#ifdef NG_PYTHON #ifdef OCCGEOMETRY #include <../general/ngpython.hpp> #include #include "../meshing/python_mesh.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace netgen; namespace netgen { extern std::shared_ptr ng_geometry; } static string occparameter_description = R"delimiter( OCC Specific Meshing Parameters ------------------------------- closeedgefac: Optional[float] = 2. Factor for meshing close edges, if None it is disabled. minedgelen: Optional[float] = 0.001 Minimum edge length to be used for dividing edges to mesh points. If None this is disabled. )delimiter"; void CreateOCCParametersFromKwargs(OCCParameters& occparam, py::dict kwargs) { if(kwargs.contains("minedgelen")) { auto val = kwargs.attr("pop")("minedgelen"); if(val.is_none()) occparam.resthminedgelenenable = false; else { occparam.resthminedgelen = py::cast(val); occparam.resthminedgelenenable = true; } } } DLL_HEADER void ExportNgOCC(py::module &m) { m.attr("occ_version") = OCC_VERSION_COMPLETE; py::class_, NetgenGeometry> (m, "OCCGeometry", R"raw_string(Use LoadOCCGeometry to load the geometry from a *.step file.)raw_string") .def(py::init<>()) /* .def(py::init(), py::arg("shape"), "Create Netgen OCCGeometry from existing TopoDS_Shape") */ .def(py::init([] (const TopoDS_Shape& shape) { auto geo = make_shared (shape); ng_geometry = geo; geo->BuildFMap(); geo->CalcBoundingBox(); // PrintContents (geo); cout << "bounding box = " << geo->GetBoundingBox() << endl; return geo; }), py::arg("shape"), "Create Netgen OCCGeometry from existing TopoDS_Shape") .def(py::init([] (const string& filename) { shared_ptr geo; if(EndsWith(filename, ".step") || EndsWith(filename, ".stp")) geo.reset(LoadOCC_STEP(filename.c_str())); else if(EndsWith(filename, ".brep")) geo.reset(LoadOCC_BREP(filename.c_str())); else if(EndsWith(filename, ".iges")) geo.reset(LoadOCC_IGES(filename.c_str())); else throw Exception("Cannot load file " + filename + "\nValid formats are: step, stp, brep, iges"); ng_geometry = geo; return geo; }), py::arg("filename"), "Load OCC geometry from step, brep or iges file") .def(NGSPickle()) .def("Glue", &OCCGeometry::GlueGeometry) .def("Heal",[](OCCGeometry & self, double tolerance, bool fixsmalledges, bool fixspotstripfaces, bool sewfaces, bool makesolids, bool splitpartitions) { self.tolerance = tolerance; self.fixsmalledges = fixsmalledges; self.fixspotstripfaces = fixspotstripfaces; self.sewfaces = sewfaces; self.makesolids = makesolids; self.splitpartitions = splitpartitions; self.HealGeometry(); self.BuildFMap(); },py::arg("tolerance")=1e-3, py::arg("fixsmalledges")=true, py::arg("fixspotstripfaces")=true, py::arg("sewfaces")=true, py::arg("makesolids")=true, py::arg("splitpartitions")=false,R"raw_string(Heal the OCCGeometry.)raw_string",py::call_guard()) .def("SetFaceMeshsize", [](OCCGeometry& self, size_t fnr, double meshsize) { self.SetFaceMaxH(fnr, meshsize); }, "Set maximum meshsize for face fnr. Face numbers are 0 based.") .def("_visualizationData", [] (shared_ptr occ_geo) { std::vector vertices; std::vector trigs; std::vector normals; std::vector min = {std::numeric_limits::max(), std::numeric_limits::max(), std::numeric_limits::max()}; std::vector max = {std::numeric_limits::lowest(), std::numeric_limits::lowest(), std::numeric_limits::lowest()}; std::vector surfnames; auto box = occ_geo->GetBoundingBox(); for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { min[i] = box.PMin()[i]; max[i] = box.PMax()[i]; } occ_geo->BuildVisualizationMesh(0.01); gp_Pnt2d uv; gp_Pnt pnt; gp_Vec n; gp_Pnt p[3]; int count = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= occ_geo->fmap.Extent(); i++) { surfnames.push_back("occ_surface" + to_string(i)); auto face = TopoDS::Face(occ_geo->fmap(i)); auto surf = BRep_Tool::Surface(face); TopLoc_Location loc; BRepAdaptor_Surface sf(face, Standard_False); BRepLProp_SLProps prop(sf, 1, 1e-5); Handle(Poly_Triangulation) triangulation = BRep_Tool::Triangulation (face, loc); if (triangulation.IsNull()) cout << "cannot visualize face " << i << endl; trigs.reserve(trigs.size() + triangulation->NbTriangles()*4); vertices.reserve(vertices.size() + triangulation->NbTriangles()*3*3); normals.reserve(normals.size() + triangulation->NbTriangles()*3*3); for (int j = 1; j < triangulation->NbTriangles()+1; j++) { auto triangle = (triangulation->Triangles())(j); for (int k = 1; k < 4; k++) p[k-1] = (triangulation->Nodes())(triangle(k)).Transformed(loc); for (int k = 1; k < 4; k++) { vertices.insert(vertices.end(),{float(p[k-1].X()), float(p[k-1].Y()), float(p[k-1].Z())}); trigs.insert(trigs.end(),{count, count+1, count+2,i}); count += 3; uv = (triangulation->UVNodes())(triangle(k)); prop.SetParameters(uv.X(), uv.Y()); if (prop.IsNormalDefined()) n = prop.Normal(); else { gp_Vec a(p[0], p[1]); gp_Vec b(p[0], p[2]); n = b^a; } if (face.