#include <mystdlib.h> #include "meshing.hpp" #ifdef SOLIDGEOM #include <csg.hpp> #endif #include <opti.hpp> #include <core/array.hpp> #include <core/taskmanager.hpp> namespace netgen { using namespace ngcore; double MinFunctionSum :: Func (const Vector & x) const { double retval = 0; for(int i=0; i<functions.Size(); i++) retval += functions[i]->Func(x); return retval; } void MinFunctionSum :: Grad (const Vector & x, Vector & g) const { g = 0.; VectorMem<3> gi; for(int i=0; i<functions.Size(); i++) { functions[i]->Grad(x,gi); for(int j=0; j<g.Size(); j++) g[j] += gi[j]; } } double MinFunctionSum :: FuncGrad (const Vector & x, Vector & g) const { double retval = 0; g = 0.; VectorMem<3> gi; for(int i=0; i<functions.Size(); i++) { retval += functions[i]->FuncGrad(x,gi); for(int j=0; j<g.Size(); j++) g[j] += gi[j]; } return retval; } double MinFunctionSum :: FuncDeriv (const Vector & x, const Vector & dir, double & deriv) const { double retval = 0; deriv = 0.; double derivi; for(int i=0; i<functions.Size(); i++) { retval += functions[i]->FuncDeriv(x,dir,derivi); deriv += derivi; } return retval; } double MinFunctionSum :: GradStopping (const Vector & x) const { double minfs(0), mini; for(int i=0; i<functions.Size(); i++) { mini = functions[i]->GradStopping(x); if(i==0 || mini < minfs) minfs = mini; } return minfs; } void MinFunctionSum :: AddFunction(MinFunction & fun) { functions.Append(&fun); } const MinFunction & MinFunctionSum :: Function(int i) const { return *functions[i]; } MinFunction & MinFunctionSum :: Function(int i) { return *functions[i]; } PointFunction1 :: PointFunction1 (Mesh::T_POINTS & apoints, const NgArray<INDEX_3> & afaces, const MeshingParameters & amp, double ah) : points(apoints), faces(afaces), mp(amp) { h = ah; } double PointFunction1 :: Func (const Vector & vp) const { double badness = 0; Point<3> pp(vp(0), vp(1), vp(2)); for (int j = 0; j < faces.Size(); j++) { const INDEX_3 & el = faces[j]; double bad = CalcTetBadness (points[PointIndex (el.I1())], points[PointIndex (el.I3())], points[PointIndex (el.I2())], pp, 0, mp); badness += bad; } return badness; } double PointFunction1 :: FuncDeriv (const Vector & x, const Vector & dir, double & deriv) const { VectorMem<3> hx; const double eps = 1e-6; double dirlen = dir.L2Norm(); if (dirlen < 1e-14) { deriv = 0; return Func(x); } hx.Set(1, x); hx.Add(eps * h / dirlen, dir); double fr = Func (hx); hx.Set(1, x); hx.Add(-eps * h / dirlen, dir); double fl = Func (hx); deriv = (fr - fl) / (2 * eps * h) * dirlen; return Func(x); } double PointFunction1 :: FuncGrad (const Vector & x, Vector & g) const { VectorMem<3> hx; double eps = 1e-6; hx = x; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { hx(i) = x(i) + eps * h; double fr = Func (hx); hx(i) = x(i) - eps * h; double fl = Func (hx); hx(i) = x(i); g(i) = (fr - fl) / (2 * eps * h); } return Func(x); } double PointFunction1 :: GradStopping (const Vector & x) const { double f = Func(x); return 1e-8 * f * f; } /* Cheap Functional depending of inner point inside triangular surface */ // is it used ???? class CheapPointFunction1 : public MinFunction { Mesh::T_POINTS & points; const NgArray<INDEX_3> & faces; DenseMatrix m; double h; public: CheapPointFunction1 (Mesh::T_POINTS & apoints, const NgArray<INDEX_3> & afaces, double ah); virtual double Func (const Vector & x) const; virtual double FuncGrad (const Vector & x, Vector & g) const; }; CheapPointFunction1 :: CheapPointFunction1 (Mesh::T_POINTS & apoints, const NgArray<INDEX_3> & afaces, double ah) : points(apoints), faces(afaces) { h = ah; int nf = faces.Size(); m.SetSize (nf, 4); for (int i = 1; i <= nf; i++) { const Point3d & p1 = points[PointIndex(faces.Get(i).I1())]; const Point3d & p2 = points[PointIndex(faces.Get(i).I2())]; const Point3d & p3 = points[PointIndex(faces.Get(i).I3())]; Vec3d v1 (p1, p2); Vec3d v2 (p1, p3); Vec3d n; Cross (v1, v2, n); n /= n.Length(); m.Elem(i, 1) = n.X(); m.Elem(i, 2) = n.Y(); m.Elem(i, 3) = n.Z(); m.Elem(i, 4) = - (n.X() * p1.X() + n.Y() * p1.Y() + n.Z() * p1.Z()); } } double CheapPointFunction1 :: Func (const Vector & vp) const { /* int