#include <mystdlib.h>
#include <myadt.hpp>

#include <linalg.hpp>
#include <gprim.hpp>

#include <meshing.hpp>

#include "stlgeom.hpp"

namespace netgen

static void STLFindEdges (STLGeometry & geom,
			  class Mesh & mesh)
  int i, j;
  double h;

  h = mparam.maxh;

  // mark edge points:
  //int ngp = geom.GetNP();

  geom.RestrictLocalH(mesh, h);
  PushStatusF("Mesh Lines");

  Array<STLLine*> meshlines;
  Array<Point3d> meshpoints;

  PrintMessage(3,"Mesh Lines");

  for (i = 1; i <= geom.GetNLines(); i++)
      meshlines.Append(geom.GetLine(i)->Mesh(geom.GetPoints(), meshpoints, h, mesh)); 
      SetThreadPercent(100.0 * (double)i/(double)geom.GetNLines());

  geom.meshpoints.SetSize(0); //testing
  geom.meshlines.SetSize(0);  //testing
  int pim;
  for (i = 1; i <= meshpoints.Size(); i++)
      geom.meshpoints.Append(meshpoints.Get(i)); //testing

      pim = mesh.AddPoint(meshpoints.Get(i));
  for (i = 1; i <= geom.GetNLines(); i++)

  PrintMessage(7,"feed with edges");

  for (i = 1; i <= meshlines.Size(); i++)
      STLLine* line = meshlines.Get(i);
      (*testout) << "store line " << i << endl;
      for (j = 1; j <= line->GetNS(); j++)
	  int p1, p2;
	  line->GetSeg(j, p1, p2);
	  int trig1, trig2, trig1b, trig2b;

	  if (p1 == p2) 
	    cout << "Add Segment, p1 == p2 == " << p1 << endl;

	  // Test auf geschlossener Rand mit 2 Segmenten 
	  if ((j == 2) && (line->GetNS() == 2))
	      int oldp1, oldp2;
	      line->GetSeg (1, oldp1, oldp2);
	      if (oldp1 == p2 && oldp2 == p1)
		  PrintMessage(7,"MESSAGE: don't use second segment");

	  //mesh point number
	  //p1 = geom2meshnum.Get(p1); // for unmeshed lines!!!
	  //p2 = geom2meshnum.Get(p2); // for unmeshed lines!!!
	  //left and right trigs
	  trig1 = line->GetLeftTrig(j);
	  trig2 = line->GetRightTrig(j);
	  trig1b = line->GetLeftTrig(j+1);
	  trig2b = line->GetRightTrig(j+1);
	  (*testout) << "j = " << j << ", p1 = " << p1 << ", p2 = " << p2 << endl;
	  (*testout) << "segm-trigs: "
		   << "trig1 = " << trig1
		   << ", trig1b = " << trig1b
		   << ", trig2 = " << trig2
		   << ", trig2b = " << trig2b << endl;

	  if (trig1 <= 0 || trig2 <= 0 || trig1b <= 0 || trig2b <= 0)
	      cout << "negative trigs, "
		   << ", trig1 = " << trig1
		   << ", trig1b = " << trig1b
		   << ", trig2 = " << trig2
		   << ", trig2b = " << trig2b << endl;
	  (*testout) << "   trigs p1: " << trig1 << " - " << trig2 << endl;
	  (*testout) << "   trigs p2: " << trig1b << " - " << trig2b << endl;
	  (*testout) << "   charts p1: " << geom.GetChartNr(trig1) << " - " << geom.GetChartNr(trig2) << endl;
	  (*testout) << "   charts p2: " << geom.GetChartNr(trig1b) << " - " << geom.GetChartNr(trig2b) << endl;
	  Point3d hp, hp2;
	  Segment seg;
	  seg[0] = p1;
	  seg[1] = p2;
	  seg.si = geom.GetTriangle(trig1).GetFaceNum();
	  seg.edgenr = i;

	  seg.epgeominfo[0].edgenr = i;
	  seg.epgeominfo[0].dist = line->GetDist(j);
	  seg.epgeominfo[1].edgenr = i;
	  seg.epgeominfo[1].dist = line->GetDist(j+1);
	  (*testout) << "seg = " 
		     << "edgenr " << seg.epgeominfo[0].edgenr
		     << " dist " << seg.epgeominfo[0].dist
		     << " edgenr " << seg.epgeominfo[1].edgenr
		     << " dist " << seg.epgeominfo[1].dist << endl;
	  seg.geominfo[0].trignum = trig1;
	  seg.geominfo[1].trignum = trig1b;

	  geom.SelectChartOfTriangle (trig1);
	  hp = hp2 = mesh.Point (seg[0]);
	  seg.geominfo[0].trignum = geom.Project (hp);

