proc meshingoptionsdialog { } { set w .options_dlg if {[winfo exists .options_dlg] == 1} { wm withdraw $w wm deiconify $w focus $w } { toplevel $w wm resizable $w 0 0 # global options.meshsize pack [ttk::notebook $w.nb] -fill both -side top $w.nb add [ttk::frame $w.nb.general] -text "General" -underline 0 $w.nb add [ttk::frame $w.nb.meshsize] -text "Mesh Size" -underline 0 $w.nb add [ttk::frame $w.nb.chartopt] -text "STL Charts" -underline 0 $w.nb add [ttk::frame $w.nb.optimizer] -text "Optimizer" -underline 0 # $w.nb add [ttk::frame $w.nb.insider] -text "Insider" -underline 0 $w.nb add [ttk::frame $w.nb.debug] -text "Debug" -underline 0 # tixNoteBook $w.nbold -ipadx 6 -ipady 6 # $w.nbold add general -label "General" -underline 0 # $w.nbold add meshsize -label "Mesh Size" -underline 0 # $w.nbold add chartopt -label "STL Charts" -underline 0 # $w.nbold add optimizer -label "Optimizer" -underline 0 # $w.nbold add insider -label "Insider" -underline 0 # $w.nbold add debug -label "Debug" -underline 0 # pack $w.nb -expand yes -fill both -padx 5 -pady 5 -side top # ############################################################ # General meshing options # ############################################################ set f $w.nb.general ttk::frame $f.f2 pack $f.f2 -pady 10 set f $f.f2 set finevals { 1 2 3 4 5 6 } set finelabs(1) "very coarse" set finelabs(2) "coarse" set finelabs(3) "moderate" set finelabs(4) "fine" set finelabs(5) "very fine" set finelabs(6) "user defined" tixOptionMenu $f.fine -label "Mesh granularity : " \ -options { label.width 19 label.anchor e menubutton.width 15 } foreach finev $finevals { $f.fine add command $finev -label $finelabs($finev) } $f.fine config -variable meshoptions.fineness $f.fine config -command { setgranularity } global meshoptions.fineness # setgranularity ${meshoptions.fineness} # pack $f.fine global meshoptions.fineness ttk::frame $f.fine2 ttk::label $f.fine2.l -text "Mesh granularity: " ttk::menubutton $f.fine2.c -menu $f.fine2.m -text "coarse" -width 14 menu $f.fine2.m -tearoff 0 foreach finev { 1 2 3 4 5 6 } { $f.fine2.m add command -label $finelabs($finev) \ -command "set meshoptions.fineness $finev ; setgranularity $finev; $f.fine2.c configure -text \"$finelabs($finev)\"" } $f.fine2.m invoke $finelabs(${meshoptions.fineness}) pack $f.fine2 -fill x pack $f.fine2.c $f.fine2.l -side right set mgsteps { ag me ms os mv ov } set mgsteplabel(ag) "Analyze Geometry" set mgsteplabel(me) "Mesh Edges" set mgsteplabel(ms) "Mesh Surface" set mgsteplabel(os) "Optimize Surface" set mgsteplabel(mv) "Mesh Volume" set mgsteplabel(ov) "Optimize Volume" global meshoptions.firststep ttk::frame $f.first2 ttk::label $f.first2.l -text "First Step: " # ttk::menubutton $f.first2.c -menu $f.first2.m -text "Analyze Geometry" -width 12 ttk::menubutton $f.first2.c -menu $f.first2.m -width 14 menu $f.first2.m -tearoff 0 foreach i $mgsteps { $f.first2.m add command -label $mgsteplabel($i) -command "set meshoptions.firststep $i ; $f.first2.c configure -text \"$mgsteplabel($i)\"" } $f.first2.m invoke $mgsteplabel(${meshoptions.firststep}) pack $f.first2 -fill x pack $f.first2.c $f.first2.l -side right global meshoptions.laststep ttk::frame $f.last2 ttk::label $f.last2.l -text "Last Step: " ttk::menubutton $f.last2.c -menu $f.last2.m -width 14 menu $f.last2.m -tearoff 0 foreach i $mgsteps { $f.last2.m add command -label $mgsteplabel($i) -command "set meshoptions.laststep $i ; $f.last2.c configure -text \"$mgsteplabel($i)\"" } $f.last2.m invoke $mgsteplabel(${meshoptions.laststep}) pack $f.last2 -fill x pack $f.last2.c $f.last2.l -side right # tixOptionMenu $f.first -label "First Step : " \ # -options { # label.width 19 # label.anchor e # menubutton.width 15 # } # tixOptionMenu $f.last -label "Last Step : " \ # -options { # label.width 19 # label.anchor e # menubutton.width 15 # } # foreach step $mgsteps { # $f.first add command $step -label $mgsteplabel($step) # $f.last add command $step -label $mgsteplabel($step) # } # $f.first config -variable meshoptions.firststep # $f.last config -variable meshoptions.laststep # pack $f.first $f.last set msg(0) "None" set msg(1) "Least" set msg(2) "Little" set msg(3) "Moderate" set msg(4) "Much" set msg(5) "Most" tixOptionMenu $f.msg -label "Print Messages : " \ -options { label.width 19 label.anchor e menubutton.width 15 } foreach step {0 1 2 3 4 5 } { $f.msg add command $step -label $msg($step) } $f.msg config -variable options.printmsg # pack $f.msg global options.printmsg ttk::frame $f.msg2 ttk::label $f.msg2.l -text "Print Messages: " menu $f.msg2.m -tearoff 0 ttk::menubutton $f.msg2.c -menu $f.msg2.m -width 14 foreach step {0 1 2 3 4 5 } { $f.msg2.m add command -label $msg($step) -command "set options.printmsg $step ; $f.msg2.c configure -text $msg($step)" # if { ${options.printmsg} == $step } { $f.msg2.c configure -text $msg($step) } } $f.msg2.m invoke ${options.printmsg} pack $f.msg2 -fill x pack $f.msg2.c $f.msg2.l -side right set f $w.nb.general ttk::frame $f.bts pack $f.bts -side top -pady 10 ttk::checkbutton $f.bts.parthread -text "Parallel meshing thread" \ -variable options.parthread ttk::checkbutton $f.bts.second -text "Second order elements" \ -variable options.secondorder ttk::checkbutton $f.bts.quad -text "Quad dominated" \ -variable options.quad -command { if { ${options.quad} } { set meshoptions.laststep os } } ttk::checkbutton $f.bts.invtets -text "Invert volume elements" \ -variable options.inverttets ttk::checkbutton $f.bts.invtrigs -text "Invert surface elements" \ -variable options.inverttrigs ttk::checkbutton $f.bts.azref -text "Automatic Z-refinement" \ -variable options.autozrefine pack $f.bts.parthread $f.bts.second $f.bts.quad $f.bts.invtets $f.bts.invtrigs $f.bts.azref -fill x # tixControl $f.elementorder -label "Element order: " -integer true \ # -variable options.elementorder -min 1 -max 20 \ # -options { # entry.width 2 # label.width 20 # label.anchor e # } # pack $f.elementorder ttk::frame $f.sbox pack $f.sbox ttk::label $f.sbox.l -text "Element order: " ttk::spinbox $f.sbox.elementorder2 -from 1 -to 20 -textvariable options.elementorder -width 2 pack $f.sbox.l $f.sbox.elementorder2 -side left # ############################################################ # Mesh - Size options # ############################################################ set f $w.nb.meshsize ttk::frame $f.f2 pack $f.f2 -pady 10 # # ttk::style configure Tframe -background red # puts "********************" # puts "found these themes:" # puts [ttk::themes] # ttk::setTheme classic # ttk::setTheme aqua # puts "style Tframe foreground = " # puts [ttk::style lookup Tframe -foreground] # puts "f2 style:" # puts [$f.f2 cget -style] # puts [winfo class $f.f2] # puts "style element names gives:" # puts [ttk::style element names] set f $f.f2 ttk::frame $f.meshsize ttk::label $f.meshsize.l -text "max mesh-size" ttk::spinbox $f.meshsize.s -from 1e-9 -to 1e9 -textvariable options.meshsize -width 5 pack $f.meshsize -fill x pack $f.meshsize.s $f.meshsize.l -side right ttk::frame $f.minmeshsize ttk::label $f.minmeshsize.l -text "min mesh-size" ttk::spinbox $f.minmeshsize.s -from 0 -to 1e9 -textvariable options.minmeshsize -width 5 pack $f.minmeshsize -fill x pack $f.minmeshsize.s $f.minmeshsize.l -side right ttk::frame $f.grading ttk::label $f.grading.l -text "mesh-size grading" ttk::spinbox $f.grading.s -from 0.1 -to 1.0 -textvariable options.grading -width 5 -increment 0.1 pack $f.grading -fill x pack $f.grading.s $f.grading.l -side right # tixControl $f.meshsize -label "max mesh-size: " -integer false \ # -variable options.meshsize -min 1e-9 -max 1e6 \ # -options { # entry.width 6 # label.width 25 # label.anchor e # } # tixControl $f.minmeshsize -label "min mesh-size: " -integer false \ # -variable options.minmeshsize -min 0 -max 1e6 \ # -options { # entry.width 6 # label.width 25 # label.anchor e # } # tixControl $f.grading -label "mesh-size grading: " -integer false \ # -variable options.grading -min 0.1 -max 1 -step 0.1 \ # -options { # entry.width 6 # label.width 25 # label.anchor e # } # pack $f.meshsize $f.minmeshsize $f.grading set f $w.nb.meshsize ttk::labelframe $f.msf -text "mesh-size file:" pack $f.msf # tixLabelEntry $f.msf.ent -label "mesh-size file: " \ # -labelside top \ # -options { # entry.textVariable options.meshsizefilename # entry.width 35 # label.width 25 # label.anchor w # } ttk::entry $f.msf.ent -textvariable options.meshsizefilename -width 30 ttk::button $f.msf.btn -text "Browse" -command { global options.meshsizefilename set types { {"Meshsize file" {.msz} } } set options.meshsizefilename [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -initialfile ${options.meshsizefilename}] } pack $f.msf.ent -side left -expand yes -fill x -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $f.msf.btn -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4 label $f.lab -text "Additional mesh size