#ifndef FILE_SETI
#define FILE_SETI

/* File:   seti.hh                                                        */
/* Author: Joachim Schoeberl                                              */
/* Date:   20. Mar. 98                                                    */

  Set of Integers
class IndexSet
  ARRAY<int> set;
  BitArray flags;
  IndexSet (int maxind);
  ~IndexSet ();
  /// increase range to maxind
  void SetMaxIndex (int maxind);
  int IsIn (int ind) const
    return flags.Test (ind); 

  void Add (int ind)
    if (!flags.Test(ind))
	set.Append (ind);
	flags.Set (ind);

  void Del (int ind);
  void Clear ();
  const ARRAY<int> & Array() { return set; }
