mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 23:47:57 +05:00
Merge branch 'parallel_edgeswapping' into 'master'
Parallel edgeswapping See merge request jschoeberl/netgen!274
This commit is contained in:
@ -96,12 +96,6 @@ void ParallelFor( int first, int next, const TFunc & f )
template<typename T>
inline atomic<T> & AsAtomic (T & d)
return reinterpret_cast<atomic<T>&> (d);
typedef void (*TaskManager)(std::function<void(int,int)>);
typedef void (*Tracer)(string, bool); // false .. start, true .. stop
@ -7,24 +7,6 @@
namespace netgen
class Neighbour
int nr[3];
int orient[3];
Neighbour () { ; }
void SetNr (int side, int anr) { nr[side] = anr; }
int GetNr (int side) { return nr[side]; }
void SetOrientation (int side, int aorient) { orient[side] = aorient; }
int GetOrientation (int side) { return orient[side]; }
class trionedge
@ -37,204 +19,293 @@ namespace netgen
bool MeshOptimize2d :: EdgeSwapping (Mesh & mesh, const int usemetric,
Array<Neighbour> &neighbors,
Array<bool> &swapped,
const SurfaceElementIndex t1, const int o1,
const int t,
Array<int,PointIndex> &pdef,
const bool check_only)
bool should;
bool do_swap = false;
SurfaceElementIndex t2 = neighbors[t1].GetNr (o1);
int o2 = neighbors[t1].GetOrientation (o1);
if (t2 == -1) return false;
if (swapped[t1] || swapped[t2]) return false;
const int faceindex = mesh[t1].GetIndex();
const int surfnr = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor (faceindex).SurfNr();
PointIndex pi1 = mesh[t1].PNumMod(o1+1+1);
PointIndex pi2 = mesh[t1].PNumMod(o1+1+2);
PointIndex pi3 = mesh[t1].PNumMod(o1+1);
PointIndex pi4 = mesh[t2].PNumMod(o2+1);
PointGeomInfo gi1 = mesh[t1].GeomInfoPiMod(o1+1+1);
PointGeomInfo gi2 = mesh[t1].GeomInfoPiMod(o1+1+2);
PointGeomInfo gi3 = mesh[t1].GeomInfoPiMod(o1+1);
PointGeomInfo gi4 = mesh[t2].GeomInfoPiMod(o2+1);
bool allowswap = true;
Vec<3> auxvec1 = mesh[pi3]-mesh[pi4];
Vec<3> auxvec2 = mesh[pi1]-mesh[pi4];
allowswap = allowswap && fabs(1.-(auxvec1*auxvec2)/(auxvec1.Length()*auxvec2.Length())) > 1e-4;
return false;
// normal of new
Vec<3> nv1 = Cross (auxvec1, auxvec2);
auxvec1 = mesh.Point(pi4)-mesh.Point(pi3);
auxvec2 = mesh.Point(pi2)-mesh.Point(pi3);
allowswap = allowswap && fabs(1.-(auxvec1*auxvec2)/(auxvec1.Length()*auxvec2.Length())) > 1e-4;
return false;
Vec<3> nv2 = Cross (auxvec1, auxvec2);
// normals of original
Vec<3> nv3 = Cross (mesh[pi1]-mesh[pi4], mesh[pi2]-mesh[pi4]);
Vec<3> nv4 = Cross (mesh[pi2]-mesh[pi3], mesh[pi1]-mesh[pi3]);
nv3 *= -1;
nv4 *= -1;
Vec<3> nvp3, nvp4;
GetNormalVector (surfnr, mesh.Point(pi3), gi3, nvp3);
GetNormalVector (surfnr, mesh.Point(pi4), gi4, nvp4);
double critval = cos (M_PI / 6); // 30 degree
allowswap = allowswap &&
(nv1 * nvp3 > critval) &&
(nv1 * nvp4 > critval) &&
(nv2 * nvp3 > critval) &&
(nv2 * nvp4 > critval) &&
(nvp3 * nv3 > critval) &&
(nvp4 * nv4 > critval);
double horder = Dist (mesh[pi1], mesh[pi2]);