	  (*testout) << "hp = " << hp2 << ", hp proj = " << hp << ", trignum = " << seg.geominfo[0].trignum << endl;
	  if (Dist (hp, hp2) > 1e-5 || seg.geominfo[0].trignum == 0) 
	      (*testout) << "PROBLEM" << endl;

	  geom.SelectChartOfTriangle (trig1b);
	  hp = hp2 = mesh.Point (seg[1]);
	  seg.geominfo[1].trignum = geom.Project (hp);

	  (*testout) << "hp = " << hp2 << ", hp proj = " << hp << ", trignum = " << seg.geominfo[1].trignum << endl;
	  if (Dist (hp, hp2) > 1e-5 || seg.geominfo[1].trignum == 0) 
	      (*testout) << "PROBLEM" << endl;

	  if (Dist (mesh.Point(seg[0]), mesh.Point(seg[1])) < 1e-10)
	      (*testout) << "ERROR: Line segment of length 0" << endl;
	      (*testout) << "pi1, 2 = " << seg[0] << ", " << seg[1] << endl;
	      (*testout) << "p1, 2 = " << mesh.Point(seg[0])
			 << ", " << mesh.Point(seg[1]) << endl;
	      throw NgException ("Line segment of length 0");
	  mesh.AddSegment (seg);

	  Segment seg2;
	  seg2[0] = p2;
	  seg2[1] = p1;
	  seg2.si = geom.GetTriangle(trig2).GetFaceNum();
	  seg2.edgenr = i;

	  seg2.epgeominfo[0].edgenr = i;
	  seg2.epgeominfo[0].dist = line->GetDist(j+1);
	  seg2.epgeominfo[1].edgenr = i;
	  seg2.epgeominfo[1].dist = line->GetDist(j);
	  (*testout) << "seg = " 
		     << "edgenr " << seg2.epgeominfo[0].edgenr
		     << " dist " << seg2.epgeominfo[0].dist
		     << " edgenr " << seg2.epgeominfo[1].edgenr
		     << " dist " << seg2.epgeominfo[1].dist << endl;
	  seg2.geominfo[0].trignum = trig2b;
	  seg2.geominfo[1].trignum = trig2;
	  geom.SelectChartOfTriangle (trig2);
	  hp = hp2 = mesh.Point (seg[0]);
	  seg2.geominfo[0].trignum = geom.Project (hp);

	  (*testout) << "hp = " << hp2 << ", hp proj = " << hp << ", trignum = " << seg.geominfo[0].trignum << endl;
	  if (Dist (hp, hp2) > 1e-5 || seg2.geominfo[0].trignum == 0) 
	      (*testout) << "Get GeomInfo PROBLEM" << endl;

	  geom.SelectChartOfTriangle (trig2b);
	  hp = hp2 = mesh.Point (seg[1]);
	  seg2.geominfo[1].trignum = geom.Project (hp);
	  (*testout) << "hp = " << hp2 << ", hp proj = " << hp << ", trignum = " << seg.geominfo[1].trignum << endl;
	  if (Dist (hp, hp2) > 1e-5 || seg2.geominfo[1].trignum == 0) 
	      (*testout) << "Get GeomInfo PROBLEM" << endl;

	  mesh.AddSegment (seg2);

	  // should be start triangle and end triangle
	  int bothtrigs1[2] = { trig1, trig1 };
	  meshing.AddBoundaryElement (p1, p2, sizeof (bothtrigs1), &bothtrigs1);
	  int bothtrigs2[2] = { trig2, trig2 };
	  meshing.AddBoundaryElement (p2, p1, sizeof (bothtrigs2), &bothtrigs2);


void STLSurfaceMeshing1 (STLGeometry & geom,
			 class Mesh & mesh,
			 int retrynr);

int STLSurfaceMeshing (STLGeometry & geom,
		       class Mesh & mesh)
  int i, j;
  PrintFnStart("Do Surface Meshing");


  if (mesh.GetNSeg() == 0)
    STLFindEdges (geom, mesh);

  int nopen;
  int outercnt = 20;

