)*y*(1-x);
shapes(7) = 4*(1-y)*y*x;
shapes(0) -= 0.5*(shapes(4)+shapes(6));
shapes(1) -= 0.5*(shapes(4)+shapes(7));
shapes(2) -= 0.5*(shapes(5)+shapes(7));
shapes(3) -= 0.5*(shapes(5)+shapes(6));
throw NgException("CurvedElements::CalcShape 2d, element type not handled");
@ -2266,7 +2289,7 @@ namespace netgen
case QUAD:
case QUAD:
if (info.order >= 2) return false; // not yet supported
AutoDiff<2,T> lami[4] = { (1-x)*(1-y), x*(1-y), x*y, (1-x)*y };
@ -2278,6 +2301,33 @@ namespace netgen
case QUAD8:
// AutoDiff<2,T> lami[4] = { (1-x)*(1-y), x*(1-y), x*y, (1-x)*y };
AutoDiff<2,T> lami[8] =
{ (1-x)*(1-y),
4*(1-y)*y*x };
lami[0] -= 0.5*(lami[4]+lami[6]);
lami[1] -= 0.5*(lami[4]+lami[7]);
lami[2] -= 0.5*(lami[5]+lami[7]);
lami[3] -= 0.5*(lami[5]+lami[6]);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
Point<3> p = mesh[el[j]];
for (int k = 0; k < DIM_SPACE; k++)
mapped_x[k] += p(k) * lami[j];
return false;
@ -2740,6 +2790,32 @@ namespace netgen
case PRISM15:
shapes = 0.0;
T x = xi(0);
T y = xi(1);
T z = xi(2);
T lam = 1-x-y;
T lamz = 1-z;
shapes[0] = (2*x*x-x) * (2*lamz*lamz-lamz);
shapes[1] = (2*y*y-y) * (2*lamz*lamz-lamz);
shapes[2] = (2*lam*lam-lam) * (2*lamz*lamz-lamz);
shapes[3] = (2*x*x-x) * (2*z*z-z);
shapes[4] = (2*y*y-y) * (2*z*z-z);
shapes[5] = (2*lam*lam-lam) * (2*z*z-z);
shapes[6] = 4 * x * y * (2*lamz*lamz-lamz);
shapes[7] = 4 * x * lam * (2*lamz*lamz-lamz);
shapes[8] = 4 * y * lam * (2*lamz*lamz-lamz);
shapes[9] = x * 4 * z * (1-z);
shapes[10] = y * 4 * z * (1-z);
shapes[11] = lam * 4 * z * (1-z);
shapes[12] = 4 * x * y * (2*z*z-z);
shapes[13] = 4 * x * lam * (2*z*z-z);
shapes[14] = 4 * y * lam * (2*z*z-z);
shapes = 0.0;
@ -2789,6 +2865,29 @@ namespace netgen
case PYRAMID13:
shapes = 0.0;
T x = xi(0);
T y = xi(1);
T z = xi(2);
z *= 1-1e-12;
shapes[0] = (-z + z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) + (-2*x - z + 2)*(-2*y - z + 2))*(-0.5*x - 0.5*y - 0.5*z + 0.25);
shapes[1] = (0.5*x - 0.5*y - 0.25)*(-z - z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) + (2*x + z)*(-2*y - z + 2));
shapes[2] = (-z + z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) + (2*x + z)*(2*y + z))*(0.5*x + 0.5*y + 0.5*z - 0.75);
shapes[3] = (-0.5*x + 0.5*y - 0.25)*(-z - z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) + (2*y + z)*(-2*x - z + 2));
shapes[4] = z*(2*z - 1);
shapes[5] = 2*x*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2);
shapes[6] = 4*x*y*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2);
shapes[7] = 2*y*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2);
shapes[8] = 4*x*y*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2);
shapes[9] = z*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-z + 1);
shapes[10] = 2*x*z*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-z + 1);
shapes[11] = 4*x*y*z/(-z + 1);
shapes[12] = 2*y*z*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)/(-z + 1);
case HEX:
shapes = 0.0;
@ -2839,6 +2938,46 @@ namespace netgen
case HEX20:
shapes = 0.0;
T x = xi(0);
T y = xi(1);
T z = xi(2);
shapes[0] = (1-x)*(1-y)*(1-z);
shapes[1] = x *(1-y)*(1-z);
shapes[2] = x * y *(1-z);
shapes[3] = (1-x)* y *(1-z);
shapes[4] = (1-x)*(1-y)*(z);
shapes[5] = x *(1-y)*(z);
shapes[6] = x * y *(z);
shapes[7] = (1-x)* y *(z);
T sigma[8]={(1-x)+(1-y)+(1-z),x+(1-y)+(1-z),x+y+(1-z),(1-x)+y+(1-z),
static const int e[12][2] =
{ 0, 1 }, { 2, 3 }, { 3, 0 }, { 1, 2 },
{ 4, 5 }, { 6, 7 }, { 7, 4 }, { 5, 6 },
{ 0, 4 }, { 1, 5 }, { 2, 6 }, { 3, 7 },
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
T lame = shapes[e[i][0]]+shapes[e[i][1]];
T xi = sigma[e[i][1]]-sigma[e[i][0]];
shapes[8+i] = (1-xi*xi)*lame;
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
shapes[e[i][0]] -= 0.5 * shapes[8+i];
shapes[e[i][1]] -= 0.5 * shapes[8+i];
@ -3210,6 +3349,36 @@ namespace netgen
case PRISM15:
AutoDiff<3,T> x(xi(0), 0);
AutoDiff<3,T> y(xi(1), 1);
AutoDiff<3,T> z(xi(2), 2);
AutoDiff<3,T> ad[15];
AutoDiff<3,T> lam = 1-x-y;
AutoDiff<3,T> lamz = 1-z;
ad[0] = (2*x*x-x) * (2*lamz*lamz-lamz);
ad[1] = (2*y*y-y) * (2*lamz*lamz-lamz);
ad[2] = (2*lam*lam-lam) * (2*lamz*lamz-lamz);
ad[3] = (2*x*x-x) * (2*z*z-z);
ad[4] = (2*y*y-y) * (2*z*z-z);
ad[5] = (2*lam*lam-lam) * (2*z*z-z);
ad[6] = 4 * x * y * (2*lamz*lamz-lamz);
ad[7] = 4 * x * lam * (2*lamz*lamz-lamz);
ad[8] = 4 * y * lam * (2*lamz*lamz-lamz);
ad[9] = x * 4 * z * (1-z);
ad[10] = y * 4 * z * (1-z);
ad[11] = lam * 4 * z * (1-z);
ad[12] = 4 * x * y * (2*z*z-z);
ad[13] = 4 * x * lam * (2*z*z-z);
ad[14] = 4 * y * lam * (2*z*z-z);
for(int i=0; i<15; i++)
for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
dshapes(i,j) = ad[i].DValue(j);
// if (typeid(T) == typeid(SIMD<double>)) return;
@ -3307,6 +3476,54 @@ namespace netgen
case PYRAMID13:
T x = xi(0);
T y = xi(1);
T z = xi(2);
z *= 1-1e-12;
dshapes(0,0) = 0.5*z - 0.5*z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) - 0.5*(-2*x - z + 2)*(-2*y - z + 2) + (-0.5*x - 0.5*y - 0.5*z + 0.25)*(4*y + 2*z + 2*z*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) - 4);
dshapes(0,1) = 0.5*z - 0.5*z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) - 0.5*(-2*x - z + 2)*(-2*y - z + 2) + (-0.5*x - 0.5*y - 0.5*z + 0.25)*(4*x + 2*z + 2*z*(2*x + z - 1)/(-z + 1) - 4);
dshapes(0,2) = 0.5*z - 0.5*z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) - 0.5*(-2*x - z + 2)*(-2*y - z + 2) + (-0.5*x - 0.5*y - 0.5*z + 0.25)*(2*x + 2*y + 2*z + z*(2*x + z - 1)/(-z + 1) + z*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) + z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/((-z + 1)*(-z + 1)) - 5 + (2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1));
dshapes(1,0) = -0.5*z - 0.5*z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) + 0.5*(2*x + z)*(-2*y - z + 2) + (0.5*x - 0.5*y - 0.25)*(-4*y - 2*z - 2*z*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) + 4);
dshapes(1,1) = 0.5*z + 0.5*z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) - 0.5*(2*x + z)*(-2*y - z + 2) + (-4*x - 2*z - 2*z*(2*x + z - 1)/(-z + 1))*(0.5*x - 0.5*y - 0.25);
dshapes(1,2) = (0.5*x - 0.5*y - 0.25)*(-2*x - 2*y - 2*z - z*(2*x + z - 1)/(-z + 1) - z*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) - z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/((-z + 1)*(-z + 1)) + 1 - (2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1));
dshapes(2,0) = -0.5*z + 0.5*z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) + 0.5*(2*x + z)*(2*y + z) + (4*y + 2*z + 2*z*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1))*(0.5*x + 0.5*y + 0.5*z - 0.75);
dshapes(2,1) = -0.5*z + 0.5*z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) + 0.5*(2*x + z)*(2*y + z) + (4*x + 2*z + 2*z*(2*x + z - 1)/(-z + 1))*(0.5*x + 0.5*y + 0.5*z - 0.75);
dshapes(2,2) = -0.5*z + 0.5*z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) + 0.5*(2*x + z)*(2*y + z) + (0.5*x + 0.5*y + 0.5*z - 0.75)*(2*x + 2*y + 2*z + z*(2*x + z - 1)/(-z + 1) + z*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) + z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/((-z + 1)*(-z + 1)) - 1 + (2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1));
dshapes(3,0) = 0.5*z + 0.5*z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) - 0.5*(2*y + z)*(-2*x - z + 2) + (-0.5*x + 0.5*y - 0.25)*(-4*y - 2*z - 2*z*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1));
dshapes(3,1) = -0.5*z - 0.5*z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) + 0.5*(2*y + z)*(-2*x - z + 2) + (-0.5*x + 0.5*y - 0.25)*(-4*x - 2*z - 2*z*(2*x + z - 1)/(-z + 1) + 4);
dshapes(3,2) = (-0.5*x + 0.5*y - 0.25)*(-2*x - 2*y - 2*z - z*(2*x + z - 1)/(-z + 1) - z*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) - z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/((-z + 1)*(-z + 1)) + 1 - (2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1));
dshapes(4,0) = 0;
dshapes(4,1) = 0;
dshapes(4,2) = 4*z - 1;
dshapes(5,0) = -4*x*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2) + 2*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2);
dshapes(5,1) = -4*x*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2);
dshapes(5,2) = -4*x*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2) - 4*x*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2) + 4*x*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/((-2*z + 2)*(-2*z + 2));
dshapes(6,0) = -8*x*y/(-2*z + 2) + 4*y*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2);
dshapes(6,1) = 4*x*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2);
dshapes(6,2) = -8*x*y/(-2*z + 2) + 8*x*y*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)/((-2*z + 2)*(-2*z + 2));
dshapes(7,0) = -4*y*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2);
dshapes(7,1) = -4*y*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2) + 2*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2);
dshapes(7,2) = -4*y*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2) - 4*y*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2) + 4*y*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/((-2*z + 2)*(-2*z + 2));
dshapes(8,0) = 4*y*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2);
dshapes(8,1) = -8*x*y/(-2*z + 2) + 4*x*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2);
dshapes(8,2) = -8*x*y/(-2*z + 2) + 8*x*y*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/((-2*z + 2)*(-2*z + 2));
dshapes(9,0) = -2*z*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-z + 1);
dshapes(9,1) = -2*z*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)/(-z + 1);
dshapes(9,2) = -2*z*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)/(-z + 1) - 2*z*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-z + 1) + z*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/((-z + 1)*(-z + 1)) + (-2*x - 2*z + 2)*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-z + 1);
dshapes(10,0) = 2*z*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-z + 1);
dshapes(10,1) = -4*x*z/(-z + 1);
dshapes(10,2) = -4*x*z/(-z + 1) + 2*x*z*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/((-z + 1)*(-z + 1)) + 2*x*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-z + 1);
dshapes(11,0) = 4*y*z/(-z + 1);
dshapes(11,1) = 4*x*z/(-z + 1);
dshapes(11,2) = 4*x*y*z/((-z + 1)*(-z + 1)) + 4*x*y/(-z + 1);
dshapes(12,0) = -4*y*z/(-z + 1);
dshapes(12,1) = 2*z*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)/(-z + 1);
dshapes(12,2) = -4*y*z/(-z + 1) + 2*y*z*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)/((-z + 1)*(-z + 1)) + 2*y*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)/(-z + 1);
case HEX:
// if (typeid(T) == typeid(SIMD<double>)) return;
@ -3443,12 +3660,49 @@ namespace netgen
*testout << "quad, num dshape = " << endl << dshapes << endl;
case HEX20:
AutoDiff<3,T> x(xi(0), 0);
AutoDiff<3,T> y(xi(1), 1);
AutoDiff<3,T> z(xi(2), 2);
AutoDiff<3,T> ad[20];
ad[0] = (1-x)*(1-y)*(1-z);
ad[1] = x *(1-y)*(1-z);
ad[2] = x * y *(1-z);
ad[3] = (1-x)* y *(1-z);
ad[4] = (1-x)*(1-y)*(z);
ad[5] = x *(1-y)*(z);
ad[6] = x * y *(z);
ad[7] = (1-x)* y *(z);
AutoDiff<3,T> sigma[8]={(1-x)+(1-y)+(1-z),x+(1-y)+(1-z),x+y+(1-z),(1-x)+y+(1-z),
static const int e[12][2] =
{ 0, 1 }, { 2, 3 }, { 3, 0 }, { 1, 2 },
{ 4, 5 }, { 6, 7 }, { 7, 4 }, { 5, 6 },
{ 0, 4 }, { 1, 5 }, { 2, 6 }, { 3, 7 },
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
auto lame = ad[e[i][0]]+ad[e[i][1]];
auto xi = sigma[e[i][1]]-sigma[e[i][0]];
ad[8+i] = (1-xi*xi)*lame;
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
ad[e[i][0]] -= 0.5 * ad[8+i];
ad[e[i][1]] -= 0.5 * ad[8+i];
