#ifndef NGINTERFACE #define NGINTERFACE /**************************************************************************/ /* File: nginterface.h */ /* Author: Joachim Schoeberl */ /* Date: 20. Nov. 99 */ /**************************************************************************/ #include <core/ngcore.hpp> /* Application program interface to Netgen */ #ifdef WIN32 #if NGINTERFACE_EXPORTS || NGLIB_EXPORTS || nglib_EXPORTS #define DLL_HEADER __declspec(dllexport) #else #define DLL_HEADER __declspec(dllimport) #endif #else #if __GNUC__ >= 4 #define DLL_HEADER __attribute__ ((visibility ("default"))) #else #define DLL_HEADER #endif #endif // max number of nodes per element #define NG_ELEMENT_MAXPOINTS 20 // max number of nodes per surface element #define NG_SURFACE_ELEMENT_MAXPOINTS 8 // #ifndef PARALLEL // typedef int MPI_Comm; // #endif // namespace netgen { extern DLL_HEADER ngcore::NgMPI_Comm ng_comm; } // implemented element types: enum NG_ELEMENT_TYPE { NG_PNT = 0, NG_SEGM = 1, NG_SEGM3 = 2, NG_TRIG = 10, NG_QUAD=11, NG_TRIG6 = 12, NG_QUAD6 = 13, NG_QUAD8 = 14, NG_TET = 20, NG_TET10 = 21, NG_PYRAMID = 22, NG_PRISM = 23, NG_PRISM12 = 24, NG_PRISM15 = 27, NG_PYRAMID13 = 28, NG_HEX = 25, NG_HEX20 = 26 }; typedef double NG_POINT[3]; // coordinates typedef int NG_EDGE[2]; // initial point, end point typedef int NG_FACE[4]; // points, last one is 0 for trig #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // load geometry from file DLL_HEADER void Ng_LoadGeometry (const char * filename); // load netgen mesh DLL_HEADER void Ng_LoadMesh (const char * filename, ngcore::NgMPI_Comm comm = ngcore::NgMPI_Comm{}); // load netgen mesh DLL_HEADER void Ng_LoadMeshFromString (const char * mesh_as_string); // space dimension (2 or 3) DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetDimension (); // number of mesh points DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetNP (); // number of mesh vertices (differs from GetNP for 2nd order elements) DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetNV (); // number of mesh elements DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetNE (); // number of surface triangles DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetNSE (); // Get Point coordintes, index from 1 .. np DLL_HEADER void Ng_GetPoint (int pi, double * p); // Get Element Points DLL_HEADER NG_ELEMENT_TYPE Ng_GetElement (int ei, int * epi, int * np = 0); // Get Element Type DLL_HEADER NG_ELEMENT_TYPE Ng_GetElementType (int ei); // Get sub-domain of element ei DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetElementIndex (int ei); DLL_HEADER void Ng_SetElementIndex(const int ei, const int index); // Get Material of element ei DLL_HEADER const char * Ng_GetElementMaterial (int ei); // Get Material of domain dom DLL_HEADER const char * Ng_GetDomainMaterial (int dom); // Get User Data DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetUserDataSize (char * id); DLL_HEADER void Ng_GetUserData (char * id, double * data); // Get Surface Element Points DLL_HEADER NG_ELEMENT_TYPE Ng_GetSurfaceElement (int ei, int * epi, int * np = 0); // Get Surface Element Type DLL_HEADER NG_ELEMENT_TYPE Ng_GetSurfaceElementType (int ei); // Get Surface Element Index DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetSurfaceElementIndex (int ei); // Get Surface Element Surface Number DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetSurfaceElementSurfaceNumber (int ei); // Get Surface Element Number DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetSurfaceElementFDNumber (int ei); // Get BCName for Surface Element DLL_HEADER char * Ng_GetSurfaceElementBCName (int ei); //void Ng_GetSurfaceElementBCName (int ei, char * name); // Get BCName for bc-number DLL_HEADER char * Ng_GetBCNumBCName (int bcnr); //void Ng_GetBCNumBCName (int bcnr, char * name); // Get BCName for bc-number of co dim 2 