// // Write user dependent output file // #include <mystdlib.h> #include <myadt.hpp> #include <linalg.hpp> #include <csg.hpp> #include <geometry2d.hpp> #include <meshing.hpp> #include "writeuser.hpp" namespace netgen { extern MeshingParameters mparam; void RegisterUserFormats (Array<const char*> & names, Array<const char*> & extensions) { const char *types[] = { "Neutral Format", ".mesh", "Surface Mesh Format", ".mesh" , "DIFFPACK Format", ".mesh", "TecPlot Format", ".mesh", "Tochnog Format", ".mesh", "Abaqus Format", ".mesh", "Fluent Format", ".mesh", "Permas Format", ".mesh", "FEAP Format", ".mesh", "Elmer Format", "*", "STL Format", ".stl", "STL Extended Format", ".stl", "VRML Format", ".*", "Gmsh Format", ".gmsh", "Gmsh2 Format", ".gmsh2", "OpenFOAM 1.5+ Format", "*", "OpenFOAM 1.5+ Compressed", "*", "JCMwave Format", ".jcm", "TET Format", ".tet", // { "Chemnitz Format" }, 0 }; for (int i = 0; types[2*i]; i++) { names.Append (types[2*i]); extensions.Append (types[2*i+1]); } } bool WriteUserFormat (const string & format, const Mesh & mesh, const NetgenGeometry & hgeom, const string & filename) { const CSGeometry & geom = *dynamic_cast<const CSGeometry*> (&hgeom); PrintMessage (1, "Export mesh to file ", filename, ", format is ", format); if (format == "Neutral Format") WriteNeutralFormat (mesh, geom, filename); else if (format == "Surface Mesh Format") WriteSurfaceFormat (mesh, filename); else if (format == "DIFFPACK Format") WriteDiffPackFormat (mesh, geom, filename); else if (format == "Tochnog Format") WriteTochnogFormat (mesh, filename); else if (format == "TecPlot Format") cerr << "ERROR: TecPlot format currently out of order" << endl; // WriteTecPlotFormat (mesh, geom, filename); else if (format == "Abaqus Format") WriteAbaqusFormat (mesh, filename); else if (format == "Fluent Format") WriteFluentFormat (mesh, filename); else if (format == "Permas Format") WritePermasFormat (mesh, filename); else if (format == "FEAP Format") WriteFEAPFormat (mesh, filename); else if (format == "Elmer Format") WriteElmerFormat (mesh, filename); else if (format == "STL Format") WriteSTLFormat (mesh, filename); // Philippose - 16 August 2010 // Added additional STL Export in which // each face of the geometry is treated // as a separate "solid" entity else if (format == "STL Extended Format") WriteSTLExtFormat (mesh, filename); else if (format == "VRML Format") WriteVRMLFormat (mesh, 1, filename); else if (format == "Fepp Format") WriteFEPPFormat (mesh, geom, filename); else if (format == "EdgeElement Format") WriteEdgeElementFormat (mesh, geom, filename); else if (format == "Chemnitz Format") WriteUserChemnitz (mesh, filename); else if (format == "Gmsh Format") WriteGmshFormat (mesh, geom, filename); // Philippose - 29/01/2009 // Added Gmsh v2.xx Mesh export capability else if (format == "Gmsh2 Format") WriteGmsh2Format (mesh, geom, filename); // Philippose - 25/10/2009 // Added OpenFOAM 1.5+ Mesh export capability else if (format == "OpenFOAM 1.5+ Format") WriteOpenFOAM15xFormat (mesh, filename, false); else if (format == "OpenFOAM 1.5+ Compressed") WriteOpenFOAM15xFormat (mesh, filename, true); else if (format == "JCMwave Format") WriteJCMFormat (mesh, geom, filename); #ifdef OLIVER else if (format == "TET Format") WriteTETFormat( mesh, filename);//, "High