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
dshapes(i,j) = ad[i].DValue(j);
throw NgException("CurvedElements::CalcDShape 3d, element type not handled");
@ -3854,8 +4108,9 @@ namespace netgen
case TRIG : info.nv = 3; break;
case QUAD : info.nv = 4; break;
case TRIG6: info.nv = 6; break;
case QUAD8 : info.nv = 8; break;
cerr << "undef element in CalcMultPointSurfaceTrao" << endl;
cerr << "undef element in CalcMultPointSurfaceTrafo" << endl;
info.ndof = info.nv;
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
namespace netgen
static const int deltetfaces[][3] =
{ { 1, 2, 3 },
{ 2, 0, 3 },
@ -14,10 +13,6 @@ namespace netgen
{ 1, 0, 2 } };
class DelaunayTet
PointIndex pnums[4];
@ -41,9 +36,6 @@ namespace netgen
PointIndex & operator[] (int i) { return pnums[i]; }
PointIndex operator[] (int i) const { return pnums[i]; }
int & NB1(int i) { return nb[i-1]; }
int NB1(int i) const { return nb[i-1]; }
int & NB(int i) { return nb[i]; }
int NB(int i) const { return nb[i]; }
@ -57,27 +49,6 @@ namespace netgen
return i;
return 3;
void GetFace1 (int i, INDEX_3 & face) const
face.I(1) = pnums[deltetfaces[i-1][0]];
face.I(2) = pnums[deltetfaces[i-1][1]];
face.I(3) = pnums[deltetfaces[i-1][2]];
void GetFace (int i, INDEX_3 & face) const
face.I(1) = pnums[deltetfaces[i][0]];
face.I(2) = pnums[deltetfaces[i][1]];
face.I(3) = pnums[deltetfaces[i][2]];
INDEX_3 GetFace1 (int i) const
return INDEX_3 (pnums[deltetfaces[i-1][0]],
INDEX_3 GetFace (int i) const
@ -85,13 +56,13 @@ namespace netgen
void GetFace1 (int i, Element2d & face) const
void GetFace (int i, Element2d & face) const
// face.SetType(TRIG);
face[0] = pnums[deltetfaces[i-1][0]];
face[1] = pnums[deltetfaces[i-1][1]];
face[2] = pnums[deltetfaces[i-1][2]];
face[0] = pnums[deltetfaces[i][0]];
face[1] = pnums[deltetfaces[i][1]];
face[2] = pnums[deltetfaces[i][2]];
@ -101,8 +72,6 @@ namespace netgen
Table to maintain neighbour elements
@ -135,7 +104,7 @@ namespace netgen
// get neighbour of element elnr in direction fnr
int GetNB (int elnr, int fnr)
return tets.Get(elnr).NB1(fnr);
return tets.Get(elnr).NB(fnr);
@ -181,7 +150,6 @@ namespace netgen
connected lists of cosphereical elements
@ -253,24 +221,23 @@ namespace netgen
Array<int> & freelist, SphereList & list,
IndexSet & insphere, IndexSet & closesphere)
// static Timer t("Meshing3::AddDelaunayPoint"); RegionTimer reg(t);
find any sphere, such that newp is contained in
DelaunayTet el;
int cfelind = -1;
const Point<3> * pp[4];
Point<3> pc;
double r2;
Point3d tpmin, tpmax;
tettree.GetIntersecting (newp, newp, treesearch);
double quot,minquot(1e20);
for (int j = 0; j < treesearch.Size(); j++)
for (auto jjj : treesearch)
int jjj = treesearch[j];
quot = Dist2 (centers.Get(jjj), newp) / radi2.Get(jjj);
if((cfelind == -1 || quot < 0.99*minquot) && quot < 1)
@ -284,46 +251,12 @@ namespace netgen
int i, j, k, l;
if (!felind)
cerr << "not in any sphere, 1" << endl;
// old, non tree search
double mindist = 1e10;
for (j = 1; j <= tempels.Size(); j++)
if (tempels.Get(j).PNum(1))
double toofar =
Dist2 (centers.Get(j), newp) - radi2.Get(j);
if (toofar < mindist || toofar < 1e-7)
mindist = toofar;
cout << " dist2 = " << Dist2 (centers.Get(j), newp)
<< " radi2 = " << radi2.Get(j) << endl;
if (toofar < 0)
el = tempels.Get(j);
felind = j;
cout << "sphere found !" << endl;
cout << "point is too far from sheres: " << mindist << endl;
if (cfelind == -1)
PrintWarning ("Delaunay, point not in any sphere");
insphere: point is in sphere -> delete element
closesphere: point is close to sphere -> considered for same center
@ -376,7 +309,7 @@ namespace netgen
// check neighbour-tets
for (int j = starti; j < nstarti; j++)
for (int k = 1; k <= 4; k++)
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
int helind = insphere.GetArray().Get(j);
int nbind = meshnb.GetNB (helind, k);
@ -404,61 +337,48 @@ namespace netgen
Element2d face;
tempels.Get(helind).GetFace (k, face);
INDEX_3 i3 = tempels.Get(helind).GetFace (k);
const Point3d & p1 = mesh.Point (face.PNum(1));
const Point3d & p2 = mesh.Point (face[1]);
const Point3d & p3 = mesh.Point (face[2]);
const Point<3> & p1 = mesh.Point ( PointIndex (i3.I1()) );
const Point<3> & p2 = mesh.Point ( PointIndex (i3.I2()) );
const Point<3> & p3 = mesh.Point ( PointIndex (i3.I3()) );
INDEX_3 i3 = tempels.Get(helind).GetFace (k-1);
const Point3d & p1 = mesh.Point ( PointIndex (i3.I1()) );
const Point3d & p2 = mesh.Point ( PointIndex (i3.I2()) );
const Point3d & p3 = mesh.Point ( PointIndex (i3.I3()) );
Vec3d v1(p1, p2);
Vec3d v2(p1, p3);
Vec3d n = Cross (v1, v2);
Vec<3> v1 = p2-p1;
Vec<3> v2 = p3-p1;
Vec<3> n = Cross (v1, v2);
n /= n.Length();
if (n * Vec3d (p1, mesh.Point (tempels.Get(helind)[k-1])) > 0)
if (n * Vec3d (p1, mesh.Point (tempels.Get(helind)[k])) > 0)
n *= -1;
double dist = n * Vec3d (p1, newp);
if (dist > -1e-10) // 1e-10
insphere.Add (nbind);
changed = 1;
} // while (changed)
// (*testout) << "newels: " << endl;
Array<Element> newels;
// Array<Element> newels;
Array<DelaunayTet> newels;
Element2d face(TRIG);
for (int j = 1; j <= insphere.GetArray().Size(); j++)
for (int k = 1; k <= 4; k++)
for (int celind : insphere.GetArray())
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
// int elind = insphere.GetArray().Get(j);
int celind = insphere.GetArray().Get(j);
int nbind = meshnb.GetNB (celind, k);
if (!nbind || !insphere.IsIn (nbind))
tempels.Get (celind).GetFace1 (k, face);
tempels.Get (celind).GetFace (k, face);
Element newel(TET);
// Element newel(TET);
DelaunayTet newel;
for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
newel[l] = face[l];
newel[3] = newpi;
@ -471,7 +391,7 @@ namespace netgen
if (n * Vec3d(mesh.Point (face[0]),
mesh.Point (tempels.Get(insphere.GetArray().Get(j))[k-1]))
mesh.Point (tempels.Get(celind)[k]))
> 0)
n *= -1;
@ -492,38 +412,36 @@ namespace netgen
meshnb.ResetFaceHT (10*insphere.GetArray().Size()+1);
for (int j = 1; j <= insphere.GetArray().Size(); j++)
for (auto celind : insphere.GetArray())
// int elind =
int celind = insphere.GetArray().Get(j);
meshnb.Delete (celind);
list.DeleteElement (celind);
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
tempels.Elem(celind)[k] = -1;
// ((ADTree6&)tettree.Tree()).DeleteElement (celind);
tettree.DeleteElement (celind);
freelist.Append (celind);
int hasclose = 0;
for (int j = 1; j <= closesphere.GetArray().Size(); j++)
bool hasclose = false;
for (int ind : closesphere.GetArray())
int ind = closesphere.GetArray().Get(j);
if (!insphere.IsIn(ind) &&
fabs (Dist2 (centers.Get (ind), newp) - radi2.Get(ind)) < 1e-8 )
hasclose = 1;
hasclose = true;
for (int j = 1; j <= newels.Size(); j++)
const auto & newel = newels.Get(j);
int nelind;
if (!freelist.Size())
tempels.Append (newels.Get(j));
tempels.Append (newel);
nelind = tempels.Size();
@ -531,29 +449,29 @@ namespace netgen
nelind = freelist.Last();
tempels.Elem(nelind) = newels.Get(j);
tempels.Elem(nelind) = newel;
meshnb.Add (nelind);
list.AddElement (nelind);
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
pp[k] = &mesh.Point (newels.Get(j)[k]);
pp[k] = &mesh.Point (newel[k]);
if (CalcSphereCenter (&pp[0], pc) )
PrintSysError ("Delaunay: New tet is flat");
(*testout) << "new tet is flat" << endl;
for (int k = 1; k <= 4; k++)
(*testout) << newels.Get(j).PNum(k) << " ";
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
(*testout) << newel[k] << " ";
(*testout) << endl;
for (int k = 1; k <= 4; k++)
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
(*testout) << *pp[k-1] << " ";
(*testout) << endl;
r2 = Dist2 (*pp[0], pc);
double r2 = Dist2 (*pp[0], pc);
if (hasclose)
for (int k = 1; k <= closesphere.GetArray().Size(); k++)
@ -602,50 +520,41 @@ namespace netgen
Array<DelaunayTet> & tempels,
int oldnp, DelaunayTet & startel, Point3d & pmin, Point3d & pmax)
Array<Point<3> > centers;
static Timer t("Meshing3::Delaunay1"); RegionTimer reg(t);
static Timer tloop("Meshing3::Delaunay1 loop");
Array<Point<3>> centers;
Array<double> radi2;
Point3d tpmin, tpmax;
Box<3> bbox(Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX);
for (auto & face : adfront->Faces())
for (PointIndex pi : face.Face().PNums())
bbox.Add (mesh.Point(pi));
// new: local box
mesh.GetBox (pmax, pmin); // lower bound for pmax, upper for pmin
for (int i = 1; i <= adfront->GetNF(); i++)
const MiniElement2d & face = adfront->GetFace(i);
for (PointIndex pi : face.PNums())
pmin.SetToMin (mesh.Point (pi));
pmax.SetToMax (mesh.Point (pi));
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.LockedPoints())
pmin.SetToMin (mesh.Point (pi));
pmax.SetToMax (mesh.Point (pi));
bbox.Add (mesh.Point (pi));
pmin = bbox.PMin();
pmax = bbox.PMax();
Vec3d vdiag(pmin, pmax);
Vec<3> vdiag = pmax-pmin;
// double r1 = vdiag.Length();
double r1 = sqrt (3.0) * max3(vdiag.X(), vdiag.Y(), vdiag.Z());
vdiag = Vec3d (r1, r1, r1);
double r1 = sqrt (3.0) * max3(vdiag(0), vdiag(1), vdiag(2));
vdiag = Vec<3> (r1, r1, r1);
//double r2;
Point3d pmin2 = pmin - 8 * vdiag;
Point3d pmax2 = pmax + 8 * vdiag;
Point<3> pmin2 = pmin - 8 * vdiag;
Point<3> pmax2 = pmax + 8 * vdiag;
Point3d cp1(pmin2), cp2(pmax2), cp3(pmax2), cp4(pmax2);
cp2.X() = pmin2.X();
cp3.Y() = pmin2.Y();
cp4.Z() = pmin2.Z();
Point<3> cp1(pmin2), cp2(pmax2), cp3(pmax2), cp4(pmax2);
cp2(0) = pmin2(0);
cp3(1) = pmin2(1);
cp4(2) = pmin2(2);
int np = mesh.GetNP();
size_t np = mesh.GetNP();
startel[0] = mesh.AddPoint (cp1);
startel[1] = mesh.AddPoint (cp2);
@ -655,24 +564,21 @@ namespace netgen
// flag points to use for Delaunay:
BitArrayChar<PointIndex::BASE> usep(np);
for (int i = 1; i <= adfront->GetNF(); i++)
const MiniElement2d & face = adfront->GetFace(i);
for (int j = 0; j < face.GetNP(); j++)
usep.Set (face[j]);
for (int i = oldnp + PointIndex::BASE;
for (auto & face : adfront->Faces())
for (PointIndex pi : face.Face().PNums())
usep.Set (pi);
for (size_t i = oldnp + PointIndex::BASE;
i < np + PointIndex::BASE; i++)
usep.Set (i);
for (int i = 0; i < mesh.LockedPoints().Size(); i++)
usep.Set (mesh.LockedPoints()[i]);
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.LockedPoints())
usep.Set (pi);
Array<int> freelist;
int cntp = 0;
MeshNB meshnb (tempels, mesh.GetNP() + 5);
@ -689,13 +595,12 @@ namespace netgen
list.AddElement (1);
Array<int> connected, treesearch;
tpmin = tpmax = mesh.Point(startel[0]);
for (int k = 1; k < 4; k++)
tpmin.SetToMin (mesh.Point (startel[k]));
tpmax.SetToMax (mesh.Point (startel[k]));
Box<3> tbox(Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX);
for (size_t k = 0; k < 4; k++)
tbox.Add (mesh.Point(startel[k]));
Point<3> tpmin = tbox.PMin();
Point<3> tpmax = tbox.PMax();
tpmax = tpmax + 0.01 * (tpmax - tpmin);
tettree.Insert (tpmin, tpmax, 1);
@ -727,6 +632,7 @@ namespace netgen
for (PointIndex pi = mesh.Points().Begin(); pi < mesh.Points().End()-4; pi++)
mixed[pi] = PointIndex ( (prim * pi) % np + PointIndex::BASE );
for (PointIndex pi = mesh.Points().Begin(); pi < mesh.Points().End()-4; pi++)
if (pi % 1000 == 0)
@ -755,7 +661,8 @@ namespace netgen
connected, treesearch, freelist, list, insphere, closesphere);
for (int i = tempels.Size(); i >= 1; i--)
if (tempels.Get(i)[0] <= 0)
tempels.DeleteElement (i);
@ -783,6 +690,8 @@ namespace netgen
void Meshing3 :: Delaunay (Mesh & mesh, int domainnr, const MeshingParameters & mp)
static Timer t("Meshing3::Delaunay"); RegionTimer reg(t);
int np, ne;
PrintMessage (1, "Delaunay meshing");
@ -810,26 +719,27 @@ namespace netgen
// improve delaunay - mesh by swapping !!!!
