# -*- mode: cmake -*- # # METIS Find Module for MSTK # Shamelessly stolen from Amanzi open source code https://software.lanl.gov/ascem/trac # # Usage: # Control the search through METIS_DIR or setting environment variable # METIS_ROOT to the METIS installation prefix. # # This module does not search default paths! # # Following variables are set: # METIS_FOUND (BOOL) Flag indicating if METIS was found # METIS_INCLUDE_DIR (PATH) Path to the METIS include file # METIS_INCLUDE_DIRS (LIST) List of all required include files # METIS_LIBRARY_DIR (PATH) Path to the METIS library # METIS_LIBRARY (FILE) METIS library # METIS_LIBRARIES (LIST) List of all required METIS libraries # # ############################################################################# # Standard CMake modules see CMAKE_ROOT/Modules include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) # Amanzi CMake functions see <root>/tools/cmake for source # include(PrintVariable) if ( METIS_LIBRARIES AND METIS_INCLUDE_DIRS ) # Do nothing. Variables are set. No need to search again else(METIS_LIBRARIES AND METIS_INCLUDE_DIRS) # Cache variables if(METIS_DIR) set(METIS_DIR "${METIS_DIR}" CACHE PATH "Path to search for METIS include and library files") endif() if(METIS_INCLUDE_DIR) set(METIS_INCLUDE_DIR "${METIS_INCLUDE_DIR}" CACHE PATH "Path to search for METIS include files") endif() if(METIS_LIBRARY_DIR) set(METIS_LIBRARY_DIR "${METIS_LIBRARY_DIR}" CACHE PATH "Path to search for METIS library files") endif() # Search for include files # Search order preference: # (1) METIS_INCLUDE_DIR - check existence of path AND if the include files exist # (2) METIS_DIR/<include> # (3) Default CMake paths See cmake --html-help=out.html file for more information. # set(metis_inc_names "metis.h") if (METIS_INCLUDE_DIR) if (EXISTS "${METIS_INCLUDE_DIR}") find_path(metis_test_include_path NAMES ${metis_inc_names} HINTS ${METIS_INCLUDE_DIR} NO_DEFAULT_PATH) set(METIS_INCLUDE_DIR "${metis_test_include_path}") endif() else() # Metis sometimes puts the include files in a subdir called Lib set(metis_inc_suffixes "include" "Lib") if(METIS_DIR) if (EXISTS "${METIS_DIR}" ) find_path(METIS_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES ${metis_inc_names} HINTS ${METIS_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES ${metis_inc_suffixes} NO_DEFAULT_PATH) endif() else() find_path(METIS_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES ${metis_inc_names} PATH_SUFFIXES ${metis_inc_suffixes}) endif() endif() # Search for libraries # Search order preference: # (1) METIS_LIBRARY_DIR - check existence of path AND if the library file exists # (2) METIS_DIR/<lib,Lib> # (3) Default CMake paths See cmake --html-help=out.html file for more information. # set(metis_lib_names "metis5" "metis") if (METIS_LIBRARY_DIR) if (EXISTS "${METIS_LIBRARY_DIR}") find_library(METIS_LIBRARY NAMES ${metis_lib_names} HINTS ${METIS_LIBRARY_DIR} NO_DEFAULT_PATH) endif() else() list(APPEND metis_lib_suffixes "lib" "Lib") if(METIS_DIR) if (EXISTS "${METIS_DIR}" ) find_library(METIS_LIBRARY NAMES ${metis_lib_names} HINTS ${METIS_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES ${metis_lib_suffixes} NO_DEFAULT_PATH) endif() else() find_library(METIS_LIBRARY NAMES ${metis_lib_names} PATH_SUFFIXES ${metis_lib_suffixes}) endif() endif() # Define prerequisite packages set(METIS_INCLUDE_DIRS ${METIS_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(METIS_LIBRARIES ${METIS_LIBRARY}) endif(METIS_LIBRARIES AND METIS_INCLUDE_DIRS ) # Send useful message if everything is found find_package_handle_standard_args(METIS DEFAULT_MSG METIS_LIBRARIES METIS_INCLUDE_DIRS) # find_package_handle_standard_args should set METIS_FOUND but it does not! if ( METIS_LIBRARIES AND METIS_INCLUDE_DIRS) set(METIS_FOUND TRUE) else() set(METIS_FOUND FALSE) endif() # Define the version mark_as_advanced( METIS_INCLUDE_DIR METIS_INCLUDE_DIRS METIS_LIBRARY METIS_LIBRARIES METIS_LIBRARY_DIR )