  //  mesh.Save ("mesh.edges");
  for (i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNSeg(); i++)
      const Segment & seg = mesh.LineSegment (i);
      if (seg.geominfo[0].trignum <= 0 || seg.geominfo[1].trignum <= 0)
	  (*testout) << "Problem with segment " << i << ": " << seg << endl;

      if (outercnt <= 0)

      if (multithread.terminate)

      nopen = mesh.GetNOpenSegments();

      if (nopen)
	  int trialcnt = 0;
	  while (nopen && trialcnt <= 5)
	      if (multithread.terminate)
	      STLSurfaceMeshing1 (geom, mesh, trialcnt);

	      nopen = mesh.GetNOpenSegments();

	      if (nopen)
		  for (i = 1; i <= nopen; i++)
		      const Segment & seg = mesh.GetOpenSegment (i);

		  for (i = 1; i <= nopen; i++)
		      const Segment & seg = mesh.GetOpenSegment (i);

		  MeshOptimizeSTLSurface optmesh(geom);
		  optmesh.SetFaceIndex (0);
		  optmesh.SetImproveEdges (0);
		  optmesh.SetMetricWeight (0);
		  optmesh.EdgeSwapping (mesh, 0);
		  optmesh.ImproveMesh (mesh);

	      nopen = mesh.GetNOpenSegments();

	      if (trialcnt <= 5 && nopen)

		  if (trialcnt >= 4)

		      mesh.FindOpenSegments ();		  
		      nopen = mesh.GetNOpenSegments();

	  if (multithread.terminate)

	  if (nopen)
	      PrintMessage(3,"Meshing failed, trying to refine");

	      mesh.FindOpenSegments ();
	      nopen = mesh.GetNOpenSegments();
	      mesh.FindOpenSegments ();
	      mesh.FindOpenSegments ();

	      // Open edge-segments will be refined !
	      INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> openseght (nopen+1);
	      for (i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNOpenSegments(); i++)
		  const Segment & seg = mesh.GetOpenSegment (i);
		  INDEX_2 i2(seg[0], seg[1]);
		  openseght.Set (i2, 1);

	      mesh.FindOpenSegments ();
	      mesh.FindOpenSegments ();

	      INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> newpht(100);

	      int nsegold = mesh.GetNSeg();
	      for (i = 1; i <= nsegold; i++)
		  Segment seg = mesh.LineSegment(i);
		  INDEX_2 i2(seg[0], seg[1]);
		  if (openseght.Used (i2))
		      // segment will be split
		      PrintMessage(7,"Split segment ", int(seg[0]), "-", int(seg[1]));
		      Segment nseg1, nseg2;
		      EdgePointGeomInfo newgi;
		      const EdgePointGeomInfo & gi1 = seg.epgeominfo[0];
		      const EdgePointGeomInfo & gi2 = seg.epgeominfo[1];
		      newgi.dist = 0.5 * (gi1.dist + gi2.dist);
		      newgi.edgenr = gi1.edgenr;

		      int hi;
		      Point3d newp;
		      int newpi;
		      if (!newpht.Used (i2))
			  newp = geom.GetLine (gi1.edgenr)->
			    GetPointInDist (geom.GetPoints(), newgi.dist, hi);
			  newpi = mesh.AddPoint (newp);
			  newpht.Set (i2, newpi);
			  newpi = newpht.Get (i2);
			  newp = mesh.Point (newpi);

		      nseg1 = seg;
		      nseg2 = seg;
		      nseg1[1] = newpi;
		      nseg1.epgeominfo[1] = newgi;
		      nseg2[0] = newpi;
		      nseg2.epgeominfo[0] = newgi;
		      mesh.LineSegment(i) = nseg1;
		      mesh.AddSegment (nseg2);
		      mesh.RestrictLocalH (Center (mesh.Point(nseg1[0]),
					   Dist (mesh.Point(nseg1[0]),
		      mesh.RestrictLocalH (Center (mesh.Point(nseg2[0]),
					   Dist (mesh.Point(nseg2[0]),


	  nopen = -1;

	  PrintMessage(5,"mesh is closed, verifying ...");

	  // no open elements, check wrong elemetns (intersecting..)