Mesh tempmesh;
for (PointIndex pi = mesh.Points().Begin(); pi < mesh.Points().End(); pi++)
tempmesh.AddPoint (mesh[pi]);
for (auto & meshpoint : mesh.Points())
tempmesh.AddPoint (meshpoint);
for (int i = 1; i <= tempels.Size(); i++)
for (auto & tempel : tempels)
Element el(4);
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
el[j] = tempels.Elem(i)[j];
el[j] = tempel[j];
el.SetIndex (1);
const Point3d & lp1 = mesh.Point (el[0]);
const Point3d & lp2 = mesh.Point (el[1]);
const Point3d & lp3 = mesh.Point (el[2]);
const Point3d & lp4 = mesh.Point (el[3]);
Vec3d v1(lp1, lp2);
Vec3d v2(lp1, lp3);
Vec3d v3(lp1, lp4);
const Point<3> & lp1 = mesh.Point (el[0]);
const Point<3> & lp2 = mesh.Point (el[1]);
const Point<3> & lp3 = mesh.Point (el[2]);
const Point<3> & lp4 = mesh.Point (el[3]);
Vec<3> v1 = lp2-lp1;
Vec<3> v2 = lp3-lp1;
Vec<3> v3 = lp4-lp1;
Vec3d n = Cross (v1, v2);
Vec<3> n = Cross (v1, v2);
double vol = n * v3;
if (vol > 0) swap (el[2], el[3]);
@ -858,7 +768,7 @@ namespace netgen
Element2d self(TRIG);
self.SetIndex (1);
startel.GetFace1 (i, self);
startel.GetFace (i-1, self);
tempmesh.AddSurfaceElement (self);
@ -1232,6 +1142,7 @@ namespace netgen
INDEX_3_HASHTABLE<int> boundaryfaces(mesh.GetNOpenElements()/3+1);
for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNOpenElements(); i++)
const Element2d & tri = mesh.OpenElement(i);
@ -1239,6 +1150,13 @@ namespace netgen
boundaryfaces.PrepareSet (i3);
for (const Element2d & tri : mesh.OpenElements())
INDEX_3 i3 (tri[0], tri[1], tri[2]);
boundaryfaces.PrepareSet (i3);
for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNOpenElements(); i++)
@ -1248,14 +1166,23 @@ namespace netgen
boundaryfaces.Set (i3, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < tempels.Size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
tempels[i].NB(j) = 0;
for (auto & el : tempels)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
el.NB(j) = 0;
TABLE<int,PointIndex::BASE> elsonpoint(mesh.GetNP());
for (int i = 0; i < tempels.Size(); i++)
const DelaunayTet & el = tempels[i];
for (const DelaunayTet & el : tempels)
INDEX_4 i4(el[0], el[1], el[2], el[3]);
elsonpoint.IncSizePrepare (i4.I1());
@ -1279,7 +1206,8 @@ namespace netgen
Element2d hel(TRIG);
for (PointIndex pi = mesh.Points().Begin(); pi < mesh.Points().End(); pi++)
// for (PointIndex pi = mesh.Points().Begin(); pi < mesh.Points().End(); pi++)
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.Points().Range())
faceht.SetSize (4 * elsonpoint[pi].Size());
for (int ii = 0; ii < elsonpoint[pi].Size(); ii++)
@ -1289,7 +1217,7 @@ namespace netgen
for (int j = 1; j <= 4; j++)
el.GetFace1 (j, hel);
el.GetFace (j-1, hel);
@ -1303,8 +1231,8 @@ namespace netgen
INDEX_2 i2 = faceht.Get(i3);
tempels.Elem(i).NB1(j) = i2.I1();
tempels.Elem(i2.I1()).NB1(i2.I2()) = i;
tempels.Elem(i).NB(j-1) = i2.I1();
tempels.Elem(i2.I1()).NB(i2.I2()-1) = i;
@ -1464,7 +1392,7 @@ namespace netgen
for (int j = 1; j <= 4; j++)
INDEX_3 i3 = tempels.Get(ei).GetFace1(j);
INDEX_3 i3 = tempels.Get(ei).GetFace(j-1);
Element2d face;
tempels.Get(ei).GetFace(j, face);
@ -1474,8 +1402,8 @@ namespace netgen
if (tempels.Get(ei).NB1(j))
elstack.Append (tempels.Get(ei).NB1(j));
if (tempels.Get(ei).NB(j-1))
elstack.Append (tempels.Get(ei).NB(j-1));
if (innerfaces.Used(i3))
@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ namespace netgen
DLL_HEADER shared_ptr<NetgenGeometry> ng_geometry;
// TraceGlobal glob2("global2");
// global communicator for netgen
weak_ptr<Mesh> global_mesh;
void SetGlobalMesh (shared_ptr<Mesh> m)
@ -50,10 +53,6 @@ namespace netgen
string ngdir = ".";
// parallel netgen
int id = 0, ntasks = 1;
void Ng_PrintDest(const char * s)
if (id == 0)
@ -59,6 +59,10 @@ namespace netgen
DLL_HEADER extern weak_ptr<Mesh> global_mesh;
DLL_HEADER void SetGlobalMesh (shared_ptr<Mesh> m);
// global communicator for netgen (dummy if no MPI)
extern DLL_HEADER MPI_Comm ng_comm;
@ -22,8 +22,9 @@ namespace netgen
pnums[i] = -1;
param[i][0] = param[i][1] = param[i][2] = 0;
domin=-1; domout=-1; // he:
domin=-1; domout=-1; // he:
levelx = 0; levely = 0; levelz = 0;
HPRefElement :: HPRefElement ()
@ -31,46 +32,40 @@ namespace netgen
HPRefElement :: HPRefElement(Element & el)
HPRefElement :: HPRefElement(Element & el) :
np(el.GetNV()), index(el.GetIndex()), levelx(0), levely(0), levelz(0), type(HP_NONE), domin(-1), domout(-1) //domin,out for segements
np = el.GetNV();
for (int i=0; i<np ; i++)
pnums[i] = el[i];
index = el.GetIndex();
const Point3d * points =
MeshTopology :: GetVertices (el.GetType());
for(int i=0;i<np;i++)
for(int l=0;l<3;l++)
param[i][l] = points[i].X(l+1);
type = HP_NONE;
domin=-1; domout=-1; // he: needed for segments
HPRefElement :: HPRefElement(Element2d & el)
HPRefElement :: HPRefElement(Element2d & el) :
levelx(0), levely(0), levelz(0), type(HP_NONE), index(el.GetIndex()), np(el.GetNV()), domin(-1), domout(-1) //domin,out for segements
np = el.GetNV();
for (int i=0; i<np ; i++)
pnums[i] = el[i];
index = el.GetIndex();
const Point3d * points =
MeshTopology :: GetVertices (el.GetType());
for(int i=0;i<np;i++)
for(int l=0;l<3;l++)
param[i][l] = points[i].X(l+1);
type = HP_NONE;
domin=-1; domout=-1; // he: needed for segments
HPRefElement :: HPRefElement(Segment & el)
HPRefElement :: HPRefElement(Segment & el) :
levelx(0), levely(0), levelz(0), type(HP_NONE), np(2), domin(el.domin), domout(el.domout), singedge_left(el.singedge_left), singedge_right(el.singedge_right)
np = 2;
for (int i=0; i<np ; i++)
pnums[i] = el[i];
const Point3d * points =
@ -86,35 +81,18 @@ namespace netgen
param[i][1] = -1; param[i][2] = -1;
singedge_left = el.singedge_left;
singedge_right = el.singedge_right;
type = HP_NONE;
// he: needed for orientation!
domin = el.domin;
domout = el.domout;
HPRefElement :: HPRefElement(HPRefElement & el)
HPRefElement :: HPRefElement(HPRefElement & el) :
np(el.np), levelx(el.levelx), levely(el.levely), levelz(el.levelz), type(el.type), domin(el.domin), domout(el.domout), index(el.index), coarse_elnr(el.coarse_elnr), singedge_left(el.singedge_left), singedge_right(el.singedge_right)
np = el.np;
for (int i=0; i<np ; i++)
pnums[i] = el[i];
for(int l=0; l<3; l++) param[i][l] = el.param[i][l];
index = el.index;
levelx = el.levelx;
levely = el.levely;
levelz = el.levelz;
type = el.type;
coarse_elnr = el.coarse_elnr;
singedge_left = el.singedge_left;
singedge_right = el.singedge_right;
domin = el.domin; // he: needed for segments
void HPRefElement :: SetType (HPREF_ELEMENT_TYPE t)
@ -706,8 +684,7 @@ namespace netgen
HPRefElement el = elements[i];
HPRef_Struct * hprs = Get_HPRef_Struct (el.type);
int newlevel = el.levelx + 1;
int newlevel = el.levelx;
int oldnp = 0;
switch (hprs->geom)
@ -829,18 +806,27 @@ namespace netgen
HPRefElement newel(el);
newel.type = hprs->neweltypes[j];
// newel.index = elements[i].index;
// newel.coarse_elnr = elements[i].coarse_elnr;
newel.levelx = newel.levely = newel.levelz = newlevel;
if (newel.type == HP_SEGM ||
newel.type == HP_TRIG ||
newel.type == HP_QUAD ||
newel.type == HP_TET ||
newel.type == HP_PRISM ||
newel.type == HP_HEX ||
newel.type == HP_PYRAMID)
newel.levelx = newel.levely = newel.levelz = newlevel;
newel.levelx = newel.levely = newel.levelz = newlevel+1;
case HP_SEGM: newel.np=2; break;
case HP_QUAD: newel.np=4; break;
case HP_TRIG: newel.np=3; break;
case HP_HEX: newel.np=8; break;
case HP_PRISM: newel.np=6; break;
case HP_TET: newel.np=4; break;
case HP_SEGM: newel.np=2; break;
case HP_QUAD: newel.np=4; break;
case HP_TRIG: newel.np=3; break;
case HP_HEX: newel.np=8; break;
case HP_PRISM: newel.np=6; break;
case HP_TET: newel.np=4; break;
case HP_PYRAMID: newel.np=5; break;
throw NgException (string("hprefinement.cpp: illegal type"));
@ -868,7 +854,7 @@ namespace netgen
if (j == 0)
elements[i] = newel; // overwrite old element
elements.Append (newel);
@ -1337,7 +1323,7 @@ namespace netgen
Array<HPRefElement> & hpelements = *mesh.hpelements;
Array<int> nplevel;
nplevel.Append (mesh.GetNP());
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ namespace netgen
void MeshOptimize3d :: CombineImprove (Mesh & mesh,
static Timer t("MeshOptimize3d::CombineImprove"); RegionTimer reg(t);
int np = mesh.GetNP();
int ne = mesh.GetNE();
@ -274,6 +276,8 @@ void MeshOptimize3d :: CombineImprove (Mesh & mesh,
void MeshOptimize3d :: SplitImprove (Mesh & mesh,
static Timer t("MeshOptimize3d::SplitImprove"); RegionTimer reg(t);
double bad1, bad2, badmax, badlimit;
int cnt = 0;
@ -569,6 +573,8 @@ void MeshOptimize3d :: SplitImprove (Mesh & mesh,
void MeshOptimize3d :: SwapImprove (Mesh & mesh, OPTIMIZEGOAL goal,
const BitArray * working_elements)
static Timer t("MeshOptimize3d::SwapImprove"); RegionTimer reg(t);
PointIndex pi3(0), pi4(0), pi5(0), pi6(0);
int cnt = 0;
@ -2303,6 +2309,8 @@ void MeshOptimize3d :: SwapImproveSurface (Mesh & mesh, OPTIMIZEGOAL goal,
void MeshOptimize3d :: SwapImprove2 (Mesh & mesh, OPTIMIZEGOAL goal)
static Timer t("MeshOptimize3d::SwapImprove2"); RegionTimer reg(t);
PointIndex pi1(0), pi2(0), pi3(0), pi4(0), pi5(0);
Element el21(TET), el22(TET), el31(TET), el32(TET), el33(TET);
@ -4988,6 +4988,10 @@ namespace netgen
bool build_searchtree,
const bool allowindex) const
// const double pointtol = 1e-12;
// netgen::Point<3> pmin = p - Vec<3> (pointtol, pointtol, pointtol);
// netgen::Point<3> pmax = p + Vec<3> (pointtol, pointtol, pointtol);
if (dimension == 2 || (dimension==3 && !GetNE() && GetNSE()))
int ne;
@ -32,10 +32,8 @@ namespace netgen
/// point coordinates
T_POINTS points;
// The communicator for this mesh. (more or less dummy for now!)