j; double badness = 0; Point3d pp(vp.Get(1), vp.Get(2), vp.Get(3)); for (j = 1; j <= faces.Size(); j++) { const INDEX_3 & el = faces.Get(j); double bad = CalcTetBadness (points.Get(el.I1()), points.Get(el.I3()), points.Get(el.I2()), pp, 0); badness += bad; } */ int i; double badness = 0; VectorMem<4> hv; Vector res(m.Height()); for (i = 0;i < 3; i++) hv(i) = vp(i); hv(3) = 1; m.Mult (hv, res); for (i = 1; i <= res.Size(); i++) { if (res(i-1) < 1e-10) badness += 1e24; else badness += 1 / res(i-1); } return badness; } double CheapPointFunction1 :: FuncGrad (const Vector & x, Vector & g) const { VectorMem<3> hx; double eps = 1e-6; hx = x; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { hx(i) = x(i) + eps * h; double fr = Func (hx); hx(i) = x(i) - eps * h; double fl = Func (hx); hx(i) = x(i); g(i) = (fr - fl) / (2 * eps * h); } return Func(x); } /* ************* PointFunction **************************** */ class PointFunction { public: Mesh::T_POINTS & points; const Array<Element, ElementIndex> & elements; Table<ElementIndex, PointIndex> &elementsonpoint; bool own_elementsonpoint; const MeshingParameters & mp; PointIndex actpind; double h; public: PointFunction (Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & amp); PointFunction (const PointFunction & pf); virtual ~PointFunction () { if(own_elementsonpoint) delete &elementsonpoint; } virtual void SetPointIndex (PointIndex aactpind); void SetLocalH (double ah) { h = ah; } double GetLocalH () const { return h; } const Table<ElementIndex, PointIndex> & GetPointToElementTable() { return elementsonpoint; }; virtual double PointFunctionValue (const Point<3> & pp) const; virtual double PointFunctionValueGrad (const Point<3> & pp, Vec<3> & grad) const; virtual double PointFunctionValueDeriv (const Point<3> & pp, const Vec<3> & dir, double & deriv) const; int MovePointToInner (); }; PointFunction :: PointFunction (const PointFunction & pf) : points(pf.points), elements(pf.elements), elementsonpoint(pf.elementsonpoint), own_elementsonpoint(false), mp(pf.mp) { } PointFunction :: PointFunction (Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & amp) : points(mesh.Points()), elements(mesh.VolumeElements()), elementsonpoint(* new Table<ElementIndex,PointIndex>()), own_elementsonpoint(true), mp(amp) { static Timer tim("PointFunction - build elementsonpoint table"); RegionTimer reg(tim); elementsonpoint = ngcore::CreateSortedTable<ElementIndex, PointIndex>( elements.Range(), [&](auto & table, ElementIndex ei) { const auto & el = elements[ei]; if(el.NP()!=4 || (mp.only3D_domain_nr && mp.only3D_domain_nr != el.GetIndex()) ) return; for (PointIndex pi : el.PNums()) table.Add (pi, ei); }, points.Size()); } void PointFunction :: SetPointIndex (PointIndex aactpind) { actpind = aactpind; } double PointFunction :: PointFunctionValue (const Point<3> & pp) const { double badness; Point<3> hp; badness = 0; hp = points[actpind]; points[actpind] = Point<3> (pp); for (auto ei : elementsonpoint[actpind]) { const Element & el = elements[ei]; badness += CalcTetBadness (points[el[0]], points[el[1]], points[el[2]], points[el[3]], -1, mp); } points[actpind] = Point<3> (hp); return badness; } double PointFunction :: PointFunctionValueGrad (const Point<3> & pp, Vec<3> & grad) const { double f = 0; Point<3> hp = points[actpind]; Vec<3> vgradi, vgrad(0,0,0); points[actpind] = Point<3> (pp); for (auto ei : elementsonpoint[actpind]) { const Element & el = elements[ei]; for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) if (el[k] == actpind) { f += CalcTetBadnessGrad (points[el[0]], points[el[1]], points[el[2]], points[el[3]], -1, k+1, vgradi, mp); vgrad += vgradi; } } points[actpind] = Point<3> (hp); grad = vgrad; return f; } double PointFunction :: PointFunctionValueDeriv (const Point<3> & pp, const Vec<3> & dir, double & deriv) const { Vec<3> vgradi, vgrad(0,0,0); Point<3> hp = points[actpind]; points[actpind] = pp; double f = 0; for (auto ei : elementsonpoint[actpind]) { const Element & el = elements[ei]; for (int k = 1; k <= 4; k++) if (el.PNum(k) == actpind) { f += CalcTetBadnessGrad (points[el.PNum(1)], points[el.PNum(2)], points[el.PNum(3)], points[el.PNum(4)], -1, k, vgradi, mp); vgrad += vgradi; } } points[actpind] = Point<3> (hp); deriv = dir * vgrad; return f; } int PointFunction :: MovePointToInner () { // try point movement NgArray<Element2d> faces; for (auto ei : elementsonpoint[actpind]) { const Element & el = elements[ei]; for (int k = 1; k <= 4; k++) if (el.PNum(k) == actpind) { Element2d face(TRIG); el.GetFace (k, face); Swap (face.PNum(2), face.PNum(3)); faces.Append (face); } } Point3d hp; int hi = FindInnerPoint (points, faces, hp); if (hi) { // cout << "inner point found" << endl; points[actpind] = Point<3> (hp); } else ; // cout << "no inner point found" << endl; /* Point3d hp2; int hi2 = FindInnerPoint (points, faces, hp2); if (hi2) { cout << "new: inner point found" << endl; } else cout << "new: no inner point found" << endl; (*testout) << "hi(orig) = " << hi << ", hi(new) = " << hi2; if (hi != hi2) (*testout) << "hi different" << endl; */ return hi; } class CheapPointFunction : public PointFunction { DenseMatrix m; public: CheapPointFunction (Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & amp); virtual void SetPointIndex (PointIndex aactpind); virtual double PointFunctionValue (const Point<3> & pp) const; virtual double PointFunctionValueGrad (const Point<3> & pp, Vec<3> & grad) const; }; CheapPointFunction :: CheapPointFunction (Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & amp) : PointFunction (mesh, amp) { ; } void CheapPointFunction :: SetPointIndex (PointIndex aactpind) { actpind = aactpind; int ne = elementsonpoint[actpind].Size(); int i, j; PointIndex pi1, pi2, pi3; m.SetSize (ne, 4); for (i = 0; i < ne; i++) { pi1 = 0; pi2 = 0; pi3 = 0; const Element & el = elements[elementsonpoint[actpind][i]]; for (j = 1; j <= 4; j++) if (el.PNum(j) != actpind) { pi3 = pi2; pi2 = pi1; pi1 = el.PNum(j); } const Point3d & p1 = points[pi1]; Vec3d v1 (p1, points[pi2]); Vec3d v2 (p1, points[pi3]); Vec3d n; Cross (v1, v2, n); n /= n.Length(); Vec3d v (p1, points[actpind]); double c = v * n; if (c < 0) n *= -1; // n is inner normal m.Elem(i+1, 1) = n.X(); m.Elem(i+1, 2) = n.Y(); m.Elem(i+1, 3) = n.Z(); m.Elem(i+1, 4) = - (n.X() * p1.X() + n.Y() * p1.Y() + n.Z() * p1.Z()); } } double CheapPointFunction :: PointFunctionValue (const Point<3> & pp) const { VectorMem<4> p4; Vector di; int n = m.Height(); p4(0) = pp(0); p4(1) = pp(1); p4(2) = pp(2); p4(3) = 1; di.SetSize (n); m.Mult (p4, di); double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (di(i) > 0) sum += 1 / di(i); else return 1e16; } return sum; } double CheapPointFunction :: PointFunctionValueGrad (const Point<3> & pp, Vec<3> & grad) const { VectorMem<4> p4; Vector di; int n = m.Height(); p4(0) = pp(0); p4(1) = pp(1); p4(2) = pp(2); p4(3) = 1; di.SetSize (n); m.Mult (p4, di); double sum = 0; grad = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (di(i) > 0) { double idi = 1 / di(i); sum += idi; grad(0) -= idi * idi * m(i, 0); grad(1) -= idi * idi * m(i, 1); grad(2) -= idi * idi * m(i, 2); } else { return 1e16; } } return sum; } class Opti3FreeMinFunction : public MinFunction { const PointFunction & pf; Point<3> sp1; public: Opti3FreeMinFunction (const PointFunction & apf); void SetPoint (const Point<3> & asp1) { sp1 = asp1; } virtual double Func (const Vector & x) const; virtual double FuncGrad (const Vector & x, Vector & g) const; virtual double FuncDeriv (const Vector & x, const Vector & dir, double & deriv) const; virtual double GradStopping (const Vector & x) const; virtual void ApproximateHesse (const Vector & x, DenseMatrix & hesse) const; }; Opti3FreeMinFunction :: Opti3FreeMinFunction (const PointFunction & apf) : pf(apf) { ; } double Opti3FreeMinFunction :: Func (const Vector & x) const { Point<3> pp; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) pp(j) = sp1(j) + x(j); return pf.PointFunctionValue (pp); } double Opti3FreeMinFunction :: FuncGrad (const Vector & x, Vector & grad) const { Vec<3> vgrad; Point<3> pp; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) pp(j) = sp1(j) + x(j); double val = pf.PointFunctionValueGrad (pp, vgrad); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) grad(j) = vgrad(j); return val; } double Opti3FreeMinFunction :: FuncDeriv (const Vector & x, const Vector & dir, double & deriv) const { Point<3> pp; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) pp(j) = sp1(j) + x(j); Vec<3> vdir; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) vdir(j) = dir(j); return pf.PointFunctionValueDeriv (pp, vdir, deriv); } double Opti3FreeMinFunction :: GradStopping (const Vector & x) const { double f = Func(x); return 1e-3 * f / pf.GetLocalH(); } void Opti3FreeMinFunction :: ApproximateHesse (const Vector & x, DenseMatrix & hesse) const { int n = x.Size(); Vector hx; hx.SetSize(n); double eps = 1e-8; double f, f11, f22; //, f12, f21 f = Func(x); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { for (int j = 1; j < i; j++) { /* hx = x; hx.Elem(i) = x.Get(i) + eps; hx.Elem(j) = x.Get(j) + eps; f11 = Func(hx); hx.Elem(i) = x.Get(i) + eps; hx.Elem(j) = x.Get(j) - eps; f12 = Func(hx); hx.Elem(i) = x.Get(i) - eps; hx.Elem(j) = x.Get(j) + eps; f21 = Func(hx); hx.Elem(i) = x.Get(i) - eps; hx.Elem(j) = x.Get(j) - eps; f22 = Func(hx); */ hesse.Elem(i, j) = hesse.Elem(j, i) = 0; // (f11 + f22 - f12 - f21) / (2 * eps * eps); } hx = x; hx(i-1) = x(i-1) + eps; f11 = Func(hx); hx(i-1) = x(i-1) - eps; f22 = Func(hx); hesse.Elem(i, i) = (f11 + f22 - 2 * f) / (eps * eps) + 1e-12; } } #ifdef SOLIDGEOM class Opti3SurfaceMinFunction : public MinFunction { const PointFunction & pf; Point3d sp1; const Surface * surf; Vec3d t1, t2; public: Opti3SurfaceMinFunction (const PointFunction & apf); void SetPoint (const Surface * asurf, const Point3d & asp1); void CalcNewPoint (const Vector & x, Point3d & np) const; virtual double Func (const Vector & x) const; virtual double FuncGrad (const Vector & x, Vector & g) const; }; Opti3SurfaceMinFunction :: Opti3SurfaceMinFunction (const PointFunction & apf) : MinFunction(), pf(apf) { ; } void Opti3SurfaceMinFunction :: SetPoint (const Surface * asurf, const Point3d & asp1) { Vec3d n; sp1 = asp1; surf = asurf; Vec<3> hn; surf -> GetNormalVector (sp1, hn); n = hn; n.GetNormal (t1); t1 /= t1.Length(); t2 = Cross (n, t1); } void Opti3SurfaceMinFunction :: CalcNewPoint (const Vector & x, Point3d & np) const { np.X() = sp1.X() + x.Get(1) * t1.X() + x.Get(2) * t2.X(); np.Y() = sp1.Y() + x.Get(1) * t1.Y() + x.Get(2) * t2.Y(); np.Z() = sp1.Z() + x.Get(1) * t1.Z() + x.Get(2) * t2.Z(); Point<3> hnp = np; surf -> Project (hnp); np = hnp; } double Opti3SurfaceMinFunction :: Func (const Vector & x) const { Point3d pp1; CalcNewPoint (x, pp1); return pf.PointFunctionValue (pp1); } double Opti3SurfaceMinFunction :: FuncGrad (const Vector & x, Vector & grad) const { Vec3d n, vgrad; Point3d pp1; VectorMem<3> freegrad; CalcNewPoint (x, pp1); double badness = pf.PointFunctionValueGrad (pp1, freegrad); vgrad.X() = freegrad.Get(1); vgrad.Y() = freegrad.Get(2); vgrad.Z() = freegrad.Get(3); Vec<3> hn; surf -> GetNormalVector (pp1, hn); n = hn; vgrad -= (vgrad * n) * n; grad.Elem(1) = vgrad * t1; grad.Elem(2) = vgrad * t2; return badness; } #endif #ifdef SOLIDGEOM class Opti3EdgeMinFunction : public MinFunction { const PointFunction & pf; Point3d sp1; const Surface *surf1, *surf2; Vec3d t1; public: Opti3EdgeMinFunction (const PointFunction & apf); void SetPoint (const Surface * asurf1, const Surface * asurf2, const Point3d & asp1); void CalcNewPoint (const Vector & x, Point3d & np) const; virtual double FuncGrad (const Vector & x, Vector & g) const; virtual double Func (const Vector & x) const; }; Opti3EdgeMinFunction :: Opti3EdgeMinFunction (const PointFunction & apf) : MinFunction(), pf(apf) { ; } void Opti3EdgeMinFunction :: SetPoint (const Surface * asurf1, const Surface * asurf2, const Point3d & asp1) { Vec3d n1, n2; sp1 = asp1; surf1 = asurf1; surf2 = asurf2; Vec<3> hn1, hn2; surf1 -> GetNormalVector (sp1, hn1); surf2 -> GetNormalVector (sp1, hn2); n1 = hn1; n2 = hn2; t1 = Cross (n1, n2); } void Opti3EdgeMinFunction :: CalcNewPoint (const Vector & x, Point3d & np) const { np.X() = sp1.X() + x.Get(1) * t1.X(); np.Y() = sp1.Y() + x.Get(1) * t1.Y(); np.Z() = sp1.Z() + x.Get(1) * t1.Z(); Point<3> hnp = np; ProjectToEdge (surf1, surf2, hnp); np = hnp; } double Opti3EdgeMinFunction :: Func (const Vector & x) const { Vector g(x.Size()); return FuncGrad (x, g); } double Opti3EdgeMinFunction :: FuncGrad (const Vector & x, Vector & grad) const { Vec3d n1, n2, v1, vgrad; Point3d pp1; double badness; VectorMem<3> freegrad; CalcNewPoint (x, pp1); badness = pf.PointFunctionValueGrad (pp1, freegrad); vgrad.X() = freegrad.Get(1); vgrad.Y() = freegrad.Get(2); vgrad.Z() = freegrad.Get(3); Vec<3> hn1, hn2; surf1 -> GetNormalVector (pp1, hn1); surf2 -> GetNormalVector (pp1, hn2); n1 = hn1; n2 = hn2; v1 = Cross (n1, n2); v1 /= v1.Length(); grad.Elem(1) = (vgrad * v1) * (t1 * v1); return badness; } #endif int WrongOrientation (const Mesh::T_POINTS & points, const Element & el) { const Point3d & p1 = points[el.PNum(1)]; const Point3d & p2 = points[el.PNum(2)]; const Point3d & p3 = points[el.PNum(3)]; const Point3d & p4 = points[el.PNum(4)]; Vec3d v1(p1, p2); Vec3d v2(p1, p3); Vec3d v3(p1, p4); Vec3d n; Cross (v1, v2, n); double vol = n * v3; return (vol > 0); } /* ************* JacobianPointFunction **************************** */ // class JacobianPointFunction : public MinFunction // { // public: // Mesh::T_POINTS & points; // const NgArray<Element> & elements; // TABLE<INDEX> elementsonpoint; // PointIndex actpind; // public: // JacobianPointFunction (Mesh::T_POINTS & apoints, // const NgArray<Element> & aelements); // virtual void SetPointIndex (PointIndex aactpind); // virtual double Func (const Vector & x) const; // virtual double FuncGrad (const Vector & x, Vector & g) const; // virtual double FuncDeriv (const Vector & x, const Vector & dir, double & deriv) const; // }; JacobianPointFunction :: JacobianPointFunction (Mesh::T_POINTS & apoints, const Array<Element, ElementIndex> & aelements) : points(apoints), elements(aelements), elementsonpoint(apoints.Size()) { for (int i = 0; i < elements.Size(); i++) for (int j = 1; j <= elements[i].NP(); j++) elementsonpoint.Add1 (elements[i].PNum(j), i+1); onplane = false; } void JacobianPointFunction :: SetPointIndex (PointIndex aactpind) { actpind = aactpind; } double JacobianPointFunction :: Func (const Vector & v) const { double badness = 0; Point<3> hp = points[actpind]; points[actpind] = hp + Vec<3> (v(0), v(1), v(2)); if(onplane) points[actpind] -= (v(0)*nv(0)+v(1)*nv(1)+v(2)*nv(2)) * nv; for (auto eli : elementsonpoint[actpind]) badness += elements[eli].CalcJacobianBadness (points); points[actpind] = hp; return badness; } double JacobianPointFunction :: FuncGrad (const Vector & x, Vector & g) const { int k; int lpi; double badness = 0;//, hbad; Point<3> hp = points[actpind]; points[actpind] = hp + Vec<3> (x(0), x(1), x(2)); if(onplane) points[actpind] -= (x(0)*nv(0)+x(1)*nv(1)+x(2)*nv(2)) * nv; Vec<3> hderiv; //Vec3d vdir; g.SetSize(3); g = 0; for (auto ei : elementsonpoint[actpind]) { const Element & el = elements[ei]; lpi = 0; for (k = 1; k <= el.GetNP(); k++) if (el.PNum(k) == actpind) lpi = k; if (!lpi) cerr << "loc point not found" << endl; badness += elements[ei]. CalcJacobianBadnessGradient (points, lpi, hderiv); for(k=0; k<3; k++) g(k) += hderiv(k); /* for (k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { vdir = Vec3d(0,0,0); vdir.X(k) = 1; hbad = elements.Get(eli). CalcJacobianBadnessDirDeriv (points, lpi, vdir, hderiv); //(*testout) << "hderiv " << k << ": " << hderiv << endl; g.Elem(k) += hderiv; if (k == 1) badness += hbad; } */ } if(onplane) { double scal = nv(0)*g(0) + nv(1)*g(1) + nv(2)*g(2); g(0) -= scal*nv(0); g(1) -= scal*nv(1); g(2) -= scal*nv(2); } //(*testout) << "g = " << g << endl; points[actpind] = hp; return badness; } double JacobianPointFunction :: FuncDeriv (const Vector & x, const Vector & dir, double & deriv) const { int k; int lpi; double badness = 0; Point<3> hp = points[actpind]; points[actpind] = Point<3> (hp + Vec3d (x(0), x(1), x(2))); if(onplane) points[actpind] -= (Vec3d (x(0), x(1), x(2))*nv) * nv; double hderiv; deriv = 0; Vec<3> vdir(dir(0), dir(1), dir(2)); if(onplane) { double scal = vdir * nv; vdir -= scal*nv; } for (auto ei : elementsonpoint[actpind]) { const Element & el = elements[ei]; lpi = 0; for (k = 1; k <= el.GetNP(); k++) if (el.PNum(k) == actpind) lpi = k; if (!lpi) cerr << "loc point not found" << endl; badness += elements[ei]. CalcJacobianBadnessDirDeriv (points, lpi, vdir, hderiv); deriv += hderiv; } points[actpind] = hp; return badness; } #ifdef SOLIDGEOMxxxx void Mesh :: ImproveMesh (const CSG eometry & geometry, OPTIMIZEGOAL goal) { INDEX i, eli; int j; int typ = 1; if (!