DLL_HEADER char * Ng_GetCD2NumCD2Name (int cd2nr); // Get normal vector of surface element node // DLL_HEADER void Ng_GetNormalVector (int sei, int locpi, double * nv); DLL_HEADER void Ng_SetPointSearchStartElement(int el); // Find element of point, returns local coordinates DLL_HEADER int Ng_FindElementOfPoint (double * p, double * lami, int build_searchtrees = 0, const int * const indices = NULL, const int numind = 0); // Find surface element of point, returns local coordinates DLL_HEADER int Ng_FindSurfaceElementOfPoint (double * p, double * lami, int build_searchtrees = 0, const int * const indices = NULL, const int numind = 0); // is element ei curved ? DLL_HEADER int Ng_IsElementCurved (int ei); // is element sei curved ? DLL_HEADER int Ng_IsSurfaceElementCurved (int sei); /// Curved Elements: /// xi..local coordinates /// x ..global coordinates /// dxdxi...D x D Jacobian matrix (row major storage) DLL_HEADER void Ng_GetElementTransformation (int ei, const double * xi, double * x, double * dxdxi); /// buffer must be at least 100 doubles, alignment of double DLL_HEADER void Ng_GetBufferedElementTransformation (int ei, const double * xi, double * x, double * dxdxi, void * buffer, int buffervalid); /// Curved Elements: /// xi..local coordinates /// x ..global coordinates /// dxdxi...D x D-1 Jacobian matrix (row major storage) /// curved ...is element curved ? DLL_HEADER void Ng_GetSurfaceElementTransformation (int sei, const double * xi, double * x, double * dxdxi); /// Curved Elements: /// xi..local coordinates /// sxi..step xi /// x ..global coordinates /// dxdxi...D x D Jacobian matrix (row major storage) DLL_HEADER void Ng_GetMultiElementTransformation (int ei, int n, const double * xi, size_t sxi, double * x, size_t sx, double * dxdxi, size_t sdxdxi); DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetSegmentIndex (int elnr); DLL_HEADER NG_ELEMENT_TYPE Ng_GetSegment (int elnr, int * epi, int * np = 0); // Mark element for refinement DLL_HEADER void Ng_SetRefinementFlag (int ei, int flag); DLL_HEADER void Ng_SetSurfaceRefinementFlag (int sei, int flag); // Do local refinement enum NG_REFINEMENT_TYPE { NG_REFINE_H = 0, NG_REFINE_P = 1, NG_REFINE_HP = 2 }; DLL_HEADER void Ng_Refine (NG_REFINEMENT_TYPE reftype); // Use second order elements DLL_HEADER void Ng_SecondOrder (); DLL_HEADER void Ng_HighOrder (int order, bool rational = false); //void Ng_HPRefinement (int levels, double parameter = 0.125); DLL_HEADER void Ng_HPRefinement (int levels, double parameter = 0.125, bool setorders = true,bool ref_level = false); // void Ng_HPRefinement (int levels); // void Ng_HPRefinement (int levels, double parameter); // Topology and coordinate information of master element: DLL_HEADER int Ng_ME_GetNVertices (NG_ELEMENT_TYPE et); DLL_HEADER int Ng_ME_GetNEdges (NG_ELEMENT_TYPE et); DLL_HEADER int Ng_ME_GetNFaces (NG_ELEMENT_TYPE et); DLL_HEADER const NG_POINT * Ng_ME_GetVertices (NG_ELEMENT_TYPE et); DLL_HEADER const NG_EDGE * Ng_ME_GetEdges (NG_ELEMENT_TYPE et); DLL_HEADER const NG_FACE * Ng_ME_GetFaces (NG_ELEMENT_TYPE et); DLL_HEADER void Ng_UpdateTopology(); DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetNEdges(); DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetNFaces(); DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetElement_Edges (int elnr, int * edges, int * orient = 0); DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetElement_Faces (int elnr, int * faces, int * orient = 0); DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetSurfaceElement_Edges (int selnr, int * edges, int * orient = 0); DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetSurfaceElement_Face (int selnr, int * orient = 0); DLL_HEADER void Ng_GetSurfaceElementNeighbouringDomains(const int selnr, int & in, int & out); DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetFace_Vertices (int fnr, int * vert); DLL_HEADER void Ng_GetEdge_Vertices (int ednr, int * vert); DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetFace_Edges (int fnr, int * edge); DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetNVertexElements (int vnr); DLL_HEADER void Ng_GetVertexElements (int vnr, int * els); DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetElementOrder (int enr); DLL_HEADER void Ng_GetElementOrders (int enr, int * ox, int * oy, int * oz); DLL_HEADER void Ng_SetElementOrder (int enr, int order); DLL_HEADER void Ng_SetElementOrders (int enr, int ox, int oy, int oz); DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetSurfaceElementOrder (int enr); DLL_HEADER void Ng_GetSurfaceElementOrders (int enr, int * ox, int * oy); DLL_HEADER void Ng_SetSurfaceElementOrder (int enr, int order); DLL_HEADER void Ng_SetSurfaceElementOrders (int enr, int ox, int oy); // Multilevel functions: // number of levels: DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetNLevels (); // get two parent nodes (indeed vertices !) of node ni DLL_HEADER void Ng_GetParentNodes (int ni, int * parents); // get parent element (first child has always same number) DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetParentElement (int ei); // get parent surface element (first child has always same number) DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetParentSElement (int ei); // representant of anisotropic cluster DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetClusterRepVertex (int vi); DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetClusterRepEdge (int edi); DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetClusterRepFace (int fai); DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetClusterRepElement (int eli); void Ng_SurfaceElementTransformation (int eli, double x, double y, double * p3d, double * jacobian); #ifdef PARALLEL // the following functions are 0-base !! // number on distant processor // returns pairs (dist_proc, num_on_dist_proc) int NgPar_GetDistantNodeNums ( int nodetype, int locnum, int * pnums ); int NgPar_GetNDistantNodeNums ( int nodetype, int locnum ); int NgPar_GetGlobalNodeNum (int nodetype, int locnum); #endif namespace netgen { // #include "../visualization/soldata.hpp" class SolutionData; class MouseEventHandler; class UserVisualizationObject; } enum Ng_SolutionType { NG_SOLUTION_NODAL = 1, NG_SOLUTION_ELEMENT = 2, NG_SOLUTION_SURFACE_ELEMENT = 3, NG_SOLUTION_NONCONTINUOUS = 4, NG_SOLUTION_SURFACE_NONCONTINUOUS = 5, NG_SOLUTION_VIRTUAL_FUNCTION = 6, NG_SOLUTION_MARKED_ELEMENTS = 10, NG_SOLUTION_ELEMENT_ORDER = 11 }; struct Ng_SolutionData { std::string name; // name of gridfunction double * data; // solution values int components; // relevant (double) components in solution vector int dist; // # doubles per entry alignment! int iscomplex; // complex vector ? bool draw_surface; bool draw_volume; int order; // order of elements, only partially supported Ng_SolutionType soltype; // type of solution function netgen::SolutionData * solclass; }; // initialize solution data with default arguments DLL_HEADER void Ng_InitSolutionData (Ng_SolutionData * soldata); // set solution data DLL_HEADER void Ng_SetSolutionData (Ng_SolutionData * soldata); /// delete gridfunctions DLL_HEADER void Ng_ClearSolutionData(); // redraw DLL_HEADER void Ng_Redraw(bool blocking = false); /// DLL_HEADER void Ng_TclCmd(std::string cmd); /// DLL_HEADER void Ng_SetMouseEventHandler (netgen::MouseEventHandler * handler); /// DLL_HEADER void Ng_SetUserVisualizationObject (netgen::UserVisualizationObject * vis); // DLL_HEADER void Ng_SetVisualizationParameter (const char * name, const char * value); // number of periodic vertices DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetNPeriodicVertices (int idnr); // pairs should be an integer array of 2*npairs DLL_HEADER void Ng_GetPeriodicVertices (int