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED) n*= -1; normals.insert(normals.end(),{float(n.X()), float(n.Y()), float(n.Z())}); } } } py::gil_scoped_acquire ac; py::dict res; py::list snames; for(auto name : surfnames) snames.append(py::cast(name)); res["vertices"] = MoveToNumpy(vertices); res["triangles"] = MoveToNumpy(trigs); res["normals"] = MoveToNumpy(normals); res["surfnames"] = snames; res["min"] = MoveToNumpy(min); res["max"] = MoveToNumpy(max); return res; }, py::call_guard()) .def("GenerateMesh", [](shared_ptr geo, MeshingParameters* pars, py::kwargs kwargs) { MeshingParameters mp; OCCParameters occparam; { py::gil_scoped_acquire aq; if(pars) { auto mp_kwargs = CreateDictFromFlags(pars->geometrySpecificParameters); CreateOCCParametersFromKwargs(occparam, mp_kwargs); mp = *pars; } CreateOCCParametersFromKwargs(occparam, kwargs); CreateMPfromKwargs(mp, kwargs); } geo->SetOCCParameters(occparam); auto mesh = make_shared(); mesh->SetGeometry(geo); auto result = geo->GenerateMesh(mesh, mp); if(result != 0) throw Exception("Meshing failed!"); SetGlobalMesh(mesh); ng_geometry = geo; return mesh; }, py::arg("mp") = nullptr, py::call_guard(), (meshingparameter_description + occparameter_description).c_str()) .def_property_readonly("shape", [](const OCCGeometry & self) { return self.GetShape(); }) ; py::enum_(m, "TopAbs_ShapeEnum", "Enumeration of all supported TopoDS_Shapes") .value("COMPOUND", TopAbs_COMPOUND) .value("COMPSOLID", TopAbs_COMPSOLID) .value("SOLID", TopAbs_SOLID) .value("SHELL", TopAbs_SHELL) .value("FACE", TopAbs_FACE) .value("WIRE", TopAbs_WIRE) .value("EDGE", TopAbs_EDGE) .value("VERTEX", TopAbs_VERTEX) .value("SHAPE", TopAbs_SHAPE) .export_values() ; py::class_ (m, "TopoDS_Shape") .def("__str__", [] (const TopoDS_Shape & shape) { stringstream str; shape.DumpJson(str); return str.str(); }) .def("ShapeType", [] (const TopoDS_Shape & shape) { return shape.ShapeType(); }) .def("SubShapes", [] (const TopoDS_Shape & shape, TopAbs_ShapeEnum & type) { py::list sub; TopExp_Explorer e; for (e.Init(shape, type); e.More(); e.Next()) sub.append(e.Current()); return sub; }) .def("__mul__", [] (const TopoDS_Shape & shape1, const TopoDS_Shape & shape2) { // https://dev.opencascade.org/doc/occt-7.3.0/overview/html/occt_user_guides__boolean_operations.html#occt_algorithms_10a BOPAlgo_MakerVolume aMV; // BOPAlgo_Section aMV; // only vertices + edges // BOPAlgo_Builder aMV; // BRepAlgoAPI_Cut aMV; TopTools_ListOfShape aLSObjects; aLSObjects.Append (shape1); aLSObjects.Append (shape2); // aBuilder.SetArguments(aLSObjects); aMV.SetArguments(aLSObjects); // aMV.SetIntersect(true); aMV.Perform(); // aMV.Build(); return aMV.Shape(); /* // ????? // auto cut = BRepAlgoAPI_Cut (shape1, shape2); auto cut = BRepAlgoAPI_Section (shape1, shape2); TopTools_ListOfShape aLSObjects; aLSObjects.Append (cut); BOPAlgo_MakerVolume aMV; aMV.SetArguments(aLSObjects); aMV.Perform(); return aMV.Shape(); */ }); ; m.def("Sphere", [] (py::tuple c, double r) { gp_Pnt cc { py::cast (c[0]), py::cast(c[1]), py::cast(c[2]) }; return BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere (cc, r).Shape(); }); m.def("Cylinder", [] (py::tuple pnt, py::tuple dir, double r, double h) { gp_Pnt cpnt { py::cast (pnt[0]), py::cast(pnt[1]), py::cast(pnt[2]) }; gp_Dir cdir { py::cast (dir[0]), py::cast(dir[1]), py::cast(dir[2]) }; return BRepPrimAPI_MakeCylinder (gp_Ax2(cpnt, cdir), r, h).Shape(); }); m.def("Box", [] (py::tuple p1, py::tuple p2) { gp_Pnt cp1 { py::cast (p1[0]), py::cast(p1[1]), py::cast(p1[2]) }; gp_Pnt cp2 { py::cast (p2[0]), py::cast(p2[1]), py::cast(p2[2]) }; return BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox (cp1, cp2).Shape(); }); m.def("LoadOCCGeometry",[] (const string & filename) { cout << "WARNING: LoadOCCGeometry is deprecated! Just use the OCCGeometry(filename) constructor. It is able to read brep and iges files as well!" << endl; ifstream ist(filename); OCCGeometry * instance = new OCCGeometry(); instance = LoadOCC_STEP(filename.c_str()); ng_geometry = shared_ptr(instance, NOOP_Deleter); return ng_geometry; },py::call_guard()); } PYBIND11_MODULE(libNgOCC, m) { ExportNgOCC(m); } #endif // OCCGEOMETRY #endif // NG_PYTHON