	  PrintMessage(5,"check overlapping");
	  // 	  mesh.FindOpenElements(); // would leed to locked points


	  for (i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNSE(); i++)
	    if (mesh.SurfaceElement(i).BadElement())
		int trig = mesh.SurfaceElement(i).PNum(1);
		PrintMessage(7, "overlapping element, will be removed");

	  Array<Point3d> refpts;
	  Array<double> refh;

	  // was commented:

	  for (i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNSE(); i++)
	    if (mesh.SurfaceElement(i).BadElement())
		for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++)
		    refpts.Append (mesh.Point (mesh.SurfaceElement(i).PNum(j)));
		    refh.Append (mesh.GetH (refpts.Last()) / 2);
	  // delete wrong oriented element
	  for (i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNSE(); i++)
	      const Element2d & el = mesh.SurfaceElement(i);
	      if (!el.PNum(1))

	      Vec3d n = Cross (Vec3d (mesh.Point(el.PNum(1)), 
			       Vec3d (mesh.Point(el.PNum(1)), 
	      Vec3d ng = geom.GetTriangle(el.GeomInfoPi(1).trignum).Normal();
	      if (n * ng < 0)
		  refpts.Append (mesh.Point (mesh.SurfaceElement(i).PNum(1)));
		  refh.Append (mesh.GetH (refpts.Last()) / 2);
	  // end comments

	  for (i = 1; i <= refpts.Size(); i++)
	    mesh.RestrictLocalH (refpts.Get(i), refh.Get(i));


	  mesh.FindOpenSegments ();
	  nopen = mesh.GetNOpenSegments();

	  if (!nopen)
	      // mesh is still ok

	      void STLSurfaceOptimization (STLGeometry & geom,
					   class Mesh & mesh,
					   MeshingParameters & mparam)
  while (nopen);


  return MESHING3_OK;

void STLSurfaceMeshing1 (STLGeometry & geom,
			 class Mesh & mesh,
			 int retrynr)
  int i, j;
  double h;
  h = mparam.maxh;

  Array<int> spiralps(0);
  for (i = 1; i <= geom.GetNP(); i++)
      if (geom.GetSpiralPoint(i)) {spiralps.Append(i);}
  PrintMessage(7,"NO spiralpoints = ", spiralps.Size());
  //int spfound;
  int sppointnum;
  int spcnt = 0;

  Array<int> meshsp(mesh.GetNP());
  for (i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNP(); i++)
      meshsp.Elem(i) = 0;
      for (j = 1; j <= spiralps.Size(); j++)
	if (Dist2(geom.GetPoint(spiralps.Get(j)), mesh.Point(i)) < 1e-20) 
	  meshsp.Elem(i) = spiralps.Get(j);

  Array<int> opensegsperface(mesh.GetNFD());
  for (i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNFD(); i++)
    opensegsperface.Elem(i) = 0;
  for (i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNOpenSegments(); i++)
      int si = mesh.GetOpenSegment (i).si;
      if (si >= 1 && si <= mesh.GetNFD())
	  cerr << "illegal face index" << endl;

  double starttime = GetTime ();

  for (int fnr = 1; fnr <= mesh.GetNFD(); fnr++)
    if (opensegsperface.Get(fnr))
	if (multithread.terminate)
	PrintMessage(5,"Meshing surface ", fnr, "/", mesh.GetNFD());
	MeshingSTLSurface meshing (geom);
	meshing.SetStartTime (starttime);
	for (i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNP(); i++)
	      spfound = 0;
	      for (j = 1; j <= spiralps.Size(); j++)
	      if (Dist2(geom.GetPoint(spiralps.Get(j)),mesh.Point(i)) < 1e-20) 
		{spfound =  1; sppointnum = spiralps.Get(j);}
	    sppointnum = 0;
	    if (i <= meshsp.Size())
	      sppointnum = meshsp.Get(i);
	  //spfound = 0;
	  if (sppointnum)
	      MultiPointGeomInfo mgi;
	      int ntrigs = geom.NOTrigsPerPoint(sppointnum);
	      for (j = 0; j < ntrigs; j++)
		  PointGeomInfo gi;
		  gi.trignum = geom.TrigPerPoint(sppointnum, j+1);
		  mgi.AddPointGeomInfo (gi);
	      // Einfuegen von ConePoint: Point bekommt alle
	      // Dreiecke (werden dann intern kopiert)
	      // Ein Segment zum ConePoint muss vorhanden sein !!!
	      meshing.AddPoint (mesh.Point(i), i, &mgi);
	      meshing.AddPoint (mesh.Point(i), i);
      for (i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNOpenSegments(); i++)
	  const Segment & seg = mesh.GetOpenSegment (i);
	  if (seg.si == fnr)
	    meshing.AddBoundaryElement (seg[0], seg[1], seg.geominfo[0], seg.geominfo[1]);
      PrintMessage(3,"start meshing, trialcnt = ", retrynr);