// The communicator for this mesh. Just a dummy if compiled without MPI.
MPI_Comm comm;
/// line-segments at edges
Array<Segment, 0, size_t> segments;
@ -132,8 +130,8 @@ namespace netgen
/// mesh access semaphors.
NgMutex majormutex;
SYMBOLTABLE< Array<int>* > userdata_int;
SYMBOLTABLE< Array<double>* > userdata_double;
SymbolTable< Array<int>* > userdata_int;
SymbolTable< Array<double>* > userdata_double;
mutable Array< Point3d > pointcurves;
@ -223,7 +221,7 @@ namespace netgen
DLL_HEADER PointIndex AddPoint (const Point3d & p, int layer = 1);
DLL_HEADER PointIndex AddPoint (const Point3d & p, int layer, POINTTYPE type);
int GetNP () const { return points.Size(); }
auto GetNP () const { return points.Size(); }
// [[deprecated("Use Point(PointIndex) instead of int !")]]
MeshPoint & Point(int i) { return points.Elem(i); }
@ -293,7 +291,7 @@ namespace netgen
timestamp = NextTimeStamp();
int GetNSE () const { return surfelements.Size(); }
auto GetNSE () const { return surfelements.Size(); }
// [[deprecated("Use SurfaceElement(SurfaceElementIndex) instead of int !")]]
Element2d & SurfaceElement(int i) { return surfelements.Elem(i); }
@ -318,7 +316,7 @@ namespace netgen
// write to pre-allocated container, thread-safe
DLL_HEADER void SetVolumeElement (ElementIndex sei, const Element & el);
int GetNE () const { return volelements.Size(); }
auto GetNE () const { return volelements.Size(); }
// [[deprecated("Use VolumeElement(ElementIndex) instead of int !")]]
Element & VolumeElement(int i) { return volelements.Elem(i); }
@ -456,7 +454,8 @@ namespace netgen
const Element2d & OpenElement(int i) const
{ return openelements.Get(i); }
auto & OpenElements() const { return openelements; }
/// are also quads open elements
bool HasOpenQuads () const;
@ -606,6 +605,9 @@ namespace netgen
int AddEdgeDescriptor(const EdgeDescriptor & fd)
{ edgedecoding.Append(fd); return edgedecoding.Size() - 1; }
MPI_Comm GetCommunicator() const { return this->comm; }
void SetCommunicator(MPI_Comm acomm);
DLL_HEADER void SetMaterial (int domnr, const string & mat);
@ -858,7 +860,11 @@ namespace netgen
void SendMesh ( ) const; // Mesh * mastermesh, Array<int> & neloc) const;
/// loads a mesh sent from master processor
void ReceiveParallelMesh ();
void Distribute () {}
void SendRecvMesh () {}
void Distribute (Array<int> & volume_weights, Array<int> & surface_weights,
Array<int> & segment_weights){ }
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ namespace netgen
// extern double teterrpow;
MESHING3_RESULT MeshVolume (MeshingParameters & mp, Mesh& mesh3d)
static Timer t("MeshVolume"); RegionTimer reg(t);
int oldne;
int meshed;
@ -639,6 +641,8 @@ namespace netgen
Mesh & mesh3d)
// const CSGeometry * geometry)
static Timer t("OptimizeVolume"); RegionTimer reg(t);
int i;
PrintMessage (1, "Volume Optimization");
@ -698,6 +702,8 @@ namespace netgen
void RemoveIllegalElements (Mesh & mesh3d)
static Timer t("RemoveIllegalElements"); RegionTimer reg(t);
int it = 10;
int nillegal, oldn;
@ -168,12 +168,17 @@ int Meshing3 :: AddConnectedPair (const INDEX_2 & apair)
GenerateMesh (Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & mp)
static int meshing3_timer = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing3::GenerateMesh");
static int meshing3_timer_a = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing3::GenerateMesh a");
static int meshing3_timer_b = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing3::GenerateMesh b");
static int meshing3_timer_c = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing3::GenerateMesh c");
static int meshing3_timer_d = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing3::GenerateMesh d");
NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg (meshing3_timer);
static Timer t("Meshing3::GenerateMesh"); RegionTimer reg(t);
static Timer meshing3_timer_a("Meshing3::GenerateMesh a", 2);
static Timer meshing3_timer_b("Meshing3::GenerateMesh b", 2);
static Timer meshing3_timer_c("Meshing3::GenerateMesh c", 1);
static Timer meshing3_timer_d("Meshing3::GenerateMesh d", 2);
// static int meshing3_timer = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing3::GenerateMesh");
// static int meshing3_timer_a = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing3::GenerateMesh a");
// static int meshing3_timer_b = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing3::GenerateMesh b");
// static int meshing3_timer_c = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing3::GenerateMesh c");
// static int meshing3_timer_d = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing3::GenerateMesh d");
// NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg (meshing3_timer);
Array<Point3d, PointIndex::BASE> locpoints; // local points
@ -269,20 +274,16 @@ GenerateMesh (Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & mp)
const MiniElement2d & bel = adfront->GetFace (baseelem);
const Point3d & p1 = adfront->GetPoint (bel[0]);
const Point3d & p2 = adfront->GetPoint (bel[1]);
const Point3d & p3 = adfront->GetPoint (bel[2]);
const Point<3> p1 = adfront->GetPoint (bel[0]);
const Point<3> p2 = adfront->GetPoint (bel[1]);
const Point<3> p3 = adfront->GetPoint (bel[2]);
// (*testout) << endl << "base = " << bel << endl;
Point3d pmid = Center (p1, p2, p3);
Point<3> pmid = Center (p1, p2, p3);
double his = (Dist (p1, p2) + Dist(p1, p3) + Dist(p2, p3)) / 3;
double hshould;
hshould = mesh.GetH (pmid);
double hshould = mesh.GetH (pmid);
if (adfront->GetFace (baseelem).GetNP() == 4)
hshould = max2 (his, hshould);
@ -292,13 +293,13 @@ GenerateMesh (Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & mp)
double hinner = hmax * (1 + stat.qualclass);
double houter = hmax * (1 + 2 * stat.qualclass);
NgProfiler::StartTimer (meshing3_timer_a);
stat.qualclass =
adfront -> GetLocals (baseelem, locpoints, locfaces,
pindex, findex, connectedpairs,
houter, hinner,
NgProfiler::StopTimer (meshing3_timer_a);
// (*testout) << "locfaces = " << endl << locfaces << endl;
@ -320,9 +321,6 @@ GenerateMesh (Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & mp)
if (testmode)
(*testout) << "baseelem = " << baseelem << " qualclass = " << stat.qualclass << endl;
@ -479,7 +477,8 @@ GenerateMesh (Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & mp)
(*testout) << endl;
NgProfiler::StartTimer (meshing3_timer_c);
// NgProfiler::StartTimer (meshing3_timer_c);
found = ApplyRules (plainpoints, allowpoint,
locfaces, locfacesplit, connectedpairs,
@ -489,8 +488,8 @@ GenerateMesh (Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & mp)
if (found >= 0) impossible = 0;
if (found < 0) found = 0;
NgProfiler::StopTimer (meshing3_timer_c);
// NgProfiler::StopTimer (meshing3_timer_c);
if (!found) loktestmode = 0;
@ -1028,6 +1028,9 @@ namespace netgen
case 6: typ = PRISM; break;
case 8: typ = HEX; break;
case 10: typ = TET10; break;
case 13: typ = PYRAMID13; break;
case 15: typ = PRISM15; break;
case 20: typ = HEX20; break;
default: cerr << "Element::Element: unknown element with " << np << " points" << endl;
orderx = ordery = orderz = 1;
@ -1108,6 +1111,9 @@ namespace netgen
case 6: typ = PRISM; break;
case 8: typ = HEX; break;
case 10: typ = TET10; break;
case 13: typ = PYRAMID13; break;
case 15: typ = PRISM15; break;
case 20: typ = HEX20; break;
default: break;
cerr << "Element::SetNP unknown element with " << np << " points" << endl;
@ -1126,7 +1132,10 @@ namespace netgen
case PRISM: np = 6; break;
case HEX: np = 8; break;
case TET10: np = 10; break;
case PYRAMID13: np = 13; break;
case PRISM12: np = 12; break;
case PRISM15: np = 15; break;
case HEX20: np = 20; break;
default: break;
cerr << "Element::SetType unknown type " << int(typ) << endl;
@ -1955,7 +1964,27 @@ namespace netgen
shape(4) = p(2);
case PYRAMID13:
T x = p(0);
T y = p(1);
T z = p(2);
z *= 1-1e-12;
shape[0] = (-z + z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) + (-2*x - z + 2)*(-2*y - z + 2))*(-0.5*x - 0.5*y - 0.5*z + 0.25);
shape[1] = (0.5*x - 0.5*y - 0.25)*(-z - z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) + (2*x + z)*(-2*y - z + 2));
shape[2] = (-z + z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) + (2*x + z)*(2*y + z))*(0.5*x + 0.5*y + 0.5*z - 0.75);
shape[3] = (-0.5*x + 0.5*y - 0.25)*(-z - z*(2*x + z - 1)*(2*y + z - 1)/(-z + 1) + (2*y + z)*(-2*x - z + 2));
shape[4] = z*(2*z - 1);
shape[5] = 2*x*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2);
shape[6] = 4*x*y*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2);
shape[7] = 2*y*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2);
shape[8] = 4*x*y*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-2*z + 2);
shape[9] = z*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-z + 1);
shape[10] = 2*x*z*(-2*y - 2*z + 2)/(-z + 1);
shape[11] = 4*x*y*z/(-z + 1);
shape[12] = 2*y*z*(-2*x - 2*z + 2)/(-z + 1);
case PRISM:
shape(0) = p(0) * (1-p(2));
@ -1966,6 +1995,30 @@ namespace netgen
shape(5) = (1-p(0)-p(1)) * p(2);
case PRISM15:
T x = p(0);
T y = p(1);
T z = p(2);
T lam = 1-x-y;
T lamz = 1-z;
shape[0] = (2*x*x-x) * (2*lamz*lamz-lamz);
shape[1] = (2*y*y-y) * (2*lamz*lamz-lamz);
shape[2] = (2*lam*lam-lam) * (2*lamz*lamz-lamz);
shape[3] = (2*x*x-x) * (2*z*z-z);
shape[4] = (2*y*y-y) * (2*z*z-z);
shape[5] = (2*lam*lam-lam) * (2*z*z-z);
shape[6] = 4 * x * y * (2*lamz*lamz-lamz);
shape[7] = 4 * x * lam * (2*lamz*lamz-lamz);
shape[8] = 4 * y * lam * (2*lamz*lamz-lamz);
shape[9] = x * 4 * z * (1-z);
shape[10] = y * 4 * z * (1-z);
shape[11] = lam * 4 * z * (1-z);
shape[12] = 4 * x * y * (2*z*z-z);
shape[13] = 4 * x * lam * (2*z*z-z);
shape[14] = 4 * y * lam * (2*z*z-z);
case HEX:
shape(0) = (1-p(0))*(1-p(1))*(1-p(2));
@ -1978,6 +2031,43 @@ namespace netgen
shape(7) = (1-p(0))*( p(1))*( p(2));
case HEX20:
T x = p(0);
T y = p(1);
T z = p(2);
shape[0] = (1-x)*(1-y)*(1-z);
shape[1] = x *(1-y)*(1-z);
shape[2] = x * y *(1-z);
shape[3] = (1-x)* y *(1-z);
shape[4] = (1-x)*(1-y)*(z);
shape[5] = x *(1-y)*(z);
shape[6] = x * y *(z);
shape[7] = (1-x)* y *(z);
T sigma[8]={(1-x)+(1-y)+(1-z),x+(1-y)+(1-z),x+y+(1-z),(1-x)+y+(1-z),
static const int e[12][2] =
{ 0, 1 }, { 2, 3 }, { 3, 0 }, { 1, 2 },
{ 4, 5 }, { 6, 7 }, { 7, 4 }, { 5, 6 },
{ 0, 4 }, { 1, 5 }, { 2, 6 }, { 3, 7 },
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
T lame = shape[e[i][0]]+shape[e[i][1]];
T xi = sigma[e[i][1]]-sigma[e[i][0]];
shape[8+i] = (1-xi*xi)*lame;
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
shape[e[i][0]] -= 0.5 * shape[8+i];
shape[e[i][1]] -= 0.5 * shape[8+i];
throw NgException("Element :: GetNewShape not implemented for that element");
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ namespace netgen
TRIG = 10, QUAD=11, TRIG6 = 12, QUAD6 = 13, QUAD8 = 14,
TET = 20, TET10 = 21,
PYRAMID = 22, PRISM = 23, PRISM12 = 24,
HEX = 25
PYRAMID = 22, PRISM = 23, PRISM12 = 24, PRISM15 = 27, PYRAMID13 = 28,
HEX = 25, HEX20 = 26
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ namespace netgen
@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ namespace netgen
/// number of points (4..tet, 5..pyramid, 6..prism, 8..hex, 10..quad tet, 12..quad prism)
int np:5;
int np:6;
class flagstruct {
@ -708,18 +708,21 @@ namespace netgen
uint8_t GetNV() const
__assume(typ >= TET && typ <= HEX);
__assume(typ >= TET && typ <= PYRAMID13);
switch (typ)
case TET:
case TET10:
return 4;
case PRISM12:
case PRISM:
case PRISM12:
case PRISM15:
case PRISM:
return 6;
case PYRAMID13:
return 5;
case HEX:
case HEX20:
return 8;
default: // not a 3D element
#ifdef DEBUG
@ -794,10 +797,12 @@ namespace netgen
case TET:
case TET10: return 4;
case PYRAMID: return 5;
case PRISM:
case PYRAMID: case PYRAMID13: return 5;
case PRISM:
case PRISM15:
case PRISM12: return 5;
case HEX: return 6;
case HEX: case HEX20:
return 6;
#ifdef DEBUG
PrintSysError ("element3d::GetNFaces not implemented for typ", typ)
@ -35,9 +35,8 @@ namespace netgen
void Mesh :: SendRecvMesh ()
int id, np;
MPI_Comm_rank(this->comm, &id);
MPI_Comm_size(this->comm, &np);
int id = MyMPI_GetId(GetCommunicator());
int np = MyMPI_GetNTasks(GetCommunicator());
if (np == 1) {
throw NgException("SendRecvMesh called, but only one rank in communicator!!");
@ -73,16 +72,18 @@ namespace netgen
Array<MPI_Request> sendrequests;
MPI_Comm comm = GetCommunicator();
int id = MyMPI_GetId(comm);
int ntasks = MyMPI_GetNTasks(comm);
int dim = GetDimension();
MyMPI_Bcast(dim, comm);
PrintMessage ( 3, "Sending nr of elements");
MPI_Comm comm = this->comm;
Array<int> num_els_on_proc(ntasks);
num_els_on_proc = 0;
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < GetNE(); ei++)
@ -285,7 +286,7 @@ namespace netgen
