#ifndef FILE_CSGEOM #define FILE_CSGEOM /**************************************************************************/ /* File: csgeom.hh */ /* Author: Joachim Schoeberl */ /* Date: 27. Nov. 97 */ /**************************************************************************/ namespace netgen { /** Constructive Solid Geometry */ class TriangleApproximation; class TATriangle; /** A top level object is an entity to be meshed. I can be either a solid, or one surface patch of a solid. */ class DLL_HEADER TopLevelObject { Solid * solid; Surface * surface; double red, blue, green; bool visible, transp; double maxh; string material; int layer; int bc; // for surface patches, only string bcname; public: TopLevelObject (Solid * asolid, Surface * asurface = NULL); // default constructor for archive TopLevelObject() {} void DoArchive(Archive& archive) { archive & solid & surface & red & blue & green & visible & transp & maxh & material & layer & bc & bcname; } const Solid * GetSolid() const { return solid; } Solid * GetSolid() { return solid; } const Surface * GetSurface () const { return surface; } Surface * GetSurface () { return surface; } void GetData (ostream & ost); void SetData (istream & ist); void SetMaxH (double amaxh) { maxh = amaxh; } double GetMaxH () const { return maxh; } void SetRGB (double ared, double agreen, double ablue) { red = ared; green = agreen; blue = ablue; } double GetRed () const { return red; } double GetGreen () const { return green; } double GetBlue () const { return blue; } void SetTransparent (bool atransp) { transp = atransp; } bool GetTransparent () const { return transp; } void SetVisible (bool avisible) { visible = avisible; } bool GetVisible () const { return visible; } const string GetMaterial () const { return material; } void SetMaterial (const string & mat) { material = mat; } int GetLayer () const { return layer; } void SetLayer (int alayer) { layer = alayer; } void SetBCProp (int abc) { bc = abc; } int GetBCProp () const { return bc; } void SetBCName (string abc) { bcname = abc; } const string GetBCName () const { return bcname; } }; /** CSGeometry has the whole geometric information */ class DLL_HEADER CSGeometry : public NetgenGeometry { private: /// all surfaces SymbolTable<Surface*> surfaces; public: /// primitive of surface NgArray<const Primitive*> surf2prim; private: NgArray<Surface*> delete_them; /// all named solids SymbolTable<Solid*> solids; /// all 2d splinecurves SymbolTable<shared_ptr<SplineGeometry<2>>> splinecurves2d; /// all 3d splinecurves SymbolTable<shared_ptr<SplineGeometry<3>>> splinecurves3d; /// all top level objects: solids and surfaces NgArray<TopLevelObject*> toplevelobjects; public: /// additional points specified by user class UserPoint : public Point<3> { int index; string name; public: UserPoint() = default; UserPoint (Point<3> p, int _index) : Point<3>(p), index(_index) { ; } UserPoint (Point<3> p, const string & _name) : Point<3>(p), name(_name), index(-1) { ; } int GetIndex() const { return index; } const string & GetName() const { return name; } void DoArchive(Archive& archive) { archive & index & name; Point<3>::DoArchive(archive); } }; private: // NgArray<Point<3> > userpoints; NgArray<UserPoint> userpoints; NgArray<double> userpoints_ref_factor; mutable NgArray<Point<3> > identpoints; /// triangular approximation of top level objects NgArray<TriangleApproximation*> triapprox; /// increment, if geometry is changed static int changeval; /// bounding box of geometry Box<3> boundingbox; /// bounding box, if not set by input file static Box<3> default_boundingbox; /// identic surfaces are stored by pair of indizes, val = inverse INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> identicsurfaces; NgArray<int> isidenticto; /// identification of boundaries (periodic, thin domains, ...) double ideps; /// filename of inputfile string filename; /// store splinesurfaces, such that added ones do not get deleted before geometry does NgArray<shared_ptr<SplineSurface>> spline_surfaces; shared_ptr<BlockAllocator> solid_ball = Solid::ball; public: CSGeometry (); CSGeometry (const string & afilename); virtual ~CSGeometry (); void Clean (); virtual void Save (string filename) const override; void Save (ostream & ost) const; void Load (istream & ist); void SaveSurfaces (ostream & out) const; void LoadSurfaces (istream & in); virtual void SaveToMeshFile (ostream & ost) const override; PointGeomInfo ProjectPoint(INDEX surfind, Point<3> & p) const override; bool ProjectPointGI (int surfind, Point<3> & p, PointGeomInfo & gi) const override; void ProjectPointEdge(INDEX surfind, INDEX surfind2, Point<3> & p, EdgePointGeomInfo* gi = nullptr) const override; Vec<3> GetNormal(int surfind, const Point<3> & p, const PointGeomInfo* gi = nullptr) const override; void PointBetween(const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2, double secpoint, int surfi, const PointGeomInfo & gi1, const PointGeomInfo & gi2, Point<3> & newp, PointGeomInfo & newgi) const override; void PointBetweenEdge(const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2, double secpoint, int surfi1, int surfi2, const EdgePointGeomInfo & ap1, const EdgePointGeomInfo & ap2, Point<3> & newp, EdgePointGeomInfo & newgi) const override; Vec<3> GetTangent (const Point<3> & p, int surfi1, int surfi2, const EdgePointGeomInfo & ap1) const override; int GetChangeVal() { return changeval; } void Change() { changeval++; } void AddSurface (Surface * surf); void AddSurface (char * name, Surface * surf); void AddSurfaces (Primitive * prim); int GetNSurf () const { return surfaces.Size(); } const Surface * GetSurface (const char * name) const; const Surface * GetSurface (int i) const { return surfaces[i]; } void SetSolid (const char * name, Solid * sol); const Solid * GetSolid (const char * name) const; const Solid * GetSolid (const string & name) const; int GetNSolids () const { return solids.Size(); } const Solid * GetSolid (int i) const { return solids[i]; } const SymbolTable<Solid*> & GetSolids () const { return solids; } void SetSplineCurve (const char * name, shared_ptr<SplineGeometry<2>> spl); void SetSplineCurve (const char * name, shared_ptr<SplineGeometry<3>> spl); shared_ptr<SplineGeometry<2>> GetSplineCurve2d (const string & name) const; shared_ptr<SplineGeometry<3>> GetSplineCurve3d (const string & name) const; void DoArchive(Archive& archive) override; void SetFlags (const char * solidname, const Flags & flags); int GetNTopLevelObjects () const { return toplevelobjects.Size(); } int SetTopLevelObject (Solid * sol, Surface * surf = NULL); void GetTopLevelObject (int nr, Solid *& sol, Surface *& surf) { sol = toplevelobjects[nr]->GetSolid(); surf = toplevelobjects[nr]->GetSurface(); } void GetTopLevelObject (int nr, const Solid *& sol, const Surface *& surf) const { sol = toplevelobjects[nr]->GetSolid(); surf = toplevelobjects[nr]->GetSurface(); } TopLevelObject * GetTopLevelObject (const Solid * sol, const Surface * surf = NULL); TopLevelObject * GetTopLevelObject (int nr) const { return toplevelobjects[nr]; } // const TopLevelObject * GetTopLevelObject (int nr) const // { return toplevelobjects[nr]; } void RemoveTopLevelObject (Solid * sol, Surface * surf = NULL); void AddUserPoint (const Point<3> & p, double ref_factor = 0) { userpoints.Append (UserPoint(p,userpoints.Size()+1)); userpoints_ref_factor.Append (ref_factor); } void AddUserPoint (const UserPoint up, double ref_factor = 0) { userpoints.Append (up); userpoints_ref_factor.Append (ref_factor); } int GetNUserPoints () const { return userpoints.Size(); } const UserPoint & GetUserPoint (int nr) const { return userpoints[nr]; } double GetUserPointRefFactor (int nr) const { return userpoints_ref_factor[nr]; } void AddIdentPoint (const Point<3> & p) const { identpoints.Append(p);} int GetNIdentPoints (void) const { return identpoints.Size();} const Point<3> & GetIdentPoint(int nr) const { return identpoints[nr]; } void DeleteIdentPoints(void) const { identpoints.DeleteAll();} // quick implementations: NgArray<SingularFace*> singfaces; NgArray<SingularEdge*> singedges; NgArray<SingularPoint*> singpoints; NgArray<Identification*> identifications; int GetNIdentifications (void) const { return identifications.Size(); } void AddIdentification (Identification * ident); /// void CalcTriangleApproximation(double detail, double facets); /// void FindIdenticSurfaces (double eps); /// void GetSurfaceIndices (const Solid * sol, const BoxSphere<3> & box, NgArray<int> & locsurf) const; /// void GetIndependentSurfaceIndices (const Solid * sol, const BoxSphere<3> & box, NgArray<int> & locsurf) const; /// /* void GetIndependentSurfaceIndices (const Solid * sol, const Point<3> & p, Vec<3> & v, NgArray<int> & locsurf) const; */ /// void GetIndependentSurfaceIndices (NgArray<int> & locsurf) const; /// int GetSurfaceClassRepresentant (int si) const { return isidenticto[si]; } /// const TriangleApproximation * GetTriApprox (int msnr) { if (msnr < triapprox.Size()) return triapprox[msnr]; return 0; } void IterateAllSolids (SolidIterator & it, bool only_once = false) const; void RefineTriangleApprox (Solid * locsol, int surfind, const BoxSphere<3> & box, double detail, const TATriangle & tria, TriangleApproximation & tams, IndexSet & iset, int level); const Box<3> & BoundingBox () const { return boundingbox; } void SetBoundingBox (const Box<3> & abox) { boundingbox = abox; } static void SetDefaultBoundingBox (const Box<3> & abox) { default_boundingbox = abox; } double MaxSize () const; void SetIdEps(double eps){ideps = eps;} double GetIdEps(void) const {return ideps;} class BCModification { public: int si; int tlonr; int bcnr; string * bcname; }; NgArray<BCModification> bcmodifications; map<tuple<Surface*,Surface*>, string> named_edges; virtual int GenerateMesh (shared_ptr<Mesh> & mesh, MeshingParameters & mparam) override; void AddSplineSurface (shared_ptr<SplineSurface> ss) { spline_surfaces.Append(ss); } }; } #endif