#include #include "meshing.hpp" #ifdef OPENGL #include #endif // OPENGL namespace netgen { static void glrender (int wait); #ifdef OPENGL extern DLL_HEADER void Render(bool blocking = false); DLL_HEADER extern VisualSceneSurfaceMeshing vssurfacemeshing; VisualSceneSurfaceMeshing vssurfacemeshing; #endif // OPENGL // global variable for visualization // static NgArray locpoints; // static NgArray legalpoints; // static NgArray plainpoints; // static NgArray plainzones; // static NgArray loclines; // // static int geomtrig; // //static const char * rname; // static int cntelem, trials, nfaces; // static int oldnl; // static int qualclass; static Array> global_trig_rules; static Array> global_quad_rules; Meshing2 :: Meshing2 (const MeshingParameters & mp, const Box<3> & aboundingbox) : adfront(aboundingbox), boundingbox(aboundingbox) { static Timer t("Mesing2::Meshing2"); RegionTimer r(t); auto & globalrules = mp.quad ? global_quad_rules : global_trig_rules; if (!globalrules.Size()) { LoadRules (NULL, mp.quad); for (auto * rule : rules) globalrules.Append (unique_ptr(rule)); } else { for (auto i : globalrules.Range()) rules.Append (globalrules[i].get()); } // LoadRules ("rules/quad.rls"); // LoadRules ("rules/triangle.rls"); // adfront = new AdFront2(boundingbox); starttime = GetTime(); maxarea = -1; } Meshing2 :: ~Meshing2 () { ; } void Meshing2 :: AddPoint (const Point3d & p, PointIndex globind, MultiPointGeomInfo * mgi, bool pointonsurface) { //(*testout) << "add point " << globind << endl; adfront.AddPoint (p, globind, mgi, pointonsurface); } void Meshing2 :: AddBoundaryElement (int i1, int i2, const PointGeomInfo & gi1, const PointGeomInfo & gi2) { // (*testout) << "add line " << i1 << " - " << i2 << endl; if (!gi1.trignum || !gi2.trignum) { PrintSysError ("addboundaryelement: illegal geominfo"); } adfront.AddLine (i1-1, i2-1, gi1, gi2); } void Meshing2 :: StartMesh () { foundmap.SetSize (rules.Size()); canuse.SetSize (rules.Size()); ruleused.SetSize (rules.Size()); foundmap = 0; canuse = 0; ruleused = 0; // cntelem = 0; // trials = 0; } void Meshing2 :: EndMesh () { for (int i = 0; i < ruleused.Size(); i++) (*testout) << setw(4) << ruleused[i] << " times used rule " << rules[i] -> Name() << endl; } void Meshing2 :: SetStartTime (double astarttime) { starttime = astarttime; } void Meshing2 :: SetMaxArea (double amaxarea) { maxarea = amaxarea; } double Meshing2 :: CalcLocalH (const Point3d & /* p */, double gh) const { return gh; } // should be class variables !!(?) // static Vec3d ex, ey; // static Point3d globp1; void Meshing2 :: DefineTransformation (const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2, const PointGeomInfo * geominfo1, const PointGeomInfo * geominfo2) { globp1 = p1; ex = p2 - p1; ex /= ex.Length(); ey.X() = -ex.Y(); ey.Y() = ex.X(); ey.Z() = 0; } void Meshing2 :: TransformToPlain (const Point<3> & locpoint, const MultiPointGeomInfo & geominf, Point<2> & plainpoint, double h, int & zone) { Vec3d p1p (globp1, locpoint); // p1p = locpoint - globp1; p1p /= h; plainpoint[0] = p1p * ex; plainpoint[1] = p1p * ey; zone = 0; } int Meshing2 :: TransformFromPlain (const Point<2> & plainpoint, Point<3> & locpoint, PointGeomInfo & gi, double h) { Vec3d p1p; gi.trignum = 1; p1p = plainpoint[0] * ex + plainpoint[1] * ey; p1p *= h; locpoint = globp1 + p1p; return 0; } int Meshing2 :: BelongsToActiveChart (const Point3d & p, const PointGeomInfo & gi) { return 1; } int Meshing2 :: ComputePointGeomInfo (const Point3d & p, PointGeomInfo & gi) { gi.trignum = 1; return 0; } int Meshing2 :: ChooseChartPointGeomInfo (const MultiPointGeomInfo & mpgi, PointGeomInfo & pgi) { pgi = mpgi.GetPGI(1); return 0; } int Meshing2 :: IsLineVertexOnChart (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2, int endpoint, const PointGeomInfo & geominfo) { return 1; } void Meshing2 :: GetChartBoundary (NgArray> & points, NgArray> & points3d, NgArray & lines, double h) const { points.SetSize (0); points3d.SetSize (0); lines.SetSize (0); } double Meshing2 :: Area () const { return -1; } MESHING2_RESULT Meshing2 :: GenerateMesh (Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & mp, double gh, int facenr) { static Timer timer("surface meshing"); RegionTimer reg(timer); static int timer1 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("surface meshing1"); static int timer2 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("surface meshing2"); static int timer3 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("surface meshing3"); static int ts1 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("surface meshing start 1"); static int ts2 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("surface meshing start 2"); static int ts3 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("surface meshing start 3"); NgProfiler::StartTimer (ts1); NgArray pindex, lindex; NgArray delpoints, dellines; NgArray upgeominfo; // unique info NgArray mpgeominfo; // multiple info NgArray locelements; int z1, z2, oldnp(-1); bool found; int rulenr(-1); const PointGeomInfo * blgeominfo1; const PointGeomInfo * blgeominfo2; bool morerisc; bool debugflag; // double h; auto locpointsptr = make_shared>>(); auto& locpoints = *locpointsptr; NgArray legalpoints; auto plainpointsptr = make_shared>>(); auto& plainpoints = *plainpointsptr; NgArray plainzones; auto loclinesptr = make_shared>(); auto &loclines = *loclinesptr; int cntelem = 0, trials = 0, nfaces = 0; int oldnl = 0; #ifdef OPENGL vssurfacemeshing.oldnl = oldnl; vssurfacemeshing.loclinesptr = loclinesptr; vssurfacemeshing.locpointsptr = locpointsptr; vssurfacemeshing.plainpointsptr = plainpointsptr; #endif // OPENGL int qualclass; // test for 3d overlaps BoxTree<3> surfeltree (boundingbox.PMin(), boundingbox.PMax()); NgArray intersecttrias; NgArray critpoints; // test for doubled edges //INDEX_2_HASHTABLE doubleedge(300000); testmode = 0; StartMesh(); NgArray> chartboundpoints; NgArray> chartboundpoints3d; NgArray chartboundlines; // illegal points: points with more then 50 elements per node int maxlegalpoint(-1), maxlegalline(-1); NgArray trigsonnode; NgArray illegalpoint; trigsonnode.SetSize (mesh.GetNP()); illegalpoint.SetSize (mesh.GetNP()); trigsonnode = 0; illegalpoint = 0; double totalarea = Area (); double meshedarea = 0; // search tree for surface elements: /* for (sei = 0; sei < mesh.GetNSE(); sei++) { const Element2d & sel = mesh[sei]; if (sel.IsDeleted()) continue; if (sel.GetIndex() == facenr) { Box<3> box; box.Set ( mesh[sel[0]] ); box.Add ( mesh[sel[1]] ); box.Add ( mesh[sel[2]] ); surfeltree.Insert (box, sei); } } */ Array seia; mesh.GetSurfaceElementsOfFace (facenr, seia); for (int i = 0; i < seia.Size(); i++) { const Element2d & sel = mesh[seia[i]]; if (sel.IsDeleted()) continue; Box<3> box; box.Set ( mesh[sel[0]] ); box.Add ( mesh[sel[1]] ); box.Add ( mesh[sel[2]] ); surfeltree.Insert (box, seia[i]); } NgProfiler::StopTimer (ts1); NgProfiler::StartTimer (ts2); if (totalarea > 0 || maxarea > 0) meshedarea = mesh.SurfaceArea(); /* for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = 0; sei < mesh.GetNSE(); sei++) { const Element2d & sel = mesh[sei]; if (sel.IsDeleted()) continue; double trigarea = Cross ( mesh[sel[1]]-mesh[sel[0]], mesh[sel[2]]-mesh[sel[0]] ).Length() / 2; if (sel.GetNP() == 4) trigarea += Cross (Vec3d (mesh.Point (sel.PNum(1)), mesh.Point (sel.PNum(3))), Vec3d (mesh.Point (sel.PNum(1)), mesh.Point (sel.PNum(4)))).Length() / 2;; meshedarea += trigarea; } */ // cout << "meshedarea = " << meshedarea << " =?= " // << mesh.SurfaceArea() << endl; NgProfiler::StopTimer (ts2); NgProfiler::StartTimer (ts3); const char * savetask = multithread.task; multithread.task = "Surface meshing"; adfront.SetStartFront (); int plotnexttrial = 999; double meshedarea_before = meshedarea; NgProfiler::StopTimer (ts3); static Timer tloop("surfacemeshing mainloop"); // static Timer tgetlocals("surfacemeshing getlocals"); { RegionTimer rloop(tloop); while (!adfront.Empty() && !multithread.terminate) { NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg1 (timer1); if (multithread.terminate) throw NgException ("Meshing stopped"); // known for STL meshing if (totalarea > 0) multithread.percent = 100 * meshedarea / totalarea; /* else multithread.percent = 0; */ locpoints.SetSize0(); loclines.SetSize0(); pindex.SetSize0(); lindex.SetSize0(); delpoints.SetSize0(); dellines.SetSize0(); locelements.SetSize0(); // plot statistics if (trials > plotnexttrial) { PrintMessage (5, "faces = ", nfaces, " trials = ", trials, " elements = ", mesh.GetNSE(), " els/sec = ", (mesh.GetNSE() / (GetTime() - starttime + 0.0001))); plotnexttrial += 1000; } // unique-pgi, multi-pgi upgeominfo.SetSize0(); mpgeominfo.SetSize0(); nfaces = adfront.GetNFL(); trials ++; if (trials % 1000 == 0) { (*testout) << "\n"; for (int i = 1; i <= canuse.Size(); i++) { (*testout) << foundmap.Get(i) << "/" << canuse.Get(i) << "/" << ruleused.Get(i) << " map/can/use rule " << rules.Get(i)->Name() << "\n"; } (*testout) << "\n"; } Point<3> p1, p2; int baselineindex = adfront.SelectBaseLine (p1, p2, blgeominfo1, blgeominfo2, qualclass); found = 1; double his = Dist (p1, p2); Point<3> pmid = Center (p1, p2); double hshould = CalcLocalH (pmid, mesh.GetH (pmid)); if (gh < hshould) hshould = gh; mesh.RestrictLocalH (pmid, hshould); double h = hshould; double hinner = (3 + qualclass) * max2 (his, hshould); // tgetlocals.Start(); adfront.GetLocals (baselineindex, locpoints, mpgeominfo, loclines, pindex, lindex, 2*hinner); // tgetlocals.Stop(); NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg2 (timer2); //(*testout) << "h for locals: " << 2*hinner << endl; //(*testout) << "locpoints " << locpoints << endl; if (qualclass > mp.giveuptol2d) { PrintMessage (3, "give up with qualclass ", qualclass); PrintMessage (3, "number of frontlines = ", adfront.GetNFL()); // throw NgException ("Give up 2d meshing"); break; } /* if (found && qualclass > 60) { found = 0; } */ // morerisc = ((qualclass > 20) && (qualclass % 2 == 1)); // morerisc = 1; morerisc = 0; PointIndex gpi1 = adfront.GetGlobalIndex (pindex.Get(loclines[0].I1())); PointIndex gpi2 = adfront.GetGlobalIndex (pindex.Get(loclines[0].I2())); debugflag = ( debugparam.haltsegment && ( ((debugparam.haltsegmentp1 == gpi1) && (debugparam.haltsegmentp2 == gpi2)) || ((debugparam.haltsegmentp1 == gpi2) && (debugparam.haltsegmentp2 == gpi1))) ) || ( debugparam.haltnode && ( (debugparam.haltsegmentp1 == gpi1) || (debugparam.haltsegmentp2 == gpi1)) ); if (debugparam.haltface && debugparam.haltfacenr == facenr) { debugflag = 1; cout << "set debugflag" << endl; } if (debugparam.haltlargequalclass && qualclass == 50) debugflag = 1; // problem recognition ! if (found && (gpi1 < illegalpoint.Size()+PointIndex::BASE) && (gpi2 < illegalpoint.Size()+PointIndex::BASE) ) { if (illegalpoint[gpi1] || illegalpoint[gpi2]) found = 0; } // Point2d p12d, p22d; if (found) { oldnp = locpoints.Size(); oldnl = loclines.Size(); #ifdef OPENGL vssurfacemeshing.oldnl = oldnl; #endif // OPENGL if (debugflag) (*testout) << "define new transformation" << endl; DefineTransformation (p1, p2, blgeominfo1, blgeominfo2); plainpoints.SetSize (locpoints.Size()); plainzones.SetSize (locpoints.Size()); // (*testout) << endl; if (debugflag) { *testout << "3d->2d transformation" << endl; *testout << "3d points: " << endl << locpoints << endl; } for (size_t i = 0; i < locpoints.Size(); i++) { Point<2> pp; TransformToPlain (locpoints[i], mpgeominfo[i], pp, h, plainzones[i]); plainpoints[i] = pp; } /* for (int i = 1; i <= locpoints.Size(); i++) { // (*testout) << "pindex(i) = " << pindex[i-1] << endl; TransformToPlain (locpoints.Get(i), mpgeominfo.Get(i), plainpoints.Elem(i), h, plainzones.Elem(i)); // (*testout) << mpgeominfo.Get(i).GetPGI(1).u << " " << mpgeominfo.Get(i).GetPGI(1).v << " "; // (*testout) << plainpoints.Get(i).X() << " " << plainpoints.Get(i).Y() << endl; //(*testout) << "transform " << locpoints.Get(i) << " to " << plainpoints.Get(i).X() << " " << plainpoints.Get(i).Y() << endl; } */ // (*testout) << endl << endl << endl; if (debugflag) *testout << "2d points: " << endl << plainpoints << endl; // p12d = plainpoints.Get(1); // p22d = plainpoints.Get(2); /* // last idea on friday plainzones.Elem(1) = 0; plainzones.Elem(2) = 0; */ /* // old netgen: for (i = 2; i <= loclines.Size(); i++) // don't remove first line { z1 = plainzones.Get(loclines.Get(i).I1()); z2 = plainzones.Get(loclines.Get(i).I2()); if (z1 && z2 && (z1 != z2) || (z1 == -1) || (z2 == -1) ) { loclines.DeleteElement(i); lindex.DeleteElement(i); oldnl--; i--; } } // for (i = 1; i <= plainpoints.Size(); i++) // if (plainzones.Elem(i) == -1) // plainpoints.Elem(i) = Point2d (1e4, 1e4); */ for (int i = 2; i <= loclines.Size(); i++) // don't remove first line { // (*testout) << "loclines(i) = " << loclines.Get(i).I1() << " - " << loclines.Get(i).I2() << endl; z1 = plainzones.Get(loclines.Get(i).I1()); z2 = plainzones.Get(loclines.Get(i).I2()); // one inner point, one outer if ( (z1 >= 0) != (z2 >= 0)) { int innerp = (z1 >= 0) ? 1 : 2; if (IsLineVertexOnChart (locpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I1()), locpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I2()), innerp, adfront.GetLineGeomInfo (lindex.Get(i), innerp))) // pgeominfo.Get(loclines.Get(i).I(innerp)))) { if (!morerisc) { // use one end of line int pini = loclines.Get(i).I(innerp); int pouti = loclines.Get(i).I(3-innerp); const auto& pin = plainpoints.Get(pini); const auto& pout = plainpoints.Get(pouti); auto v = pout - pin; double len = v.Length(); if (len <= 1e-6) (*testout) << "WARNING(js): inner-outer: short vector" << endl; else v /= len; /* // don't elongate line towards base-line !! if (Vec2d (pin, p12d) * v > 0 && Vec2d (pin, p22d) * v > 0) v *= -1; */ Point<2> newpout = pin + 1000. * v; newpout = pout; plainpoints.Append (newpout); const auto& pout3d = locpoints.Get(pouti); locpoints.Append (pout3d); plainzones.Append (0); pindex.Append (-1); oldnp++; loclines.Elem(i).I(3-innerp) = oldnp; } else plainzones.Elem(loclines.Get(i).I(3-innerp)) = 0; // (*testout) << "inner - outer correction" << endl; } else { // remove line loclines.DeleteElement(i); lindex.DeleteElement(i); oldnl--; i--; } } else if ( (z1 > 0 && z2 > 0 && (z1 != z2)) || ((z1 < 0) && (z2 < 0)) ) { loclines.DeleteElement(i); lindex.DeleteElement(i); oldnl--; i--; } } legalpoints.SetSize(plainpoints.Size()); legalpoints = 1; /* for (int i = 1; i <= legalpoints.Size(); i++) legalpoints.Elem(i) = 1; */ double avy = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < plainpoints.Size(); i++) avy += plainpoints[i][1]; avy *= 1./plainpoints.Size(); for (auto i : Range(plainpoints)) { if (plainzones[i] < 0) { plainpoints[i] = {1e4, 1e4}; legalpoints[i] = 0; } if (pindex[i] == -1) { legalpoints[i] = 0; } if (plainpoints[i][1] < -1e-10*avy) // changed { legalpoints[i] = 0; } } /* for (i = 3; i <= plainpoints.Size(); i++) if (sqr (plainpoints.Get(i).X()) + sqr (plainpoints.Get(i).Y()) > sqr (2 + 0.2 * qualclass)) legalpoints.Elem(i) = 0; */ /* int clp = 0; for (i = 1; i <= plainpoints.Size(); i++) if (legalpoints.Get(i)) clp++; (*testout) << "legalpts: " << clp << "/" << plainpoints.Size() << endl; // sort legal/illegal lines int lastleg = 2; int firstilleg = oldnl; while (lastleg < firstilleg) { while (legalpoints.Get(loclines.Get(lastleg).I1()) && legalpoints.Get(loclines.Get(lastleg).I2()) && lastleg < firstilleg) lastleg++; while ( ( !legalpoints.Get(loclines.Get(firstilleg).I1()) || !legalpoints.Get(loclines.Get(firstilleg).I2())) && lastleg < firstilleg) firstilleg--; if (lastleg < firstilleg) { swap (loclines.Elem(lastleg), loclines.Elem(firstilleg)); swap (lindex.Elem(lastleg), lindex.Elem(firstilleg)); } } (*testout) << "leglines " << lastleg << "/" << oldnl << endl; */ GetChartBoundary (chartboundpoints, chartboundpoints3d, chartboundlines, h); oldnp = plainpoints.Size(); maxlegalpoint = locpoints.Size(); maxlegalline = loclines.Size(); if (mp.checkchartboundary) { for (int i = 1; i <= chartboundpoints.Size(); i++) { pindex.Append(-1); plainpoints.Append (chartboundpoints.Get(i)); locpoints.Append (chartboundpoints3d.Get(i)); legalpoints.Append (0); } for (int i = 1; i <= chartboundlines.Size(); i++) { INDEX_2 line (chartboundlines.Get(i).I1()+oldnp, chartboundlines.Get(i).I2()+oldnp); loclines.Append (line); // (*testout) << "line: " << line.I1() << "-" << line.I2() << endl; } } oldnl = loclines.Size(); oldnp = plainpoints.Size(); } /* if (qualclass > 100) { multithread.drawing = 1; glrender(1); cout << "qualclass 100, nfl = " << adfront.GetNFL() << endl; } */ if (found) { // static Timer t("ApplyRules"); // RegionTimer r(t); rulenr = ApplyRules (plainpoints, legalpoints, maxlegalpoint, loclines, maxlegalline, locelements, dellines, qualclass, mp); // (*testout) << "Rule Nr = " << rulenr << endl; if (!rulenr) { found = 0; if ( debugflag || debugparam.haltnosuccess ) PrintWarning ("no rule found"); } } NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg3 (timer3); for (int i = 1; i <= locelements.Size() && found; i++) { const Element2d & el = locelements.Get(i); for (int j = 1; j <= el.GetNP(); j++) if (el.PNum(j) <= oldnp && pindex.Get(el.PNum(j)) == -1) { found = 0; PrintSysError ("meshing2, index missing"); } } if (found) { locpoints.SetSize (plainpoints.Size()); upgeominfo.SetSize(locpoints.Size()); for (int i = oldnp+1; i <= plainpoints.Size(); i++) { Point<3> locp; int err = TransformFromPlain (plainpoints.Elem(i), locp, upgeominfo.Elem(i), h); locpoints.Elem(i) = locp; if (err) { found = 0; if ( debugflag || debugparam.haltnosuccess ) PrintSysError ("meshing2, Backtransformation failed"); break; } } } // for (i = 1; i <= oldnl; i++) // adfront.ResetClass (lindex[i]); /* double violateminh; if (qualclass <= 10) violateminh = 3; else violateminh = 3 * qualclass; if (uselocalh && found) // && qualclass <= 10) { for (i = 1; i <= locelements.Size(); i++) { Point3d pmin = locpoints.Get(locelements.Get(i).PNum(1)); Point3d pmax = pmin; for (j = 2; j <= 3; j++) { const Point3d & hp = locpoints.Get(locelements.Get(i).PNum(j)); pmin.SetToMin (hp); pmax.SetToMax (hp); } double minh = mesh.GetMinH (pmin, pmax); if (h > violateminh * minh) { found = 0; loclines.SetSize (oldnl); locpoints.SetSize (oldnp); } } } */ if (found) { double violateminh = 3 + 0.1 * sqr (qualclass); double minh = 1e8; double newedgemaxh = 0; for (int i = oldnl+1; i <= loclines.Size(); i++) { double eh = Dist (locpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I1()), locpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I2())); // Markus (brute force method to avoid bad elements on geometries like \_/ ) //if(eh > 4.*mesh.GetH(locpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I1()))) found = 0; //if(eh > 4.*mesh.GetH(locpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I2()))) found = 0; // Markus end if (eh > newedgemaxh) newedgemaxh = eh; } for (int i = 1; i <= locelements.Size(); i++) { Point3d pmin = locpoints.Get(locelements.Get(i).PNum(1)); Point3d pmax = pmin; for (int j = 2; j <= locelements.Get(i).GetNP(); j++) { const Point3d & hp = locpoints.Get(locelements.Get(i).PNum(j)); pmin.SetToMin (hp); pmax.SetToMax (hp); } double eh = mesh.GetMinH (pmin, pmax); if (eh < minh) minh = eh; } for (int i = 1; i <= locelements.Size(); i++) for (int j = 1; j <= locelements.Get(i).GetNP(); j++) if (Dist2 (locpoints.Get(locelements.Get(i).PNum(j)), pmid) > hinner*hinner) found = 0; // cout << "violate = " << newedgemaxh / minh << endl; static double maxviolate = 0; if (newedgemaxh / minh > maxviolate) { maxviolate = newedgemaxh / minh; // cout << "max minhviolate = " << maxviolate << endl; } if (newedgemaxh > violateminh * minh) { found = 0; loclines.SetSize (oldnl); locpoints.SetSize (oldnp); if ( debugflag || debugparam.haltnosuccess ) PrintSysError ("meshing2, maxh too large"); } } /* // test good ComputeLineGeoInfo if (found) { // is line on chart ? for (i = oldnl+1; i <= loclines.Size(); i++) { int gisize; void *geominfo; if (ComputeLineGeoInfo (locpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I1()), locpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I2()), gisize, geominfo)) found = 0; } } */ // changed for OCC meshing if (found) { // take geominfo from dellines // upgeominfo.SetSize(locpoints.Size()); /* for (i = 1; i <= dellines.Size(); i++) for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++) { upgeominfo.Elem(loclines.Get(dellines.Get(i)).I(j)) = adfront.GetLineGeomInfo (lindex.Get(dellines.Get(i)), j); } */ for (int i = 1; i <= locelements.Size(); i++) for (int j = 1; j <= locelements.Get(i).GetNP(); j++) { int pi = locelements.Get(i).PNum(j); if (pi <= oldnp) { if (ChooseChartPointGeomInfo (mpgeominfo.Get(pi), upgeominfo.Elem(pi))) { // cannot