// // Write Abaqus file // // #include <mystdlib.h> #include <myadt.hpp> #include <linalg.hpp> #include <csg.hpp> #include <meshing.hpp> #include "writeuser.hpp" namespace netgen { using std::vector; struct AbaqusElementType { const char * name; const vector<int> permutation; AbaqusElementType(const char * name, const vector<int> & permutation) : name(name), permutation(permutation) {} }; static inline const AbaqusElementType & GetAbaqusType(int dim, int num_nodes) { // maps num_nodes to AbaqusElementType for each dimension typedef std::map<int, AbaqusElementType> AbaqusElementTypes; static const std::map<int, AbaqusElementType> abaqus_eltypes[3] = { // 1D AbaqusElementTypes{ {2, AbaqusElementType{"T2D2", vector{0,1}}}, }, // 2D AbaqusElementTypes{ {3, AbaqusElementType{"CPS3", vector{0,1,2}}}, }, // 3D AbaqusElementTypes{ {4, AbaqusElementType{"C3D4", vector{0,1,3,2}}}, {10, AbaqusElementType{"C3D10", vector{0,1,3,2,4,8,6,5,7,9}}}, } }; const auto & eltypes = abaqus_eltypes[dim-1]; if (eltypes.count(num_nodes) > 0) return eltypes.at(num_nodes); else throw Exception("unsupported " + ToString(dim)+"d Element type with " + ToString(num_nodes) + " nodes"); } static void WritePoints ( const Mesh & mesh, ostream & out ) { out << "*Node" << endl; for(auto pi : mesh.Points().Range() ) { out << pi+1-IndexBASE<PointIndex>() << ", "; auto p = mesh[pi]; out << p[0] << ", " << p[1] << ", " << p[2] << '\n'; } } template <typename ElIndex> static void WriteElement(ostream & out, const Mesh& mesh, ElIndex ei, const vector<int> & permutation, int & el_counter) { el_counter++; auto el = mesh[ei]; out << el_counter; for(auto i : Range(el.PNums())) out << ", " << el[permutation[i]]+1-IndexBASE<PointIndex>(); out << '\n'; } template <typename ElIndex, typename Elements> static void WriteElements ( ostream & out, const Mesh & mesh, int dim, const Elements & el_range, int & el_counter) { // map index, num_nodes to elements std::map<std::tuple<int, int>, Array<ElIndex>> elset_map; for(auto ei : el_range) { const auto & el = mesh[ei]; int index = 0; if constexpr(std::is_same_v<ElIndex,SegmentIndex>) index = el.edgenr; else index = el.GetIndex(); elset_map[{index, el.GetNP()}].Append(ei); } for(auto & [key, elems] : elset_map) { auto [index, num_nodes] = key; auto name = mesh.GetRegionName(elems[0]); if (name == "") name = "default"; PrintMessage (5, index, ": ", name); const auto & eltype = GetAbaqusType(dim, num_nodes) ; out << "*Element, type=" << eltype.name << ", ELSET=" << name << endl; for(auto ei : elems) WriteElement(out, mesh, ei, eltype.permutation, el_counter); } } void WriteAbaqusFormat (const Mesh & mesh, const filesystem::path & filename) { PrintMessage (1, "Write Abaqus Mesh"); ofstream outfile (filename); outfile << "*Heading" << endl; outfile << " " << filename << endl; outfile.precision(8); int element_counter = 0; WritePoints(mesh, outfile); if(mesh.GetDimension() < 3) WriteElements<SegmentIndex>(outfile, mesh, 1, mesh.LineSegments().Range(), element_counter); WriteElements<SurfaceElementIndex>(outfile, mesh, 2, mesh.SurfaceElements().Range(), element_counter); WriteElements<ElementIndex>(outfile, mesh, 3, mesh.VolumeElements().Range(), element_counter); // Write identifications (untested!) if (mesh.GetIdentifications().GetMaxNr()) { const auto np = mesh.GetNP(); // periodic identification, implementation for // Helmut J. Boehm, TU Vienna auto mpcfilename = filename; if (filename.extension() == ".inp") mpcfilename.replace_extension(".mpc"); else mpcfilename.concat(".mpc"); ofstream mpc (mpcfilename); int masternode(0); NgArray<INDEX_2> pairs; NgBitArray master(np), help(np); master.Set(); for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { mesh.GetIdentifications().GetPairs (i, pairs); help.Clear(); for (int j = 1; j <= pairs.Size(); j++) { help.Set (pairs.Get(j).I1()); } master.And (help); } for (int i = 1; i <= np; i++) if (master.Test(i)) masternode = i; cout << "masternode = " << masternode << " = " << mesh.Point(masternode) << endl; NgArray<int> minions(3); for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { mesh.GetIdentifications().GetPairs (i, pairs); for (int j = 1; j <= pairs.Size(); j++) { if (pairs.Get(j).I1() == masternode) minions.Elem(i) = pairs.Get(j).I2(); } cout << "minion(" << i << ") = " << minions.Get(i) << " = " << mesh.Point(minions.Get(i)) << endl; } outfile << "**\n" << "*NSET,NSET=CTENODS\n" << minions.Get(1) << ", " << minions.Get(2) << ", " << minions.Get(3) << endl; outfile << "**\n" << "**POINT_fixed\n" << "**\n" << "*BOUNDARY, OP=NEW\n"; for (int j = 1; j <= 3; j++) outfile << masternode << ", " << j << ",, 0.\n"; outfile << "**\n" << "*BOUNDARY, OP=NEW\n"; for (int j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { Vec3d v(mesh.Point(masternode), mesh.Point(minions.Get(j))); double vlen = v.Length(); int dir = 0; if (fabs (v.X()) > 0.9 * vlen) dir = 2; if (fabs (v.Y()) > 0.9 * vlen) dir = 3; if (fabs (v.Z()) > 0.9 * vlen) dir = 1; if (!dir) cout << "ERROR: Problem with rigid body constraints" << endl; outfile << minions.Get(j) << ", " << dir << ",, 0.\n"; } outfile << "**\n" << "*EQUATION, INPUT=" << mpcfilename << endl; NgBitArray eliminated(np); eliminated.Clear(); for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetIdentifications().GetMaxNr(); i++) { mesh.GetIdentifications().GetPairs (i, pairs); if (!pairs.Size()) continue; for (int j = 1; j <= pairs.Size(); j++) if (pairs.Get(j).I1() != masternode && !eliminated.Test(pairs.Get(j).I2())) { eliminated.Set (pairs.Get(j).I2()); for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { mpc << "4" << "\n"; mpc << pairs.Get(j).I2() << "," << k << ", -1.0, "; mpc << pairs.Get(j).I1() << "," << k << ", 1.0, "; mpc << minions.Get(i) << "," << k << ", 1.0, "; mpc << masternode << "," << k << ", -1.0 \n"; } } } } PrintMessage(1, "done"); } static RegisterUserFormat reg_abaqus ("Abaqus Format", {".mesh"}, nullopt, WriteAbaqusFormat); }