#ifdef OCCGEOMETRY #include <mystdlib.h> #include <myadt.hpp> #include <linalg.hpp> #include <csg.hpp> #include <occgeom.hpp> #include <inctcl.hpp> #include <visual.hpp> #include <meshing.hpp> #include "../meshing/bcfunctions.hpp" #include "vsocc.hpp" #include <TopoDS_Edge.hxx> #include <IGESControl_Writer.hxx> // __declspec(dllimport) void AutoColourBcProps(Mesh & mesh, const char *bccolourfile); // __declspec(dllimport) void GetFaceColours(Mesh & mesh, NgArray<Vec3d> & face_colours); // __declspec(dllimport) bool ColourMatch(Vec3d col1, Vec3d col2, double eps = 2.5e-05); extern "C" int Ng_occ_Init (Tcl_Interp * interp); namespace netgen { extern DLL_HEADER shared_ptr<NetgenGeometry> ng_geometry; extern DLL_HEADER shared_ptr<Mesh> mesh; extern DLL_HEADER MeshingParameters mparam; extern DLL_HEADER OCCParameters occparam; char * err_needsoccgeometry = (char*) "This operation needs an OCC geometry"; extern char * err_needsmesh; extern char * err_jobrunning; class OCCGeometryRegister : public GeometryRegister { public: virtual NetgenGeometry * Load (const filesystem::path & filename) const; virtual VisualScene * GetVisualScene (const NetgenGeometry * geom) const; virtual void SetParameters (Tcl_Interp * interp) { // occparam.resthminedgelen = // atof (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::stloptions.resthminedgelen", 0)); // occparam.resthminedgelenenable = // atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::stloptions.resthminedgelenenable", 0)); if(auto geo = dynamic_pointer_cast<OCCGeometry>(ng_geometry); geo) geo->SetOCCParameters(occparam); } }; int Ng_SetOCCVisParameters (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp * interp, int argc, tcl_const char *argv[]) { #ifdef OCCGEOMETRY int showvolume; OCCGeometry * occgeometry = dynamic_cast<OCCGeometry*> (ng_geometry.get()); showvolume = atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::occoptions.showvolumenr", 0)); if (occgeometry) if (showvolume != vispar.occshowvolumenr) { if (showvolume < 0 || showvolume > occgeometry->NrSolids()) { char buf[20]; snprintf (buf, size(buf), "%5i", vispar.occshowvolumenr); Tcl_SetVar (interp, "::occoptions.showvolumenr", buf, 0); } else { vispar.occshowvolumenr = showvolume; if (occgeometry) occgeometry -> changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONHALFCHANGE; } } int temp; temp = atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::occoptions.visproblemfaces", 0)); if ((bool) temp != vispar.occvisproblemfaces) { vispar.occvisproblemfaces = temp; if (occgeometry) occgeometry -> changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONHALFCHANGE; } vispar.occshowsurfaces = atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::occoptions.showsurfaces", 0)); vispar.occshowedges = atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::occoptions.showedges", 0)); vispar.occzoomtohighlightedentity = atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::occoptions.zoomtohighlightedentity", 0)); vispar.occdeflection = pow(10.0,-1-atof (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::occoptions.deflection", 0))); #endif #ifdef ACIS vispar.ACISshowfaces = atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::occoptions.showsurfaces", 0)); vispar.ACISshowedges = atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::occoptions.showedges", 0)); vispar.ACISshowsolidnr = atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::occoptions.showsolidnr", 0)); vispar.ACISshowsolidnr2 = atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::occoptions.showsolidnr2", 0)); #endif return TCL_OK; } int Ng_GetOCCData (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp * interp, int argc, tcl_const char *argv[]) { #ifdef OCCGEOMETRY OCCGeometry * occgeometry = dynamic_cast<OCCGeometry*> (ng_geometry.get()); // static char buf[1000]; // buf[0] = 0; stringstream str; if (argc >= 2) { if (strcmp (argv[1], "getentities") == 0) { if (occgeometry) { occgeometry->GetTopologyTree(str); } } } Tcl_SetResult (interp, (char*)str.str().c_str(), TCL_VOLATILE); #endif return TCL_OK; } int Ng_OCCCommand (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp * interp, int argc, tcl_const char *argv[]) { #ifdef OCCGEOMETRY OCCGeometry * occgeometry = dynamic_cast<OCCGeometry*> (ng_geometry.get()); stringstream str; if (argc >= 2) { if (strcmp (argv[1], "isoccgeometryloaded") == 0) { if (occgeometry) str << "1 " << flush; else str << "0 " << flush; Tcl_SetResult (interp, (char*)str.str().c_str(), TCL_VOLATILE); } if (occgeometry) { if (strcmp (argv[1], "buildvisualizationmesh") == 0) { occgeometry->BuildVisualizationMesh(vispar.occdeflection); occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONHALFCHANGE; } if (strcmp (argv[1], "mesherror") == 0) { if (occgeometry->ErrorInSurfaceMeshing()) str << 1; else str << 0; } if (strcmp (argv[1], "sewfaces") == 0) { cout << "Before operation:" << endl; occgeometry->PrintNrShapes(); occgeometry->SewFaces(); occgeometry->BuildFMap(); cout << endl << "After operation:" << endl; occgeometry->PrintNrShapes(); occgeometry->BuildVisualizationMesh(vispar.occdeflection); occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONHALFCHANGE; } if (strcmp (argv[1], "makesolid") == 0) { cout << "Before operation:" << endl; occgeometry->PrintNrShapes(); occgeometry->MakeSolid(); occgeometry->BuildFMap(); cout << endl << "After operation:" << endl; occgeometry->PrintNrShapes(); occgeometry->BuildVisualizationMesh(vispar.occdeflection); occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONHALFCHANGE; } if (strcmp (argv[1], "upgradetopology") == 0) { cout << "Before operation:" << endl; occgeometry->PrintNrShapes(); occgeometry->SewFaces(); occgeometry->MakeSolid(); occgeometry->BuildFMap(); cout << endl << "After operation:" << endl; occgeometry->PrintNrShapes(); occgeometry->BuildVisualizationMesh(vispar.occdeflection); occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONHALFCHANGE; } if (strcmp (argv[1], "shapehealing") == 0) { occgeometry->tolerance = atof (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::occoptions.tolerance", 0)); occgeometry->fixsmalledges = atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::occoptions.fixsmalledges", 0)); occgeometry->fixspotstripfaces = atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::occoptions.fixspotstripfaces", 0)); occgeometry->sewfaces = atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::occoptions.sewfaces", 0)); occgeometry->makesolids = atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::occoptions.makesolids", 0)); occgeometry->splitpartitions = atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::occoptions.splitpartitions", 0)); // cout << "Before operation:" << endl; // occgeometry->PrintNrShapes(); occgeometry->HealGeometry(); occgeometry->BuildFMap(); // cout << endl << "After operation:" << endl; // occgeometry->PrintNrShapes(); occgeometry->BuildVisualizationMesh(vispar.occdeflection); occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONHALFCHANGE; } if (strcmp (argv[1], "highlightentity") == 0) { if (strcmp (argv[2], "Face") == 0) { int nr = atoi (argv[3]); occgeometry->LowLightAll(); occgeometry->fvispar[nr-1].Highlight(); if (vispar.occzoomtohighlightedentity) occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONFULLCHANGE; else occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONHALFCHANGE; } if (strcmp (argv[2], "Shell") == 0) { int nr = atoi (argv[3]); occgeometry->LowLightAll(); TopExp_Explorer exp; for (exp.Init (occgeometry->shmap(nr), TopAbs_FACE); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { int i = occgeometry->fmap.FindIndex (TopoDS::Face(exp.Current())); occgeometry->fvispar[i-1].Highlight(); } if (vispar.occzoomtohighlightedentity) occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONFULLCHANGE; else occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONHALFCHANGE; } if (strcmp (argv[2], "Solid") == 0) { int nr = atoi (argv[3]); occgeometry->LowLightAll(); TopExp_Explorer exp; for (exp.Init (occgeometry->somap(nr), TopAbs_FACE); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { int i = occgeometry->fmap.FindIndex (TopoDS::Face(exp.Current())); occgeometry->fvispar[i-1].Highlight(); } if (vispar.occzoomtohighlightedentity) occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONFULLCHANGE; else occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONHALFCHANGE; } /* if (strcmp (argv[2], "CompSolid") == 0) { int nr = atoi (argv[3]); occgeometry->LowLightAll(); TopExp_Explorer exp; for (exp.Init (occgeometry->cmap(nr), TopAbs_FACE); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { int i = occgeometry->fmap.FindIndex (TopoDS::Face(exp.Current())); occgeometry->fvispar[i-1].Highlight(); } occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONHALFCHANGE; } */ if (strcmp (argv[2], "Edge") == 0) { int nr = atoi (argv[3]); occgeometry->LowLightAll(); occgeometry->evispar[nr-1].Highlight(); if (vispar.occzoomtohighlightedentity) occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONFULLCHANGE; else occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONHALFCHANGE; } if (strcmp (argv[2], "Wire") == 0) { int nr = atoi (argv[3]); occgeometry->LowLightAll(); TopExp_Explorer exp; for (exp.Init (occgeometry->wmap(nr), TopAbs_EDGE); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { int i = occgeometry->emap.FindIndex (TopoDS::Edge(exp.Current())); occgeometry->evispar[i-1].Highlight(); } if (vispar.occzoomtohighlightedentity) occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONFULLCHANGE; else occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONHALFCHANGE; } if (strcmp (argv[2], "Vertex") == 0) { int nr = atoi (argv[3]); occgeometry->LowLightAll(); occgeometry->vvispar[nr-1].Highlight(); if (vispar.occzoomtohighlightedentity) occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONFULLCHANGE; else occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONHALFCHANGE; } } if (strcmp (argv[1], "show") == 0) { int nr = atoi (argv[3]); occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONHALFCHANGE; if (strcmp (argv[2], "Face") == 0) { occgeometry->fvispar[nr-1].Show(); } if (strcmp (argv[2], "Shell") == 0) { TopExp_Explorer exp; for (exp.Init (occgeometry->shmap(nr), TopAbs_FACE); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { int i = occgeometry->fmap.FindIndex (TopoDS::Face(exp.Current())); occgeometry->fvispar[i-1].Show(); } } if (strcmp (argv[2], "Solid") == 0) { TopExp_Explorer exp; for (exp.Init (occgeometry->somap(nr), TopAbs_FACE); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { int i = occgeometry->fmap.FindIndex (TopoDS::Face(exp.Current())); occgeometry->fvispar[i-1].Show(); } } if (strcmp (argv[2], "Edge") == 0) { occgeometry->evispar[nr-1].Show(); } if (strcmp (argv[2], "Wire") == 0) { TopExp_Explorer exp; for (exp.Init (occgeometry->wmap(nr), TopAbs_EDGE); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { int i = occgeometry->emap.FindIndex (TopoDS::Edge(exp.Current())); occgeometry->evispar[i-1].Show(); } } } if (strcmp (argv[1], "hide") == 0) { int nr = atoi (argv[3]); occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONHALFCHANGE; if (strcmp (argv[2], "Face") == 0) { occgeometry->fvispar[nr-1].Hide(); } if (strcmp (argv[2], "Shell") == 0) { TopExp_Explorer exp; for (exp.Init (occgeometry->shmap(nr), TopAbs_FACE); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { int i = occgeometry->fmap.FindIndex (TopoDS::Face(exp.Current())); occgeometry->fvispar[i-1].Hide(); } } if (strcmp (argv[2], "Solid") == 0) { TopExp_Explorer exp; for (exp.Init (occgeometry->somap(nr), TopAbs_FACE); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { int i = occgeometry->fmap.FindIndex (TopoDS::Face(exp.Current())); occgeometry->fvispar[i-1].Hide(); } } if (strcmp (argv[2], "Edge") == 0) { occgeometry->evispar[nr-1].Hide(); } if (strcmp (argv[2], "Wire") == 0) { TopExp_Explorer exp; for (exp.Init (occgeometry->wmap(nr), TopAbs_EDGE); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { int i = occgeometry->emap.FindIndex (TopoDS::Edge(exp.Current())); occgeometry->evispar[i-1].Hide(); } } } if (strcmp (argv[1], "findsmallentities") == 0) { stringstream str(""); occgeometry->CheckIrregularEntities(str); Tcl_SetResult (interp, (char*)str.str().c_str(), TCL_VOLATILE); } if (strcmp (argv[1], "getunmeshedfaceinfo") == 0) { occgeometry->GetUnmeshedFaceInfo(str); Tcl_SetResult (interp, (char*)str.str().c_str(), TCL_VOLATILE); } if (strcmp (argv[1], "getnotdrawablefaces") == 0) { occgeometry->GetNotDrawableFaces(str); Tcl_SetResult (interp, (char*)str.str().c_str(), TCL_VOLATILE); } if (strcmp (argv[1], "redrawstatus") == 0) { int i = atoi (argv[2]); occgeometry->changed = i; } if (strcmp (argv[1], "swaporientation") == 0) { IGESControl_Writer writer("millimeters", 1); writer.AddShape (occgeometry->shape); writer.Write ("1.igs"); /* int nr = atoi (argv[3]); // const_cast<TopoDS_Shape&> (occgeometry->fmap(nr)).Reverse(); Handle_ShapeBuild_ReShape rebuild = new ShapeBuild_ReShape; rebuild->Apply(occgeometry->shape); TopoDS_Shape sh; // if (strcmp (argv[2], "CompSolid") == 0) sh = occgeometry->cmap(nr); if (strcmp (argv[2], "Solid") == 0) sh = occgeometry->somap(nr); if (strcmp (argv[2], "Shell") == 0) sh = occgeometry->shmap(nr); if (strcmp (argv[2], "Face") == 0) sh = occgeometry->fmap(nr); if (strcmp (argv[2], "Wire") == 0) sh = occgeometry->wmap(nr); if (strcmp (argv[2], "Edge") == 0) sh = occgeometry->emap(nr); rebuild->Replace(sh, sh.Reversed(), Standard_False); TopoDS_Shape newshape = rebuild->Apply(occgeometry->shape, TopAbs_SHELL, 1); occgeometry->shape = newshape; occgeometry->BuildFMap(); occgeometry->BuildVisualizationMesh(); occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONHALFCHANGE; */ } if (strcmp (argv[1], "marksingular") == 0) { int nr = atoi (argv[3]); cout << "marking " << argv[2] << " " << nr << endl; char buf[2]; buf[0] = '0'; buf[1] = 0; bool sing = false; if (strcmp (argv[2], "Face") == 0) sing = occgeometry->fsingular[nr-1] = !occgeometry->fsingular[nr-1]; if (strcmp (argv[2], "Edge") == 0) sing = occgeometry->esingular[nr-1] = !occgeometry->esingular[nr-1]; if (strcmp (argv[2], "Vertex") == 0) sing = occgeometry->vsingular[nr-1] = !occgeometry->vsingular[nr-1]; if (sing) buf[0] = '1'; Tcl_SetVar (interp, "::ismarkedsingular", buf, 0); stringstream str; occgeometry->GetTopologyTree (str); auto txt = str.str(); char* cstr = (char*) txt.c_str(); (*testout) << cstr << endl; char helpstr[1000]; while (strchr (cstr, '}')) { strncpy (helpstr, cstr+2, strlen(strchr(cstr+2, '}'))); (*testout) << "***" << cstr << "***" << endl; cstr = strchr (cstr, '}'); } } } } #endif return TCL_OK; } #ifdef OCCGEOMETRY /* void OCCConstructGeometry (OCCGeometry & geom); int Ng_OCCConstruction (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp * interp, int argc, tcl_const char *argv[]) { if (occgeometry) OCCConstructGeometry (*occgeometry); return TCL_OK; } */ #endif // Philippose - 30/01/2009 // TCL interface function for the Local Face Mesh size // definition functionality int Ng_SurfaceMeshSize (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp * interp, int argc, tcl_const char *argv[]) { #ifdef OCCGEOMETRY static char buf[100]; if (argc < 2) { Tcl_SetResult (interp, (char *)"Ng_SurfaceMeshSize needs arguments", TCL_STATIC); return TCL_ERROR; } OCCGeometry * occgeometry = dynamic_cast<OCCGeometry*> (ng_geometry.get()); if (!occgeometry) { Tcl_SetResult (interp, (char *)"Ng_SurfaceMeshSize currently supports only OCC (STEP/IGES) Files", TCL_STATIC); return TCL_ERROR; } // Update the face mesh sizes to reflect the global maximum mesh size for(int i = 1; i <= occgeometry->NrFaces(); i++) { if(!occgeometry->GetFaceMaxhModified(i)) { occgeometry->SetFaceMaxH(i, mparam.maxh, mparam); } } if (strcmp (argv[1], "setsurfms") == 0) { int facenr = atoi (argv[2]); double surfms = atof (argv[3]); if (occgeometry && facenr >= 1 && facenr <= occgeometry->NrFaces()) occgeometry->SetFaceMaxH(facenr, surfms, mparam); } if (strcmp (argv[1], "setall") == 0) { double surfms = atof (argv[2]); if (occgeometry) { int nrFaces = occgeometry->NrFaces(); for (int i = 1; i <= nrFaces; i++) occgeometry->SetFaceMaxH(i, surfms, mparam); } } if (strcmp (argv[1], "getsurfms") == 0) { int facenr = atoi (argv[2]); if (occgeometry && facenr >= 1 && facenr <= occgeometry->NrFaces()) { snprintf (buf, size(buf), "%5.2f", occgeometry->GetFaceMaxH(facenr)); } else { snprintf (buf, size(buf), "%5.2f", mparam.maxh); } Tcl_SetResult (interp, buf, TCL_STATIC); } if (strcmp (argv[1], "getactive") == 0) { snprintf (buf, size(buf), "%d", occgeometry->SelectedFace()); Tcl_SetResult (interp, buf, TCL_STATIC); } if (strcmp (argv[1], "setactive") == 0) { int facenr = atoi (argv[2]); if (occgeometry && facenr >= 1 && facenr <= occgeometry->NrFaces()) { occgeometry->SetSelectedFace (facenr); occgeometry->LowLightAll(); occgeometry->fvispar[facenr-1].Highlight(); occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONHALFCHANGE; } } if (strcmp (argv[1], "getnfd") == 0) { if (occgeometry) snprintf (buf, size(buf), "%d", occgeometry->NrFaces()); else snprintf (buf, size(buf), "0"); Tcl_SetResult (interp, buf, TCL_STATIC); } return TCL_OK; #else // No OCCGEOMETRY Tcl_SetResult (interp, (char *)"Ng_SurfaceMeshSize currently supports only OCC (STEP/IGES) Files", TCL_STATIC); return TCL_ERROR; #endif // OCCGEOMETRY } // Philippose - 25/07/2010 // TCL interface function for extracting and eventually // setting or editing