select, compute new one PrintWarning ("calc point geominfo instead of using"); if (ComputePointGeomInfo (locpoints.Get(pi), upgeominfo.Elem(pi))) { found = 0; PrintSysError ("meshing2d, geominfo failed"); } } } } /* // use upgeominfo from ProjectFromPlane for (i = oldnp+1; i <= locpoints.Size(); i++) { if (ComputePointGeomInfo (locpoints.Get(i), upgeominfo.Elem(i))) { found = 0; if ( debugflag || debugparam.haltnosuccess ) PrintSysError ("meshing2d, compute geominfo failed"); } } */ } if (found && mp.checkoverlap) { // cout << "checkoverlap" << endl; // test for overlaps Point3d hullmin(1e10, 1e10, 1e10); Point3d hullmax(-1e10, -1e10, -1e10); for (int i = 1; i <= locelements.Size(); i++) for (int j = 1; j <= locelements.Get(i).GetNP(); j++) { const Point3d & p = locpoints.Get(locelements.Get(i).PNum(j)); hullmin.SetToMin (p); hullmax.SetToMax (p); } hullmin += Vec3d (-his, -his, -his); hullmax += Vec3d ( his, his, his); surfeltree.GetIntersecting (hullmin, hullmax, intersecttrias); critpoints.SetSize (0); for (int i = oldnp+1; i <= locpoints.Size(); i++) critpoints.Append (locpoints.Get(i)); for (int i = 1; i <= locelements.Size(); i++) { const Element2d & tri = locelements.Get(i); if (tri.GetNP() == 3) { const Point3d & tp1 = locpoints.Get(tri.PNum(1)); const Point3d & tp2 = locpoints.Get(tri.PNum(2)); const Point3d & tp3 = locpoints.Get(tri.PNum(3)); Vec3d tv1 (tp1, tp2); Vec3d tv2 (tp1, tp3); double lam1, lam2; for (lam1 = 0.2; lam1 <= 0.8; lam1 += 0.2) for (lam2 = 0.2; lam2 + lam1 <= 0.8; lam2 += 0.2) { Point3d hp = tp1 + lam1 * tv1 + lam2 * tv2; critpoints.Append (hp); } } else if (tri.GetNP() == 4) { const Point3d & tp1 = locpoints.Get(tri.PNum(1)); const Point3d & tp2 = locpoints.Get(tri.PNum(2)); const Point3d & tp3 = locpoints.Get(tri.PNum(3)); const Point3d & tp4 = locpoints.Get(tri.PNum(4)); double l1, l2; for (l1 = 0.1; l1 <= 0.9; l1 += 0.1) for (l2 = 0.1; l2 <= 0.9; l2 += 0.1) { Point3d hp; hp.X() = (1-l1)*(1-l2) * tp1.X() + l1*(1-l2) * tp2.X() + l1*l2 * tp3.X() + (1-l1)*l2 * tp4.X(); hp.Y() = (1-l1)*(1-l2) * tp1.Y() + l1*(1-l2) * tp2.Y() + l1*l2 * tp3.Y() + (1-l1)*l2 * tp4.Y(); hp.Z() = (1-l1)*(1-l2) * tp1.Z() + l1*(1-l2) * tp2.Z() + l1*l2 * tp3.Z() + (1-l1)*l2 * tp4.Z(); critpoints.Append (hp); } } } /* for (i = oldnl+1; i <= loclines.Size(); i++) { Point3d hp = locpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I1()); Vec3d hv(hp, locpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I2())); int ncp = 2; for (j = 1; j <= ncp; j++) critpoints.Append ( hp + (double(j)/(ncp+1)) * hv); } */ /* for (i = oldnp+1; i <= locpoints.Size(); i++) { const Point3d & p = locpoints.Get(i); */ for (int i = 1; i <= critpoints.Size(); i++) { const Point3d & p = critpoints.Get(i); for (int jj = 0; jj < intersecttrias.Size(); jj++) { // int j = intersecttrias.Get(jj); // const Element2d & el = mesh.SurfaceElement(j); SurfaceElementIndex j = intersecttrias[jj]; const Element2d & el = mesh[j]; int ntrig = (el.GetNP() == 3) ? 1 : 2; int jl; for (jl = 1; jl <= ntrig; jl++) { Point3d tp1, tp2, tp3; if (jl == 1) { tp1 = mesh.Point(el.PNum(1)); tp2 = mesh.Point(el.PNum(2)); tp3 = mesh.Point(el.PNum(3)); } else { tp1 = mesh.Point(el.PNum(1)); tp2 = mesh.Point(el.PNum(3)); tp3 = mesh.Point(el.PNum(4)); } int onchart = 0; for (int k = 1; k <= el.GetNP(); k++) if (BelongsToActiveChart (mesh.Point(el.PNum(k)), el.GeomInfoPi(k))) onchart = 1; if (!onchart) continue; Vec3d e1(tp1, tp2); Vec3d e2(tp1, tp3); Vec3d n = Cross (e1, e2); n /= n.Length(); double lam1, lam2, lam3; lam3 = n * Vec3d (tp1, p); LocalCoordinates (e1, e2, Vec3d (tp1, p), lam1, lam2); if (fabs (lam3) < 0.1 * hshould && lam1 > 0 && lam2 > 0 && (lam1 + lam2) < 1) { #ifdef DEVELOP cout << "overlap" << endl; (*testout) << "overlap:" << endl << "tri = " << tp1 << "-" << tp2 << "-" << tp3 << endl << "point = " << p << endl << "lam1, 2 = " << lam1 << ", " << lam2 << endl << "lam3 = " << lam3 << endl; // cout << "overlap !!!" << endl; #endif for (int k = 1; k <= 5; k++) adfront.IncrementClass (lindex.Get(1)); found = 0; if ( debugflag || debugparam.haltnosuccess ) PrintWarning ("overlapping"); if (debugparam.haltoverlap) { debugflag = 1; } /* multithread.drawing = 1; glrender(1); */ } } } } } if (found) { // check, whether new front line already exists for (int i = oldnl+1; i <= loclines.Size(); i++) { int nlgpi1 = loclines.Get(i).I1(); int nlgpi2 = loclines.Get(i).I2(); if (nlgpi1 <= pindex.Size() && nlgpi2 <= pindex.Size()) { nlgpi1 = adfront.GetGlobalIndex (pindex.Get(nlgpi1)); nlgpi2 = adfront.GetGlobalIndex (pindex.Get(nlgpi2)); int exval = adfront.ExistsLine (nlgpi1, nlgpi2); if (exval) { cout << "ERROR: new line exits, val = " << exval << endl; (*testout) << "ERROR: new line exits, val = " << exval << endl; found = 0; if (debugparam.haltexistingline) debugflag = 1; } } } } /* if (found) { // check, whether new triangles insert edges twice for (i = 1; i <= locelements.Size(); i++) for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { int tpi1 = locelements.Get(i).PNumMod (j); int tpi2 = locelements.Get(i).PNumMod (j+1); if (tpi1 <= pindex.Size() && tpi2 <= pindex.Size()) { tpi1 = adfront.GetGlobalIndex (pindex.Get(tpi1)); tpi2 = adfront.GetGlobalIndex (pindex.Get(tpi2)); if (doubleedge.Used (INDEX_2(tpi1, tpi2))) { if (debugparam.haltexistingline) debugflag = 1; cerr << "ERROR Insert edge " << tpi1 << " - " << tpi2 << " twice !!!" << endl; found = 0; } doubleedge.Set (INDEX_2(tpi1, tpi2), 1); } } } */ if (found) { // everything is ok, perform mesh update ruleused.Elem(rulenr)++; pindex.SetSize(locpoints.Size()); for (int i = oldnp+1; i <= locpoints.Size(); i++) { PointIndex globind = mesh.AddPoint (locpoints.Get(i)); pindex.Elem(i) = adfront.AddPoint (locpoints.Get(i), globind); } for (int i = oldnl+1; i <= loclines.Size(); i++) { /* for (j = 1; j <= locpoints.Size(); j++) { (*testout) << j << ": " << locpoints.Get(j) << endl; } */ /* ComputeLineGeoInfo (locpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I1()), locpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I2()), gisize, geominfo); */ if (pindex.Get(loclines.Get(i).I1()) == -1 || pindex.Get(loclines.Get(i).I2()) == -1) { (*testout) << "pindex is 0" << endl; } if (!upgeominfo.Get(loclines.Get(i).I1()).trignum || !upgeominfo.Get(loclines.Get(i).I2()).trignum) { cout << "new el: illegal geominfo" << endl; } adfront.AddLine (pindex.Get(loclines.Get(i).I1()), pindex.Get(loclines.Get(i).I2()), upgeominfo.Get(loclines.Get(i).I1()), upgeominfo.Get(loclines.Get(i).I2())); } for (int i = 1; i <= locelements.Size(); i++) { Element2d mtri(locelements.Get(i).GetNP()); mtri = locelements.Get(i); mtri.SetIndex (facenr); // compute triangle geominfo: // (*testout) << "triggeominfo: "; for (int j = 1; j <= locelements.Get(i).GetNP(); j++) { mtri.GeomInfoPi(j) = upgeominfo.Get(locelements.Get(i).PNum(j)); // (*testout) << mtri.GeomInfoPi(j).trignum << " "; } // (*testout) << endl; for (int j = 1; j <= locelements.Get(i).GetNP(); j++) { mtri.PNum(j) = locelements.Elem(i).PNum(j) = adfront.GetGlobalIndex (pindex.Get(locelements.Get(i).PNum(j))); } mesh.AddSurfaceElement (mtri); cntelem++; // cout << "elements: " << cntelem << endl; Box<3> box; box.Set (mesh[mtri[0]]); box.Add (mesh[mtri[1]]); box.Add (mesh[mtri[2]]); surfeltree.Insert (box, mesh.GetNSE()-1); const Point3d & sep1 = mesh.Point (mtri.PNum(1)); const Point3d & sep2 = mesh.Point (mtri.PNum(2)); const Point3d & sep3 = mesh.Point (mtri.PNum(3)); double trigarea = Cross (Vec3d (sep1, sep2), Vec3d (sep1, sep3)).Length() / 2; if (mtri.GetNP() == 4) { const Point3d & sep4 = mesh.Point (mtri.PNum(4)); trigarea += Cross (Vec3d (sep1, sep3), Vec3d (sep1, sep4)).Length() / 2; } meshedarea += trigarea; if(maxarea > 0 && meshedarea-meshedarea_before > maxarea) { cerr << "meshed area = " << meshedarea-meshedarea_before << endl << "maximal area = " << maxarea << endl << "GIVING UP" << endl; return MESHING2_GIVEUP; } for (int j = 1; j <= locelements.Get(i).GetNP(); j++) { int gpi = locelements.Get(i).PNum(j); int oldts = trigsonnode.Size(); if (gpi >= oldts+PointIndex::BASE) { trigsonnode.SetSize (gpi+1-PointIndex::BASE); illegalpoint.SetSize (gpi+1-PointIndex::BASE); for (int k = oldts+PointIndex::BASE; k <= gpi; k++) { trigsonnode[k] = 0; illegalpoint[k] = 0; } } trigsonnode[gpi]++; if (trigsonnode[gpi] > 20) { illegalpoint[gpi] = 1; // cout << "illegal point: " << gpi << endl; (*testout) << "illegal point: " << gpi << endl; } static int mtonnode = 0; if (trigsonnode[gpi] > mtonnode) mtonnode = trigsonnode[gpi]; } // cout << "els = " << cntelem << " trials = " << trials << endl; // if (trials > 100) return; } for (int i = 1; i <= dellines.Size(); i++) adfront.DeleteLine (lindex.Get(dellines.Get(i))); // rname = rules.Get(rulenr)->Name(); #ifdef MYGRAPH if (silentflag<3) { plotsurf.DrawPnL(locpoints, loclines); plotsurf.Plot(testmode, testmode); } #endif if (morerisc) { cout << "generated due to morerisc" << endl; // multithread.drawing = 1; // glrender(1); } if ( debugparam.haltsuccess || debugflag ) { // adfront.PrintOpenSegments (*testout); cout << "success of rule" << rules.Get(rulenr)->Name() << endl; multithread.drawing = 1; multithread.testmode = 1; multithread.pause = 1; /* extern STLGeometry * stlgeometry; stlgeometry->ClearMarkedSegs(); for (i = 1; i <= loclines.Size(); i++) { stlgeometry->AddMarkedSeg(locpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I1()), locpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I2())); } */ (*testout) << "success of rule" << rules.Get(rulenr)->Name() << endl; (*testout) << "trials = " << trials << endl; (*testout) << "locpoints " << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= pindex.Size(); i++) (*testout) << adfront.GetGlobalIndex (pindex.Get(i)) << endl; (*testout) << "old number of lines = " << oldnl << endl; #ifdef OPENGL vssurfacemeshing.oldnl = oldnl; #endif // OPENGL for (int i = 1; i <= loclines.Size(); i++) { (*testout) << "line "; for (int j = 1; j <= 2; j++) { int hi = 0; if (loclines.Get(i).I(j) >= 1 && loclines.Get(i).I(j) <= pindex.Size()) hi = adfront.GetGlobalIndex (pindex.Get(loclines.Get(i).I(j))); (*testout) << hi << " "; } (*testout) << " : " << plainpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I1()) << " - " << plainpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I2()) << " 3d: " << locpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I1()) << " - " << locpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I2()) << endl; } glrender(1); } } else { adfront.IncrementClass (lindex.Get(1)); if ( debugparam.haltnosuccess || debugflag ) { cout << "Problem with seg " << gpi1 << " - " << gpi2 << ", class = " << qualclass << endl; (*testout) << "Problem with seg " << gpi1 << " - " << gpi2 << ", class = " << qualclass << endl; multithread.drawing = 1; multithread.testmode = 1; multithread.pause = 1; /* extern STLGeometry * stlgeometry; stlgeometry->ClearMarkedSegs(); for (i = 1; i <= loclines.Size(); i++) { stlgeometry->AddMarkedSeg(locpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I1()), locpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I2())); } */ for (int i = 1; i <= loclines.Size(); i++) { (*testout) << "line "; for (int j = 1; j <= 2; j++) { int hi = 0; if (loclines.Get(i).I(j) >= 1 && loclines.Get(i).I(j) <= pindex.Size()) hi = adfront.GetGlobalIndex (pindex.Get(loclines.Get(i).I(j))); (*testout) << hi << " "; } (*testout) << " : " << plainpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I1()) << " - " << plainpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I2()) << " 3d: " << locpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I1()) << " - " << locpoints.Get(loclines.Get(i).I2()) << endl; } /* cout << "p1gi = " << blgeominfo[0].trignum << ", p2gi = " << blgeominfo[1].trignum << endl; */ glrender(1); } #ifdef MYGRAPH if (silentflag<3) { if (testmode || trials%2 == 0) { plotsurf.DrawPnL(locpoints, loclines); plotsurf.Plot(testmode, testmode); } } #endif } } } PrintMessage (3, "Surface meshing done"); adfront.PrintOpenSegments (*testout); multithread.task = savetask; EndMesh (); if (!adfront.Empty()) return MESHING2_GIVEUP; return MESHING2_OK; } } #ifdef OPENGL /* *********************** Draw Surface Meshing **************** */ #include namespace netgen { extern STLGeometry * stlgeometry; extern Mesh * mesh; void glrender (int wait) { // cout << "plot adfront" << endl; if (multithread.drawing) { // vssurfacemeshing.DrawScene(); Render (); if (wait || multithread.testmode) { multithread.pause = 1; } while (multithread.pause); } } VisualSceneSurfaceMeshing :: VisualSceneSurfaceMeshing () : VisualScene() { ; } VisualSceneSurfaceMeshing :: ~VisualSceneSurfaceMeshing () { ; } void VisualSceneSurfaceMeshing :: DrawScene () { // int i, j, k; if(!locpointsptr) return; auto& locpoints = *locpointsptr; auto& loclines = *loclinesptr; auto& plainpoints = *plainpointsptr; if (loclines.Size() != changeval) { center = Point<3>(0,0,-5); rad = 0.1; // CalcTransformationMatrices(); changeval = loclines.Size(); } glClearColor(backcolor, backcolor, backcolor, 1.0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); SetLight(); // glEnable (GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); // glDisable (GL_SHADING); // glColor3f (0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); // glLineWidth (1.0f); // glShadeModel (GL_SMOOTH); // glCallList (linelists.Get(1)); // SetLight(); glPushMatrix(); glMultMatrixd (transformationmat); glShadeModel (GL_SMOOTH); // glDisable (GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); glEnable (GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); glEnable (GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc (GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // glEnable (GL_LIGHTING); double shine = vispar.shininess; double transp = vispar.transp; glMaterialf (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, shine); glLogicOp (GL_COPY); float mat_col[] = { 0.2, 0.2, 0.8, 1 }; glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_col); glPolygonOffset (1, 1); glEnable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); float mat_colbl[] = { 0.8, 0.2, 0.2, 1 }; float mat_cololdl[] = { 0.2, 0.8, 0.2, 1 }; float mat_colnewl[] = { 0.8, 0.8, 0.2, 1 }; glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); glPolygonOffset (1, -1); glLineWidth (3); for (int i = 1; i <= loclines.Size(); i++) { if (i == 1) { glEnable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_colbl); } else if (i <= oldnl) glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_cololdl); else glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_colnewl); int pi1 = loclines.Get(i).I1(); int pi2 = loclines.Get(i).I2(); if (pi1 >= 1 && pi2 >= 1) { Point3d p1 = locpoints.Get(pi1); Point3d p2 = locpoints.Get(pi2); glBegin (GL_LINES); glVertex3f (p1.X(), p1.Y(), p1.Z()); glVertex3f (p2.X(), p2.Y(), p2.Z()); glEnd(); } glDisable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); } glLineWidth (1); glPointSize (5); float mat_colp[] = { 1, 0, 0, 1 }; glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_colp); glBegin (GL_POINTS); for (int i = 1; i <= locpoints.Size(); i++) { Point3d p = locpoints.Get(i); glVertex3f (p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z()); } glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); // float mat_colp[] = { 1, 0, 0, 1 }; float mat_col2d1[] = { 1, 0.5, 0.5, 1 }; float mat_col2d[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_col2d); glBegin (GL_LINES); for (int i = 1; i <= loclines.Size(); i++) { glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_col2d); if (i == 1) glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_col2d1); int pi1 = loclines.Get(i).I1(); int pi2 = loclines.Get(i).I2(); if (pi1 >= 1 && pi2 >= 1) { const auto& p1 = plainpoints.Get(pi1); const auto& p2 = plainpoints.Get(pi2); glBegin (GL_LINES); glVertex3f (scalex * p1[0] + shiftx, scaley * p1[1] + shifty, -5); glVertex3f (scalex * p2[0] + shiftx, scaley * p2[1] + shifty, -5); glEnd(); } } glEnd (); glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_colp); glBegin (GL_POINTS); for (int i = 1; i <= plainpoints.Size(); i++) { const auto& p = plainpoints.Get(i); glVertex3f (scalex * p[0] + shiftx, scaley * p[1] + shifty, -5); } glEnd(); glDisable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); glPopMatrix(); DrawCoordinateCross (); DrawNetgenLogo (); glFinish(); /* glDisable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); // cout << "draw surfacemeshing" << endl; // // if (changeval != stlgeometry->GetNT()) // BuildScene(); // changeval = stlgeometry->GetNT(); glClearColor(backcolor, backcolor, backcolor, 1.0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); SetLight(); glPushMatrix(); glLoadMatrixf (transmat); glMultMatrixf (rotmat); glShadeModel (GL_SMOOTH); glDisable (GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); glEnable (GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc (GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); float mat_spec_col[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, mat_spec_col); double shine = vispar.shininess; double transp = vispar.transp; glMaterialf (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, shine); glLogicOp (GL_COPY); float mat_col[] = { 0.2, 0.2, 0.8, transp }; float mat_colrt[] = { 0.2, 0.8, 0.8, transp }; glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_col); glPolygonOffset (1, 1); glEnable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); glColor3f (1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); glEnable (GL_NORMALIZE); // glBegin (GL_TRIANGLES); // for (j = 1; j <= stlgeometry -> GetNT(); j++) // { // glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_col); // if (j == geomtrig) // glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_colrt); // const STLReadTriangle & tria = stlgeometry -> GetReadTriangle(j); // glNormal3f (tria.normal.X(), // tria.normal.Y(), // tria.normal.Z()); // for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) // { // glVertex3f (tria.pts[k].X(), // tria.pts[k].Y(), // tria.pts[k].Z()); // } // } // glEnd (); glDisable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); float mat_colbl[] = { 0.8, 0.2, 0.2, 1 }; float mat_cololdl[] = { 0.2, 0.8, 0.2, 1 }; float mat_colnewl[] = { 0.8, 0.8, 0.2, 1 }; glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); glPolygonOffset (1, -1); glLineWidth (3); for (i = 1; i <= loclines.Size(); i++) { if (i == 1) { glEnable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_colbl); } else if (i <= oldnl) glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_cololdl); else glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_colnewl); int pi1 = loclines.Get(i).I1(); int pi2 = loclines.Get(i).I2(); if (pi1 >= 1 && pi2 >= 1) { Point3d p1 = locpoints.Get(pi1); Point3d p2 = locpoints.Get(pi2); glBegin (GL_LINES); glVertex3f (p1.X(), p1.Y(), p1.Z()); glVertex3f (p2.X(), p2.Y(), p2.Z()); glEnd(); } glDisable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); } glLineWidth (1); glPointSize (5); float mat_colp[] = { 1, 0, 0, 1 }; glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_colp); glBegin (GL_POINTS); for (i = 1; i <= locpoints.Size(); i++) { Point3d p = locpoints.Get(i); glVertex3f (p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z()); } glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); float mat_col2d1[] = { 1, 0.5, 0.5, 1 }; float mat_col2d[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_col2d); double scalex = 0.1, scaley = 0.1; glBegin (GL_LINES); for (i = 1; i <= loclines.Size(); i++) { glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_col2d); if (i == 1) glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_col2d1); int pi1 = loclines.Get(i).I1(); int pi2 = loclines.Get(i).I2(); if (pi1 >= 1 && pi2 >= 1) { Point2d p1 = plainpoints.Get(pi1); Point2d p2 = plainpoints.Get(pi2); glBegin (GL_LINES); glVertex3f (scalex * p1.X(), scaley * p1.Y(), -5); glVertex3f (scalex * p2.X(), scaley * p2.Y(), -5); glEnd(); } } glEnd (); glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_colp); glBegin (GL_POINTS); for (i = 1; i <= plainpoints.Size(); i++) { Point2d p = plainpoints.Get(i); glVertex3f (scalex * p.X(), scaley * p.Y(), -5); } glEnd(); glFinish(); */ } void VisualSceneSurfaceMeshing :: BuildScene (int zoomall) { // int i, j, k; /* center = stlgeometry -> GetBoundingBox().Center(); rad = stlgeometry -> GetBoundingBox().Diam() / 2; CalcTransformationMatrices(); */ } } #else namespace netgen { void glrender (int wait) { ; /* if (multithread.drawing) { // vssurfacemeshing.Render(); // Render (); if (wait || multithread.testmode) { multithread.pause = 1; } while (multithread.pause); } */ } } #endif