#ifndef FILE_MESHING3 #define FILE_MESHING3 #include "adfront3.hpp" #include "ruler3.hpp" namespace netgen { enum MESHING3_RESULT { MESHING3_OK = 0, MESHING3_GIVEUP = 1, MESHING3_NEGVOL = 2, MESHING3_OUTERSTEPSEXCEEDED = 3, MESHING3_TERMINATE = 4, MESHING3_BADSURFACEMESH = 5 }; /// 3d volume mesh generation class Meshing3 { /// current state of front AdFront3 * adfront; /// 3d generation rules NgArray rules; /// counts how often a rule is used NgArray ruleused, canuse, foundmap; /// describes, why a rule is not applied NgArray problems; /// tolerance criterion double tolfak; public: /// Meshing3 (const string & rulefilename); /// Meshing3 (const char ** rulep); /// virtual ~Meshing3 (); /// void LoadRules (const char * filename, const char ** prules); /// MESHING3_RESULT GenerateMesh (Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & mp); /// int ApplyRules (NgArray & lpoints, NgArray & allowpoint, NgArray & lfaces, INDEX lfacesplit, INDEX_2_HASHTABLE & connectedpairs, NgArray & elements, NgArray & delfaces, int tolerance, double sloppy, int rotind1, float & retminerr); /// PointIndex AddPoint (const Point3d & p, PointIndex globind); /// void AddBoundaryElement (const Element2d & elem); /// void AddBoundaryElement (const MiniElement2d & elem); /// int AddConnectedPair (const INDEX_2 & pair); /// void BlockFill (Mesh & mesh, double gh); /// void BlockFillLocalH (Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & mp); /// uses points of adfront, and puts new elements into mesh void Delaunay (Mesh & mesh, int domainnr, const MeshingParameters & mp); /// friend class PlotVolMesh; /// friend void TestRules (); }; /// status of mesh generation class MeshingStat3d { public: /// MeshingStat3d (); /// int cntsucc; /// int cnttrials; /// int cntelem; /// int nff; /// int qualclass; /// double vol0; /// double vol; /// double h; /// int problemindex; }; /* template extern int FindInnerPoint (POINTArray & grouppoints, FACEArray & groupfaces, Point3d & p); */ } // namespace netgen #endif