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
FlatArray<PointIndex> verts = verts_of_proc[dest];
sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend (verts, dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+1));
sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend (verts, dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm));
MPI_Datatype mptype = MeshPoint::MyGetMPIType();
@ -301,7 +302,7 @@ namespace netgen
MPI_Type_commit (&newtype);
MPI_Request request;
MPI_Isend( &points[0], 1, newtype, dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
MPI_Isend( &points[0], 1, newtype, dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm, &request);
sendrequests.Append (request);
@ -367,7 +368,7 @@ namespace netgen
Array<MPI_Request> req_per;
for(int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
req_per.Append(MyMPI_ISend(pp_data[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+1));
req_per.Append(MyMPI_ISend(pp_data[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm));
MPI_Waitall(req_per.Size(), &req_per[0], MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
PrintMessage ( 3, "Sending Vertices - distprocs");
@ -395,7 +396,7 @@ namespace netgen
for ( int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest ++ )
sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend (distpnums[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+1));
sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend (distpnums[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm));
@ -425,7 +426,7 @@ namespace netgen
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest ++ )
sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend (elementarrays[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+2));
sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend (elementarrays[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+2, comm));
PrintMessage ( 3, "Sending Face Descriptors" );
@ -442,7 +443,7 @@ namespace netgen
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend (fddata, dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+3));
sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend (fddata, dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+3, comm));
/** Surface Elements **/
@ -526,7 +527,7 @@ namespace netgen
// distribute sel data
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend(selbuf[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+4));
sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend(selbuf[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+4, comm));
/** Segments **/
@ -577,8 +578,8 @@ namespace netgen
for(int l = 0; l<osegs_both.Size(); l++) {
int segnp = (*this)[osegs_both[l]].GetNP();
int segnp2 = (*this)[osegs_both[l]].GetNP();
throw NgException("Tried to identify non-curved and curved Segment!");
for(int l = 0; l<osegs_both.Size(); l++) {
@ -676,7 +677,7 @@ namespace netgen
// distrubute segment data
for (int dest = 1; dest < ntasks; dest++)
sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend(segm_buf[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+5));
sendrequests.Append (MyMPI_ISend(segm_buf[dest], dest, MPI_TAG_MESH+5, comm));
PrintMessage ( 3, "now wait ...");
@ -700,9 +701,9 @@ namespace netgen
compiled_bcnames[tot_bcsize++] = (*bcnames[k])[j];
for(int k=1;k<ntasks;k++) {
sendrequests[6*(k-1)] = MyMPI_ISend(FlatArray<int>(1, &nbcs), k, MPI_TAG_MESH+6);
sendrequests[6*(k-1)+1] = MyMPI_ISend(bcname_sizes, k, MPI_TAG_MESH+6);
(void) MPI_Isend(compiled_bcnames, tot_bcsize, MPI_CHAR, k, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &sendrequests[6*(k-1)+2]);
sendrequests[6*(k-1)] = MyMPI_ISend(FlatArray<int>(1, &nbcs), k, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm);
sendrequests[6*(k-1)+1] = MyMPI_ISend(bcname_sizes, k, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm);
(void) MPI_Isend(compiled_bcnames, tot_bcsize, MPI_CHAR, k, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm, &sendrequests[6*(k-1)+2]);
/** Send mat-names **/
@ -719,9 +720,9 @@ namespace netgen
for(int j=0;j<mat_sizes[k];j++)
compiled_mats[tot_matsize++] = (*materials[k])[j];
for(int k=1;k<ntasks;k++) {
sendrequests[6*(k-1)+3] = MyMPI_ISend(FlatArray<int>(1, &nmats), k, MPI_TAG_MESH+6);
sendrequests[6*(k-1)+4] = MyMPI_ISend(mat_sizes, k, MPI_TAG_MESH+6);
(void) MPI_Isend(compiled_mats, tot_matsize, MPI_CHAR, k, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &sendrequests[6*(k-1)+5]);
sendrequests[6*(k-1)+3] = MyMPI_ISend(FlatArray<int>(1, &nmats), k, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm);
sendrequests[6*(k-1)+4] = MyMPI_ISend(mat_sizes, k, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm);
(void) MPI_Isend(compiled_mats, tot_matsize, MPI_CHAR, k, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm, &sendrequests[6*(k-1)+5]);
/* now wait ... **/
@ -731,7 +732,7 @@ namespace netgen
PrintMessage( 3, "send mesh complete");
@ -750,14 +751,17 @@ namespace netgen
int timer_sels = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Receive surface elements");
NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg(timer);
int id = MyMPI_GetId(GetCommunicator());
int ntasks = MyMPI_GetNTasks(GetCommunicator());
int dim;
MyMPI_Bcast(dim, comm);
// Receive number of local elements
int nelloc;
MPI_Scatter (NULL, 0, MPI_INT,
&nelloc, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
&nelloc, 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
paralleltop -> SetNE (nelloc);
// string st;
@ -766,8 +770,7 @@ namespace netgen
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer_pts);
Array<int> verts;
MyMPI_Recv (verts, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+1);
MyMPI_Recv (verts, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm);
int numvert = verts.Size();
paralleltop -> SetNV (numvert);
@ -787,11 +790,10 @@ namespace netgen
MPI_Datatype mptype = MeshPoint::MyGetMPIType();
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Recv( &points[1], numvert, mptype, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Recv( &points[1], numvert, mptype, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm, &status);
Array<int> pp_data;
MyMPI_Recv(pp_data, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+1);
MyMPI_Recv(pp_data, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm);
int maxidentnr = pp_data[0];
auto & idents = GetIdentifications();
@ -815,7 +817,7 @@ namespace netgen
Array<int> dist_pnums;
MyMPI_Recv (dist_pnums, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+1);
MyMPI_Recv (dist_pnums, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+1, comm);
for (int hi = 0; hi < dist_pnums.Size(); hi += 3)
paralleltop ->
@ -828,7 +830,7 @@ namespace netgen
Element el;
Array<int> elarray;
MyMPI_Recv (elarray, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+2);
MyMPI_Recv (elarray, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+2, comm);
NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg(timer_els);
@ -848,7 +850,7 @@ namespace netgen
Array<double> fddata;
MyMPI_Recv (fddata, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+3);
MyMPI_Recv (fddata, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+3, comm);
for (int i = 0; i < fddata.Size(); i += 6)
int faceind = AddFaceDescriptor
@ -863,7 +865,7 @@ namespace netgen
NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg(timer_sels);
Array<int> selbuf;
MyMPI_Recv ( selbuf, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+4);
MyMPI_Recv ( selbuf, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+4, comm);
int ii = 0;
int sel = 0;
@ -894,7 +896,7 @@ namespace netgen
Array<double> segmbuf;
MyMPI_Recv ( segmbuf, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+5);
MyMPI_Recv ( segmbuf, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+5, comm);
Segment seg;
int globsegi;
@ -939,14 +941,14 @@ namespace netgen
/** Recv bc-names **/
int nbcs;
MyMPI_Recv(nbcs, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+6);
MyMPI_Recv(nbcs, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm);
Array<int> bcs(nbcs);
MyMPI_Recv(bcs, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+6);
MyMPI_Recv(bcs, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm);
int size_bc = 0;
for(int k=0;k<nbcs;k++)
size_bc += bcs[k];
char compiled_bcnames[size_bc];
MPI_Recv(compiled_bcnames, size_bc, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
MPI_Recv(compiled_bcnames, size_bc, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
int cnt = 0;
@ -957,14 +959,14 @@ namespace netgen
/** Recv mat-names **/
int nmats;
MyMPI_Recv(nmats, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+6);
MyMPI_Recv(nmats, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm);
Array<int> matsz(nmats);
MyMPI_Recv(matsz, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+6);
MyMPI_Recv(matsz, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm);
int size_mats = 0;
for(int k=0;k<nmats;k++)
size_mats += matsz[k];
char compiled_mats[size_mats];
MPI_Recv(compiled_mats, size_mats, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
MPI_Recv(compiled_mats, size_mats, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_TAG_MESH+6, comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
cnt = 0;
for(int k=0;k<nmats;k++) {
@ -973,7 +975,7 @@ namespace netgen
cnt += matsz[k];
int timerloc = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Update local mesh");
int timerloc2 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("CalcSurfacesOfNode");
@ -982,7 +984,8 @@ namespace netgen
stringstream str;
str << "p" << id << ": got " << GetNE() << " elements and "
<< GetNSE() << " surface elements";
cout << str.str() << endl;
PrintMessage(2, str.str());
// cout << str.str() << endl;
// PrintMessage (2, "Got ", GetNE(), " elements and ", GetNSE(), " surface elements");
// PrintMessage (2, "Got ", GetNSE(), " surface elements");
@ -1008,8 +1011,9 @@ namespace netgen
// call it only for the master !
void Mesh :: Distribute ()
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ntasks);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &id);
MPI_Comm comm = GetCommunicator();
int id = MyMPI_GetId(comm);
int ntasks = MyMPI_GetNTasks(comm);
if (id != 0 || ntasks == 1 ) return;
@ -1068,30 +1072,46 @@ namespace netgen
eptr.Append (eind.Size());
Array<idx_t> epart(ne), npart(nn);
idxtype nparts = ntasks-1;
idxtype edgecut;
idxtype nparts = MyMPI_GetNTasks(GetCommunicator())-1;
idxtype ncommon = 3;
METIS_PartMeshDual (&ne, &nn, &eptr[0], &eind[0], NULL, NULL, &ncommon, &nparts,
&edgecut, &epart[0], &npart[0]);
METIS_PartMeshNodal (&ne, &nn, &eptr[0], &eind[0], NULL, NULL, &nparts,
&edgecut, &epart[0], &npart[0]);
PrintMessage (3, "metis complete");
// cout << "done" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < GetNE(); i++)
VolumeElement(i+1).SetPartition(epart[i] + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < GetNSE(); i++)
SurfaceElement(i+1).SetPartition(epart[i+GetNE()] + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < GetNSeg(); i++)
LineSegment(i+1).SetPartition(epart[i+GetNE()+GetNSE()] + 1);
if (nparts == 1)
for (int i = 0; i < GetNE(); i++)
for (int i = 0; i < GetNSE(); i++)
for (int i = 0; i < GetNSeg(); i++)
idxtype edgecut;
idxtype ncommon = 3;
METIS_PartMeshDual (&ne, &nn, &eptr[0], &eind[0], NULL, NULL, &ncommon, &nparts,
&edgecut, &epart[0], &npart[0]);
METIS_PartMeshNodal (&ne, &nn, &eptr[0], &eind[0], NULL, NULL, &nparts,
&edgecut, &epart[0], &npart[0]);
PrintMessage (3, "metis complete");
// cout << "done" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < GetNE(); i++)
VolumeElement(i+1).SetPartition(epart[i] + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < GetNSE(); i++)
SurfaceElement(i+1).SetPartition(epart[i+GetNE()] + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < GetNSeg(); i++)
LineSegment(i+1).SetPartition(epart[i+GetNE()+GetNSE()] + 1);
// surface elements attached to volume elements
Array<bool, PointIndex::BASE> boundarypoints (GetNP());
boundarypoints = false;
@ -1120,12 +1140,9 @@ namespace netgen
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = 0; sei < GetNSE(); sei++)
const Element2d & el = (*this)[sei];
cout << "surf-el " << sei << " verts: " << endl;
for (int j = 0; j < el.GetNP(); j++) {
cout << el[j] << " ";
f(el[j], sei);
cout << endl;
auto loop_els_3d = [&](auto f) {
@ -1150,7 +1167,6 @@ namespace netgen
cout << "count: " << endl << cnt << endl;
TABLE<int, PointIndex::BASE> pnt2el(cnt);
loop_els([&](auto vertex, int index)
@ -1277,8 +1293,9 @@ namespace netgen
// call it only for the master !