idnr, int * pairs); // number of periodic edges DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetNPeriodicEdges (int idnr); // pairs should be an integer array of 2*npairs DLL_HEADER void Ng_GetPeriodicEdges (int idnr, int * pairs); DLL_HEADER void RunParallel ( void * (*fun)(void *), void * in); DLL_HEADER void Ng_PushStatus (const char * str); DLL_HEADER void Ng_PopStatus (); DLL_HEADER void Ng_SetThreadPercentage (double percent); DLL_HEADER void Ng_GetStatus (char ** str, double & percent); DLL_HEADER void Ng_SetTerminate(void); DLL_HEADER void Ng_UnSetTerminate(void); DLL_HEADER int Ng_ShouldTerminate(void); DLL_HEADER void Ng_SetRunning(int flag); DLL_HEADER int Ng_IsRunning(); //// added by Roman Stainko .... DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetVertex_Elements( int vnr, int* elems); DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetVertex_SurfaceElements( int vnr, int* elems ); DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetVertex_NElements( int vnr ); DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetVertex_NSurfaceElements( int vnr ); #ifdef SOCKETS int Ng_SocketClientOpen( const int port, const char * host ); void Ng_SocketClientWrite( const char * write, char ** reply); void Ng_SocketClientClose ( void ); void Ng_SocketClientGetServerHost ( const int number, char ** host ); void Ng_SocketClientGetServerPort ( const int number, int * port ); void Ng_SocketClientGetServerClientID ( const int number, int * id ); #endif DLL_HEADER void Ng_InitPointCurve(double red, double green, double blue); DLL_HEADER void Ng_AddPointCurvePoint(const double * point); // #ifdef PARALLEL // void Ng_SetElementPartition ( int elnr, int part ); // int Ng_GetElementPartition ( int elnr ); // #endif DLL_HEADER void Ng_SaveMesh ( const char * meshfile ); DLL_HEADER void Ng_Bisect ( const char * refinementfile ); // if qualityloss is not equal to NULL at input, a (1-based) list of qualitylosses (due to projection) // is saved in *qualityloss, its size is the return value DLL_HEADER int Ng_Bisect_WithInfo ( const char * refinementfile, double ** qualityloss); typedef void * Ng_Mesh; DLL_HEADER Ng_Mesh Ng_SelectMesh (Ng_Mesh mesh); DLL_HEADER void Ng_GetArgs (int & argc, char ** &argv); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* The new node interface ... it is 0-based ! */ extern "C" { /* number of nodes of type nt nt = 0 is Vertex nt = 1 is Edge nt = 2 is Face nt = 3 is Cell */ DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetNNodes (int nt); /* closure nodes of node (nt, nodenr): nodeset is bit-coded, bit 0 includes Vertices, bit 1 edges, etc E.g., nodeset = 6 includes edge and face nodes nodes consists of pairs of integers (nodetype, nodenr) return value is number of nodes */ DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetClosureNodes (int nt, int nodenr, int nodeset, int * nodes); /* number of dim-dimensional elements dim = 3 ... volume elements dim = 2 ... surface elements dim = 1 ... segments dim = 0 ... not available */ DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetNElements (int dim); /* closure nodes of dim-dimensional element elmentnr: nodeset is bit-coded, bit 0 includes Vertices, bit 1 edges, etc E.g., nodeset = 6 includes edge and face nodes nodes consists of pairs of integers (nodetype, nodenr) return value is number of nodes */ DLL_HEADER int Ng_GetElementClosureNodes (int dim, int elementnr, int nodeset, int * nodes); struct Ng_Tcl_Interp; typedef int (Ng_Tcl_CmdProc) (Ng_Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, const char *argv[]); DLL_HEADER void Ng_Tcl_CreateCommand (Ng_Tcl_Interp * interp, const char * cmdName, Ng_Tcl_CmdProc * proc); void Ng_Tcl_SetResult (Ng_Tcl_Interp * interp, const char * result); } #ifdef __cplusplus #include <iostream> namespace netgen { DLL_HEADER extern int printmessage_importance; } #endif