      (*testout) << "start meshing with h = " << h << endl;
      meshing.GenerateMesh (mesh, h, fnr);  // face index

      extern void Render();

void STLSurfaceOptimization (STLGeometry & geom,
			     class Mesh & mesh,
			     MeshingParameters & meshparam)
  PrintFnStart("optimize STL Surface");

  MeshOptimizeSTLSurface optmesh(geom);

  int i;
  for (i = 1; i <= mparam.optsteps2d; i++)
      EdgeSwapping (mesh, 1, 1);
      CombineImprove (mesh, 1);
      optmesh.ImproveMesh (mesh, 0, 10, 1, 1);

  optmesh.SetFaceIndex (0);
  optmesh.SetImproveEdges (0);
  optmesh.SetMetricWeight (meshparam.elsizeweight);

  PrintMessage(5,"optimize string = ", meshparam.optimize2d, " elsizew = ", meshparam.elsizeweight);

  for (i = 1; i <= meshparam.optsteps2d; i++)
    for (size_t j = 1; j <= strlen(meshparam.optimize2d); j++)
	if (multithread.terminate)

	//(*testout) << "optimize, before, step = " << meshparam.optimize2d[j-1] << mesh.Point (3679) << endl;

	switch (meshparam.optimize2d[j-1])
	  case 's': 
	      optmesh.EdgeSwapping (mesh, 0);
	  case 'S': 
	      optmesh.EdgeSwapping (mesh, 1);
	  case 'm': 
	  case 'c': 
	      optmesh.CombineImprove (mesh);
	//(*testout) << "optimize, after, step = " << meshparam.optimize2d[j-1] << mesh.Point (3679) << endl;

  geom.surfaceoptimized = 1;



MeshingSTLSurface :: MeshingSTLSurface (STLGeometry & ageom)
  : Meshing2(ageom.GetBoundingBox()), geom(ageom)

void MeshingSTLSurface :: DefineTransformation (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2,
						const PointGeomInfo * geominfo,
						const PointGeomInfo * geominfo2)
  transformationtrig = geominfo[0].trignum;
  geom.DefineTangentialPlane(p1, p2, transformationtrig);

void MeshingSTLSurface :: TransformToPlain (const Point3d & locpoint, const MultiPointGeomInfo & gi,
					    Point2d & plainpoint, double h, int & zone)
  int trigs[10000];
  int i;

  if (gi.GetNPGI() >= 9999) 
      PrintError("In Transform to plane: increase size of trigs!!!");

  for (i = 1; i <= gi.GetNPGI(); i++)
    trigs[i-1] = gi.GetPGI(i).trignum;
  trigs[gi.GetNPGI()] = 0;

  //  int trig = gi.trignum;
  //   (*testout) << "locpoint = " << locpoint;

  Point<2> hp2d;
  geom.ToPlane (locpoint, trigs, hp2d, h, zone, 1);
  plainpoint = hp2d;

  //  geom.ToPlane (locpoint, NULL, plainpoint, h, zone, 1);
  (*testout) << " plainpoint = " << plainpoint
	     << " h = " << h 
	     << endl;

int MeshingSTLSurface :: ComputeLineGeoInfo (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2,
					      int & geoinfosize, void *& geoinfo)
  static int geomtrig[2] = { 0, 0 };