restrictions:" #csg-meshsize options ttk::labelframe $f.csg -relief groove -borderwidth 3 -text "CSG mesh-size" pack $f.csg -fill x ttk::frame $f.csg.curv pack $f.csg.curv -fill x ttk::scale $ -orient horizontal -length 150 -from 0.2 -to 5 \ -variable options.curvaturesafety # -resolution 0.1 ttk::entry $f.csg.curv.e -textvariable options.curvaturesafety -width 3 ttk::label $ -text "Elements per curvature radius" pack $ $f.csg.curv.e $ -side left -padx 4 ttk::frame $f.csg.elen pack $f.csg.elen -fill x ttk::scale $ -orient horizontal -length 150 -from 0.2 -to 5 \ -variable options.segmentsperedge # -resolution 0.1 ttk::entry $f.csg.elen.e -textvariable options.segmentsperedge -width 3 ttk::label $ -text "Elements per edge" pack $ $f.csg.elen.e $ -side left -padx 4 #stl-meshsize options ttk::labelframe $f.stl -relief groove -borderwidth 3 -text "STL mesh-size" pack $f.stl ttk::frame $f.stl.r2 pack $f.stl.r2 -fill x ttk::scale $ -orient horizontal -length 150 -from 0.2 -to 5 \ -variable stloptions.resthchartdistfac ttk::entry $f.stl.r2.e -textvariable stloptions.resthchartdistfac -width 3 ttk::checkbutton $f.stl.r2.bu -text "STL - chart distance" \ -variable stloptions.resthchartdistenable pack $ $f.stl.r2.e $f.stl.r2.bu -side left -padx 4 ttk::frame $f.stl.r6 pack $f.stl.r6 -anchor w ttk::scale $ -orient horizontal -length 150 -from 0.2 -to 5 \ -variable stloptions.resthlinelengthfac ttk::entry $f.stl.r6.e -textvariable stloptions.resthlinelengthfac -width 3 ttk::checkbutton $f.stl.r6.bu -text "STL - line length" \ -variable stloptions.resthlinelengthenable pack $ $f.stl.r6.e $f.stl.r6.bu -side left -padx 4 ttk::frame $f.stl.r3 pack $f.stl.r3 -anchor w ttk::scale $ -orient horizontal -length 150 -from 0.2 -to 8 \ -variable stloptions.resthcloseedgefac ttk::entry $f.stl.r3.e -textvariable stloptions.resthcloseedgefac -width 3 ttk::checkbutton $f.stl.r3.bu -text "STL/IGES/STEP - close edges" \ -variable stloptions.resthcloseedgeenable pack $ $f.stl.r3.e $f.stl.r3.bu -side left -padx 4 ttk::frame $f.stl.r1 pack $f.stl.r1 -anchor w ttk::scale $ -orient horizontal -length 150 -from 0.2 -to 5 \ -variable stloptions.resthsurfcurvfac ttk::entry $f.stl.r1.e -textvariable stloptions.resthsurfcurvfac -width 3 ttk::checkbutton $f.stl.r1.bu -text "STL - surface curvature" \ -variable stloptions.resthsurfcurvenable pack $ $f.stl.r1.e $f.stl.r1.bu -side left -padx 4 ttk::frame $f.stl.r3b pack $f.stl.r3b -anchor w ttk::scale $ -orient horizontal -length 150 -from 0.2 -to 5 \ -variable stloptions.resthedgeanglefac ttk::entry $f.stl.r3b.e -textvariable stloptions.resthedgeanglefac -width 3 ttk::checkbutton $f.stl.r3b.bu -text "STL - edge angle" \ -variable stloptions.resthedgeangleenable pack $ $f.stl.r3b.e $f.stl.r3b.bu -side left -padx 4 ttk::frame $f.stl.r5 pack $f.stl.r5 -anchor w ttk::scale $ -orient horizontal -length 150 -from 0.2 -to 5 \ -variable stloptions.resthsurfmeshcurvfac ttk::entry $f.stl.r5.e -textvariable stloptions.resthsurfmeshcurvfac -width 3 ttk::checkbutton $f.stl.r5.bu -text "STL - surface mesh curv" \ -variable stloptions.resthsurfmeshcurvenable pack $ $f.stl.r5.e $f.stl.r5.bu -side left -padx 4 ttk::checkbutton $f.stl.recalch -text "STL - Recalc mesh size for surface optimization" \ -variable stloptions.recalchopt pack $f.stl.recalch ttk::button $f.stl.calch -text "Calc New H" -command { redraw; Ng_STLCalcLocalH } pack $f.stl.calch # set f [$w.nb subwidget chartopt] set f $w.nb.chartopt label $f.lab1 -text "Yellow Edges Angle ()" -bg [ttk::style lookup TNotebook -background] # scale $f.scale1 -orient horizontal -length 300 \ -from 0 -to 90 -resolution 1 -tickinterval 10 \ -variable stloptions.yangle pack $f.lab1 $f.scale1 label $f.lab2e -text "Edge Corner Angle ()" scale $f.scale2e -orient horizontal -length 360 -from 0 -to 180 \ -resolution 1 -tickinterval 20 \ -variable stloptions.edgecornerangle pack $f.lab2e $f.scale2e label $f.lab2 -text "Chart Angle ()" scale $f.scale2 -orient horizontal -length 360 -from 0 -to 180 \ -resolution 1 -tickinterval 20 \ -variable stloptions.chartangle pack $f.lab2 $f.scale2 label $f.lab2b -text "Outer Chart Angle ()" scale $f.scale2b -orient horizontal -length 360 -from 0 -to 180 \ -resolution 1 -tickinterval 20 \ -variable stloptions.outerchartangle pack $f.lab2b $f.scale2b # Optimization options # set f [$w.nb subwidget optimizer] set f $w.nb.optimizer tixControl $f.os2d -label "Surface opt steps: " -integer true \ -variable options.optsteps2d -min 0 -max 99 -step 1 \ -options { entry.width 3 label.width 25 label.anchor e } tixControl $f.os3d -label "Volume opt steps: " -integer true \ -variable options.optsteps3d -min 0 -max 99 -step 1 \ -options { entry.width 3 label.width 25 label.anchor e } tixControl $f.elw -label "Element size weight: " -integer false \ -variable options.elsizeweight -min 0 -max 1 -step 0.1 \ -options { entry.width 3 label.width 25 label.anchor e } tixControl $f.wem -label "Worst element measure: " -integer false \ -variable options.opterrpow -min 1 -max 10 -step 1 \ -options { entry.width 3 label.width 25 label.anchor e } pack $f.os2d $f.os3d $f.elw $f.wem ttk::frame $f.badellimit pack $f.badellimit # -fill x label $f.badellimit.lab -text "bad element criterion"; scale $f.badellimit.scale -orient horizontal -length 150 \ -from 160 -to 180 -resolution 1 \ -variable options.badellimit pack $f.badellimit.scale $f.badellimit.lab -side right -anchor s # insider options # set f [$w.nb subwidget insider] set f $w.nb.debug ttk::frame $f.f2 pack $f.f2 set f $f.f2 ttk::checkbutton $f.localh -text "Use Local Meshsize" \ -variable options.localh ttk::checkbutton $f.delauney -text "Use Delaunay" \ -variable options.delaunay ttk::checkbutton $f.checkoverlap -text "Check Overlapping" \ -variable options.checkoverlap ttk::checkbutton $f.checkcb -text "Check Chart Boundary" \ -variable options.checkchartboundary ttk::checkbutton $f.blockfill -text "Do Blockfilling" \ -variable options.blockfill # pack $f.localh $f.delauney $f.checkoverlap $f.blockfill $f.checkcb -anchor w grid $f.localh $f.delauney -sticky nw grid $f.checkoverlap $f.blockfill -sticky nw grid $f.checkcb -sticky nw # debugging options # set f [$w.nb subwidget debug] set f $w.nb.debug ttk::frame $f.cb pack $f.cb -side top ttk::checkbutton $f.cb.slowchecks -text "Slow checks" \ -variable debug.slowchecks -command { Ng_SetDebugParameters } ttk::checkbutton $f.cb.debugoutput -text "Debugging outout" \ -variable debug.debugoutput -command { Ng_SetDebugParameters } ttk::checkbutton $f.cb.haltexline -text "Halt on exising line" \ -variable debug.haltexistingline -command { Ng_SetDebugParameters } ttk::checkbutton $f.cb.haltoverlap -text "Halt on Overlap" \ -variable debug.haltoverlap -command { Ng_SetDebugParameters } ttk::checkbutton $f.cb.haltsuc -text "Halt on success" \ -variable debug.haltsuccess -command { Ng_SetDebugParameters } ttk::checkbutton $f.cb.haltnosuc -text "Halt on no success" \ -variable debug.haltnosuccess -command { Ng_SetDebugParameters } ttk::checkbutton $f.cb.haltlargequal -text "Halt on large quality class" \ -variable debug.haltlargequalclass -command { Ng_SetDebugParameters } ttk::checkbutton $f.cb.haltseg -text "Halt on Segment:" \ -variable debug.haltsegment -command { Ng_SetDebugParameters } ttk::checkbutton $f.cb.haltnode -text "Halt on Node:" \ -variable debug.haltnode -command { Ng_SetDebugParameters } pack $f.cb.slowchecks $f.cb.debugoutput $f.cb.haltexline $f.cb.haltoverlap pack $f.cb.haltsuc $f.cb.haltnosuc $f.cb.haltlargequal $f.cb.haltseg $f.cb.haltnode ttk::frame $f.cb.hf pack $f.cb.hf -pady 5 ttk::checkbutton $f.cb.hf.cb -text "Halt on Face:" \ -variable debug.haltface -command { Ng_SetDebugParameters } ttk::entry $f.cb.hf.ent -textvariable debug.haltfacenr -width 5 pack $f.cb.hf.cb $f.cb.hf.ent -side left ttk::checkbutton $f.cb.showactivechart -text "Show Active Meshing-Chart" \ -variable stloptions.showactivechart -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } pack $f.cb.showactivechart ttk::frame $f.segs pack $f.segs -pady 5 ttk::label $f.segs.lab1 -text "P1:"; ttk::entry $f.segs.ent1 -width 8 \ -textvariable debug.haltsegmentp1 ttk::label $f.segs.lab2 -text "P2:"; ttk::entry $f.segs.ent2 -width 8 \ -textvariable debug.haltsegmentp2 pack $f.segs.lab1 $f.segs.ent1 $f.segs.lab2 $f.segs.ent2 -side left ttk::frame $f.cont -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $f.cont #-fill x ttk::checkbutton $f.cont.multidrawing -text "Draw Meshing" \ -variable multithread_drawing pack $f.cont.multidrawing ttk::checkbutton $f.cont.multitestmode -text "Meshing Testmode" \ -variable multithread_testmode pack $f.cont.multitestmode ttk::button $f.cont.goon -text "Go On" -command { set multithread_pause 0 } pack $f.cont.multidrawing $f.cont.multitestmode $f.cont.goon -side left -expand yes global userlevel if { $userlevel < 3} { $w.nb delete insider $w.nb delete debug } # tixButtonBox $w.bbox -orientation horizontal # $w.bbox add ok -text Apply -underline 0 -width 5 \ # -command { # [.options_dlg.nb subwidget meshsize].meshsize invoke # [.options_dlg.nb subwidget meshsize].grading invoke # [.options_dlg.nb subwidget optimizer].os2d invoke # [.options_dlg.nb subwidget optimizer].os3d invoke # [.options_dlg.nb subwidget optimizer].elw invoke # [.options_dlg.nb subwidget optimizer].wem invoke # Ng_SetMeshingParameters # } # $w.bbox add close -text Done -underline 0 -width 5 \ # -command { # [.options_dlg.nb subwidget meshsize].meshsize invoke # [.options_dlg.nb subwidget meshsize].grading invoke # [.options_dlg.nb subwidget optimizer].os2d invoke # [.options_dlg.nb subwidget optimizer].os3d invoke # [.options_dlg.nb subwidget optimizer].elw invoke # [.options_dlg.nb subwidget optimizer].wem invoke # Ng_SetMeshingParameters # destroy .options_dlg # } # pack $w.bbox -side bottom -fill x ttk::frame $w.bu pack $w.bu -fill x -ipady 3 ttk::button $w.bu.apl -text "Apply" -command { # .options_dlg.nb.meshsize.meshsize invoke # .options_dlg.nb.meshsize.grading invoke .options_dlg.nb.optimizer.os2d invoke .options_dlg.nb.optimizer.os3d invoke .options_dlg.nb.optimizer.elw invoke .options_dlg.nb.optimizer.wem invoke Ng_SetMeshingParameters Ng_SetDebugParameters } ttk::button $w.bu.ok -text "Done" -command { # .options_dlg.nb.meshsize.meshsize invoke # .options_dlg.nb.meshsize.grading invoke .options_dlg.nb.optimizer.os2d invoke .options_dlg.nb.optimizer.os3d invoke .options_dlg.nb.optimizer.elw invoke .options_dlg.nb.optimizer.wem invoke Ng_SetMeshingParameters Ng_SetDebugParameters wm withdraw .options_dlg # destroy .options_dlg } pack $w.bu.apl $w.bu.ok -side left -expand yes wm withdraw $w wm geom $w +100+100 wm deiconify $w wm title $w "Meshing Options" focus .options_dlg } } meshingoptionsdialog wm withdraw .options_dlg # # # Viewing dialog # # proc viewingoptionsdialog { } { global userlevel set w .viewopts_dlg if {[winfo exists .viewopts_dlg] == 1} { wm withdraw $w wm deiconify $w focus $w } { toplevel $w wm resizable $w 0 0 pack [ttk::notebook $w.nb] -fill both -fill both -side top $w.nb add [ttk::frame $w.nb.general] -text "General" -underline 0 $w.nb add [ttk::frame $w.nb.stl] -text "STL" -underline 0 $w.nb add [ttk::frame $w.nb.occ] -text "IGES/STEP" -underline 0 $w.nb add [ttk::frame $w.nb.mesh] -text "Mesh" -underline 0 $w.nb add [ttk::frame $w.nb.light] -text "Light" -underline 0 $w.nb add [ttk::frame $w.nb.edges] -text "Edges" -underline 0 $w.nb add [ttk::frame $w.nb.misc] -text "Misc." -underline 3 # tixNoteBook $w.nb -ipadx 6 -ipady 6 # $w.nb add general -label "General" -underline 0 # $w.nb add stl -label "STL" -underline 0 # $w.nb add occ -label "IGES/STEP" -underline 0 # $w.nb add mesh -label "Mesh" -underline 0 # $w.nb add light -label "Light" -underline 0 # $w.nb add edges -label "Edges" -underline 0 # $w.nb add misc -label "Misc." -underline 3 # pack $w.nb -expand yes -fill both -padx 5 -pady 5 -side top # general set f $w.nb.general ttk::checkbutton $f.backcol -text "White Background" \ -variable viewoptions.whitebackground \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } ttk::checkbutton $f.cross -text "Draw Coordinate Cross" \ -variable viewoptions.drawcoordinatecross \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } ttk::checkbutton $f.color -text "Draw Color-bar" \ -variable viewoptions.drawcolorbar \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } ttk::checkbutton $f.netgen -text "Draw Netgen-logo" \ -variable viewoptions.drawnetgenlogo \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } pack $f.backcol $f.cross $f.color $f.netgen # checkbutton $f.stereo -text "Stereo View" \ # -variable viewoptions.stereo \ # -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } # pack $f.stereo menu $f.stylemenu ttk::menubutton $ -menu $f.stylemenu # -text [ttk::getTheme] pack $ foreach theme [ttk::themes] { $f.stylemenu add command -label $theme \ -command " $ configure -text $theme; puts $theme ; ttk::setTheme $theme" } # stl geometry set f $w.nb.stl frame $ -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $ checkbutton $ -text "Show STL-Triangles" \ -variable stloptions.showtrias -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } pack $ -anchor w checkbutton $ -text "Show Filled Triangles" \ -variable stloptions.showfilledtrias -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } pack $ -anchor w checkbutton $ -text "Show Active Meshing-Chart" \ -variable stloptions.showactivechart -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } pack $ -anchor w checkbutton $ -text "Show Edges" \ -variable stloptions.showedges -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } pack $ -anchor w frame $f.special -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $f.special checkbutton $f.special.showmarktrias -text "Show Chart Triangles" \ -variable stloptions.showmarktrias \ -command {set stldoctor.showfaces 0; Ng_STLDoctor; Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } pack $f.special.showmarktrias -side left checkbutton $f.special.showfaces -text "Show Faces" \ -variable stldoctor.showfaces \ -command {set stloptions.showmarktrias 0; Ng_STLDoctor; Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw} pack $f.special.showfaces -side left frame $f.fn -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $f.fn label $f.fn.lab3 -text "Chart/Face number:" scale $f.fn.scale3 -orient horizontal -length 200 -from 0 -to 200 \ -resolution 1 -tickinterval 50 \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } -variable stloptions.chartnumber pack $f.fn.lab3 $f.fn.scale3 -side left frame $ -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $ label $ -text "Chart/Face Offset:"; entry $ -width 5 -relief sunken \ -textvariable stloptions.chartnumberoffset pack $ $ -side left frame $ pack $ -fill x checkbutton $ -text "Show Marked (Dirty) Triangles" \ -variable stldoctor.showmarkedtrigs \ -command {Ng_STLDoctor; redraw} pack $ frame $f.ep pack $f.ep -fill x checkbutton $f.ep.bu -text "show edge corner points" \ -variable stldoctor.showedgecornerpoints \ -command {Ng_STLDoctor; redraw} pack $f.ep.bu frame $f.stt pack $f.stt -fill x checkbutton $f.stt.bu -text "show touched triangle chart" \ -variable stldoctor.showtouchedtrigchart \ -command {set stldoctor.showfaces 0; set stloptions.showmarktrias 1; \ Ng_STLDoctor; Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw} pack $f.stt.bu frame $f.sml pack $f.sml -fill x checkbutton $f.sml.bu -text "draw meshed edges" \ -variable stldoctor.drawmeshededges \ -command {Ng_STLDoctor;} pack $f.sml.bu frame $ pack $ -fill x checkbutton $ -text "select with mouse" \ -variable stldoctor.selectwithmouse pack $ frame $ -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $ -fill x label $ -text "Select triangle by number"; entry $ -width 5 -relief sunken \ -textvariable stldoctor.selecttrig pack $ $ -side left -expand yes frame $ -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $ -fill x checkbutton $ -text "show vicinity" \ -variable stldoctor.showvicinity \ -command {Ng_STLDoctor vicinity; redraw} label $ -text "vicinity size"; scale $ -orient horizontal -length 200 -from 0 -to 200 \ -resolution 1 -variable stldoctor.vicinity \ -command { Ng_STLDoctor vicinity; redraw } pack $ $ $ -expand yes # IGES/STEP set f $w.nb.occ checkbutton $f.occshowsurfaces -text "Show surfaces " \ -variable occoptions.showsurfaces \ -command { Ng_SetOCCVisParameters; redraw } checkbutton $f.occshowedges -text "Show edges " \ -variable occoptions.showedges \ -command { Ng_SetOCCVisParameters; redraw } frame $f.deflection -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $f.deflection -fill x button $f.deflection.lab -text "Rebuild visualization data" \ -command { Ng_SetOCCVisParameters Ng_OCCCommand buildvisualizationmesh redraw } tixControl $f.deflection.ent -label "Visualization smoothness" -integer false \ -variable occoptions.deflection -min 0.1 -max 3 -step 0.1 \ -options { entry.width 3 } \ -command { Ng_SetOCCVisParameters } pack $f.deflection.ent $f.deflection.lab -side left -expand yes pack $f.occshowsurfaces $f.occshowedges # ACIS visualization / construction tixControl $f.showsolid -label "Show solid (0 for all)" -integer true \ -variable occoptions.showsolidnr -min 0 -max 999 \ -options { entry.width 3 } \ -command { Ng_SetOCCVisParameters; redraw } tixControl $f.showsolid2 -label "Show solid 2" -integer true \ -variable occoptions.showsolidnr2 -min 0 -max 999 \ -options { entry.width 3 } \ -command { Ng_SetOCCVisParameters; redraw } button $f.subtract -text "Subtract (2 minus 1)" \ -command { Ng_ACISCommand subtract ${occoptions.showsolidnr} ${occoptions.showsolidnr2} redraw } button $f.combine -text "Combine all" \ -command { Ng_ACISCommand combineall redraw } pack $f.showsolid $f.showsolid2 $f.subtract $f.combine # mesh options set f $w.nb.mesh checkbutton $f.showcolor -text "Colored Meshsize