the current colours present in the mesh int Ng_CurrentFaceColours (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp * interp, int argc, tcl_const char *argv[]) { if(argc < 1) { Tcl_SetResult (interp, (char *)"Ng_GetCurrentFaceColours needs arguments", TCL_STATIC); return TCL_ERROR; } if(!mesh) { Tcl_SetResult (interp, (char *)"Ng_GetCurrentFaceColours: Valid netgen mesh required...please mesh the Geometry first", TCL_STATIC); return TCL_ERROR; } if(strcmp(argv[1], "getcolours") == 0) { stringstream outVar; NgArray<Vec<4>> face_colours; GetFaceColours(*mesh, face_colours); for(int i = 0; i < face_colours.Size();i++) { outVar << "{ " << face_colours[i][0] << " " << face_colours[i][1] << " " << face_colours[i][2] << " } "; } tcl_const char * valuevar = argv[2]; Tcl_SetVar (interp, valuevar, (char*)outVar.str().c_str(), 0); } if(strcmp(argv[1], "showalso") == 0) { NgArray<Vec<4>> face_colours; GetFaceColours(*mesh,face_colours); int colourind = atoi (argv[2]); for(int i = 1; i <= mesh->GetNFD(); i++) { Array<SurfaceElementIndex> surfElems; mesh->GetSurfaceElementsOfFace(i,surfElems); if(ColourMatch(face_colours[colourind],mesh->GetFaceDescriptor(i).SurfColour())) { for(int j = 0; j < surfElems.Size(); j++) { mesh->SurfaceElement(surfElems[j]).Visible(1); } } } mesh->SetNextTimeStamp(); } if(strcmp(argv[1], "hidealso") == 0) { NgArray<Vec<4>> face_colours; GetFaceColours(*mesh,face_colours); int colourind = atoi (argv[2]); for(int i = 1; i <= mesh->GetNFD(); i++) { Array<SurfaceElementIndex> surfElems; mesh->GetSurfaceElementsOfFace(i,surfElems); if(ColourMatch(face_colours[colourind],mesh->GetFaceDescriptor(i).SurfColour())) { for(int j = 0; j < surfElems.Size(); j++) { mesh->SurfaceElement(surfElems[j]).Visible(0); } } } mesh->SetNextTimeStamp(); } if(strcmp(argv[1], "showonly") == 0) { NgArray<Vec<4>> face_colours; GetFaceColours(*mesh,face_colours); int colourind = atoi (argv[2]); for(int i = 1; i <= mesh->GetNFD(); i++) { Array<SurfaceElementIndex> surfElems; mesh->GetSurfaceElementsOfFace(i,surfElems); if(ColourMatch(face_colours[colourind],mesh->GetFaceDescriptor(i).SurfColour())) { for(int j = 0; j < surfElems.Size(); j++) { mesh->SurfaceElement(surfElems[j]).Visible(1); } } else { for(int j = 0; j < surfElems.Size(); j++) { mesh->SurfaceElement(surfElems[j]).Visible(0); } } } mesh->SetNextTimeStamp(); } if(strcmp(argv[1], "hideonly") == 0) { NgArray<Vec<4>> face_colours; GetFaceColours(*mesh,face_colours); int colourind = atoi (argv[2]); for(int i = 1; i <= mesh->GetNFD(); i++) { Array<SurfaceElementIndex> surfElems; mesh->GetSurfaceElementsOfFace(i,surfElems); if(ColourMatch(face_colours[colourind],mesh->GetFaceDescriptor(i).SurfColour())) { for(int j = 0; j < surfElems.Size(); j++) { mesh->SurfaceElement(surfElems[j]).Visible(0); } } else { for(int j = 0; j < surfElems.Size(); j++) { mesh->SurfaceElement(surfElems[j]).Visible(1); } } } mesh->SetNextTimeStamp(); } if(strcmp(argv[1], "showall") == 0) { /* for(int i = 1; i <= mesh->GetNSE(); i++) { mesh->SurfaceElement(i).Visible(1); } */ for (auto & el : mesh->SurfaceElements()) el.Visible(1); mesh->SetNextTimeStamp(); } if(strcmp(argv[1], "hideall") == 0) { /* for(int i = 1; i <= mesh->GetNSE(); i++) { mesh->SurfaceElement(i).Visible(0); } */ for (auto & el : mesh->SurfaceElements()) el.Visible(0); mesh->SetNextTimeStamp(); } return TCL_OK; } // Philippose - 10/03/2009 // TCL interface function for the Automatic Colour-based // definition of boundary conditions for OCC Geometry int