  Point3d hp;
  hp = p1;
  geomtrig[0] = geom.Project (hp);

  hp = p2;
  geomtrig[1] = geom.Project (hp);
  geoinfosize = sizeof (geomtrig);
  geoinfo = &geomtrig;

  if (geomtrig[0] == 0)
      return 1;
  return 0;

int MeshingSTLSurface :: ComputePointGeomInfo (const Point3d & p, PointGeomInfo & gi)
  // compute triangle of point,
  // if non-unique: 0

  Point<3> hp = p;
  gi.trignum = geom.Project (hp);

  if (!gi.trignum)
      return 1;

  return 0;

int MeshingSTLSurface :: 
ChooseChartPointGeomInfo (const MultiPointGeomInfo & mpgi, 
			  PointGeomInfo & pgi)
  int i;

  for (i = 1; i <= mpgi.GetNPGI(); i++)
    if (geom.TrigIsInOC (mpgi.GetPGI(i).trignum, geom.meshchart))
	pgi = mpgi.GetPGI(i);
	return 0;
  for (i = 0; i < mpgi.cnt; i++)
      //      (*testout) << "d" << endl;
      if (geom.TrigIsInOC (mpgi.mgi[i].trignum, geom.meshchart))
	  pgi = mpgi.mgi[i];
	  return 0;
  PrintMessage(7,"INFORM: no gi on chart");
  pgi.trignum = 1;
  return 1;

int MeshingSTLSurface :: 
IsLineVertexOnChart (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2,
		     int endpoint, const PointGeomInfo & gi)
  Vec3d baselinenormal = geom.meshtrignv;

  int lineendtrig = gi.trignum;

  return geom.TrigIsInOC (lineendtrig, geom.meshchart);

  //  Vec3d linenormal = geom.GetTriangleNormal (lineendtrig);
  //  return ( (baselinenormal * linenormal) > cos (30 * (M_PI/180)) );

void MeshingSTLSurface :: 
GetChartBoundary (Array<Point2d > & points, 
		  Array<Point3d > & points3d,
		  Array<INDEX_2> & lines, double h) const
  points.SetSize (0);
  points3d.SetSize (0);
  lines.SetSize (0);
  geom.GetMeshChartBoundary (points, points3d, lines, h);

int MeshingSTLSurface :: TransformFromPlain (Point2d & plainpoint,
					     Point3d & locpoint, 
					     PointGeomInfo & gi, 
					     double h)
  //return 0, wenn alles OK
  Point<3> hp3d;
  int res = geom.FromPlane (plainpoint, hp3d, h);
  locpoint = hp3d;
  ComputePointGeomInfo (locpoint, gi);
  return res;

int MeshingSTLSurface :: 
BelongsToActiveChart (const Point3d & p, 
		      const PointGeomInfo & gi)
  return (geom.TrigIsInOC(gi.trignum, geom.meshchart) != 0);

double MeshingSTLSurface :: CalcLocalH (const Point3d & p, double gh) const
  return gh;

double MeshingSTLSurface :: Area () const
  return geom.Area();

MeshOptimizeSTLSurface :: MeshOptimizeSTLSurface (STLGeometry & ageom)
  : MeshOptimize2d(), geom(ageom)

void MeshOptimizeSTLSurface :: SelectSurfaceOfPoint (const Point<3> & p,
						     const PointGeomInfo & gi)
  //  (*testout) << "sel char: " << gi.trignum << endl;
  geom.SelectChartOfTriangle (gi.trignum);
  //  geom.SelectChartOfPoint (p);

void MeshOptimizeSTLSurface :: ProjectPoint (INDEX surfind, Point<3> & p) const
  if (!geom.Project (p))
      PrintMessage(7,"project failed");
      if (!geom.ProjectOnWholeSurface(p)) 
	  PrintMessage(7, "project on whole surface failed");

  //  geometry.GetSurface(surfind)->Project (p);

void MeshOptimizeSTLSurface :: ProjectPoint2 (INDEX surfind, INDEX surfind2, Point<3> & p) const
  ProjectToEdge ( geometry.GetSurface(surfind), 
		  geometry.GetSurface(surfind2), p);

int  MeshOptimizeSTLSurface :: CalcPointGeomInfo(PointGeomInfo& gi, const Point<3> & p3) const
  Point<3> hp = p3;
  gi.trignum = geom.Project (hp);

  if (gi.trignum)
      return 1;

  return 0;

void MeshOptimizeSTLSurface :: GetNormalVector(INDEX surfind, const Point<3> & p, Vec<3> & n) const
  n = geom.GetChartNormalVector();
  geometry.GetSurface(surfind)->CalcGradient (p, n);
  n /= n.Length();
  if (geometry.GetSurface(surfind)->Inverse())
    n *= -1;