&geometry || geometry.GetNSurf() == 0) { ImproveMesh (goal); return; } const char * savetask = multithread.task; multithread.task = "Optimize Volume: Smooth Mesh"; TABLE<INDEX> surfelementsonpoint(points.Size()); Vector x(3), xsurf(2), xedge(1); int surf, surf1, surf2, surf3; int uselocalh = mparam.uselocalh; (*testout) << setprecision(8); (*testout) << "Improve Mesh" << "\n"; PrintMessage (3, "ImproveMesh"); // (*mycout) << "Vol = " << CalcVolume (points, volelements) << endl; for (i = 1; i <= surfelements.Size(); i++) for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) surfelementsonpoint.Add1 (surfelements.Get(i).PNum(j), i); PointFunction * pf; if (typ == 1) pf = new PointFunction(points, volelements); else pf = new CheapPointFunction(points, volelements); // pf->SetLocalH (h); Opti3FreeMinFunction freeminf(*pf); Opti3SurfaceMinFunction surfminf(*pf); Opti3EdgeMinFunction edgeminf(*pf); OptiParameters par; par.maxit_linsearch = 20; par.maxit_bfgs = 20; int printmod = 1; char printdot = '.'; if (points.Size() > 1000) { printmod = 10; printdot = '+'; } if (points.Size() > 10000) { printmod = 100; printdot = '*'; } for (i = 1; i <= points.Size(); i++) { // if (ptyps.Get(i) == FIXEDPOINT) continue; if (ptyps.Get(i) != INNERPOINT) continue; if (multithread.terminate) throw NgException ("Meshing stopped"); /* if (multithread.terminate) break; */ multithread.percent = 100.0 * i /points.Size(); /* if (points.Size() < 1000) PrintDot (); else if (i % 10 == 0) PrintDot ('+'); */ if (i % printmod == 0) PrintDot (printdot); // (*testout) << "Now point " << i << "\n"; // (*testout) << "Old: " << points.Get(i) << "\n"; pf->SetPointIndex (i); // if (uselocalh) { double lh = GetH(points.Get(i), points.Get(i).GetLayer()); pf->SetLocalH (lh); par.typx = lh / 10; // (*testout) << "lh(" << points.Get(i) << ") = " << lh << "\n"; } surf1 = surf2 = surf3 = 0; for (j = 1; j <= surfelementsonpoint.EntrySize(i); j++) { eli = surfelementsonpoint.Get(i, j); int surfi = surfelements.Get(eli).GetIndex(); if (surfi) { surf = GetFaceDescriptor(surfi).SurfNr(); if (!surf1) surf1 = surf; else if (surf1 != surf) { if (!surf2) surf2 = surf; else if (surf2 != surf) surf3 = surf; } } else { surf1 = surf2 = surf3 = 1; // simulates corner point } } if (surf2 && !surf3) { // (*testout) << "On Edge" << "\n"; /* xedge = 0; edgeminf.SetPoint (geometry.GetSurface(surf1), geometry.GetSurface(surf2), points.Elem(i)); BFGS (xedge, edgeminf, par); edgeminf.CalcNewPoint (xedge, points.Elem(i)); */ } if (surf1 && !surf2) { // (*testout) << "In Surface" << "\n"; /* xsurf = 0; surfminf.SetPoint (geometry.GetSurface(surf1), points.Get(i)); BFGS (xsurf, surfminf, par); surfminf.CalcNewPoint (xsurf, points.Elem(i)); */ } if (!surf1) { // (*testout) << "In Volume" << "\n"; x = 0; freeminf.SetPoint (points.Elem(i)); // par.typx = BFGS (x, freeminf, par); points.Elem(i).X() += x.Get(1); points.Elem(i).Y() += x.Get(2); points.Elem(i).Z() += x.Get(3); } // (*testout) << "New Point: " << points.Elem(i) << "\n" << "\n"; } PrintDot ('\n'); // (*mycout) << "Vol = " << CalcVolume (points, volelements) << endl; multithread.task = savetask; } #endif void Mesh :: ImproveMesh (const MeshingParameters & mp, OPTIMIZEGOAL goal) { static Timer t("Mesh::ImproveMesh"); RegionTimer reg(t); static Timer tcoloring("coloring"); static Timer tcalcbadmax("Calc badmax"); static Timer topt("optimize"); static Timer trange("range"); static Timer tloch("loch"); BuildBoundaryEdges(false); (*testout) << "Improve Mesh" << "\n"; PrintMessage (3, "ImproveMesh"); // int np = GetNP(); int ne = GetNE(); PointFunction pf_glob(*this, mp); auto & elementsonpoint = pf_glob.GetPointToElementTable(); const auto & getDofs = [&] (int i) { return elementsonpoint[i += PointIndex::BASE]; }; Array<int> colors(points.Size()); tcoloring.Start(); int ncolors = ngcore::ComputeColoring( colors, ne, getDofs ); auto color_table = CreateTable<PointIndex, int>( points.Size(), [&] ( auto & table, int i ) { PointIndex pi = i+static_cast<int>(PointIndex::BASE); table.Add(colors[i], pi); }, ncolors); tcoloring.Stop(); if (goal == OPT_QUALITY) { double bad1 = CalcTotalBad (mp); (*testout) << "Total badness = " << bad1 << endl; PrintMessage (5, "Total badness = ", bad1); } (*testout) << setprecision(8); Array<double, PointIndex> pointh (points.Size()); if(HasLocalHFunction()) { RegionTimer rt(tloch); ParallelForRange(points.Range(), [&] (auto myrange) { for(auto pi : myrange) pointh[pi] = GetH(pi); }); } else { pointh = 0; for (Element & el : VolumeElements()) { double h = pow(el.Volume(points),1./3.); for (PointIndex pi : el.PNums()) if (h > pointh[pi]) pointh[pi] = h; } } const char * savetask = multithread.task; multithread.task = "Optimize Volume: Smooth Mesh"; topt.Start(); int counter = 0; for (auto icolor : Range(ncolors)) { if (multithread.terminate) throw NgException ("Meshing stopped"); ParallelForRange( color_table[icolor].Range(), [&](auto myrange) { RegionTracer reg(ngcore::TaskManager::GetThreadId(), trange, myrange.Size()); Vector x(3); PointFunction pf{pf_glob}; Opti3FreeMinFunction freeminf(pf); OptiParameters par; par.maxit_linsearch = 20; par.maxit_bfgs = 20; for (auto i : myrange) { PointIndex pi = color_table[icolor][i]; if ( (*this)[pi].Type() == INNERPOINT ) { counter++; double lh = pointh[pi]; pf.SetLocalH (lh); par.typx = lh; freeminf.SetPoint (points[pi]); pf.SetPointIndex (pi); x = 0; int pok; pok = freeminf.Func (x) < 1e10; if (!pok) { pok = pf.MovePointToInner (); freeminf.SetPoint (points[pi]); pf.SetPointIndex (pi); } if (pok) { //*testout << "start BFGS, pok" << endl; BFGS (x, freeminf, par); //*testout << "BFGS complete, pok" << endl; points[pi](0) += x(0); points[pi](1) += x(1); points[pi](2) += x(2); } } } }, 4*ngcore::TaskManager::GetNumThreads()); } topt.Stop(); multithread.task = savetask; if (goal == OPT_QUALITY) { double bad1 = CalcTotalBad (mp); (*testout) << "Total badness = " << bad1 << endl; PrintMessage (5, "Total badness = ", bad1); } } // Improve Condition number of Jacobian, any elements void Mesh :: ImproveMeshJacobian (const MeshingParameters & mp, OPTIMIZEGOAL goal, const NgBitArray * usepoint) { // int i, j; (*testout) << "Improve Mesh Jacobian" << "\n"; PrintMessage (3, "ImproveMesh Jacobian"); int np = GetNP(); int ne = GetNE(); Vector x(3); (*testout) << setprecision(8); JacobianPointFunction pf(points, volelements); OptiParameters par; par.maxit_linsearch = 20; par.maxit_bfgs = 20; NgBitArray badnodes(np); badnodes.Clear(); for (int i = 1; i <= ne; i++) { const Element & el = VolumeElement(i); double bad = el.CalcJacobianBadness (Points()); if (bad > 1) for (int j = 1; j <= el.GetNP(); j++) badnodes.Set (el.PNum(j)); } NgArray<double, PointIndex::BASE, PointIndex> pointh (points.Size()); if(HasLocalHFunction()) { // for(i = 1; i<=points.Size(); i++) for (PointIndex pi : points.Range()) pointh[pi] = GetH(pi); } else { pointh = 0; for (int i=0; i<GetNE(); i++) { const Element & el = VolumeElement(i+1); double h = pow(el.Volume(points),1./3.); for(int j=1; j<=el.GetNV(); j++) if(h > pointh[el.PNum(j)]) pointh[el.PNum(j)] = h; } } const char * savetask = multithread.task; multithread.task = "Optimize Volume: Smooth Mesh Jacobian"; // for (PointIndex pi = points.Begin(); i < points.End(); pi++) for (PointIndex pi : points.Range()) { if ((*this)[pi].Type() != INNERPOINT) continue; if(usepoint && !usepoint->Test(pi)) continue; //(*testout) << "improvejac, p = " << i << endl; if (goal == OPT_WORSTCASE && !badnodes.Test(pi)) continue; // (*testout) << "smooth p " << i << endl; /* if (multithread.terminate) break; */ if (multithread.terminate) throw NgException ("Meshing stopped"); multithread.percent = 100.0 * pi / points.Size(); if (points.Size() < 1000) PrintDot (); else