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synced 2025-03-03 08:25:40 +05:00
new closed hashtable with automatic increase
This commit is contained in:
@ -1342,6 +1342,268 @@ PrintMemInfo (ostream & ost) const
inline void SetInvalid (INDEX & i) { i = -1; }
inline bool IsInvalid (INDEX i) { return i == -1; }
inline size_t HashValue (INDEX i, size_t size) { return size_t(i) % size; }
inline void SetInvalid (INDEX_2 & i2) { i2[0] = -1; }
inline bool IsInvalid (INDEX_2 i2) { return i2[0] == -1; }
inline size_t HashValue (INDEX_2 i2, size_t size) { return (113*size_t(i2[0])+size_t(i2[1])) % size; }
A closed hash-table.
All information is stored in one fixed array.
The array should be allocated with the double size of the expected number of entries.
template <class T_HASH, class T>
class ClosedHashTable
size_t size;
size_t used;
Array<T_HASH> hash;
Array<T> cont;
ClosedHashTable (size_t asize = 128)
: size(asize), used(0), hash(asize), cont(asize)
for (auto & v : hash)
ClosedHashTable (ClosedHashTable && ht2) = default;
// who needs that ?
ClosedHashTable (FlatArray<T_HASH> _hash, FlatArray<T> _cont)
: size(_hash.Size()), used(0), hash(_hash.Size(), _hash.Addr(0)), cont(_cont.Size(), _cont.Addr(0))
for (auto & v : hash)
ClosedHashTable & operator= (ClosedHashTable && ht2) = default;
size_t Size() const
return size;
/// is position used
bool UsedPos (size_t pos) const
return ! (IsInvalid(hash[pos]));
/// number of used elements
size_t UsedElements () const
return used;
size_t cnt = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (hash[i] != invalid)
return cnt;
size_t Position (const T_HASH ind) const
size_t i = HashValue(ind, size);
while (1)
if (hash[i] == ind) return i;
if (IsInvalid(hash[i])) return size_t(-1);
if (i >= size) i = 0;
void DoubleSize()
ClosedHashTable tmp(2*Size());
for (auto both : *this)
tmp[both.first] = both.second;
*this = move(tmp);
// returns true if new position is created
bool PositionCreate (const T_HASH ind, size_t & apos)
if (UsedElements()*2 > Size()) DoubleSize();
size_t i = HashValue (ind, size);
while (1)
if (IsInvalid(hash[i]))
hash[i] = ind;
apos = i;
return true;
if (hash[i] == ind)
apos = i;
return false;
if (i >= size) i = 0;
void Set (const T_HASH & ahash, const T & acont)
size_t pos;
PositionCreate (ahash, pos);
hash[pos] = ahash;
cont[pos] = acont;
const T & Get (const T_HASH & ahash) const
size_t pos = Position (ahash);
if (pos == size_t(-1))
throw Exception (string("illegal key: ") + ToString(ahash) );
return cont[pos];
bool Used (const T_HASH & ahash) const
return (Position (ahash) != size_t(-1));
void SetData (size_t pos, const T_HASH & ahash, const T & acont)
hash[pos] = ahash;
cont[pos] = acont;
void GetData (size_t pos, T_HASH & ahash, T & acont) const
ahash = hash[pos];
acont = cont[pos];
void SetData (size_t pos, const T & acont)
cont[pos] = acont;
void GetData (size_t pos, T & acont) const
acont = cont[pos];
pair<T_HASH,T> GetBoth (size_t pos) const
return pair<T_HASH,T> (hash[pos], cont[pos]);
const T & operator[] (T_HASH key) const { return Get(key); }
T & operator[] (T_HASH key)
size_t pos;
PositionCreate(key, pos);
return cont[pos];
void SetSize (size_t asize)
size = asize;
// for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
// hash[i] = invalid;
// hash = T_HASH(invalid);
for (auto & v : hash)
void Delete (T_HASH key)
size_t pos = Position(key);
if (pos == size_t(-1)) return;
SetInvalid (hash[pos]); used--;
while (1)
size_t nextpos = pos+1;
if (nextpos == size) nextpos = 0;
if (IsInvalid(hash[nextpos])) break;
auto key = hash[nextpos];
auto val = cont[nextpos];
SetInvalid (hash[nextpos]); used--;
Set (key, val);
pos = nextpos;
class Iterator
const ClosedHashTable & tab;
size_t nr;
Iterator (const ClosedHashTable & _tab, size_t _nr)
: tab(_tab), nr(_nr)
while (nr < tab.Size() && !tab.UsedPos(nr)) nr++;
Iterator & operator++()
while (nr < tab.Size() && !tab.UsedPos(nr)) nr++;
return *this;
bool operator!= (const Iterator & it2) { return nr != it2.nr; }
auto operator* () const
T_HASH hash;
T val;
tab.GetData(nr, hash,val);
return std::make_pair(hash,val);
Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(*this, 0); }
Iterator end() const { return Iterator(*this, Size()); }
template <class T_HASH, class T>
ostream & operator<< (ostream & ost,
const ClosedHashTable<T_HASH,T> & tab)
for (size_t i = 0; i < tab.Size(); i++)
if (tab.UsedPos(i))
T_HASH key;
T val;
tab.GetData (i, key, val);
ost << key << ": " << val << ", ";
return ost;
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