if ( // nv1 * nv2 >= 0 &&
nv1.Length() > 1e-3 * horder * horder &&
nv2.Length() > 1e-3 * horder * horder &&
allowswap )
if (!usemetric)
int e = pdef[pi1] + pdef[pi2] - pdef[pi3] - pdef[pi4];
double d =
Dist2 (mesh[pi1], mesh[pi2]) -
Dist2 (mesh[pi3], mesh[pi4]);
should = e >= t && (e > 2 || d > 0);
double loch = mesh.GetH(mesh[pi1]);
should =
CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[pi4], mesh[pi3], mesh[pi1], metricweight, loch) +
CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[pi3], mesh[pi4], mesh[pi2], metricweight, loch) <
CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[pi1], mesh[pi2], mesh[pi3], metricweight, loch) +
CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[pi2], mesh[pi1], mesh[pi4], metricweight, loch);
if (allowswap)
Element2d sw1 (pi4, pi3, pi1);
Element2d sw2 (pi3, pi4, pi2);
int legal1 =
mesh.LegalTrig (mesh[t1]) +
mesh.LegalTrig (mesh[t2]);
int legal2 =
mesh.LegalTrig (sw1) + mesh.LegalTrig (sw2);
if (legal1 < legal2) should = true;
if (legal2 < legal1) should = false;
do_swap = should;
if (should && !check_only)
// do swapping !
mesh[t1] = { { pi1, gi1 }, { pi4, gi4 }, { pi3, gi3 } };
mesh[t2] = { { pi2, gi2 }, { pi3, gi3 }, { pi4, gi4 } };
swapped[t1] = true;
swapped[t2] = true;
return do_swap;
void MeshOptimize2d :: EdgeSwapping (Mesh & mesh, int usemetric)
static Timer timer("EdgeSwapping (2D)"); RegionTimer reg(timer);
if (!faceindex)
if (usemetric)
PrintMessage (3, "Edgeswapping, metric");
PrintMessage (3, "Edgeswapping, topological");
for (faceindex = 1; faceindex <= mesh.GetNFD(); faceindex++)
EdgeSwapping (mesh, usemetric);
if (multithread.terminate)
throw NgException ("Meshing stopped");
faceindex = 0;
static Timer timer_nb("EdgeSwapping-Find neighbors");
if (usemetric)
PrintMessage (3, "Edgeswapping, metric");
PrintMessage (3, "Edgeswapping, topological");
static int timerstart = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("EdgeSwapping 2D start");
NgProfiler::StartTimer (timerstart);
Array<SurfaceElementIndex> seia;
mesh.GetSurfaceElementsOfFace (faceindex, seia);
bool mixed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < seia.Size(); i++)
if (mesh[seia[i]].GetNP() != 3)
GenericImprove (mesh);
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei : seia)
if (mesh[sei].GetNP() != 3)
GenericImprove (mesh);
ParallelFor( Range(seia), [&] (auto i) NETGEN_LAMBDA_INLINE
SurfaceElementIndex sei(i);
seia[i] = sei;
if (mesh[sei].GetNP() != 3)
mixed = true;
mesh.GetSurfaceElementsOfFace (faceindex, seia);
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei : seia)
if (mesh[sei].GetNP() != 3)
mixed = true;
return GenericImprove(mesh);
int surfnr = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor (faceindex).SurfNr();
Array<Neighbour> neighbors(mesh.GetNSE());
INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<trionedge> other(2*seia.Size() + 2);