Visualization" \ -variable viewoptions.colormeshsize \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } checkbutton $f.showfilledtrigs -text "Show filled triangles" \ -variable viewoptions.drawfilledtrigs \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } checkbutton $f.showedges -text "Show edges" \ -variable viewoptions.drawedges \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } checkbutton $f.showoutline -text "Show Triangle Outline" \ -variable viewoptions.drawoutline \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } tixControl $f.subdiv -label "Subdivision" -integer true \ -variable visoptions.subdivisions -min 0 -max 8 \ -options { entry.width 2 } \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; Ng_Vis_Set parameters; Ng_SetNextTimeStamp; redraw } checkbutton $f.showbadels -text "Show bad elements" \ -variable viewoptions.drawbadels \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } checkbutton $f.showprisms -text "Show prisms" \ -variable viewoptions.drawprisms \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } checkbutton $f.showpyramids -text "Show pyramids" \ -variable viewoptions.drawpyramids \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } checkbutton $f.showhexes -text "Show hexes" \ -variable viewoptions.drawhexes \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } frame $f.fshrink label $f.fshrink.lab -text "Shrink elements" scale $f.fshrink.scale -orient horizontal -length 200 -from 0 -to 1.0001 \ -resolution 0.01 -tickinterval 0.25 \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; after idle redraw } \ -variable viewoptions.shrink checkbutton $f.showidentified -text "Show identified points" \ -variable viewoptions.drawidentified \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } checkbutton $f.showmetispartition -text "Show METIS Partition" \ -variable viewoptions.drawmetispartition \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } checkbutton $f.showpointnumbers -text "Show Point-numbers" \ -variable viewoptions.drawpointnumbers \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } checkbutton $f.showedgenumbers -text "Show Edge-numbers" \ -variable viewoptions.drawedgenumbers \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } checkbutton $f.showfacenumbers -text "Show Face-numbers" \ -variable viewoptions.drawfacenumbers \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } checkbutton $f.showelementnumbers -text "Show Element-numbers" \ -variable viewoptions.drawelementnumbers \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } # label $f.showdomainlab -text "Domain Surface" # scale $f.showdomain -orient horizontal -length 100 -from 0 -to 50 \ -resolution 1 -variable viewoptions.drawdomainsurf \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } \ -label "Domain Surface" tixControl $f.showdomain -label "Show surface of domain" -integer true \ -variable viewoptions.drawdomainsurf -min 0 -max 50 \ -options { entry.width 2 } \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; Ng_Vis_Set parameters; redraw } frame $ -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $ -fill x button $ -text "Set Center Point" \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; Ng_Center; redraw } entry $ -width 5 -relief sunken \ -textvariable viewoptions.centerpoint pack $ $ -side left -expand yes frame $f.drawel -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $f.drawel -fill x button $f.drawel.lab -text "Draw Element" \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; Ng_ZoomAll; redraw } entry $f.drawel.ent -width 5 -relief sunken \ -textvariable viewoptions.drawelement pack $f.drawel.ent $f.drawel.lab -side left -expand yes pack $f.showfilledtrigs pack $f.showoutline $f.subdiv $f.showedges $f.showbadels # pack $f.showdomainlab pack $f.showdomain pack $f.showpointnumbers pack $f.showedgenumbers $f.showfacenumbers $f.showelementnumbers pack $f.showmetispartition frame $f.frametets checkbutton $f.frametets.showtets -text "Show Tets in domain " \ -variable viewoptions.drawtets \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } tixControl $f.frametets.showtetsdomain -label "" -integer true \ -variable viewoptions.drawtetsdomain -min 0 -max 500 \ -options { entry.width 2 } \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } pack $f.frametets pack $f.frametets.showtets $f.frametets.showtetsdomain -side left pack $f.showcolor $f.showpyramids $f.showprisms $f.showhexes $f.showidentified pack $f.fshrink pack $f.fshrink.lab $f.fshrink.scale -side left # if {$userlevel == 3} { # frame $f.framecurveproj # checkbutton $f.framecurveproj.showcurveproj -text "Show curved edge projection " \ -variable viewoptions.drawcurveproj \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } # tixControl $f.framecurveproj.showcurveprojedge -label "" -integer true \ -variable viewoptions.drawcurveprojedge -min 1 -max 99999 \ -options { entry.width 5 } \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } # pack $f.framecurveproj # pack $f.framecurveproj.showcurveproj $f.framecurveproj.showcurveprojedge -side left # } # light options set f $w.nb.light label $f.lab1 -text "Ambient Light" scale $f.scale1 -orient horizontal -length 300 -from 0 -to 1 \ -resolution 0.01 -tickinterval 0.2 \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } -variable viewoptions.light.amb label $f.lab2 -text "Diffuse Light" scale $f.scale2 -orient horizontal -length 300 -from 0 -to 1 \ -resolution 0.01 -tickinterval 0.2 \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } -variable viewoptions.light.diff label $f.lab3 -text "Specular Light" scale $f.scale3 -orient horizontal -length 300 -from 0 -to 1 \ -resolution 0.01 -tickinterval 0.2 \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } -variable viewoptions.light.spec label $f.lab4 -text "Material Shininess" scale $f.scale4 -orient horizontal -length 300 -from 0 -to 128 \ -resolution 1 -tickinterval 32 \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } -variable viewoptions.mat.shininess label $f.lab5 -text "Material Transparency" scale $f.scale5 -orient horizontal -length 300 -from 0 -to 1 \ -resolution 0.01 -tickinterval 0.2 \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } -variable viewoptions.mat.transp pack $f.lab1 $f.scale1 $f.lab2 $f.scale2 $f.lab3 $f.scale3 $f.lab4 $f.scale4 $f.lab5 $f.scale5 # edges options set f $w.nb.edges checkbutton $f.showedges -text "Show Edges" \ -variable viewoptions.drawededges \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } checkbutton $f.showpoints -text "Show Points" \ -variable viewoptions.drawedpoints \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } checkbutton $f.showpointnrs -text "Show Points Nrs" \ -variable viewoptions.drawedpointnrs \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } checkbutton $f.showtang -text "Show CP Tangents" \ -variable viewoptions.drawedtangents \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } checkbutton $f.drawedgenrs -text "Show Edge Nrs" \ -variable viewoptions.drawededgenrs \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } pack $f.showedges $f.showpoints $f.showpointnrs $f.showtang $f.drawedgenrs frame $ -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $ -fill x button $ -text "Set Center Point" \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; Ng_Center; redraw } entry $ -width 5 -relief sunken \ -textvariable viewoptions.centerpoint pack $ $ -side left -expand yes frame $f.f1 pack $f.f1 -pady 5 label $f.f1.lab -text "SpecPoint Veclen" entry $f.f1.ent -width 5 -relief sunken -textvariable viewoptions.specpointvlen pack $f.f1.lab $f.f1.ent # misc options set f $w.nb.misc frame $f.point -relief groove -borderwidth 3 frame $f.point.dp checkbutton $f.point.dp.drawpoint -text "Draw Point" \ -variable viewoptions.drawspecpoint \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } entry $f.point.dp.px -width 8 -relief sunken -textvariable viewoptions.specpointx entry $ -width 8 -relief sunken -textvariable viewoptions.specpointy entry $f.point.dp.pz -width 8 -relief sunken -textvariable viewoptions.specpointz pack $f.point.dp.drawpoint $f.point.dp.px $ $f.point.dp.pz -side left pack $f.point.dp checkbutton $ -text "Use as Center" \ -variable viewoptions.usecentercoords \ -command { if { ${viewoptions.usecentercoords} } { set viewoptions.centerx ${viewoptions.specpointx} set viewoptions.centery ${viewoptions.specpointy} set viewoptions.centerz ${viewoptions.specpointz} Ng_SetVisParameters; Ng_Center redraw } { Ng_SetVisParameters } } pack $ pack $f.point -fill x -ipady 3 ttk::frame $w.bu pack $w.bu -fill x -ipady 3 ttk::button $w.bu.done -text "Done" -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw destroy .viewopts_dlg } ttk::button $w.bu.apply -text "Apply" -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } pack $w.bu.apply $w.bu.done -expand yes -side left wm withdraw $w wm geom $w +100+100 wm deiconify $w wm title $w "Viewing options" focus $w } } proc clipplanecommand { { optionalvar 0 } } { Ng_SetVisParameters after idle redraw } set clippingdialog_pop1 0 set clippingdialog_pop2 0 set clippingdialog_pop3 0 set clippingdialog_pop4 0 # # # clipping dialog # # proc clippingdialog { } { global clippingdialog_pop1 global clippingdialog_pop2 global clippingdialog_pop3 global clippingdialog_pop4 set clippingdialog_pop1 1 set clippingdialog_pop2 1 set clippingdialog_pop3 1 set clippingdialog_pop4 1 set w .clipping_dlg if {[winfo exists .clipping_dlg] == 1} { wm withdraw $w wm deiconify $w focus $w } { toplevel $w label $w.lab1 -text "Normal x" scale $w.scale1 -orient horizontal -length 300 -from -1 -to 1 \ -resolution 0.01 -tickinterval 0.5 \ -variable viewoptions.clipping.nx \ -command { clipplanecommand } # -command { popupcheckredraw2 clippingdialog_pop1 ${viewoptions.clipping.enable} } # Ng_SetVisParameters; # if { ${viewoptions.clipping.enable} == 1 } { redraw }; # Ng_SetVisParameters label $w.lab2 -text "Normal y" scale $w.scale2 -orient horizontal -length 300 -from -1 -to 1 \ -resolution 0.01 -tickinterval 0.5 \ -variable viewoptions.clipping.ny \ -command { clipplanecommand } # -command { popupcheckredraw2 clippingdialog_pop2 ${viewoptions.clipping.enable} } label $w.lab3 -text "Normal z" scale $w.scale3 -orient horizontal -length 300 -from -1 -to 1 \ -resolution 0.01 -tickinterval 0.5 \ -variable \ -command { clipplanecommand } # -command { popupcheckredraw2 clippingdialog_pop3 ${viewoptions.clipping.enable} } label $w.lab4 -text "Distance" scale $w.scale4 -orient horizontal -length 300 -from -1 -to 1.001 \ -resolution 0.0001 -tickinterval 0.5 \ -variable viewoptions.clipping.dist \ -command { clipplanecommand } # -command { popupcheckredraw2 clippingdialog_pop4 ${viewoptions.clipping.enable} } label $w.lab5 -text "Additional Distance" scale $w.scale5 -orient horizontal -length 300 -from -1 -to 1.001 \ -resolution 0.0001 -tickinterval 0.5 \ -variable viewoptions.clipping.dist2 \ -command { clipplanecommand } tixControl $w.clipdomain -label "Clip only domain" -integer true \ -variable viewoptions.clipping.onlydomain -min 0 -max 50 \ -options { entry.width 2 } \ -command { clipplanecommand; } # -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } tixControl $w.donotclipdomain -label "Do not clip domain" -integer true \ -variable viewoptions.clipping.notdomain -min 0 -max 50 \ -options { entry.width 2 } \ -command { clipplanecommand; } # -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } pack $w.lab1 $w.scale1 $w.lab2 $w.scale2 $w.lab3 $w.scale3 $w.lab4 $w.scale4 $w.lab5 $w.scale5 $w.clipdomain $w.donotclipdomain checkbutton $w.cb1 -text "Enable clipping" \ -variable viewoptions.clipping.enable \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } pack $w.cb1 frame $w.bu # pack $w.bu -fill x pack $w.bu -fill x -ipady 3 button $w.bu.cancle -text "Done" -command "destroy $w" pack $w.bu.cancle -expand yes wm withdraw $w wm geom $w +100+100 wm deiconify $w wm title $w "Clipping Plane" # grab $w focus $w # $w.scale1 configure -command { puts "call1b"; Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } # puts "after" clipplanecommand } } # # refinement dialog # # proc refinementdialog { } { set w .refinement_dlg if {[winfo exists .refinement_dlg] == 1} { wm withdraw $w wm deiconify $w focus $w } { toplevel $w tixControl $w.meshsize -label "max mesh-size: " -integer false \ -variable options.meshsize -min 1e-6 -max 1e6 \ -options { entry.width 6 label.width 25 label.anchor e } pack $w.meshsize global localh set localh 1 tixControl $w.loch -label "local mesh-size: " -integer false \ -variable localh -min 1e-6 -max 1e6 \ -options { entry.width 6 label.width 25 label.anchor e } pack $w.loch button $w.restface -text "Restrict H at face" \ -command { .refinement_dlg.meshsize invoke .refinement_dlg.loch invoke Ng_RestrictH face $localh } button $w.restedge -text "Restrict H at edge" \ -command { .refinement_dlg.meshsize invoke .refinement_dlg.loch invoke Ng_RestrictH edge $localh } button $w.restelement -text "Restrict H at element" \ -command { .refinement_dlg.meshsize invoke .refinement_dlg.loch invoke Ng_RestrictH element $localh } button $w.restpoint -text "Restrict H at point" \ -command { .refinement_dlg.meshsize invoke .refinement_dlg.loch invoke Ng_RestrictH point $localh } pack $w.restface $w.restedge $w.restelement $w.restpoint button $w.anisoedge -text "Declare Anisotropic edge" \ -command { Ng_Anisotropy edge } pack $w.anisoedge frame $w.bu pack $w.bu -fill x -ipady 3 button $w.bu.cancle -text "Done" -command "destroy .refinement_dlg" button $w.bu.refine -text "Refine" \ -command { # Ng_BisectCopyMesh; set oldnp 0; set newnp $status_np; while { $oldnp < $newnp } { set level [expr $level+1] Ng_Bisect; Ng_HighOrder ${options.elementorder} Ng_ReadStatus; redraw; set oldnp $newnp set newnp $status_np puts "oldnp $oldnp newnp $newnp" } } button $w.bu.zrefine -text "Z-Refine" \ -command { Ng_ZRefinement; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw; } pack $w.bu.zrefine $w.bu.refine $w.bu.cancle -expand yes -side left wm withdraw $w wm geom $w +100+100 wm deiconify $w wm title $w "Select Refinement" focus $w } } # # boundcondessing dialog # # proc bcpropdialog { } { set w .bcprop_dlg if {[winfo exists .bcprop_dlg] == 1} { wm withdraw $w wm deiconify $w } { toplevel $w frame $w.face -borderwidth 3 pack $w.face -fill x label $w.face.lab -text "face index:" label $w.face.ent -text 1 -padx 4 button $ -text "next" -command { set w .bcprop_dlg; set facenr [$w.face.ent cget -text] if {$facenr == [Ng_BCProp getnfd]} { set facenr 1 } { set facenr [expr $facenr + 1] } $w.face.ent configure -text $facenr Ng_BCProp setactive $facenr set bcnr [Ng_BCProp getbc $facenr] $w.bc.ent delete 0 end $w.bc.ent insert 0 $bcnr redraw } button $w.face.prev -text "prev" -command { set w .bcprop_dlg; set facenr [$w.face.ent cget -text] if {$facenr == 1} { set facenr [Ng_BCProp getnfd] } { set facenr [expr $facenr - 1] } $w.face.ent configure -text $facenr Ng_BCProp setactive $facenr set bcnr [Ng_BCProp getbc $facenr] $w.bc.ent delete 0 end $w.bc.ent insert 0 $bcnr redraw } pack $w.face.lab $w.face.ent $w.face.prev $ -side left frame $w.bc -borderwidth 3 pack $w.bc -fill x label $w.bc.lab -text "bc property:" entry $w.bc.ent -width 5 -relief sunken button $w.bc.but -text "change" -command { set w .bcprop_dlg; Ng_BCProp setbc [$w.face.ent cget -text] [$w.bc.ent get]; } button $w.bc.but2 -text "all" -command { set w .bcprop_dlg; Ng_BCProp setall [$w.bc.ent get]; } pack $w.bc.lab $w.bc.ent $w.bc.but $w.bc.but2 -side left -expand yes frame $w.bcname -borderwidth 3 pack $w.bcname -fill x label $w.bcname.lab -text "bc name:" label $w.bcname.ent -text "-" pack $w.bcname.lab $w.bcname.ent -side left -expand yes frame $w.bu pack $w.bu -fill x -ipady 3 button $w.bu.close -text "Close" -command { destroy .bcprop_dlg } pack $w.bu.close -expand yes -side left wm withdraw $w wm geom $w +100+100 wm deiconify $w wm title $w "Boundary Conditions" } focus $w set facenr [Ng_BCProp getactive] $w.face.ent configure -text $facenr set bcnr [Ng_BCProp getbc $facenr] $w.bc.ent delete 0 end $w.bc.ent insert 0 $bcnr set bcname [Ng_BCProp getbcname $facenr] $w.bcname.ent configure -text $bcname } # # Philippose - 25/07/2010 # Display the face colours currently # available in the mesh # proc currmeshcoloursdialog { } { set w .currmeshcolours_dlg if {[winfo exists .currmeshcolours_dlg] == 1} { wm withdraw $w wm deiconify $w focus $w } { toplevel $w global facecolslist frame $w.facecols -borderwidth 3 listbox $w.facecols.list -yscroll "$w.facecols.scroll set" -selectmode single -setgrid 1 -width 32 -height 12 scrollbar $w.facecols.scroll -command "$w.facecols.list yview" pack $w.facecols.scroll -side right -fill y pack $w.facecols.list -side left -expand yes -fill both Ng_CurrentFaceColours getcolours facecolslist set i 1 foreach el $facecolslist { set hel [format "%d: (%.4f %.4f %.4f)" $i [ lindex $el 0 ] [ lindex $el 1 ] [ lindex $el 2 ]] incr i $w.facecols.list insert end $hel } frame $w.bu1 -borderwidth 3 button $w.bu1.showonly -text "show only" -command { Ng_CurrentFaceColours showonly [.currmeshcolours_dlg.facecols.list curselection] redraw } button $w.bu1.hideonly -text "hide only" -command { Ng_CurrentFaceColours hideonly [.currmeshcolours_dlg.facecols.list curselection] redraw } button $w.bu1.showalso -text "show" -command { Ng_CurrentFaceColours showalso [.currmeshcolours_dlg.facecols.list curselection] redraw } button $w.bu1.hidealso -text "hide" -command { Ng_CurrentFaceColours hidealso [.currmeshcolours_dlg.facecols.list curselection] redraw } pack $w.bu1.showonly $w.bu1.hideonly $w.bu1.showalso $w.bu1.hidealso -expand yes -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2 -side left frame $w.bu2 button $w.bu2.showall -text "show all" -command { Ng_CurrentFaceColours