void Mesh :: Distribute (Array<int> & volume_weights , Array<int> & surface_weights, Array<int> & segment_weights)
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ntasks);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &id);
MPI_Comm comm = GetCommunicator();
int id = MyMPI_GetId(comm);
int ntasks = MyMPI_GetNTasks(comm);
if (id != 0 || ntasks == 1 ) return;
@ -1368,7 +1385,20 @@ namespace netgen
eptr.Append (eind.Size());
Array<idx_t> epart(ne), npart(nn);
idxtype nparts = ntasks-1;
idxtype nparts = MyMPI_GetNTasks(GetCommunicator())-1;
if (nparts == 1)
for (int i = 0; i < GetNE(); i++)
for (int i = 0; i < GetNSE(); i++)
for (int i = 0; i < GetNSeg(); i++)
idxtype edgecut;
@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ namespace netgen
void ParallelMeshTopology :: Reset ()
*testout << "ParallelMeshTopology::Reset" << endl;
int id = MyMPI_GetId(mesh.GetCommunicator());
int ntasks = MyMPI_GetNTasks(mesh.GetCommunicator());
if ( ntasks == 1 ) return;
@ -206,6 +209,10 @@ namespace netgen
// cout << "UpdateCoarseGrid" << endl;
// if (is_updated) return;
MPI_Comm comm = mesh.GetCommunicator();
int id = MyMPI_GetId(comm);
int ntasks = MyMPI_GetNTasks(comm);
static int timer = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("UpdateCoarseGrid");
NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg(timer);
@ -222,14 +229,14 @@ namespace netgen
// MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Group MPI_GROUP_comm;
MPI_Group MPI_LocalGroup;
MPI_Comm MPI_LocalComm;
int process_ranks[] = { 0 };
MPI_Group_excl (MPI_GROUP_WORLD, 1, process_ranks, &MPI_LocalGroup);
MPI_Comm_create (MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_LocalGroup, &MPI_LocalComm);
MPI_Comm_group (comm, &MPI_GROUP_comm);
MPI_Group_excl (MPI_GROUP_comm, 1, process_ranks, &MPI_LocalGroup);
MPI_Comm_create (comm, MPI_LocalGroup, &MPI_LocalComm);
if (id == 0) return;
@ -17,6 +17,22 @@ namespace netgen
extern bool netgen_executable_started;
extern shared_ptr<NetgenGeometry> ng_geometry;
/** we need allreduce in python-wrapped communicators **/
template <typename T>
inline T MyMPI_AllReduceNG (T d, const MPI_Op & op = MPI_SUM, MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm)
T global_d;
MPI_Allreduce ( &d, &global_d, 1, MyGetMPIType<T>(), op, comm);
return global_d;
enum { MPI_SUM = 0, MPI_MIN = 1, MPI_MAX = 2 };
typedef int MPI_Op;
template <typename T>
inline T MyMPI_AllReduceNG (T d, const MPI_Op & op = MPI_SUM, MPI_Comm comm = ng_comm)
{ return d; }
@ -80,6 +96,7 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNetgenMeshing(py::module &m)
.def("__getitem__", [](Point<2>& self, int index) { return self[index]; })
py::class_<Point<3>> (m, "Point3d")
@ -88,6 +105,7 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNetgenMeshing(py::module &m)
.def("__getitem__", [](Point<2>& self, int index) { return self[index]; })
m.def ("Pnt", FunctionPointer
@ -111,6 +129,8 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNetgenMeshing(py::module &m)
.def("Norm", &Vec<2>::Length)
.def("__getitem__", [](Vec<2>& vec, int index) { return vec[index]; })
.def("__len__", [](Vec<2>& /*unused*/) { return 2; })
py::class_<Vec<3>> (m, "Vec3d")
@ -121,6 +141,8 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNetgenMeshing(py::module &m)
.def("Norm", &Vec<3>::Length)
.def("__getitem__", [](Vec<3>& vec, int index) { return vec[index]; })
.def("__len__", [](Vec<3>& /*unused*/) { return 3; })
m.def ("Vec", FunctionPointer
@ -234,37 +256,19 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNetgenMeshing(py::module &m)
py::class_<Element>(m, "Element3D")
.def(py::init([](int index, py::list vertices)
Element * newel = nullptr;
if (py::len(vertices) == 4)
newel = new Element(TET);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
(*newel)[i] = py::extract<PointIndex>(vertices[i])();
else if (py::len(vertices) == 5)
newel = new Element(PYRAMID);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
(*newel)[i] = py::extract<PointIndex>(vertices[i])();
else if (py::len(vertices) == 6)
newel = new Element(PRISM);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
(*newel)[i] = py::extract<PointIndex>(vertices[i])();
else if (py::len(vertices) == 8)
newel = new Element(HEX);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
(*newel)[i] = py::extract<PointIndex>(vertices[i])();
throw NgException ("cannot create element");
std::map<int, ELEMENT_TYPE> types = {{4, TET},
{6, PRISM},
{8, HEX},
{10, TET10},
{13, PYRAMID13},
{15, PRISM15},
{20, HEX20}};
int np = py::len(vertices);
auto newel = new Element(types[np]);
for(int i=0; i<np; i++)
(*newel)[i] = py::cast<PointIndex>(vertices[i]);
return newel;
@ -316,6 +320,13 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNetgenMeshing(py::module &m)
(*newel)[i] = py::extract<PointIndex>(vertices[i])();
else if (py::len(vertices) == 8)
newel = new Element2d(QUAD8);
for(int i = 0; i<8; i++)
(*newel)[i] = py::extract<PointIndex>(vertices[i])();
throw NgException("Inconsistent number of vertices in Element2D");
return newel;
@ -483,18 +494,21 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNetgenMeshing(py::module &m)
py::class_<Mesh,shared_ptr<Mesh>>(m, "Mesh")
// .def(py::init<>("create empty mesh"))
.def(py::init( [] (int dim)
.def(py::init( [] (int dim, shared_ptr<PyMPI_Comm> pycomm)
auto mesh = make_shared<Mesh>();
mesh->SetCommunicator(pycomm!=nullptr ? pycomm->comm : netgen::ng_comm);
mesh -> SetDimension(dim);
SetGlobalMesh(mesh); // for visualization
mesh -> SetGeometry (nullptr);
return mesh;
} ),
py::arg("dim")=3, py::arg("comm")=nullptr
.def_property_readonly("comm", [](const Mesh & amesh)
{ return make_shared<PyMPI_Comm>(amesh.GetCommunicator()); },
"MPI-communicator the Mesh lives in")
[](Mesh *instance, int dim)
@ -506,17 +520,33 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNetgenMeshing(py::module &m)
.def("__str__", &ToString<Mesh>)
.def_property_readonly("_timestamp", &Mesh::GetTimeStamp)
.def("Distribute", [](shared_ptr<Mesh> self, shared_ptr<PyMPI_Comm> pycomm) {
MPI_Comm comm = pycomm!=nullptr ? pycomm->comm : self->GetCommunicator();
if(MyMPI_GetNTasks(comm)==1) return self;
// if(MyMPI_GetNTasks(comm)==2) throw NgException("Sorry, cannot handle communicators with NP=2!");
// cout << " rank " << MyMPI_GetId(comm) << " of " << MyMPI_GetNTasks(comm) << " called Distribute " << endl;
if(MyMPI_GetId(comm)==0) self->Distribute();
else self->SendRecvMesh();
return self;
}, py::arg("comm")=nullptr)
.def("Receive", [](shared_ptr<PyMPI_Comm> pycomm) {
auto mesh = make_shared<Mesh>();
return mesh;
.def("Load", FunctionPointer
([](Mesh & self, const string & filename)
istream * infile;
MPI_Comm comm = self.GetCommunicator();
id = MyMPI_GetId(comm);
ntasks = MyMPI_GetNTasks(comm);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &id);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ntasks);
char* buf = nullptr;
int strs = 0;
if(id==0) {
@ -544,10 +574,10 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNetgenMeshing(py::module &m)
/** Scatter the geometry-string **/
MPI_Bcast(&strs, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast(&strs, 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
buf = new char[strs];
MPI_Bcast(buf, strs, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast(buf, strs, MPI_CHAR, 0, comm);
delete infile;
infile = new istringstream(string((const char*)buf, (size_t)strs));
@ -902,6 +932,61 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNetgenMeshing(py::module &m)
printmessage_importance = importance;
return old;
py::class_<PyMPI_Comm, shared_ptr<PyMPI_Comm>> (m, "MPI_Comm")
.def_property_readonly ("rank", &PyMPI_Comm::Rank)
.def_property_readonly ("size", &PyMPI_Comm::Size)
// .def_property_readonly ("rank", [](PyMPI_Comm & c) { cout << "rank for " << c.comm << endl; return c.Rank(); })
// .def_property_readonly ("size", [](PyMPI_Comm & c) { cout << "size for " << c.comm << endl; return c.Size(); })
.def("Barrier", [](PyMPI_Comm & c) { MPI_Barrier(c.comm); })
.def("WTime", [](PyMPI_Comm & c) { return MPI_Wtime(); })
.def("Barrier", [](PyMPI_Comm & c) { })
.def("WTime", [](PyMPI_Comm & c) { return -1.0; })
.def("Sum", [](PyMPI_Comm & c, double x) { return MyMPI_AllReduceNG(x, MPI_SUM, c.comm); })
.def("Min", [](PyMPI_Comm & c, double x) { return MyMPI_AllReduceNG(x, MPI_MIN, c.comm); })
.def("Max", [](PyMPI_Comm & c, double x) { return MyMPI_AllReduceNG(x, MPI_MAX, c.comm); })
.def("Sum", [](PyMPI_Comm & c, int x) { return MyMPI_AllReduceNG(x, MPI_SUM, c.comm); })
.def("Min", [](PyMPI_Comm & c, int x) { return MyMPI_AllReduceNG(x, MPI_MIN, c.comm); })
.def("Max", [](PyMPI_Comm & c, int x) { return MyMPI_AllReduceNG(x, MPI_MAX, c.comm); })
.def("Sum", [](PyMPI_Comm & c, size_t x) { return MyMPI_AllReduceNG(x, MPI_SUM, c.comm); })
.def("Min", [](PyMPI_Comm & c, size_t x) { return MyMPI_AllReduceNG(x, MPI_MIN, c.comm); })
.def("Max", [](PyMPI_Comm & c, size_t x) { return MyMPI_AllReduceNG(x, MPI_MAX, c.comm); })
.def("SubComm", [](PyMPI_Comm & c, std::vector<int> proc_list) {
Array<int> procs(proc_list.size());
for (int i = 0; i < procs.Size(); i++)
procs[i] = proc_list[i];
if (!procs.Contains(c.Rank()))
throw Exception("rank "+ToString(c.Rank())+" not in subcomm");
MPI_Comm subcomm = MyMPI_SubCommunicator(c.comm, procs);
return make_shared<PyMPI_Comm>(subcomm, true);
Array<int> procs;
if (py::extract<py::list> (proc_list).check()) {
py::list pylist = py::extract<py::list> (proc_list)();
for (int i = 0; i < py::len(pylist); i++)
procs[i] = py::extract<int>(pylist[i])();
else {
throw Exception("SubComm needs a list!");
if(!procs.Size()) {
cout << "warning, tried to construct empty communicator, returning MPI_COMM_NULL" << endl;
return make_shared<PyMPI_Comm>(MPI_COMM_NULL);
else if(procs.Size()==2) {
throw Exception("Sorry, NGSolve cannot handle NP=2.");
MPI_Comm subcomm = MyMPI_SubCommunicator(c.comm, procs);
return make_shared<PyMPI_Comm>(subcomm, true);
}, py::arg("procs"));
PYBIND11_MODULE(libmesh, m) {
@ -223,6 +223,45 @@ namespace netgen
{ 3, 4, 10 },
{ 4, 5, 11 },
static int betw_prism15[9][3] =
{ 0, 1, 6 },
{ 0, 2, 7 },
{ 1, 2, 8 },
{ 0, 3, 9 },
{ 1, 4, 10 },
{ 2, 5, 11 },
{ 3, 4, 12 },
{ 3, 5, 13 },
{ 4, 5, 14 }
static int betw_pyramid[8][3] =
{ 0, 1, 5 },
{ 3, 2, 6 },
{ 3, 0, 7 },
{ 1, 2, 8 },
{ 0, 4, 9 },
{ 1, 4, 10 },
{ 2, 4, 11 },
{ 3, 4, 12 }
static int betw_hex[12][3] =
{ 0, 1, 8 },
{ 2, 3, 9 },
{ 3, 0, 10 },
{ 1, 2, 11 },
{ 4, 5, 12 },
{ 6, 7, 13 },
{ 7, 4, 14 },
{ 5, 6, 15 },
{ 0, 4, 16 },
{ 1, 5, 17 },
{ 2, 6, 18 },
{ 3, 7, 19 },
int (*betw)[3] = NULL;
switch (el.GetType())
@ -243,6 +282,29 @@ namespace netgen
onp = 6;
case PRISM15:
betw = betw_prism15;
onp = 6;
case PYRAMID13:
betw = betw_pyramid;
onp = 5;
case HEX:
case HEX20:
betw = betw_hex;
newel.SetType (HEX20);
onp = 8;