if (pi % 10 == 0) PrintDot ('+'); double lh = pointh[pi]; par.typx = lh; pf.SetPointIndex (pi); x = 0; int pok = (pf.Func (x) < 1e10); if (pok) { //*testout << "start BFGS, Jacobian" << endl; BFGS (x, pf, par); //*testout << "end BFGS, Jacobian" << endl; points[pi](0) += x(0); points[pi](1) += x(1); points[pi](2) += x(2); } else { cout << "el not ok" << endl; } } PrintDot ('\n'); multithread.task = savetask; } // Improve Condition number of Jacobian, any elements void Mesh :: ImproveMeshJacobianOnSurface (const MeshingParameters & mp, const NgBitArray & usepoint, const NgArray< Vec<3>* > & nv, OPTIMIZEGOAL goal, const NgArray< NgArray<int,PointIndex::BASE>* > * idmaps) { // int i, j; (*testout) << "Improve Mesh Jacobian" << "\n"; PrintMessage (3, "ImproveMesh Jacobian"); int np = GetNP(); int ne = GetNE(); Vector x(3); (*testout).precision(8); JacobianPointFunction pf(points, volelements); NgArray< NgArray<int,PointIndex::BASE>* > locidmaps; const NgArray< NgArray<int,PointIndex::BASE>* > * used_idmaps; if(idmaps) used_idmaps = idmaps; else { used_idmaps = &locidmaps; for(int i=1; i<=GetIdentifications().GetMaxNr(); i++) { if(GetIdentifications().GetType(i) == Identifications::PERIODIC) { locidmaps.Append(new NgArray<int,PointIndex::BASE>); GetIdentifications().GetMap(i,*locidmaps.Last(),true); } } } bool usesum = (used_idmaps->Size() > 0); MinFunctionSum pf_sum; JacobianPointFunction * pf2ptr = NULL; if(usesum) { pf2ptr = new JacobianPointFunction(points, volelements); pf_sum.AddFunction(pf); pf_sum.AddFunction(*pf2ptr); } OptiParameters par; par.maxit_linsearch = 20; par.maxit_bfgs = 20; NgBitArray badnodes(np); badnodes.Clear(); for (int i = 1; i <= ne; i++) { const Element & el = VolumeElement(i); double bad = el.CalcJacobianBadness (Points()); if (bad > 1) for (int j = 1; j <= el.GetNP(); j++) badnodes.Set (el.PNum(j)); } NgArray<double, PointIndex::BASE> pointh (points.Size()); if(HasLocalHFunction()) { // for(i=1; i<=points.Size(); i++) for (PointIndex pi : points.Range()) pointh[pi] = GetH(pi); } else { pointh = 0; for(int i=0; i<GetNE(); i++) { const Element & el = VolumeElement(i+1); double h = pow(el.Volume(points),1./3.); for(int j=1; j<=el.GetNV(); j++) if(h > pointh[el.PNum(j)]) pointh[el.PNum(j)] = h; } } const char * savetask = multithread.task; multithread.task = "Optimize Volume: Smooth Mesh Jacobian"; // for (PointIndex pi = points.Begin(); pi <= points.End(); pi++) for (PointIndex pi : points.Range()) if ( usepoint.Test(pi) ) { //(*testout) << "improvejac, p = " << i << endl; if (goal == OPT_WORSTCASE && !badnodes.Test(pi)) continue; // (*testout) << "smooth p " << i << endl; /* if (multithread.terminate) break; */ if (multithread.terminate) throw NgException ("Meshing stopped"); multithread.percent = 100.0 * pi / points.Size(); if (points.Size() < 1000) PrintDot (); else if (pi % 10 == 0) PrintDot ('+'); double lh = pointh[pi];//GetH(points.Get(i)); par.typx = lh; pf.SetPointIndex (pi); PointIndex brother (-1); if(usesum) { for(int j=0; brother == -1 && j<used_idmaps->Size(); j++) { if(pi < (*used_idmaps)[j]->Size() + PointIndex::BASE) { brother = (*(*used_idmaps)[j])[pi]; if(brother == pi || brother == 0) brother = -1; } } if(brother >= pi) { pf2ptr->SetPointIndex(brother); pf2ptr->SetNV(*nv[brother-1]); } } if(usesum && brother < pi) continue; //pf.UnSetNV(); x = 0; //(*testout) << "before " << pf.Func(x); pf.SetNV(*nv[pi-1]); x = 0; int pok = (brother == -1) ? (pf.Func (x) < 1e10) : (pf_sum.Func (x) < 1e10); if (pok) { if(brother == -1) BFGS (x, pf, par); else BFGS (x, pf_sum, par); for(int j=0; j<3; j++) points[pi](j) += x(j);// - scal*nv[i-1].X(j); if(brother != -1) for(int j=0; j<3; j++) points[brother](j) += x(j);// - scal*nv[brother-1].X(j); } else { cout << "el not ok" << endl; (*testout) << "el not ok" << endl << " func " << ((brother == -1) ? pf.Func(x) : pf_sum.Func (x)) << endl; if(brother != -1) (*testout) << " func1 " << pf.Func(x) << endl << " func2 " << pf2ptr->Func(x) << endl; } } PrintDot ('\n'); delete pf2ptr; for(int i=0; i<locidmaps.Size(); i++) delete locidmaps[i]; multithread.task = savetask; } }