RefinementSTLGeometry :: RefinementSTLGeometry (const STLGeometry & ageom)
  : Refinement(), geom(ageom)

RefinementSTLGeometry :: ~RefinementSTLGeometry ()
void RefinementSTLGeometry :: 
PointBetween  (const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2, double secpoint,
	       int surfi, 
	       const PointGeomInfo & gi1, 
	       const PointGeomInfo & gi2,
	       Point<3> & newp, PointGeomInfo & newgi)
  newp = p1+secpoint*(p2-p1);

  (*testout) << "surf-between: p1 = " << p1 << ", p2 = " << p2
	     << ", gi = " << gi1 << " - " << gi2 << endl;

  if (gi1.trignum > 0)
      //      ((STLGeometry&)geom).SelectChartOfTriangle (gi1.trignum);

      Point<3> np1 = newp;
      Point<3> np2 = newp;
      ((STLGeometry&)geom).SelectChartOfTriangle (gi1.trignum);
      int tn1 = geom.Project (np1);

      ((STLGeometry&)geom).SelectChartOfTriangle (gi2.trignum);
      int tn2 = geom.Project (np2);

      newgi.trignum = tn1; //urspruengliche version
      newp = np1;          //urspruengliche version

      if (!newgi.trignum) 
	{ newgi.trignum = tn2; newp = np2; }
      if (!newgi.trignum) newgi.trignum = gi1.trignum;

      if (tn1 != 0 && tn2 != 0 && ((STLGeometry&)geom).GetAngle(tn1,tn2) < M_PI*0.05)	{
	  newgi.trignum = tn1;
	  newp = np1;
	  newp = ((STLGeometry&)geom).PointBetween(p1, gi1.trignum, p2, gi2.trignum);
	  tn1 = ((STLGeometry&)geom).Project(newp);
	  newgi.trignum = tn1;

	  if (!tn1) 
	      newp = Center (p1, p2);
	      newgi.trignum = 0;
      //      (*testout) << "WARNING: PointBetween got geominfo = 0" << endl;
      newp =  p1+secpoint*(p2-p1);
      newgi.trignum = 0;
  //  (*testout) << "newp = " << newp << ", ngi = " << newgi << endl;

void RefinementSTLGeometry ::
PointBetween (const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2, double secpoint,
	      int surfi1, int surfi2, 
	      const EdgePointGeomInfo & gi1, 
	      const EdgePointGeomInfo & gi2,
	      Point<3> & newp, EdgePointGeomInfo & newgi)
  (*testout) << "edge-between: p1 = " << p1 << ", p2 = " << p2
	     << ", gi1,2 = " << gi1 << ", " << gi2 << endl;
  newp = Center (p1, p2);
  ((STLGeometry&)geom).SelectChartOfTriangle (gi1.trignum);
  newgi.trignum = geom.Project (newp);
  int hi;
  newgi.dist = (1.0-secpoint) * gi1.dist + secpoint*gi2.dist;
  newgi.edgenr = gi1.edgenr;

  (*testout) << "p1 = " << p1 << ", p2 = " << p2 << endl;
  (*testout) << "refedge: " << gi1.edgenr
	     << " d1 = " << gi1.dist << ", d2 = " << gi2.dist << endl;
  newp = geom.GetLine (gi1.edgenr)->GetPointInDist (geom.GetPoints(), newgi.dist, hi);

  //  (*testout) << "newp = " << newp << endl;

void RefinementSTLGeometry :: ProjectToSurface (Point<3> & p, int surfi)
  cout << "RefinementSTLGeometry :: ProjectToSurface not implemented!" << endl;

void RefinementSTLGeometry :: ProjectToSurface (Point<3> & p, int surfi,
						PointGeomInfo & gi)
  ((STLGeometry&)geom).SelectChartOfTriangle (gi.trignum);
  gi.trignum = geom.Project (p);
  //  if (!gi.trignum) 
  //    cout << "projectSTL failed" << endl;
