stages: - build - test - deploy - cleanup ############################################ # System templates ############################################ # Windows .template_windows_32: &win32 tags: - windows - x86 before_script: - "echo off" - 'call "%VS140COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat"' - set CMAKE_GENERATOR=Visual Studio 14 2015 - set CI_DIR=C:\ci\%CI_BUILD_REF%_32 - set NETGEN_BUILD_DIR=%CI_DIR%\build - set INSTALL_DIR=%CI_DIR%\install - set NETGENDIR=%INSTALL_DIR%\bin - set PYTHONPATH=%INSTALL_DIR%\lib\site-packages .template_windows_64: &win64 tags: - windows - x64 before_script: - "echo off" - 'call "%VS140COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\bin\amd64\vcvars64.bat"' - set CMAKE_GENERATOR=Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64 - set CI_DIR=C:\ci\%CI_BUILD_REF%_64 - set NETGEN_BUILD_DIR=%CI_DIR%\build - set INSTALL_DIR=%CI_DIR%\install - set NETGENDIR=%INSTALL_DIR%\bin - set PYTHONPATH=%INSTALL_DIR%\lib\site-packages # Linux .template_ubuntu: &ubuntu tags: - linux before_script: - pwd - ls - docker info .template_ubuntu_1510: &ubuntu_1510 <<: *ubuntu variables: UBUNTU_VERSION: "15.10" .template_ubuntu_1604: &ubuntu_1604 <<: *ubuntu variables: UBUNTU_VERSION: "16.04" ############################################ # Build stage ############################################ # Windows .template_build_win: &tbuild_netgen_win stage: build script: - git submodule update --init --recursive - rd /s /q %NETGEN_BUILD_DIR% - mkdir %NETGEN_BUILD_DIR% - cd %NETGEN_BUILD_DIR% - >- cmake %CI_PROJECT_DIR% -G"%CMAKE_GENERATOR%" -DINSTALL_DIR=%INSTALL_DIR% -DUSE_OCC=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release - cmake --build . --target INSTALL --config Release build_netgen_win32: <<: *win32 <<: *tbuild_netgen_win cache: paths: - build/ - src/ key: "netgen_win32_${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}" build_netgen_win64: <<: *win64 <<: *tbuild_netgen_win cache: paths: - build/ - src/ key: "netgen_win64_${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}" # Linux .template_build_linux: &build_linux stage: build script: - docker build -t netgen_${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}:${UBUNTU_VERSION} -f tests/docker_${UBUNTU_VERSION} . - rm -f netgen_${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}_$ - docker run --cidfile netgen_${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}_${UBUNTU_VERSION}.id -e CCACHE_DIR=/ccache -v /mnt/ccache:/ccache netgen_${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}:${UBUNTU_VERSION} bash /root/src/netgen/tests/ - docker commit `cat netgen_${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}_${UBUNTU_VERSION}.id` netgen_${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}_installed:${UBUNTU_VERSION} - rm netgen_${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}_${UBUNTU_VERSION}.id build_ubuntu_1510: <<: *ubuntu_1510 <<: *build_linux build_ubuntu_1604: <<: *ubuntu_1604 <<: *build_linux ############################################ # Test stage ############################################ # Windows .template_test_win: &test_win stage: test script: - cd %NETGEN_BUILD_DIR%/netgen - ctest -C Release -V - cd .. # skip since we have no machine with 32 bits test_win32: <<: *win32 <<: *test_win test_win64: <<: *win64 <<: *test_win # Linux .template_test_linux: &test_linux stage: test script: - >- docker run -e NETGENDIR=/opt/netgen/bin -e PYTHONPATH=/opt/netgen/lib/python3/dist-packages netgen_${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}_installed:${UBUNTU_VERSION} bash -c 'cd /root/build/netgen && make test_netgen ARGS="-V"' test_ubuntu_1510: <<: *ubuntu_1510 <<: *test_linux test_ubuntu_1604: <<: *ubuntu_1604 <<: *test_linux ############################################ # Deploy stage ############################################ ############################################ # Cleanup stage ############################################ linux_cleanup: stage: cleanup tags: - linux script: # remove intermediate and old docker images and containers - docker rm -f `docker ps --no-trunc -aq` - docker images --no-trunc -aqf "dangling=true" | xargs docker rmi -f when: always allow_failure: true win64_cleanup: <<: *win64 stage: cleanup tags: - windows - x64 script: - cd %CI_PROJECT_DIR% - rd /s /q %CI_DIR% when: always allow_failure: true win32_cleanup: <<: *win32 stage: cleanup tags: - windows - x86 script: - cd %CI_PROJECT_DIR% - rd /s /q %CI_DIR% when: always allow_failure: true