Ng_AutoColourBcProps (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp * interp, int argc, tcl_const char *argv[]) { if(argc < 1) { Tcl_SetResult (interp, (char *)"Ng_AutoColourBcProps needs arguments", TCL_STATIC); return TCL_ERROR; } if(!mesh) { Tcl_SetResult (interp, (char *)"Ng_AutoColourBcProps: Valid netgen mesh required...please mesh the Geometry first", TCL_STATIC); return TCL_ERROR; } if(strcmp(argv[1], "auto") == 0) { AutoColourBcProps(*mesh, 0); } if(strcmp(argv[1], "profile") == 0) { AutoColourBcProps(*mesh, argv[2]); } return TCL_OK; } int Ng_SetOCCParameters (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp * interp, int argc, tcl_const char *argv[]) { OCCGeometryRegister reg; reg.SetParameters (interp); /* occparam.resthcloseedgefac = atof (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::stloptions.resthcloseedgefac", 0)); occparam.resthcloseedgeenable = atoi (Tcl_GetVar (interp, "::stloptions.resthcloseedgeenable", 0)); */ return TCL_OK; } NetgenGeometry * OCCGeometryRegister :: Load (const filesystem::path & filename) const { string ext = ToLower(filename.extension()); if (ext == ".iges" || ext == ".igs") { PrintMessage (1, "Load IGES geometry file ", filename); OCCGeometry * occgeometry = LoadOCC_IGES (filename); return occgeometry; } else if (ext == ".stp" || ext == ".step") { PrintMessage (1, "Load STEP geometry file ", filename); OCCGeometry * occgeometry = LoadOCC_STEP (filename); return occgeometry; } else if (ext == ".brep") { PrintMessage (1, "Load BREP geometry file ", filename); OCCGeometry * occgeometry = LoadOCC_BREP (filename); return occgeometry; } return NULL; } static VisualSceneOCCGeometry vsoccgeom; VisualScene * OCCGeometryRegister :: GetVisualScene (const NetgenGeometry * geom) const { OCCGeometry * geometry = dynamic_cast<OCCGeometry*> (ng_geometry.get()); if (geometry) { vsoccgeom.SetGeometry (geometry); return &vsoccgeom; } return NULL; } } using namespace netgen; int Ng_occ_Init (Tcl_Interp * interp) { geometryregister.Append (new OCCGeometryRegister); Tcl_CreateCommand (interp, "Ng_SetOCCVisParameters", Ng_SetOCCVisParameters, (ClientData)NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc*) NULL); Tcl_CreateCommand (interp, "Ng_GetOCCData", Ng_GetOCCData, (ClientData)NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc*) NULL); /* #ifdef OCCGEOMETRY Tcl_CreateCommand (interp, "Ng_OCCConstruction", Ng_OCCConstruction, (ClientData)NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc*) NULL); #endif */ Tcl_CreateCommand (interp, "Ng_OCCCommand", Ng_OCCCommand, (ClientData)NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc*) NULL); Tcl_CreateCommand (interp, "Ng_SetOCCParameters", Ng_SetOCCParameters, (ClientData)NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc*) NULL); // Philippose - 30/01/2009 // Register the TCL Interface Command for local face mesh size // definition Tcl_CreateCommand (interp, "Ng_SurfaceMeshSize", Ng_SurfaceMeshSize, (ClientData)NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc*) NULL); Tcl_CreateCommand (interp, "Ng_AutoColourBcProps", Ng_AutoColourBcProps, (ClientData)NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc*) NULL); // Philippose - 25/07/2010 // Register the TCL Interface Command for handling the face colours // present in the mesh Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, "Ng_CurrentFaceColours", Ng_CurrentFaceColours, (ClientData)NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc*) NULL); return TCL_OK; } #endif