showall redraw } button $w.bu2.hideall -text "hide all" -command { Ng_CurrentFaceColours hideall redraw } pack $w.bu2.showall $w.bu2.hideall -expand yes -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2 -side left frame $w.bu3 button $w.bu3.close -text "close" -command { destroy .currmeshcolours_dlg } pack $w.bu3.close -expand yes -fill x -pady 3 -side right pack $w.facecols -side top -expand yes -fill x -fill y pack $w.bu3 -side bottom pack $w.bu2 -side bottom pack $w.bu1 -expand yes -fill x -side left wm withdraw $w wm geom $w +100+100 wm deiconify $w wm title $w "Inspect Mesh Colours" focus $w } } # # Philippose - 30/01/2009 # Local Surface Mesh Size Selection # (Currently only supports OCC Geometry) # # proc surfacemeshsizedialog { } { set w .surfacemeshsize_dlg if {[winfo exists .surfacemeshsize_dlg] == 1} { wm withdraw $w wm deiconify $w } { toplevel $w frame $w.face -borderwidth 3 pack $w.face -fill x -padx 5 label $w.face.lab -text "face index:" label $w.face.ent -text 1 -padx 4 button $ -text "next" -command { set w .surfacemeshsize_dlg; set facenr [$w.face.ent cget -text] if {$facenr == [Ng_SurfaceMeshSize getnfd]} { set facenr 1 } { set facenr [expr $facenr + 1] } $w.face.ent configure -text $facenr Ng_SurfaceMeshSize setactive $facenr set surfms [Ng_SurfaceMeshSize getsurfms $facenr] $w.sms.ent delete 0 end $w.sms.ent insert 0 $surfms redraw } button $w.face.prev -text "prev" -command { set w .surfacemeshsize_dlg; set facenr [$w.face.ent cget -text] if {$facenr == 1} { set facenr [Ng_SurfaceMeshSize getnfd] } { set facenr [expr $facenr - 1] } $w.face.ent configure -text $facenr Ng_SurfaceMeshSize setactive $facenr set surfms [Ng_SurfaceMeshSize getsurfms $facenr] $w.sms.ent delete 0 end $w.sms.ent insert 0 $surfms redraw } pack $w.face.lab $w.face.ent $w.face.prev $ -side left frame $w.sms -borderwidth 3 pack $w.sms -fill x label $w.sms.lab -text "max mesh size:" entry $w.sms.ent -width 8 -relief sunken button $w.sms.but -text "change" -command { set w .surfacemeshsize_dlg; Ng_SurfaceMeshSize setsurfms [$w.face.ent cget -text] [$w.sms.ent get]; } button $w.sms.but2 -text "all" -command { set w .surfacemeshsize_dlg; Ng_SurfaceMeshSize setall [$w.sms.ent get]; } pack $w.sms.lab $w.sms.ent $w.sms.but $w.sms.but2 -side left -padx 5 -expand yes frame $w.bu pack $w.bu -fill x -ipady 3 button $w.bu.close -text "Close" -command { destroy .surfacemeshsize_dlg } pack $w.bu.close -expand yes -side left wm withdraw $w wm geom $w +100+100 wm deiconify $w wm title $w "Edit Surface Mesh Size" } focus $w set facenr [Ng_SurfaceMeshSize getactive] $w.face.ent configure -text $facenr set surfms [Ng_SurfaceMeshSize getsurfms $facenr] $w.sms.ent delete 0 end $w.sms.ent insert 0 $surfms } # # METIS dialog # # proc METISdialog { } { set w .metis_dlg set 64 if {[winfo exists .metis_dlg] == 1} { wm withdraw $w wm deiconify $w } { toplevel $w frame $w.a -borderwidth 0 frame $w.b -borderwidth 0 pack $w.a $w.b label $w.a.lab -text "Number of partitions:" entry $w.a.ent -textvariable -width 4 -relief sunken button $w.b.start -text "Start METIS" -command { Ng_Metis ${} redraw } button $w.b.cancel -text "Cancel" -command { destroy .metis_dlg } pack $w.a.lab $w.a.ent -side left -expand yes pack $w.b.start $w.b.cancel -side left wm withdraw $w wm geom $w +100+100 wm deiconify $w wm title $w "METIS Partitioning" focus $w } } # # STL dialog # proc stloptionsdialog { } { set w .stlopts_dlg if {[winfo exists .stlopts_dlg] == 1} { wm withdraw $w wm deiconify $w focus $w } { toplevel $w pack [ttk::notebook $w.nb] -fill both -fill both -side top # tixNoteBook $w.nb -ipadx 6 -ipady 6 # $w config -bg gray # $w.nb subwidget nbframe config -backpagecolor gray # Create the two tabs on the notebook. The -underline option # puts a underline on the first character of the labels of the tabs. # Keyboard accelerators will be defined automatically according # to the underlined character. # # $w.nb add chartopt -label "Chart Options" -underline 0 # #$w.nb add meshsize -label "Mesh Size" -underline 0 # pack $w.nb -expand yes -fill both -padx 5 -pady 5 -side top # set f [$w.nb subwidget chartopt] # label $f.lab1 -text "Yellow Edges Angle ()" # scale $f.scale1 -orient horizontal -length 300 \ # -from 0 -to 90 -resolution 1 -tickinterval 10 \ # -variable stloptions.yangle # pack $f.lab1 $f.scale1 # label $f.lab2e -text "Edge Corner Angle ()" # scale $f.scale2e -orient horizontal -length 360 -from 0 -to 180 \ # -resolution 1 -tickinterval 20 \ # -variable stloptions.edgecornerangle # pack $f.lab2e $f.scale2e # label $f.lab2 -text "Chart Angle ()" # scale $f.scale2 -orient horizontal -length 360 -from 0 -to 180 \ # -resolution 1 -tickinterval 20 \ # -variable stloptions.chartangle # pack $f.lab2 $f.scale2 # label $f.lab2b -text "Outer Chart Angle ()" # scale $f.scale2b -orient horizontal -length 360 -from 0 -to 180 \ # -resolution 1 -tickinterval 20 \ # -variable stloptions.outerchartangle # pack $f.lab2b $f.scale2b # frame $f.r4 # pack $f.r4 -anchor w # scale $ -orient horizontal -length 200 -from 0.1 -to 10 \ # -resolution 0.1 -variable stloptions.resthatlasfac # checkbutton $f.r4.bu -text "Restrict h for Calc Atlas (Faster)" \ # -variable stloptions.resthatlasenable # pack $ $f.r4.bu -side left #set f [$w.nb subwidget meshsize] # checkbutton $ -text "Use Searchtrees" \ # -variable stloptions.usesearchtree # pack $ frame $w.bu # pack $w.bu pack $w.bu -fill x -ipady 3 # -fill x button $w.bu.apply -text "Apply" -command { redraw; Ng_GenerateMesh 1 2} button $w.bu.cancle -text "Done" -command { destroy .stlopts_dlg } pack $w.bu.cancle $w.bu.apply -side left -expand yes wm withdraw $w wm geom $w +100+100 wm deiconify $w wm title $w "STL Options" # grab $w focus $w } } proc stldoctordialog { } { set wd .stldoctor_dlg if {[winfo exists .stldoctor_dlg] == 1} { wm withdraw $wd wm deiconify $wd focus $wd } { toplevel $wd pack [ttk::notebook $wd.nb] -fill both -fill both -side top $wd.nb add [ttk::frame $wd.nb.general] -text "General" -underline 0 $wd.nb add [ttk::frame $wd.nb.topology] -text "Edit Topology" -underline 5 $wd.nb add [ttk::frame $wd.nb.edges] -text "Edit Edges" -underline 5 $wd.nb add [ttk::frame $wd.nb.normals] -text "Edit Normals" -underline 5 $wd.nb add [ttk::frame $wd.nb.advanced] -text "Advanced" -underline 0 # tixNoteBook $wd.nb -ipadx 6 -ipady 6 # $wd.nb add general -label "General" -underline 0 # $wd.nb add topology -label "Edit Topology" -underline 5 # $wd.nb add edges -label "Edit Edges" -underline 5 # $wd.nb add normals -label "Edit Normals" -underline 5 # $wd.nb add advanced -label "Advanced" -underline 0 # pack $wd.nb -expand yes -fill both -padx 5 -pady 5 -side top # GENERAL ***************************** set f $wd.nb.general frame $ pack $ -fill x checkbutton $ -text "Show STL-Triangles" \ -variable stloptions.showtrias -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } pack $ -anchor w checkbutton $ -text "Show Filled Triangles" \ -variable stloptions.showfilledtrias -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } pack $ -anchor w set selmodevals { 0 1 2 3 4 } set selmodelabs(0) "triangle" set selmodelabs(1) "edge" set selmodelabs(2) "point" set selmodelabs(3) "line" set selmodelabs(4) "line cluster" tixOptionMenu $f.selmode -label "Double Click selects :" \ -options { label.width 19 label.anchor e menubutton.width 15 } foreach selmodev $selmodevals { $f.selmode add command $selmodev -label $selmodelabs($selmodev) } $f.selmode config -variable stldoctor.selectmode $f.selmode config -command { Ng_STLDoctor } global stldoctor.selectmode pack $f.selmode frame $ pack $ -fill x checkbutton $ -text "select with mouse" \ -variable stldoctor.selectwithmouse pack $ frame $ -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $ -fill x label $ -text "Select triangle by number"; entry $ -width 5 -relief sunken \ -textvariable stldoctor.selecttrig pack $ $ -side left -expand yes frame $ -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $ -fill x checkbutton $ -text "show vicinity" \ -variable stldoctor.showvicinity \ -command {Ng_STLDoctor vicinity; redraw} label $ -text "vicinity size"; scale $ -orient horizontal -length 200 -from 0 -to 200 \ -resolution 1 -variable stldoctor.vicinity \ -command { Ng_STLDoctor vicinity; redraw } pack $ $ $ -expand yes frame $ -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $ -fill x button $ -text "calc neighbourangles" -command {Ng_STLDoctor neighbourangles} button $ -text "show coords of touched triangle" -command {Ng_STLDoctor showcoords} button $ -text "move point to middle of trianglepoints" -command {Ng_STLDoctor movepointtomiddle; redraw} button $ -text "destroy 0-volume triangles" -command {Ng_STLDoctor destroy0trigs} pack $ $ $ $ -expand yes button $ -text "Done" -command {destroy .stldoctor_dlg } pack $ -expand yes # TOPOLOGY ******************** set f $wd.nb.topology frame $f.oc -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $f.oc -fill x button $f.oc.bu -text "invert orientation of selected trig" -command {Ng_STLDoctor invertselectedtrig; redraw } button $f.oc.bu2 -text "orient after selected trig" -command {Ng_STLDoctor orientafterselectedtrig; redraw } pack $f.oc.bu $f.oc.bu2 -side left -expand yes button $f.toperr -text "mark inconsistent triangles" -command {Ng_STLDoctor marktoperrortrigs; redraw } button $f.deltrig -text "delete selected triangle" -command {Ng_STLDoctor deleteselectedtrig; redraw } button $f.geosmooth -text "geometric smoothing" -command {Ng_STLDoctor smoothgeometry; redraw } pack $f.toperr $f.deltrig $f.geosmooth # EDGES *********************** set f $wd.nb.edges frame $ -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $ -fill x label $ -text "build edges with yellow angle:"; scale $ -orient horizontal -length 200 -from 0 -to 100 \ -resolution 0.5 $ config -variable stloptions.yangle $ config -command { Ng_SetSTLParameters; Ng_STLDoctor buildedges; redraw } label $ -text "continue edges with yellow angle:"; scale $ -orient horizontal -length 200 -from 0 -to 100 \ -resolution 0.5 $ config -variable stloptions.contyangle $ config -command { Ng_SetSTLParameters; Ng_STLDoctor buildedges; redraw } button $ -text "Build Edges" -command {Ng_STLDoctor buildedges; redraw} pack $ $ $ $ $ -expand yes frame $ pack $ -fill x checkbutton $ -text "show excluded" \ -variable stldoctor.showexcluded \ -command {Ng_STLDoctor; redraw} pack $ # edgeselectmode ****** set edgeselmodevals { 0 1 2 3 4 } set edgeselmodelabs(0) "no change" set edgeselmodelabs(1) "undefined" set edgeselmodelabs(2) "confirmed" set edgeselmodelabs(3) "candidate" set edgeselmodelabs(4) "excluded" tixOptionMenu $f.edgeselmode -label "Double Click sets edge :" \ -options { label.width 19 label.anchor e menubutton.width 15 } foreach edgeselmodev $edgeselmodevals { $f.edgeselmode add command $edgeselmodev -label $edgeselmodelabs($edgeselmodev) } $f.edgeselmode config -variable stldoctor.edgeselectmode $f.edgeselmode config -command { Ng_STLDoctor } global stldoctor.edgeselectmode pack $f.edgeselmode # edge buttons frame $f.edg -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $f.edg -fill x # checkbutton $f.edg.bu -text "use external edges" \ # -variable stldoctor.useexternaledges \ # -command {Ng_STLDoctor; redraw} # pack $f.edg.bu -expand yes frame $f.edg.f0 pack $f.edg.f0 button $f.edg.f0.confirmedge -text "confirm" -command {Ng_STLDoctor confirmedge; redraw} button $f.edg.f0.candidateedge -text "candidate" -command {Ng_STLDoctor candidateedge; redraw} button $f.edg.f0.excludeedge -text "exclude" -command {Ng_STLDoctor excludeedge; redraw} button $f.edg.f0.undefinededge -text "undefined" -command {Ng_STLDoctor undefinededge; redraw} pack $f.edg.f0.confirmedge $f.edg.f0.candidateedge $f.edg.f0.excludeedge $f.edg.f0.undefinededge -side left frame $f.edg.fa pack $f.edg.fa button $f.edg.fa.setallundefined -text "all undefined" -command {Ng_STLDoctor setallundefinededges; redraw} button $f.edg.fa.erasecandidates -text "candidates to undefined" -command {Ng_STLDoctor erasecandidateedges; redraw} pack $f.edg.fa.setallundefined $f.edg.fa.erasecandidates -side left frame $f.edg.fb pack $f.edg.fb button $f.edg.fb.confirmcandidates -text "candidates to confirmed" -command {Ng_STLDoctor confirmcandidateedges; redraw} button $f.edg.fb.confirmedtocandidates -text "confirmed to candidates" -command {Ng_STLDoctor confirmedtocandidateedges; redraw} pack $f.edg.fb.confirmcandidates $f.edg.fb.confirmedtocandidates -side left frame $f.edg.f1 frame $f.edg.f2 frame $f.edg.f3 frame $f.edg.f4 pack $f.edg.f1 $f.edg.f2 $f.edg.f3 $f.edg.f4 button $f.edg.f1.exportedges -text "export edges" -command {Ng_STLDoctor exportedges} button $f.edg.f1.importedges -text "import edges" -command {Ng_STLDoctor importedges; redraw} button $f.edg.f1.saveedgedata -text "save edgedata" \ -command { set types { {"Netgen Edgedata" {.ned} } } set file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types -defaultextension ".ned"] if {$file != ""} { Ng_STLDoctor saveedgedata $file } } button $f.edg.f1.loadedgedata -text "load edgedata" \ -command { set types { {"Netgen Edgedata" {.ned} } } set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -defaultextension ".ned"] if {$file != ""} { Ng_STLDoctor loadedgedata $file puts "loading done" redraw # wm title . [concat "NETGEN - " $file] } } button $f.edg.f1.importAVLedges -text "import AVL edges" \ -command { set types {{"Edge file" {.edg }}} set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -defaultextension ".edg"] if {$file != ""} { Ng_STLDoctor importexternaledges $file; } } pack $f.edg.f1.importAVLedges $f.edg.f1.loadedgedata $f.edg.f1.saveedgedata -side left # button $f.edg.f1.buildedges -text "build external edges" -command {Ng_STLDoctor buildexternaledges; redraw} frame $f.edg2 -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $f.edg2 -fill x # button $f.edg2.addlonglines -text "make long lines candidates (% of diam)" -command {Ng_STLDoctor addlonglines; redraw} label $f.edg2.lab -text "length (%):" scale $ -orient horizontal -length 200 -from 0 -to 100 \ -resolution 0.5 \ -variable stldoctor.longlinefact # button $f.edg2.deletedirtyedges -text "make dirty edges candidates" -command {Ng_STLDoctor deletedirtyedges; redraw} button $f.edg2.undoedge -text "undo last edge change" -command {Ng_STLDoctor undoedgechange; redraw} # pack $f.edg2.addlonglines $f.edg2.deletedirtyedges -expand yes # pack $f.edg2.lab $ -side left pack $f.edg2.undoedge -expand yes # NORMALS *********************** set f $wd.nb.normals frame $f.dt -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $f.dt -fill x label $f.dt.lab -text "dirty triangle factor"; entry $f.dt.ent -width 5 -relief sunken \ -textvariable stldoctor.dirtytrigfact pack $f.dt.ent $f.dt.lab -side left -expand yes frame $ -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $ -fill x button $ -text "smooth reverted triangles geometric" -command {Ng_STLDoctor smoothrevertedtrigs; redraw } entry $ -width 5 -relief sunken \ -textvariable stldoctor.smoothangle pack $ $ -side left -expand yes frame $f.bdt -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $f.bdt -fill x button $f.bdt.bu -text "mark dirty triangles" -command {Ng_STLDoctor markdirtytrigs; redraw } button $f.bdt.bu2 -text "smooth dirty triangles normal" -command {Ng_STLDoctor smoothdirtytrigs; redraw } pack $f.bdt.bu $f.bdt.bu2 -side left -expand yes frame $f.sno -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $f.sno label $f.sno.labrough -text "rough" scale $f.sno.scsmooth -orient horizontal -length 100 -from 0 -to 0.8 \ -resolution 0.01 -variable stldoctor.smoothnormalsweight \ -command { Ng_SetSTLParameters } label $f.sno.labsmooth -text "smooth" button $f.sno.smoothnormals -text "smooth normals" -command { Ng_STLDoctor smoothnormals; redraw} pack $f.sno.labrough $f.sno.scsmooth $f.sno.labsmooth $f.sno.smoothnormals -side left -padx 5 frame $ -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $ -fill x button $ -text "mark non-smooth triangles" -command {Ng_STLDoctor marknonsmoothnormals; redraw} button $ -text "calculate normals from geometry" -command {Ng_STLDoctor calcnormals; redraw} pack $ $ -expand yes # ADVANCED ************************** set f $wd.nb.advanced frame $ pack $ -fill x checkbutton $ -text "spiral check" \ -variable stldoctor.spiralcheck \ -command {Ng_STLDoctor;} checkbutton $ -text "cone check" \ -variable stldoctor.conecheck \ -command {Ng_STLDoctor;} pack $ $ tixControl $f.gtol -label "load-geometry tolerance factor" -integer false \ -variable stldoctor.geom_tol_fact \ -options { entry.width 8 label.width 30 label.anchor e } pack $f.gtol button $f.adap -text "Apply" -command { .stldoctor_dlg.nb.advanced.gtol invoke Ng_STLDoctor; } pack $f.adap -expand yes # frame $f.gtol -relief groove -borderwidth 3 # pack $f.gtol -fill x # label $f.gtol.lab -text "Geometry-Load-Tolerance-Factor"; # entry $f.gtol.ent -width 5 -relief sunken \ # -textvariable stldoctor.geom_tol_fact # pack $f.gtol.lab $f.gtol.ent -side left -expand yes #******************************* wm withdraw $wd wm geom $wd +100+100 wm deiconify $wd wm title $wd "STL Doctor" focus $wd } } proc meshdoctordialog { } { set w .meshdoc_dlg global if {[winfo exists .meshdoc_dlg] == 1} { wm withdraw $w wm deiconify $w focus $w } { toplevel $w set 1 Ng_MeshDoctor; frame $w.vis -relief groove -borderwidth 3 pack $w.vis checkbutton $w.vis.showfilledtrigs -text "Show filled triangles" \ -variable viewoptions.drawfilledtrigs \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } checkbutton $w.vis.showedges -text "Show edges" \ -variable viewoptions.drawedges \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } checkbutton $w.vis.showoutline -text "Show Triangle Outline" \ -variable viewoptions.drawoutline \ -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } pack $w.vis.showfilledtrigs $w.vis.showoutline $w.vis.showedges tixControl $w.markedgedist -label "Mark edge dist: " -integer true \ -min 0 -max 999 \ -variable meshdoc.markedgedist \ -options { entry.width 3 label.width 20 label.anchor e } \ -command { Ng_MeshDoctor markedgedist ${meshdoc.markedgedist} redraw } pack $w.markedgedist button $w.deledge -text "Delete marked segments" -command { Ng_MeshDoctor deletemarkedsegments redraw } pack $w.deledge button $w.close -text "Close" -command { set 0; Ng_MeshDoctor; destroy .meshdoc_dlg } pack $w.close -expand yes wm withdraw $w wm geom $w +100+100 wm deiconify $w wm title $w "Mesh Doctor" } } # # Quality viewer # proc qualityviewdialog { show } { set w .qualityview_dlg if {[winfo exists .qualityview_dlg] == 1} { if { $show == 1 } { wm withdraw .qualityview_dlg wm deiconify $w focus $w } { wm withdraw $w } } { toplevel $w set c $w.c canvas $c -relief raised -width 450 -height 300 pack $w.c -side top -fill x set plotFont {Helvetica 12} set smallFont {Helvetica 12} $c create line 100 250 400 250 -width 2 $c create line 100 250 100 50 -width 2 for {set i 0} {$i <= 10} {incr i} { set x [expr {100 + ($i*30)}] $c create line $x 250 $x 245 -width 2 if { [expr {$i % 2}] == 0 } { $c create text $x 254 -text [format %1.1f [expr 0.1*$i]] -anchor n -font $plotFont } } global qualbar global qualbarnull global qualbaraxis for {set i 0} {$i <= 5} {incr i} { set y [expr {250 - ($i*40)}] $c create line 100 $y 105 $y -width 2 # global qualbaraxis($i) set qualbaraxis($i) \ [$c create text 96 $y -text [expr $i*50].0 -anchor e -font $plotFont] } for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} { set x1 [expr {100 + ($i*15) + 2}] set x2 [expr {$x1+10}] set y [expr {250 - 10 * $i}] # global qualbar($i) set qualbar($i) [$c create rectangle $x1 250 $x2 245 -fill blue] set qualbarnull($i) [$c create text [expr {($x1+$x2)/2}] 245 -text 0 -anchor s -font $smallFont -fill blue] } frame $w.bu pack $w.bu # -fill x button $w.close -text "Close" \ -command { wm withdraw .qualityview_dlg set viewqualityplot 0 } pack $w.close if { $show == 1 } { wm withdraw $w wm geom $w +100+100 wm deiconify $w wm title $w "Mesh Quality" focus $w } } } # # Quality viewer # proc memusedialog { show } { set w .memuse_dlg if {[winfo exists .memuse_dlg] == 1} { if { $show == 1 } { wm withdraw .memuse_dlg wm deiconify $w focus $w } { wm withdraw $w } } { toplevel $w set c $w.c canvas $c -relief raised -width 600 -height 300 pack $w.c -side top -fill x set plotFont {Helvetica 18} set smallFont {Helvetica 12} global memmark for {set i 0} {$i < 512} { incr i } { set memmark($i) [$c create line [expr 50+$i] 50 [expr 50+$i] 70 -fill blue] } set plotFont {Helvetica 18} set smallFont {Helvetica 12} $c create text 50 90 -text "0 GB" -anchor n -font $plotFont $c create text 178 90 -text "1 GB" -anchor n -font $plotFont $c create text 306 90 -text "2 GB" -anchor n -font $plotFont $c create text 434 90 -text "3 GB" -anchor n -font $plotFont $c create text 562 90 -text "4 GB" -anchor n -font $plotFont frame $w.bu pack $w.bu # -fill x button $w.close -text "Close" \ -command { wm withdraw .memuse_dlg set memuseplot 0 } pack $w.close if { $show == 1 } { wm withdraw $w wm geom $w +100+100 wm deiconify $w wm title $w "Memory Usage" focus $w } } } # # STL INFO dialog # proc STLinfodialog { show } { set w .STLinfo_dlg if {[winfo exists .STLinfo_dlg] == 1} { if { $show == 1 } { wm withdraw .STLinfo_dlg wm deiconify $w focus $w } { wm withdraw $w } } { toplevel $w set c $w.c canvas $c -relief raised -width 450 -height 300 pack $w.c -side top -fill x set plotFont {Helvetica 18} set smallFont {Helvetica 12} $c create line 100 250 400 250 -width 2 $c create line 100 250 100 50 -width 2 frame $w.bu pack $w.bu # -fill x button $w.close -text "Close" \ -command { wm withdraw .STLinfo_dlg #set STLinfoopen 0 } pack $w.close if { $show == 1 } { wm withdraw $w wm geom $w +100+100 wm deiconify $w wm title $w "STL Geometry Info" focus $w } } } proc logwindow { } { set w .logwindow if {[winfo exists .logwindow] == 1} { wm withdraw $w wm deiconify $w focus $w } { toplevel $w text $w.edit -yscroll "$w.scrolly set" -setgrid 1 -height 12 scrollbar $w.scrolly -command "$w.edit yview" pack $w.edit -side left -fill both -expand 1 pack $w.scrolly -side left -fill both -expand 0 .logwindow.edit insert end "Netgen Log Window\n" wm withdraw $w wm geom $w +100+100 wm deiconify $w wm title $w "Netgen Log" focus $w } } # logwindow # Opens a window with a table. tablevar is a list, the first entry is the title, the second the number of rows, the third the number of columns, # then the entries follow. proc printtable { tablevar } { set w newtcltable while {[winfo exists .$w] == 1} {set w 1$w} set w .$w toplevel $w for {set i 0} {$i < [lindex $tablevar 2]} { incr i } { frame $w.col$i for {set j 0} {$j < [lindex $tablevar 1]} { incr j } { frame $w.col$i.row$j message $w.col$i.row$j.txt -aspect 10000000 -text [lindex $tablevar [expr 3+[lindex $tablevar 2]*$j+$i]] pack $w.col$i.row$j.txt pack $w.col$i.row$j -side top } pack $w.col$i -side left } wm withdraw $w wm geom $w +200+100; wm deiconify $w wm title $w [lindex $tablevar 0] focus $w } set latestwarning 0 proc printwarning { textvar } { global latestwarning set latestwarning $textvar set w warning while {[winfo exists .$w] == 1} {set w 1$w} set w .$w toplevel $w message $w.mes -aspect 2000 -text "WARNING:\n$textvar" button $w.done -text "Done" -command "destroy $w" pack $w.mes pack $w.done wm withdraw $w wm deiconify $w wm title $w "Warning" focus $w } proc printlatestwarning { } { global latestwarning if {$latestwarning != 0} {printwarning $latestwarning} } proc runtestdialog { } { source $::ngdir/ngshell.tcl set w .runtest_dlg if {[winfo exists .runtest_dlg] == 1} { wm withdraw $w wm deiconify $w focus $w } { toplevel $w # in2d testing # frame $w.in2dframe pack $w.in2dframe set in2dlogfile "" tixLabelEntry $w.in2dframe.ent -label "in2d log-file: console if empty" \ -labelside top \ -options { entry.textVariable in2dlogfile entry.width 35 label.width 25 label.anchor w } button $w.in2dframe.btn -text "Browse" -command { set types { { "Log file" {.log} } } set in2dlogfile [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -initialfile $in2dlogfile] } button $w.in2dframe.test -text "Test in2d meshing" -command { ngtest in2d $in2dlogfile } pack $w.in2dframe.test -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $w.in2dframe.ent -side left -expand yes -fill x -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $w.in2dframe.btn -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4 # geo testing # frame $w.geoframe pack $w.geoframe set geologfile "" tixLabelEntry $w.geoframe.ent -label "geo log-file: console if empty" \ -labelside top \ -options { entry.textVariable geologfile entry.width 35 label.width 25 label.anchor w } button $w.geoframe.btn -text "Browse" -command { set types { { "Log file" {.log} } } set geologfile [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -initialfile $geologfile] } button $w.geoframe.test -text "Test geo meshing" -command { ngtest geo $geologfile } pack $w.geoframe.test -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $w.geoframe.ent -side left -expand yes -fill x -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $w.geoframe.btn -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4 # stl testing # frame $w.stlframe pack $w.stlframe set stllogfile "" tixLabelEntry $w.stlframe.ent -label "stl log-file: console if empty" \ -labelside top \ -options { entry.textVariable stllogfile entry.width 35 label.width 25 label.anchor w } button $w.stlframe.btn -text "Browse" -command { set types { { "Log file" {.log} } } set stllogfile [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -initialfile $stllogfile] } button $w.stlframe.test -text "Test stl meshing" -command { ngtest stl $stllogfile } pack $w.stlframe.test -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $w.stlframe.ent -side left -expand yes -fill x -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $w.stlframe.btn -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4 # pde testing # frame $w.pdeframe pack $w.pdeframe set pdelogfile "" tixLabelEntry $w.pdeframe.ent -label "pde log-file: console if empty" \ -labelside top \ -options { entry.textVariable pdelogfile entry.width 35 label.width 25 label.anchor w } button $w.pdeframe.btn -text "Browse" -command { set types { { "Log file" {.log} } } set pdelogfile [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -initialfile $pdelogfile] } button $w.pdeframe.test -text "Test ngsolve pde's" -command { ngtest pde $pdelogfile } pack $w.pdeframe.test -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $w.pdeframe.ent -side left -expand yes -fill x -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $w.pdeframe.btn -side left -anchor s -padx 4 -pady 4 wm title $w "Testing" focus .runtest_dlg } }