auto elements_on_node = mesh.CreatePoint2SurfaceElementTable(faceindex);
Array<bool> swapped(mesh.GetNSE());
NgArray<int,PointIndex::BASE> pdef(mesh.GetNP());
NgArray<double,PointIndex::BASE> pangle(mesh.GetNP());
Array<int,PointIndex> pdef(mesh.GetNP());
Array<double,PointIndex> pangle(mesh.GetNP());
// int e;
// double d;
// Vec3d nv1, nv2;
// double loch(-1);
static const double minangle[] = { 0, 1.481, 2.565, 3.627, 4.683, 5.736, 7, 9 };
for (int i = 0; i < seia.Size(); i++)
if(faceindex == 0)
const Element2d & sel = mesh[seia[i]];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
pangle[sel[j]] = 0.0;
ParallelFor( Range(pangle), [&] (auto i) NETGEN_LAMBDA_INLINE
pangle[i] = 0.0;
// pangle = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < seia.Size(); i++)
const Element2d & sel = mesh[seia[i]];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
POINTTYPE typ = mesh[sel[j]].Type();
if (typ == FIXEDPOINT || typ == EDGEPOINT)
pangle[sel[j]] +=
Angle (mesh[sel[(j+1)%3]] - mesh[sel[j]],
mesh[sel[(j+2)%3]] - mesh[sel[j]]);
ParallelFor( Range(seia), [&] (auto i) NETGEN_LAMBDA_INLINE
const Element2d & sel = mesh[seia[i]];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
pangle[sel[j]] = 0.0;
// for (PointIndex pi = PointIndex::BASE;
// pi < mesh.GetNP()+PointIndex::BASE; pi++)
// pdef = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < seia.Size(); i++)
const Element2d & sel = mesh[seia[i]];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
PointIndex pi = sel[j];
if (mesh[pi].Type() == INNERPOINT || mesh[pi].Type() == SURFACEPOINT)
pdef[pi] = -6;
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if (pangle[pi] >= minangle[j])
pdef[pi] = -1-j;
for (int i = 0; i < seia.Size(); i++)
const Element2d & sel = mesh[seia[i]];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei : seia)
for (PointIndex pi : mesh[sei].PNums<3>())
// for (int i = 0; i < seia.Size(); i++)
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei : seia)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
ParallelFor( Range(seia), [&] (auto i) NETGEN_LAMBDA_INLINE
neighbors[sei].SetNr (j, -1);
neighbors[sei].SetOrientation (j, 0);
const Element2d & sel = mesh[seia[i]];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
POINTTYPE typ = mesh[sel[j]].Type();
if (typ == FIXEDPOINT || typ == EDGEPOINT)
Angle (mesh[sel[(j+1)%3]] - mesh[sel[j]],
mesh[sel[(j+2)%3]] - mesh[sel[j]]));
NgArray<Vec3d> normals(mesh.GetNP());
for (i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNSE(); i++)
Element2d & hel = mesh.SurfaceElement(i);
if (hel.GetIndex() == faceindex)
for (k = 1; k <= 3; k++)
int pi = hel.PNum(k);
SelectSurfaceOfPoint (mesh.Point(pi), hel.GeomInfoPi(k));
int surfi = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(faceindex).SurfNr();
GetNormalVector (surfi, mesh.Point(pi), normals.Elem(pi));