PrintSysError ("MakeSecondOrder, illegal vol type ", int(el.GetType()));
@ -1353,6 +1353,8 @@ void Mesh :: ImproveMesh (const CSG eometry & geometry, OPTIMIZEGOAL goal)
void Mesh :: ImproveMesh (const MeshingParameters & mp, OPTIMIZEGOAL goal)
static Timer t("Mesh::ImproveMesh"); RegionTimer reg(t);
int typ = 1;
(*testout) << "Improve Mesh" << "\n";
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ namespace netgen
cnt = 0;
(tm, mesh->Points().Size(),
(tm, mesh->GetNV(), // Points().Size(),
[&] (size_t begin, size_t end)
INDEX_CLOSED_HASHTABLE<int> v2eht(2*max_edge_on_vertex+10);
@ -581,7 +581,9 @@ namespace netgen
// accumulate number of edges
int ned = edge2vert.Size();
for (auto v : mesh->Points().Range())
// for (size_t v = 0; v < mesh->GetNV(); v++)
for (size_t v : cnt.Range())
auto hv = cnt[v];
cnt[v] = ned;
@ -595,7 +597,7 @@ namespace netgen
// for (PointIndex v = PointIndex::BASE; v < nv+PointIndex::BASE; v++)
(tm, mesh->Points().Size(),
(tm, mesh->GetNV(), // Points().Size(),
[&] (size_t begin, size_t end)
INDEX_CLOSED_HASHTABLE<int> v2eht(2*max_edge_on_vertex+10);
@ -719,7 +721,7 @@ namespace netgen
// for (auto v : mesh.Points().Range())
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer2b1);
(tm, mesh->Points().Size(),
(tm, mesh->GetNV(), // Points().Size(),
[&] (size_t begin, size_t end)
INDEX_3_CLOSED_HASHTABLE<int> vert2face(2*max_face_on_vertex+10);
@ -754,7 +756,9 @@ namespace netgen
// accumulate number of faces
int nfa = oldnfa;
for (auto v : mesh->Points().Range())
// for (auto v : Range(mesh->GetNV())) // Points().Range())
// for (size_t v = 0; v < mesh->GetNV(); v++)
for (auto v : cnt.Range())
auto hv = cnt[v];
cnt[v] = nfa;
@ -765,7 +769,7 @@ namespace netgen
// for (auto v : mesh.Points().Range())
(tm, mesh->Points().Size(),
(tm, mesh->GetNV(), // Points().Size(),
[&] (size_t begin, size_t end)
INDEX_3_CLOSED_HASHTABLE<int> vert2face(2*max_face_on_vertex+10);
@ -212,13 +212,16 @@ inline short int MeshTopology :: GetNVertices (ELEMENT_TYPE et)
return 4;
case PYRAMID13:
return 5;
case PRISM:
case PRISM12:
case PRISM15:
return 6;
case HEX:
case HEX20:
return 8;
// default:
@ -244,9 +247,11 @@ inline short int MeshTopology :: GetNPoints (ELEMENT_TYPE et)
case QUAD:
case QUAD6:
case QUAD8:
return 4;
case QUAD8:
return 8;
case TET:
return 4;
case TET10:
@ -254,14 +259,21 @@ inline short int MeshTopology :: GetNPoints (ELEMENT_TYPE et)
return 5;
case PYRAMID13:
return 13;
case PRISM:
case PRISM12:
return 6;
case PRISM12:
return 12;
case PRISM15:
return 15;
case HEX:
return 8;
case HEX20:
return 20;
// default:
// cerr << "Ng_ME_GetNVertices, illegal element type " << et << endl;
@ -272,7 +284,7 @@ inline short int MeshTopology :: GetNPoints (ELEMENT_TYPE et)
inline short int MeshTopology :: GetNEdges (ELEMENT_TYPE et)
__assume(et >= SEGMENT && et <= HEX);
__assume(et >= SEGMENT && et <= PYRAMID13);
switch (et)
@ -293,13 +305,16 @@ inline short int MeshTopology :: GetNEdges (ELEMENT_TYPE et)
return 6;
case PYRAMID13:
return 8;
case PRISM:
case PRISM12:
case PRISM15:
return 9;
case HEX:
case HEX20:
return 12;
return 0;
@ -312,7 +327,7 @@ inline short int MeshTopology :: GetNEdges (ELEMENT_TYPE et)
inline short int MeshTopology :: GetNFaces (ELEMENT_TYPE et)
__assume(et >= SEGMENT && et <= HEX);
__assume(et >= SEGMENT && et <= PYRAMID13);
switch (et)
@ -333,13 +348,16 @@ inline short int MeshTopology :: GetNFaces (ELEMENT_TYPE et)
return 4;
case PYRAMID13:
return 5;
case PRISM:
case PRISM12:
case PRISM15:
return 5;
case HEX:
case HEX20:
return 6;
@ -436,13 +454,16 @@ const ELEMENT_EDGE * MeshTopology :: GetEdges1 (ELEMENT_TYPE et)
return tet_edges;
case PYRAMID13:
return pyramid_edges;
case PRISM:
case PRISM12:
case PRISM15:
return prism_edges;
case HEX:
case HEX20:
return hex_edges;
// default:
// cerr << "Ng_ME_GetEdges, illegal element type " << et << endl;
@ -513,7 +534,7 @@ const ELEMENT_EDGE * MeshTopology :: GetEdges0 (ELEMENT_TYPE et)
{ 2, 6 },
{ 3, 7 },
switch (et)
@ -534,13 +555,16 @@ const ELEMENT_EDGE * MeshTopology :: GetEdges0 (ELEMENT_TYPE et)
return tet_edges;
case PYRAMID13:
return pyramid_edges;
case PRISM:
case PRISM12:
case PRISM15:
return prism_edges;
case HEX:
case HEX20:
return hex_edges;
// default:
// cerr << "Ng_ME_GetEdges, illegal element type " << et << endl;
@ -618,15 +642,18 @@ inline const ELEMENT_FACE * MeshTopology :: GetFaces1 (ELEMENT_TYPE et)
case PRISM:
case PRISM12:
case PRISM15:
return prism_faces;
case PYRAMID13:
return pyramid_faces;
case SEGMENT3:
case HEX:
case HEX20:
return hex_faces;
// default:
@ -700,15 +727,18 @@ inline const ELEMENT_FACE * MeshTopology :: GetFaces0 (ELEMENT_TYPE et)
case PRISM:
case PRISM12:
case PRISM15:
return prism_faces;
case PYRAMID13:
return pyramid_faces;
case SEGMENT3:
case HEX:
case HEX20:
return hex_faces;
// default:
@ -8,11 +8,13 @@ if(USE_GUI)
add_library(occvis ${NG_LIB_TYPE} vsocc.cpp)
target_link_libraries(occ PUBLIC ngcore)
if(NOT WIN32)
target_link_libraries( occ ${OCC_LIBRARIES} ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries( occ PUBLIC ${OCC_LIBRARIES} ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES})
install( TARGETS occ ${NG_INSTALL_DIR})
if (USE_GUI)
target_link_libraries( occvis occ )
target_link_libraries( occvis PUBLIC occ )
install( TARGETS occvis ${NG_INSTALL_DIR})
endif(NOT WIN32)
@ -673,13 +673,14 @@ namespace netgen
if (surfi > 0)
double u = gi1.u+secpoint*(gi2.u-gi1.u);
double v = gi1.v+secpoint*(gi2.v-gi1.v);
if (!geometry.FastProject (surfi, hnewp, u, v))
auto savept = hnewp;
if (!geometry.FastProject (surfi, hnewp, u, v) || Dist(hnewp, savept) > Dist(p1,p2))
// cout << "Fast projection to surface fails! Using OCC projection" << endl;
// cout << "Fast projection to surface fails! Using OCC projection" << endl;
hnewp = savept;
geometry.Project (surfi, hnewp);
@ -4,11 +4,13 @@ add_library(stl ${NG_LIB_TYPE}
if(NOT WIN32)
target_link_libraries( stl mesh ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries( stl ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries( stl mesh ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES})
install( TARGETS stl ${NG_INSTALL_DIR})
endif(NOT WIN32)
target_link_libraries( stl ngcore )
add_library(stlvis ${NG_LIB_TYPE}
@ -598,7 +598,6 @@ void STLSurfaceMeshing1 (STLGeometry & geom,
for (int fnr = 1; fnr <= mesh.GetNFD(); fnr++)
if (fnr == 100) NgProfiler::ClearTimers();
if (!opensegsperface[fnr]) continue;
if (multithread.terminate) return;
@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ endif(USE_GUI)
add_library(visual ${NG_LIB_TYPE} ${LIB_VISUAL_SOURCES})
if(NOT WIN32)
target_link_libraries( visual ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES} ${MPI_CXX_LIBRARIES} ${OPENGL_LIBRARIES} )
install( TARGETS visual ${NG_INSTALL_DIR})
endif(NOT WIN32)
target_link_libraries( visual ngcore ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES} ${MPI_CXX_LIBRARIES} ${OPENGL_LIBRARIES} )
install( TARGETS visual ${NG_INSTALL_DIR})
meshdoc.hpp mvdraw.hpp
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include <myadt.hpp> // for tAVX
namespace netgen
@ -103,10 +103,10 @@ namespace netgen
#ifdef __SSE__
virtual bool GetMultiSurfValue (size_t selnr, size_t facetnr, size_t npts,
const tAVXd * xref,
const tAVXd * x,
const tAVXd * dxdxref,
tAVXd * values)
const ngsimd::tAVXd * xref,
const ngsimd::tAVXd * x,
const ngsimd::tAVXd * dxdxref,
ngsimd::tAVXd * values)
cerr << "GetMultiSurfVaue not overloaded for SIMD<double>" << endl;
return false;
@ -2682,7 +2682,7 @@ namespace netgen
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < mesh->GetNE(); ei++)
const Element & el = (*mesh)[ei];
if (el.GetType() == PYRAMID && !el.IsDeleted())
if ((el.GetType() == PYRAMID || el.GetType() == PYRAMID13) && !el.IsDeleted())
int i = ei + 1;
@ -1373,7 +1373,7 @@ namespace netgen
if ( el.GetType() == QUAD || el.GetType() == QUAD6 )
if ( el.GetType() == QUAD || el.GetType() == QUAD6 || el.GetType() == QUAD8 )
bool curved = curv.IsSurfaceElementCurved (sei);
@ -2857,6 +2857,7 @@ namespace netgen
case PRISM:
case PRISM12:
case PRISM15:
lami[0] = (1-lam3) * (1-lam1-lam2);
lami[1] = (1-lam3) * lam1;
@ -2907,6 +2908,7 @@ namespace netgen
case PRISM:
case PRISM12:
case PRISM15:
lami[0] = (1-lam3) * (1-lam1-lam2);
lami[1] = (1-lam3) * lam1;
@ -2918,6 +2920,7 @@ namespace netgen
case PYRAMID13:
if (lam3 > 1-1e-5)
@ -3482,6 +3485,7 @@ namespace netgen
case QUAD:
case QUAD6:
case QUAD8:
lami[0] = (1-lam1)*(1-lam2);
lami[1] = lam1 * (1-lam2);
lami[2] = lam1 * lam2;
@ -3723,6 +3727,7 @@ namespace netgen
case QUAD:
case QUAD6:
case QUAD8:
lami[0] = (1-lam1)*(1-lam2);
lami[1] = lam1 * (1-lam2);
lami[2] = lam1 * lam2;
@ -4017,7 +4022,7 @@ namespace netgen
if(vispar.donotclipdomain > 0 && vispar.donotclipdomain == (*mesh)[ei].GetIndex()) continue;
ELEMENT_TYPE type = (*mesh)[ei].GetType();
if (type == HEX || type == PRISM || type == TET || type == TET10 || type == PYRAMID)
if (type == HEX || type == PRISM || type == TET || type == TET10 || type == PYRAMID || type == PYRAMID13 || type == PRISM15 || type == HEX20)
const Element & el = (*mesh)[ei];
@ -4076,6 +4081,8 @@ namespace netgen
switch (type)
case PRISM:
case PRISM12:
case PRISM15:
if (ix+iy <= n)
ploc = Point<3> (double(ix) / n, double(iy) / n, double(iz) / n);
@ -4086,9 +4093,11 @@ namespace netgen
compress[ii] = -1;
case HEX:
case HEX20:
ploc = Point<3> (double(ix) / n, double(iy) / n, double(iz) / n);
case PYRAMID13:
ploc = Point<3> (double(ix) / n * (1-double(iz)/n),
double(iy) / n * (1-double(iz)/n),
@ -4102,7 +4111,7 @@ namespace netgen
locgrid[compress[ii]] = ploc;
if (type != TET && type != TET10 && type != PRISM) cnt_valid = n3;
if (type != TET && type != TET10 && type != PRISM && type != PRISM12 && type != PRISM15) cnt_valid = n3;
@ -1840,9 +1840,9 @@ namespace netgen
SYMBOLTABLE<VisualScene*> & GetVisualizationScenes ()
SymbolTable<VisualScene*> & GetVisualizationScenes ()
static SYMBOLTABLE<VisualScene*> vss;
static SymbolTable<VisualScene*> vss;
return vss;
@ -1860,7 +1860,7 @@ namespace netgen
vs = &vscross;
if (GetVisualizationScenes().Used(vismode))
vs = GetVisualizationScenes().Get(vismode);
vs = GetVisualizationScenes()[vismode];
else if (vismode)
@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ if(WIN32)
@ -32,6 +29,7 @@ if(NOT WIN32)
endif(NOT WIN32)
# target_link_libraries(nglib PRIVATE gen la gprim PUBLIC ngcore)
target_link_libraries(nglib PUBLIC ngcore)
@ -1211,14 +1211,14 @@ namespace netgen
#ifndef WIN32
void ResetTime ()
void MyBeep (int i)
@ -39,11 +39,107 @@ def MakeCircle (geo, c, r, **args):
geo.Append( ["spline3", pts[p1], pts[p2], pts[p3]], **args)
def CreatePML(geo, pml_size, tol=1e-12):
"""Create a pml layer around the geometry. This function works only on convex geometries and
the highest existing domain number must be named by using the function geo.SetMaterial(domnr, name).