Frequency" ); #endif else { return 1; } return 0; } /* * Neutral mesh format * points, elements, surface elements */ void WriteNeutralFormat (const Mesh & mesh, const NetgenGeometry & geom, const string & filename) { cout << "write neutral, new" << endl; int np = mesh.GetNP(); int ne = mesh.GetNE(); int nse = mesh.GetNSE(); int nseg = mesh.GetNSeg(); int i, j; int inverttets = mparam.inverttets; int invertsurf = mparam.inverttrigs; ofstream outfile (filename.c_str()); outfile.precision(6); outfile.setf (ios::fixed, ios::floatfield); outfile.setf (ios::showpoint); outfile << np << "\n"; for (i = 1; i <= np; i++) { const Point3d & p = mesh.Point(i); outfile.width(10); outfile << p.X() << " "; outfile.width(9); outfile << p.Y() << " "; if (mesh.GetDimension() == 3) { outfile.width(9); outfile << p.Z(); } outfile << "\n"; } if (mesh.GetDimension() == 3) { outfile << ne << "\n"; for (i = 1; i <= ne; i++) { Element el = mesh.VolumeElement(i); if (inverttets) el.Invert(); outfile.width(4); outfile << el.GetIndex() << " "; for (j = 1; j <= el.GetNP(); j++) { outfile << " "; outfile.width(8); outfile << el.PNum(j); } outfile << "\n"; } } outfile << nse << "\n"; for (i = 1; i <= nse; i++) { Element2d el = mesh.SurfaceElement(i); if (invertsurf) el.Invert(); outfile.width(4); outfile << mesh.GetFaceDescriptor (el.GetIndex()).BCProperty() << " "; for (j = 1; j <= el.GetNP(); j++) { outfile << " "; outfile.width(8); outfile << el.PNum(j); } outfile << "\n"; } if (mesh.GetDimension() == 2) { outfile << nseg << "\n"; for (i = 1; i <= nseg; i++) { const Segment & seg = mesh.LineSegment(i); outfile.width(4); outfile << seg.si << " "; outfile << " "; outfile.width(8); outfile << seg[0]; outfile << " "; outfile.width(8); outfile << seg[1]; outfile << "\n"; } } } void WriteSurfaceFormat (const Mesh & mesh, const string & filename) { // surface mesh int i, j; cout << "Write Surface Mesh" << endl; ofstream outfile (filename.c_str()); outfile << "surfacemesh" << endl; outfile << mesh.GetNP() << endl; for (i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNP(); i++) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { outfile.width(10); outfile << mesh.Point(i)(j) << " "; } outfile << endl; } outfile << mesh.GetNSE() << endl; for (i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNSE(); i++) { for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { outfile.width(8); outfile << mesh.SurfaceElement(i).PNum(j); } outfile << endl; } } /* * save surface mesh as STL file */ void WriteSTLFormat (const Mesh & mesh, const string & filename) { cout << "\nWrite STL Surface Mesh" << endl; ostream *outfile; if(filename.substr(filename.length()-3,3) == ".gz") outfile = new ogzstream(filename.c_str()); else outfile = new ofstream(filename.c_str()); int i; outfile->precision(10); *outfile << "solid" << endl; for (i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNSE(); i++) { *outfile << "facet normal "; const Point3d& p1 = mesh.Point(mesh.SurfaceElement(i).PNum(1)); const Point3d& p2 = mesh.Point(mesh.SurfaceElement(i).PNum(2)); const Point3d& p3 = mesh.Point(mesh.SurfaceElement(i).PNum(3)); Vec3d normal = Cross(p2-p1,p3-p1); if (normal.Length() != 0) { normal /= (normal.Length()); } *outfile << normal.X() << " " << normal.Y() << " " << normal.Z() << "\n"; *outfile << "outer loop\n"; *outfile << "vertex " << p1.X() << " " << p1.Y() << " " << p1.Z() << "\n"; *outfile << "vertex " << p2.X() << " " << p2.Y() << " " << p2.Z() << "\n"; *outfile << "vertex " << p3.X() << " " << p3.Y() << " " << p3.Z() << "\n"; *outfile << "endloop\n"; *outfile << "endfacet\n"; } *outfile << "endsolid" << endl; } /* * Philippose - 16 August 2010 * Save surface mesh as STL file * with a separate solid definition * for each face * - This helps in splitting up the * STL into named boundary faces * when using a third-party mesher */ void WriteSTLExtFormat (const Mesh & mesh, const string & filename) { cout << "\nWrite STL Surface Mesh (with separated boundary faces)" << endl; ostream *outfile; if(filename.substr(filename.length()-3,3) == ".gz") outfile = new ogzstream(filename.c_str()); else outfile = new ofstream(filename.c_str()); outfile->precision(10); int numBCs = 0; Array<int> faceBCs; TABLE<int> faceBCMapping; faceBCs.SetSize(mesh.GetNFD()); faceBCMapping.SetSize(mesh.GetNFD()); faceBCs = -1; // Collect the BC numbers used in the mesh for(int faceNr = 1; faceNr <= mesh.GetNFD(); faceNr++) { int bcNum = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(faceNr).BCProperty(); if(faceBCs.Pos(bcNum) < 0) { numBCs++; faceBCs.Set(numBCs,bcNum); faceBCMapping.Add1(numBCs,faceNr); } else { faceBCMapping.Add1(faceBCs.Pos(bcNum)+1,faceNr); } } faceBCs.SetSize(numBCs); faceBCMapping.ChangeSize(numBCs); // Now actually write the data to file for(int bcInd = 1; bcInd <= faceBCs.Size(); bcInd++) { *outfile << "solid Boundary_" << faceBCs.Elem(bcInd) << "\n"; for(int faceNr = 1;faceNr <= faceBCMapping.EntrySize(bcInd); faceNr++) { Array<SurfaceElementIndex> faceSei; mesh.GetSurfaceElementsOfFace(faceBCMapping.Get(bcInd,faceNr),faceSei); for (int i = 0; i < faceSei.Size(); i++) { *outfile << "facet normal "; const Point3d& p1 = mesh.Point(mesh.SurfaceElement(faceSei[i]).PNum(1)); const Point3d& p2 = mesh.Point(mesh.SurfaceElement(faceSei[i]).PNum(2)); const Point3d& p3 = mesh.Point(mesh.SurfaceElement(faceSei[i]).PNum(3)); Vec3d normal = Cross(p2-p1,p3-p1); if (normal.Length() != 0) { normal /= (normal.Length()); } *outfile << normal.X() << " " << normal.Y() << " " << normal.Z() << "\n"; *outfile << "outer loop\n"; *outfile << "vertex " << p1.X() << " " << p1.Y() << " " << p1.Z() << "\n"; *outfile << "vertex " << p2.X() << " " << p2.Y() << " " << p2.Z() << "\n"; *outfile << "vertex " << p3.X() << " " << p3.Y() << " " << p3.Z() << "\n"; *outfile << "endloop\n"; *outfile << "endfacet\n"; } } *outfile << "endsolid Boundary_" << faceBCs.Elem(bcInd) << "\n"; } } /* * * write surface mesh as VRML file * */ void WriteVRMLFormat (const Mesh & mesh, bool faces, const string & filename) { if (faces) { // Output in VRML, IndexedFaceSet is used // Bartosz Sawicki <sawickib@ee.pw.edu.pl> int np = mesh.GetNP(); int nse = mesh.GetNSE(); int i, j; ofstream outfile (filename.c_str()); outfile.precision(6); outfile.setf (ios::fixed, ios::floatfield); outfile.setf (ios::showpoint); outfile << "#VRML V2.0 utf8 \n" "Background {\n" " skyColor [1 1 1]\n" " groundColor [1 1 1]\n" "}\n" "Group{ children [\n" "Shape{ \n" "appearance Appearance { material Material { }} \n" "geometry IndexedFaceSet { \n" "coord Coordinate { point [ \n"; for (i = 1; i <= np; i++) { const Point3d & p = mesh.Point(i); outfile.width(10); outfile << p.X() << " "; outfile << p.Y() << " "; outfile << p.Z() << " \n"; } outfile << " ] } \n" "coordIndex [ \n"; for (i = 1; i <= nse; i++) { const Element2d & el = mesh.SurfaceElement(i); for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { outfile.width(8); outfile << el.PNum(j)-1; } outfile << " -1 \n"; } outfile << " ] \n"; //define number and RGB definitions of colors outfile << "color Color { color [1 0 0, 0 1 0, 0 0 1, 1 1 0]} \n" "colorIndex [\n"; for (i = 1; i <= nse; i++) { outfile << mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(mesh.SurfaceElement(i).GetIndex ()).BCProperty(); outfile << endl; } outfile << " ] \n" "colorPerVertex FALSE \n" "creaseAngle 0 \n" "solid FALSE \n" "ccw FALSE \n" "convex TRUE \n" "} } # end of Shape\n" "] }\n"; } /* end of VRMLFACES */ else { // Output in VRML, IndexedLineSet is used // Bartosz Sawicki <sawickib@ee.pw.edu.pl> int np = mesh.GetNP(); int nse = mesh.GetNSE(); int i, j; ofstream outfile (filename.c_str()); outfile.precision(6); outfile.setf (ios::fixed, ios::floatfield); outfile.setf (ios::showpoint); outfile << "#VRML V2.0 utf8 \n" "Background {\n" " skyColor [1 1 1]\n" " groundColor [1 1 1]\n" "}\n" "Group{ children [\n" "Shape{ \n" "appearance Appearance { material Material { }} \n" "geometry IndexedLineSet { \n" "coord Coordinate { point [ \n"; for (i = 1; i <= np; i++) { const Point3d & p = mesh.Point(i); outfile.width(10); outfile << p.X() << " "; outfile << p.Y() << " "; outfile << p.Z() << " \n"; } outfile << " ] } \n" "coordIndex [ \n"; for (i = 1; i <= nse; i++) { const Element2d & el = mesh.SurfaceElement(i); for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { outfile.width(8); outfile << el.PNum(j)-1; } outfile.width(8); outfile << el.PNum(1)-1; outfile << " -1 \n"; } outfile << " ] \n"; /* Uncomment if you want color mesh outfile << "color Color { color [1 1 1, 0 1 0, 0 0 1, 1 1 0]} \n" "colorIndex [\n"; for (i = 1; i <= nse; i++) { outfile << mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(mesh.SurfaceElement(i).GetIndex ()).BCProperty(); outfile << endl; } outfile << " ] \n" */ outfile << "colorPerVertex FALSE \n" "} } #end of Shape\n" "] } \n"; } } /* * FEPP .. a finite element package developed at University Linz, Austria */ void WriteFEPPFormat (const Mesh & mesh, const NetgenGeometry & geom, const string & filename) { ofstream outfile (filename.c_str()); if (mesh.GetDimension() == 3) { // output for FEPP int np = mesh.GetNP(); int ne = mesh.GetNE(); int nse = mesh.GetNSE(); // int ns = mesh.GetNFD(); int i, j; outfile.precision(5); outfile.setf (ios::fixed, ios::floatfield); outfile.setf (ios::showpoint); outfile << "volumemesh4" << endl; outfile << nse << endl; for (i = 1; i <= nse; i++) { const Element2d & el = mesh.SurfaceElement(i); // int facenr = mesh.facedecoding.Get(el.GetIndex()).surfnr; outfile.width(4); outfile << el.GetIndex() << " "; outfile.width(4); // outfile << mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(el.GetIndex()).BCProperty() << " "; outfile << mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(el.GetIndex()).BCProperty() << " "; outfile.width(4); outfile << el.GetNP() << " "; for (j = 1; j <= el.GetNP(); j++) { outfile.width(8); outfile << el.PNum(j); } outfile << "\n"; } outfile << ne << "\n"; for (i = 1; i <= ne; i++) { const Element & el = mesh.VolumeElement(i); outfile.width(4); outfile << el.GetIndex() << " "; outfile.width(4); outfile << el.GetNP() << " "; for (j = 1; j <= el.GetNP(); j++) { outfile.width(8); outfile << el.PNum(j); } outfile << "\n"; } outfile << np << "\n"; for (i = 1; i <= np; i++) { const Point3d & p = mesh.Point(i); outfile.width(10); outfile << p.X() << " "; outfile.width(9); outfile << p.Y() << " "; outfile.width(9); outfile << p.Z() << "\n"; } /* if (typ == WRITE_FEPPML) { int nbn = mesh.mlbetweennodes.Size(); outfile << nbn << "\n"; for (i = 1; i <= nbn; i++) outfile << mesh.mlbetweennodes.Get(i).I1() << " " << mesh.mlbetweennodes.Get(i).I2() << "\n"; // int ncon = mesh.connectedtonode.Size(); // outfile << ncon << "\n"; // for (i = 1; i <= ncon; i++) // outfile << i << " " << mesh.connectedtonode.Get(i) << endl; } */ /* // write CSG surfaces if (&geom && geom.GetNSurf() >= ns) { outfile << ns << endl; for (i = 1; i <= ns; i++) geom.GetSurface(mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(i).SurfNr())->Print(outfile); } else */ outfile << "0" << endl; } else { // 2D fepp format ; /* extern SplineGeometry2d * geometry2d; if (geometry2d) Save2DMesh (mesh, &geometry2d->GetSplines(), outfile); else Save2DMesh (mesh, 0, outfile); */ } } /* * Edge element mesh format * points, elements, edges */ void WriteEdgeElementFormat (const Mesh & mesh, const NetgenGeometry & geom, const string & filename) { cout << "write edge element format" << endl; const MeshTopology * top = &mesh.GetTopology(); int npoints = mesh.GetNP(); int nelements = mesh.GetNE(); int nsurfelem = mesh.GetNSE(); int nedges = top->GetNEdges(); int i, j; int inverttets = mparam.inverttets; int invertsurf = mparam.inverttrigs; Array<int> edges; ofstream outfile (filename.c_str()); outfile.precision(6); outfile.setf (ios::fixed, ios::floatfield); outfile.setf (ios::showpoint); // vertices with coordinates outfile << npoints << "\n"; for (i = 1; i <= npoints; i++) { const Point3d & p = mesh.Point(i); outfile.width(10); outfile << p.X() << " "; outfile.width(9); outfile << p.Y() << " "; outfile.width(9); outfile << p.Z() << "\n"; } // element - edge - list outfile << nelements << " " << nedges << "\n"; for (i = 1; i <= nelements; i++) { Element el = mesh.VolumeElement(i); if (inverttets) el.Invert(); outfile.width(4); outfile << el.GetIndex() << " "; outfile.width(8); outfile << el.GetNP(); for (j = 1; j <= el.GetNP(); j++) { outfile << " "; outfile.width(8); outfile << el.PNum(j); } top->GetElementEdges(i,edges); outfile << endl << " "; outfile.width(8); outfile << edges.Size(); for (j=1; j <= edges.Size(); j++) { outfile << " "; outfile.width(8); outfile << edges[j-1]; } outfile << "\n"; // orientation: top->GetElementEdgeOrientations(i,edges); outfile << " "; for (j=1; j <= edges.Size(); j++) { outfile << " "; outfile.width(8); outfile << edges[j-1]; } outfile << "\n"; } // surface element - edge - list (with boundary conditions) outfile << nsurfelem << "\n"; for (i = 1; i <= nsurfelem; i++) { Element2d el = mesh.SurfaceElement(i); if (invertsurf) el.Invert(); outfile.width(4); outfile << mesh.GetFaceDescriptor (el.GetIndex()).BCProperty() << " "; outfile.width(8); outfile << el.GetNP(); for (j = 1; j <= el.GetNP(); j++) { outfile << " "; outfile.width(8); outfile << el.PNum(j); } top->GetSurfaceElementEdges(i,edges); outfile << endl << " "; outfile.width(8); outfile << edges.Size(); for (j=1; j <= edges.Size(); j++) { outfile << " "; outfile.width(8); outfile << edges[j-1]; } outfile << "\n"; } int v1, v2; // edge - vertex - list outfile << nedges << "\n"; for (i=1; i <= nedges; i++) { top->GetEdgeVertices(i,v1,v2); outfile.width(4); outfile << v1; outfile << " "; outfile.width(8); outfile << v2 << endl; } } #ifdef OLDSTYLE_WRITE void WriteFile (int typ, const Mesh & mesh, const CSGeometry & geom, const char * filename, const char * geomfile, double h) { int inverttets = mparam.inverttets; int invertsurf = mparam.inverttrigs; if (typ == WRITE_EDGEELEMENT) { // write edge element file // Peter Harscher, ETHZ cout << "Write Edge-Element Format" << endl; ofstream outfile (filename); int i, j; int ned; // hash table representing edges; INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> edgeht(mesh.GetNP()); // list of edges Array<INDEX_2> edgelist; // edge (point) on boundary ? BitArray bedge, bpoint(mesh.GetNP()); static int eledges[6][2] = { { 1, 2 } , { 1, 3 } , { 1, 4 }, { 2, 3 } , { 2, 4 } , { 3, 4 } }; // fill hashtable (point1, point2) ----> edgenr for (i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNE(); i++) { const Element & el = mesh.VolumeElement (i); INDEX_2 edge; for (j = 1; j <= 6; j++) { edge.I1() = el.PNum (eledges[j-1][0]); edge.I2() = el.PNum (eledges[j-1][1]); edge.Sort(); if (!edgeht.Used (edge)) { edgelist.Append (edge); edgeht.Set (edge, edgelist.Size()); } } } // set bedges, bpoints bedge.SetSize (edgelist.Size()); bedge.Clear(); bpoint.Clear(); for (i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNSE(); i++) { const Element2d & sel = mesh.SurfaceElement(i); for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { bpoint.Set (sel.PNum(j)); INDEX_2 edge; edge.I1() = sel.PNum(j); edge.I2() = sel.PNum(j%3+1); edge.Sort(); bedge.Set (edgeht.Get (edge)); } } outfile << mesh.GetNE() << endl; // write element ---> point for (i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNE(); i++) { const Element & el = mesh.VolumeElement(i); outfile.width(8); outfile << i; for (j = 1; j <= 4; j++) { outfile.width(8); outfile << el.PNum(j); } outfile << endl; } // write element ---> edge for (i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNE(); i++) { const Element & el = mesh.VolumeElement (i); INDEX_2 edge; for (j = 1; j <= 6; j++) { edge.I1() = el.PNum (eledges[j-1][0]); edge.I2() = el.PNum (eledges[j-1][1]); edge.Sort(); outfile.width(8); outfile << edgeht.Get (edge); } outfile << endl; } // write points outfile << mesh.GetNP() << endl; outfile.precision (6); for (i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNP(); i++) { const Point3d & p = mesh.Point(i); for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { outfile.width(8); outfile << p.X(j); } outfile << " " << (bpoint.Test(i) ? "1" : 0) << endl; } // write edges outfile << edgelist.Size() << endl; for (i = 1; i <= edgelist.Size(); i++) { outfile.width(8); outfile << edgelist.Get(i).I1(); outfile.width(8); outfile << edgelist.Get(i).I2(); outfile << " " << (bedge.Test(i) ? "1" : "0") << endl; } } } #endif }