normals.Elem(pi) /= normals.Elem(pi).Length();
ParallelFor( Range(seia), [&] (auto i) NETGEN_LAMBDA_INLINE
const Element2d & sel = mesh[seia[i]];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
PointIndex pi = sel[j];
if (mesh[pi].Type() == INNERPOINT || mesh[pi].Type() == SURFACEPOINT)
pdef[pi] = -6;
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if (pangle[pi] >= minangle[j])
pdef[pi] = -1-j;
for (int i = 0; i < seia.Size(); i++)
const Element2d & sel = mesh[seia[i]];
ParallelFor( Range(seia), [&pdef, &neighbors, &mesh, &seia, &elements_on_node] (auto i) NETGEN_LAMBDA_INLINE
auto sei = seia[i];
for (PointIndex pi : mesh[sei].template PNums<3>())
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
neighbors[sei].SetNr (j, -1);
neighbors[sei].SetOrientation (j, 0);
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei : seia)
const Element2d & sel = mesh[sei];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
PointIndex pi1 = sel.PNumMod(j+2);
PointIndex pi2 = sel.PNumMod(j+3);
// double loch = mesh.GetH(mesh[pi1]);
// INDEX_2 edge(pi1, pi2);
// edge.Sort();
if (mesh.IsSegment (pi1, pi2))
if (segments.Used (edge))
INDEX_2 ii2 (pi1, pi2);
if (other.Used (ii2))
// INDEX_2 i2s(ii2);
// i2s.Sort();
const auto sel = mesh[sei];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
PointIndex pi1 = sel.PNumMod(j+2);
PointIndex pi2 = sel.PNumMod(j+3);
for (auto sei_other : elements_on_node[pi1])
if(sei_other==sei) continue;
const auto & other = mesh[sei_other];
int pi1_other = -1;
int pi2_other = -1;
bool common_edge = false;
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
if(other[k] == pi1)
pi1_other = k;
if(other[k] == pi2)
pi2_other = k;
common_edge = true;
neighbors[sei].SetNr (j, sei_other);
neighbors[sei].SetOrientation (j, 3-pi1_other-pi2_other);
int i2 = other.Get(ii2).tnr;
int j2 = other.Get(ii2).sidenr;
auto othertrig = other.Get(ii2);
SurfaceElementIndex i2 = othertrig.tnr;
int j2 = othertrig.sidenr;
neighbors[sei].SetNr (j, i2);
neighbors[sei].SetOrientation (j, j2);
neighbors[i2].SetNr (j2, sei);
neighbors[i2].SetOrientation (j2, j);
other.Set (INDEX_2 (pi2, pi1), trionedge (sei, j));
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei : seia)
swapped[sei] = false;
@ -243,174 +314,37 @@ namespace netgen
Array<std::pair<SurfaceElementIndex,int>> improvement_candidates(3*seia.Size());
atomic<int> cnt(0);
int t = 4;
bool done = false;
while (!done && t >= 2)
for (int i = 0; i < seia.Size(); i++)
SurfaceElementIndex t1 = seia[i];
cnt = 0;
ParallelFor( Range(seia), [&] (auto i) NETGEN_LAMBDA_INLINE
SurfaceElementIndex t1 = seia[i];
if (mesh[t1].IsDeleted())
if (mesh[t1].IsDeleted())
if (mesh[t1].GetIndex() != faceindex)
if (mesh[t1].GetIndex() != faceindex)
if (multithread.terminate)
throw NgException ("Meshing stopped");
if (multithread.terminate)
throw NgException ("Meshing stopped");
for (int o1 = 0; o1 < 3; o1++)
bool should;
