#include <mystdlib.h> #include "meshing.hpp" namespace netgen { extern double minother; extern double minwithoutother; static double CalcElementBadness (const Array<Point3d> & points, const Element & elem) { double vol, l, l4, l5, l6; if (elem.GetNP() != 4) { if (elem.GetNP() == 5) { double z = points.Get(elem.PNum(5)).Z(); if (z > -1e-8) return 1e8; return (-1 / z) - z; // - 2; } return 0; } Vec3d v1 = points.Get(elem.PNum(2)) - points.Get(elem.PNum(1)); Vec3d v2 = points.Get(elem.PNum(3)) - points.Get(elem.PNum(1)); Vec3d v3 = points.Get(elem.PNum(4)) - points.Get(elem.PNum(1)); vol = - (Cross (v1, v2) * v3); l4 = Dist (points.Get(elem.PNum(2)), points.Get(elem.PNum(3))); l5 = Dist (points.Get(elem.PNum(2)), points.Get(elem.PNum(4))); l6 = Dist (points.Get(elem.PNum(3)), points.Get(elem.PNum(4))); l = v1.Length() + v2.Length() + v3.Length() + l4 + l5 + l6; // testout << "vol = " << vol << " l = " << l << endl; if (vol < 1e-8) return 1e10; // (*testout) << "l^3/vol = " << (l*l*l / vol) << endl; double err = pow (l*l*l/vol, 1.0/3.0) / 12; return err; } int Meshing3 :: ApplyRules ( Array<Point3d> & lpoints, // in: local points, out: old+new local points Array<int> & allowpoint, // in: 2 .. it is allowed to use pointi, 1..will be allowed later, 0..no means Array<MiniElement2d> & lfaces, // in: local faces, out: old+new local faces INDEX lfacesplit, // for local faces in outer radius INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> & connectedpairs, // connected pairs for prism-meshing Array<Element> & elements, // out: new elements Array<INDEX> & delfaces, // out: face indices of faces to delete int tolerance, // quality class: 1 best double sloppy, // quality strength int rotind1, // how to rotate base element float & retminerr // element error ) { NgProfiler::RegionTimer regtot(97); int i, j, k, ri, nfok, npok, incnpok, refpi, locpi, locfi, locfr; float hf, err, minerr, teterr, minteterr; char ok, found, hc; vnetrule * rule; Vector oldu, newu, newu1, newu2, allp; Vec3d ui; Point3d np; int oldnp, noldlp, noldlf; const MiniElement2d * locface = NULL; int loktestmode; Array<int> pused; // point is already mapped Array<char> fused; // face is already mapped Array<int> pmap; // map of reference point to local point Array<char> pfixed; // point mapped by face-map Array<int> fmapi; // face in reference is mapped to face nr ... Array<int> fmapr; // face in reference is rotated to map Array<Point3d> transfreezone; // transformed free-zone INDEX_2_CLOSED_HASHTABLE<int> ledges(100); // edges in local environment Array<Point3d> tempnewpoints; Array<MiniElement2d> tempnewfaces; Array<int> tempdelfaces; Array<Element> tempelements; Array<Box3d> triboxes; // bounding boxes of local faces Array<int, PointIndex::BASE> pnearness; Array<int> fnearness; static int cnt = 0; cnt++; delfaces.SetSize (0); elements.SetSize (0); // determine topological distance of faces and points to // base element pnearness.SetSize (lpoints.Size()); fnearness.SetSize (lfacesplit); pnearness = INT_MAX/10; for (j = 0; j < lfaces[0].GetNP(); j++) pnearness[lfaces[0][j]] = 0; NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg2(98); NgProfiler::StartTimer (90); for (int loop = 0; loop < 2; loop++) { for (i = 0; i < lfacesplit; i++) { const MiniElement2d & hface = lfaces[i]; int minn = INT_MAX-1; for (j = 0; j < hface.GetNP(); j++) { int hi = pnearness[hface[j]]; if (hi < minn) minn = hi; } if (minn < INT_MAX/10) for (j = 0; j < hface.GetNP(); j++) if (pnearness[hface[j]] > minn+1) pnearness[hface[j]] = minn+1; } for (i = 1; i <= connectedpairs.GetNBags(); i++) for (j = 1; j <= connectedpairs.GetBagSize(i); j++) { INDEX_2 edge; int val; connectedpairs.GetData (i, j, edge, val); if (pnearness[edge.I1()] > pnearness[edge.I2()] + 1) pnearness[edge.I1()] = pnearness[edge.I2()] + 1; if (pnearness[edge.I2()] > pnearness[edge.I1()] + 1) pnearness[edge.I2()] = pnearness[edge.I1()] + 1; } } for (i = 0; i < fnearness.Size(); i++) { int sum = 0; for (j = 0; j < lfaces[i].GetNP(); j++) sum += pnearness[lfaces[i][j]]; fnearness[i] = sum; } NgProfiler::StopTimer (90); NgProfiler::StartTimer (91); // find bounding boxes of faces triboxes.SetSize (lfaces.Size()); for (i = 0; i < lfaces.Size(); i++) { const MiniElement2d & face = lfaces[i]; triboxes[i].SetPoint (lpoints.Get(face[0])); for (j = 1; j < face.GetNP(); j++) triboxes[i].AddPoint (lpoints.Get(face[j])); } NgProfiler::StopTimer (91); NgProfiler::StartTimer (92); bool useedges = 0; for (ri = 0; ri < rules.Size(); ri++) if (rules[ri]->GetNEd()) useedges = 1; if (useedges) { ledges.SetSize (5 * lfacesplit); for (j = 0; j < lfacesplit; j++) // if (fnearness[j] <= 5) { const MiniElement2d & face = lfaces[j]; int newp, oldp; newp = face[face.GetNP()-1]; for (k = 0; k < face.GetNP(); k++) { oldp = newp; newp = face[k]; ledges.Set (INDEX_2::Sort(oldp, newp), 1); } } } NgProfiler::StopTimer (92); NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg3(99); pused.SetSize (lpoints.Size()); fused.SetSize (lfaces.Size()); found = 0; minerr = tolfak * tolerance * tolerance; minteterr = sloppy * tolerance; if (testmode) (*testout) << "cnt = " << cnt << " class = " << tolerance << endl; // impossible, if no rule can be applied at any tolerance class bool impossible = 1; // check each rule: for (ri = 1; ri <= rules.Size(); ri++) { int base = (lfaces[0].GetNP() == 3) ? 100 : 200; NgProfiler::RegionTimer regx1(base); NgProfiler::RegionTimer regx(base+ri); // sprintf (problems.Elem(ri), ""); *problems.Elem(ri) = '\0'; rule = rules.Get(ri); if (rule->GetNP(1) != lfaces[0].GetNP()) continue; if (rule->GetQuality() > tolerance) { if (rule->GetQuality() < 100) impossible = 0; if (testmode) sprintf (problems.Elem(ri), "Quality not ok"); continue; } if (testmode) sprintf (problems.Elem(ri), "no mapping found"); loktestmode = testmode || rule->TestFlag ('t') || tolerance > 5; if (loktestmode) (*testout) << "Rule " << ri << " = " << rule->Name() << endl; pmap.SetSize (rule->GetNP()); fmapi.SetSize (rule->GetNF()); fmapr.SetSize (rule->GetNF()); fused = 0; pused = 0; pmap = 0; fmapi = 0; for (i = 1; i <= fmapr.Size(); i++) fmapr.Set(i, rule->GetNP(i)); fused[0] = 1; fmapi[0] = 1; fmapr[0] = rotind1; for (j = 1; j <= lfaces.Get(1).GetNP(); j++) { locpi = lfaces[0].PNumMod (j+rotind1); pmap.Set (rule->GetPointNr (1, j), locpi); pused.Elem(locpi)++; } /* map all faces nfok .. first nfok-1 faces are mapped properly */ nfok = 2; NgProfiler::RegionTimer regfa(300); NgProfiler::RegionTimer regx2(base+50+ri); while (nfok >= 2) { if (nfok <= rule->GetNOldF()) { // not all faces mapped ok = 0; locfi = fmapi.Get(nfok); locfr = fmapr.Get(nfok); int actfnp = rule->GetNP(nfok); while (!ok) { locfr++; if (locfr == actfnp + 1) { locfr = 1; locfi++; if (locfi > lfacesplit) break; } if (fnearness.Get(locfi) > rule->GetFNearness (nfok) || fused.Get(locfi) || actfnp != lfaces.Get(locfi).GetNP() ) { // face not feasible in any rotation locfr = actfnp; } else { ok = 1; locface = &lfaces.Get(locfi); // reference point already mapped differently ? for (j = 1; j <= actfnp && ok; j++) { locpi = pmap.Get(rule->GetPointNr (nfok, j)); if (locpi && locpi != locface->PNumMod(j+locfr)) ok = 0; } // local point already used or point outside tolerance ? for (j = 1; j <= actfnp && ok; j++) { refpi = rule->GetPointNr (nfok, j); if (pmap.Get(refpi) == 0) { locpi = locface->PNumMod (j + locfr); if (pused.Get(locpi)) ok = 0; else { const Point3d & lp = lpoints.Get(locpi); const Point3d & rp = rule->GetPoint(refpi); if ( Dist2 (lp, rp) * rule->PointDistFactor(refpi) > minerr) { impossible = 0; ok = 0; } } } } } } if (ok) { // map face nfok fmapi.Set (nfok, locfi); fmapr.Set (nfok, locfr); fused.Set (locfi, 1); for (j = 1; j <= rule->GetNP (nfok); j++) { locpi = locface->PNumMod(j+locfr); if (rule->GetPointNr (nfok, j) <= 3 && pmap.Get(rule->GetPointNr(nfok, j)) != locpi) (*testout) << "change face1 point, mark1" << endl; pmap.Set(rule->GetPointNr (nfok, j), locpi); pused.Elem(locpi)++; } nfok++; } else { // backtrack one face fmapi.Set (nfok, 0); fmapr.Set (nfok, rule->GetNP(nfok)); nfok--; fused.Set (fmapi.Get(nfok), 0); for (j = 1; j <= rule->GetNP (nfok); j++) { refpi = rule->GetPointNr (nfok, j); pused.Elem(pmap.Get(refpi))--; if (pused.Get(pmap.Get(refpi)) == 0) { pmap.Set(refpi, 0); } } } } else { NgProfiler::RegionTimer regfb(301); // all faces are mapped // now map all isolated points: if (loktestmode) { (*testout) << "Faces Ok" << endl; sprintf (problems.Elem(ri), "Faces Ok"); } npok = 1; incnpok = 1; pfixed.SetSize (pmap.Size()); for (i = 1; i <= pmap.Size(); i++) pfixed.Set(i, (pmap.Get(i) != 0) ); while (npok >= 1) { if (npok <= rule->GetNOldP()) { if (pfixed.Get(npok)) { if (incnpok) npok++; else npok--; } else { locpi = pmap.Elem(npok); ok = 0; if (locpi) pused.Elem(locpi)--; while (!ok && locpi < lpoints.Size()) { ok = 1; locpi++; if (pused.Get(locpi) || pnearness.Get(locpi) > rule->GetPNearness(npok)) { ok = 0; } else if (allowpoint.Get(locpi) != 2) { ok = 0; if (allowpoint.Get(locpi) == 1) impossible = 0; } else { const Point3d & lp = lpoints.Get(locpi); const Point3d & rp = rule->GetPoint(npok); if ( Dist2 (lp, rp) * rule->PointDistFactor(npok) > minerr) { ok = 0; impossible = 0; } } } if (ok) { pmap.Set (npok, locpi); if (npok <= 3) (*testout) << "set face1 point, mark3" << endl; pused.Elem(locpi)++; npok++; incnpok = 1; } else { pmap.Set (npok, 0); if (npok <= 3) (*testout) << "set face1 point, mark4" << endl; npok--; incnpok = 0; } } } else { NgProfiler::RegionTimer regfa2(302); // all points are mapped if (loktestmode) { (*testout) << "Mapping found!!: Rule " << rule->Name() << endl; for (i = 1; i <= pmap.Size(); i++) (*testout) << pmap.Get(i) << " "; (*testout) << endl; sprintf (problems.Elem(ri), "mapping found"); (*testout) << rule->GetNP(1) << " = " << lfaces.Get(1).GetNP() << endl; } ok = 1; // check mapedges: for (i = 1; i <= rule->GetNEd(); i++) { INDEX_2 in2(pmap.Get(rule->GetEdge(i).i1), pmap.Get(rule->GetEdge(i).i2)); in2.Sort(); if (!ledges.Used (in2)) ok = 0; } // check prism edges: for (i = 1; i <= rule->GetNE(); i++) { const Element & el = rule->GetElement (i); if (el.GetType() == PRISM) { for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { INDEX_2 in2(pmap.Get(el.PNum(j)), pmap.Get(el.PNum(j+3))); in2.Sort(); if (!connectedpairs.Used (in2)) ok = 0; } } if (el.GetType() == PYRAMID) { if (loktestmode) (*testout) << "map pyramid, rule = " << rule->Name() << endl; for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++) { INDEX_2 in2; if (j == 1) { in2.I1() = pmap.Get(el.PNum(2)); in2.I2() = pmap.Get(el.PNum(3)); } else { in2.I1() = pmap.Get(el.PNum(1)); in2.I2() = pmap.Get(el.PNum(4)); } in2.Sort(); if (!connectedpairs.Used (in2)) { ok = 0; if (loktestmode) (*testout) << "no pair" << endl; } } } } for (i = rule->GetNOldF() + 1; i <= rule->GetNF(); i++) fmapi.Set(i, 0); if (ok) { foundmap.Elem(ri)++; } // deviation of existing points oldu.SetSize (3 * rule->GetNOldP()); newu.SetSize (3 * (rule->GetNP() - rule->GetNOldP())); allp.SetSize (3 * rule->GetNP()); for (i = 1; i <= rule->GetNOldP(); i++) { const Point3d & lp = lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(i)); const Point3d & rp = rule->GetPoint(i); oldu (3*i-3) = lp.X()-rp.X(); oldu (3*i-2) = lp.Y()-rp.Y(); oldu (3*i-1) = lp.Z()-rp.Z(); allp (3*i-3) = lp.X(); allp (3*i-2) = lp.Y(); allp (3*i-1) = lp.Z(); } if (rule->GetNP() > rule->GetNOldP()) { newu.SetSize (rule->GetOldUToNewU().Height()); rule->GetOldUToNewU().Mult (oldu, newu); } // int idiff = 3 * (rule->GetNP()-rule->GetNOldP()); int idiff = 3 * rule->GetNOldP(); for (i = rule->GetNOldP()+1; i <= rule->GetNP(); i++) { const Point3d & rp = rule->GetPoint(i); allp (3*i-3) = rp.X() + newu(3*i-3 - idiff); allp (3*i-2) = rp.Y() + newu(3*i-2 - idiff); allp (3*i-1) = rp.Z() + newu(3*i-1 - idiff); } rule->SetFreeZoneTransformation (allp, tolerance + int(sloppy)); if (!rule->ConvexFreeZone()) { ok = 0; sprintf (problems.Elem(ri), "Freezone not convex"); if (loktestmode) (*testout) << "Freezone not convex" << endl; } if (loktestmode) { const Array<Point3d> & fz = rule->GetTransFreeZone(); (*testout) << "Freezone: " << endl; for (i = 1; i <= fz.Size(); i++) (*testout) << fz.Get(i) << endl; } // check freezone: for (i = 1; i <= lpoints.Size(); i++) { if ( !pused.Get(i) ) { const Point3d & lp = lpoints.Get(i); if (rule->fzbox.IsIn (lp)) { if (rule->IsInFreeZone(lp)) { if (loktestmode) { (*testout) << "Point " << i << " in Freezone" << endl; sprintf (problems.Elem(ri), "locpoint %d in Freezone", i); } ok = 0; break; } } } } for (i = 1; i <= lfaces.Size() && ok; i++) { static Array<int> lpi(4); if (!fused.Get(i)) { int triin; const MiniElement2d & lfacei = lfaces.Get(i); if (!triboxes.Elem(i).Intersect (rule->fzbox)) triin = 0; else { int li, lj; for (li = 1; li <= lfacei.GetNP(); li++) { int lpii = 0; int pi = lfacei.PNum(li); for (lj = 1; lj <= rule->GetNOldP(); lj++) if (pmap.Get(lj) == pi) lpii = lj; lpi.Elem(li) = lpii; } if (lfacei.GetNP() == 3) { triin = rule->IsTriangleInFreeZone ( lpoints.Get(lfacei.PNum(1)), lpoints.Get(lfacei.PNum(2)), lpoints.Get(lfacei.PNum(3)), lpi, 1 ); } else { triin = rule->IsQuadInFreeZone ( lpoints.Get(lfacei.PNum(1)), lpoints.Get(lfacei.PNum(2)), lpoints.Get(lfacei.PNum(3)), lpoints.Get(lfacei.PNum(4)), lpi, 1 ); } } if (triin == -1) { ok = 0; } if (triin == 1) { #ifdef TEST_JS ok = 0; if (loktestmode) { (*testout) << "El with " << lfaces.Get(i).GetNP() << " points in freezone: " << lfaces.Get(i).PNum(1) << " - " << lfaces.Get(i).PNum(2) << " - " << lfaces.Get(i).PNum(3) << " - " << lfaces.Get(i).PNum(4) << endl; for (int lj = 1; lj <= lfaces.Get(i).GetNP(); lj++) (*testout) << lpoints.Get(lfaces.Get(i).PNum(lj)) << " "; (*testout) << endl; sprintf (problems.Elem(ri), "triangle (%d, %d, %d) in Freezone", lfaces.Get(i).PNum(1), lfaces.Get(i).PNum(2), lfaces.Get(i).PNum(3)); } #else if (loktestmode) { if (lfacei.GetNP() == 3) { (*testout) << "Triangle in freezone: " << lfacei.PNum(1) << " - " << lfacei.PNum(2) << " - " << lfacei.PNum(3) << ", or " << lpoints.Get(lfacei.PNum(1)) << " - " << lpoints.Get(lfacei.PNum(2)) << " - " << lpoints.Get(lfacei.PNum(3)) << endl; (*testout) << "lpi = " << lpi.Get(1) << ", " << lpi.Get(2) << ", " << lpi.Get(3) << endl; } else (*testout) << "Quad in freezone: " << lfacei.PNum(1) << " - " << lfacei.PNum(2) << " - " << lfacei.PNum(3) << " - " << lfacei.PNum(4) << ", or " << lpoints.Get(lfacei.PNum(1)) << " - " << lpoints.Get(lfacei.PNum(2)) << " - " << lpoints.Get(lfacei.PNum(3)) << " - " << lpoints.Get(lfacei.PNum(4)) << endl; sprintf (problems.Elem(ri), "triangle (%d, %d, %d) in Freezone", int(lfaces.Get(i).PNum(1)), int(lfaces.Get(i).PNum(2)), int(lfaces.Get(i).PNum(3))); } hc = 0; for (k = rule->GetNOldF() + 1; k <= rule->GetNF(); k++) { if (rule->GetPointNr(k, 1) <= rule->GetNOldP() && rule->GetPointNr(k, 2) <= rule->GetNOldP() && rule->GetPointNr(k, 3) <= rule->GetNOldP()) { for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) if (lfaces.Get(i).PNumMod(j ) == pmap.Get(rule->GetPointNr(k, 1)) && lfaces.Get(i).PNumMod(j+1) == pmap.Get(rule->GetPointNr(k, 3)) && lfaces.Get(i).PNumMod(j+2) == pmap.Get(rule->GetPointNr(k, 2))) { fmapi.Elem(k) = i; hc = 1; // (*testout) << "found from other side: " // << rule->Name() // << " ( " << pmap.Get (rule->GetPointNr(k, 1)) // << " - " << pmap.Get (rule->GetPointNr(k, 2)) // << " - " << pmap.Get (rule->GetPointNr(k, 3)) << " ) " // << endl; strcpy (problems.Elem(ri), "other"); } } } if (!hc) { if (loktestmode) { (*testout) << "Triangle in freezone: " << lfaces.Get(i).PNum(1) << " - " << lfaces.Get(i).PNum(2) << " - " << lfaces.Get(i).PNum(3) << endl; sprintf (problems.Elem(ri), "triangle (%d, %d, %d) in Freezone", int (lfaces.Get(i).PNum(1)), int (lfaces.Get(i).PNum(2)), int (lfaces.Get(i).PNum(3))); } ok = 0; } #endif } } } if (ok) { err = 0; for (i = 1; i <= rule->GetNOldP(); i++) { hf = rule->CalcPointDist (i, lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(i))); if (hf > err) err = hf; } if (loktestmode) { (*testout) << "Rule ok" << endl; sprintf (problems.Elem(ri), "Rule ok, err = %f", err); } // newu = rule->GetOldUToNewU() * oldu; // set new points: oldnp = rule->GetNOldP(); noldlp = lpoints.Size(); noldlf = lfaces.Size(); for (i = oldnp + 1; i <= rule->GetNP(); i++) { np = rule->GetPoint(i); np.X() += newu (3 * (i-oldnp) - 3); np.Y() += newu (3 * (i-oldnp) - 2); np.Z() += newu (3 * (i-oldnp) - 1); pmap.Elem(i) = lpoints.Append (np); } // Set new Faces: for (i = rule->GetNOldF() + 1; i <= rule->GetNF(); i++) if (!fmapi.Get(i)) { MiniElement2d nface(rule->GetNP(i)); for (j = 1; j <= nface.GetNP(); j++) nface.PNum(j) = pmap.Get(rule->GetPointNr (i, j)); lfaces.Append (nface); } // Delete old Faces: for (i = 1; i <= rule->GetNDelF(); i++) delfaces.Append (fmapi.Get(rule->GetDelFace(i))); for (i = rule->GetNOldF()+1; i <= rule->GetNF(); i++) if (fmapi.Get(i)) { delfaces.Append (fmapi.Get(i)); fmapi.Elem(i) = 0; } // check orientation for (i = 1; i <= rule->GetNO() && ok; i++) { const fourint * fouri; fouri = &rule->GetOrientation(i); Vec3d v1 (lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(fouri->i1)), lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(fouri->i2))); Vec3d v2 (lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(fouri->i1)), lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(fouri->i3))); Vec3d v3 (lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(fouri->i1)), lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(fouri->i4))); Vec3d n; Cross (v1, v2, n); //if (n * v3 >= -1e-7*n.Length()*v3.Length()) // OR -1e-7??? if (n * v3 >= -1e-9) { if (loktestmode) { sprintf (problems.Elem(ri), "Orientation wrong"); (*testout) << "Orientation wrong ("<< n*v3 << ")" << endl; } ok = 0; } } // new points in free-zone ? for (i = rule->GetNOldP() + 1; i <= rule->GetNP() && ok; i++) if (!rule->IsInFreeZone (lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(i)))) { if (loktestmode) { (*testout) << "Newpoint " << lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(i)) << " outside convex hull" << endl; sprintf (problems.Elem(ri), "newpoint outside convex hull"); } ok = 0; } // insert new elements for (i = 1; i <= rule->GetNE(); i++) { elements.Append (rule->GetElement(i)); for (j = 1; j <= elements.Get(i).NP(); j++) elements.Elem(i).PNum(j) = pmap.Get(elements.Get(i).PNum(j)); } // Calculate Element badness teterr = 0; for (i = 1; i <= elements.Size(); i++) { hf = CalcElementBadness (lpoints, elements.Get(i)); if (hf > teterr) teterr = hf; } /* // keine gute Erfahrung am 25.1.2000, js if (ok && teterr < 100 && (rule->TestFlag('b') || tolerance > 10) ) { (*mycout) << "Reset teterr " << rule->Name() << " err = " << teterr << endl; teterr = 1; } */ // compare edgelength if (rule->TestFlag('l')) { double oldlen = 0; double newlen = 0; for (i = 1; i <= rule->GetNDelF(); i++) { const Element2d & face = rule->GetFace (rule->GetDelFace(i)); for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { const Point3d & p1 = lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(face.PNumMod(j))); const Point3d & p2 = lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(face.PNumMod(j+1))); oldlen += Dist(p1, p2); } } for (i = rule->GetNOldF()+1; i <= rule->GetNF(); i++) { const Element2d & face = rule->GetFace (i); for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { const Point3d & p1 = lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(face.PNumMod(j))); const Point3d & p2 = lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(face.PNumMod(j+1))); newlen += Dist(p1, p2); } } if (oldlen < newlen) { ok = 0; if (loktestmode) sprintf (problems.Elem(ri), "oldlen < newlen"); } } if (loktestmode) (*testout) << "ok = " << int(ok) << "teterr = " << teterr << "minteterr = " << minteterr << endl; if (ok && teterr < tolerance) { canuse.Elem(ri) ++; /* (*testout) << "can use rule " << rule->Name() << ", err = " << teterr << endl; for (i = 1; i <= pmap.Size(); i++) (*testout) << pmap.Get(i) << " "; (*testout) << endl; */ if (strcmp (problems.Elem(ri), "other") == 0) { if (teterr < minother) minother = teterr; } else { if (teterr < minwithoutother) minwithoutother = teterr; } } if (teterr > minteterr) impossible = 0; if (ok && teterr < minteterr) { if (loktestmode) (*testout) << "use rule" << endl; found = ri; minteterr = teterr; if (testmode) { for (i = 1; i <= rule->GetNOldP(); i++) { (*testout) << "P" << i << ": Ref: " << rule->GetPoint (i) << " is: " << lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(i)) << endl; } } tempnewpoints.SetSize (0); for (i = noldlp+1; i <= lpoints.Size(); i++) tempnewpoints.Append (lpoints.Get(i)); tempnewfaces.SetSize (0); for (i = noldlf+1; i <= lfaces.Size(); i++) tempnewfaces.Append (lfaces.Get(i)); tempdelfaces.SetSize (0); for (i = 1; i <= delfaces.Size(); i++) tempdelfaces.Append (delfaces.Get(i)); tempelements.SetSize (0); for (i = 1; i <= elements.Size(); i++) tempelements.Append (elements.Get(i)); } lpoints.SetSize (noldlp); lfaces.SetSize (noldlf); delfaces.SetSize (0); elements.SetSize (0); } npok = rule->GetNOldP(); incnpok = 0; } } nfok = rule->GetNOldF(); for (j = 1; j <= rule->GetNP (nfok); j++) { refpi = rule->GetPointNr (nfok, j); pused.Elem(pmap.Get(refpi))--; if (pused.Get(pmap.Get(refpi)) == 0) { pmap.Set(refpi, 0); } } } } if (loktestmode) (*testout) << "end rule" << endl; } if (found) { for (i = 1; i <= tempnewpoints.Size(); i++) lpoints.Append (tempnewpoints.Get(i)); for (i = 1; i <= tempnewfaces.Size(); i++) if (tempnewfaces.Get(i).PNum(1)) lfaces.Append (tempnewfaces.Get(i)); for (i = 1; i <= tempdelfaces.Size(); i++) delfaces.Append (tempdelfaces.Get(i)); for (i = 1; i <= tempelements.Size(); i++) elements.Append (tempelements.Get(i)); } retminerr = minerr; if (impossible && found == 0) return -1; return found; } }