Points in the geometry are assumed to be the same if (pt1 - pt2).Norm() < tol.
Returned is a dict with information to create the pml layer:
normals: A dict from the names of the linear pml domains to the normal vectors pointing inside the pml."""
def Start(spline):
if spline.rightdom == 0:
return spline.StartPoint()
return spline.EndPoint()
def End(spline):
if spline.rightdom == 0:
return spline.EndPoint()
return spline.StartPoint()
splines = []
for i in range(geo.GetNSplines()):
border = []
is_closed = False
current_endpoint = None
while not is_closed:
for spline in splines:
if spline.leftdom == 0 or spline.rightdom == 0:
if current_endpoint is not None:
if (Start(spline)-current_endpoint).Norm() < tol:
current_endpoint = End(spline)
if (current_endpoint - startpoint).Norm() < tol:
is_closed = True
startpoint = Start(spline)
current_endpoint = End(spline)
raise Exception("Couldn't find closed spline around domain")
endpointindex_map = []
for spline in border:
pnt = End(spline)
for i in range(geo.GetNPoints()):
if (pnt - geo.GetPoint(i)).Norm() < tol:
raise Exception("Couldn't find endpoint of spline in geometry")
start_ndoms = ndoms = geo.GetNDomains() + 1
new_spline_domains = []
normals = {}
for i, spline in enumerate(border):
if i == 0:
global_start = Start(spline) + pml_size * spline.GetNormal(0)
global_start_pnt = current_start = geo.AppendPoint(global_start[0], global_start[1])
next_spline = border[(i+1)%len(border)]
new_end = End(spline) + pml_size * spline.GetNormal(1)
spline_name = geo.GetBCName(spline.bc)
if (new_end - global_start).Norm() < tol:
geo.Append(["line", current_start, global_start_pnt], bc="outer_" + spline_name, leftdomain = ndoms)
geo.Append(["line", global_start_pnt, endpointindex_map[i]], leftdomain=ndoms, rightdomain=start_ndoms)
geo.SetMaterial(ndoms, "pml_" + spline_name)
normals["pml_" + spline_name] = spline.GetNormal(0)
ndoms += 1
end = geo.AppendPoint(new_end[0], new_end[1])
geo.Append(["line", current_start, end], bc="outer_" + spline_name, leftdomain = ndoms)
geo.Append(["line", end, endpointindex_map[i]], leftdomain=ndoms, rightdomain=ndoms+1)
geo.SetMaterial(ndoms, "pml_" + spline_name)
normals["pml_" + spline_name] = spline.GetNormal(0)
ndoms += 1
new_start = Start(next_spline) + pml_size * next_spline.GetNormal(0)
if (new_start - global_start).Norm() < tol:
geo.Append(["line", end, global_start_pnt], bc="outer", leftdomain = ndoms)
geo.Append(["line", global_start_pnt, endpointindex_map[i]], leftdomain=ndoms, rightdomain=start_ndoms)
geo.SetMaterial(ndoms, "pml_corner")
ndoms += 1
if (new_end - new_start).Norm() < tol:
current_start = end
current_start = geo.AppendPoint(new_start[0], new_start[1])
geo.Append(["line", end, current_start], bc="outer", leftdomain = ndoms)
geo.Append(["line", current_start, endpointindex_map[i]], leftdomain=ndoms, rightdomain=ndoms+1)
geo.SetMaterial(ndoms, "pml_corner")
ndoms += 1
for spline, domnr in zip(border, new_spline_domains):
if spline.leftdom == 0:
spline.leftdom = domnr
spline.rightdom = domnr
return {"normals" : normals}
SplineGeometry.AddCircle = lambda geo, c, r, **args : MakeCircle(geo, c, r, **args)
SplineGeometry.AddRectangle = lambda geo, p1, p2, **args : MakeRectangle(geo, p1, p2, **args)
SplineGeometry.AddSegment = lambda *args, **kwargs : SplineGeometry.Append(*args, **kwargs)
SplineGeometry.AddPoint = lambda *args, **kwargs : SplineGeometry.AppendPoint(*args, **kwargs)
SplineGeometry.CreatePML = CreatePML
__all__ = ['SplineGeometry', 'unit_square']
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
from netgen.meshing import *
def ReadGmsh(filename):
if not filename.endswith(".msh"):
filename += ".msh"
meshdim = 1
with open(filename + ".msh", 'r') as f:
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
while f.readline().split()[0] != "$Elements":
nelem = int(f.readline())
@ -16,15 +17,58 @@ def ReadGmsh(filename):
meshdim = 3
f = open(filename + ".msh", 'r')
f = open(filename, 'r')
mesh = Mesh(dim=meshdim)
pointmap = {}
facedescriptormap = {}
namemap = {}
namemap = { 0 : "default" }
materialmap = {}
bbcmap = {}
segm = 1
trig = 2
quad = 3
tet = 4
hex = 5
prism = 6
pyramid = 7
segm3 = 8 # 2nd order line
trig6 = 9 # 2nd order trig
tet10 = 11 # 2nd order tet
point = 15
quad8 = 16 # 2nd order quad
hex20 = 17 # 2nd order hex
prism15 = 18 # 2nd order prism
pyramid13 = 19 # 2nd order pyramid
segms = [segm, segm3]
trigs = [trig, trig6]
quads = [quad, quad8]
tets = [tet, tet10]
hexes = [hex, hex20]
prisms = [prism, prism15]
pyramids = [pyramid, pyramid13]
elem0d = [point]
elem1d = segms
elem2d = trigs + quads
elem3d = tets + hexes + prisms + pyramids
num_nodes_map = { segm : 2,
trig : 3,
quad : 4,
tet : 4,
hex : 8,
prism : 6,
pyramid : 5,
segm3 : 3,
trig6 : 6,
tet10 : 10,
point : 1,
quad8 : 8,
hex20 : 20,
prism15 : 18,
pyramid13 : 19 }
while True:
line = f.readline()
if line == "":
@ -57,29 +101,14 @@ def ReadGmsh(filename):
# the first tag is the physical group nr, the second tag is the group nr of the dim
tags = [int(line[3 + k]) for k in range(numtags)]
if elmtype == 1: # 2-node line
num_nodes = 2
elif elmtype == 2: # 3-node trig
num_nodes = 3
elif elmtype == 3: # 4-node quad
num_nodes = 4
elif elmtype == 4: # 4-node tet
num_nodes = 4
elif elmtype == 5: # 8-node hex
num_nodes = 8
elif elmtype == 6: # 6-node prism
num_nodes = 6
elif elmtype == 7: # 5-node pyramid
num_nodes = 5
elif elmtype == 15: # 1-node point
num_nodes = 1
if elmtype not in num_nodes_map:
raise Exception("element type", elmtype, "not implemented")
num_nodes = num_nodes_map[elmtype]
nodenums = line[3 + numtags:3 + numtags + num_nodes]
nodenums2 = [pointmap[int(nn)] for nn in nodenums]
if elmtype == 1:
if elmtype in elem1d:
if meshdim == 3:
if tags[1] in bbcmap:
index = bbcmap[tags[1]]
@ -117,7 +146,7 @@ def ReadGmsh(filename):
mesh.Add(Element1D(index=index, vertices=nodenums2))
if elmtype in [2, 3]: # 2d elements
if elmtype in elem2d: # 2d elements
if meshdim == 3:
if tags[1] in facedescriptormap.keys():
index = facedescriptormap[tags[1]]
@ -142,9 +171,17 @@ def ReadGmsh(filename):
mesh.SetMaterial(index, "surf" + str(tags[1]))
materialmap[tags[1]] = index
mesh.Add(Element2D(index, nodenums2))
if elmtype in trigs:
ordering = [i for i in range(3)]
if elmtype == trig6:
ordering += [4,5,3]
if elmtype in quads:
ordering = [i for i in range(4)]
if elmtype == quad8:
ordering += [4, 6, 7, 5]
mesh.Add(Element2D(index, [nodenums2[i] for i in ordering]))
if elmtype in [4, 5, 6, 7]: # volume elements
if elmtype in elem3d: # volume elements
if tags[1] in materialmap:
index = materialmap[tags[1]]
@ -157,9 +194,22 @@ def ReadGmsh(filename):
nodenums2 = [pointmap[int(nn)] for nn in nodenums]
if elmtype == 4:
mesh.Add(Element3D(index, [nodenums2[0], nodenums2[1], nodenums2[3], nodenums2[2]]))
elif elmtype in [5, 6, 7]:
mesh.Add(Element3D(index, nodenums2))
if elmtype in tets:
ordering = [0,1,2,3]
if elmtype == tet10:
ordering += [4,6,7,5,9,8]
elif elmtype in hexes:
ordering = [0,1,5,4,3,2,6,7]
if elmtype == hex20:
ordering += [8,16,10,12,13,19,15,14,9,11,18,17]
elif elmtype in prisms:
ordering = [0,2,1,3,5,4]
if elmtype == prism15:
ordering += [7,6,9,8,11,10,13,12,14]
elif elmtype in pyramids:
ordering = [3,2,1,0,4]
if elmtype == pyramid13:
ordering += [10,5,6,8,12,11,9,7]
mesh.Add(Element3D(index, [nodenums2[i] for i in ordering]))
return mesh
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
mkdir -p build/netgen
cd build/netgen
cmake ../../src/netgen -DUSE_CCACHE=ON -DUSE_SPDLOG=OFF -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ \
make -j12
make install
@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ if(ENABLE_UNIT_TESTS)
# Build catch_main test object
message("netgen include dir = ${NETGEN_INCLUDE_DIR_ABSOLUTE} --------------------------------------")
include_directories(${CATCH_INCLUDE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../libsrc/include})
include_directories(${CATCH_INCLUDE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../libsrc/include ${SPDLOG_INCLUDE_DIR})
add_library(catch_main STATIC main.cpp)
set_target_properties(catch_main PROPERTIES CXX_STANDARD 17)
add_dependencies(unit_tests catch_main)
@ -15,23 +14,19 @@ add_test(NAME unit_tests_built COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build . --target unit_
macro(add_unit_test name sources)
add_executable(test_${name} ${sources} )
if (WIN32)
target_link_libraries(test_${name} ngcore catch_main)
target_link_libraries(test_${name} ngcore catch_main)
target_link_libraries(test_${name} ngcore catch_main)
add_dependencies(unit_tests test_${name})
add_test(NAME unit_${name} COMMAND test_${name})
set_tests_properties(unit_${name} PROPERTIES DEPENDS unit_tests_built)
set_target_properties(test_${name} PROPERTIES CXX_CLANG_TIDY "${DO_CLANG_TIDY}")
add_unit_test(archive archive.cpp)
add_unit_test(symboltable symboltable.cpp)
add_unit_test(version version.cpp)
set_target_properties(test_archive PROPERTIES CXX_CLANG_TIDY "${DO_CLANG_TIDY}")
set_target_properties(test_version PROPERTIES CXX_CLANG_TIDY "${DO_CLANG_TIDY}")
@ -236,6 +236,34 @@ void testMultipleInheritance(Archive& in, Archive& out)
void testMap(Archive& in, Archive& out)
map<string, VersionInfo> map1;
map1["netgen"] = "v6.2.1901";
out & map1;
map<string, VersionInfo> map2;
in & map2;
CHECK(map2.size() == 1);
CHECK(map2["netgen"] == "v6.2.1901");
enum MyEnum
void testEnum(Archive& in, Archive& out)
MyEnum en = CASE2;
out & en;
MyEnum enin;
in & enin;
CHECK(enin == CASE2);
void testArchive(Archive& in, Archive& out)
SECTION("Empty String")
@ -285,11 +313,18 @@ void testArchive(Archive& in, Archive& out)
testNullPtr(in, out);
testMap(in, out);
testEnum(in, out);
auto stream = make_shared<stringstream>();
BinaryOutArchive out(stream);
BinaryInArchive in(stream);
@ -298,7 +333,6 @@ TEST_CASE("BinaryArchive")
auto stream = make_shared<stringstream>();
TextOutArchive out(stream);
TextInArchive in(stream);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
#include "catch.hpp"
#include <../core/ngcore.hpp>
using namespace ngcore;
using namespace std;
SymbolTable<int> table;
CHECK_THROWS_AS(table["test"], RangeException);
table.Set("first", 1);
CHECK(table["first"] == 1);
table["first"] = 2;
CHECK(table["first"] == 2);
auto index = table.Index("first");
CHECK(index == 0);
CHECK(table[index] == 2);
table[index] = 3;
CHECK(table["first"] == 3);
#ifndef NDEBUG
int a;
CHECK_THROWS_AS(a = table[5], RangeException);
CHECK_THROWS_AS(table.GetName(5), RangeException);
SymbolTable<int> another;
another.Set("first", 1);
another.Set("second", 2);
CHECK(table["first"] == 1);
CHECK(table["second"] == 2);
std::stringstream s;
s << table;
CHECK(s.str() == "first : 1\nsecond : 2\n");
auto ss = std::make_shared<std::stringstream>();
BinaryOutArchive ao(ss);
ao & table;
BinaryInArchive ai(ss);
SymbolTable<int> read;
ai & read;
for(size_t i = 0; i<table.Size(); i++)
CHECK(read[i] == table[i]);
CHECK(read.GetName(i) == table.GetName(i));
CHECK(table.Size() == 0);
// SymbolTable<bool> is special because of vector<bool> is special...
SymbolTable<bool> btable;
btable.Set("true", true);
btable.Set("false", false);
ao & btable;
SymbolTable<bool> bread;
ai & bread;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user