for (int o1 = 0; o1 < 3; o1++)
if(EdgeSwapping(mesh, usemetric, neighbors, swapped, t1, o1, t, pdef, true))
improvement_candidates[cnt++]= std::make_pair(t1,o1);
SurfaceElementIndex t2 = neighbors[t1].GetNr (o1);
int o2 = neighbors[t1].GetOrientation (o1);
auto elements_with_improvement = improvement_candidates.Range(cnt.load());
if (t2 == -1) continue;
if (swapped[t1] || swapped[t2]) continue;
PointIndex pi1 = mesh[t1].PNumMod(o1+1+1);
PointIndex pi2 = mesh[t1].PNumMod(o1+1+2);
PointIndex pi3 = mesh[t1].PNumMod(o1+1);
PointIndex pi4 = mesh[t2].PNumMod(o2+1);
PointGeomInfo gi1 = mesh[t1].GeomInfoPiMod(o1+1+1);
PointGeomInfo gi2 = mesh[t1].GeomInfoPiMod(o1+1+2);
PointGeomInfo gi3 = mesh[t1].GeomInfoPiMod(o1+1);
PointGeomInfo gi4 = mesh[t2].GeomInfoPiMod(o2+1);
bool allowswap = true;
Vec<3> auxvec1 = mesh[pi3]-mesh[pi4];
Vec<3> auxvec2 = mesh[pi1]-mesh[pi4];
allowswap = allowswap && fabs(1.-(auxvec1*auxvec2)/(auxvec1.Length()*auxvec2.Length())) > 1e-4;
// normal of new
Vec<3> nv1 = Cross (auxvec1, auxvec2);
auxvec1 = mesh.Point(pi4)-mesh.Point(pi3);
auxvec2 = mesh.Point(pi2)-mesh.Point(pi3);
allowswap = allowswap && fabs(1.-(auxvec1*auxvec2)/(auxvec1.Length()*auxvec2.Length())) > 1e-4;
Vec<3> nv2 = Cross (auxvec1, auxvec2);
// normals of original
Vec<3> nv3 = Cross (mesh[pi1]-mesh[pi4], mesh[pi2]-mesh[pi4]);
Vec<3> nv4 = Cross (mesh[pi2]-mesh[pi3], mesh[pi1]-mesh[pi3]);
nv3 *= -1;
nv4 *= -1;
Vec<3> nvp3, nvp4;
GetNormalVector (surfnr, mesh.Point(pi3), gi3, nvp3);
GetNormalVector (surfnr, mesh.Point(pi4), gi4, nvp4);
double critval = cos (M_PI / 6); // 30 degree
allowswap = allowswap &&
(nv1 * nvp3 > critval) &&
(nv1 * nvp4 > critval) &&
(nv2 * nvp3 > critval) &&
(nv2 * nvp4 > critval) &&
(nvp3 * nv3 > critval) &&
(nvp4 * nv4 > critval);
double horder = Dist (mesh[pi1], mesh[pi2]);
if ( // nv1 * nv2 >= 0 &&
nv1.Length() > 1e-3 * horder * horder &&
nv2.Length() > 1e-3 * horder * horder &&
allowswap )
if (!usemetric)
int e = pdef[pi1] + pdef[pi2] - pdef[pi3] - pdef[pi4];
double d =
Dist2 (mesh[pi1], mesh[pi2]) -
Dist2 (mesh[pi3], mesh[pi4]);
should = e >= t && (e > 2 || d > 0);
double loch = mesh.GetH(mesh[pi1]);
should =
CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[pi4], mesh[pi3], mesh[pi1], metricweight, loch) +
CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[pi3], mesh[pi4], mesh[pi2], metricweight, loch) <
CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[pi1], mesh[pi2], mesh[pi3], metricweight, loch) +
CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[pi2], mesh[pi1], mesh[pi4], metricweight, loch);
if (allowswap)
Element2d sw1 (pi4, pi3, pi1);
Element2d sw2 (pi3, pi4, pi2);
int legal1 =
mesh.LegalTrig (mesh[t1]) +
mesh.LegalTrig (mesh[t2]);
int legal2 =
mesh.LegalTrig (sw1) + mesh.LegalTrig (sw2);
if (legal1 < legal2) should = true;
if (legal2 < legal1) should = false;
if (should)
// do swapping !
