import json import sys import subprocess import statistics def readData(a, files): amin=[] amax=[] amin1=[] amax1=[] bad=[] ne1d=[] ne2d=[] ne3d=[] file=[] for f in files: for t in a[f]: file.append(f) if t['ne1d']>0: ne1d.append(t['ne1d']) if t['ne2d']>0: ne2d.append(t['ne2d']) if t['ne3d']>0: ne3d.append(t['ne3d']) if t['total_badness']>0.0: bad.append(t['total_badness']) if 'angles_tet' in t: amin.append(t['angles_tet'][0]) amax.append(t['angles_tet'][1]) if 'angles_trig' in t: amin1.append(t['angles_trig'][0]) amax1.append(t['angles_trig'][1]) return { "min tet angle":amin, "max tet angle" : amax, "min trig angle":amin1, "max trig angle" : amax1, "badness" : bad, "#edges" : ne1d, "#trigs" : ne2d, "#tets" : ne3d, "file" : file, } import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ref = 'master' if len(sys.argv)>1: ref = sys.argv[1] res =['git','show','{}:./results.json'.format(ref)], capture_output=True) s = json.loads(res.stdout.decode()) if len(sys.argv) > 2: ref2 = sys.argv[2] res =['git','show','{}:./results.json'.format(ref2)], capture_output=True) s2 = res.stdout.decode() else: ref2 = 'current' s2 = open('results.json','r').read() s2 = json.loads(s2) filenames = [f for f in s if f in s2] data = readData(s, filenames) data2 = readData(s2, filenames) assert(len(data) == len(data2)) for bad1,bad2, f1, f2 in zip(data['badness'], data2['badness'], data['file'], data2['file']): assert f1==f2 if bad2>0 and bad2>1.1*bad1: print(f"file {f1} got worse: {bad1} -> {bad2}") if bad2>0 and bad2<0.9*bad1: print(f"file {f1} got better: {bad1} -> {bad2}") n = len(data)+1 fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,7)) for i,d in enumerate(['min trig angle','min tet angle','max trig angle','max tet angle']): ax = plt.subplot(2,5,i+1) plt.title(d) ax.set_xticks([1,2]) if len(data[d])==0 or len(data2[d])==0: continue plt.violinplot([data[d],data2[d]], showmedians=True) med = statistics.median(data[d]) plt.hlines(med, 1,2, linestyle='dotted') if d=='badness': ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xticklabels([ref, ref2]) for i,d in enumerate(['badness','#edges','#trigs','#tets']): ax = plt.subplot(2,5,6+i) plt.title('difference '+d+' (in %)') # plt.violinplot([(y-x)/x for x,y in zip(data[d],data2[d])], showmedians=True) plt.boxplot([100.0*(y-x)/x for x,y in zip(data[d],data2[d])]) plt.hlines(0.0, 0.5,1.5, linestyle='dotted') # plt.savefig('comparison.png', dpi=100)