done = true;
mesh[t1] = { pi1, pi4, pi3 };
mesh[t2] = { pi2, pi3, pi4 };
mesh[t1].GeomInfoPi(1) = gi1;
mesh[t1].GeomInfoPi(2) = gi4;
mesh[t1].GeomInfoPi(3) = gi3;
mesh[t2].GeomInfoPi(1) = gi2;
mesh[t2].GeomInfoPi(2) = gi3;
mesh[t2].GeomInfoPi(3) = gi4;
mesh[t1] = { { pi1, gi1 }, { pi4, gi4 }, { pi3, gi3 } };
mesh[t2] = { { pi2, gi2 }, { pi3, gi3 }, { pi4, gi4 } };
swapped[t1] = true;
swapped[t2] = true;
for (auto [t1,o1] : elements_with_improvement)
done |= EdgeSwapping(mesh, usemetric, neighbors, swapped, t1, o1, t, pdef, false);
@ -2,6 +2,20 @@
class Neighbour
int nr[3];
int orient[3];
Neighbour () { ; }
void SetNr (int side, int anr) { nr[side] = anr; }
int GetNr (int side) { return nr[side]; }
void SetOrientation (int side, int aorient) { orient[side] = aorient; }
int GetOrientation (int side) { return orient[side]; }
class MeshOptimize2d
@ -22,6 +36,8 @@ public:
void ProjectBoundaryPoints(NgArray<int> & surfaceindex,
const NgArray<Point<3>* > & from, NgArray<Point<3>* > & dest);
bool EdgeSwapping (Mesh & mesh, const int usemetric, Array<Neighbour> &neighbors, Array<bool> &swapped,
const SurfaceElementIndex t1, const int edge, const int t, Array<int,PointIndex> &pdef, const bool check_only=false);
void EdgeSwapping (Mesh & mesh, int usemetric);
void CombineImprove (Mesh & mesh);
void SplitImprove (Mesh & mesh);
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ namespace netgen
void MeshOptimize2d :: GenericImprove (Mesh & mesh)
static Timer timer("MeshOptimize2d::GenericImprove"); RegionTimer reg(timer);
if (!faceindex)
if (writestatus)
@ -6205,22 +6205,41 @@ namespace netgen
for (PointIndex pi : myrange)
}, ngcore::TasksPerThread(4));
return move(elementsonnode);
Table<SurfaceElementIndex, PointIndex> Mesh :: CreatePoint2SurfaceElementTable() const
Table<SurfaceElementIndex, PointIndex> Mesh :: CreatePoint2SurfaceElementTable( int faceindex ) const
static Timer timer("Mesh::CreatePoint2SurfaceElementTable"); RegionTimer rt(timer);
TableCreator<SurfaceElementIndex, PointIndex> creator(GetNP());
for ( ; !creator.Done(); creator++)
(Range(surfelements), [&] (auto myrange)
for (SurfaceElementIndex ei : myrange)
for (PointIndex pi : (*this)[ei].PNums())
creator.Add (pi, ei);
for ( ; !creator.Done(); creator++)
(Range(surfelements), [&] (auto myrange)
for (SurfaceElementIndex ei : myrange)
for (PointIndex pi : (*this)[ei].PNums())
creator.Add (pi, ei);
}, ngcore::TasksPerThread(4));
Array<SurfaceElementIndex> face_els;
GetSurfaceElementsOfFace(faceindex, face_els);
for ( ; !creator.Done(); creator++)
(Range(face_els), [&] (auto myrange)
for (auto i : myrange)
for (PointIndex pi : (*this)[face_els[i]].PNums())
creator.Add (pi, face_els[i]);
}, ngcore::TasksPerThread(4));
auto elementsonnode = creator.MoveTable();
@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ namespace netgen
Table<ElementIndex, PointIndex> CreatePoint2ElementTable() const;
Table<SurfaceElementIndex, PointIndex> CreatePoint2SurfaceElementTable() const;
Table<SurfaceElementIndex, PointIndex> CreatePoint2SurfaceElementTable( int faceindex=0 ) const;
DLL_HEADER bool PureTrigMesh (int faceindex = 0) const;
DLL_HEADER bool PureTetMesh () const;
@ -306,7 +306,6 @@ int STLSurfaceMeshing (STLGeometry & geom, class Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParam
optmesh.EdgeSwapping (mesh, 0);
optmesh.ImproveMesh (mesh, mparam);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ def getMeshingparameters(filename):
return standard[:3] # this gets too big for finer meshsizes
if filename == "screw.step":
return standard[3:] # coarser meshes don't work here
if filename == "part1.stl":
return standard[0:1] + standard[2:] # very coarse does not work
return standard
_geofiles = [f for f in getFiles(".geo")] + [f for f in getFiles(".stl")]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user